Rockstar Consortium US LP et al v. Google Inc

Filing 93

Additional Attachments to Main Document: 92 MOTION for Leave to File A Supplemental Brief In Response To Googles Motion To Transfer In Light Of Newly-Acquired Evidence.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 31, # 2 Exhibit 32, # 3 Exhibit 33, # 4 Exhibit 34, # 5 Exhibit 35, # 6 Exhibit 36, # 7 Exhibit 37, # 8 Exhibit 38, # 9 Exhibit 39, # 10 Exhibit 40, # 11 Exhibit 41, # 12 Exhibit 42, # 13 Exhibit 43, # 14 Exhibit 44, # 15 Exhibit 45, # 16 Exhibit 46, # 17 Exhibit 47, # 18 Exhibit 48, # 19 Exhibit 49, # 20 Exhibit 50, # 21 Exhibit 51, # 22 Exhibit 52, # 23 Exhibit 53, # 24 Exhibit 54, # 25 Exhibit 55, # 26 Exhibit 56, # 27 Exhibit 57, # 28 Exhibit 58, # 29 Exhibit 59, # 30 Exhibit 60, # 31 Exhibit 61, # 32 Exhibit 62, # 33 Exhibit 63, # 34 Exhibit 64, # 35 Exhibit 65, # 36 Exhibit 66)(Bonn, Amanda)

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Exhibit 31 US006119101A Ulllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: Peckover [45] [54] 6,119,101 Date of Patent: Se . 12 a 2000 [75] INTELLIGENT AGENTS FOR ELECTRONIC 5,473,732 12/1995 Chang ..................................... .. 395/77 COMMERCE 5,557,518 5,603,031 Inventor: Douglas L. Peckover, Dallas County, 576647115 TeX 5,696,965 ' . 9/1996 Rosen 2/1997 White et al 9/ 1997 364/408 395/683 Frasef ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- 705/37 12/1997 Dedrlck ................................... .. 707/10 5,717,866 2/1998 NaftZger .................................. .. 705/14 5,721,831 2/1998 Waits et al. 5,721,832 _ 2/1998 Westrope etal. ....................... .. 705/27 ..... . . . .. 705/10 [73] Asslgnee' personalAgents’ Inc" Dallas’ TeX‘ 5,724,521 3/1998 [21] Appl.No.: 08/784,829 5,740,549 4/1998 Reilly etal. . [22] F1 d 5,745,882 4/1998 Bixler et al. ............................ .. 705/26 1 e : J an. 17 1997 ’ RltdU.S.A ea e Dedrick ................................... .. 705/26 705/14 OTHER PUBLICATIONS l' t' Dt pp lea Ion a a Connolly, Daniel W., “Proposals for Gathering Consumer [60] [51] Provisional application No. 60/010,087, Jan. 17, 1996. In t . C17 .......................... .. G06F 17/40 ; G06F 17/60 ; . G06F 17/30 [52] Demographics”, h?P1//WWW-W3-0rg/Pub/W ‘NW/Demo graphics/ Proposals.html, pp. 1—6, Nov. 06, 1995. (List continued on neXt page.) US. Cl. ............................... .. 705/26; 705/27; Primary Examiner _ ,nen R‘ MacDonald Assistant Examiner—James W. Myhre Fleld Of Search ................................ .. Attorney) Or Firm_W?SOn sonsini Goodrich & Rosati [56] References Cited [57] U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ABSTRACT A system for electronic commerce (10) having personal agents (12 and 13) that represent consumers and providers in _ 4,817,080 3/1989 479847155 1/1991 Geier et aL solia ........................................ .. 370/17 _ 364/401 a virtual marketplace (28). Consumer personal agents con 4’992’940 2/1991 Dworkin ______ __ _ 364/401 ceal the identity of the consumer and are capable of creating 4,999,806 3/1991 Chernow er a1, 364/900 decision agents (14) that shop for products and assist con 4,999,833 3/1991 Lee ....................................... .. 370/94.1 sumers in comparing and ranking products. Provider per 5,131,039 7/1992 Chaum .................................... .. 380/23 sonal agents are Capable of Creating demand agents 52027921 4/1993 Herzberg ct a1~ 380/23 quantify demand and target speci?c consumers Without 5,239,617 5,283,731 8/1993 Gardner et al. ......................... .. 395/12 2/1994 Lalonde et al. ....................... .. 364/401 learning the identity of the Consumers‘ Based on data enerated b the activities of the decision a ems and on 5,299,115 3/1994 Fields et al. .... .. 705/10 572997125 3/1994 Baker et a1‘ 364/41908 preference data maintained by consumer personal agents, 573177677 5,319,542 5/1994 Dolan et aL 6/1994 King’ ]L et a1_ ____ __ 395/77 _ 364/401 provider personal agents can quantify current, historical, and future demand, simulate demand, and target speci?c con 6/1994 Tanaka er a1, _ _ 364/468 10/1994 Stent ert al. .......................... .. 702/187 11/1994 Kadashevich et a1- ---------- -- 364/419-13 sumers for advertising and other messages. Provider per sonal agents can cooperate With consumer personal agents to collect data about reasons for sales and lost sales and to offer 5,321,620 5,355,327 5,369,577 573797420 1/1995 533903281 2/1995 Luclw et a1‘ UHHFT --------------- - - - ~~ g 395/600 y . . that consideration payments to 395/12 g consumers. Consumer personal agents can automatically reject unsolicited messages that do " not satisfy the consumer’s preferences. 5,440,634 8/1995 Jones et al. 5,444,823 8/1995 Nguyen ................................... .. 395/51 .... .. 380/24 57 Claims, 46 Drawing Sheets 10 AgentSystem I l ‘ 18 l l l l | l Decision l l 15 Agenl I l | ‘Anonymous I l l l Pmdum Product Recommendations Quantllled Demand Demand Query Query r l r Consumer Personal l | Provider Personal A Agent l l 13 Agent A | l l Product Filtered Product Recommendations Query | Filtered Quanti?ed Demand Query Demand l 20 Consumer User Provide! User 21 6,119,101 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS from World Wide Web site “ Streams Online Media Development, “Streams Readies Release of Breakthrough Internet Media Planning and lish/sciam.html” on Apr. 3,1997 (8 pages). Chaum, D. “Security Without Identi?cation: Card Comput Assessment”, ireleasehtml, pp. 1—2, Aug. 31, 1995. Tassone, Dominic , “The Lilypad White Paper”, http://,pp. 1—9 & 1—5 Feb. 1, 1997. Chaum, D. “Achieving Electronic Privacy”, Scienti?c American, Aug. 1992, pp. 96—101, copy supplied printed ers to make Big Brother Obsolete”, Communications of the ACM, vol. 28, pp. 1030—1044, Oct. 1985, copy supplied printed from World Wide Web site “http://digicash.sup port.n1/publish/bigbro.html” on Apr. 3, 1997 (24 pages). International Preliminary Examination Report dated Jan. 13, 1998 (PCT/US97/01057, ?led Jan. 17, 1997), 6 pages.

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