Bradburn et al v. North Central Regional Library District

Filing 24

NOTICE by North Central Regional Library District of Service of Defendant's Disclosure of Expert Witness (Adams, Thomas)

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Bradburn et al v. North Central Regional Library District Doc. 24 Case 2:06-cv-00327-EFS Document 24 Filed 10/12/2007 1 The Honorable Edward F. Shea 2 Thomas D. Adams 3 Celeste Mountain Monroe 4 KA TUTTLE CAMPBELL 5 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 2900 Seattle, Washington 98101-3028 6 (206)223-1313 7 Attorneys for North Central Regional Library District 8 9 10 11 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON AT SPOKANE 12 13 14 15 SARH BRABURN, PEAR CHERJNGTON, CHAES HEINLEN, and THE SECOND AMENDMENT FOUNATION, Plaintiffs, v. ) ) ) NO. CV-06-327-EFS ) 16 17 18 ) DEFENDANT'S DISCLOSUR OF ) EXPERT WITNSS PURSUANT TO ) FED.R.CIV.P. 26(a)(2) 19 20 21 NORTH CENTRAL REGIONAL LIBRARY DISTRICT, 22 23 Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 24 25 Defendant North Central Regional Library ("Defendant") hereby submits its expert witness disclosure and report of opinions pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 26 27 28 DEFENDANT'S DISCLOSURE OF EXPERT WITNESS PURSUANT TO FED.R.CIV.P. 26(a)(2) -1 Law Offces NO. CV-06-327-EFS #645418 vI /42703-001 KARR TUTTLE CAMPBELL A Professional Service Corpora/ion 1201 Tbird A\'cnuc, Suite 2900. Seattle. Wasbington 98101-3028 Telepbone (2U6) 223-1313, Facsimile (2U6) 682-7100 Case 2:06-cv-00327-EFS Document 24 Filed 10/12/2007 1 26(a)(2)(A). A copy of this Disclosure has been filed with the Court. A copy of 2 3 this Disclosure, together with the accompanying report, have been served on Plaintiffs' counseL. A working copy of this Disclosure and accompanying report have been provided to Honorable Edward F. Shea. 4 5 6 7 8 Defendant reserves the right to call at trial the following expert witness, as well as any witnesses designated as experts by other parties to this action. 9 10 11 Defendant further reserves the right to supplement its expert disclosures in the future should additional discovery so merit, and to substitute other experts for any identified herein if necessitated. 12 13 14 15 Defendant reserves the right to have any of its designated expert witnesses submit supplemental expert reports should additional discovery reveal additional areas in which these experts formulate opinions. 16 17 18 Defendant further reserves the right to use all or portions of the expert report submitted herewith as trial exhibits. The reports of 19 20 21 the following experts are attached hereto: 22 23 1. Paul Resnick 24 25 Mr. Resnick should be contacted solely through Defendant's counsel of record. 26 27 28 DEFENDANT'S DISCLOSURE OF EXPERT WITNESS PURSUANT TO FED.R.CIV.P. 26(a)(2) -2 NO. CV-06-327-EFS #6454 i 8 v I /42703-00 I Law Offces KARR TUTTLE CAMPBELL A Professional Service Corporation 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 2900, Seattle, Washington 98101-3028 Tclciihonc (206) 223-1313, Fiicsimilc (206) 682~ 1100 Case 2:06-cv-00327-EFS Document 24 Filed 10/12/2007 Case 2:06-cv-00327-EFS Document 24 Filed 10/12/2007

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