Albritton v. Snead et al

Filing 25

MEMORANDUM OPINION. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 10/2/2015. Copy mailed to Pro Se Plaintiff. (jsmi, )

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IN THE UNITED FOR THE STATES DISTRICT EASTERN DISTRICT COURT OF VIRGINIA Richmond Division MORRIS ALBRITTON, Plaintiff, Civil Action No. V. MRS. S. SNEAD, ^ 3:14CV558 al., Defendants. MEMORANDUM OPINION Morris Albritton, a Virginia inmate proceeding pro se and in forma pauperis, filed this 42 U.S.C. § 1983 action.^ reasons failure set for below, to state a the Court will dismiss the STANDARD Court must dismiss any action filed by a the action claim on which (1) "is relief frivolous" may be C'PLRA") or (2) granted." "fails 28 to state U.S.C. Every person who, under color of any statute . . . of any State . . . subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law . . . . U.S.C. § 1983. this prisoner if the Court ^ The statute provides, in pertinent part: 42 for OF REVIEW Pursuant to the Prison Litigation Reform Act a action claim. I. determines For the § 1915(e)(2); includes see claims 28 U.S.C. based upon § 1915A. '''an The first indisputably standard meritless legal theory,'" or claims where the "'factual contentions are clearly baseless.'" 1992) The Clay v. Yates, 809 F, (quoting Neitzke v. Williams, second standard dismiss under Fed. "A motion sufficiency of R. to a is the Civ. P. 427 319, standard (E.D. 327 for a Va. (1989)). motion to 12(b)(6). dismiss under complaint; Rule 12(b) (6) importantly, applicability of defenses." 952 417, 490 U.S. familiar contests surrounding the facts, 980 F.2d 943, Supp. it does tests not the resolve the merits of a claim, or the Republican Party of N.C. v. Martin, (4th Cir. 1992) (citing 5A Charles A. Wright & Arthur R. Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure § 1356 (1990)). In considering a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim, a plaintiff's well-pleaded allegations are taken as true and the complaint is plaintiff. viewed in the only to factual considering a identifying pleadings conclusions, Ashcroft v. most favorable to the Mylan Labs., Inc. v. Matkari, 7 F.Sd 1130, 1134 (4th Cir. 1993); s^ also Martin, applies light motion are Iqbal, not 980 F.2d at 952. allegations, to dismiss that, 556 U.S. can because entitled 662, to 679 however, choose they the are This principle and to no assumption (2009). "a court begin more of by than truth." The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure "require[ ] only 'a short and plain statement of the claim showing that the pleader is entitled to relief,' notice of what the rests.'" . . Bell Atl. in order 41, 47 with complaints "formulaic Corp. Id. {1957)). v. Twombly, containing only of the (citations omitted). sufficient level," "to. raise id. a 570. pleads (citation reasonable Corp. , 550 U.S. at to facial that that misconduct alleged." fair 544, 555 Gibson, satisfy this and of (2007) standard conclusions" a cause of 355 or relief above stating a the speculative claim that 556) . is Id. plausibility when the plaintiff allows the Iqbal, a action." rather than merely "conceivable." content inference defendant a plaintiff must allege facts omitted), "A claim has factual "labels elements right 550 U.S. cannot Instead, "plausible on its face," at the {quoting Conley v. Plaintiffs recitation 'give . claim is and the grounds upon which it (second alteration in original) U.S. to the court defendant 556 U.S. Therefore, is at 678 to draw liable the for the (citing Bell Atl. in order for a claim or complaint to survive dismissal for failure to state a claim, the plaintiff the must "allege elements of [his or] & Co. , F.3d 324 Microsoft Corp., United States, her claim." 761, 309 facts 765 F.3d 289 F.3d 270, {4th 193, 281 sufficient Bass v. Cir. 213 E.I. 2003) {4th {4th Cir. to state DuPont de Nemours (citing Cir. all 2002); 2002)). Dickson v. lodice v. Lastly, while complaints, 1978), it the Gordon does v. not Court Leeke, act as liberally 574 the F.2d construes 1147, inmate's 1151 pro (4th advocate, sua se Cir. sponte developing statutory and constitutional claims the inmate failed to clearly raise Carroll, 107 concurring) ; (4th Cir. on the F.3d alleges 243 Beaudett v. of his (4th City of complaint. Cir. See 1997) Hampton, Brock v. J., F.2d 1274, 775 (Luttig, 1278 1985). II. In 241, face SUMMARY OF ALLEGATIONS AND CLAIMS Albritton's purported Department of rambling violations Corrections and of repetitive his ("VDOC") rights Complaint, under operating he Virginia procedures, Virginia law, and the Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution^ stemming from the Virginia Division Support's order to withhold money from his satisfy arrears owed and the VDOC of Child inmate accounts staff's execution of to that order. In the "Claim # Division of 1," Albritton contends Child plaintiff's property, Support moved that to " [o]n have 05-10-2013, all of the assets and/or money withheld pursuant to ^ "No State shall . . . deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, amend. XIV, without due process § 1. of law . . . U.S. Const, an order to withhold issued" to be served on him. Ms. Whitlow receive signed the for the order until notice, but over sixty days delivered it to him on August 22, 2013. that he was never properly served. Albritton (Id.) [he] Snead ''This violated The ["VDOC"]" policy that states Albritton claims that his to the fact that to Albritton claims mail should only be held for twenty-four hours. omitted).) failed later when Ms. (Id.) Virginia Department of Corrections (Compl. 3.)^ (Id. (emphasis "rights were violated due was never given a chance to appeal this order, which is a violation of plaintiff's due process." (Id.) In ''Claim # 2," Albritton alleges that " [o] n 8-19-2013, the Fiscal Technician placed $3,767.42 [Albritton's] This (Ms. was Snead) into a more week . of . . than the such amount account, ." (Id.) § stated 34-29 individual's (Id. at 4.) should have only sent account. reserve trust account was depleted to a violation of VA Code Ann percent at Halifax Correctional Unit #23 . . in . meaning that balance of zero. notice, disposable or 65%, well which reads; earnings Albritton contends $2,041.06, as as a Sixty-six for the that Ms. Snead of Albritton's trust "Plaintiff's rights were violated due to the ^ The Court employs the pagination employed by the CM/ECF docketing system for citations to the Complaint. corrects the capitalization in quotations from Complaint. The Court Albritton's fact that his account was wrongfully depleted, not in compliance with the Code of Virginia." In Snead . "Claim . claims or Savings that "Ms. court that the ordered from funds or its are fees . violated Procedure [his] that . ." by court Albritton removing the in order to pay "[T]he plan are garnishments, funds in for (Id.) policy (Id.) savings mandatory contract, . "Ms. 802.2 available savings account in the (Id.) not this Child Support." Virginia does not." "breached contends Operating Account Snead $627.33 Division of states [VDOC] other mandatory balance of the Albritton Except for balances in excess of $1,000, offender's ordered 3," . violated which reads: an # Id. [VDOC] exempt while the policy from any Code of Albritton claims that the VDOC has in which every qualifying offender housed within [VDOC] had to sign" because the VDOC policy states that plans savings (Id.) are Albritton also contends plaintiff was violated, statutes] . . . which General was explains answered instructed Albritton's in from garnishment up "[t]he due process accordance with to $1000. [rights] [various of Virginia and the maximum amount allowed for garnishment against any individual." Albritton exempt regular by her (Id.) that Ms. to grievance he filed Snead deduct "came an stating funds. informal that the (Id. back unfounded." complaint Attorney at 4-5.) (Id. at 5.) Albritton tried to file an appeal, however, Mr. Townsend gave Albritton the incorrect address so the appeal was denied as untimely. process (Id.) Albritton claims Mr. Townsend violated his due rights by providing Albritton according to VA DOC 866.1 (Grievance)." "false information (Id.) Albritton contends that Harold Clark personally knew about the purported violations because Albritton wrote the Honorable Bobby Scott who forwarded Albritton's letter to Clark, and "[t]his clearly makes him directly liable in his failure to act . . . (Id.) Albritton demands monetary $3,767.42 and injunctive relief. III. In order to state a damages in the amount of (Id. at 6.) ANALYSIS viable claim under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, a plaintiff must allege that a person acting under color of state law deprived him or her of a constitutional right or of a right conferred by a law of the United States. See Dowe v. Total Action Against Poverty in Roanoke Valley, 145 F.3d 653, 658 Cir. 1998) (citing 42 U.S.C. § 1983). (4th First, Albritton fails to plausibly suggest that Mr. Townsend violated his constitutional rights. Because "there is no participate in grievance proceedings," 72, 75 (4th Cir. 1994) constitutional right Adams v. Rice, (citing Flick v. Alba, to 40 F.3d 932 F.2d 728, 729 (8th Cir. 1991)), Mr. Townsend' s provision of the wrong address to mail an appeal of a grievance fails to state a due process claim. Albritton process when rights, Support claims Virginia complying Child when next with a laws, The and 408 U.S. 564, 569 VDOC from Process an violated Operating order Due action deprives liberty or property interest. Roth, Defendants withholding Services. government that the Clause individual of his due Procedures Division applies a of only legitimate Bd. of Regents of State Colls, v. (1972) . The first step in analyzing a procedural due process claim is to identify whether the alleged conduct affects F.3d 500, not 502 a (4th Cir. indicate deprivation contends that of that protected interest. 1997) (citing cases). Defendants' any liberty Defendants Ms. inmate trust First, the and savings actions Snead, in the Whitlow, form of without 120 Albritton does Instead, Ms. account, Smith, resulted interest. Clark deprived him of property, his Beverati v. in the Albritton and Harold $3,767.42 due from process of law. negligent act Due of state property. Daniels Moreover, Virginia's remedies Process forecloses v. Clause official Albritton's 8 not causing Williams, provision is 474 of due implicated unintended U.S. 327, adequate process 328 by loss a of (1986). post-deprivation claim for the deprivation of property. (JCC/JFA) , 2012 Henderson v. n.7 (W.D. Va. (1984) to Jan. of are No. . 23, . . at *6-7 (E.D. 7; 07-cv-00266, 2008). property provided remedies 1895793, Virginia, deprivations Clause WL See id.; Wilson v. Molby, No. "do available." 23, 2012); 2008 WL 204480, at *10 Negligent not that Va. violate adequate Hudson v. May I:12cv42 and [the state Palmer, intentional Due Process] post-deprivation 468 U.S. 517, 533 (finding due process satisfied by post-deprivation remedy redress intentional destruction of personal property by prison guard during a shakedown). Virginia has provided adequate post-deprivation for deprivations caused by state employees. Tort Claims damages Act, for Virginia "negligent acting within the 195.3 (West 2015).^ or scope of has waived wrongful" employment. Under the Virginia sovereign acts remedies of Va. immunity state for employees Code Ann. § 8.01- The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has held that the Virginia Tort Claims Act and Virginia tort law provide adequate post-deprivation remedies for torts committed by state employees. 772 F.2d 75, a 77-78 (4th Cir. 1985). See Wadhams v. Procunier, Because the availability of tort action in state court fully satisfies the requirement of " [T] he Commonwealth shall be liable for claims for money. . . on account of damage to or loss of property or personal injury or death caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee while acting within the scope of his employment . . . ." Va. Code Ann. § 8.01-195.3 (West 2015). a meaningful post-deprivation process, claim for Amendment. 2008 the loss See WL of Wilson, 204480, at his property 2012 *10 Albritton cannot state a WL n.7. under 1895793, at the *6-7; Accordingly, Fourteenth Henderson, Albritton's due process claims will be dismissed with prejudice. Generally, claims if the a Court federal United Mine Workers v. the Court claim, dismisses to the claims Gibbs, the extent should dismiss are dismissed 383 U.S. federal 715, claim Albritton supplementary state before 726 for raises trial. (1966) . failure cognizable to law See Because state state a law claims, they will be dismissed without prejudice. Accordingly, dismissed. Albritton's claims and action will Clerk is directed to send § 1915(g). a copy of the Memorandum Order to Albritton. It be The Clerk will be directed to note the disposition of the action for purposes of 28 U.S.C. The the is so ORDERED /s/ Robert E. Payne Senior t&iited States District Judge Richmond, Virginia Date: 10

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