AdvanceMe Inc v. RapidPay LLC

Filing 310

NOTICE by AdvanceMe Inc of Plaintiff's Objections to Defendants' Corrected Trial Exhibit List (Matz, Robert)

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AdvanceMe Inc v. RapidPay LLC Doc. 310 Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 1 of 50 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS TYLER DIVISION § § § § § § § § § § § § § § ADVANCEME, INC., Plaintiff, v. RAPIDPAY LLC, MERCHANT MONEY TREE, INC., REACH FINANCIAL LLC, and FAST TRANSACT, INC. d/b/a SIMPLE CASH, Defendants. CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED-JDL ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 2 of 50 Plaint iff AdvanceMe, Inc. hereby objects to Defendants' Corrected Trial Exhibit List. ADVANCEME'S OBJECTION KEY Code 106 Objection Inco mplete. This exhibit is objectionable because it is incomplete and the introduction of the remaining portions ought, in fairness, to be considered contemporaneously with it (see Fed. R. Evid. 106). 402 Relevance. This exhibit is objectionable because it is not relevant (see Fed. R. Evid. 402). 403 Misleading/Confusio n of Issues/Waste of Time. This exhibit is objectionable because its probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of the issues, or by consideratio ns of undue delay, waste of time, or needless presentation of cumulative evidence (see Fed. R. Evid. 403). 408 Compromise and Offer to Compromise. This exhibit is objectionable because it relates to offers to compromise and/or settlement negotiations (see Fed. R. Evid. 408). 602 Personal Knowledge. This exhibit is objectionable because it constitutes testimony on a matter as to which the witness lacks personal knowledge (see Fed. R. Evid. 602). 611 Vague and Ambiguous, Argumentative, Harassment, Undue Embarrassment, Leading. This exhibit is objectionable because it is vague and ambiguous, argumentative, constitutes harassment or is unduly embarrassing to the witness, or the question is leading (see Fed. R. Evid. 611). ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 1 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 3 of 50 701 Lay Opinio n/Legal Conclusio n. This exhibit is objectionable because it is opinion testimony by a lay witness that is not reasonably based on perception and helpful to a clear understanding of the witness' testimony or the determination of a fact in dispute (see Fed. R. Evid. 701). 801 Hearsay. This exhibit is objectionable because it is a statement made by one other than the declarant while testifying at trial, offered into evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted and not subject to any hearsay exception (see Fed. R. Evid. 801 and 802). 901 Authent icat ion. This exhibit is objectionable because the evidence referred to therein has not been properly authenticated (see Fed. R. Evid. 901). 10011004 Best Evidence. This exhibit is objectionable because it is vague and ambiguous as to whether the witness is summarizing its own independent understandings or the contents of a document. If the latter, attempt to prove content of a document with secondary evidence (see Fed. R. Evid. 1001-1004). A/C E Privilege. Attorney Client Privilege and/or Work Product Immunity This exhibit is objectionable because it constitutes attempted expert testimony from a person who was not designated as an expert and who did not submit an expert report (see Fed. R. Civ. P. 26). F This exhibit is objectionable because it lacks foundation. ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 2 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 4 of 50 Plaintiff AdvanceMe's Objections to Defendants' Corrected Trial Exhibit List DEF EX. NO. 1. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS U.S. Patent No. 6,941, 281 (B. Johnson Deposition Ex. 2, G. Johnson Deposition Ex. 1, Elasri Deposition Ex. 13) 9/6/05 Barbara Johnson Gary Johnson Ruth Elasri 2. 3. Letter from Lee Suckow with enclosures regarding the sending of LeCard charges directly to accounts July 23, 1992 letter from Lee Suckow (Secher Deposition Ex. 3) LC_00001-5 LC_00006 10/29/92 7/23/92 Ada m Secher 4. Cash Advance Agreement (Suckow Deposition Ex. 1, Secher Deposition Ex. 4) LC_00007-8 3/2/95 Lee Suckow Ada m Secher Lee Suckow 5. Advertising Advance Agreement (April 28, 1994) (Suckow Deposition Ex. 2) LC_00009-10 4/28/94 6. LeCard statement to Club Lucky (Suckow Deposition Ex. 4) LC_00011-12 6/96 Lee Suckow 7. "Travel Clubs Can Cut Your Vacation Costs in Half" February 1, 1993, (Exhibit P to April 12, 2007 Second Motion for Summary Judgment) LC00013-18 2/1/93 106, 402, 403, 611, 801, 901, 10011004, CS, F, P.R. 33, P.R. 3-4 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 3 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 5 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 8. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Diner's Club Account Activity, Billing Date 5/6/94 LC_00019 5/6/94 106, 402, 403, 611, 801, 901, 10011004, CS, F, P.R. 33, P.R. 3-4 106, 402, 403, 611, 801, 901, 10011004, CS, F, P.R. 33, P.R. 3-4 106, 402, 403, 611, 801, 901, 10011004, CS, F, P.R. 33, P.R. 3-4 9. Diner's Club Account Activity, Billing Date 4/5/94 LC_00020 4/5/94 10. Copy of Diners Club International cards issued to Robert H. Howard and Marjory P. Howard LC_00021 11. Litle & Company Member Agreement with National Processing Company, Inc. and First National Bank of Louisville (Bouchard Deposition Ex. 4, Litle Deposition Ex. 4, Bourne Deposition Ex. 6, and part of Abbott Deposition Ex. 3) LI_00017-29 6/9/92 Tim Litle Larry Bouchard John Randall Bourne Allen Abbott 106, 801, 901, 10011004 12. Letter from Litle & Co., NPC, and FNBL to Museum Publications of America (Exhibit Z to April 13, 2007 Reply in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment) LI_00016 2/28/92 106, 801, 901, 10011004 13. Manjeet Kripalani & Tatiana Pouschine, "People thought I was nuts," Forbes Magazine, June 8, 1992 (Litle Deposition Ex. 6, Abbott Deposition Ex. 6, Bouchard Deposition Ex. 6, and part of Bourne Deposition Ex. 2) LI_00001-3 6/8/92 Tim Litle Allen Abbott Larry Bouchard John Randall Bourne ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 4 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 6 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 14. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Letter from Allen Abbott to Tim Litle regarding proposal for Litle & Company to provide short term financing to Exposures (Abbott Deposition Ex. 5 and part of Litle Deposition Ex. 8) LI_00065-67 12/27/89 Allen Abbott 15. Memorandum from Tim Litle to John Shirey (Part of Litle Deposition Ex. 8) LI_00063-64 1/24/90 Tim Litle 16. Schedule E-1 Promissory Note for Postage Address, Exposures, Inc. (Parts of Abbott Deposition Ex. 3, Bouchard Deposition Ex. 5, Bourne Deposition Ex. 2, and Litle Deposition Ex. 9) LI_00004 6/22/90 Allen Abbott Larry Bouchard John Randall Bourne Tim Litle John Randall Bourne Tim Litle Allen Abbott Larry Bouchard John Randall Bourne Tim Litle John Randall Bourne Tim Litle Tim Litle 17. Schedule F-1 Security Agreement, Eposures, Inc. (Parts of Bourne Deposition Ex. 6 and Litle Deposition Ex. 9) LI_00006 6/25/90 18. Schedule E-4 Demand for Promissory Note for Postage Advances, Exposures, Inc. (Parts of Abbott Deposition Ex. 3, Bouchard Deposition Ex. 5, Bourne Deposition Ex. 2, and Litle Deposition Ex. 9) LI_00008 6/19/91 19. Schedule F-4 Security Agreement, Exposures, Inc. (Parts of Bourne Deposition Ex. 6 and Litle Deposition Ex. 9) LI_00007 6/19/91 20. Schedule E-1 Demand Promissory Note for Postage Advances and Schedule F-1 Security Agreement, Museum Publications of America (Litle Deposition Ex. 7) LI_00033-35 9/27/93 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 5 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 7 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 21. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Schedule E-2 Demand Promissory Note for Postage Advances and Schedule F-2 Security Agreement, for Museum Publications of America Schedule E-3 Demand Promissory Note for Postage Advances and Schedule F-3 Security Agreement, Museum Publications of America Schedule E-4 Demand Promissory Note for Postage Advances and Schedule F-4 Security Agreement, Museum Publications of America Letter from Lynda Fiala to Mr. Chris Chubb Fax from Marie Turmain, Boston Publishing Company to Mike Duffy, Litle & Co. (Exhibit G to March 12, 2007 Motion for Summary Judgment) LI_00036-38 10/20/93 22. 23. 24. 25. LI_00040-42 LI_00055-57 LI_00047 LI_00060-62 1/20/94 1/20/94 1/17/94 106, 801, 10011004, F 106, 801, 10011004, F 26. Fax from Marie Turmaine, Boston Publishing Company to Mike Duffy, Litle & Co. (Exhibit H to March 12, 2007 Motion for Summary Judgment) LI_00048-50 1/17/94 106, 801, 10011004, F 27. 28. Fax from Marie Turmaine, Boston Publishing Company to Mike Duffy, Litle & Co. Letter from Robert George, Boston Publishing to Michael Duffy, Litle & Co, and First USA Merchant Services, Inc. (Litle Deposition Ex. 5, Bouchard Deposition Ex. 7) LI_00045-46 LI_00030-31 1/14/94 2/17/94 Tim Litle Larry Bouchard 106, 801, 10011004, F 106, 801, 10011004, F ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 6 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 8 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 29. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Subordination Agreement among Exposures, Inc., The Connecticut Bank and Trust Company, Consumer Venture Partners I, LP, and First Boston Investment Limited Partnership Letter from Michael P. Duffy to Mr. Michael Riccio Cover pages to Security Agreement Schedules E3 and F3 Letter from Michael P Duffy to Mr. Robert J. George with attachments Fax from Marie Turmain to Mike Duffy Secur ed Party Copy of UCC Form 1, Financing Statement Copy of check from Litle & Co. to Secretary of State for $10 Fax cover sheet transmitting $10 payment from Litle & Co to Secretary of State Filing Officer copy of UCC Form 1 Secur ed Party Copy of UCC Form 1, Financing Statement LI_00009-15 106, F 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. LI_00032 LI_00039 LI_00043 LI_00044 LI_00051 LI_00052 LI_00053 LI_00054 LI_00058 2/24/94 106, 801, 10011004, F 106, 801, 10011004, F 1/29/94 1/19/94 106, 801, 10011004, F 106, 801, 10011004, F 106, 801, 10011004, F 106, 801, 10011004, F 106, 801, 10011004, F 106, 801, 10011004, F 106, 801, 10011004, F ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 7 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 9 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Fax from Marie Turmain to Mike Duffy Declaration of Tim Litle AdvanceMe's Objections and Response to Defendants' Amended First Set of Interrogatories to Plaintiff AdvanceMe AdvanceMe's Supplemental Objections and Response to Defendants' Amended First Set of Interrogatories AdvanceMe's Objections and Responses to Defendants' Second Set of Interrogatories Irrevocable Payment Instructions (Benedict Deposition Ex. 2) LI_00059 1/26/94 5/21/07 10/31/06 01/12/07 03/08/07 106, 801, 10011004, F RF_00045-46 William Benedict 45. Merchant Financing Program advertisement (Benedict Deposition Ex. 3) RF_00040 William Benedict 106 46. Tim Bragg (Reach) letter to Mary McCabe (Bellizzi) (Benedict Deposition Ex. 4) RF_00034 3/20/06 William Benedict 106 47. Reach Advertisement titled "Your Financial needs are now within Reach!" (Benedict Deposition Ex. 5) RF_00035 William Benedict 106 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 8 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 10 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 48. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS 10 Top Reasons Small Businesses Get Working Capital from Reach Financial (Benedict Deposition Ex. 6) RF_00033 William Benedict 106 49. Reach Advertisement titled "Reach Merchant Financing Program ­ Merchants get cash when they need it most" (Benedict Deposition Ex. 7) RF_00037 William Benedict 106 50. Company X ­ Reach Merchant Financing Program (Benedict Deposition Ex. 8) RF_00036 William Benedict 106 51. Reach Financial Purchase Agreement (Benedict Deposition Ex. 12) RF_00043-44 William Benedict 106 52. Reach Financial Purchase Agreement Rider (Benedict Deposition Ex. 13) RF_00047 William Benedict 106 53. Reach Finance, L.P. PowerPoint Presentation (Benedict Deposition Ex. 15) RF_00059-89 9/6/05 to William Benedict 106, 701, 1001-1004 54. Reach Withholding Worksheet; Various e-mails (Benedict Deposition Ex. 18) RF_000957-1003 5/8/06 to William Benedict 106, 701, 802, 10011004 106, 802, 1001-1004 55. Paymentech advertisement (Benedict Deposition Ex. 22) 1/30/07 William Benedict ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 9 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 11 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 56. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Cash Advance Agreement (Jackson Deposition Ex. 7) MMT_00002-7 William Jackson 106 57. Merchant Services Agreement (Talbert Deposition Ex. 15) FF_00087-88 David Talbert 106, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 106, 602, F 58. Declaration of Allen Abbott (Abbott Deposition Ex. 4) 12/21/06 Allen Abbott 59. Laurent Bouchard CV (Bouchard Deposition Ex. 3) Larry Bouchard 106, 402, 701 60. Competitive Landscape (Boudette Deposition Ex. 3, Gepford Deposition Ex. 4, Burnside Deposition Ex. 3, Morgenstein Deposition Ex. 5, Hardwick Deposition Ex. 8) ADVAM0004110 Michelle Boudette Jeanette Gepford Tom Burnside Bill Morgenstein Cliff Hardwick 1/26/07 John Randall Bourne 106, 402, 403, 10011004 61. Declaration of John Randall Bourne (Bourne Deposition Ex. 5) 62. Competitive Analysis (Burnside Deposition Ex. 2) Tom Burnside 63. Reach MicroLoan Daily Report (Carter Deposition Ex. 2) COMDATA0001-4, 1475-76 1/16/07; Jennifer Carter 106 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 10 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 12 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 64. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Reach Withholding, ACH Report (Carter Deposition Ex. 8) COMDATA0166, 0007-8 FF_00048-52 Jennifer Carter 106 65. First Funds, LLC­Merchant Agreement (3/1/07 Derussy Deposition Ex. 3) Cortes Derussy 106, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 106, 1001-1004, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 106, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 66. Document titled "Set Up and Flow of Secondary Processor (3/1/07 Derussy Deposition Ex. 10) FF_00265 Cortes Derussy 67. Cyner gydata Merchant Application (Elasri Deposition Ex. 5) AM_00068-00071 01-20-05 Ruth Elasri 68. Web Pages on Hidden Value Systems (Falke Deposition Ex. 1) Les Falke 69. Pages from Capital Access Network, Inc. Business Plan December 1998 Copy Number x (Falke Deposition Ex. 2) CH0042-44 12/98 Les Falke 106 70. Pages from Capital Access Network, Inc. Business Plan August 1999 (Falke Deposition Ex. 3, Gepford Deposition Ex. 3, Hardwick Deposition Ex. 5) CH0051-54 8/99 Les Falke Jeanette Gepford Cliff Hardwick Les Falke Barbara Johnson 106 71. Form 10-K Filing on Transmedia Network Inc. (Falke Deposition Ex. 5 and Barbara Johnson Deposition Ex. 6) TR 00001-62 9/30/95 106, 602, F ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 11 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 13 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 72. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Article from South Florida Business Journal titled "Dining Cards: Will work for food" (Falke Deposition Ex. 6) 8/5/96 Les Falke 73. PowerPoint presentation slides on Capital Access Network (Falke Deposition Ex. 7) ADV 0005691-98 5/01 Les Falke 106, 402, 403, 10011004 74. U.S. Patent No. 6,826,544 (Falke Deposition Ex. 8, Barbara Johnson Deposition Ex. 3) 11/30/04 Les Falke Barbara Johnson Les Falke Jeanette Gepford Michelle Boudette Glen Goldman Bill Morgenstein Cliff Hardwick 106 75. 76. Les Falke Biography (Falke Deposition Ex. 9) Competitive Analysis (Gepford Deposition Ex. 5; Hardwick Deposition Exs. 3 and 4 ; AM_2149 also Goldman Deposition Ex. 1, Boudette Deposition Ex. 2, and Morgenstein deposition Ex. 4) ADVAM 005775 AM_02149-51 77. Letter from Keller Rohrback L.L.P. to Tiffany Gilbert of AdvanceMe, Inc. regarding Acadia Funding, Inc./Jeanette Gepford enclosing Trade Secrets Pre-Application Verification, letter to all sales reps and presentation on unfair competition, trade secrets and tortuous interference (Gepford Deposition Ex. 8) 6/7/06 Jeanette Gepford 106 78. AdvanceMe Organizational Chart (Goldman Deposition Ex. 2) ADV 0005709 Glen Goldman ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 12 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 14 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 79. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS E-mail from Robert Baker to John Konop and Mike Weigel, cc to Glenn Goldman, T. Burnside, R Ferrante regarding and (Goldman Deposition Ex. 3) ADVAM0004750-51 9/29/03 Glen Goldman 402, 403 80. E-mail from John Konop to Robert Baker, cc to Glen Goldman, T. Burnside, R Ferrante regarding and (Goldman Deposition Ex. 4) ADVAM0004752-53 9/23/03 Glen Goldman 402, 403 81. E-mail from Robert Baker to Executives regarding iDine 10/22 Earnings call (Goldman Deposition Ex. 5) ADVAM0004802-04 10/22/03 Glen Goldman 402, 403 82. Compr ehensive Report on Lee Suckow (Goldman Deposition Ex. 7) ADV0005351-67 2/17/04 Glen Goldman 83. Off-site Management Meeting Schedule at the AdvanceMe Leadership Conference, May 30, 2003 ­ June 1, 2003 (Hardwick Deposition Ex. 7) Presentation slides from AdvanceMe Leadership Conference May 30 ­ June 1, 2003 titled "In Good Taste" (Hardwick Deposition Ex. 9) CH0006-7 5/30/03 to 6/1/03 5/30/03 to 6/1/03 Clifford Hardwick 402, 403 84. CH0008-35 Clifford Hardwick 402, 403 85. Letter from Tom Burnside to Cliff Harwick regarding offer of employment (Hardwick Deposition Ex. 10) 7/19/05 Clifford Hardwick ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 13 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 15 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 86. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Severance Agreement and Release between AdvanceMe and Cliff Harwick (Hardwick Deposition Ex. 11) 2/12/01 Clifford Hardwick 87. Document titled List of Documents for AdvanceMe Inc. (Hardwick Deposition Ex. 12) CH001-2 Clifford Hardwick 88. Expert Report of Donald Headlund (Headlund Deposition Ex. 4) 3/7/07 Donald Headlund 89. Rebuttal Expert Report of Donald Headlund (Headlund Deposition Ex. 5) 4/2/07 Donald Headlund 90. TX Direct Merchant Agreement and Application Form (Headlund Deposition Ex. 14) FF_00094-103 Donald Headlund 106 91. Merchant Bankcard Application Packet (Barbara Johnson Deposition Ex. 5) FUSA 0001-4 (double sided) Barbara Johnson 402, 802, 1001-1004 92. Declaration of self-Authenticating Business Records (Barbara Johnson Deposition Ex. 7) Barbara Johnson 93. Declaration of Self-Authenticating Business Records (Barbara Johnson Deposition Ex. 8) Barbara Johnson 94. "Lending a Hand" article on AdvanceMe, May 2006 (Barbara Johnson Deposition Ex. 9) Barbara Johnson ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 14 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 16 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 95. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Form 10-Q on Vertrue, Inc. (Gary Johnson Deposition Ex. 3) 5/14/04 Gary Johnson 402, 403 96. Pages from Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 23 (Konop Deposition Ex. 4) CH0055-57 John Konop 97. September 2006 Inc. Magazine article by Tim Litle (Litle Deposition Ex. 2) 9/06 Tim Litle 106, 402, 802 98. Curriculum Vitae of Thomas J. (Tim) Litle (Litle Deposition Ex. 3) Tim Litle 99. TX Direct Merchant Agreement (Lott Deposition Ex. 6) FF_00094-99 Daniel Lott Order from June 27, 2007 hearing Order from June 27, 2007 hearing Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 100. Business records from TX Direct (Lott Deposition Ex. 11) TXD_04034-38 Daniel Lott 101. Business records from TX Direct (Lott Deposition Ex. 12) TXD_04050-54, 00089-101 Daniel Lott 102. Who's Who in America profile on Bill Morgenstein (Morgenstein Deposition Ex. 3) Bill Morgenstein 103. Letter from Morgenstein to Joe Valeo (Morgenstein Deposition Ex. 6) 3/26/05 Bill Morgenstein ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 15 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 17 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 104. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS E-mail from Morgenstein regarding an employment contract (Morgenstein Deposition Ex. 7) 5/7/05 Bill Morgenstein 105. E-mail from Nathan Warshaw (Morgenstein Deposition Ex. 8) 5/6/05 Bill Morgenstein 106. Message from Morgenstein to Tom Burnside (Morgenstein Deposition Ex. 9) 5/18/05 Bill Morgenstein 107. Memo from Morgenstein to Victoria Cundiff (Morgenstein Deposition Ex. 10) 5/30/05 Bill Morgenstein 106, 402, 403, 801 108. Letter from Les Falke with attached employment agreement (Morgenstein Deposition Ex. 11) 1/17/00 Bill Morgenstein 106, 402, 403, 801 109. Letter from Lee Suckow (Suckow Deposition Ex. 3, Falke Deposition Ex. 4 ; Hardwick Deposition Ex. 6) L C _ 0 0 0 01 10/29/92 Lee Suckow Les Falke Cliff Hardwick Lee Suckow 106 110. Carte Blanche letter to Chicago Chop House (Suckow Deposition Ex. 5) LC_00004 4/29/92 106 111. Letter from Robert Matz to Lee Suckow (Suckow Deposition Ex. 6) 7/28/06 Lee Suckow 402, 403 112. Handwritten document titled Transaction in Restaurant (Suckow Deposition Ex. 7) Lee Suckow 106 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 16 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 18 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 113. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Handwritten document titled Transaction back to Restaurant (Suckow Deposition Ex. 8) Lee Suckow 106 114. Documents relating to LeCard (Suckow Deposition Ex. 9, Landon Deposition Ex. 3, Sorwell Deposition Ex. 3, McBrearty Deposition Ex. 3) LC_00001-12 Lee Suckow Edward Landon Ger ette Sorwell Tom McBrearty 11/30/06 Anthony Wilden 106 115. E-mails between Tony Wilden and Henry Harp regarding Reach Financial (Wilden Deposition Ex. 8) 106, 802, 1001-1004 116. E-mail from Deb Brown to Laura Hauber, Jennie Fink, Brian Howard regarding Reach funding program (Wilden Deposition Ex. 12) 9/1/06 Anthony Wilden 106, 802, 1001-1004 117. Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Invalidity Claim Chart for Claim 1 (Exhibit S to March 12, 2007 Motion for Summary Judgment) 3/12/07 403, 701, 802 118. Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Invalidity Claim Chart for Claims 2-9 (Exhibit T to March 12, 2007 Motion for Summary Judgment) 3/12/07 403, 701, 802 119. Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Invalidity Claim Chart for Claim 10 (Exhibit U to March 12, 2007 Motion for Summary Judgment) 3/12/07 403, 701, 802 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 17 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 19 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 120. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Invalidity Claim Chart for Claims 11-19 (Exhibit V to March 12, 2007 Motion for Summary Judgment) 3/12/07 403, 701, 802 121. Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Supporting Evidence (Exhibit K to April 12, 2007 Second Motion for Summary Judgment) 4/12/07 403, 701, 802 122. Invalidity Claim Chart for Claims 1-9 (Exhibit L to April 12, 2007 Second Motion for Summary Judgment) 4/12/07 403, 701, 802 123. Invalidity Claim Chart for Claims 10-19 (Exhibit M to April 12, 2007 Second Motion for Summary Judgment) 4/12/07 403, 701, 802 124. 125. 126. Declaration of Gerette Sorwell (Exhibit X to May 9, 2007 Reply in Support of Second Motion for Summary Judgment) Defendants' Third Amended Invalidity Contentions Merchant Service Card Processing Service Agreement Terms and Conditions (Refer ence to 3rd Amended Invalidity Contentions) BOA 00001-20 5/9/07 2/12/07 403, 701, 802 403, 701, 802 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F 127. Credit Card Processing Agreement among Electronic Data Systems Corporation, Reno Air, Inc. and First USA Merchant Services, Inc. (Refer ence to 3rd Amended Invalidity Contentions) EDSADV 00046-94 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F 128. Reserve Account Agreement between EDS and Reno Air (Reference to 3rd Amended Invalidity Contentions) EDSADV 00095-103 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 18 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 20 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Affidavit of Elliot Merberg in Transmedia v. 33 E. 61st Street Restaurant Corp. Agr eement between Transmedia Network, Inc. and 33 E. 6th Street Restaurant Corp. Standard Terms and Conditions to Transmedia agreements "Dining Card Menu Features Lots of Options," The South Florida Business Journal, 8/5/96, reprinted on "Dining Cards: Will Work for Food," The South Florida Business Journal, 8/5/96, reprinted on "Restaurateurs Split on Utility of New Dining-Out Card ­Transmedia Network Inc. Promotion," Los Angeles Business Journal, 9/5/94, reprinted on Rewards Network profile on AdvanceMe May 19-22, 2005 Leadership Conference presentation materials AdvanceMe Leadership Conference June 3-6, 2004 presentation materials Pages from Capital Access Network Inc. December 1998 Business Plan Copy Number 1 TR 00063-74 TR 00075-76 TR 00077A TR 00077-81 TR 00082-87 TR 00088-91 402, 403, 602, 801, 901,1001-1004, F 402, 403, 602, 801, 901,1001-1004, F 402, 403, 602, 801, 901,1001-1004, F 402, 403, 602, 801, 901,1001-1004, F 402, 403, 602, 801, 901,1001-1004, F 402, 403, 602, 801, 901,1001-1004, F 402, 403, 602, 801, 901,1001-1004, F 5/19-22/05 6/3/6/04 12/98 402, 403 402, 403 135. 136. 137. 138. TR 00092-101 CH0003-5 CH0036-38 CH0039-41 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 19 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 21 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Pages from Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 1 Pages from Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 23 Letter from Les Falke to Jay Massimo regarding business plan Letter from Les Falke to Andrew Ross regarding business plan Letter from Les Falke to Steve regarding business plan Letter from Les Falke to Mark regarding business plan Pages from Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 1 Cover page to Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 28 Cover page to Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 29 Cover page to Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 30 Pages from Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 30 Capital Access Network Inc. December 1998 Business Plan Copy Number 1 CH0045-50 CH0058-60 CH0062 CH0063 CH0064 CH0065 CH0066-68 CH0069 CH0070 CH0071 CH0072-74 CH 00075-109 8/99 8/99 12/29/98 12/29/98 12/30/98 12/30/98 8/99 8/99 8/99 8/99 8/99 12/98 A/C-95, A/C-98, A/C-109 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 20 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 22 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Capital Access Network Inc. December 1998 Business Plan Copy Number x Countrywide Business Alliance Inc. Quarterly Balance Sheets Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 1 Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 14 Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 1 Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 23 Countrywide Business Alliance Inc. Quarterly Statements of Operations Countrywide Business Alliance Inc. Quarterly Balance Sheets Countrywide Business Alliance Inc. Quarterly Cash Flow Forecasts Report titled Brown Brothers Funding in Current Month Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 23 Countrywide Business Alliance Inc. Quarterly Statements of Operations CH 00110-125 CH 00126-130 CH 00131-148 CH 00149-170 CH 00171-186 CH 00187-201 CH 00202-206 CH 00207-211 CH 00212-216 CH 00217-222 CH 00223-237 CH 00238-242 12/98 Undated 8/99 8/99 8/99 8/99 Undated Undated Undated 1/4/00 8/99 Undated A/C-148 A/C-162 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 21 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 23 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Countrywide Business Alliance Inc. Quarterly Balance Sheets Countrywide Business Alliance Inc. Quarterly Cash Flow Forecasts Letter from Les Falke to Daniel Wolf regarding business plan Letter from Les Falke to Jonathan Epstein regarding business plan Pages from Capital Access Network Inc. August 1999 Business Plan Copy Number 1 Fax cover and letter from Craig Hamrah to Les Falke with handwritten notes Application for Patent on Automated Payment System and Method, continuation in part of prior application No. 08/890,398 (Serial No. 09/046,062) Combined Declaration and Power of Attorney for Patent Application (Serial No. 09/046,062) Verified Statement (Declaration) Claiming Small Entity Status (Serial No. 09/046,062) Infor mation Disclosure Statement (Serial No. 09/046,062) Supplemental Information Disclosure Statement (Serial No. 09/046,062) Preliminary Amendment (Serial No. 09/046,062) Office Action (Serial No. 09/046,062) ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST CH 00243-247 CH 00248-252 CH 00253 CH 0254 CH 00255-262 CH 00263-265 ADV0001904-33 Undated Undated 8/18/99 8/18/99 8/99 1/21/99 1/6/99 3/23/98 106, 1001-1004 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. ADV0001934-37 ADV0001938-39 ADV0001940-44 ADV0001945-49 ADV0001950-58 ADV0001959-77 3/16/98 3/16/98 3/23/98 10/29/98 6/2/99 6/23/99 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL 22 Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 24 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 176. 177. 178. 179. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS PTO cover sheet to document mailed 8/16/99 (no enclosed document immediately following) (Serial No. 09/046,062) Office Action (Serial No. 09/046,062) Office Action (Serial No. 09/046,062) PTO confirmation of filing, Certificate of Mailing, Transmittal Form, and Fee Transmittal form corresponding to request for extension of time and a response (Serial No. 09/046,062) Petition for Extension of Time (Serial No. 09/046,062) Amendment and Response (Serial No. 09/046,062) Check to Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks (Serial No. 09/046,062) Office Action (Serial No. 09/046,062) Formal Paper submitting that the Feb. 1, 2000 Office Action is a duplicate Copy of check to Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks and check stub (Serial No. 09/046,062) Amendment and Response (Serial No. 09/046,062) Application for Patent on Automated Payment, Continuation of prior application Serial No. 08/890,398 ADV0001978 ADV0001979-94 ADV0001995-2010 ADV0002011-14 8/16/99 8/17/99 2/1/00 2/16/00 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. ADV0002015 ADV0002016-23 ADV0002024 ADV0002025-32 ADV0002033 ADV0002037-38 ADV0002039-49 ADV0002050-73 2/16/00 2/16/00 2/16/00 5/4/00 8/1/00 9/1/00 9/5/00 7/20/99 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 23 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 25 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Combined Declaration and Power of Attorney for Patent Application (Serial No. 08/890,398) Incomplete Verified Statement (Declaration) Claiming Small Entity Status (Serial No. 08/890,398) Preliminary Amendment (Continuation of Serial No. 08/890,398) Infor mation Disclosure Statement (Serial No. 09/356,711) Continuation-in-Part Application ­ Automated Payment System and Method (Serial No. 09/420,923) Form of Countrywide Business Alliance Merchant Agr eement Infor mation Disclosure Statement (Serial No. 09/420,923) Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review on drawings filed 12/19/99 Excerpts of Transcript of the Deposition of Les Falke taken September 10, 2003 in Angrisani v. Capital Access Networks ADV002074-77 ADV0002078 ADV0002079-83 ADV0002084-91 ADV0002092-2123 ADV0002124 ADV0002125-32 ADV0002133 ADV0003012-16, ADV0003025-26, ADV0003028-32, ADV0003036-37, ADV0003050 ADV0003077-79, ADV0003083, ADV0003089-91 ADV0003101-05, ADV0003109-10 7/9/97 7/20/99 12/3/99 10/19/99 Undated 12/3/99 Undated 9/10/03 106, 402, 403, 10011004 197. Excerpts of Transcript of the Deposition of Gary Johnson taken November 13, 2003 in Angrisani v. Capital Access Networks Excerpts of Transcript of the Deposition of Gary Johnson taken November 14, 2003 in Angrisani v. Capital Access Networks ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 11/13/03 106, 402, 403, 10011004 106, 402, 403, 10011004 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL 198. 11/14/03 24 Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 26 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS AdvanceMe presentation titled Sales Restructure Plan E-mail from Glen Goldman to Rich Ferrante E-mail from Robert Baker to Rich Ferrante Form Confidentiality Agreements for Capital Access Network, Inc. Document titled Overview: Capital Access Network, Inc. ("CAN") E-mail to Tom Burnside attaching undated presentation on Capital Access Network Presentation on Capital Access Network Document titled Additional Terms of the Merchant Agreement Draft of Strategic Plan Discussion Document titled Executive Summary Presentation on Capital Access Network E-mail to Tom Burnside Document titled Executive Summary Document titled SIC Code Distribution Document titled Background/Values ADV0004009-41 ADV0004042-45 ADV0004046-49 ADV0004050-65 ADV0004066-69 ADV0004088-110 ADV0004111-31 ADV0004134-39 ADV0004163-69 ADV0004170-74 ADV0004175-97 ADV0004198-200 ADV0004201-05 ADV0004269 ADV0004289-318 4/27/05 10/11/02 2/25/03 4/25/02, 5/23/02 5/03 1/11/01 Undated Undated 3/10/02 Undated Undated 5/1/02 Undated 4/23/02 Undated 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 25 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 27 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Document titled CAN versus Traditional Lenders E-mail from Robert Baker regarding iDine E-mail from Robert Baker forwarding marketing materials Presentation pages dated 5/16/03 7:46:24 AM Presentation titled 12 Month Turn Contracts, dated 6/26/03 3:22:54 PM Presentation titled 12 Month Turn Contracts, dated 6/29/03 2:35:21 PM Presentation titled 12 Month Turn Contracts, dated 6/26/03 3:39:52 PM Presentation titled 12 Month Turn Contracts, dated 6/30/03 2:13:35 PM E-mail from Les Falke attaching press release on Transmedia E-mail from Robert Baker regarding "entertainment book" and IGT E-mail from John Konop regarding IGT E-mail from Robert Baker E-mail from Rich Ferrante regarding 12 Month Turn Contracts presentation E-mail from Tom Burnside sending iDine article ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST ADV0004349-51 ADV0004371-74 ADV0004375-76 ADV0004491-99 ADV0004638-54 ADV0004672-83 ADV0004695-711 ADV0004729-41 ADV0004742-47 ADV0004750-51 ADV0004752-53 ADV0004754-55 ADV0004756-58 ADV0004772-78 11/2/01 3/28/02 9/12/03 5/16/03 6/26/03 6/29/03 6/26/03 6/30/03 11/27/01 9/29/03 9/29/03 9/29/03 8/5/03 4/18/03 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106 106 106, 402, 403 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL 26 Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 28 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS E-mail from John Konop regarding iDine Document titled CAN versus Traditional Lenders Document titled Capital Access Networks Executive Summary E-mail from Robert Baker regarding iDine earnings Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors ADV0004779-80 ADV0004784-86 ADV0004787-96 ADV0004802-04 ADV0005054-55 ADV0005056-57 ADV0005058-59 ADV0005060-62 ADV0005063-65 ADV0005066-67 ADV0005068-69 ADV0005070-71 9/26/01 11/2/01 Undated 10/22/03 4/25/01 2/23/01 12/8/00 7/25/00 4/13/00 3/10/00 1/13/00 12/14/99 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 27 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 29 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST ADV0005072-73 ADV0005074-75 ADV0005076-77 ADV0005078 ADV0005079-80 ADV0005081-82 ADV0005083 ADV0005084-85 ADV0005086-87 ADV0005088-90 ADV0005091-92 9/17/99 7/15/99 6/9/99 9/1/98 4/25/01 7/13/01 8/7/01 10/19/01 5/20/03 9/22/05 12/14/05 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 28 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 30 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Capital Access Network, Inc. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors Agenda: Board of Directors Meeting Agenda: Board of Directors Meeting Agenda: Board of Directors Meeting Agenda: Board of Directors Meeting Agenda: Board of Directors Meeting Agenda: Board of Directors Meeting Agenda: AdvanceMe Transaction Service ­ ATS Document titled Company Overview Document titled Operational Overview Document titled Financial Overview Document titled Competitive Landscape Presentation titled Competitive Analysis Presentation titled iDine Study for Leadership Conference May 30June 1, 2003 Presentation titled In Good Taste for Leadership Conference May 30June 1, 2003 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST ADV0005093-94 ADV0005095 ADV0005096-97 ADV0005098 ADV0005099 ADV0005100 ADV0005101 ADV0005102 ADV0005103-04 ADV0005105 ADV0005106 ADV0005107 ADV0005108-11 ADV0005112-22 ADV0005123-36 3/29/06 4/25/01 10/19/01 5/20/03 9/22/05 12/14/05 3/29/06 Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated 5/30/03 5/30/03 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 29 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 31 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS List of company names and addresses; appears to be a spreadsheet on accounts Presentation titled Why AdvanceMe Wins Set of materials on AdvanceMe competitor information Spreadsheet of competitor information Checklist of renewal rejection reasons Table titled AMI Competitor Review Chart titled Comparison of Market Leaders Illinois Corporation Search results on Clever Ideas Dun & Bradstreet report on Clever Ideas Clever Ideas Results Report Confidential Customer Data Analysis, Clever Ideas Café Background report on Lee Suckow Background report on Clever Ideas Pages from web site Pages from Clever Ideas web site Pages from iDine web site ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST ADV0005137-40 ADV0005141-44 ADV0005147-60 ADV0005161-64 ADV0005165 ADV0005197-99 ADV0005208 ADV0005321 ADV0005322-35 ADV0005336-43 ADV0005344-50 ADV0005351-67 ADV0005368-75 ADV0005376-82 ADV0005383-434 ADV0005446-55 Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated 12/7/06 Undated 3/9/01 2/9/04 5/28/03 5/28/03 2/17/04 2/9/04 2/9/04 2/9/04 3/8/04 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 106, 402, 403 30 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 32 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS NYS Department of State search results on Rewards Network iDine/Rewards Network 2002 Annual Report Pages from iDine web site iDine Rewards Network Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2002 and 2001 Pages from iDine web site SEC Form 10-K for iDine Rewards Network, fiscal year ending December 31, 2002 Pages from iDine web site results for Rewards Network, Inc. Dun & Bradstreet report on iDinecom Inc. Pages from iDine web site Pages from Rewards Network web site Countrywide Business Alliance Sales Meeting Agenda Document titled Dining Programs: iDine Report on UCC's Present on Experion Business Reports as of April 7th, 2003 Page from Clever Ideas web site ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST ADV0005456 ADV0005457-63 ADV0005464-71 ADV0005472-513 ADV0005514-43 ADV0005544-73 ADV0005574-89 ADV0005590-93 ADV0005594-96 ADV0005597-608 ADV0005609-19 ADVAM0005701 ADVAM0005724 ADV0005778-5951 ADV0005952 3/24/04 Undated 3/8/04 2/5/03 2/8/04 Undated 3/8/04 2/5/04 2/5/04 2/5/04 2/28/05 12/1/98 Undated Undated 3/1/0? CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL 31 Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 33 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 297. 298. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS E-mail exchange between Glenn Goldman to John Konop First Funds promotional materials ADV0005963 FF_00018-19 8/26/05 106, 1001-1004, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing Order from June 27, 2007 hearing Undated 106, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 106, 403, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 106, 403, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 106, 403, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 106, 403, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 299. 300. Bankcard Central Terminal Input Data Form Unexecuted Merchant Agreement between TX Direct and NCMIC Finance Corporation E-mail from Krissy Burkey to David Talbert (First Funds production of .pst 12/19/06) E-mail from to Paul Hayden, Douglas Davis, Dawayne Beaufort, Ann-Marie Rose, ccing Angela Chu and Jahee Yang (First Funds production of .pst 12/19/06) E-mail from Krissy Burkey to Paul Hayden (First Funds production of .pst 12/19/06) E-mail from Ellen Lanney to Angela Chu (First Funds production of .pst 12/19/06) FF_00093 FF_01438-43 301. 1/30/06 302. 10/9/06 303. 7/21/06 304. 9/15/06 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 32 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 34 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 305. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS E-mail from Krissy Burkey to Philip Head, ccing Douglas Davis, Jacob Dorfman, Angela Chu, and Jacking Logan, regarding and attaching the new ACH Merchant Agreement (First Funds production of .pst 12/19/06) E-mail from Angela Chu to Steve Buckley (First Funds production of .pst 12/19/06; Exhibit 13 to opposition to motion for sanctions) 9/26/06 106, 403, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 106, 403, 802, 10011004, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 106, 403, 802, 10011004, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 106, 403, 802, 10011004, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 106, 1001-1004 106, 1001-1004 106, 402, 1001-1004 106, 402, 1001-1004 106, 402, 1001-1004 306. 9/19/06 307. E-mail from Krissy Burkey regarding Process and Card Type Guidelines (First Funds production of .pst 12/19/06; Exhibit 16 to opposition to motion for sanctions) 8/24/06 308. E-mail from Krissy Burkey to Vlad Sadovisky (First Funds production of .pst 12/19/06; Exhibit 20 to opposition to motion for sanctions) 3/31/06 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. E-mail from AmeriMercahnt Payment Systems to E-mail from AmeriMerchant Payment Systems to Bill Jackson approving payments E-mail from John Meinel regarding account closure E-mail from John Meinel regarding account closure E-mail from John Meinel regarding account closure MMT_01695 MMT_01697-98 MMT_01705 MMT_01706 MMT_01707 10/31/06 10/31/06 8/14/06 4/24/06 9/18/06 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 33 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 35 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Irrevocable Payment Instructions, between Comdata and Reach Financial E-mail from Bryan Clanton to Marci Leary regarding ACH rejects from the bank E-mail from Marci Leary to Jennif Fink regarding change to withholdings, with attachment E-mail from Marci Leary to Bryan Clanton regarding change to withholdings, with attachment Statement of Account for Reach Financial Checking Account Inquiry on Reach Financial Voided check Checking Account Inquiry on Reach Financial Voided check Checking Account Inquiry on Reach Financial Voided check RF_00051-52 RF_01004-05 RF_01010-11 RF_01012-14 RF_01015-22 RF_01023 RF_01024 RF_01025 RF_01026 RF_01027 RF_01028 9/19/05 10/18/06 1/29/07 1/9/07 1/31/07 106 106, 402, 1001-1004 106 106 106, 402, 403, 10011004 106, 402, 403, 10011004 106, 402, 403, 10011004 106, 402, 403, 10011004 106, 402, 403, 10011004 106, 402, 403, 10011004 106, 402, 403, 10011004 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 34 Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 36 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Monthly Billing Statement to Marina Car Wash Bank of America Business Checking Statement for Marina Car Wash Statement for Merchant KPRNY, Inc. Wells Fargo Business Checking Statement for KPRNY, Inc. (pages 17) Internetworking Technology Handbook, Chapter 3 "Introduction to WAN Technologies" (attached as Ex. B to the Rebuttal Expert Report of Donald Headlund served April 2, 2007), available at oc/introwan.htm RF_01041 RF_01042-52 RF_01053 RF_01054-60 12/06 12/06 Undated 8/06 106, 402, 403, 10011004 106, 402, 403, 10011004 106, 402, 403, 10011004 106, 402, 403, 10011004 402, 403, 802, 901, 1001-1004 330. Cisco IOS Release 12.0 Dial Solutions Configuration Guide, "Managing Modems" (attached as Ex. C to the Rebuttal Expert Report of Donald Headlund served April 2, 2007), available at td/doc/product/software/ios120/12cgcr/dial_c/index.htm 402, 403, 802, 901, 1001-1004 331. 332. Slides of LeCard Invalidity argument presented by Defendants at May 22, 2007 Hearing Slides of Litle Invalidity argument presented by Defendants at May 22, 2007 Hearing 5/22/07 701, 1001-1004 701, 1001-1004 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 35 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 37 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Transcript of Hearing regarding Konop Deposition E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file COMDATA0033-34 COMDATA0040-41 COMDATA0045-46 COMDATA0049-50 COMDATA0055-56 COMDATA0060-61 COMDATA0064-65 COMDATA0088-89 COMDATA0097-98 COMDATA0107108 2/8/07 1/4/07 1/3/07 1/2/07 12/29/06 12/27/06 12/26/06 12/22/06 12/14/06 12/12/06 12/8/06 106, 402, 403 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 36 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 38 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching outgoing ACH report file E-mail from to Admin Sales attaching ACH report file E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report COMDATA0118119 COMDATA0125126 COMDATA0130131 COMDATA0139141 COMDATA0142143 COMDATA0536537 12/6/06 12/5/06 12/4/06 12/1/06 12/1/06 8/31/06 106 106 106 106 106 106 350. COMDATA0555556 8/30/06 106 351. COMDATA0566567 8/29/06 106 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 37 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 39 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 352. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report COMDATA0575577 8/28/06 106 353. COMDATA0587588 8/25/06 106 354. COMDATA0591592 8/24/06 106 355. COMDATA0595596 8/23/06 106 356. COMDATA0606607 8/22/06 106 357. COMDATA0610612 8/21/06 106 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 38 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 40 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 358. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report COMDATA0615616 8/18/06 106 359. COMDATA0628629 8/17/06 106 360. COMDATA0637638 8/16/06 106 361. COMDATA0645646 8/15/06 106 362. COMDATA0647649 8/14/06 106 363. COMDATA0654655 8/11/06 106 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 39 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 41 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 364. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report COMDATA0663664 8/10/06 106 365. COMDATA0673674 8/9/06 106 366. COMDATA0686687 8/8/06 106 367. COMDATA0690692 8/7/06 106 368. COMDATA0700701 8/4/06 106 369. COMDATA0704705 8/3/06 106 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 40 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 42 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 370. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report E-mail from to, Admin Sales,, attaching Reach MicroLoan Daily Report Specification (Application No. 09/356,711) Claims (Application No. 09/356,711) Drawings (Application No. 09/356,711) Preliminary Amendment (Application No. 09/356,711) (Exhibit AA to April 13, 2007 Reply in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment) COMDATA0712713 8/2/06 106 371. COMDATA0714715 8/1/06 106 372. COMDATA0716718 7/31/06 106 373. 374. 375. 376. 281FH0010-19 281FH0020-23 281FH0024-28 281FH0005-9 7/20/99 7/20/99 7/20/99 7/20/99 106 106 106 106 377. Non-Final Rejection (Application No. 09/356,711) (Exhibit X to March 12, 2007 Motion for Summary Judgment) 281FH0268-276 1/24/02 106 378. 379. Final Rejection (Application No. 09/356,711) Final Rejection (Application No. 09/356,711) ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 281FH0286-294 281FH0328-336 8/22/02 1/12/04 106 106 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL 41 Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 43 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 380. 381. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Request for Continued Examination (Application No. 09/356,711) Request for Extension of Time and Amendment (Application No. 09/356,711) (Barbara Johnson Deposition Ex. 4) 281FH0341 281FH0344, 338340, 342-343 7/14/04 Barbara Johnson 106 106 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. Claims (Application No. 09/356,711) Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment (Application No. 09/356,711) Notice of Allowance and Fees Due (PTOL-85) (Application No. 09/356,711) Notice of Allowability (Application No. 09/356,711) Examiner Interview Summary Record (Application No. 09/356,711) Office Action ­ Non-Final Rejection (Application No. 08/890,398) Response after Non-Final Action ­ Amendment and Response (Application No. 08/890,398) (Falke Deposition Ex. 10) Office Action ­ Final Rejection (Application No. 08/890,398) Response After Final (Application No. 08/890,398) Advisory Action (Application No. 08/890,398) Continued Prosecution Application (Application No. 08/890,398) 281FH0338-340 281FH0342-343 281FH0351-353 281FH0354-358 281FH0359-361 FHC0185-192 FHC0626, FHC0628-632 FHC0633-640 FHC0645-650 FHC0651-652 FHC0657-658 4/1/05 4/1/05 4/1/05 11/10/98 1/20/99 2/16/99 6/3/99 7/8/99 7/16/99 Les Falke 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 42 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 44 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 393. 394. 395. 396. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Preliminary Amendment (Application No. 08/890,398) Final Rejection (Application No. 08/890,398) Examiner Interview Summary Record (Application No. 08/890,398) Appeal Brief (Application No. 08/890,398) (Exhibit W to March 12, 2007 Motion for Summary Judgment) FHC0661-665 FHC0666-667, FHC0398-403 FHC0405 FHC0678-700 7/16/99 8/6/99 8/31/99 6/7/00 106 106 106 106 397. 398. 399. 400. Examiner's Answer to Appeal Brief (Application No. 08/890,398) Notice of Allowability (Application No. 08/890,398) Notice of Allowance and Fees Due (PTOL-85) (Application No. 08/890,398) Media Funding Corporation background document FHC0732-741 FHC0769-773 FHC0774-776 BM0001-03 8/10/00 7/13/04 7/21/04 106 106 106 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 401. Fax to Peter Beiler with draft letter regarding business plan by Media Funding Corporation BM0004-7 11/8/95 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402. Form of Media Funding and Royalty Agreement BM0008-19 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 43 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 45 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 403. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Form of Media Agency and Royalty Agreement BM0020-27 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 3/17/95 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 1996 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 404. Form of Media Funding and Royalty Agreement BM0028-41 405. Form of Media Funding and Royalty Agreement BM0042-53 406. Handwritten Notes BM0054-55 407. Form of Media Funding and Royalty Agreement marked up BM0056-70 408. Draft letter to first USA Paymentech regarding Media Agency and Royalty Agreement BM0071-73 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 44 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 46 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 409. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Draft letter to first USA Paymentech regarding Media Agency and Royalty Agreement BM0074-76 1996 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 410. Letter from Matthew Fladell to Jonathan Noel with attached Media Funding and Servicing Fee Agreement and fax coversheet from Matthew Fladell forwarding to Rob Corey Fax coversheet forwarding attached Media Funding and Servicing Fee Agreement to Peter Bieler BM077-95 6/12/97 411. BM0096-115 6/12/97 412. Fax coversheet from Peter Bieler to Michael Wolfe regarding comments on revision, with attached marked Disbursement and Waiver Agreement Fax coversheet from Jonathan Rich forwarding attached marked Disbursement and Waiver Agreement BM0116-24 4/8/97 413. BM0125-33 4/9/97 414. Fax coversheet from G. Helen Athan forwarding attached revised Disbursement and Waiver Agreement BM0134-40 4/7/97 ADVANCEME, INC.'S OBJECTIONS TO DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST 45 CASE NO. 6:05-CV-424 LED­JDL Case 6:05-cv-00424-LED Document 310 Filed 06/28/2007 Page 47 of 50 DEF EX. NO. 415. DESCRIPTION BATES NO. DATE WITNESS OBJECTIONS Marked copy of Disbursement and Waiver Agreement BM0141-46 3/7/97 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004, F, Order from June 27, 2007 hearing 402, 403, 602, 802, 901, 1001-1004

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