Filing 41


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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPE LINE COMPANY, LLC 2800 POST OAK BOULEY ARD HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1396, CIVIL ACTION - LAW Plaintiff, v. Docket No. 5: 17-CV -00723 PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR 2.02 ACRES AND TEMPORARY EASEMENTS FOR 2.76 ACRES IN MANOR TOWNSHIP, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, TAX PARCEL NUMBER 4100300500000, 3049 SAFE HARBOR ROAD, MANOR TOWNSHIP, LANCASTER, PA 17551 STEPHEN D. HOFFMAN 3049 SAFE HARBOR ROAD MILLERSVILLE, PA 17551 AND ALL UNKNOWN OWNERS Defendants. ORDER AND NOW, thi~ay of August, 2017, upon consideration of Plaintiffs Omnibus Motion for Preliminary Injunction for Possession of Rights of Way by August 18, 2017 Pursuant to the Natural Gas Act and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 71.1and65, and the accompanying documents, Defendant's opposition thereto, Plaintiffs Reply, and after a hearing and oral argument being held, it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion is GRANTED. It is further ORDERED as follows: (1) Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC ("Transco") has the substantive right to condemn the following easements and rights of way (collectively referred to as the "Rights of Way"): a. b. A permanent right of way and easement of 2.02 acres, as described as "Area of Proposed CPLS R/W" in Exhibit A attached hereto, for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, altering, repairing, changing but not increasing the size of, replacing and removing a pipeline and all related equipment and appurtenances thereto (including but not limited to meters, fittings, tie-overs, valves, cathodic protection equipment, and launchers and receivers) for the transportation of natural gas, or its byproducts, and other substances as approved by the Order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission dated February 3, 2017, Docket No. CP15-138-000, 158 FERC ii 61,125 (2017), together with a right of way and easement to, construct, maintain, operate, repair, alter, replace and remove cathodic protection equipment and the necessary appurtenances thereto, such as but not limited to poles, guy wires, anchors, rectifiers, power lines, cables, deep well anode and anode ground beds under, upon, and over the permanent access easement, and conducting all other activities as approved by the Order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission dated February 3, 2017, Docket No. CP15-138-000, 158 FERC ii 61,125 (2017); together with all rights and benefits necessary or convenient for the full enjoyment or use of the right of way and easement. Further, the landowner shall not build any permanent structures on said permanent right of way or any part thereof, will not change the grade of said permanent right of way, or any part thereof, will not plant trees on said permanent right of way, or any part thereof, or use said permanent right of way or any part thereof for a road, or use said permanent right of way or any part thereof in such a way as to interfere with Transco' s immediate and unimpeded access to said permanent right of way, or otherwise interfere with Transco' s lawful exercise of any of the rights herein granted without first having obtained Transco's approval in writing; and the landowner will not permit others to do any of said acts without first having obtained Transco's approval in writing. Transco shall have the right from time to time at no additional cost to landowners to cut and remove all trees including trees considered as a growing crop, all undergrowth and any other obstructions that may injure, endanger or interfere with the construction and use of said pipeline and all related equipment and appurtenances thereto; and Temporary easements of 2.76 acres, as described as "Area of Proposed Temporary Work Space #1" and "Area of Proposed Temporary Work Space #2" in Exhibit A attached hereto, for use during the pipeline construction and restoration period only for the purpose of ingress, egress and regress and to enter upon, clear off and use for construction and all -2- other activities approved by the Order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission dated February 3, 2017, Docket No. CP15-138-000, 158 FERC ~ 61,125 (2017). (2) Upon filing the bond required below, beginning August 18, 2017, Transco is granted access to, possession of and entry to the Rights of Way for all purposes allowed under the Order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission dated February 3, 2017, Docket No. CP15-138-000, 158 FERC ~ 61,125 (2017); (3) In the event of a violation of this Order by Defendants, such as interference with Transco's possession of the Rights of Way by Defendants or by third parties who are authorized by Defendants to be on the Property, the U.S. Marshal Service, or a law enforcement agency it designates, shall be authorized to investigate and to arrest, confine in prison and/or bring before the Court any persons found to be in violation of this Order and in contempt of this Order, pending his/her compliance with the Court's Order. (4) Transco shall post a bond in the amount of $41,910.00 as security for the payment of just compensation to Defendants. (5) Transco shall record this Order in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds for Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. BY THE COURT -3- EXHIBIT A 799297.1 06/28/2017 // ~~ J ;· L_t !HF lH HllLTlO!lD UC 12@23QWOOOO PA-LA-131-ti .. OOO ~I~ ~v: ~~~Jl~r!~ooAD,.,lJt~£t f h ... #AlH..A-012. 1 ,,,. UM FflOl'OSfO,, CEllTRAL !'£...,.. LDIE SOIJTH ~ AREA OF PR=EllSl'ACE #l TE!ifORAR'f AREA OF PROPOSED Cl'LS R/11 i"' AP.EA Of l'RO?llSEO TEll!'ORARY Oil SPACE #2 /lt.~'I; / NOTES: \ ERIC L LANDlS ___.._ _---- 121lG293300000 PA-LA-f3H.100 t. llEARlNGS SH0\1i'N ARE BASED Oii Tl!E PENllSYL\!AlllA STATE l'lA!tE COllRlHNATE SYSIDI, i LYN!iA LIKE 1202476100000 PA-U-133-£.000 Nil.083, SO!lTll ZONE, US FOOT. 2. LENGTH OF PIPEU!iE FOR PROPllSED RJGITT OF WAY • • 3059.65 FEET ~ AREA OF Pllll'OSE!J Cl'LS l!/ll • . . . . . . . . . . . , 3,51 ACRES l'00hi!iiii.Jd AREA Of Pl\'!l!'OSED TEllPG!WIY iltil'l Sl'ACE ' AREA OF Fl!!l'OSEI> IDdPORARY ACCESS ROAD PROPERTY LINE • • • • • • • • • • • • Pllltii OF INTERSECTI!l!I • • • • • , • , • • • • • • • • • • , , • • • • • • • • • 5. 90 ACRES 0.35 ACRE SUBJECT l]Af:I N.T.S. c:z::z::il i:::::=::J -t--o-- 3. ROADS iEFL~lr.Enn.E W..l\"t~llO. AS Tll£Y EXlST AT THE CtllllHY Cl.Ellll'S RECORDS OfflCE. PROl'ERTY BOU!IDAJUES SllO'l!l ME BASED Gl! COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAPS CR fIEI.!) SURVEYS PERFORJ.El l!Y TllAllStl'JNTJN.rnfAl GAS ftPE UNE COMPANY L!.C Oii A!)JAtE!IT TRACTS. t!O CIVIL SURVEY OF THE f.ASEIAEffT AllU BAS BEEN PERfOO!IE!l. lllE ACREAGES SHOWN ARE A!'l'ROltIIAATE. smm. m: mm ~ ~ ~ lllWl C!USUl$ lllE PIBmV IF uu,~11• JUmll l Cl.Wm.LO 1111 S11SA11 ACM'PiEWI ~ lll!El!P, IJllCASD cum, PElllllSYL¥1m fflGHllAYS. THE INFORMATIOfl SHl.ll!N ON Tl!!S llllA'll!NG JS FROM ASSESSOR'S t.w'S AND FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE Of CREATING A RiGHT Uf WAY ActlUISIT!(ll EXttll3tT ANO REJ>RESEllTS COlalH!ONS TiillSlmllfmiL GAS Pl'E UllE t:OWMY U.C f'Blll 1.111: MEA 1111m If BY. W. IF l'Ullsm mn1MY IDl WAl:E MO RA tit ~ 42• mml4. 1£ HAVE troI DETEf™JNED TIIE FEE Ol!NERSHIP OF rnf.. ROADS SllOl!N, AliO FOR TIIE PURPOSES rE TllIS EXIHB!T HAVE ASSU!dED THAT AOJOJN!NG lANDO\l'llERS RETAIN AN INTEREST IN TllE Ffl(FffifY SUBJEeT TD Ti!E RIG!!f or WAY OF AtL ROADS SHO\fN OTllER THAN lNTERSTAiE liOc o o.\1E 111 nl1f11 ~ 15,i1;.msc'iPmll 05113116 Ill !sruED FOR R.Q.I!. 1 11/J0/'!6 l\ll !lEISS!E) FIR R.O.lf. l!!llS<ll \ '-MA-U-135-il.llOO LYNDA LIKE 12024761(l0000 l'A-U-133-fl.OOO ~ AREA OF PROPIJSEn CPLS R/f A!lU OF l'll''Jl'OSED TEMl'l.IRAR'f OK SPACE #1 l':!!lllli. JIJSUM l C&Pf tW.Q Mm SUSAN CftUl I g_ T 121l4!170900000 l'A-U.-135--ll.@ 1. l.lfARINGS Sl!DWll ARE BASE!l ON THE PEll!IS'!'lVAN!A STATE PlAllE COORIHNATE SYSTEM. tfA!l83, SOllTH ZONE. 115 FOOT. ~-Jj_ l~ . . _ _ __},)_1"/i 2. !.BIGll! OF PIPELINE FOR FROP£lSED RIGl!T Of WAY • • 3059.65 FEET AliEA Of l'llllPOSED CPLS R/lf • • . • , • • • • • • • 3 ,5 f ACRfS ~~:am AllfA OF PROPOSED TEMPIJRARY 1IDR!t; SPACE • • • AliE/I. Of PROl'OSEO TEMPllRAR'f ACCESS ROAD • • PROPERTY llNE • • • • , POHfl OF lNTERSECTlOil • • • • • • • • • • • 5.!IO ACRES 1).35 ACRE c:z::z:~ • • • • c·-·-·:1 _:::-i-::..:_ --0- l'EHNS\'l\IAIUA LICENSE NO. S0075384 CHRIS ROBERTS HAYES, JAMES & ASSOCIATES• INC. 4145 SHACKLEfllRll ROAD, SUITE 300 NORCROSS, GA 300!13 a. 3. RtlAflS c.c;;.~Ull ~111\li VIE HAVE N!lf OETERlllNED THE FEE OllWERSl!lF Of THE ROAOS SlllJM<, AND fC!R THE PURPOSES Of TIHS EXHIBIT HAVE ASSUllED Tl!AI ADJ01NHIG lNl~ RETAIN AN INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF WAY Of All RllAIJS SHO\tl OTHER TH.AN INTERSTATE 0 rw·---m 100 B \Ii d 200 300 M d SCAU IN m:T ~Al GAS PIPE lmE mlflfi UC: f'lmFiD 42' amt a UI£ Sllllm. &A• mm rum § Vf, AID !f liQOSaJ 18RIWlf 1!11 :SPMl: a AID or ~ - ClillSSUiG llf: ffiftllY If wllilllmS IU.'fll"~" JllS1'lll L UWWJ.D A11i1 SU A CAfl>IW ~~ IHGllWAYS. THE IH!'ORllATIO!i SHOIN ON lli!S DRAlllf!G IS Fllllil ASSESSm'S MAPS ANO fOR THE SOLE Plllll'OSE OF CREAT!NG A RIG!IT Of lUY ACQUISITfDN mrsrr Mm REPRESEliTS CllMllrTIO!IS AS MY EXIST AT THE COUNTY CLER~ 'S RECOODS OFFICE. PROPEHTV 61llM>ARiES SHOWN ARE BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSOR'S I.W'S Oil FIELD SURVEYS l'WGltlED !IY TRANSC1Jlff!l400AL GAS Pl Pf: LINE COllPANY UC ON ADJACENT TRACTS. 110 C!VIL SURVEY Of THE EASEMENT AREA llAS SffN P£11flJMD. T!IE ACREAGES SHmiN AR£ APl'R[ll{llL\TE. DATE: ~ TaSllP· STliiE II>.! ~'lt !!!fl "2[-~ 0105/13!16 l!!il IISSllEll f!llt R.G.ll· 1 11/W16 Kil RUSS!lm F1lR R.11. \f, w, l11A1i: 07109/15 aum't ~ 4Z • CEtffl!AL PENN l !NE Slll.liH l'Ra'OS8) N ._ ti Vi ~ w :St/,//~ i ..,.J ~-,./~/--~-1~//] ~ ~ ~ ~· -"---'----.J-~----'·-'·-'·-·-·-·-·-·--·-·"-· ...·•·J.-------·---·-'-·-·-·--·"'"1r / , / / .-- " / / / / " ,- ,, / ,,,- / ? ,. / ./ .. . JUSTIN l CM'P!El.l.Q RID SUSM !iAfPlELU! 1Z-04970900000 PA--LA-135-t!. 000 l:i01.E.SL t. SE.AIU~S Sil~ ARE !IASE!) ON 'iHE PENllSYL\IANIA STATE PLANE COOR!H!IATE SYSTEll• t1Ml83. SOOTII Zll!IE, US FOOT. 2. LOOlll OF Pl!'alNE FOR PROPOSED RIGHT Of 'llAY • - 3059.65 AREA ClF PIUUStD CPlS R/'11 • • • , • • • • • • • • 3 .51 AREA Of PIU'OSED IDf'OlWl'( WORK SPACf: • • • • • • 5.90 AREA OF PIU'OSEll TEWORMlY ACCESS ROAD • • • • • 0.35 PROPERTY UNE , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • POINT Of !NiERSECTIOH • • • • • • • • , , • • • • FEET ACRES ACRES ACRE I ~ cz:z::;i c:·-·-·:l {) 100 llllllll!li!l!l!llllllU -=-i-=- 3. ROA!lS WA .. ~= Oll.l>!!ISIID llE HAVE !!OT OETERMINE!l THE FEE Olfi:ERSH!P Of THE ROADS SHOV!N. AND Fem THE PURPOSES Of THIS OHIBH HAVE ASSl¥D THAT ADJOINING lAN!!O!!NERS RETAIN All lllTEREST IN Tl!E PROFERTY SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT !lF llAY OF AU. ROADS SHOW OTHER THAN INTERSTATE fHGllWAYS. AS TllEY EXIST AT THE COUNTY ClER!('S RECOllllS {Ji'FiCE. PROPERTY Bllll!DARJES SH!M! ARE. BASE!! Oii CWNTY ASSESSDll'S MAPS OR fIELD SURVEYS PERFCRMED BY TMNSCOllT!NENTAL GAS PIPE LINE. C!U'A!IY LLC ON AOJACDff TRACTS· ND crvn. SURVEY Of THE EASEMENT AREA llAS BE!!l PERFIJIUED. THE ACREAGES SHGll'H AAE APPR!IXJMATE. 4 300 SC/\l..E IN FEET ---0-- THE !NfllUIAT!ON SHOYltl ON TiilS ORAlllNG rs FROM ASSESS!lll' s MAI'S AND FOR TIIE SOl.E !'llllf'OSE CF CREATING A R!GITT Of lfA'I' .1.CQUISJTIQN EXHIBIT AND REPRESENTS CO!m!TIOllS 200 NO. & tl.11! ~f !61il00tsa!l'IDI 05/13/16 611 tSSOOl FOR 11.0.w. 1 lf/30/16 KS REISSOOJ FOR R.O.VI. WAWl QI( ""· tSl5D3 SG1 lllH t61503 WV lllH ~ GAS PIPE I.IE CIB'MJ LL4: PIU'im tt• mmw. P9!11 LllE Slll'm· MU Cf l'IUCSED mm IF IA\'. lfA ff ~ '!DfllWlf IR SPACE Alll A.ID llF -= ftliUll TBl'UIM\' ACCESS llWI mlSSilllG liE ADmiY tf Ul:'fR/l,.r,.---n MTll l llM'llU.8 1.'11 SIMi A CAPPIEWI n'l1iJanJS ~ 1mlSllP1 UlaSISI cmm't ~ STllE (f 11£1fSYLYMllA I lli"ll!l5" MA l>I><: !lT/09/15 - I""" tn = iOO' » 00001 "" W V A~ff;MJH oo: 1161503 . • . OS/1311Q mJSlRlR,retOOl, t """'05/13/16 =2HfiGl-7(}-7HIPA-U.--!3H.OOO OAre _, 3 ... 4 1..u-m-<•.,,_...<11 l;~__,~'j'~.,_~::"',:.,...,.,~ : 4';.///. . :Jt:;. ·/ ~ ~' _ ..'!!.: ~ • / ... / - / .~ / / // / - / , / ./ / /,///,•-'// /' ,,/ J / /; "'"'/." / -· / / / / , / /,# / / /' / f / ,,,/ ,/ / / / / .. / /"&5 /' ~// / ,/"' /J ::/ ~ ,,.- / • /" .-/' _-" f . / ' . / , / ' " ' / / " ' _,_/ /~ ./ \ .#/,.,,.,,,I J!.§IIH L CftIEU.0111 \ "· _/, / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / . /I \_./ / // / / .:>r~.toooo.- / /,~ OF PROPOsEO / T0.IPORAl1Y l!Ol!K SPACE #1-' /A / ,,-/,,/ ._, /"/f/// '·( / / / />'/~/''"") /: - AREA .,/ / / / / / c J/ / #',/ / ,1 - / / / / / // //·/ .- \ 1 ,/ / -~ . -""'-·-......... -... ·-.. -·-·-·~-" \ Y/ / / / / ' / / / //L.//,,// o~--T_.. ____ \ \, • \ \ \ .\ \ ' \ \ \. 1. BEARINGS SlllJW ARE BASED 00 TllE PEN!iSYL\TA!IIA STATE PlAHE. COOR!HNATE SYSTEM. NAD-83. SOOTH 21?£, US FOOT. .'l: ~ \ ~ ,,,.,..-~ ~11: \ .\ .;!SY\.~ /:'·-... ~ \~ i ~ / 1204970SOO!JOO ~ PA-U-U5-i!, 000 2. LENGTH Gf PIPELINE FOH l'Rnl'OSE!> RIGHT OF flAY •• 3059.55 FEET - / AR£4 Of Pillll'OSED CPLS Riii • . • • • • • • • • • • 3.51 ACRES ~··Tel A1!EA Of ffllll'OSEl) TEWOOl.RY llORK SPACE • , • , • • 5.SO ACRES c::z::z::A AREA Of PROPOSED TE~ ACCESS ROAD , • , • • 0.35 ACRE PROPERTY Li!IE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PO!Ni OF IlUERSECTHIN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • /'i/;: / ": / · / - ft --o- 3. ROA!lS -~ BIF liI lfalllaOO LLC 120~230600000 PA--U.-137--9.000 t~L--------· 200 0 100 Ll!lii.l1!lil !1111tn l!ill c:=:=::i 300 SCAl£ IN ffEJ wn-.i1m ~llt'.E \fE HAVE NOT llEiERllJHEO THE Ft:E OWNERSHIP Of TilE l!OADS SHDllff, ANO FOR TllE PURPOSES Of THIS EXHIBIT HAVE ASSUll£D THAT AIJJO!llll!G LANllOllNEl!S RETAiN AN lffTEllEST IN THE PRIPERTY SUSJECT TC TllE R£GllT 1lF IAT OF ALL ROAOS Sf!~ OTl!ER TlfAN fITTERSTATE H!GHllAYS. THE mFO!ll.!AlIOH SH!lWN at THIS ORAllltlG rs FfttlM ASSESSOR' s MAPS AND FOR TllE Sl3LE PlJRl'OSE llF CREATIKG A RIGHT Cf JAY ACllUtSITICN EX!UBIT ANO ftEPRES£1ffS CONDITIONS AS THEY EXIST AT TllE CMTY CLERK'S REcaIDS OFFICE. ffitlfERTY Bllll!IDARIES SHOIN ARE BASED ON C!l\llffi' ASSESSOR'S IMPS OR HELO SURVEYS l'ERFCflllED BY TRANSCOOT!HEHTAL GAS PIPE L!HE COMPANY LLC OH AllJAcalT TRACTS. Nil Cllf!L SURVEY Of THE EASBE/iT AREA HAS llEElt PERFOllL£1l, TlfE ACREMJES Sll!ll!N ARE APl'ROXIlilATE. ~ ACCESS ROAD #AR-LA--012. l \ \ " !:;) ", OO'Illl.O. A-135-B.OOO . ~ NOTES: ~ , -· ,,.. / /'"/'..-1 /,:- _/ f r///•,//,t .~ i ~I. GU PIPE LE a.JllfMY ill l'lmm 42• anw. a I.IE soum. m IF P&m mm llF WAY. m IF mm mflMY m SPMt • ~ f1f .--::lk PlllfOEI mmAIY AIXESS 8 C!mSJIG 1llE l'lmll'ff IF i.Ullef"~ JIJSTll l i:MIB.l.O All) S\15111 AW'F1ElUl ~ 'fllllSHIP, ~ tmm. ~ Slltt If PSllS'1.\IMBIA OMJ9/15 llS1UElimsn IWl.l: I" =100' f!.!!.!..Y'"" oo. "'" 11r -~ 0 05113/16 IB!l !SSUEll roa R.o.v. I 11/30/16 Kil REISSUE!I Fill R.1u. OS/13/1& llSSlEi>""I~ t 05113/16 =2+-161MHO-Tr-All'A-U-1J!Hl.Oll0 am 1 ·~M1ttl.O t~~~l-•~'-~ ~_ij!,_ut~!-l=<l_'.'foJ'f.·

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