Isys Technologies v. Google et al

Filing 1

Case has been indexed and assigned to Judge Clark Waddoups. Plaintiff Isys Technologies is directed to E-File the Complaint and cover sheet (found under Complaints and Other Initiating Documents) and pay the filing fee of $ 350.00 by the end of the business day.NOTE: The court will not have jurisdiction until the opening document is electronically filed and the filing fee paid in the CM/ECF system. Civil Summons may be issued electronically. Prepare the summons using the courts PDF version and email it to for issuance. (lnp)

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CIVIL COVER SHEET ....lS 44 (Rev. 12107) The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the informationcolltained herein ~cither replflcenorsupplement the filing and serviceofpJeadings or other papers as required by law. except ~ pr,o,vide!! by local rules ofcourt This form, approved by the Judicial Conference ofthe Uniled States in September 1974. is required for the use of the Clerk ofCoun for the purpose 01 tnltlatmg the civil docket sheet. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE RllVERSE 01' THE I'ORM.) I. (al PLAINTIFFS DEFENDANTS Google. Inc., Samsung Electronics USA, Inc., Acer America Corporation,, Inc., and Best Buy Co., Inc. ISYS Technologies, Inc. (b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff ...;S;;.:a::;.lt;..:L=9::.;k.;.:e=--_____ (EXCEPT IN U,S. PI,AfNTlI'I' CASES) County of Residence of First Listed Defendant (IN lJ S. PLArNTWP CAS loS ONL v) NOTE: IN LAND CONDEMNATION CASES. USE TIlE LOCATION OFTHE LAND [NVOL VllD. Attorneys (If Known) TodJ~. t::nr:r:\<r~5'FS~~ec'tft>1~i~;Jgo~a~l1outh Temple # 1800, Salt Lake City, U. UT 841.11. (801) 328-3600; Fax: (801) 321-4893 BASIS OF' JURISDICTION a IUS. Govemmcnl Plaintiff a 2 (place an "X· in One Box Only) III. I!!t J Fed... al Que.lion (U.S. Government Not. Party) CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTfES(p[ace ftn "X' in One BodorPI.inriff (For Div."ity Ca..,s Only) IIl1d One Box for Defendant) PTF DEI' I'T~' DU' Citi""n o(This State a 1 a I In<orporOled or Princip.l Place 0 4 0 4 of Business In Thi. SIlIIe Citizen of Allother State n 2 0 2 In"""",'Rted nm:/ Principal Place of Business In Another SlIIe o 5 0 5 Cit'7oCO or Subject ofa fotcri!lftClIIliIIrv o 4 Piveroity U.S, Government Defend.. t o J 0 J Foreign Nation c:J 6 0 (Indicat. Citizenship of Petties in lIent Ill) IV. NATURE OF SUIT CI'll<c. ... hX~irtOm:BoxO"M o 110 Insurance o 120 Marin. 0 o 130 Miller Act 0 o 140 Negotiable InslnJment o ISO Recovery of Overpayment a &. EnforeementnU"'CtlI o lSI Medicare Act 0 CJ 152 Recovery ofD.f.u[led Student Loa.. 0 (Excl, Vet.·...ns) 0 o IS3 Recovery of Overpayment "fVeteran', Benefil1 0 o 160 Stockholders' Suils CJ o 190 Otber Contract o 195 Conl1acl Product Liability 0 o 196 franchise PERSONAL INJURY J 10 Airplane ll5 Airplane Prod""t Liability 320 Assault, Libel & Slander no Pederal Emp[oyers' Liability 340 Mllline 345 Mlfine Proyu.t Liability 350 Motor Vehicle 355 Motor Vehicle Product Li,bility 360 Other Porson.1 Inillfll PERSONAL INIURY 0 362 Penonallnjwy. Mod. Malpractice 0 365 Personallnjury Produ.ct Liability 0 368 Albuto. Peoon.1 Injury Product Liability PERSONAL PROPERTY 0 )70 OO,e, P"",d 0 371 Truth in Lending 0 380 Other Personal Property Damase 0 385 Property Damage Product[ity o 210 Land Condemn.tion 441 Voting p 6 c mER 1'OKlli a o 610 Agriculture o 620 Other Food & Drug o 62S Drug Related Seizure o o(Property 21 USC 881 o 6)0 Liquor I.awl o 640 R.R. &'. Truck o 6S0 Airline Regs. n 660 Occupalional S.fetylH••lth 0690 Other 0 710 Fair Labor Standards Act 0 no Labor/Mgmt Relations 0 730 Labo.iMgml. Reporting &; Disclosure Act 740 Rai[wRY Labor Act 07900therLaborLiligation 0 791 EmpL Rei Illc. Security Act e~~Rt~'&£AijL~I'~~~o::=::I:;:~~M~L~ltiJ:liWGH'DII1i!:[==gl'Ri1l.I_~~ER~i!j!ii§Hdo 0 o 220Foreclo.ure o 230 Rent Leos. & Ejectment n Cl 240 Tort, to Land n 245 Tort Product Liability o 0 0 290 All Other Real Property o o V. ORIGIN oI Original Proceeding 510 MouotU 10 Vacate CJ 442 Employment o S.lIten~ 443 /lousing! 0 Iflb••• Corpu.: Accommodations S30 General 444 Welfm !J 535 Death Penl\lty IMMIGRA nON 445 Ame!, w/Disabilities· S40 Mandamus & Other . ICY 46:rNatur.lizalion Applieauon Employment f-' 5S0 Civil Right' a 463 Habe.. COIpU.· 446 Amer wlDis.biliti\li· 555 Prison Condition Alien Detainee Olher 0 465 Other Immigralion 440 Olher Civil Ris!tts Actions n 820 Copyrights Cl JiI 330 Paten t iJ 861 HIA (1395fi) 862 Black Lung (923) 863 I)IWC/DIWW (40S{g» (J 864 ssm Title X VI o 865 RSI (405(0\\ FEDERAL ,'AX SUITS I'J 870 Taxe, (U S. I'[ointiff or o S7I IRS-- Third PArty n o 26 USC 7609 P Removed from Stale Coun 0 3 Remanded from Appellate Coun 0 4 Reit'lStaled or Reopened 0 5 Transfcr~d (rom Cl 6 another dtslnct 0 0 iJ 0 400 SlolI: Reapportionment 410 Antitrusl 430 aanb and Banking 450 Cummerce n 460 Deportation 0 470 Racketeer Influ.nced and a 840 'I'radernark e (Place an "X" in On. Box Only) 2 422 Appeal 28 USC 1S8 42) Will"I,.w.1 28 USC IS7 Corrupt Organiutioni 480 Consum... Credit 0 490 Cab[eiS't TV n 810 Selective Service 0 850 SeouriliuiCommoditie,/ hch.nsc 0 87; Cu.tomcr Challenno 12 USC 3410 0 890 Other StAtutOry Acti"", 0 89t Agricultural Acts 0 892 Ecollomic S.abiliutiun A<t 0 893 I:Jwironmental MAtters 0 394 Energy Allocatioll ACI IJ 895 Freedom or Inrormation Act 0 900Appcal of Fcc Delen"ination Under Equal Aceens to Justice 0 9S0 COOlstilUlionalily of StMe SlaMes Appeal 10 District Multldistrict Litigation O 7 Judgt: from . MagistflllC I Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing (Do nol cileJurlsdiclional slalules unless dlvel'lllty): VI. CAUSEOFACTION~~~~~~~~-------------------------------------------------- VII. REQUESTED IN COMPLAINT: VIII. RELATED CASE(S) (FANY o CHECK IF THIS IS A CLASS ACTION UNDER F.R.C.P, 23 (S•• instruotion,): CHECK DEMANDS JUDGE DATE 06/0612011 YES only if demanded in complaint: JURY DEMAND: I1J Yes 0 No DOCKET NUMBER SIGNATURE Of ATTORNEY OF RECORD sIT odd E. Zenger FOR OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIPT# _ _ _ _ _ AMOUNT _ _ _ _ _ _ __ APPL YING IFP _ _ _ _ _ __ JUDGr. MAG. JUDGE. Case: 2:11cv00507 Assigned To : Waddoups Clark Assign. Date : 6/6/2011 Description: Isys Technologies v. Google et al

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