California Bank & Trust v. Shilo Inn Moses Lake Inc et al

Filing 156

AMENDED ORDER RE PENDING MOTIONS - granting 92 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Lonny R. Suko. (CC, Case Administrator)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 7 EASTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON 8 9 10 CALIFORNIA BANK & TRUST, as assignee of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as receiver for Vineyard Bank, a California banking corporation, 11 Plaintiff, 12 -vs13 14 15 16 17 SHILO INN, MOSES LAKE, INC., a Washington corporation; MOSES LAKE FOOD MART, INC., a Washington corporation; and KOHLI INVESTMENT, INC., d/b/a Sunval Express, a Washington corporation, Defendants. 18 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) NO. CV-12-0161-LRS AMENDED1 ORDER RE PENDING MOTIONS 19 20 21 BEFORE THE COURT is Plaintiff California Bank & Trust’s (“CB&T”) Motion for Partial Summary Judgment for Judicial Foreclosure (ECF No. 22 92), filed November 14, 2014; CB&T’s Motion for Summary Judgment on 23 Counterclaims (ECF No. 98), filed November 14, 2014; Defendant Shilo Inn, 24 Moses Lake, Inc.’s (“Shilo”) Motion For Leave to File Supplemental Brief 25 1 26 The Order Re Pending Motions (ECF No. 154) entered on January 22, 2015 is amended only to correct a typographical error made regarding a court docket number that occurred on page 14, line 26 of the order. ORDER - 1 1 in Support of Opposition to Plaintiff's Summary Judgment Motions (ECF No. 2 132); and Defendant Shilo’s Motion to Extend Expert Report Deadline (ECF 3 No. 108). 4 At 5 6 the The Court held a telephonic oral argument on January 7, 2015. close of oral argument, the Court took the motions under advisement and set a further briefing for Plaintiff only to respond to Defendant Shilo Inn’s late filed supplemental brief. All briefing is now 7 in and has been considered by the Court. 8 I. CB&T’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (ECF No. 92) 9 10 A. Introduction 11 CB&T has moved for partial summary judgment on its third cause of 12 action for judicial foreclosure of CB&T’s liens and security interests 13 against Shilo and Kohli Investment, Inc. (collectively “Defendants” or 14 “Shilo”), and for a judgment for the deficiency against Shilo after 15 completion of the foreclosure sale. CB&T asserts that this case is based 16 on undisputed facts, namely, that Shilo is obligated to CB&T on a loan 17 made in October 2005 (the “Loan”). 18 19 The Loan is secured by, among other things, a leasehold deed of trust against nonresidential real property located in Moses Lake, Washington (the “Hotel”) and a UCC Financing 20 Statement. Shilo has failed to meet its obligations to CB&T and is in 21 default under the Loan Documents. CB&T has obtained relief from the 22 automatic stay to pursue this action to judgment, and may proceed to sale 23 24 25 26 since Shilo failed to confirm a plan of reorganization in the California Bankruptcy matter by November 6, 2014. Pursuant to applicable federal rules, foreclosure laws, and the terms of the deed of trust, CB&T seeks ORDER - 2 1 an order granting partial summary judgment for judicial foreclosure for 2 real and personal property, and for judgment in the amount of the 3 deficiency after a sale. 4 requested and appropriate relief under the undisputed facts of this case. 5 CB&T concludes judicial foreclosure is the Undisputed Facts2 B. 6 1. Subject Loan Transactions 7 On or about October 18, 2005, Vineyard provided financing to Shilo 8 9 10 in the original principal amount of $3,000,000, the Loan. The Loan is evidenced, in part, by the several documents (collectively with the First “Loan Documents”).3 11 Amendment and Second Amendment, the 12 the Loan in or about September 2009, by agreement with the FDIC, as 13 receiver for Vineyard. An Assignment of Deed of Trust was recorded March 14 20, 2012 in the official records of Grant County as instrument number 15 1297979. 16 17 18 CB&T acquired Shilo defaulted on the Note and Deed of Trust in or about September 2009 by failing Documents. In to make November the 2010, monthly Shilo payments and CB&T due under entered into the Loan a First 19 20 21 2 The following undisputed facts are gleaned from the Declaration of Eric Venture, ECF No. 144, filed on January 9, 2015. 3 22 23 24 25 26 1) A Promissory Note, dated October 18, 2005,executed by Shilo, payable to Vineyard, in the original principal amount of $3,000,000, as amended from time to time (the "Note"); 2) a Deed of Trust for the Hotel, dated October 18, 2005, made by Shilo for the benefit of Vineyard, recorded on November 1, 2005, in the Official Records of Grant County, Washington, as instrument number 1179692 ("Deed of Trust"); 3) a Business Loan Agreement, dated October 18, 2005, made and executed between Shilo and Vineyard, as amended from time to time; and 4)a Commercial Security Agreement, dated October 18, 2005, made and executed between Shilo and Vineyard, as amended from time to time. ORDER - 3 1 Amendment to Deed of Trust, Promissory Note, and Other Loan Documents, 2 dated November 4, 2010, which was recorded November 17, 2010, in the 3 Official Records of Grant County, Washington, as instrument number 4 1278966 (“First Amendment”). Under the terms of the First Amendment, the 5 6 Loan was cross-defaulted with six loans made to the other Shilo Borrowers (collectively, the Shilo Loans”) and a personal line of credit previously 7 made to Mark Hemstreet (“Hemstreet Loan”). Shilo also agreed to grant 8 CB&T a security interest in the Property to secure the Hemstreet Loan. 9 Each of the other Shilo Borrowers and Hemstreet entered into a separate 10 11 12 first amendment of their respective loan on terms similar to those set forth in the First Amendment (collectively, the “First Amendments”). 13 Shilo defaulted under the First Amendment by failing to make the 14 monthly payments due beginning on December 1, 2010. In addition, Shilo 15 failed to execute a second priority deed of trust to secure the Hemstreet 16 Loan as required by the First Amendment. 17 In June 2011, Shilo and CB&T executed the Forbearance and Second 18 Amendment to Deed of Trust and Other Loan Documents (dated as of June 30, 19 2011), which was recorded on August 25, 2011 through the Memorandum of 20 21 Forbearance Agreement and Second Amendment to Deed of Trust, Promissory Note and Other Loan Documents in the Official Records, Grant County, 22 Washington as instrument number 1290148 (“Second Amendment”). Each of 23 the other Shilo Borrowers and Hemstreet also entered into a second 24 /// 25 26 amendment of their respective loan on terms similar to those set forth ORDER - 4 1 in the Second Amendment (collectively, the “Second Amendments”). 2 By late 2011, Shilo was again in default on the Second Amendment. 3 The defaults under the Second Amendment included the following: a) 4 failure to pay the monthly interest only payments on the Loan due 5 6 beginning November 1, 2011; b) failure of the other Shilo Borrowers and Hemstreet to pay monthly interest payments on their respective loans; c) 7 failure to deliver Monthly Sales Reports; d) failure to satisfy the Post 8 Closing Obligations required by Section 2(c) of the Second Amendment; and 9 e) failure to comply with the provisions of Section 2(d)(ii)(A) requiring 10 11 12 the entry of at least two Purchase Agreements by September 30, 2011. On or about November 10, 2011, CB&T, through its counsel, sent a 13 letter to Shilo providing notice of the above-referenced defaults. Shilo 14 failed to cure both the monetary and non-monetary defaults. Additional 15 defaults under the Loan occurred when the Shilo Borrowers failed to 16 comply with Section 2(d)(ii)(B) requiring the Shilo Borrowers to have 17 entered 18 2(d)(iv)(A) requiring the closing of at least two sales by December 31, 19 2011. 20 21 into purchase agreements for four properties, and Section On March 30, 2012, CB&T commenced this action seeking judicial foreclosure, appointment of a receiver, and the accounting and turnover 22 of receipts. In its first verified Amended Complaint filed April 6, 23 2012, CB&T sought the appointment of a receiver and imposition of an 24 injunction to enforce the provisions of the Deed of Trust as amended and 25 26 modified and to preserve revenues arising therefrom. ORDER - 5 The injunctive 1 relief sought asked that Shilo and all persons acting in concert be 2 enjoined from collecting, discounting, or in any way taking actions which 3 would divert funds or interfere with the rights and duties of the 4 receiver which CB&T requested in its Amended Complaint. 5 6 Additional relief was asked in the form of an accounting and turnover of receipts together with judicial foreclosure of CB&T’s lien and security interests 7 as well as a judgment for deficiencies, attorney fees and costs. As the 8 borrower's financial position continued to deteriorate, Shilo became part 9 of the bankruptcy proceeding referenced above which resulted in the 10 11 12 13 imposition of a stay in this Court on November 19, 2012. The stay remained in place until approximately mid August of 2014 as a result of the California bankruptcy proceedings. 14 On June 7, 2012 this Court, by Stipulation of the parties, ordered 15 that CB&T provide “accurate reinstatement figures” to Shilo by June 14, 16 2012. 17 provided by June 28, 2012, otherwise a receiver would be immediately 18 appointed. 19 findings of fact and conclusions of law in the cases consolidated under 20 21 The Court also ordered that Shilo make full payment of the amount ECF No. 34. This Court’s order specifically adopted the California Bank & Trust Shilo Inn, Seaside East, LLC, et al., Case No. 3:12-CV-00506-HZ (the “Oregon District Court Cases”). On or about June 22 28, 2012, Shilo made the payment to CB&T, with the exception of 23 outstanding attorneys’ fees and expenses, thereby avoiding the 24 appointment of a receiver in this case. 25 26 Shilo, though, did not cure the non-monetary defaults under the ORDER - 6 1 Moses Lake Loan and neither the Shilo Borrowers nor Hemstreet cured the 2 monetary defaults under the Hemstreet Loan. 3 On June 15, 2012, CB&T sent letters reminding the Shilo Borrowers 4 and Hemstreet that additional defaults would occur if they did not 5 6 satisfy the monetary and non-monetary obligations in the Second Amendments by the expiration of the forbearance period on June 30, 2012. 7 At the same time, CB&T proposed that Hemstreet enter into a stipulation 8 with CB&T similar to the payment orders entered by the District Courts 9 whereby Hemstreet would pay the outstanding amounts owed on the Hemstreet 10 11 12 Loan, with the exception of outstanding attorneys’ fees and expenses. The forbearance period provided for under the Second Amendments expired 13 on June 30, 2012, at which time the additional defaults occurred, 14 including executed purchase agreements for five properties, Section 15 2(d)(iv)(B) and (C) requiring the Shilo Borrowers to have closed all five 16 sales, and Section 2(d)(v) requiring the proceeds of the sales to be 17 applied to the amounts due. 18 After Shilo failed to cure the defaults by the expiration of the 19 Forbearance Period, CB&T exercised its rights to accelerate the balance 20 21 owed on the Loan. Prior to acceleration, the Loan was set to mature on December 31, 2013. 22 On July 10, 2012, CB&T, through its counsel, sent another letter to 23 the Shilo Borrowers and Hemstreet notifying them of the existing defaults 24 on the Loan, the other Shilo Loans and the Hemstreet Loan. On October 25 26 10, 2012, CB&T filed its Supplemental Verified Complaint and Supplemental ORDER - 7 1 First Amended Verified Complaint to assert the additional defaults. 2 On or about January 28, 2013, the Shilo Borrowers, Hemstreet and 3 CB&T 4 Agreement”). Under the Settlement Agreement, the Shilo Borrowers and 5 6 entered into a Settlement and Release Agreement (“Settlement Hemstreet were to make a payment of $21,000,000 by April 30, 2013. The Shilo Borrowers and Hemstreet failed to make the settlement payment. As 7 part of the Settlement Agreement, which was CB&T’s third and last attempt 8 to work out Shilo’s defaults under the Loan, CB&T agreed to forbear from 9 foreclosing on its deed of trust and to accept a discounted payoff of the 10 11 12 Loan if Shilo made the discounted payoff on or before April 30, 2013, the Loan Payoff Date. The release of claims against CB&T set forth in the 13 Settlement Agreement was a significant part of the consideration for 14 CB&T’s willingness to enter into the Settlement Agreement. 15 On May 2, 2013, Shilo filed a Notice of Automatic Stay under 16 11 U.S.C. § 362 based on the filed chapter 11 petition in the United 17 States Bankruptcy Court on May 1, 2013 (the “Bankruptcy Case”).4 Since 18 the bankruptcy filing, Shilo has made Court-ordered monthly adequate 19 protection payments to CB&T equal to approximately 5% per annum of the 20 21 principal balance due. However, Shilo has failed to cure the various non-monetary and monetary defaults described above. After acceleration 22 of the Loan, Shilo failed to pay all amounts due and owing. Even if the 23 Loan had not been accelerated, the Loan would be due and owing in full, 24 25 26 4 The Bankruptcy 2:13-bk-21601-VZ. ORDER - 8 Case is being administered under case number 1 as it would have matured by its own terms on December 31, 2013. 2 On May 17, 2013, this Court entered an Order staying all activity 3 in this case with a direction that counsel advise the Court at such time 4 as the stay is lifted. 5 6 On August 11, 2014 this Court lifted the stay based on the parties’ Stipulation, whereby Shilo expressly waived any right to a hearing 7 concerning the lifting of the stay. ECF Nos. 70, 71. This Court further 8 ordered the parties to proceed to address the issues relating to 9 foreclosure as permitted by the Bankruptcy Court Order5 entered on May 10 11 12 21, 2014 in the United States Bankruptcy Court, Central District of California-Los Angeles Division. 13 CB&T has performed all conditions and obligations on its part under 14 the Loan Documents, including the First Amendment and Second Amendment. Moses Lake Indebtedness (Based on the Ventura6 Declaration) 15 2. 16 As of October 1, 2014, the amount owing on the Loan is $3,677,304.11 17 (“Moses Lake Indebtedness”), which consists of principal in the amount 18 of 19 $2,834,599.49, interest in the amount of $126,375.92, deferred interest at the contract rate in the amount of $245,171.68, default 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 5 ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM THE AUTOMATIC STAY UNDER 11 U.S.C. § 362 (REAL PROPERTY), signed by the Honorable Vincent P. Zurzolo. The Order allowed CB&T to enforce its remedies to foreclose upon and obtain possession of the Property in accordance with applicable non-bankruptcy law, so long as the sale did not take place prior to November 7, 2014 and so long as an order confirming a plan of reorganization for Shilo had not been entered by November 6, 2014. 6 Eric Ventura is a Vice-President of CB&T with access to all bank records pertaining to the subject loans. ECF No. 144 at 1. ORDER - 9 1 interest in the amount of $123,620.12 (to May 1, 2013), deferred legal 2 fees in the amount of $27,246.50, deferred late charges in the amount of 3 $3,562.93, attorneys’ fees in the amount of $230,507.22 and other 4 expenses in the amount of $86,220.25. 5 6 at the rate of $393.69 per day. Interest will continue to accrue The details of the Indebtedness is attached to the Ventura Declaration. Moses Lake ECF No. 94-13. 7 CB&T intends to move for a deficiency judgment in an amount to be 8 established after completion of the requested foreclosure sale. 9 10 II. Shilo’s Opposition to CB&T’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment On December 26, 2014, in a belated filing near the eve of the day 11 12 of argument on CB&T's Motion For Partial Summary Judgment, Shilo filed 13 supplemental briefing raising for the first time claims that its loan had 14 been 15 $1,400,000.00 towards the debt obligations it owed. Shilo had also filed 16 counterclaims against CB&T on November 7, 2014 essentially complaining 17 that Shilo had become the victim of an overzealous bank which had not 18 acted in good faith or in accord with binding California law and 19 20 “reinstated” by virtue of Shilo's having paid in excess of practice. Shilo maintains that there exist provisions under California law for 21 the protection of the borrower, such as the right to reinstate a loan 22 secured by real property pursuant to California Civil Code § 2924c. 23 While acknowledging numerous ongoing and continuing defaults under its 24 25 26 loan obligations, Shilo argues that on June 14, 2012, CB&T's legal counsel sent an e-mail to Shilo Inn's counsel with an attachment: ORDER - 10 1 "TOTAL AMOUNT TO REINSTATE $256,230.79." Shilo asserts that when it paid 2 the requisite amount, the entire loan that was due and owing (at least 3 insofar as 4 reinstated by operation of law. 5 6 it involves the litigation pending in this Court) was Shilo further argues that California law precludes waiver of certain rights which cannot be lost or given up by the signing of a forbearance 7 agreement. The right to foreclose and the terms of the forbearance 8 agreement, together with amendments thereto, did not properly modify the 9 Deed of Trust provisions which are to be construed under California law. 10 Shilo further contends that with respect to the post default actions 11 12 of Shilo, CB&T did not give Shilo an opportunity to cure with respect to 13 the alleged non-monetary defaults thereby making prior notices of its 14 default ineffectual. Shilo also reasons that no borrower would have made 15 a payment in excess of $1,400,000.00 if it did not intend to have its 16 loan reinstated, subject to the agreements it had previously entered into 17 with CB&T. 18 Finally, Shilo asks for equitable considerations under California 19 state law to “do right and justice,” and grant Shilo a short stay pending 20 21 the proceedings in the Bankruptcy Court. Specifically, Shilo requests a stay in this matter until after the Bankruptcy Court’s newly scheduled 22 March 10, 2014 hearing on the final confirmation of the proposed Plan of 23 Reorganization. 24 /// 25 26 III. CB&T’s Reply ORDER - 11 1 CB&T takes the position that Shilo' payment of more than $1.4 2 million to CB&T did not actually reinstate the loans, it merely avoided 3 the appointment of a receiver as no judge or court involved in this 4 proceeding or related proceedings has ruled that such a reinstatement 5 6 alleged by Shilo ever occurred. On May 11, 2012, the Honorable Marco A. Hernandez in the District 7 of Oregon (Cause numbers 3:12-CV-506-HZ; 3:12-CV-508-HZ; and 3:12-CV8 509-HZ) entered the following order: 9 The Court finds plaintiff is entitled to an order appointing a receiver; however, plaintiff is ordered to provide defendant with a payoff number within seven days of today. Defendant to pay in full within 14 days thereafter. If the amount is not st paid in full by the 21 day from today, the court will sign an order appointing a receiver. If the amount is paid in full, the issue is moot. The court makes findings as stated on the record. 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cause No. 3:12-cv-506-HZ, Dkt. No. 38. 16 On October 1, 2012, Judge Hernandez rejected the arguments Shilo now 17 18 makes herein, in his Opinion & Order: Shilo Inn also argues that because it has tendered approximately $1.65 million to Plaintiff to “reinstate the loans pursuant to [CCP] Section 2924c and this Court's May 11 Order”, Plaintiff is “estopped from declaring additional defaults based upon the non-monetary provisions in the Forbearance and Second Amendment.” Id., p. 10. Specifically, Shilo Inn asserts that Plaintiff’s supplemental allegations are barred by the doctrine of equitable estoppel because Plaintiff “was aware that as soon as Shilo Inn tendered the $1.65 million that it was the agreement and understanding of the parties that the loans would be reinstated pursuant to section 2924c” and that Shilo Inn “relied in good faith on [Plaintiff’s] representations at the hearing and 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ORDER - 12 1 this Court's May 11 Ruling [sic] when it tendered in excess of $1.65 million dollars to [Plaintiff}.” Id., p. 11. 2 3 Shilo Inn's arguments again miss the mark. Stated above, my May 11, 2012, order only addressed the narrow issue of whether it would be proper to appoint a receiver based on the facts presented before me as of that date. I did not rule that Shilo Inn's payment to Plaintiff would reinstate Defendants' loans or otherwise cure all of Defendants' past and future monetary and non-monetary defaults. .... 4 5 6 7 8 ECF No. 97-2 at 7[footnote 3 omitted]. 9 10 Roughly two years later, on December 18, 2014, the Honorable Judge 11 Vincent P. Zurzolow in the Bankruptcy Court in California recognized that 12 13 Shilo ran out of time curing the continuing defaults, and lifted the stay to allow CB&T the remedy of foreclosure: 14 As is clear from the record, there was a motion for relief from that automatic stay brought by the respondent herein. I granted that relief from stay setting a time deadline by which a plan would need to be confirmed and also imposing payment of adequate protection payments so that the stay would remain in effect. 15 16 17 18 And it was a generous amount of time. And payments were made. Substantial payments have been made, that's not in dispute. 19 20 But time ran out. And these debtors in possession have tried multiple times. I believe we're now on at least the fourth iteration of a disclosure statement to get a disclosure statement approved, let alone a plan confirmed. 21 22 23 24 So that was all contemplated in the initial relief from stay motion, and that was why I structured the relief from stay order as I did. 25 26 ORDER - 13 1 So there are really two procedural ways to view this request. Again, I note that it's to reimpose the automatic stay. 2 3 ECF No. 135-1 at 7. 4 5 6 Judge Zurzolow in his later comments the same day specifically noted that, "to the extent that there is some independent grounds at Section 362 to impose the stay, I find that cause has not been established for 7 such relief either." ECF No. 135-1 at 9. 8 CB&T concludes that the entire purpose of lifting the stay in the 9 Bankruptcy Court was to recognize Shilo’s failure to make the payments 10 11 12 13 and cure the defaults, which were numerous and significant throughout the time period that the forbearance agreement was in effect. IV. Judicial Foreclosure is Appropriate 14 For the reasons set forth in the briefing filed by CB&T, the 15 California Code Provisions referenced by Shilo neither apply nor require 16 the additional notice or preclusion of waiver of reinstatement of rights. 17 This 18 insufficient to raise a question of fact or law which requires trial. The 19 20 Court finds the arguments of Shilo to be without merit and subject loan fully matured on December 31, 2013 and it remains unpaid. Nothing raised in Shilo’s counterclaims is a “defense” to the fact that 21 amounts are due and owing. For the reasons noted above, the Court also 22 finds Shilo’s belated contention lacking merit regarding its partial 23 payment of the June 2012 "reinstatement" amount constituting a complete 24 25 26 cure of all loan defaults. /// ORDER - 14 1 Accordingly, judgment of foreclosure is hereby granted in favor of 2 CB&T. 3 evidence, are without merit, and are hereby dismissed with prejudice. 4 Finally, Shilo’s request for a short stay is respectfully denied. 5 Likewise, Shilo’s counterclaims are unsupported with factual IT IS ORDERED: 6 1. Plaintiff’s Motion FOR Partial Summary Judgment for Judicial 7 Foreclosure, ECF No. 92, is GRANTED in its entirety. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2. CB&T is entitled to foreclose its liens against the real and personal property, including rents and leasehold interests (the "Property") more specifically described in the attached Exhibit A. 3. CB&T is entitled to the issuance of writs of execution directing the U.S. Marshal to levy on and sell the Property. 4. To the extent that the U.S. Marshal collects money from the 15 sale(s) of the Property and deposits those funds into the registry of the 16 Court, those funds shall be allocated to the payment of the total 17 Judgment in the action. 18 19 5. All right, title, claim, or interest of the or any of them, and all of the persons claiming by, through, or under them, or any of them, 20 subsequent to the execution of the Deed of Trust for the above-described 21 Property, or any part thereof, are declared inferior and subordinate to 22 CB&T's leasehold deed of trust lien and be forever foreclosed except only 23 24 25 26 for the statutory right of redemption allowed by law. 6. Defendants Shilo Inn, Moses Lake, Inc. and Kholi Investment, Inc. d/b/a Sunval Express, claiming right, title, estate, lien, or ORDER - 15 1 interest in and to the Property, or any part thereof, and any and all 2 persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in and to 3 the Property, or any part thereof, subsequent to the date of CB&T's Deed 4 of Trust are forever foreclosed of any such right, title, estate, lien, 5 6 or other interest as against CB&T in this action. 7. CB&T is entitled to become a credit bidder and purchaser at any 7 sale(s) by the U.S. Marshal or other authorized official. 8 8. Any purchaser at the sale(s) is entitled to exclusive possession 9 of the Property from and after the date of sale(s) and is entitled to 10 11 12 13 14 such remedies as are available at law to secure possession. 9. CB&T is entitled to its reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, in an amount to be proven at a later date. 10. CB&T is entitled to a deficiency judgment against Shilo Inn, 15 Moses Lake, Inc. in an amount to be established after completion of the 16 foreclosure sale(s). 17 18 19 CB&T's Motion for Summary Judgment on Counterclaims, ECF No. 11. 98, filed November 14, 2014, is GRANTED insofar as Defendant Shilo filed no opposition and based on the resultant judicial foreclosure, said 20 motion is otherwise moot. 21 12. Defendant Shilo’s Motion For Leave to File Supplemental Brief 22 in Support of Opposition to Plaintiff's Summary Judgment Motions, ECF No. 23 24 25 26 132, is GRANTED. 13. Defendant Shilo's Motion to Extend Expert Report Deadline, ECF No. 108, is DENIED as MOOT. ORDER - 16 1 The District Court Executive is directed forthwith to enter this 2 Order, and judgment consistent with this order of judicial foreclosure. 3 DATED this 23nd day of January, 2015. 4 s/Lonny R. Suko 5 LONNY R. SUKO SR. UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ORDER - 17

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