Function Media, L.L.C. v. Google, Inc. et al

Filing 82

CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF filed by Function Media, L.L.C.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit B (continued), # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit C (continued), # 6 Exhibit D, # 7 Exhibit E, # 8 Exhibit E (continued), # 9 Exhibit F, # 10 Exhibit G, # 11 Exhibit G (continued), # 12 Exhibit H, # 13 Exhibit I, # 14 Exhibit J, # 15 Exhibit K, # 16 Exhibit L, # 17 Exhibit M, # 18 Exhibit N)(Tribble, Max)

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EXHIBIT J clRoN4 @ @ PTJBLTSHED BY Microsoft Prcss A Diúsion of Microsoft Corpor¿tioû Otre Microsoft Way Redmonq Vr'ashingron 98052-6399 Copyright @ 1999 by Midosoft Corporation Au rightJ reserved. No part of the co't.nts of rhis book rnay b! reproduced or tra¡smitted in a¡¡y form oÌ by a¡y me¿r¡s lvithout the wdtten per¡nissioD of the publisher, Libmry of Congrcss CatâlogiDg-io-h¡blication Data Microsoft Compùter Dictionary. . P. cm. - 4th ed. Previoì¡s eds. pùblished under title: Microsoft press compute¡ dictioDary .. L rsBN 0-7356-0615-3 1- CorÀpute¡s Dictionaries. 2. Microcomputers D.ictioDâ¡ies. lvficrosoft Press compute¡ dictio¡¡ary. QA?615-M$A ._l9S_. 004'.03--dc2 t .. ... 99-20168 CIP P¡inted and bound ià the United Stares of A¡¡e¡ica 1234s 6789 MLML 432109 Disüibuted in Canada by IfP Nel¡on, a diyisioD ofThomson Canâdâ Limited. A CIP cåtalogue rcco¡d fo¡ úis book is avai¡able from the B¡itish Lib¡aryMicrosoft P¡ess books a¡e available tl¡¡ough booksellrs a¡d disEibutors v,¡oddwide. For.ñ¡¡ther i_dor¡¡ation about intematio¡al editions, cotrtac¡ yoùr local Mic¡osoft coqrorarior¡ ofEce or coûrâct Midosoft hess I¡teEational diEcdy at îù, (4251 936:1329. Visii ou¡ V¡eb site ar MaciDtosh' Poq'er Macintosh, Qûiclfime, and rrueType honc are regisre¡ed tradenårks of Apple compùter, r¡c. Kodak is a rcgistered trade'a¡k of rbe Easmân Kodak'y. I¡ter is a registered Fadema¡k aDd Indeo is a EadeEark of Intel Corporation. AcÎiye Destiop, Acdve Directory, ActivcMovie, Aaive plarforrn, Activex, Aulheûticode, Backofñce, Di¡ectl¡put, Di¡e.tx, Mic¡osoß Mic¡osoft press, MS_DOS, MSN NeMeti¡g, Netshoq Visùal Basic, Cr+, Vi$¡al Jr-+, V¡ebTV, V,reb,w Nets,o¡k, lVù32, Wb32s, Windows, wiDdows NT' aod XEND( a¡e cithg Egist.¡d ùademarks or trade'ad* of Mic¡osoft co¡Doratio¡ in the -ott¡er utrited states a¡d/or other coun*iqs' pÁNToNE is a ¡egiste¡Ed trÀdma¡k of pa¡tone, Inc. rroducl and compaÍy lames Eentio¡ed he¡ei¡¡ ¡Day b the tr¿demarks of rbeir respeative ow¡e¡s- The example compa¡ries, o¡ganiz¿tions, p¡oducts, peopre, a¡d events depicted herei! a¡e fictitioùs. No associatiotr with ôny rEal compa¡y, orga'izat¡oL p¡oduct, person, o¡ eveDt is irtended or should be i!l[,î¡cd. Acqülsldons Editor: Ch¡istey Bahn Project EditoE Kim Fryer r,.,ffi rsational cxûser enters a ¡nteractive voice response ¿ A computer tbat operates through the telephone system, in which inpur coÍrmatrds a¡rd data a¡e t¡-¿nsmined to the computer as spoken words a.rrd numbers, o¡ tones and dial pulses generated by a telephone inslrument; and output i¡sEuctions a¡d dåla are received from the computer âs prerecorded o¡ synthesized spech. Fo¡ example, a diâl-in service that provides airline flight schedules when you press certain key codcs oD your rclephone i$ â¡ interactive voice response system. Ako called f!R. lnterior Galew¡y Rout¡Dg Protocol ¿ .Se¿ ICRP. mmediatelY mputers is oDe Ehâble and er game in iDtedace scaDni¡g rL A displây t cbnique designed to reduce flicl@r a¡d disto¡tioDs in televisioD transmissions; also used with some PC Eonifors. In intedace scafldng the elecüon beåri i¡ the television or mon! tor reftÊshes ålter!Âte sel6 of scan li¡es itr succssive top-to-bottoú sweeps, refteshiDg all eveD liDes on one pass, aJ¡d all odd li¡es otr tl¡e otls. Iûterlaced images are y givitrg comivet bY the ûser hÂt occù¡ duri¡g ¡ goal thâr must miBe the coûect ¡ot as clea¡ as tbose producd by the progessive sc¿rinilg typic¿l of riewer computer monitors. Inte¡lace sc¡¡DiDg is, hower¡er, the st¡¡ldârd ñethod of displaying ana¡og broadcãst television iÐâges. Áls¿ call ed intalacäg Compare progressive scanning. lDlerâctive voice systeh 4. S¿e interactive voice fespoúse. þ accomplishgaIlre. iúte¡applic¡tion communic¡aloE one ¡À The proces$ of interlacitrg ¿ A technique used i¡ some Éster-scaD video displays in wbich the elecron beam ¡ef¡eshes (updates) all odd-¡¡umbeled scan lines iri one vertical sweep of the screeD and all eve¡-numbe¡ed scan lincs r iDterface rn ol graPhic disûg devicÆ such gfaphics iDter¡¡oducts f¡om p¡ogra¡l sendiDg messages to another progmm. For exåmple, soñe e-mail programs allow ì¡se¡s to click on a URL ''ithin the message. i{fter the user clicks on tbe URL, browser software will automaticallv launch and access the [JRL. in the next swep. Bec¡use ofthe screer phosphor's ability to mâiûtail| an image for a sholt time before fading and the tendency of ihe hu¡nan eye to average or blend sùbtle differe¡ces in light iDtensity, rhe human yiewer ses a complete display, but the amount of i¡formation cârried by the display sigDal and the Dùmber of li¡¡es tbat must be displayed prr sweep are halved. Cor¡pdr¿ noninte¡laced. gap n .|ee inter-record gap. File Format ,¡. .S¿¿ .iffFormat rL S¿¿ Rich Text FormâL n. .t¿ Sysrem A¡ea Networlc between two elements so that tl¡ey can li I \D) I systems. that involvcs ¿ ¡ation of tlìe )de is character_ h-'^h Processi¡g trat xchatr8es put device. sÙc-h to Provide ae,¡ gaEe is a¡l i¡t4f_ ogf¿m. session in r''hich point at which a connectio¡ is made work wilh e¡ch oths or exchå¡te infomìation. 2. Softwa¡e thåt enprAtEtD tq wôrk with the ì¡ler4hL !¡¡rr i¡terwhjch cåD be a comnåtrd-l-iDe irterfâc, or a g¡aphical ùse¡ iûts¡face), with anprogram such as the operâtiDg syster!, or with comF¡ler's ha¡dwaæ. .t¿e ¿lro applicâtion Èor¡ing i¡lcrfac, graphical user interface. 3. A .1. The interle¡ve vå- To a¡¡ange the sectors on a hârd disk in h -r,r:.. such a way that afiEr oDe sector is read, thc next sectcr]E!_us"._r-iç-sqp!!se!4lt3By!_al-]!!9_Þseé_w_be!_ the coDputer is ¡eady to accept it rårher tha.D before, e/hich would mÂke the compl¡ter wait a whole revolutio¡ of the platter for the secto¡ to come bâck. Interleâyitrg is set by the forEat ùtiliry rhat hitializes a disk fo¡ use with a given computf,. : 'usly i¡¡þrvene úer' Contpdre Plûg, or other device tbÂt con¡eats pieres of witl¡ tbe computer so tl¡at iûfor¡natioo cá¡¡ be ftom place to place. For exâmple, stâr¡da¡dized hcas such as RS-232-C srår¡dâ¡d ¿¡d SCSI enable bctweer¡ comlx¡te{s a.ud p¡i¡ters or ako RS-232-C sranda¡d. SCSI. echnologY l¡ ¡o¡r ion itrclude leo adaptei ¡. S¿¿ Detwork adapter. card ,L Se¿ adapter. ,L ¡nterl¿ved rnemory À A method of organizing the add¡csscs in RÁM mcmory in o¡der to ¡educ! 'rait statès. In hte¡leaved merûory âdjacent locations are storcd i¡ diffê¡eDt ¡ows of chips so Ùrat after accessing a byte, the procsso¡ dos ¡ot have to wait ar¡ c¡tirc ttreEory çjrcle befo¡e accessiût the ûext byte. See ¿¡so accss time (defnition l), wait ståte. hterloc&. l. Noise or othe¡ extemal sierials tì¿t r,ü, To prreveût a device from acting while the current operatiotr is in progess. ¿- [re¡t. s¿' evisioo' Pcrforma¡ce of a communicatións channel. signals that cå¡¡ distqb radio o¡ rcceptioD. The signa-ls caD be geDerated as in lighhing, o¡ by clecEonic dcviccs, tDteÌDedlate larguâgê as a¡¡ A computer laDF¡age ùsed i¡terúediate stêp betwcD the originål soùce langùage, usually a highlevel langùage, asd the ¡2¡get la¡guage, !¡sually machine code. Some high-levet compilcf,s use assÐbl)¡ language as a.û intermediâte Ia¡gùage. S¿¿ ¿rso compile (defiritioû 2), object c¡de. Protocol ñ. Se¿ IGP 247

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