Olivistar, LLC v. Facebook, Inc.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 0540-4611897.), filed by Olivistar, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B)(Hansley, Austin)

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EXHIBIT A US006839731B2 (12) United States Patent Alexander et al. (54) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING (List continued on next page.) (75) Inventors: Bruce Alexander, Poulsbo, WA (US); David Antal, Silverdale, WA (US); Matthew Litke, Seattle, WA (US); Christoph Schebel, Suquamish, WA (US); Paul Thompson, Poulsbo, WA FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP W0 W0 0804031 A WO 97/07486 A WO 01/28251 (73) Assignee: Vigilos, Inc., Seattle, WA (US) Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (21) Appl. No.: 10/443,120 (22) Filed: May 20, 2003 (65) 10/1997 2/1997 4/2001 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (Us) Notice: Jan. 4, 2005 3/1 99 1 Weiss 3/ 1992 Weiss 4,998,279 A 5,097,505 A DATA COMMUNICATION IN A DEVICE NETWORK (*) US 6,839,731 B2 (10) Patent N0.: (45) Date of Patent: EyeCast.com Introduces SchoolCast services for School Safety Officials and LaW Enforcement Agencies, Press Release dated Apr. 28, 1999. EyeCast.com Adds 360—degree Continuous Pan Rotation Cameras to It’s[sic] EyeVieW Service, Press Release dated Mar. 15, 1999. Screen Printing from WWW.remotecams.com, “Take a Step Into the Future . . . ,” printed Sep. 17, 1999. EyeCast.com, “EyeCast secures deals . . . ,” Washington Business Journal, Aug. 13—19, 1999, Tech Section, p. 16. EyeCast.com Announces EyeVieW Control, Press Release Prior Publication Data dated Oct. 12, 1998. US 2004/0068657 A1 Apr. 8, 2004 (List continued on next page.) Related US. Application Data (60) Provisional application No. 60/382,035, ?led on May 20, 2002. (51) (52) Int. Cl.7 .............................................. .. G06F 15/16 US. Cl. ..................... .. 709/201; 709/203; 709/219; 709/227; 713/176 (58) Field of Search ............................... .. 709/201, 203, 709/219, 227; 713/176 (56) Primary Examiner—FrantZ B. Jean (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Christensen O’Connor Johnson Kindness PLLC (57) ABSTRACT A system and method for facilitating data communications in a device network are provided. An integrated information system includes a number of premises-server computing devices, a central communication device, and a number of References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,216,375 4,218,690 4,581,634 4,714,995 4,721,954 4,816,658 client computing devices. Each client computing device communicates With the central communication device to request access to device data from the premises-server computing devices. Once access rights are established, the A A A A A A 8/1980 8/1980 4/1986 12/1987 1/1988 3/1989 Ulch et a1. Ulch et a1. Williams Materna et a1. 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Sheet 3 0f 9 H 2EQg% “ 2euE5z3oawmzu%:i 3zrs%?twi US 6,839,731 B2 3w 3m. .m: .m U.S. Patent Jan. 4,2005 Sheet 4 0f 9 US 6,839,731 B2 v; A MNQkFZ MENKiEZN Hm SE5@E% E5 [9% \MWZQSNE .E U.S. Patent Jan. 4,2005 @52 Sheet 7 0f 9 US 6,839,731 B2 MH2E; NH 9“E5,3.18 Ev |\/,(vI\~/_/.\. $5A. » v. \\%Am[\9QS/Z5YE7Q N ‘ DQEZUCS», . E.v. . “aim: E: . MS“ E8 hmvdgak N“M; Ma.“ 52 6 9,538 RE.3:S .ME K U.S. Patent Jan. 4,2005 Sheet 8 0f 9 US 6,839,731 B2 Q5256 .ES Mm. 5% EEma»Ew w /, 3Ax2 5. /. l. mEwéQ:miw \lSEMEwe,‘ H a: WNMER RKWN»A, QM U.S. Patent Jan. 4,2005 900 Sheet 9 0f 9 US 6,839,731 B2 STARTDEVICE DATA PROCESSING ROUTINE ‘ . TRANSMITACCESS REQUEST T0 f 902 CENTRAL SERVER J, 904 OBTAINACCESS LISTAND \f DOWNLOADS FROM CENTRAL SERVER 0B TAIN USER SELECT OF PREMISES SER VERS 908 \/‘ 906 f ESTABLISH CONNECTION WITH SELECTED PREMISE SERVERS THROUGH COMMAND PROXYAPI OBTAIN SELECTED DEVICE 910 S TA TUS INFORMA TION OBTAIN SELECTED DE VTCE 912 \f CHANGE INFORMA TION 914 TERMINA TE CONNECTION TERMINA TE CONNECTION AND RELEASE RESOURCES f 916 91s END Pig_9_ US 6,839,731 B2 1 2 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING DATA COMMUNICATION IN A DEVICE NETWORK tools hosted by a netWork-based softWare application, gen erally referred to as a broWser application. Generally described, broWser applications require “handshake” or acknowledgment signals prior to an exchange of data. HoWever, the handshaking steps consume available process CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION ing capacity and bandWidth that can constrain access to and How of data. Additionally, data How is typically initiated by the receiving computing device such that the receiving computing device must constantly poll another netWorked This application claims the bene?t of US. Provisional Application No. 60/382,035, entitled SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING DATA COMMUNICATION INADEVICE NETWORK, and ?led on May 20, 2002. US. 10 reference herein. FIELD OF THE INVENTION In general, the present invention relates to computer 15 is too small, computing and communication resources are unnecessarily strained. Furthermore, as the data tools are designed for a generic netWork softWare application, some data tool features may not be supported various implemen tations of a netWork softWare application. Accordingly, the functionality for a class of users utiliZing the particular softWare, computer hardWare, communication networks, and in particular, to a method and system for real-time data communication, including device condition and state, betWeen netWorked computing devices. device for data to enable pseudo real-time communications. If the polling frequency is too large, time-sensitive data may become stale before it is received. If the polling frequency Provisional Application No. 60/382,035 is incorporated by hosting softWare application is diminished. 20 BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION In another embodiment, a computing device may be loaded With a resident softWare application speci?cally constructed to communicate With the netWorked communi A number and variety of hardWare and softWare devices cations controller. Although the resident softWare applica may be utiliZed to capture, process, or transmit data Within tion provides a user With a more permanent communications a device netWork. In a commercial environment a device 25 solution, conventional resident softWare applications can netWork could include bar code readers, point-of-sale present security risks for unauthoriZed users accessing the terminals, card scanners, cash registers, receipt printers, computing device. In one aspect, the amount of data a user may be authoriZed to access may vary greatly. In another video cameras, and the like. In a medical, or patient monitoring environment, the devices might include various devices used for monitoring vital signs and body functions such as blood pressure monitors, respiratory activity monitors, heart activity monitors (such as electrocardiogram devices), brain activity monitors (such as electro encephalography monitors), and various output device such as intravenous pumps, incubators, respirators, and the like. In a physical-security environment the devices utiliZed aspect, multiple users may be utiliZing the same computing 30 Zation levels. Further, the utiliZation of resident softWare applications places the burden on each individual user to update the resident softWare application in the event modi ?cations are made. Accordingly, resident softWare applica 35 might include door and WindoW contacts, card readers, video ment. 40 generally, the particular devices used in a device netWork Will vary in accordance With the required function of the device netWork. In a conventional security embodiment the controls for security, environmental, and access control devices are tions become de?cient in addressing varying authoriZation rights and maintenance needs. Thus, there is a need for a system and method for processing data communications in a netWorked environ cameras, motion detectors, environmental sensors, metal detectors, scanning devices, electronic article surveillance tags, biometric devices, and the like. Accordingly, stated device, With each user having potentially varying authori SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A system and method for facilitating data communica tions in a device netWork are provided. The device netWork 45 includes a number of physically distributed premises-based typically administered through hardWare control panels. server computing devices in communication With a number Control panels are used to physically activate, deactivate, or con?gure devices that are physically or logically connected to a panel. Control panels generally include some type of communication device, and a number of client computing devices. Each client computing device communicates With of data generating input and/or output devices, a central small format screen to display teXtual data re?ective of a device’s condition such as “armed” or “disarmed.” Atypical the central communication device to request access to device control panel has little memory and limited data processing or storage capacity. Further, the typical control panel is not devices. Once access rights are established, the client com Well suited for data communication to remote monitoring terminals, such as the transmission of control commands from a remote monitoring terminal to a control panel. One data collected by the premises-based server computing puting devices communicate directly With speci?c premises 55 server computing devices. A command application resident on each premises-based server computing device, referred to as the command proXy, administers the direct How of data betWeen the computing devices. approach to provide greater remote user functionality involves the use of a netWorked communications controller In accordance With an aspect of the present invention, a for facilitating communication to the devices. For eXample, method for processing device data is provided. The method devices such as video cameras can be connected to self contained data collection/Web servers that operable to send collected data directly over a netWork Without the assistance of an external device. Accordingly, information may be shared across a Wide-area netWork (“WAN”) With remote clients. In one embodiment, a remote client may gain access to device data and control through the utiliZation of data access 60 may be implemented in a system including one or more 65 premises-based server computing devices in communication With a number of input and/or output devices, a central communication device, and at least one client computing device in communication With the central communication device. In accordance With the method, a client computing device transmits an access request to the central communi cation device. The access request includes one or more US 6,839,731 B2 3 4 identi?cation attributes corresponding to a client computing device. The client computing device obtains a listing of available premises-based server computing devices. The communication With the client computing device via a communication netWork. The central communication devices receives the access request and transmits a list of listing of available premises-based server computing devices corresponds to a set of premises-server computing available premises-server computing devices. The list of available premises-server computing devices corresponds to devices a client computing device is authoriZed to access based at least in part on the identi?cation attributes. The to access. The system further includes one or more premises a set of premises the client computing device is authoriZed client computing device transmits a communication request to communicate With one or more premises-server comput ing devices and establishes a direct connection With a proxy application in each of the one or more premises-server 10 computing devices for Which the communication request is successful. The client computing device obtains device information from a proxy application associated With the premises-server computing device. The device information 15 corresponds to a current device state. Additionally, the client computing device cannot establish a direct connection With a proxy application in each of the one or more premises server computing devices prior to obtaining the listing of available premises-server computing devices. server computing devices in communication With a number of input and/or output devices. The one or more premises server computing devices includes a proxy application to communicate With the client computing device via a direct communication connection and to transmit device data to the client computing device via the direct communication con nection. The client computing device cannot establish the direct communication connection With the premises-server computing device prior to obtaining the list of available premises-server computing devices from the central com munication device. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS In another aspect of the present invention, a method for processing device data is provided. The method may be implemented in a system including one or more premises The foregoing aspects and many of the attendant advan tages of this invention Will become more readily appreciated server computing devices in communication With a number folloWing detailed description, When taken in conjunction With the accompanying draWings, Wherein: of input and/or output devices, a central communication as the same become better understood by reference to the 25 device and at least one client computing device in commu nication With the central communication device. In accor dance With the method, a central communication device obtains an access request from a client computing device. FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an Internet environment; FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrative of an integrated information system including a number of premises servers, The access request includes one or more identi?cation a central server and a number of client computing devices attributes corresponding to the client device. The central communication device generates a list of premises-server computing devices available for communication With the formed in accordance With the present invention; FIG. 3 is a block diagram depicting an illustrative archi client device. The list of premises-server computing devices corresponds to a set of premises-server computing devices invention; tecture for a premises server in accordance With the present 35 the client device is authoriZed to access based upon a processing of the one or more identi?cation attributes. The invention; central communication device transmits the list of premises server computing devices available for communication With the client device. The client device cannot directly access the FIG. 5 is a block diagram depicting an illustrative archi tecture for client computing device in accordance With the 40 premises-server computing device prior to obtaining the list of premises-server computing devices available for commu nication. In accordance With a further aspect of the present invention, a method for processing device data is provided. The method may be implemented in a premises-server computing device in communication With a number of input FIG. 4 is a block diagram depicting an illustrative archi tecture for a central server in accordance With the present present invention; FIG. 6 is a block diagram of the integrated information system of FIG. 2 illustrating the connection of a client computing device to a premises server in accordance With 45 and/or output devices, Wherein the premises-server comput the present invention; FIG. 7 is a block diagram of the integrated information system of FIG. 2 illustrating the connection of a client computing device to a premises server in accordance With ing device includes a command proxy application for com the present invention; municating With client computing devices. In accordance With the method, a premises-server computing device FIG. 8 is a block diagram of the integrated information system of FIG. 2 illustrating the connection of a client computing device to a premises server in accordance With obtains a communication request from a client computing the present invention; and device and registers the client computing device to obtain device data from at least one input and/or output device. The premises-server computing device obtains device data from FIG. 9 is a How diagram illustrative of device data 55 the at least one input and/or output device and transmits the device data to the client computing device. The transmission of the device data to the client computing device occurs Without requiring a request from the client computing device. In accordance With yet another aspect of the present invention, a system for processing device data is provided. The system includes at least one client computing device for transmitting access requests via a communication netWork. The access request includes one or more identi?cation 65 attributes corresponding to the client computing device. The system also includes a central communication device in monitoring routine implemented by a client computing device in accordance With the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT As described above, aspects of the present invention are embodied in a WWW or (“Web”) site accessible via the Internet. As is Well knoWn to those skilled in the art, the term “Internet” refers to the collection of netWorks and routers that use the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (“TCP/IP”) to communicate With one another. A represen tative section of the Internet 20 is shoWn in FIG. 1, in Which a plurality of local area netWorks (“LANs”) 24 and a Wide US 6,839,731 B2 5 6 area network (“WAN”) 26 are interconnected by routers 22. The routers 22 are special purpose computers used to location by Way of a client computing device connected to a communication netWork. Additionally, the data from the monitoring devices may be processed at the remote control interface one LAN or WAN to another. Communication links Within the LANs may be tWisted Wire pair, or coaxial cable, While communication links betWeen netWorks may location according to one or more data rules. The control utiliZe 58 Kbps analog telephone lines, 1 Mbps digital T-1 dependent on an evaluation of the data rule pertaining to the location may also customiZe output of the processed data lines, 45 Mbps T-3 lines or other communications links knoWn to those skilled in the art. Furthermore, computers 28 and other related electronic devices can be remotely con nected to either the LANs 24 or the WAN 26 via a modem device data. While the system of the present invention is utiliZed to integrate traditional security monitoring functions, it is also utiliZed to integrate any information 10 and temporary telephone or Wireless link. It Will be appre ciated that the Internet 20 comprises a vast number of such With reference to FIG. 2, the integrated information system 200 includes a premises server 202 that functions as interconnected netWorks, computers, and routers and that only a small, representative section of the Internet 20 is shoWn in FIG. 1. One skilled in the relevant art Will a communication gateWay betWeen various monitoring devices 208 and output devices 210 and the integrated 15 appreciate that aspects of the present invention may be information system 200. The premises server 202 includes a resident application program, referred to as a command practiced on Internet netWorks, such as an Intranet. proxy 204, that is operable to facilitate communication With external components of the integrated information system 200. The function of the command proxy application 204 Will be explained in greater detail beloW. In an illustrative embodiment of the present invention, the The Internet has groWn exponentially over the past decade and noW links millions of computers WorldWide. As the Internet has groWn, so has the WWW. As is appreciated by those skilled in the art, the W is a vast collection of interconnected or “hypertext” documents Written in Hyper premises server 202 communicates With one or more device servers 206 via a communication netWork, such as a subnet, Text Markup Language (“HTML”), or other markup languages, that are electronically stored at WWW sites throughout the Internet. A WWW site is a server connected to the Internet that has mass storage facilities for storing hypertext documents and that runs administrative softWare input in a like manner. to address individual monitoring devices 208 and/or output 25 devices 210. For example, the subnet may be a sWitched Ethernet netWork that runs through a high-speed sWitch. One or more device servers 206 may be con?gured in a distrib for handling requests for those stored hypertext documents. uted netWork to facilitate the sharing of computing resources, including processing, memory, and communica A hypertext document normally includes a number of hyperlinks, i.e., highlighted portions of text Which link the tion bandWidth. An illustrative device server netWork can be document to another hypertext document possibly stored at a WWW site elsewhere on the Internet. Each hyperlink is associated With a Uniform Resource Locator (“URL”) that found in commonly assigned US. application Ser. No. 10/117,557 entitled SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MAN - AGING A DEVICE NETWORK, Which is hereby incorpo provides the exact location of the linked document on a server connected to the Internet and describes the document. 35 rated by reference. Alternatively, the premises server 202 may communicate directly With the monitoring devices 208 and output devices 210. In accordance With the present invention, the monitoring Thus, Whenever a hypertext document is retrieved from any WWW server, the document is considered to be retrieved from the WWW. As is knoWn to those skilled in the art, a WWW server may also include facilities for storing and transmitting application programs, such as application pro grams Written in the JAVA® programming language from devices 208 can include any number of sensors, monitors, 40 Sun Microsystems, for execution on a remote computer. LikeWise, a WWW server may also include facilities for executing scripts and other application programs on the and control devices (both hardWare and softWare) used for environmental monitoring, access control, biometric identi?cation, facial recognition, and intrusion detection. Still further, the monitoring devices 208 can include devices used to monitor industrial processes, inventory control WWW server itself. 45 A consumer or other remote consumer may retrieve processes, ?nancial transactions (including point-of-sale hypertext documents from the WWW via a WWW broWser apparent to one skilled in the relevant art that additional or alternative monitoring devices 208 may be practiced With the present invention. application program. AWWW broWser, such as Netscape’s NAVIGATOR® or Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, is a soft Ware application program for providing a graphical con sumer interface to the WWW. Upon request from the con sumer via the WWW broWser, the WWW broWser accesses and retrieves the desired hypertext document from the appropriate WWW server using the URL for the document and a protocol knoWn as HyperText Transfer Protocol systems) and medical or patient monitoring. It Will be The device servers 206 also communicate With one or more output devices 210. In an illustrative embodiment, the output devices 210 can include audio speakers, display or other audio/visual displays. The output devices 210 may also include electrical or electro-mechanical devices that alloW 55 the system to perform actions. The output devices 210 can (“HTTP”). HTTP is a higher-level protocol than TCP/IP and is designed speci?cally for the requirements of the WWW. include computer system interfaces, point-of-sale terminals, cash registers, automatic teller machines, telephone It is used on top of TCP/IP to transfer hypertext documents betWeen servers and clients. The W broWser may also interfaces, Wireless interfaces, door and WindoW locking mechanisms, aerosol sprayers, and the like. As Will be readily understood by one skilled in the art, the type of output device is associated primarily With the type of action retrieve application programs from the WWW server, such as JAVA applets, for execution on the client computer. Referring noW to FIG. 2, an actual embodiment of an the integrated information system 200 produces. integrated information system 200 in accordance With the present invention Will be described. The integrated informa tion system 200 is a subscriber-based system alloWing Accordingly, additional or alternative output devices 210 are considered to be Within the scope of the present invention. With continued reference to FIG. 2, the premises server 202 is in communication With a central server 212. Gener ally described, the central server 212 manages the number of monitoring devices (or a subset thereof) Within one or more premises to be processed from a single, remote control 65 US 6,839,731 B2 7 8 premises servers 202 connected to the integrated informa tion system 200. Additionally, the central server 212 man ages access rights for external components attempting to With a modem for connecting to the Internet through a access device data from the various premises servers 202. In an illustrative embodiment of the present invention, the central server 212 may also be operable to obtain monitoring device data from the premises servers 202 and process the data according to a number of processing rules. A descrip tion for a system and method for processing monitoring skilled in the art. The premises server 202 each includes a processing unit point-to-point protocol (“PPP”) connection or a serial line Internet protocol (“SLIP”) connection as knoWn to those 302, an optional display 304, and a mass memory 306, all connected via a communication bus, or other communica tion device. The mass memory 306 generally comprises a RAM, ROM, and a permanent mass storage device, such as device data may be found in commonly assigned US. application Ser. No. 09/825,506 entitled SYSTEM AND a hard disk drive, tape drive, optical drive, ?oppy disk drive, or combination thereof. The mass memory 306 stores an METHOD FOR IMPLEMENTING AN INTEGRATED operating system 308 for controlling the operation of the INFORMATION PORTAL, the disclosure of Which is premises server 202. It Will appreciated that this component may comprises a general-purpose server operating system as hereby incorporated by reference. puting devices 214 operable to communicate With the pre is knoWn to those skilled in the art, such as UNIX, LINUXTM, or Microsoft WINDOWS NT®. The mass memory 306 also stores program code and data mises servers 202 and the central server 212. Each client computing device 214 corresponds to one or more autho for interfacing With various connected monitoring devices 208 and output devices 210, for processing the monitoring With continued reference to FIG. 2, the integrated infor 15 mation system 200 also includes one or more client com riZed users having distinct access rights to the monitoring device data and for transmitting the data to client computing device data provided by the premises servers 202. For example, the client computing device 214 can be associated With premises oWners, security directors or administrators, devices 214 and/or a central server 212. More speci?cally, mass memory stores a device interface application 310 in on-site security guards, technicians, remote monitors (including certi?ed and non-certi?ed monitors), customer service representatives, emergency personnel, and others. accordance With the present invention to obtain monitoring device data. The device interface application 310 comprises 25 computer-executable instructions Which, When executed by the premises server 202 obtains and transmits device data as Will be explained beloW in greater detail. The mass memory 306 also stores a data processing application 312 for pro The client computing devices 214 can include personal computers, hand-held computing devices, Wireless applica tion protocol enabled Wireless devices, cellular or digital telephones, digital pagers, and the like. Moreover, the cen cessing incoming and outgoing data. One skilled in the tral server 212 may communicate With these devices via the encryption, compression, transformation, and the like. The Internet 20 utilizing electronic messaging or Web access, via Wireless transmissions utiliZing the Wireless application protocol, short message services, audio transmission, and mass memory 306 also stores a data messaging and delivery application knoWn as a command proxy application 314 the like. As Will be readily understood by one skilled in the relevant art Will appreciate that processing data can include application. The command proxy application 314 is operable 35 to manage data communications betWeen the client comput art, the speci?c implementation of the communication medi ers 314/central server 212 and the premises server 212. It ums may require additional or alternative components to be practiced. All are considered to be Within the scope of Will be appreciated that these components may be stored on a computer-readable medium and loaded into the memory of the premises server using a drive mechanism associated With the computer-readable medium, such as a ?oppy, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM drive, or netWork drive 300. FIG. 4 is a block diagram depicting an illustrative archi practicing the present invention. Additionally, in an illustra tive embodiment of the present invention, each client com puting device 214 utiliZes a softWare application provided by the central processing server 212 to communicate With the premises servers 202, Which Will be explained in greater detail beloW. Although the premises server 202 and the 40 tecture for a central server 212 in accordance With the present invention. Those of ordinary skill in the art Will central processing server 212 are referred to as “server” 45 appreciate that the central server 212 includes many more components then those shoWn in FIG. 4. HoWever, it is not necessary that all of these generally conventional compo computing device, one skilled in the relevant art Will appre ciate that a variety of computing devices may provide the functionality associated With either premises server 202 or the central processing server 212. For example, the func tionality may implemented in a peer-to-peer netWork envi nents be shoWn in order to disclose an illustrative embodi ment for practicing the present invention. As shoWn in FIG. 4, the central server 212 includes a netWork interface 400 for connecting directly to a LAN or a WAN, or for connecting remotely to a LAN or WAN. Those of ordinary skill in the ronment. FIG. 3 is a block diagram depicting an illustrative archi tecture for a premises server 202. Those of ordinary skill in the art Will appreciate that the premises server 202 include many more components than those shoWn in FIG. 3. 55 HoWever, it is not necessary that all of these generally conventional components be shoWn in order to disclose an art Will appreciate that the netWork interface 400 includes the necessary circuitry for such a connection, and is also constructed for use With the TCP/IP protocol, the particular netWork con?guration of the LAN or WAN it is connecting to, and a particular type of coupling medium. The central illustrative embodiment for practicing the present invention. server 212 may also be equipped With a modem for con As shoWn in FIG. 3, the premises server 202 includes a netWork interface 300 for connecting directly to a LAN or a WAN, or for connecting remotely to a LAN or WAN. Those necting to the Internet 20. The central server 212 also includes a processing unit 402, of ordinary skill in the art Will appreciate that the netWork interface 300 includes the necessary circuitry for such a connection, and is also constructed for use With the TCP/IP protocol, the particular netWork con?guration of the LAN or WAN it is connecting to, and a particular type of coupling medium. The premises server 202 may also be equipped an optional display 404 and a mass memory 406, all con nected via a communication bus, or other communication device. The mass memory 406 generally comprises a RAM, ROM, and a permanent mass storage device, such as a hard 65 disk drive, tape drive, optical drive, ?oppy disk drive, or combination thereof. The mass memory 406 stores an oper ating system 408 for controlling the operation of the central US 6,839,731 B2 10 server 212. It Will appreciated that this component may comprises a general-purpose server operating system as is knoWn to those skilled in the art, such as UNIX, LINUXTM, or Microsoft WINDOWS NT®. The mass memory 406 also stores program code and data these components may be stored on a computer-readable medium and loaded into the memory of the central server using a drive mechanism associated With the computer readable medium, such as a ?oppy, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM drive, or netWork drive 500. for interfacing With the premises servers 202 and the client computing devices 214 and for processing various data Generally described, the present invention provides a distributed netWork environment for processing monitoring requests. More speci?cally, the mass memory 406 stores a device 208 and output device 210 data. In an actual embodi ment of the present invention, the central server 212 man premises server interface application 410 in accordance With the present invention for communicating With the premises 10 ages client computer request connection requests and pro server 202. The premises interface application 410 com vides requesting client computers access to one or more of prises computer-executable instructions, Which, When the premises servers 212. Upon establishing access rights to a premises server 202, the client computer device 214 executed by the central server 212, interfaces With the premises server 202 as Will be explained beloW in greater establishes a direct communication connection to targeted detail. The mass memory 406 also stores a client computer 15 premises servers via the command proxy application 314. Through the direct communication connection, the com mand proxy application 314 and the client computing device interface application 412 for communicating With client computing devices 214 to obtain data requests and transmit communication softWare. The operation of the client com puter interface application 412 Will be described in greater 214 can transmit data as it is modi?ed. FIGS. 6-8 are illustrative of various integrated informa tion system component interactions to process client com detail beloW. The mass memory 406 also stores a data processing application 414 for processing client computing puting device connection requests in accordance With the device 214 data requests in accordance With the present invention. It Will be appreciated that these components may present invention. With reference to FIG. 6, a client com puting device 214 initiates a communication request by be stored on a computer-readable medium and loaded into transmitting an access request to the central server 212. In an the memory of the central server using a drive mechanism 25 illustrative embodiment of the present invention, the con nection request is transmitted by the central server interface associated With the computer-readable medium, such as a ?oppy, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM drive, or netWork drive 400. application 512 (FIG. 5), utiliZing a WWW broWser appli FIG. 5 is a block diagram depicting an illustrative archi tecture for a client computing device 214 utiliZed by autho riZed users to request and gain access to premises servers 202 in accordance With the present invention. Those of cation. The access request can include information indica tive of the access rights of a user associated With the client ordinary skill in the art Will appreciate that the client client computing device. computing device 214 includes many more components then those shoWn in FIG. 5. HoWever, it is not necessary that all of these generally conventional components be shoWn in order to disclose an illustrative embodiment for practicing the present invention. As shoWn in FIG. 5, the client computing device 214 includes a netWork interface 500 for Upon receipt of the access request, the central server 212 processes the request to identify Which premises servers 202 the client computing device 214 may access. Additionally, connecting directly to a LAN or a WAN, or for connecting remotely to a LAN or WAN. Those of ordinary skill in the art Will appreciate that the netWork interface 500 includes the necessary circuitry for such a connection, and is also constructed for use With the TCP/IP protocol, the particular netWork con?guration of the LAN or WAN it is connecting to, and a particular type of coupling medium. The client computing device 214 may also be equipped With a modem 502 for connecting to the Internet 20 through a PPP or SLIP computing device 214 and of the version and resources of the premises server interface application 514 stored on the 35 the central server 212 may also determine Whether the client computing device 214 requires an additional softWare upgrade or update for the premises server interface appli cation 514. The central server 212 transmits to the client 40 computing device 214 a listing identifying Which premises servers 202 are available for a data connection. Additionally, the central server 212 may transmit the premises server interface application 514 or updates to the current version of 45 connection as knoWn to those skilled in the art. The client computing device 214 also includes a process ing unit 504, a display 506, and a mass memory 508, all the premises server interface application 514 running on the client computing device 214. In an illustrative embodiment of the present invention, the central server 212 may utiliZe a Web-based softWare system, such as Sun Microsystems’s JAVA WEB START, that enables the central server 212 to distribute and update the premises server interface applica tion 514 via a WWW connection. With reference noW to FIG. 7, the client computer 214 connected via a communication bus, or other communica tion device. The mass memory 508 generally comprises a RAM, ROM, and a permanent mass storage device, such as transmitted by the central server 212. Depending on a user a hard disk drive, tape drive, optical drive, ?oppy disk drive, selection, the client computing device 214 then initiates a obtains the access list and any softWare doWnloads/updates or combination thereof. The mass memory 508 stores an 55 command proxy interface protocol With the selected com operating system 510 for controlling the operation of the computing device. It Will appreciated that this component may comprise a general-purpose operating system as is knoWn to those skilled in the art, such as UNIX, LINUXTM, or Microsoft WINDOWS NT®. The mass memory 508 also includes a central server interface application 512 operable to communicate With the central server 212. In an illustrative embodiment of the present invention, the central server interface application 512 includes a WWW broWser appli cation. The mass memory 508 further stores a premises 65 server interface application 514 operable to interface With one or more premises servers 202. It Will be appreciated that mand proxy applications 314 (FIG. 3) on each selected premises server 202. The designated premises server 202 responds to the command proxy interface protocol and registers the client computing device With the command proxy application 314 of the premise server. In an illustrative embodiment of the present invention, the command proxy interface protocol alloWs the client computing device 214 to register With the command proxy application to receive monitoring device data. Further, the command proxy inter face protocol alloWs the client computing device 214 to select Which monitoring device data is requested and hoW the monitoring device data should be delivered. In certain US 6,839,731 B2 11 12 embodiments, the client computing device 214 maintains a persistent connection to the command proxy application, in others the connection may be timed, periodic, or transitory. With reference noW to FIG. 8, upon registration by the appreciate, hoWever, alternative or modi?ed command proxy interface protocols may also be practiced With the present invention. In an actual embodiment of the present invention, the client computing device 214 may utiliZe an IP address speci?ed in the communication With the central server 202 client computing device 214, the command proxy applica tion 314 can detect various monitoring device data changes. In an illustrative embodiment of the present invention, the data changes can include the transmission of monitoring device data from the monitoring devices 208. Additionally, the data changes can also include data or con?guration changes submitted by a system administrator or other autho riZed user of the integrated information system 200. The command proxy application 314 can then transmit the data changes to the client computing device 214 in accordance 10 With the registration requirements of the client computing device. Accordingly, the command proxy application 314 15 to identify the appropriate premise server 202. Accordingly, the ?rst message sent by the client computing device 214 should include a command string identifying a particular At block 910, the premises server interface application 514 obtains current device information from the premises server 202. In an actual embodiment of the present application 314 for each premises server 202 can maintain a table corresponding to all data objects, such as a monitoring device 208 in its control, and the potential attribute values device to determine Whether to send the related data should for the data objects. Further, the command proxy application also be transmitted to the client computing device. Thus, the client computing device 214 can effectuate the receipt of 25 monitoring routine 900 implemented by the client comput table. At decision block 914, a test is conducted to determine Whether the user has indicated a desire to terminate the the central server 212. In an illustrative embodiment of the connection. If the user does not Wish to terminate the present invention, the central server interface application 512 may be a WWW broWser-based application operable to communicate With the central server 212 via the WWW. At 35 block 904, the central server interface application 512 obtains an access list and any applicable doWnloads from the central server. As discussed above, in an illustrative embodi ment of the present invention, the distribution of the access 40 a distribution such as JAVA WEB START. HoWever, one skilled in the relevant art Will appreciate that alternative distribution systems may be also be utiliZed in accordance With the present invention. At block 906, the client computing device 214 obtains a 314 identi?es the client computing devices 214 that have registered for noti?cation for each data object attribute value. Accordingly, as data changes are received, the data processing application 312 can identify Which client com puting devices 214 are to be contacted by evaluating the relevant data managed by the command proxy application ing device 214 in accordance With the present invention. At block 902, the central server interface application 512 of the client computing device 214 initiates an access request With list and the applicable doWnloads may be accomplished via invention, the premises server 202 initialiZes the data trans mission by transmitting selected device status information to the client computing device 214. At block 912, the premises server interface application 512 obtains changed data from the command proxy application 314. In an illustrative embodiment of the present invention, the command proxy may individually ?lter outgoing data for each client com puting device 214 registered With the command proxy application. Further, in an actual embodiment of the present invention, the command proxy application may also be operable to associate various data changes With a selected selective real-time data from a number of premises servers 202. FIG. 9 is a How diagram illustrative of a device data premises server 202. connection, the routine 900 returns to block 910. Alternatively, if the user Wishes to terminate the connection, the client computing device 214 releases the connection at block 916. At block 918, the routine 900 terminates. In an actual embodiment of the present invention, the monitoring device data can be categoriZed and processed as asset data, resource data, or device data. Asset data is obtained from a monitoring device corresponding to an identi?able object that is not capable of independent action. 45 selection of one or more premises servers 202 to monitor. At For example, asset data includes data obtained from a bar code or transponder identifying a particular object, such as a computer, in a particular location. Resource data is obtained from a monitoring device corresponding to an identi?able object that is capable of independent action. For block 908, the premises server interface application 514 connects to each designated premises server 202 and regis example, resource data includes data from a magnetic card reader that identi?es a particular person Who has entered the premises. Event data is obtained from a monitoring device ters With the command proxy application 314 residing on the premises server 202. In an illustrative embodiment of the present invention, the premises server interface application corresponding to an on/off state that is not correlated to an 514 may utiliZe a command proxy interface protocol to establish a connection With the command proxy application identi?able object. Event data is a default category for all of the monitoring devices. An illustrative system and method for processing asset data, resource data, and device data can 314 and register data receipt preferences With the command proxy application 314. The command proxy interface pro tocol alloWs the client computing device 214 to register for 55 be found in commonly assigned US. application Ser. No. 09/825,506, Which has been incorporated by referenced. As speci?c data change events (e.g., specify types of data, data Will be readily understood by one skilled in the relevant art, from speci?c devices) that are of interest and specify value ranges that Will require that the client computing device be alternative data categoriZations are considered to be Within the scope of the present invention. The present invention provides a method for obtaining noti?ed. One skilled in the relevant art Will appreciate that types of available data Will depend on the available devices real-time device data over a netWork connection from a connected to a selected premises server 202 and/or the hardWare and softWare monitoring devices. The invention potential utiliZation of the devices (e. g., security monitoring, patient care, inventory monitoring, and the like). Further, the describes an architecture that can be ?exibly used to operate Within or outside of a broWser application. The system command proxy interface protocol alloWs a client comput ing device to prioritiZe data change types for immediate or delayed transmission. One skilled in the relevant art Will 65 provides the ability to use application features regardless of Whether they are supported by the broWser applications or operating system in use on a client computing device. US 6,839,731 B2 14 13 While illustrative embodiments of the invention have 9. The method as recited in claim 1 further comprising been illustrated and described, it Will be appreciated that various changes can be made therein Without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. proxy application, Wherein the updated device data is obtaining updated input and/or output device data from the obtained Without subsequent request from the client com puting device. The embodiments of the invention in Which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are de?ned as folloWs: 1. In a system including one or more premises-server computing devices in communication With a number of 10. The method as recited in claim 1 further comprising obtaining softWare updates from the central communication input and/or output devices, a central communication device, and at least one client computing device in commu nication With the central communication device, a method 1O for processing device data, the method comprising: private netWork. transmitting an access request to the central communica tion device, the access request including one or more identi?cation attributes corresponding to a client com puting device; 12. The method as recited in claim 1, Wherein obtaining device information from each proxy application in the one or 15 criteria submitted to the proxy application. 13. A computer-readable medium having computer puting devices corresponding to a set of premises server computing devices a client computing device is executable instructions for performing the method recited in claim 1. authoriZed to access based at least in part on the 14. A computer system including a processor, a memory identi?cation attributes; and an operating system, the computer system operable to perform the method recited in claim 1. 15. In a system including one or more premises-server 25 and at least one client computing device in communication With the central communication device, a method for pro cessing device data, the method comprising: obtaining an access request from a client computing device, the access request including one or more iden associated With the one or more premises-server com puting device, the device information corresponding to ti?cation attributes corresponding to the client device; generating a list of premises-server computing devices available for communication With the client device, the a current input and/or output device state; Wherein establishing a direct connection With a proxy application in each of the one or more premises-server computing devices cannot occur prior to obtaining the 35 ing to a set of premises-server computing devices the the one or more identi?cation attributes; and an access request includes transmitting information used to transmitting the list of premises-server computing devices authenticate an individual user. 40 an access request includes: available for communication With the client device; Wherein the client device cannot directly access the premises-server computing device prior to obtaining accessing a netWork-based Web site corresponding to the the list of premises-server computing devices available central communication device; providing the one or more identi?cation attributes; and submitting the access request via the netWork-based Web site. 4. The method as recited in claim 1, Wherein obtaining a list of premises-server computing devices correspond client device obtains access based upon a processing of 2. The method as recited in claim 1, Wherein transmitting 3. The method as recited in claim 1, Wherein transmitting computing devices in communication With a number of input and/or output devices, a central communication device cessful; and obtaining device information from each proxy application listing of available premises-server computing devices. more premises-server computing device includes obtaining device information ?ltered in accordance With one or more obtaining a listing of available premises-server computing devices, the listing of available premises-server com transmitting a communication request to communicate With one or more premises-server computing devices; establishing a direct connection With a proxy application in each of the one or more premises-server computing devices for Which the communication request is suc device upon transmitting an access request to the central communication device. 11. The method as recited in claim 1, Wherein establishing a direct connection With a proxy application includes estab lishing a direct connection With a proxy application in a 45 for communication. 16. The method as recited in claim 15, Wherein obtaining an access request includes obtaining a user identi?cation and passWord. listing of available premises-server computing devices 17. The method as recited in claim 15 further comprising: includes obtaining a listing of available input and/or output devices connected to each of the available premises-server generating a netWork-based Web site in response to an initial access request from a client device; and computing devices. obtaining a user input of the one or more identi?cation attributes corresponding to the client device. 18. The method as recited in claim 15, Wherein transmit 5. The method as recited in claim 4, Wherein transmitting a communication request to communicate With one or more ting the list of premises-server computing devices available premises-server computing devices includes transmitting a selection to receive data from one or more available devices. 55 for communication With the client device includes transmit ting an identi?cation of one or more devices associated With 6. The method as recited in claim 5, Wherein transmitting a communication request includes transmitting information each of the premises-server computing device available for used for the delivery of input and/or output device data. communication. 19. The method as recited in claim 15, Wherein transmit 7. The method as recited in claim 1, Wherein transmitting a communication request to communicate With one or more ting the list of premises-server computing devices available premises-server computing devices includes initiating a command proxy protocol registering a client computing device With the proxy application of the premises-server for communication With the client device includes transmit ting an IP address corresponding to each premises-server computing device, the IP address facilitating direct commu nication With a premises-server computing device. computing device. 8. The method as recited in claim 1, Wherein the direct connection With the proxy application is a persistent con nection. 65 20. The method as recited in claim 15 further comprising transmitting softWare updates With the transmission of the list of available premises-server computing devices. US 6,839,731 B2 15 16 21. A computer-readable medium having computer at least one client computing device for transmitting eXecutable instructions for performing the method recited in claim 15. 22. Acomputer system having a processor, a memory and access requests via a communication netWork, the access requests includes one or more identi?cation attributes corresponding to the client computing an operating system, the computer system operable to per device; form the method recited in claim 15. 23. In a premises-server computing device in communi cation With a number of input and/or output devices, Wherein the premises-server computing device includes a command proXy application for communicating With client computing a central communication device in communication With the client computing device via a communication netWork, Wherein the central communication devices receives the access request and transmits a list of 10 devices, a method for processing device data comprising: obtaining a communication request from a client comput ing device; registering the client computing device to obtain device data from at least one input and/or output device; obtaining device data from the at least one input and/or available premises-server computing devices, the list of available premises-server computing devices corre sponding to a set of premises the client computing device is authoriZed to access; and 15 one or more premises-server computing devices in com munication With a number of input and/or output transmitting the device data to the client computing device, Wherein transmitting the device data to the devices, the one or more premises-server computing devices including a proXy application to communicate With the client computing device via a direct commu nication connection and to transmit device data to the client computing device occurs Without requiring a client computing device via the direct communication output device; connection; request from the client computing device. 24. The method as recited in claim 23, Wherein registering the client computing device includes registering interest in updates made to one or more records in a table used to 25 Wherein the client computing device cannot establish the direct communication connection With the premises server computing device prior to obtaining the list of collect attribute data associated With the input and/or available premises-server computing devices from the devices. 25. The method as recited in claim 24, Wherein the table central communication device. 35. The system as recited in claim 34, Wherein the client computing device transmits the access request via a of available input and/or output device data includes criteria for ?ltering the data to be received by the client computing netWork-based Web site provided by the central communi device. 26. The method as recited in claim 25, Wherein ?ltering the data from the input and/or output device includes a threshold of data values to be satis?ed prior to transmitting the input and/or output device data to the client computing device. 27. The method as recited in claim 25, Wherein ?ltering the input and/or output device data includes a range of data values that must be satis?ed prior to transmitting the data from the input and/or output device to the client computing device. cation device. 36. The system as recited in claim 34, Wherein the central communication device transmits softWare application updates to the client computing device in response to an 35 access request. 37. The system as recited in claim 34, Wherein the proxy application in the premises-server computing device regis 40 received by the client computing device. 28. A computer-readable medium having computer eXecutable instructions for performing the method recited in claim 25. 29. Acomputer system having a processor, a memory and an operating environment, the computer system operable to perform the method recited in claim 25. 30. The method as recited in claim 24, Wherein the table of available device data includes instructions for processing the data from the input and/or device to be received by the 39. The system as recited in claim 37, Wherein the 45 registration includes instructions for processing the device data prior to transmitting the device data to the client computing device. 41. The system as recited in claim 37, Wherein the direct connection betWeen the proXy application and the client 31. The method as recited in claim 30, Wherein processing the input/and or output device data includes prioritiZing the computing device is persistent. data from the input and/or output device. matting. 33. The method as recited in claim 24, Wherein the table of available input and/or output device data includes a registration includes instructions for ?ltering the device data prior to transmitting the device data to the client computing device. 40. The system as recited in claim 37, Wherein the client computing device. 32. The method as recited in claim 30, Wherein processing the data from the input/and or output device includes for ters the client computing device to receive the data from the input/and or output device. 38. The system as recited in claim 37, Wherein the registration includes an identi?cation of device data to be 55 42. The system as recited in claim 37, Wherein the proxy application transmits updated device data to the client com puting device Without requiring a request for updated device data from the client computing device. 43. The system as recited in claim 37 further comprising schedule for transmitting data from the input and/or output a device server in communication With the premises-based server computing device, Wherein the device server com device to the client computing device. municates directly With the input and output devices. 34. Asystem for processing the data from the input and/or output device, the system comprising: * * * * * UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION PATENT NO. : 6,839,731 B2 Page 1 of 2 APPLICATION NO. : 10/443120 DATED : January 4, 2005 INVENTOR(S) : B. Alexander et a1. It is certified that error appears in the above-identi?ed patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below: COLUMN LINE 13 31 ERROR “puting device,” should read --puting devices,- (Claim 1, line 25) 14 1 “claim 1” should read --claim 1,- (Claim 9, line 1) 14 6 “claim 1” should read --claim 1,- (Claim 10, line 1) 14 15 “computing device” should read --computing devices- (Claim 12, line 3) 14 36 (Claim 15, line 13) 14 48 “computing devices the” should read --computing devices to Which“claim 15” should read --claim 15,- (Claim 17, line 1) 14 57 “computing device” should read --computing devices- (Claim 18, line 5) 14 65 “claim 15” should read --claim 15,- (Claim 20, line 1) 15 17 “device;” should read --device; and- (Claim 23, line 11) 15 27 “devices.” should read --output devices.- (Claim 24, line 5) 15 50 “and/or device” should read --and/ or output device- (Claim 30, line 3) 15 56 “input/and or” should read --input and/or- (Claim 32, line 2) 16 3 (Claim 34, line 5) “includes” should read --including-

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