Filing 36


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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPE LINE COMPANY, LLC 2800 POST OAK BOULEYARD HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1396, Plaintiff, CIVIL ACTION - LAW v. Docket No. 5: 17-CV -00722 PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR 0.94 ACRES AND TEMPORARY EASEMENTS FOR 1.61 ACRES IN CONESTOGA TOWNSHIP, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, TAX PARCEL NUMBER 1203589400000, SICKMAN MILL ROAD BLAIR B. MOHN AND MEGAN E. MOHN 356 SAND HILL ROAD CONESTOGA, PA 17516 AND ALL UNKNOWN OWNERS Defendants. PJAND NOW, ORDER thi~ day of August, 2017, upon consideration of Plaintiffs Omnibus Motion for Preliminary Injunction for Possession of Rights of Way by August 18, 2017 Pursuant to the Natural Gas Act and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 71. l and 65, and the accompanying documents, Defendants' opposition thereto, Plaintiffs Reply, and after a hearing and oral argument being held, it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion is GRANTED. It is further ORDERED as follows: (1) Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC ("Transco") has the substantive right to condemn the following easements and rights of way (collectively referred to as the "Rights of Way"): a. b. A permanent right of way and easement of 0.94 acres, as described as "Area of Proposed CPLS R/W" in Exhibit A attached hereto, for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, altering, repairing, changing but not increasing the size of, replacing and removing a pipeline and all related equipment and appurtenances thereto (including but not limited to meters, fittings, tie-overs, valves, cathodic protection equipment, and launchers and receivers) for the transportation of natural gas, or its byproducts, and other substances as approved by the Order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission dated February 3, 2017, Docket No. CP15-138-000, 158 FERC if 61,125 (2017), together with the right to construct, maintain, operate, repair, alter, replace and remove cathodic protection equipment and the necessary appurtenances thereto, such as but not limited to poles, guy wires, anchors, rectifiers, power lines, cables, deep well anode and anode ground beds under, upon, and over the permanent right of way and easement, and conducting all other activities as approved by the Order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission dated February 3, 2017, Docket No. CP15-138-000, 158 FERC if 61,125 (2017); together with all rights and benefits necessary or convenient for the full enjoyment or use of the right of way and easement. Further, the landowner shall not build any permanent structures on said permanent right of way or any part thereof, will not change the grade of said permanent right of way, or any part thereof, will not plant trees on said permanent right of way, or any part thereof, or use said permanent right of way or any part thereof for a road, or use said permanent right of way or any part thereof in such a way as to interfere with Transco's immediate and unimpeded access to said permanent right of way, or otherwise interfere with Transco' s lawful exercise of any of the rights herein granted without first having obtained Transco's approval in writing; and the landowner will not permit others to do any of said acts without first having obtained Transco's approval in writing. Transco shall have the right from time to time at no additional cost to landowners to cut and remove all trees including trees considered as a growing crop, all undergrowth and any other obstructions that may injure, endanger or interfere with the construction and use of said pipeline and all related equipment and appurtenances thereto; and Temporary easements of 1.61 acres, as described as "Area of Proposed Temporary Work Space #1" and "Area of Proposed Temporary Work Space #2" in Exhibit A attached hereto, for use during the pipeline construction and restoration period only for the purpose of ingress, egress and regress and to enter upon, clear off and use for construction and all -2- other activities approved by the Order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission dated February 3, 2017, Docket No. CP15-138-000, 158 FERC ~ 61,125 (2017). (2) Upon filing the bond required below, beginning August 18, 2017, Transco is granted access to, possession of and entry to the Rights of Way for all purposes allowed under the Order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission dated February 3, 2017, Docket No. CP15-138-000, 158 FERC ~ 61,125 (2017); (3) In the event of a violation of this Order by Defendants, such as interference with Transco' s possession of the Rights of Way by Defendants or by third parties who are authorized by Defendants to be on the Property, the U.S. Marshal Service, or a law enforcement agency it designates, shall be authorized to investigate and to arrest, confine in prison and/or bring before the Court any persons found to be in violation of this Order and in contempt ofthis Order, pending his/her compliance with the Court's Order. (4) Transco shall post a bond in the amount of $62,340.00 as security for the payment of just compensation to Defendants. (5) Transco shall record this Order in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds for Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. BY THE COURT -3- EXHIBIT A 799297.1 06/2S/2017 ~~. j< SIF I lI HlllTi1000 I.LC 12032JC600000 PA-ll.-137-6.000 FROl'OSE!i 42 • CEllTRAL l'Elil l UIE SOUTH ""' AREA OF PR~~ACE #I iEM'IJRARY '""" ~ AAtA OF PRIJPOSEO Cl'LS R/11 AREA OF i'RIJP(JSEO TEWGRARY 'llORll / A C E #2 ---------~ ER!C L l..AIIDlS 120~2mooooo l'A-lA-135-B.100 ____.11: NOTES: \ t:--- ----- 1. SEARINGS SHO\l'N ARE BASE!l 1lll THE P£NliSYL\fAN1A STATE PURE COORlllNATE S'ISTEM. lYIIDA UKE 120247&100000 PA-lA-13Hl.OOO i !0083• SOlJTII ZONE, US fOlJT. 2, UNGif! Of l'!PEUNE FOil PROl'OSEO RlGHT OF fAY • • 3059.65 FEET AREA Of Pl!troSEQ CFLS Rnl • . • • • • • • • • • • AREA Of PllOPOS£!l TE!ilPllllARY '!ICRit Sl'ACE , • • • • • AREA OF PROPUS£0 IDIPGRARY Atl:ESS ROAD • • • • • ?RO!'ERTY LINE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • PO!Ni OF lNTERSECTION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ SUBJECT I!!ACI K.T.S, 3.51 ACRES ~ 5.90 ACRES C:Z::Z:::;ll Q.35 ACRE i::=:=:::i - t- --<>-- 3. ROADS W.\l'.lieoo. ~I. IMS Plft U!E l'D!tfl!Y Li.C l'Ri.1l'l&D 42° ffllli LR SIJ'!ll, MIA if' mllSm llIOO' llf av. IF fmlllSm ~ m SPAIE MD m Of ~ l'iU'!lSED '!m'IJIMV Aal$ m CIEll$ 11£ PllffJi1Y or uu111,•---.n JllSiDi L Cffta.W. SllSll l CAWUl.10 rl'ffhflillBms ~ iUllSllP. UlmTm cmm, ~ 15"-"'IC<m1£ W£ HAVE NOT OETERIJ!NElJ THE FEE OllllERSIHP OF THE ROADS Sl!Ollff, AIID FOR illE PURP!lSES fE THIS EXHIBIT HAVE ASSW£l) il!AT A!)JOlN!NG UNOO\tiE!IS RET.l.fH AN INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY Slllh!ECT TO TIIE RIGHT Of llAY OF All ROA!JS SHOllM OTHER THAN INTERSTATE IHGHli'AYS. THE INFORlilllT!Olf SIID1N ON TllIS llRAl'l!NG IS FROM ASSl:SSO!l'S MAPS AW fOO TllE SOLE !'URf'OSE OF CRE411116 A RIGHT Of !IA: ACOOlSITiOO EXlllBlT AND REPRESENTS COl«IITI!JNS AS TllEY EXIST ~T IllE OOl.lffTY Cl.Elll S RECORDS OFFICE. PROl'ERTY BOU!IDAR1£S SllOl!N ARf BASED ml COIJNTY ASSESSOR'S llAl'S m f1El.!) SURVEYS l'ERfORE BY ffiAMSCONTJIDTAl GAS PIPE UllE COMPANY llC ml ADJACOO TRACTS. Nil CIVIL SUR\lt.Y OF THE EASa!EWT AAEA HAS BEEN f>ERfOOtEIJ. ll!E ACREAGES Slllml ARE APl'ROXIl.IATE. w l!O. o t !Som;~ 05/13116 BB ISSlEl FCR R ll lf 11130/16 Kl! REISSIE> rm'11:o:w. tl.l'lr "' w.o.m. <m m. _,,,, MA l1'151ll SG!i 11,lij !161500 tlJV 11111 "'V ~"'..... -.-m· WH V\!J: 1161503 cemw. llJi15' STATE OF fElllSll.¥MIA 01/IJ9/lS l;al!!l!G<lliil: _, 05113116 llAE: ISSUlllRJR~ (Sl':liE • · .RMI... N.T.S. 1 Cl5/f3/l6 =ZM600-70-Yl-Mld.A-15Hl...OOO OH.<·"*-""-""'"""' ;,~,_,,,,.,.,:;;:-;"'..,:_._,,_,.,,.,,._~~...u..._..... 11 LYNOA UKE 1202476100000 PA-1.;Hll-tl.000 I """ "" AREA OF PROPOSED CPLS R/I AR£A llF PR\lPOSE!l iHll'Of!Al!Y D!iC SPACE #1 ~ JUSTIN T I. f!ftlElLQ • PA-U,-155-tl.OOO 1. !!EARING$ Sl!o\'ltl ME BASED ON THE PENllSYLVAIHA STATE Pl.A!!E coaRllINATE SYSTEM. !0083. SO!.ITH ZONE. U5 FOOT. t::J;j/ l~ 2. LENG1l! OF Plf'tlrNE. FOR PROPOSED RIGHT OF llAY •• 3053.65 FEET AREA OF PROPOSED CPLS R/1f • • • • • • • • • • • • AREA OF PROPOSED TEMPmARY llOll.K SPACE • • • • • • AREA OF PR!Jl'OSED ID.WllRARY ACCf.SS ROAD • • • • • PROPERTY llNE • • , • • • • • • PllIITT Of l!flERSECTl!JM • • • • • • • • • • • • WM CftIW 1W497090000D J.5t ACR£5 ~ 5. 90 ACRES i>.3!> AC!ll i::::;=::i i::z::z:::J -t--0-- !J-(r/I, PENl!SYLV~IUA DATE: llct:NSE HO. SU0753M ClilU S H. RtlaERTS HAYES, JAtES & ASSOCIATES. INC. IM Ba t.~wmoo. TRANSCIJMTU!OOAL GAS PIPE l!NE CIH'ANY lLC Cfi ADJACENT TRACTS. tro C!VIL SURVEY Of TiiE EASEl.IENT AREA HAS SEEN PERRmlEJ. T!IE ACREAGES S1WIN AllE APPROXll!A.TE. 200 30() j bi ~Al. ~TITffi ca5 PD'E Ul£ al!i'MY UC LllE Sll!ftl. IE IF !'Ulm lllOO lll' W.'1', IE !lf Pll!lPOSa> ~ Qll SPMl 8 Alla OF i'lilr'&D ~ mss a ciwm ill l'lmlm' If W'.' JUSTIN L t#IPID.l.D All sum Atlftlla.l.O w~ ~ 'ltl'Elm'· IJ!ICmElt aurrr. ~ 42• CBITlltil.. F9ll WE HAVE NITT OETERM!NED THE FEE OMRSllll' OF THE ROADS S!llJlfl, AND FOR THE PURPOSES Of THIS EXHIBIT HAVE ASSUllE!l THAT AIJJOINJNG LAHDCMlERS RETAIN AN INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE RIG!ll Of llAY llf ALL ROADS SllO'I! OTHER TllAN INTERSTATE IHGHl?AYS. AS THEY EX!ST llT THE COONTY CLERK'S RECll!OS OFFICE. l'R!ll'ElITT BCJIJM>.IJHES SHOWN ARE BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSOR'S tilAl'S OR f!ElD SURVEYS l'El!fa<!EB BY 100 Ill M SCA!.£ IN FEIT 4145 SHACKLEFORD ROAD, SUITE 30!! NORCROSS, GA 30093 3. OOADS THE IHfO!UIATION SHOWN ti! THIS llRA!i!llG IS FRmt ASSEssars MAI'S AND FOR TllE SO!..E PUR!'OSE Of CREATING ~ R!GllT Of WAY ACQUISITION EXHIBIT AIID REPRESENTS CUlUlIT!ONS 0 llO. o 'JI.TE et -~ 05/1311& BB iSSUED fOR It.Cl... . 1 11/00116 KB REISstlED FOR R.a.w. ~1.c1;o ····-· STA1E Cf ffllllSllYAliA MA f.IJV . MJ1I lo:."' 071D'!l/15 r""'' 051131!6 C:.'1: 05/l3/16 s:A1£t"' "'100' -1 24r1600-70-Tf-MHA-!35-!l.l)OO d!.11\!:" ~ VI JUSTIN l CAfPWJ.Q AND $USM CArf IE!.l!J 1204970SOOOOO PA-LA-135-i!. 000 @illL 1. &ARIHGS Slrofil ARE BASED ON IB£ PENl!SYL'IAN!A STATE PLAUE COORDINAlE SYSTEU. !00!13. St:lUill 10!IE, US filOf. 2. LENGill OF PlPElllt'! FOR PROPOSED RIGHT tl" WAY • • 3059.65 m:r AllEA OF PRa'OSED CPi..S R/\'I • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 .51 ACRES AREA OF PRIJPOSED TEJl'OiWlY YIORI\ SPACE • • • • • • S. 90 ACRES AREA OF PRIJ'OSlill ru.PORARY ACCESS RllAI> • • • • • 0.35 ACRE PROPERTY LINE • • • • • • • POINT OF INlERSECTJOll , , • • • , • • • , • , ~ c:z::z::::i c·-·-·:i D --=-i-=- i DRA!l\'ISIID. m: a~ERSHIJ> or THE RON.IS SH~. t&UJ 300 a ~Al US PIPE Lil£ Clll'Mf I.LC PiUtl9 42• coou.. PSI lll!E SOOlll. &A. l'Ull$Ell llai llf I\\'. ND IF Pllfi'l'JB TBflilAlf m SPAil All AID OF ~ l'Ueim mRUrt mss m amsnm • ~ • Mn11•_..--,,, Mill L Clli'ml.O All SID ACJWIB.l.O 1W'l1illl11JS ~ llllml!P. IJlCASml cmnT. ~ STAlE If ff!llS'ILYMIIA I llEmE<CEm!E t.ND FOR THE PURPOSES Of' 11115 EXHIBIT HAVE ASSU!EO THAT AllJOIN!NG LANDOINERS flETAHi AN INTEREST IN THE PR!FERTY SUBJECT TO TliE RIGHT OF WAY OF All ROADS SH!MI Qi!IER TI!AN IITTERSTATE lUG!!l!A'!'S. THE 1Nfm!AHO!l SHOYlN Oil IBIS DRA!l!HG IS FROM ASSESSllR' S MAI'S ANO FOO TIIE SOLE PUlll'OSE CF Cll:EATlNG A RIGHT OF 'llAY ACQUISITION EXllIBJT ANO REPRESENTS COKll!TlO!IS AS MY EXIST AT 111E COONTY CLERK'S REtoRIJS OFFtCE. PROPERTY BWHDAAJES SHCMI ARE BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSOR'S IMPS CIR FIELD SURVEYS PERfffillED BY TRA!tSCOlUINENTi\l G>S PIPE LINE Ct).ISM!Y UC ON ADJACENT TRACTS. NO ClVl'l SURVEY Of THE EASE!EllT AREA HAS BEa1 PERflJIUED. THE ACREAGES SROW!i ARE APPROXIMATE. -SCALE IN fEEf --0- 3. RDAOS YlE HAVE llOT DHERM!llE!l THE 200 100 :mca a a m l !E\1""'~ 05113/16 Ill! !5SllEI> FM ~.0.11. I lt/30/16 Kii REISSUED FOR !! ic. o CATI! !< WAllll 0t< ""· m•Willi!l: W. DA.'E: 1615al SGl W!1 161503 l\JV 1111 WV , tlAlEl <lEQ$lre 01/-09115 lSWl!l>oRSI> 05113116 """"""'- I"""" tn =100' llEI-: 1 -111': MJH """" 05113116 =2H600-1fi-7H/l'A-LJ:-135-ll.OOO r.n: 1161503 1ru-1JH.O>U.ll>'llll ~lffi J ~~~.,,.~~~~...,..,,,:{..,, 4 / ./ / , Y/ /_///, j ,i " ''< -v .///. fj ~~ r </'//.///"...••'///! / /-,/~ ///;//, .- / ,,/"' /~/ ,,.,/ J./ ,,,/" ,/'//,,.,./.ff/./'{\ . . ARE/DF Mllf'iist.D .· /"1 ,."' i \ ,/ .r~o~AA! ~ SP,ACE ~.'./) \ 7 / / /' / / / / // / I \ / / / l"i"F///r/~··x,,.• / / / / / / . /. / , . //l \ ./ / / ti·--'-'(_.;--: •• ;.i...'-·-·'-"'-·"""-·-'·-·-'·..:...t._-~ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ NOTES: NA!JB3. SOOT!! ZIJE. US FOOT. PROPERTY LINE • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • POINT Of !!ITEllSECTJON • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~~~ ,At: ~ ~ \~ j 1 ~ /-f'- ~ BrF Iii llotnroO!l LlC 1201230600000 PA-1.A-1354!. 000 FEET - / ACRES ~ ACilES c:;i::z::!! ACRE c::::=::i () 200 100 300 L-.:Jlll! llll ml 11111 -lf..- SCALE IN Fm" -<>!Rl,\'l.\\lli~ 3. ROADS ~tr" ~D&TAI. W Pl.PE LE CllPltY llC PfUlilB 42• ~ flml lM &fl!. Ila If PIQ!usm IUCli at WAY. NIA flf i'IU05ED mN!dY DlC $PA(t Ml) ID at ...-"3 ~~.ACCESS lllll UllJSSllG 1llE fll'mTY flf Wl,ltf~ .lllSTlll l &:#FllWJI MO SllSM A WflB.lll Wiii-.,_ ~ '1111S111P. l.Alll:AmR lmf!'f. ~ $TA1E IF ffll!Sll¥MllA \IE HAVE NOT OETERYINED TilE FEE 01114ERSll!P OF THE OOAOS s~. AND FOR THE PURPOSES Of THIS EXIHB!T HAVE ASSUl.IED THAT MlJOll!IHG L~ RETAlN At! ll!TEREST rn TIIE PRCffllTY Sl.lllJECT Ta TIIE RCGlff CF llAY OF ill ROAl)S Slll'l!N OTHER TllJdl OOERSTATE HlGf!llAYS. THE ll'IFORMATIOfl SHlltlN at THIS ORAWll!G rs flllJl.t ASSESSOR'S MAPS AND FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CRE.ATUIG A RTGllT Of 'llAY ACal!iSITION £XlffBIT AND REPRESENTS CONDH!OllS AS THEY ElUST AT THE COJ!IHY tl.£RR 'S RECOIIDS llff"ICE. PROf'ERTY 80llt©.llUES SHOWN ARE BASED ON Cil\JNTY ASSESSOR'S IMPS OR HELO SURVEYS PERFCRllE!l BY TRAMSCONTJ.HENTAL GAS PIPE llliE CO!if'ANV LlC ON ADJAOOIT TRACTS. HO CIVIL SUl!\IEY Of THE £AsaEllT AREA HAS BEEN PE!lfomi£[). THE ~ S!IDl!M ARE Al'PROXIl<IATE. · t~.~~ ~ /::'·..... .t / • 1; ,.~ \ \ \. t. BEARINGS S!IOW ARE BASS! ON THE PENNSYlVNl!A STATE PLANE COORD. lNAiE SYS.TEI. 2. lalGT!I OF PIPELINE FOii PROl'USED RIGHT OF flAY • • 305S.!i5 AREA OF PROPOSED Cl'LS R/W • • • • • • • • • , • • AREA OF PllOl'OSED Tm'mARY WIJRK SPACE • • • ' • • s. so AREA Of PRl.ll'OS£0 TEWtRARY ACCESS !!BAO • • • • • 0.35 \ \ • \ \ ~ ~ ~ 1204970900000 PA-lA-t35-fl,OOO 253 L.f. OF 50' PROf'OSE!} Ta!PORARY ACCESS ROM) #AHA-012 .1 ;G t /!' I / J!• L cAPPwn 1w SI.ISM! ,em.lo xb_ . ,// / / / " ,/' ,/ / I .• ""1.i;;i ""· ME o 05113/16 l 11r -~ ISSUE!) FOil R.o.1r. 11/$0/16 KB REIS!iUE!J R1R R.Q.f. Bil m503 SG1 Wll 161 WV 11.111 MA .. fil!V Cll!M!l1'1 Ol/09/l!i / I ""e 05 13 16 -•eWH 1lAle l>llE: l" "'tOO' 1 R..'lll!IO~ wu; ISSUE!Ra!llk . JS3!E>r<>"'"'""""""' 05/13/16 SEE! Illllln'l'- -.~+ ~ r:tu..t.;n,Jor.lfi!'~1i;..,,..""1--~~-~n'(l.tro.. • 4 ·

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