Filing 151

MOTION to Dismiss First Amended Complaint by BENJAMIN HIMAN. Responses due by 4/5/2010 (SAPPENFIELD, HENRY)

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U N I T E D STATES DISTRICT COURT M I D D L E DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA D U R H A M DIVISION F i l e No. 1:08-CV-119 ED W AR D CARRINGTON, et al., ) ) Pla intif fs, ) D E F E N D A N T BENJAM I N HIMAN'S ) M O T I O N TO DISMISS vs. ) P L A I N T IF F S ' FIRST AMENDED ) COMPLAINT DU KE UNIVERSITY, et al., ) ) Defendan ts. ) ________________________________________________________________________ D e f e n d a n t Benjamin Himan ("Investigator Himan"), through his undersigned a t t o r n e ys , moves pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6) for an order dismissing this action in its entirety as to this Defendant upon the grounds that the Amended Complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted and, in the alternative, that all claims asserted a g a i n s t Investigator Himan are barred by the doctrines of qualified and public officer imm uni ty. In support of this motion and pursuant to this Court's February 16, 2010 Order, d o c u m e n t #144, Investigator Himan hereby incorporates by reference the following previous a r g u m e n t s and authorities in this case: D e f e n d a n t Benjamin Himan's M otio n to Dismiss, filed May 30, 2008, d o c u m e n t #66; D e f e n d a n t Benjamin Himan's Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss, filed M ay 30, 2008, document #67; KCBCM: 267527.1 De fend ants Mark Gottlieb and Benjamin Himan's Joint Reply in support of their motions to dismiss, filed September 29, 2008, document #107; Supplemental Brief in Support of Motions to Dismiss of Defendants The City o f Durham, North Carolina, Mark Gottlieb and Benjamin Himan, filed June 2 4 , 2009, document #135; and S u g g e s t io n of Subsequently Decided Authority, filed January 7, 2010, doc um ent #143. WHEREFORE, Defendant Benjamin Himan respectfully prays the Court that: 1. 2. T h e Action against him be dismissed; J u d g m e n t be entered for Defendant Benjamin Himan on all c la im s against him; Plainti f f s have and recover nothing from Defendant Benjamin H i m a n ; and D e f e n d a n t Benjamin Himan have such other and further relief as the Court shall deem just and proper. 3. 4. KCBCM: 267527.1 T h i s the 11th day of March, 2010. KE NN ON , CRAVER, BELO, CRAIG & MCKEE, PLLC B y: /s/ Joel M . Craig North Carolina State Bar No. 9179 /s/ Henry W. Sappenfield N o r t h Carolina State Bar No. 37419 A t t o r n e ys for Defendant Benjamin Himan 4 0 1 1 University Drive, Suite 300 P . O . Box 51579 D u r h a m , NC 27717-1579 ( 9 1 9 ) 490-0500 E - m a i l : E-mail: B y: KCBCM: 267527.1 C E R T IF I CA T E OF SERVICE T h e undersigned attorney hereby certifies that I electronically filed the foregoing D e f e n d a n t Benjamin Himan's Renewed Motion to Dismiss with the Clerk of Court using the CM /EC F system which will send notification of such filing to the following: Charles J. Cooper D a v i d H. Thompson B r i a n S. Koukoutchos N i c o l e Jo Moss C o o p e r & Kirk, PLLC 1 5 23 New Hampshire Avenue, NW W a s h i n g t o n , DC 20036 Will iam J. Thomas, II T h o m a s , Ferguson & Mullins, L.L.P. 1 1 9 East Main Street D u r h a m , NC 27701 Attorn eys for Plaintiffs D a n J. McLamb Shirley M. Pruitt T . Carlton Younger, III Y a t e s, McLamb & Weyher, L.L.P. P . O . Box 2889 R a l e i g h , NC 27602 A t t o r n e ys for Defendants Duke University Health System, Inc., Theresa Arico, R.N. a n d Tara Levicy, R.N. J. Donald Cowan, Jr. Dix ie T. Wells E l li s & Winters LLP 3 3 3 N. Greene Street, Suite 200 G r e e n s b o r o , NC 27401 W i l l ia m F. Lee W i l m er Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP 6 0 State Street B o s t o n , MA 02109 KCBCM: 267527.1 J a m i e Gorelick J e n n i f e r M. O'Connor P a u l R.Q. Wolfson W i l m er Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP 1 8 75 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW W a s h i n g t o n , DC 20006 A t t o r n e ys for Defendants Duke University, Richard H. Brodhead, Peter Lange, L a r r y Moneta, John Burness, Tallman Trask, Suzanne Wasiolek, Matthew D r u m m o n d , Aaron Graves, Robert Dean, Kate Hendricks and Victor J. Dzau Regin a ld B. Gillespie, Jr. Faiso n & Gillespie P . O . Box 51729 D u r h a m , NC 27717-1729 A t t o r n e ys for Defendant City of Durham, North Carolina Jam es B. Maxwell M a x w el l, Freeman & Bowman, P.A. P . O . Box 52396 D u r h a m , NC 27717-2396 A t t o r n e ys for Defendant David Addison E dw in M. Speas, Jr. E r i c P. Stevens P o yn e r & Spruill LLP P . O . Box 1801 R a l e i g h , NC 27602-1801 A t t o r n e ys for Defendant Mark Gottlieb P a t r ic i a P. Kerner D. Martin Warf H a n n a h G. Styron T r o ut m a n Sanders LLP 4 3 4 Fayetteville Street, Suite 1900 R a l e i g h , NC 27601 A t t o r n e ys for Defendants Patrick Baker, Steven Chalmers, Ronald Hodge, Lee R u s s , Stephen Mihaich, Beverly Council, Jeff Lamb and Michael Ripberger KCBCM: 267527.1 P a u l D. Coates Ken n eth Kyre, Jr. P i nt o Coates Kyre & Brown, PLLC P . O . Box 4848 G r e e n s b o r o , NC 27404 A t t o r n e ys for Defendant J. Wesley Covington L i n w o o d Wilson B a h am a , NC Pro Se T h i s the 11th day of March, 2010. KE NN ON , CRAVER, BELO, CRAIG & MCKEE, PLLC B y: /s/ Henry W. Sappenfield North Carolina State Bar No. 37419 A t t o r n e ys for Defendant Benjamin Himan 4 0 1 1 University Drive, Suite 300 P . O . Box 51579 D u r h a m , NC 27717-1579 ( 9 1 9 ) 490-0500 E - m a i l : KCBCM: 267527.1

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