Doyle v. McConagha et al

Filing 79

MOTION for Leave to Appeal in forma pauperis by Plaintiff Wayne Doyle. (bev1, )

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B9/04 / 2 0 0 7 Case 3:07-cv-00003-TMR-MRM 18:37 5145 21'31 0'3 Document 79 DOWNTOWN COLUMBUS OH Filed 09/05/2007 Page 1 of 6 PAGE B3 / 08 Doyle v. McConagha et al Doc. 79 FORM 4. PERMISSION '!'0 p_PPE_~_!_ T........... _~ ",,_"""'_"7 ......, ~~';lo~"" ~ . /-\FFIDAvrr ACCOlVlPA N Y I N G MOTION FOR ~1 P0P..~~ h D & T 11>ITPl~ ~ Jnited Court of A p p e a l s for the Sixth Circuit J ] . ._ . WAYNE DOYLE v. JOHN Me CONAGHA AND TIff;: ClARK COUNTY LIBRARY, et al., J } Case No. ic-3..() -0 0 3 7 ] Affida:vit in Support of M o t i o n Instructions Complete-all questions in this application and then sign it. Do not leave any blanks: if the answer to a questjon is 1'0:' "none," or '110t 1 applicable (N/A)," write that response. If you need more space to answer a question or to explain your answer, attach a separate sheet of paper identified with your name, your case's I s w e a r or a f f i r m under penalty of'perjtrry that, because of my poverty, J cannot prepay the docket tees of my appeal or post a bond for them. I b c l i e v e I a m entitled t o r e d r e s s . I swear or affirm under penalty of perjury under United States laws that my answers on this fonn arc true and correct. (28 U.S-C. §§ 1746; 18 U .S .C. §§ 1 6 2 1 . ) docket number, and t h e question number. Signed: D a t e . .. . ' ''? ''.~ ' Lf 1- .n ~{)..~ . · · L , i My Tl>SUeS on appeal are : ··· ,. _ . .. _ ... k" . .. . ... _ .. " ······ ,. . ·· ,. w · · .~ ~ ~ .. . · · ·· · · _ .. . .. · 1. The court has not been fair nor impartial throughout the entire case. 2. During the court hearing the court answered most of Plaintiff Doyle's questions . asked of defendants. 3. The court reoord remains incomplete after many correction and mistakes made by (Chief Magistrate JUdge Merz) and (District Judge Thomas Rose). 4. According to the Orders end motions on the record, I, Wayne Doyle have not been given a opportunity to properly amend my complain. 5. This case is a (CASE OF FIRST IMPRESSION) BEING MERZ SAID IT WAS HEARSAY AND HE WOULD HAVE TO 00 SOME RESEARCH TO SEE IF MC CONAGHA HAD THE RIGHT KICK SOMEBODY OUT OF THE LIBRARY ON HEARSAY EVIDENCE. NO RESPONSE NOR RESEARCH HAS BEEN INDICATED ON THE REGORD FROM MERZ OR ROSE. .11 ro United St:I~ Court ofAppen til FORM 4 - AFFIDAVIT ACCOMPANYING MOTION FOR PERMJSSION TO AP1'EAL TNFORMA PAUPEtus 09 /04 / 2007 TUE 10 :32 [ T X l R X NO 9856] [4]003 0 9 / 0 4 /2007 Case 3:07-cv-00003-TMR-MRM 10:37 5145219109 Document 79 DOWNTOWN COLUMBUS OH Filed 09/05/2007 Page 2 of 6 PAGE 04 / 08 " roll~WilJK sources/during the past 1.2 months . Adjust any amount that was received weekly, 1. For both you and y o u r spouse estimate the average amount ofmoncy received from each ofthe biweekly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually to show the monthly rate. Usc gross amounts, that is, amo~~~rorc any deductions for taxes or otherwise. ' . _ ...... Income source Avenge monthly amount during the past 12 montbs You Spouse Amount expected next month You Spouse 0 mPloym; 0 Self-employment Income from real property (such as rental income) Interest and dividends -Gifts Alimony Child ,supporl Retirement (such as social security, pensions, annuities, inS\1t'.!lt1ce) Disability (such as social security, insurance payments) Unemployment payments _ o o IY P u bl i c - a s s i s t an c e (such as welfare) NOIl( Other (specify): tv on !VOhe:.. $0.00 e. )\)one $0.00 'Total monthly income: 11 CJ 00 q IY/ 6t)t~ t-: ]71y..5 e/ ~ 01'}1'1 $0.00 $0.00 C(j jrri'(1 tL-fl. List your ~ploymenthistory, most recent employer first. (Gross monthly pay is before taxes ~ 9l BOBot~cr d~'tf0ns.) Le.F~e Is LtX'le. ' :J. 'f~ , tJO ",pto If - . . er S dress ',/ p,ate,s pfEm"p1oy tJ ro ss monthly pay () e. , Y · Cdl I-I-0h/"e l V.1f rf. , Qr:'r , l.. o..J. ..~ .9 0 ~._,.... .5 e a.' L Co 9~; "'9 ' . : A op..,d.f (I.J 6 -, ... 01'1 .. g M C. ur-rel1f it B~ h " ;C ~ " <ih uo a F e I~ L.C4 t - . . . ' .~. E : ,. · Vlt It.oI &b f Vtli1? n ..:II"""." 5 no .. : :. n1pleye.d . ------.,; qi Unltl:d Statal Comt of Appenm !~ORM Pllge t 4 - A1'1'IDAVIT ACCOMl'ANYING MOnON POR PERMISSiON TO APPEALTN FORMAPAUPriiUS 09/04 /2007 TOE 10: 3 2 [ T X l R X NO 9856] 141 004 0g/04/2BB7 Case 3:07-cv-00003-TMR-MRM 1B:37 614521 sies Document 79 DOWNTOWN COLUMBUS OH PAGE 05 /08 Filed 09/05/2007 Page 3 of 6 3. Listyour spouse's employment history, most recent employer first (Gross monthly p a y Is before taxes or other dcductions.) DRte~ Dr Employment Oro~~ monthly pay 4. How much cash do you and your spouse have? :£ : Belowi state any money you or your spouse have in bank accounts or in any other financial institution, .. .. k.e.y f?>Q..nL ' F i n a n c i a l Institution Amount your spouse has " j If you are a prisoner, you must attach a statement certified by the appropriate institutional oftloer showing all receipts, expenditures, and balances during the last six months in your institutional accounts. If y o u have multiple accounts, perhaps because you have been in multiple institutions, attach one certified statement of each account. 5. List th~ assc!S, and the~r values, whish yo~ own or your spouse owns. Do not list clothing and , '. . ordinary household furnishings. T aluc) e. ; . Wr,,"5ed.J.,.;J.L--=~~~=---~~ -Jon, cc.&"" a. HovSe.. W o, Yf1 e. 00'-( 4 Ot!ll:r roal estate (V[\luc) ~ (YO '(j " '~ a·/ '" ~ Mskc&~ 'f. ·" Motor Vehicle #1 (V,glllc) to vCl. -·-true Ie.. .. . ,. . f{egiRtrAtion #i ia~ ~ 15'3 9 6C 7 Mot:or Veb.iclc #2 (Valuc) Other :It;Set!; (Value) Other asacts (VlIJUC) Model: . , United Snit"" COIIIf ofApP<:&'" l'~lI'" 3 FORM 4 - AFFTDA l T ACCOMPANYnl"G MOTION FO~ PERMJSSION TO APPEAL tN FORMA PAUPERIS V 09 /04 /2007 TUE 10: 32 [TX /RX NO 9856] [4] 005 09/84/ 2 8 8 7 Case 3:07-cv-00003-TMR-MRM 10:37 61462191 0 9 Document 79 DOWNTOWN CO UM U OH L BS PAGE 05 / 0 8 Filed 09/05/2007 Page 4 of 6 6. State every person. business! or organization owing you or your spouse money, and the amount owed . Amoun t owed tQ you Arnounr owed to your !qlOU!\C .5 '" 7. State the persons who rely on you or your SpOU5C for support. Relationship ,! -' . I' '. ! t" .. I --~=--=-::~~===..,.,---- U n i t « ! St_ C""rt n l' ~I ~ f'ORM 4 - AFFID A VIT ACCOMPANYINQ M O T I O N POR. P E R M I S S I O N 1'0 ,APr E AT 1N FORMA PAtlPRRls .. 09 /04 /2007 TUE 10 :32 (TXlRX NO 9856] 141006 B9/04/2007 Case 3:07-cv-00003-TMR-MRM 10:37 5145 2 1 9 1 B 9 Document 79 DOWNTOWN COLUMBUS OH Filed 09/05/2007 Page 5 of 6 PAGE 07/B8 8. Estimate t h e a v e r a g e m o n t h l y e x p e n s e s ofyou and y o u r family. Show s e p a r a t e l y t h e a m o u n t s paid by your Hpouse. Adjuat anypayments that arernade weekly, biweekly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually to show the monthly rate. Y,m r You Spou se Rent -orhome-mcrtgage payment (including lot rented for mobile home) ~ U t i l i t i e s (electricity, beating fuel, water, sewer, and telephone) Horne mamtenanoe (repairs and upkeep] . I Is property insurance included? . ' Are real estate taxes included? DYes DYes [!!No __ ~ .../.. ~OO 00 ' DO 0 , (I Food Clothing ~ 'UI 0..' r-1''/ r... '\~ .: ~ Vl\t>,t'l Laundry and dry-cleaning <: -h . qa s .,.l..~ .)..... 0 ; N0 reo +e r- d '-0 L C; a 0 0 qC<.:=.;5~-=-=--=-:::-: ~ . .. - oS~. A Medical and dental (!~8es Transportation (not includil1g tt1~t6f v~ffiele expenses) -t Recreation. enrortainment, newspapers, magazines, etc, ,... pa.V '" v+ 0 'F p ()( . . er., . ! M (VIe ICCl£"',I..- ." - ,-''-'-'. . ' - 'i: ' .. _ _. . . . - - - - . f . , Insurance (not deduced from wages or included in mortgage payments) s Homeowner's or renter's . Life Health Motor vehicle ,Other: " Noh ( ~ q« S .ro ~e f Bo.c.lC\"d Fov -/4 ff) Ulor~ ~'OfCb ' h1.ot~'-:'.-..-'·"""".. l. . ' _ ':~ .~ "iYiiJl "C, 3&' eo'-tnonfh: Y Taxes (not ded,:! cted from wages or included in mortgage p a y m e n t s ) . specify: -, Installment payments Motor Vehicle Credit card (name); : (namc)~ : :'.....- .... "" , : Department store Othert Alimony. rnamtenauce; and support paid to others " Regular expenses for operation of b u s i n e s s , profession or farm (attach deta~l) , Other (specify): ' _.._ Total monthly expenses: O m.OO; .. .:.. , $0.00] United SI,,"'" CtJurI.afI\ppc:l!~ l~ORM 4 ..AFFIDA vrr ACCOMPANYING MOnON FOR PER,MTSSION TO APPEAr, IN FORMA. PAUPERIS 09 /04 /2007 TUE 10:32 [TXlRX NO 9856] [4J 007 09 / 0 4 / 2 0 0 7 514521'310'3 10:37 Case 3:07-cv-00003-TMR-MRM Document 79 DOWNTOWN COLUMBUS OH Filed 09/05/2007 Page 6 of 6 PAGE 08 / 08 ~ .. 9 . Do you expect any major changes to your monthly income or expenses or in your assets or liabilities durin2 the next 12 months? '~ Yes 0 No If yes, describe '£I?\ p J~ y~cl~ Po...'"t:-.·fil"rt e. DYes M If Cur r eY\ + £J 'Y1 Pl~ L{ e. Oil f an attached sheet. y- c: vf fl1 +0 Y J-I 0 V y- 'J. 0 - + ~5 6 . F r D til 3 } h()\.l'rS h (:) vr S a.. LU e.d' 10" Have y o u paid-or will YQU be p a y i n g - a n a t t o r n e y any m o n e y for s e r v i c e s in connection with this case, including the completion of t h i s form? ~ If yes. how much? $ ' If yes. state the attorney's name, address, and telephone number: II. Have yOl;l paid-or will you be paying-anyone other than (such as a paralegal OT a typist) any money for services in connection with this case, including the completion of this form? DYes l3'No If yes,. how much? $ . {ryes, state the p e r s o n ' s name , address. and telephone number: 12. ~rovJdeanyot.henntbrmation that wu I help ~~. cxpl8.An whyyou c a n n o t p a y t h e d o c k e t fees t q r y o u r I m 90 ; rl? Ito mQt~ Qbeu-t- 5- 6 0 , 0 6 1<., ro V {he ,::>' . ·Eh,+;rs: fYl6~+h ,: (h.d 13. State the address of Y Q U l : legal residence. Your d a y t i m e p h o n e n u m b e r : Your a g e : . (9-s.., );~ 5""o lJ~ I g O " of.. 1I Yonr y e a r s o f s c h o o l i n g: : "') .? - Y o u r social-security number: -yo.s. .T. _ c .S""9:S ..... . u 1 . ..: 0 0 _ r- 0 IJnlled ~~ C.",1t1 (If Awet'ln FORM 4 · AFFIDAVIT ACCOMPANYlNG MOTION FoR PERMISSION TO APPEAL IN FORMA PAUPERIS 09 /04 /2007 TUE 10 :32 [TX /RX NO 9856) I4i 008

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