In Re: Purdue Pharma L.P.

Filing 17

ORDER terminating 13 Letter Motion for Extension of Time to File. Counsel: I really only need to see the briefs you have no doubt filed with Judge Lane. Waste as little of your time and your clients money as possible on this. The schedule is fine. The hearing will be at 11AM on 11/14. (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 10/28/2024) (mml)

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Case 7:24-cv-07042-CM Document 13 Filed 10/25/24 Page 1 of 2 CANDACE MCLAREN L ANHAM WILLIAM 0. GRUHN Chief Deputy Attorney General Division Chief CAROLYN A. Q UATTROCKI PETER V. B ERNS Deputy Altorney General General Co unsel L EONARD J. HOWIE Ill Deputy A ltorney General CHRISTIAN E. B ARRERA Z ENITA WI CKHAM H URLEY Chief. Equity, Policy, and Engagement ANTHONY G. BROWN Atlorney General October 25, 2024 VIA ECF The Honorable Colleen McMahon United States District Judge United States District Court Southern District of New York 500 Pearl Street New York, New York I 0007 RE: Chief Operating Officer STATE OF MARYLAND OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION BRIANT. EDM UN DS Assistant Allorney General ----'I nocrJMENT I\ BLE,..,TRGNIC 11 I\ :.,YFTI.,I~, _ _ / 1 b rILED: (p,y__!i. :J I . OC#: _ In re Purdue Pharma, L.P. , No. 24-CV-7042 (CM) ; Opening Brief Deadline 3-Day Extension Request Dear Judge McMahon: I have been informed by Appellees' counsel that I misinterpreted their degree of consent to the letter-motion for an extens ion I filed earlier this afternoon . I had informed debtors counsel that I expected to seek on ly a 1-2 day extension of Maryland 's reply, and interpreted counsel 's (Mr. Vonnegut) repl y "[t] hat's fi ne" in context as indicating a lack of concern with the timing of our repl y. After filing the letter-motion, however, I received an email from another member of Appellees ' legal team (Mr. Shinbot) indicating that the consent is only for an extension of the reply until Monday, November 10, 2024, unless the hearing is rescheduled until at least November 18, 2024. In light of this development, again, if it does not inconvenience the Court, the State of Maryland requests that it be permitted to file any reply brief on Sunday, November I 0, 2024. The revised schedule would become: 200 Saint Paul Place ♦ Baltimore, Maryland, 2 1202-202 1 Office umber (410) 576-6366 ♦ Main Office Toll Free (888) 743 -0023 Consumer Complaints and Inquiries (4 10) 528-8662 ♦ Health Advocacy Un it/Bil lin g Complaints (410) 528-1840 Iden tity The~ Uni t (4 10) 576-6491 ♦ Home Builders Division Toll Free (877) 259-4525 ♦ Telephon e for Deaf(4l0) 576-6372 The Hortefltffle7~€etf~~ih<;;M October 25 , 2024 (2) Page 2 of 2 Document 13 Filed 10/25/24 Page 2 of 2 Event Current Schedule New Schedule Appellant' s Opening Brief October 25 October 28 Appellees' Response November 4 November 7 Appellants ' Repl y November 8 November 10 Hearing Nov ember 14 November 14 Respectfully submitted, Isl Brian Edmunds BRIANT. EDMUNDS (pro hac vice) Senior Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General 200 St. Paul Place Baltimore, MD 21202 (4 I 0) 576-6383 bedmunds@ Attorneys for the State of Maryland

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