Justus v. Ethicon, Inc. et al

Filing 4

MDL ORDER OF REMAND returning civil action to Western District of NC from Southern District of West Virginia MDL 2327 (2:12cv956). (Attachments: # 1 Joint Designation of Non-PTO Filings by Ethicon, Inc., Johnson & Johnson, Joyce Justice, # 2 Docket Sheet for SDWV Case 2:12cv956)(tmg)

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Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 1 of 18 PageID #: 3417 UNITED STATES JUDICIAL PANEL on MULTIDISTRICT LITIGATION IN RE: ETHICON, INC., PELVIC REPAIR SYSTEM PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION MDL No. 2327 (SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE) CONDITIONAL REMAND ORDER The transferee court in this litigation has advised the Panel that coordinated or consolidated pretrial proceedings in the action(s) on this conditional remand order have been completed and that remand to the transferor court(s), as provided in 28 U.S.C. § 1407(a), is appropriate. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the action(s) on this conditional remand order be remanded to its/their respective transferor court(s). IT IS ALSO ORDERED that, pursuant to Rule 10.2 of the Rules of Procedure of the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, the transmittal of this order to the transferee clerk for filing shall be stayed 7 days from the date of this order. If any party files a notice of opposition with the Clerk of the Panel within this 7−day period, the stay will be continued until further order of the Panel. This order does not become effective until it is filed in the office of the Clerk for the United States District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to Rule 10.4(a), the parties shall furnish the Clerk for the Southern District of West Virginia with a stipulation or designation of the contents of the record to be remanded. FOR THE PANEL: Jeffery N. Lüthi Clerk of the Panel Jan 06, 2017 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 2 of 18 PageID #: 3418 IN RE: ETHICON, INC., PELVIC REPAIR SYSTEM PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION MDL No. 2327 SCHEDULE FOR CRO TRANSFEREE DIST DIV. C.A.NO. WVS 2 12−00443 WVS 2 12−00498 WVS 2 12−00956 WVS 2 12−00957 TRANSFEROR DIST DIV. C.A.NO. CAN 5 11−06584 MN 0 12−00070 NCW 1 12−00057 NCW 3 12−00184 CASE CAPTION Jones et al v. Ethicon, Inc. et al Johnson v. Ethicon, Inc. et al Justus v. Ethicon, Inc. et al Funderburke v. Ethicon, Inc. et al Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 3 of 18 PageID #: 3419 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON DIVISION JOYCE JUSTUS, Plaintiff, v. CIVIL ACTION NO. 2:12-cv-00956 ETHICON INC., et al., Defendants. ORDER AND SUGGESTION OF REMAND Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1407 and the Rules for Multidistrict Litigation promulgated thereunder, specifically Rule 10.1(b), the court suggests that this action be remanded to the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina. All pretrial proceedings, including discovery and dispositive, Daubert and in limine motion practice, are complete, and the case is ready for trial. I have attached a Suggestion of Remand Memorandum for the transferor court’s reference. Upon receipt of an order to remand from the Clerk of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (“MDL Panel”) and any joint designation of the MDL 2327 record by counsel, the Clerk of this court is directed to transmit the following to the transferor court: (1) a copy of the member case docket sheet; (2) the entire file for the member case; (2) the docket sheet for MDL 2327, 2:12md-2327; (3) all Pretrial Orders (“PTO”) entered in 2:12-md-2327; and (4) any other filing from 2:12-md-2327 which the parties jointly designate. It is ORDERED that within seven (7) days of Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 4 of 18 PageID #: 3420 the MDL Panel’s remand order, the parties shall file a joint designation of any non-PTO filings from 2:12-md-2327. The court DIRECTS the Clerk to send a copy of this Order and Suggestion of Remand to the Clerk of the MDL Panel, counsel of record and any unrepresented party. ENTER: December 21, 2016 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 5 of 18 PageID #: 3421 SUGGESTION OF REMAND MEMORANDUM December 21, 2016 TO: Transferor Judge FROM: Judge Joseph R. Goodwin, Presiding Judicial Officer, Ethicon MDL, MD 2327 RE: Ethicon MDL Pelvic Mesh Case(s) transferred to your court – Joyce Justus v. Ethicon, Inc., et al., No. 2:12-cv-00956 I. Status of this case. This case has been remanded to the transferor court, the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, from MDL 2327 in the Southern District of West Virginia. All pretrial proceedings, including discovery and dispositive and Daubert motion practice, are complete, and the case is ready for trial. In fact, I respectfully and strongly urge the transferor court to set this case for trial as soon as possible. While the parties may insist that further discovery or motion practice is necessary, I assure you that it is not. If the transferor court will set a firm date and not allow further delay, it will aid my efforts in this MDL. In addition, I urge the transferor court to limit the number of trial days for this trial. I limited trial in these cases to six to nine days, and this has proven more than adequate. I refer the transferor court to my Daubert rulings in this case [ECF Nos. 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 166,170, 171, 172], summary judgment rulings [ECF No. 169], and rulings on motions in limine [ECF Nos. 167, 168]. II. History of MDL 2327 and other MDLs assigned to me. I have been assigned seven MDLs by the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (the “MDL Panel”), including MDL 2327, In re Ethicon, Inc. Pelvic Repair Systems Product Liability Litigation. In total, there are over 58,000 cases filed in the seven MDLs assigned to me, 28,000 of which reside in the Ethicon MDL. These cases allege injury related to the use of transvaginal surgical mesh to treat pelvic organ prolapse (“POP”) and/or stress urinary incontinence (“SUI”). I originally tried two of five bellwether cases. Carolyn Lewis, et al. v. Johnson & Johnson, et al., No. 2:12-cv-4301 and Jo Huskey, et al. v. Ethicon, Inc., et al., No. 2:12-cv-05201. In Lewis, I entered judgment as a matter of law pursuant to Rule 50(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, plaintiffs appealed, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit affirmed the decision. In Huskey, the jury returned a verdict in favor of plaintiffs in the amount of $3,270,000. Defendants appealed, and the appeal is pending before the Fourth Circuit. The other three bellwethers settled or were dismissed by the parties prior to trial. Tonya Edwards, et al. v. Ethicon, Inc., et al., No. 2:12-09972; Dianne M. Bellew v. Ethicon, Inc., et al., No. 2:13-cv-22473; Brenda Lehrer v. Ethicon, Inc., et al., No. 2:12-08157. Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 6 of 18 PageID #: 3422 In addition to trying bellwethers, I entered orders setting hundreds of additional cases (involving plaintiffs from several districts across the United States) on an expedited track for individual discovery and motion practice so that those cases, known as Ethicon Waves 1, 2, 3 and 4, could be remanded or transferred if no success is had in settlement. The instant case is one of those cases from Ethicon Wave 1. Incipient settlements exist and discussions are ongoing in many more cases. While I have been extremely patient in this process and continue to encourage those settlement discussions, I find it necessary to begin the process of remanding. In addition to the cases in Waves 1 through 4, thousands of additional cases will be identified, worked up and remanded or transferred. I note that there are approximately three cases that were transferred from North Carolina, and there are likely hundreds more direct filed in the Southern District of West Virginia with proper venue in North Carolina. These cases also will be worked up and remanded in the near future absent settlement. Finally, I have scheduled a trial involving approximately 30 plaintiffs from West Virginia in March, 2017. III. Noteworthy Ruling regarding the FDA 510(k) process. I have consistently and repeatedly ruled in all cases in this MDL and the other MDLs assigned to me that plaintiffs’ claims are not preempted by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”). The Medical Device Amendments (“MDA”) to the FDCA contain an express preemption provision. The provision provides that, with respect to medical devices, state law may not impose any requirement “which is different from, or in addition to” the requirements of the FDCA, or any requirement “which relates to the safety or effectiveness of the device or to any other matter included in a requirement applicable to the device under [the FDCA].” 21 U.S.C. § 360k(a). The products involved in this MDL received clearance under the FDCA's 510(k) process, which, as the Supreme Court held, focuses on "equivalence, not safety." Medtronic, Inc. v. Lohr, 518 U.S. 470, 493 (1996). Thus, as explained in Lohr, the FDCA’s preemption provision does not apply to state law product liability claims regarding medical devices that underwent 510(k) clearance rather than the premarket approval process. In addition, I further concluded that the modest probative value of such evidence is substantially outweighed by the risk of unfair prejudice, specifically, the risk of confusing and misleading the jury. See, e.g., Cisson v. C. R. Bard, Inc., 86 F. Supp. 3d 510, 517 (S.D. W. Va. 2015), available at 2015 WL 566959; Lewis v. Johnson & Johnson, 991 F. Supp. 2d 748, 754 (S.D. W. Va. 2014); Sanchez v. Boston Scientific Corp. (Sanchez I), No. 2:12-cv-05762, 2014 WL 4059214, at *15 (S.D. W. Va. Aug. 18, 2014). The Fourth Circuit recently affirmed this court’s determination that the probative value of evidence related to 510(k) clearance is substantially outweighed by its possible prejudicial impact and was properly excluded under Rule 403. In re C. R. Bard, 810 F.3d 913, 922 (4th Cir. 2016) (crediting the district court’s concern that “subjecting the jury to many hours, and possibly days, of complex testimony about regulatory compliance could lead jurors to erroneously conclude that regulatory compliance proved product safety. In other words, having a ‘mini-trial’ could easily inflate the perceived importance of compliance and distract the jury from the central question before it”). IV. Resources available for transferor courts on the MDL 2327 website. 2 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 7 of 18 PageID #: 3423 There is extensive information available on the court’s website at www.wvsd.uscourts.gov related to the Ethicon MDL. Specifically, all Pretrial Orders in MDL 2327 can be found at http://www.wvsd.uscourts.gov/MDL/ethicon/orders.html. V. Contact information for the MDL 2327 court. Our court is ready, willing and able to assist you with any matters relating to this case or any substantive or procedural issues that may arise. Please do not hesitate to contact me or my law clerk, Kate Fife at 304-347-3199 or kate_fife@wvsd.uscourts.gov. Also, you may contact the Clerk’s Office at 304-347-3000 for further assistance. 3 Page 1 of 4 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 8 of 18 PageID #: 3424 Activity in Case MDL No. 2327 IN RE: Ethicon, Inc., Pelvic Repair System Products Liability Litigation CRO Final Minute Order (Clerks) JPMLCMECF to: JPMLCMDECF 01/06/2017 08:35 AM Hide Details From: JPMLCMECF@jpml.uscourts.gov To: JPMLCMDECF@jpml.uscourts.gov This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is unattended. United States United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered on 1/6/2017 at 8:34 AM EST and filed on 1/6/2017 Case Name: IN RE: Ethicon, Inc., Pelvic Repair System Products Liability Litigation Case Number: MDL No. 2327 Filer: Document Number: No document attached Docket Text: ***TEXT ONLY ENTRY*** MINUTE ORDER - TO INVOLVED CLERKS - Conditional Remand Order Finalized on 1/6/17. Please see pleading (5 in CAN/5:11-cv-06584, [2594] in MDL No. 2327, 7 in MN/0:12-cv-00070, 7 in NCW/1:12-cv-00057, 7 in NCW/3:12-cv-00184). A copy of the transferee court's Suggestion of Remand from the transferee court is attached to the Conditional Remand Order. As stipulated in Rule 10.2(b) of the Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, transmittal of the order has been stayed 7 days to give any party an opportunity to oppose the remand. The 7-day period has now elapsed, no opposition was received, and the order is directed to you for filing. The order was entered pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1407(a) which provides that each action so transferred by the Panel shall be remanded by the Panel at or before the conclusion of such pretrial proceedings to the district from which it was transferred. Parties are to furnish S.D. West Virginia with a stipulation or designation of the contents of the record to be remanded and all necessary copies of any pleading or other matter filed to comply with the remand order. Signed by Clerk of the Panel Jeffery N. Luthi on 1/6/2017. Associated Cases: MDL No. 2327, CAN/5:11-cv-06584, MN/0:12-cv-00070, NCW/1:12-cv- Page 2 of 4 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 9 of 18 PageID #: 3425 00057, NCW/3:12-cv-00184 (dn) Case Name: Justus v. Ethicon, Inc. et al Case Number: NCW/1:12-cv-00057 Filer: Document Number: No document attached Docket Text: ***TEXT ONLY ENTRY*** MINUTE ORDER - TO INVOLVED CLERKS - Conditional Remand Order Finalized on 1/6/17. Please see pleading (5 in CAN/5:11-cv-06584, [2594] in MDL No. 2327, 7 in MN/0:12-cv-00070, 7 in NCW/1:12-cv-00057, 7 in NCW/3:12-cv-00184). A copy of the transferee court's Suggestion of Remand from the transferee court is attached to the Conditional Remand Order. As stipulated in Rule 10.2(b) of the Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, transmittal of the order has been stayed 7 days to give any party an opportunity to oppose the remand. The 7-day period has now elapsed, no opposition was received, and the order is directed to you for filing. The order was entered pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1407(a) which provides that each action so transferred by the Panel shall be remanded by the Panel at or before the conclusion of such pretrial proceedings to the district from which it was transferred. Parties are to furnish S.D. West Virginia with a stipulation or designation of the contents of the record to be remanded and all necessary copies of any pleading or other matter filed to comply with the remand order. Signed by Clerk of the Panel Jeffery N. Luthi on 1/6/2017. Associated Cases: MDL No. 2327, CAN/5:11-cv-06584, MN/0:12-cv-00070, NCW/1:12-cv00057, NCW/3:12-cv-00184 (dn) Case Name: Jones et al v. Ethicon, Inc. et al Case Number: CAN/5:11-cv-06584 Filer: Document Number: No document attached Docket Text: ***TEXT ONLY ENTRY*** MINUTE ORDER - TO INVOLVED CLERKS - Conditional Remand Order Finalized on 1/6/17. Please see pleading (5 in CAN/5:11-cv-06584, [2594] in MDL No. 2327, 7 in MN/0:12-cv-00070, 7 in NCW/1:12-cv-00057, 7 in NCW/3:12-cv-00184). A copy of the transferee court's Suggestion of Remand from the transferee court is attached to the Conditional Remand Order. Page 3 of 4 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 10 of 18 PageID #: 3426 As stipulated in Rule 10.2(b) of the Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, transmittal of the order has been stayed 7 days to give any party an opportunity to oppose the remand. The 7-day period has now elapsed, no opposition was received, and the order is directed to you for filing. The order was entered pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1407(a) which provides that each action so transferred by the Panel shall be remanded by the Panel at or before the conclusion of such pretrial proceedings to the district from which it was transferred. Parties are to furnish S.D. West Virginia with a stipulation or designation of the contents of the record to be remanded and all necessary copies of any pleading or other matter filed to comply with the remand order. Signed by Clerk of the Panel Jeffery N. Luthi on 1/6/2017. Associated Cases: MDL No. 2327, CAN/5:11-cv-06584, MN/0:12-cv-00070, NCW/1:12-cv00057, NCW/3:12-cv-00184 (dn) Case Name: Johnson v. Ethicon, Inc. et al Case Number: MN/0:12-cv-00070 Filer: Document Number: No document attached Docket Text: ***TEXT ONLY ENTRY*** MINUTE ORDER - TO INVOLVED CLERKS - Conditional Remand Order Finalized on 1/6/17. Please see pleading (5 in CAN/5:11-cv-06584, [2594] in MDL No. 2327, 7 in MN/0:12-cv-00070, 7 in NCW/1:12-cv-00057, 7 in NCW/3:12-cv-00184). A copy of the transferee court's Suggestion of Remand from the transferee court is attached to the Conditional Remand Order. As stipulated in Rule 10.2(b) of the Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, transmittal of the order has been stayed 7 days to give any party an opportunity to oppose the remand. The 7-day period has now elapsed, no opposition was received, and the order is directed to you for filing. The order was entered pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1407(a) which provides that each action so transferred by the Panel shall be remanded by the Panel at or before the conclusion of such pretrial proceedings to the district from which it was transferred. Parties are to furnish S.D. West Virginia with a stipulation or designation of the contents of the record to be remanded and all necessary copies of any pleading or other matter filed to comply with the remand order. Signed by Clerk of the Panel Jeffery N. Luthi on 1/6/2017. Associated Cases: MDL No. 2327, CAN/5:11-cv-06584, MN/0:12-cv-00070, NCW/1:12-cv00057, NCW/3:12-cv-00184 (dn) Page 4 of 4 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 11 of 18 PageID #: 3427 Case Name: Funderburke v. Ethicon, Inc. et al Case Number: NCW/3:12-cv-00184 Filer: Document Number: No document attached Docket Text: ***TEXT ONLY ENTRY*** MINUTE ORDER - TO INVOLVED CLERKS - Conditional Remand Order Finalized on 1/6/17. Please see pleading (5 in CAN/5:11-cv-06584, [2594] in MDL No. 2327, 7 in MN/0:12-cv-00070, 7 in NCW/1:12-cv-00057, 7 in NCW/3:12-cv-00184). A copy of the transferee court's Suggestion of Remand from the transferee court is attached to the Conditional Remand Order. As stipulated in Rule 10.2(b) of the Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, transmittal of the order has been stayed 7 days to give any party an opportunity to oppose the remand. The 7-day period has now elapsed, no opposition was received, and the order is directed to you for filing. The order was entered pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1407(a) which provides that each action so transferred by the Panel shall be remanded by the Panel at or before the conclusion of such pretrial proceedings to the district from which it was transferred. Parties are to furnish S.D. West Virginia with a stipulation or designation of the contents of the record to be remanded and all necessary copies of any pleading or other matter filed to comply with the remand order. Signed by Clerk of the Panel Jeffery N. Luthi on 1/6/2017. Associated Cases: MDL No. 2327, CAN/5:11-cv-06584, MN/0:12-cv-00070, NCW/1:12-cv00057, NCW/3:12-cv-00184 (dn) No public notice (electronic or otherwise) sent because the entry is private Page 1 of 7 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 12 of 18 PageID #: 3428 Activity in Case MDL No. 2327 IN RE: Ethicon, Inc., Pelvic Repair System Products Liability Litigation Finalized Conditional Remand Order JPMLCMECF to: JPMLCMDECF 01/06/2017 08:35 AM Hide Details From: JPMLCMECF@jpml.uscourts.gov To: JPMLCMDECF@jpml.uscourts.gov This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is unattended. ***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States policy permits attorneys of record and parties in a case (including pro se litigants) to receive one free electronic copy of all documents filed electronically, if receipt is required by law or directed by the filer. PACER access fees apply to all other users. To avoid later charges, download a copy of each document during this first viewing. However, if the referenced document is a transcript, the free copy and 30 page limit do not apply. United States United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered on 1/6/2017 at 8:33 AM EST and filed on 1/6/2017 Case Name: IN RE: Ethicon, Inc., Pelvic Repair System Products Liability Litigation Case Number: MDL No. 2327 Filer: Document Number: 2594 Docket Text: CONDITIONAL REMAND ORDER FINALIZED (re: pldg. (3 in CAN/5:11-cv-06584, [2587] in MDL No. 2327, 5 in MN/0:12-cv-00070, 5 in NCW/1:12-cv-00057, 5 in NCW/3:12-cv-00184) ) - 4 action(s) - Inasmuch as no objection is pending at this time, the stay is lifted. Signed by Clerk of the Panel Jeffery N. Luthi on 1/6/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Suggestion of Remand (MN 12-70), # (2) Suggestion of Remand (NCW 12-184), # (3) Suggestion of Remand (CAN 11-6584), # (4) Suggestion of Remand (NCW 12-57)) Associated Cases: MDL No. 2327, CAN/5:11-cv-06584, MN/0:12-cv-00070, NCW/1:12-cv00057, NCW/3:12-cv-00184 (dn) Case Name: Justus v. Ethicon, Inc. et al Case Number: NCW/1:12-cv-00057 Filer: Document Number: 7 Page 2 of 7 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 13 of 18 PageID #: 3429 Docket Text: CONDITIONAL REMAND ORDER FINALIZED (re: pldg. (3 in CAN/5:11-cv-06584, [2587] in MDL No. 2327, 5 in MN/0:12-cv-00070, 5 in NCW/1:12-cv-00057, 5 in NCW/3:12-cv-00184) ) - 4 action(s) - Inasmuch as no objection is pending at this time, the stay is lifted. Signed by Clerk of the Panel Jeffery N. Luthi on 1/6/2017. (Attachments: # [1] Suggestion of Remand (MN 12-70), # [2] Suggestion of Remand (NCW 12-184), # [3] Suggestion of Remand (CAN 11-6584), # [4] Suggestion of Remand (NCW 12-57)) Associated Cases: MDL No. 2327, CAN/5:11-cv-06584, MN/0:12-cv-00070, NCW/1:12-cv00057, NCW/3:12-cv-00184 (dn) Case Name: Jones et al v. Ethicon, Inc. et al Case Number: CAN/5:11-cv-06584 Filer: Document Number: 5 Docket Text: CONDITIONAL REMAND ORDER FINALIZED (re: pldg. (3 in CAN/5:11-cv-06584, [2587] in MDL No. 2327, 5 in MN/0:12-cv-00070, 5 in NCW/1:12-cv-00057, 5 in NCW/3:12-cv-00184) ) - 4 action(s) - Inasmuch as no objection is pending at this time, the stay is lifted. Signed by Clerk of the Panel Jeffery N. Luthi on 1/6/2017. (Attachments: # [1] Suggestion of Remand (MN 12-70), # [2] Suggestion of Remand (NCW 12-184), # [3] Suggestion of Remand (CAN 11-6584), # [4] Suggestion of Remand (NCW 12-57)) Associated Cases: MDL No. 2327, CAN/5:11-cv-06584, MN/0:12-cv-00070, NCW/1:12-cv00057, NCW/3:12-cv-00184 (dn) Case Name: Johnson v. Ethicon, Inc. et al Case Number: MN/0:12-cv-00070 Filer: Document Number: 7 Docket Text: CONDITIONAL REMAND ORDER FINALIZED (re: pldg. (3 in CAN/5:11-cv-06584, [2587] in MDL No. 2327, 5 in MN/0:12-cv-00070, 5 in NCW/1:12-cv-00057, 5 in NCW/3:12-cv-00184) ) - 4 action(s) - Inasmuch as no objection is pending at this time, the stay is lifted. Signed by Clerk of the Panel Jeffery N. Luthi on 1/6/2017. (Attachments: # [1] Suggestion of Remand (MN 12-70), # [2] Suggestion of Remand (NCW 12-184), # [3] Suggestion of Remand (CAN 11-6584), # [4] Suggestion of Remand (NCW 12-57)) Page 3 of 7 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 14 of 18 PageID #: 3430 Associated Cases: MDL No. 2327, CAN/5:11-cv-06584, MN/0:12-cv-00070, NCW/1:12-cv00057, NCW/3:12-cv-00184 (dn) Case Name: Funderburke v. Ethicon, Inc. et al Case Number: NCW/3:12-cv-00184 Filer: Document Number: 7 Docket Text: CONDITIONAL REMAND ORDER FINALIZED (re: pldg. (3 in CAN/5:11-cv-06584, [2587] in MDL No. 2327, 5 in MN/0:12-cv-00070, 5 in NCW/1:12-cv-00057, 5 in NCW/3:12-cv-00184) ) - 4 action(s) - Inasmuch as no objection is pending at this time, the stay is lifted. Signed by Clerk of the Panel Jeffery N. Luthi on 1/6/2017. (Attachments: # [1] Suggestion of Remand (MN 12-70), # [2] Suggestion of Remand (NCW 12-184), # [3] Suggestion of Remand (CAN 11-6584), # [4] Suggestion of Remand (NCW 12-57)) Associated Cases: MDL No. 2327, CAN/5:11-cv-06584, MN/0:12-cv-00070, NCW/1:12-cv00057, NCW/3:12-cv-00184 (dn) MDL No. 2327 Notice has been electronically mailed to: Carl N. Frankovitch Michael J Farrell carl@facslaw.com mjf@farrell3.com Michael Bonasso mbonasso@fsblaw.com, etaylor@fsblaw.com, mdl@fsblaw.com, nthompson@fsblaw.com Harry F. Bell, Jr hfbell@belllaw.com, camclain@belllaw.com DAVID B. THOMAS dthomas@tcspllc.com, rdavis@tcspllc.com Paul T. Farrell, Jr paul@greeneketchum.com, lora@greeneketchum.com Marc E. Williams marc.williams@nelsonmullins.com MDL No. 2327 Notice will not be electronically mailed to: NCW/1:12-cv-00057 Notice has been electronically mailed to: Christy D. Jones christy.jones@butlersnow.com, MDL200MotionFilings@butlersnow.com, MOMullan@RIKER.com, ashley.lampkin@butlersnow.com, brandy.pitts@butlersnow.com, catherine.mason@butlersnow.com, ecf.notices@butlersnow.com, kcrawford@riker.com, mkabbash@riker.com William M. Gage william.gage@butlersnow.com Page 4 of 7 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 15 of 18 PageID #: 3431 Douglas C. Monsour doug@monsourlawfirm.com, ronda@monsourlawfirm.com DAVID B. THOMAS Kimberly R. Wilson Philip J. Combs dthomas@tcspllc.com, rdavis@tcspllc.com kim@wilsonlawpa.com pcombs@tcspllc.com Kari L. Sutherland kari.sutherland@butlersnow.com SUSAN M. ROBINSON srobinson@tcspllc.com Daniel R. Higginbotham dhigginbotham@tcspllc.com Katharine Gale Krottinger Aaron N. Arthur katy@monsourlawfirm.com aarthur@tcspllc.com NCW/1:12-cv-00057 Notice will not be electronically mailed to: William J. Blakemore WILSON LAW P. O. Box 10389 Raleigh, NC 27605 CAN/5:11-cv-06584 Notice has been electronically mailed to: Christy D. Jones christy.jones@butlersnow.com, MDL200MotionFilings@butlersnow.com, MOMullan@RIKER.com, ashley.lampkin@butlersnow.com, brandy.pitts@butlersnow.com, catherine.mason@butlersnow.com, ecf.notices@butlersnow.com, kcrawford@riker.com, mkabbash@riker.com Tracy J. Van Steenburgh Amy Eskin tvan@nilanjohnson.com aeskin@levinsimes.com Michael J Farrell mjf@farrell3.com William M. Gage william.gage@butlersnow.com Tarek Ismail tismail@goldmanismail.com, kmckeand@goldmanismail.com Andrew L Goldman Erik W. Legg agoldman@goldmanismail.com EWL@farrell3.com DAVID B. THOMAS Edward A Wallace dthomas@tcspllc.com, rdavis@tcspllc.com eaw@wexlerwallace.com, ecf@wexlerwallace.com Page 5 of 7 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 16 of 18 PageID #: 3432 Shayna S. Cook scook@goldmanismail.com, kmckeand@goldmanismail.com Meghan E. McCormick mmccormick@levinsimes.com Rachel Beth Abrams rabrams@levinsimes.com, bsund@levinsimes.com, jcwilletts@levinsimes.com, lthomas@levinsimes.com Phillip Howard Babich Michael H. Bowman Kari L. Sutherland pbabich@reedsmith.com mhb@wexlerwallace.com kari.sutherland@butlersnow.com Joe W. Tomaselli jtomaselli@goldmanismail.com CAN/5:11-cv-06584 Notice will not be electronically mailed to: Tracy G. Weiss REED SMITH LLP Three Logan Square 1717 Arch Street Suite 3100 Philadelphia, PA 19103 MN/0:12-cv-00070 Notice has been electronically mailed to: Christy D. Jones christy.jones@butlersnow.com, MDL200MotionFilings@butlersnow.com, MOMullan@RIKER.com, ashley.lampkin@butlersnow.com, brandy.pitts@butlersnow.com, catherine.mason@butlersnow.com, ecf.notices@butlersnow.com, kcrawford@riker.com, mkabbash@riker.com Tracy J. Van Steenburgh tvan@nilanjohnson.com Yvonne M. Flaherty ymflaherty@locklaw.com, bgilles@locklaw.com, ebhernandez@locklaw.com, rnzubiate@locklaw.com, sgpatchen@locklaw.com William M. Gage Kim M Schmid william.gage@butlersnow.com kim.schmid@bowmanandbrooke.com DAVID B. THOMAS Edward A Wallace dthomas@tcspllc.com, rdavis@tcspllc.com eaw@wexlerwallace.com, ecf@wexlerwallace.com Philip J. Combs pcombs@tcspllc.com Caia V. Johnson cvjohnson@locklaw.com Sarah A. Martin sleonard@tcspllc.com Michael H. Bowman mhb@wexlerwallace.com Page 6 of 7 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 17 of 18 PageID #: 3433 Kari L. Sutherland kari.sutherland@butlersnow.com Jan R. McLean Bernier jbernier@nilanjohnson.com SUSAN M. ROBINSON Devona L. Wells srobinson@tcspllc.com dlwells@locklaw.com MN/0:12-cv-00070 Notice will not be electronically mailed to: NCW/3:12-cv-00184 Notice has been electronically mailed to: Christy D. Jones christy.jones@butlersnow.com, MDL200MotionFilings@butlersnow.com, MOMullan@RIKER.com, ashley.lampkin@butlersnow.com, brandy.pitts@butlersnow.com, catherine.mason@butlersnow.com, ecf.notices@butlersnow.com, kcrawford@riker.com, mkabbash@riker.com Tracy J. Van Steenburgh tvan@nilanjohnson.com Neil D. Overholtz noverholtz@awkolaw.com, athane@awkolaw.com, noverholtz@aws-law.com, pbarr@awkolaw.com, sgeisler@awkolaw.com, vandronova@awkolaw.com Peter John Flowers pjf@meyers-flowers.com, amr@meyers-flowers.com, kaz@meyers-flowers.com William M. Gage william.gage@butlersnow.com Douglass A. Kreis dkreis@awkolaw.com, athane@awkolaw.com, dkreis@aws-law.com, mburton@awkolaw.com, pgreen@awkolaw.com Justin G. Witkin Jwitkin@awkolaw.com, jlindsey@awkolaw.com DAVID B. THOMAS Kimberly R. Wilson Philip J. Combs dthomas@tcspllc.com, rdavis@tcspllc.com kim@wilsonlawpa.com pcombs@tcspllc.com Bryan Aylstock baylstock@awkolaw.com, Jlindsey@awkolaw.com, baylstock@aws-law.com, churt@awkolaw.com D. Renee Baggett rbaggett@awkolaw.com Kari L. Sutherland kari.sutherland@butlersnow.com SUSAN M. ROBINSON Anita Modak-Truran srobinson@tcspllc.com anita.modak-truran@butlersnow.com, Anita.Modak-Truran@butlersnow.com Daniel R. Higginbotham dhigginbotham@tcspllc.com Page 7 of 7 Case 2:12-cv-00956 Document 175 Filed 01/06/17 Page 18 of 18 PageID #: 3434 Frank V. Cesarone Aaron N. Arthur fvc@meyers-flowers.com aarthur@tcspllc.com NCW/3:12-cv-00184 Notice will not be electronically mailed to: William J. Blakemore WILSON LAW P. O. Box 10389 Raleigh, NC 27605 The following document(s) are associated with this transaction: Document description:Main Document Original filename:n/a Electronic document Stamp: [STAMP JPMLStamp_ID=1090522767 [Date=1/6/2017] [FileNumber=707998-0] [ 01e5fe779d6ff4b17252fe030666f135fcb7a7d6f541acf875b143d75a4e5d5d3e1e5b 6d4b953533dbf01f90582a226814de76348b4f086ca65742c5f8c3cb40]] Document description: Suggestion of Remand (MN 12-70) Original filename:n/a Electronic document Stamp: [STAMP JPMLStamp_ID=1090522767 [Date=1/6/2017] [FileNumber=707998-1] [ 33a6a2fb201efad0f8d769ee3c18f99f07e2039c03a8edc33ab16de68a2e89eb5b7582 799123bc02545f027023c04c0b48393ae25f50a8af9c9affd6d4c61070]] Document description: Suggestion of Remand (NCW 12-184) Original filename:n/a Electronic document Stamp: [STAMP JPMLStamp_ID=1090522767 [Date=1/6/2017] [FileNumber=707998-2] [ 3af64d4fbfde115e332778023635abe0e2ba8df3ff10a4d681c1a17cc12d0593764d33 f628e1491253cb4dffe805507d3bfda4a3df7d7eca3026f2eb9babcf6a]] Document description: Suggestion of Remand (CAN 11-6584) Original filename:n/a Electronic document Stamp: [STAMP JPMLStamp_ID=1090522767 [Date=1/6/2017] [FileNumber=707998-3] [ 9162174f07230755bb68e6798729d2ecbce4c883341ccdfd5649dd303f4442c2993ffc dd175ac02c9d1f11e328c61324ec1fe8b50ce9145bf575c6d30ff219b1]] Document description: Suggestion of Remand (NCW 12-57) Original filename:n/a Electronic document Stamp: [STAMP JPMLStamp_ID=1090522767 [Date=1/6/2017] [FileNumber=707998-4] [ 489afc586fb9d396341a7bbd24dc2f7b70b2ee1263ba5e58887240fef78b7c492e755c 0df813d4a0d8ed1338db75a7ffee9cb472039d5d62dbdf784c8b1b3f20]]

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