Bey v. The State of North Carolina et al

Filing 40

JUDGMENT: IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Defendants Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs Amended Complaint is GRANTED. Accordingly, the case is DISMISSED. Signed by Dennis Iavarone, Clerk of Court by Susan Edwards, Deputy on 10/18/2010. Copies served as listed in this matter. (Edwards, S.)

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B e y v . T h e S t a t e o f N Do or A O 4 5 0 ( R e v . 5/85) United States District Court EASTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA JO S E P H KAMAU CHRISTOPHER BEY, Plaintiff, ) ) ) v. ) ) T H E STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, collectively ) an d jointly, and THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ) S T A T E OF NORTH CAROLINA, collectively and ) jo in tly, by and through the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF ) T H E STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, The ) H on orable BEVERLY EAVES PERDUE, in her ) o fficial capacity as the GOVERNOR OF THE ) S T A T E OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) D e fe n d a n t s . ) J U D G M E N T IN A CIVIL CASE C A S E NO. 5:10-CV-272-BO D ecisio n by Court. IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Amended Complaint is GRANTED. Accordingly, the case is DISMISSED. T H E ABOVE JUDGMENT WAS ENTERED TODAY, October 18, 2010, AND A COPY M A ILE D VIA ELECTRONICALLY OR BY REGULAR MAIL TO: Joseph Kamau Christopher Bey (via regular mail to P.O. Box 2688, Wilson, NC 27894) Norma Smithwick Harrell (via CM/ECF Notice of Electronic Filing) O cto ber 18, 2010 D ate DENNIS P. IAVARONE Clerk of Court /s/ Susan K. Edwards (By) Deputy Clerk Wilmington, North Carolina Page 1 of 1 D o c

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