Andersen v. Atlantic Recording Corporation et al

Filing 14

Attachment 1
Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint. Filed by Settlement Support Center, LLC, Atlantic Recording Corporation, Priority Records, LLC, Capitol Records, Inc., UMG Recordings, Inc., BMG Music, Recording Industry Association of America. (Related document(s): Motion to Dismiss, 13.) (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D-F# 5 Exhibit G-H# 6 Exhibit I) (Patton, William)

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Andersen v. Atlantic Recording Corporation et al Doc. 14 Att. 1 2 3 Lory R. Lybeck Lybeck M1fhy, LLP 7525 SE 24 Street, Ste. 500 Mercer Island, W A 98040-2334 206-230-4255/phone 206-230-7791 If ax Lybeck -lrl§lybeckmurphy .com 4 5 Lybeck - OSB #83276 Attorney for defendant 6 7 8 9 10 11 UNTED STATES DISTRCT COURT DISTRCT OF OREGON AT PORTLAND ) ) ) ) ) Atlantic Recording Corporation, a 12 Delaware corporation; Priority Records, LLC, a California limited liabilty 13 company; Capitol Records, Inc., a Delaware corporation; UMG Recordings, 14 Inc., a Delaware corporation; and BMG No. CV 05-933 AS Defendant's Answer, Affnnative Defenses and Counterclaims Music, a New York general partership, 15 Plaintiffs, 16 ) ) ) ) v. 17 ) ) FOR JUY TRIL AN DEMA Tanya Andersen, 18 ) ) Defendant. 19 ) ) 20 21 1. I. ANSWER Answering paragraphs 1-12 and 14 of the Complaint, Ms. Andersen admits that 22 23 she is a resident of Oregon and that jurisdiction and venue are proper. She specifically denies she downloaded or distributed any music or that any acts of infringement occurred. Ms. 24 25 Andersen has no abilty to detennine the accuracy of plaintiffs' claimed corporate forms, principle locations, interest in copyrighted materials and publication of notices of copyright, 26 Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims - i Lybeck+Murhy i 7525 SE 24~ Stree~ Ste. andersen\ Mereer Island, W A 98040 206-230-255 Fax 206-23 EXHIBIT A-PAGE.LOF i~ 1 and on that basis denies these allegations. 2 3 the remainder of the allegations of 2. Ms. Andersen denies the allegations contained in paragraphs 13 and 15- I 7 and plaintiffs' complaint. 4 5 6 7 8 II. AFFITIVE DEFENSES Ms. Andersen hereby asserts the following Affrmative Defenses in this case: i. 2. Plaintiffs are not entitled to equitable relief under the doctrine of unclean hands. 9 10 11 Some or all of plaintiffs' claims are barred by the statutes of limitations. 3. Plaintiffs have failed to comply with filing requirements. 4. Plaintiffs have failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. 12 5. 13 Plaintiffs have failed to join necessary' and indispensable parties. 14 15 6. The action is barred by the doctrine of laches. 7. Plaintiffs' claims are not supported by fact or warranted by law. 16 17 18 19 m. RESERVATION Ms. Andersen reserves the right to assert third part claims should discovery so indicate. 20 21 iV. COUNTERCLAIS Factual Backl!round 22 23 24 25 A. 1. The Record Companies' "John Doe" Lawsnits For a number of years, a group of large, multinational, multi-bilion dollar 26 record companies, including these plaintiffs, have been abusing the federal court judicial Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims - 2 andersen\answer,cc,fina Lybeck+Murhyw 7525 SE 24~ Stre~ Ste. 500 Mere"r Island, WA 98040-2334 206-230-4255 Fax 20G-23O-7791 EXHj8fr Ap 4H:F:~ ~ ,¡",ie: /S' iT ,,1. P""e=""=_.,V~. ""''''''''"=- system for the purpose of waging a public relations and public threat campaign targeting digital retained MediaSentry 2 3 fie sharing activities. As part of this campaign, these record companies to invade private home computers and collect personal infonnation. Based on private information allegedly extracted from these personal home 4 5 computers, the record companies 6 7 have reportedly :fed lawsuits against more than 13,500 anonymous "John Does." 2. The anonymous "John Doe" lawsuits are fied for the sole purpose of 8 information farming and specifically to harest personal internet protocol addresses from 9 internet service providers. 10 11 3. After an individual's personal information is harvested, it is given to the record companies' representatives and the anonymous "John Doe" infonnation farming suits are then 12 13 typically dismissed. 4. Center, which engages 14 15 The record companies provide the personal infonnation to Settlement Support in prohibited and deceptive debt collection activities and other ilegal 16 17 18 conduct to extract money from the people allegedly identified from the secret lawsuits. Most of the people subjected to these secret suits do not learn that they have been "sued" until demand is made for payment by the record companies' lawyers or Settlement Support Center. 19 20 21 B. 5. Tanya Andersen has Never Downloaded Music Tanya Andersen is a 42-year-old single mother of an eight-year-old daughter 22 living in Tualatin, Oregon. Ms. Andersen is disabled and has a limited income from Social 23 Security. 24 25 infringed on any of 6. Ms. Andersen has never downloaded or distributed music online. She has not plaintiffs' alleged copyrighted interest. 26 Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims - 3 andersen\answer,cc,final Lybeck+Murhy w 7525 SE 24~ Street Ste, 500 Mercer Island, WA 98040-2334 ' iii8 K!t'",.~..I~''''(l"'_==l.lí9 J EX,M ~T ,flJ" '''''', CC" .' '" ... "'-"...-~ ,.i..". At:."...., ".~.I 3 ri- 206-230-4255' Fax 206-230-7791 1 C. 7. Tanya Andersen was Secretly Sued Ms. Andersen has, however, been the victim of the record companies' public 2 3 threat campaign. The threats started when the record companies falsely claimed that Ms. 4 Andersen had been an "unnamed" defendant who was being sued in federal court in the District 5 6 7 8 of Columbia. She was never named in that lawsuit and never received service of a summons and complaint. 8. Neither did Ms. Andersen receive any timely notice that the suit even existed. 9 10 11 That anonymous suit was fied in mid-2004. Ms. Andersen first learned that she was being "sued" when she received a letter dated February 2, 2005, from the Los Angeles, California, law firm Mitchell Silverberg & Knupp, LLP. The LA finn falsely claimed that Ms. Andersen 12 had downloaded music, infringed undisclosed copyrights and owed hundreds of thousands of 13 14 15 dollars. Ms. Andersen was understandably shocked, fearful, and upset. D. Record Companies Demand that Tanya Andersen Pay them Thousands of Dollars After receiving the Februar 2, 2005 letter, Ms. Andersen contacted the record 16 17 18 9. companies' "representative," which turned out to be Settlement Support Center, LLC. This company was formed by the record companies for the sole purpose of coercing payments from people who had been identified as targets in the anonymous infonnation fanning suits. Settlement Support Center is a Washington State phone solicitation company which engages in debt collection activities across the country. 19 20 21 22 ' 23 24 10. When Ms. Andersen contacted Settlement Support Center, she was advised that 25 her personal home computer had been secretly entered by the record companies' agents, 26 MediaSentr. Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims - 4 andersen\answer,cc,final Lybeck+Murhy w 7525 SE 24~ Stret Ste, 500, W A 98040-2334 206-230-4255 Fax 206230-7791 A",' "J ¿.-\ \'~j U r,,"" ¡¡ç ""..:-ir..o.., ."i."" t-:;~,""~L'l,,:~t..2i fi'= ~ 1 11. Settlement Support Center also falsely claimed that Ms. Andersen had "been 2 viewed" by MediaSentry downloading "gangster rap" music at 4:24 a.m. Settlement Support 3 Center also falsely claimed that Ms. Andersen had used the login name "gotenkito§" Ms. Andersen does not like "gangster rap," does not recognize the name "gotenkito," is not awake at 4:24 a.m. and has never downloaded music. 12. 4 5 6 7 Settlement Support Center threatened that if Ms. Andersen did not immediately 8 pay them, the record companies would bring an expensive and disruptive federal lawsuit using 9 her actual name and they would get ajudgment for hundreds of thousands of dollars. 10 11 E. The Record Companies Refused to Investigate the False Claim Of Debt 13. Ms. Andersen explained to Settlement Support Center that she had never downloaded music, she had no interest in "gangster rap," and that she had no idea who 12 13 14 15 "gotenkito" was. 14. Ms. Andersen wrote Settlement Support Center and even asked it to inspect her 16 computer to prove that the claims made against her were false. 17 18 15. An employee of Settlement Support Center admitted to Ms. Andersen that he believed that she had not downloaded any music. He explained, however, 'that Settlement 19 20 21 Support Center and the record companies would not quit their debt collection activities because to do so would encourage other people to defend themselves against the record companies' claims. 16. 22 23 Instead of investigating, the record company plaintiffs :fed suit this against Ms. 24 25 Andersen. F. The Record Companies have no Proof of Infringement. 26 17. Despite making false representations to Ms. Andersen that they had evidence of Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims - 5 andersen\answer,cc,final Lybeck+Murhy w 7525 SE 24~ Stre~ Ste, 500 Mercer ¡sland, W A 98040-2334 .', , K,_'i' l¡lJ.i'.'t¡ , 'il.~...J ,"i..":,""."...~",,Ji ~~_. " l ¡~~ ..".. ,L._:: ~. ~.I' '!'-'" . . '. . IT'" ,"'Æ. "w,..~ "'. '..,'......."" r', ", /5 ,4 5-- - 206-230-255 Fax 206-230-7791 1 infringement and evidence of Ms. Andersen's identity, plaintiffs knew that they had no factual 2 3 support for their claims. 18. No downloading or distribution activity was ever actually observed. None ever 4 occurred. Regardless, the record companies actively continued their coercive and deceptive 5 6 7 8 debt collection actions against her. Ms. Andersen was falsely, recklessly, shamefully, and publicly accused of ilegal activities in which she was never involved. Count i Electronic Trespass 19. Defendant realleges and incorporates herein by reference each of 9 10 11 the allegations set forth above. 12 20. 13 14 15 Entering a person's personal computer without their authorization to snoop the common law prohibition against around, steal information, or remove fies is a violation of trespass to chattels. 21. 16 The record company plaintiffs employed MediaSentry as their agent to break (and those of tens of thousands of other people) to 17 into Ms. Andersen's personal computer 18 19 secretly spy on and steal infonnation or remove :fes. MediaSentry did not have Ms. 20 21 Andersen's permission to inspect, copy, or remove private computer files. If MediaSentr accessed her private computer, it did so ilegally and secretly. In fact, Ms. Andersen was unaware that the trespass occurred until well after she was anonymously sued. 22. 22 23 According to the record companies, the agent, Settlement Support Center used 24 25 26 the stolen private information allegedly removed from her home computer in their attempt to threaten and coerce Ms. Anderson into paying thousands of dollars. 23. The record companies' conduct resulted in significant damages, including har Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims - 6 Lybeck+Murhy w 7525 SE 24~ Slre_, Ste, 500 MerrIsland, WA 98040-2334 206-230-4255 Fax 206-230-7791 andersen\anwer,cc,final . AJ~tr'~::12GG' JJE.Llr 1 to Ms. Andersen's health, in amounts which wil to be proven at triaL. Count 2 Computer Fraud and 2 3 Abuse Act the allegations 4 24. Defendant realleges and incorporates herein by reference each of 5 6 7 set forth above. 25. Under the provisions of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18 U.S.C. § 1030) 8 it is ilegal to break into another person's private computer to spy, steal or remove private 9 infonnation, damage propert, or cause other hann. 10 11 26. Ms. Andersen regularly used her personal computer to communicate with friends and family across the country and for interstate e-commerce. Ms. Andersen had password protection and security in place to protect her computer and personal fies from 12 13 14 15 access by others. 27. The record company plaintiffs employed MediaSentry as their agent to bypass 16 17 18 Ms. Andersen's computer security systems and break into her personal computer to secretly spy and steal or remove private infonnation. MediaSentry did not have her pennission to inspect, copy, or remove her private computer :fes. It gained access secretly and ilegally. 19 20 21 28. According to the record companit:s' agent, Settlement Support Center, used this stolen private information in their attempt to threaten and coerce Ms. Andersen into paying thousands of dollars. 22 23 29. The record companies' conduct resulted in direct and consequential damages 24 25 and harm to Ms. Andersen in excess of$5,000. 11/ 26 1/1 Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims-7 andersen\anwer,cc,final Lybeck+Murhy W 7525 SE 24~ Street, Ste, 500 Mereer Island, W A 98040-2334 206-230-4255 Fax 206.230-779 i i:"iic~btliL~\¡ Ii ",,,",,_J"/,;.JS~~~~o~~")I!~'__ ,--v' '",-,-,''' -'-'" --',-" r,p:" /5 It 7- -- 1 Count 3 2 3 Invasion of Privacy 30. Defendant realleges and incorporates herein by reference each of the allegations 4 set forth above. 5 6 31. According to the record companies, Ms. Andersen's personal computer was 7 8 invaded by MediaSentry after she was identified with a nine digit code (an Internet Protocol Address ("IPA")) obtained from the anonymous information farming lawsuits. MediaSentry did not have permission to inspect Ms. Andersen's private computer :fes. It gained access only by ilegal acts of subterfuge. 9 10 11 32. The record companies' agent has falsely represented that information obtained 12 in this invasive and secret manner is proof of Ms. Andersen's alleged downloading. Ms. 13 14 15 Andersen never downloaded music but has been subjected to public derision and embarrassment associated with plaintiffs' claims and public relations campaign. 33. 16 17 18 The record companies have used this derogatory, hannful infonnation to recklessly and shamefully publicly accuse Ms. Andersen of ilegal activities without even taking the opportnity offered by Ms. Andersen to inspect her computer. 19 20 34. The record companies' conduct resulted in damages including harm to her 21 health and propert in an amount to be specifically proven at triaL. 22 Count Process 4 23 Abnse of Legal 24 25 35. Defendant realleges and incorporates herein by reference each of the allegations set forth above. 36. Despite knowing that infringing activity was not observed, the record companies Lybeck+Murhy w 7525 SE 24~ Stree~ Ste, 500 26 Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims. 8 andersen\anwer,cc,final Men:erlsland, WA 98040-2334 206-230-4255 Fax 206-230-7791 EXHJBITfi PAGE?? OF /5" -- 1 used the threat of expensive and intrusive litigation as a tool to coerce Ms. Andersen to pay many thousands of dollars for an obligation she did not owe. The record companies pursued their collection activities and this lawsuit for the primar purpose of threatening Ms. Andersen (and many others) as part ofits public relations campaign targeting electronic file sharing. 2 3 4 5 6 37. The record companies have falsely represented and pleaded that information 7 obtained in this invasive and secret manner is proof of Ms. Andersen's alleged downloading 8 and distribution of copyrighted audio recordings. Ms. Andersen never downloaded music but 9 has been subjected to public derision and embarrassment. 10 11 38. The record companies' conduct resulted in damages and har to Ms. Andersen and her propert in an amount to be specifically proven at triaL. 12 Count 5 13 14 15 Fraud and Negligent Misrepresentation 39. Defendant realleges and incorporates herein by reference each of the allegations 16 set forth above. 17 18 40. The record companies knowingly represented materially false information to Ms. Andersen in an attempt to extort money from her. 19 20 21 41. For example, between February and March 2005, the record companies, through their collection agent Settlement Support Center, falsely claimed that they had proof that Ms. Andersen's IPA had been "viewed" downloading and distributing over 1,000 audio :fes for which it sought to collect hundreds of thousands of dollars. This statement was materially 22 23 24 25 false. Ms. Andersen never downloaded or distributed any audio fies nor did the record companies or any of their agents ever observe any such activity associated with her personal 26 home computer. Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims - 9 andersen\answer,cc,final Lybeck+Murhy w 7525 SE 24 ~ Stree~ Ste, 500 MeicerIsland, W A 98040-2334 206-230-4255 Fax 206-230-7791 '( ~' h il"l',",I~ ~ ~"."-=;,,,.-.,~Jlpt.~,..,:.:~""""..~_" iî":/ t q.""-'f' rJ :" i ","'" ,~~-'."\~.~".'" ,"'f!" l) """nF'''- ci ()I~'Jf ." 1 42. The record companies intended that Ms. Andersen believe their false statements 2 3 and rely on their omissions so that she would be frightened and coerced into paying them thousands of dollars. 4 5 43. Ms. Andersen had no access to the information that the record companies falsely 6 7 8 claimed to have received from MediaSentry. Ms. Andersen had no way of knowing that the record companies were withholding and omitting information from her, on which they intended she rely. 44. The record companies had a duty to conduct a reasonable investigation into the 9 10 11 infonnation that it was representing as tre. The record companies breached that duty. 45. The record companies' conduct resulted in damages and harm to her health and 12 propert in an amount to be specifically proven at triaL. 13 14 15 Count 6 Outrage 46. 16 17 18 19 Defendant realleges and incorporates herein by reference each of the allegations set forth above. 47. The record companies' outrageous conduct, including threats, intimidate, and 20 21 coercion, was intended to and actually caused Ms. Andersen extreme emotional distress. 48. The record companies' conduct was without any reasonable basis and reckless 22 in that it did not investigate its claims. 23 49. Despite having never observed any downloading or distribution associated with 24 25 Ms. Andersen's personal home computer and despite refusing Ms. Andersen's offer to allow an inspection of her own computer, the record companies wrongfully continued their improper debt collection activities against her. Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims - 10 andersen\answer,cc,final 26 Lybeck+Murhy w 7525 SE 24" Stree~ Ste, 500 Mercerlsland. W A 9804~2334 206-230-4255 Fax 206-230-7791 E)(H!BIT.AJ~l~GE IOOF iS- 1 50. The record companies pursued debt collection activities for the inappropriate 2 3 purpose of ilegally threatening Ms. Andersen and many thousands of others. This tortious abuse was motivated by and was a central par of a public relations campaign targeting electronic fie sharing. 4 5 6 7 8 51. An employee of Settlement Support Center admitted to Ms. Andersen that he believed that she had not downloaded any music. He explained that Settlement Support Center and the record companies would not quit the debt collection activity against her because to do so would encourage other people to defend themselves against the record companies' claims. 9 10 11 52. The record companies were aware of Ms. Andersen's disabilties and her serious health issues. Settlement Support Center knew that its conduct would cause extreme distress in 12 13 Ms. Andersen. As a result of defendant's conduct, Ms. Andersen suffered severe physical and emotional distress and health problems. 53. 14 15 The record companies' conduct resulted in damages, including harm to Ms. 16 17 18 Andersen's health and propert in an amount to be specifically proven at triaL. Count 7 Deceptive Business Practices 19 20 21 54. Defendant realleges and incorporates herein by reference each of the allegations set forth above. 55. 22 23 Oregon's Unlawful Trade Practices Act prohibits those in trade or commerce from engaging in unfair or deceptive practices in the course of business with consumers. ORS 646.605 et seq. 56. The record companies' agent, Settlement Support Center, is a company doing 24 25 26 business in Washington which was established to engage in debt collection activities in many Defendant's Answer, Affirmative Defenses and Counterclaims - i i andersen\anwer,cc,final Lybeck+Murhy W 7525 SE 24~ Slreet Ste, 500 Mereer Island, W A 98040-2334 206-230-4255 Fax 206230-7791 C:)it41l~priì" I\ Pi,(i,E; /I en:' I!: l~u\J u ib)~ U ~.n,",¡- 8 -l"""" '"=='=--='" ~ states, including Washington and Oregon. ~ 2 3 57. Settlement Support Center acting as the record companies' agent made false and deceptive statements to Ms. Andersen in an attempt to mislead, threaten, and coerce her into paying thousands of dollars. 58. 4 5 6 Settlement Support Center acting as the record companies' agent has made 7 similar false and deceptive statements to many other residents of Washington and Oregon, and 8 across the countr. The public interest has been and continues to be directly impacted by 9 plaintiffs' deceptive practices. 10 11 59. The record companies' conduct resulted in damages and hann to Ms. Andersen and her propert in an ámount to be specifically proven at triaL. 12 Count 8 13 14 15 Oregon Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act 60. Defendant realleges and incorporates herein by reference each of the allegations 16 set forth above. 17 18 61. The Oregon Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act prohibits companies from engaging in organized racketeering or criminal activities. ORS 166;715 et seq. 62. As fully set fort above, the record companies hired MediaSentry to break into 19 20 21 private computers to spy, view fies, remove information, and copy images. The record companies received and transmitted the information and images to Settlement Support Center. As the record companies' agent, Settlement Support Center then falsely claimed that the stolen 22 23 24 25 infonnation and images showed Ms. Andersen's downloading and distributing over 1,000 audio :fes. The record companies falsely claimed that Ms. Anderson owed hundreds of 26 thousands of dollars in an attempt to coerce and extort payment from her. Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims - 12 andersen\anwer,cc,final Lybeck+Murhy W 7525 SE 24~ Stret Ste, 500 Mercerlsland, W A 98040-2334 206-230-4255 Fax 206230-7791 EXH~tI3ilr"", ",ii J ~~-Jb~",~c:=V/5 ! i r fl F' ~J:;r:: p.. ('IF ~ 63. The record companies directed its agents to unlawfully break into private 2 3 computers and engage in extreme acts of unlawful coercion, extortion,' fraud, and other criminal conduct. 4 5 64. The record companies and their agents stood to financially benefit from these 6 7 8 deceptive and unlawful acts. Proceeds from these activities are used to fund the operation of the record companies' continued public threat campaigns. 65. These unlawful activities were not isolated. The record companies have 9 10 11 repeated these unlawful and deceptive actions with many other victims throughout the United States. 66. The record companies' conduct resulted in damages, including hann to Ms. 12 Andersen's health and propert in an amount to be specifically proven at triaL. 13 14 15 v. WHREFORE, the plaintiff PRAYER FOR RELIEF prays for: 16 17 18 a. Dismissal ofthe plaintiffs' claims with prejudice; b. An order that plaintiffs shall take no relief from their complaint herein; c. All direct and consequential damages; 19 20 21 d. Declaratory and Injunctive relief; e. Statutory and punitive damages awardable under ORS 646.605 et seq and ORS 22 23 166.715 et seq; f. Attorneys' fees and costs awardable under ORS 646.605 et seq., ORS 166.715 et 24 25 seq.,17 U.S.C. § 505; 26 Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims - 13 andersen\,final Lybeck+Murhy w 7525 SE 24~ Stree~ Ste, 500 Mereer Island, W A 98040-2334 206-230-4255 Fax 206-230.7791 ¡.:"""'H""'i''~.~J!d.t',~t~=~~~",jJ! __._ '; :A ;¡w~ ''''' It q "..:' 13 tV;; /5" 1 g. For post-judgment interest on the entire judgment until paid in full; and h. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and equitable. 2 3 4 5 DEMA FOR JUY TRIAL 6 7 8 Respectflly submitted this 30th day of September, 2005. Lybeck Murphy, LLP By: Isl Lory R. Lybeck Lory R. Lybeck (OSB #83276) Attorneys for plaintiffs 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims - 14 andersen\awer,cc,finaI Lybeck+Mtuhy W 7525 SE 24~ Stre~ Ste, 500 Mercer Island, W A 98040-2334 206-230-4255 Fax 206.230.7791 ¡ c- F.xH !Brf llJ:) i\ì(3El:iJJi"~',"!:: IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON 2 AFFIDA ViT OF SERVICE 3 State of Washington King 4 County of ) ) ss, ) 5 6 7 8 I hereby certifY and declare that on the 30th day of September, 2005, I electronically fied the foregoing Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims with the Clerk of the Court using the CMlCF system, which wil send notification of such filing to the following: 9 10 11 Atty/Plaintiffs: Kenneth R. Davis, II Wiliam T. Patton Lane Powell PC 601 SW Second Avenue, Suite 2100 Portland, OR 97204 503-778-2 i OOlphone 12 13 503-778-2200/fax Email: /Powell 14 15 All paries are registered as CM/ECF paricipants for electronic notification. DATED at Mercer Island, Washington, this 30th day of 16 September, 2005. 17 18 19 Isl Lory R. Lybeck Lory R. Lybeck (OSB #83276) Attorneys for defendant Lybeck Murphy, LLP 7525 SE 24th Street, Ste. 500 Mercer Island, W A 98040 20 21 (206) 230-4255 Iphone (206) 230-7791 Ifax lr l(!lybeckmui:hy .com 22 23 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 30th day of September, 2005. --sl R. L. Jardine 24 25 Print Name: R, L. Jardine Nota Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Monroe. My commission expires: 5130/07 26 Defendant's Answer, Affrmative Defenses and Counterclaims - 15 andersenlanwer, Lybeck+Murhy w 7525 SE 24" Stret, Ste, 500 Mercer Island, WA 9804-2334 l:J"HlBi ¡ __s r~":ÆLL~_;...¿i~ .~"- .";"',¡'..,. ....... ,. '........'f. 5" 'f"""' ' f' . L, J I: .-J i. ". --- ,'",~ ,,= A - /~ 206-230-255 Fax 206.230.7791

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