Salazar v. Monaco Enterprises Inc et al

Filing 209

ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS; denying as moot 29 Motion for Protective Order; striking 33 Ex Parte Motion; granting in part and denying in part 43 Motion for Protective Order; granting 51 Motion to Compel; granting 55 Motion for Discovery ; granting in part 60 Motion to Strike; striking 68 Ex Parte Motion; granting in part and denying in part 90 Motion to Compel; granting in part and denying in part 170 Motion to Compel; denying as moot 187 Motion for Discovery; denying 21 Motion to Compel. Signed by Senior Judge Lonny R. Suko. (CV, Case Administrator)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 7 EASTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON 8 MAXIMILLIAN SALAZAR III, 9 10 Plaintiff, -vs- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 MONACO ENTERPRISES, INC.; and GENE MONACO and MARTI MONACO, Husband and wife and the marital community thereof; and ROGER BARNO and NOELLE BARNO, Husband and wife and the marital community thereof; and STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE, LLC; and STEVE CESARE and JANE DOE CESARE, Husband and wife and the marital community thereof, Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) NO. CV-12-0186-LRS ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS 19 20 21 22 23 BEFORE THE COURT are multiple discovery motions, argued at the scheduled motion hearing on February 26, 2014. participated on behalf of the Plaintiff. participated on behalf of the Defendants. William A. Gilbert Michael E. McFarland, Jr. The Court having considered 24 the oral and written argument of counsel, enters this Order to 25 memorialize and supplement the oral rulings of the Court. 26 ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 1 1 Accordingly, 2 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 3 A. B. 4 Plaintiff’s First Motion to Compel, ECF No. 21, is DENIED. Defendants’ Motion for Protective Order, ECF No. 29, is 5 DENIED as MOOT. 6 C. 7 Defendants’ Motion for Protective Order Preventing the 8 Depositions of Noelle Barno and Richard Barno, ECF No. 43, is granted 9 in part and denied in part. The motion is denied as to Richard Barno. 10 The motion is granted as to Noelle Barno. 11 the Court censure defendants and consider monetary sanctions is 12 respectfully denied. 13 14 D. Plaintiff’s request that Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel 30(b)(6) Deposition of Monaco Enterprises, Inc., ECF No. 51, is GRANTED. The Court ruled with 15 specificity regarding “Topics of Examination” (items 1 through 28) of 16 Plaintiff’s Third Notice for Deposition of Monaco Enterprises, Inc. 17 The rulings are as follows: 18 1. 19 20 counterclaims: 2. 21 22 Defendants’ answers, affirmative defense, and any Defendants’ objection sustained for vagueness. Identification of documents: Defendants will provide such documents to the extent they exist and are deemed relevant. 23 3. The history of MEI: Plaintiff has withdrawn this topic. 24 4. The organizational structure and management of MEI from 2003- 25 present: Defendants’ objection overruled. 26 /// ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 2 1 5. MEI policies procedures, custom and practice: Defendants’ 2 objection overruled in part and grant in part. 3 sustained the objections to the topic of subsection 5-f (employee 4 wages/salary/bonus) finding this topic was not a 30(b)(6) topic at 5 6 Specifically the Court this juncture and sustained Defendants’ objections to subsections 5-i, 5-j and 5-k (FMLA, ADA, ADEA). 7 6. Training provided to employees in regard to FMLA, ADA, ADEA 8 and whistleblower laws: Defendants’ objections to all training topics 9 sustained except training re: whistleblower laws. 10 11 12 13 14 7. The Salazar Employment Security Department hearing: Defendants’ objection sustained and the Court found this was not a 30(b)(6) topic. 8. All aspects of Salazar’s employment with MEI: Defendants and 15 Plaintiff concurred this was a relevant and discoverable 30(b)(6) 16 topic. 17 9. MEI contracting and contracts with the Government: 18 Defendants’ objections were overruled in part. 19 the topic would be allowed to the extent it relates to general 20 21 The Court found that contract practices (drafting, bidding, review, approval, negotiations, pricing, completion) however, without reference to any specific 22 contract. 23 10. MEI training and management knowledge of U.S. Government 24 contracting rules/regulations that apply specifically to MEI in their 25 26 contracting with U.S. government entities. ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 3 The Court rewrote the 1 topic description as follows: ”MEI training and knowledge of U.S. 2 Government contracting rules and regulations that apply to per diem 3 rates, completion dates, and rates allegedly billed by the defense, 4 related to any complaints that the plaintiff in this case made.” 5 6 11. MEI training and management knowledge of the False Claims Act. The Court rewrote the topic description as follows: MEI 7 knowledge and training of the False Claims Act. 8 12. MEI company finance and accounting: Defendants’ objection 9 sustained. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13. MEI employment of Noelle Barno. Defendants’ objection sustained. 14. MEI employment of Richard Barno. Defendants’ objection sustained as this employee can be deposed. 15. MEI employment of Marti Barno. Defendants’ objection sustained as this employee can be deposed. 16. MEI employment of Roger Barno. Defendants’ objection sustained as this employee can be deposed. 17. Dividends paid for the years 2007-present: Defendants’ objection overruled. 18. Bonuses paid to individual employees in 2011 and 2012: 22 Defendants’ objection overruled. 23 19. The employment history and termination to include job 24 function, performance history, job description, wage history, 25 26 absences, age, and any record of concerns or complaints raised by the ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 4 1 26 listed employees regarding fraud or corruption in MEI government 2 contracting: 3 of concerns or complaints raised regarding fraud or corruption in MEI 4 government contracting by any of the 26 employees listed in paragraph 5 Defendants’ objections sustained except as to any record 19. 6 20. Issues, concerns, complaints oral or otherwise, concerning 7 any question, allegation, or suggestion of misrepresentation, fraud, 8 or corruption in MEI contracting with the Government raised by any 9 individual named in topic 6 [sic] 19: Defendants’ objection 10 11 overruled. 21. 12 13 MEI training on Okinama: Defendants’ objection sustained and this topic is stricken. 22. 14 Wage and hour policies specific to contracts with the 15 government as well as subcontracts: 16 and this topic is stricken. 17 18 23. Wage and Hour/per diem laws: Defendants’ objection overruled. 19 20 Defendants’ objection sustained 24. Cost information: Defendants’ objection sustained and this topic is stricken. 21 25. Pricing data: Defendants’ objection sustained and this 22 topic is stricken. 23 26. Systems integration: 24 this topic is stricken. 25 26 /// ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 5 Defendants’ objection sustained and 1 2 27. 5 Defendants’ objection sustained and this topic is stricken. 3 4 Contractor verification requirements: 28. Timeliness of contract completion and extensions of time requested on all government contracts entered into since 2007: Defendants’ objection sustained and this topic is stricken. 6 E. Plaintiff’s Motion for Discovery Leave to Serve Additional 7 Interrogatories, ECF No. 55, is GRANTED. An additional 15 8 interrogatories are allowed. 9 F. 10 Defendants’ Motion to Strike Declaration in Opposition to 11 Motion (Portions of Declaration), ECF No. 60, is GRANTED in part to 12 the extent hearsay is raised within the declaration. G. 13 Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel, ECF No. 90, is GRANTED in part 14 and DENIED in part. 15 an additional 15 interrogatories, for a total of 45 interrogatories, 16 17 As indicated on the record, Plaintiff shall have including related subparts under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. To the extent Plaintiff will be using the original 30 interrogatories 18 served upon Defendants, the Court makes the following rulings on the 19 interrogatories objected to: 20 1. Interrogatory 15: List of all employees past or present 21 22 authorized to sign off on bids: Objection sustained. 2. 23 Interrogatory 16: All employees authorized to sign off on 24 any negotiated contracts with government agencies on behalf of MONACO: 25 Objection sustained. 26 /// ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 6 1 3. Interrogatory 17: List of all employees past or present who 2 are or were authorized to make changes to price mark-ups and other 3 cost and pricing data used by MEI in their contracting with the U.S. 4 Government: 5 4. Objection sustained. Interrogatory 18: List of all employees, past or present, 6 who are or were authorized to determine prices and cost/pricing 7 mark-ups that were submitted to any U.S. Government agency by MEI. 8 The list should include the employee name, dates of service with 9 10 11 12 Monaco and contact information if available. This request is limited in time to the period between January 1, 2007 and the date of this Objection overruled. request. 5. 13 Interrogatory 19: Identify with specificity, the reason or 14 reasons why MEI terminated Plaintiff’s employment. 15 overruled. 16 6. RFP1 134: Objection Documents related to Interrogatory 19. Objection 17 overruled. 18 7. RFP 132: All discovery exchanged in McGillen v. Monaco case. 19 20 Objection sustained. 8. 21 RFP 133: Produce training materials, employment manuals, job 22 descriptions, and other employee guidance materials provided to 23 Plaintiff during his tenure with MEI. 24 /// 25 26 1 “RFP” is Request For Production. ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 7 Objection overruled. 1 2 3 4 9. Interrogatory 20: Plaintiff. 10. Objection overruled. RFP 135: Plaintiff. Request for discipline information on Relevant. Produce discipline related information on Objection overruled. Relevant. 5 11. Interrogatory 21: Identify all compensation MEI paid to 6 Eugene Monaco in calendar years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, 2011, 7 and 2012, including, but not limited to, salary, bonuses and benefits. 8 9 10 Objection sustained. 12. RFP 136: Produce documents and information related to 11 compensation paid to Eugene Monaco-2006 through 2012. 12 Objection sustained. 13 14 15 13. Interrogatory 22: Identify all compensation MEI paid to Roger Barno in calendar years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. Objection sustained. 16 14. RFP 137: Produce documents and information related to 17 compensation paid to Roger Barno. Objection sustained. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 15. Interrogatory 23: Identify all compensation MEI paid to Noelle Barno in calendar years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. Objection sustained. 16. RFP 138: Produce documents and information related to compensation paid to Noelle Barno. 17. Interrogatory 24: Objection sustained. Identify all compensation MEI paid to all other family, and household members (people who reside in a residence occupied by Barno or Monaco), of Eugene Monaco and/or Roger Barno not ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 8 1 specifically identified above in calendar years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. 3 4 5 18. RFP 1: Objection sustained. Produce documents and information related to compensation paid to household members of Eugene and Roger Barno. Objection sustained. 6 19. RFP 2: All data related to every Employee Opinion Survey 7 (EOS) and all EOSs correspondence and notes from January of 2000 8 9 10 through January 31, 2011. MEI responds that there are no EOSs from November of 2010 to present and objects based on irrelevant, 11 confidential, proprietary, overly broad as to time frame. 12 overruled. 13 Objection 2007 through the date of the RFP-they are to be produced. 14 15 20. To the extent EOSs exist for the time period January 1, RFP 3: "Manager Notebooks" for Lynnae McGuillen and for any other managers from January 1, 2007 to present: Objection overruled 16 in part and granted in part. Only manager notebooks for those 17 managers with supervisory authority over Mr. Salazar need to be 18 19 20 provided. order. 21. 21 22 Any issues of confidentiality may require a protective RFP 142: All MEI affirmative actions plans since 2000, including each draft. 22. 23 Objection overruled. Interrogatories 25: Identify each employee terminated or 24 "laid off” from MEI from January 18, 2010 through the date of 25 answering these Interrogatories; identify by name, position(s) held, 26 /// ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 9 1 date of termination and reason for termination. 2 Any issues of confidentiality may require a protective order. 3 4 5 23. RFP 143: Objection overruled. All terminated/laid off employees since January 18,2010 and produce all data related to the terminations and lay offs. Objection sustained. Names required in response to Interrogatory 25. 6 24. RFP 144: All documents showing all money paid by MEI to 7 8 9 independent contractors and all 1099s 2007 through 2012. sustained. 25. 10 11 RFP 145: 1, 2010-present. 12 13 Objection 26. All payments made to Pro Tech by MEI from January Objection sustained. RFP 146: All documents regarding Noelle Barno’s actual work performed from January of 2010-present. 14 27. RFP 147: Objection sustained. Noelle Barno's job description. Objection 15 sustained. 16 28. RFP 148 and 149: Same information (actual work performed 17 18 19 from January of 2010-present and job description) as to Richie Barno. Objection sustained, except job description shall be provided. 29. 20 RFP 150: Provide copies of all Form 1099 and/or other 21 documentation reflecting payments made by MEI to John Ames 22 (maintenance person) from January 2009 through the date of this 23 request. 24 30. 25 Objection sustained. RFP 151: BGLL’s (financial consultants) information. Objection sustained. 26 /// ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 10 1 2 31. All documents to and from accountant John Tisdale (MEI's accountant) from January of 2009-present. 3 4 RFP 4: 32. Interrogatory 26: Objection sustained. A list of persons involuntarily Objection sustained. terminated by MEI since January 18, 2011. This 5 inquiry is covered by Interrogatory 25 referenced above. 6 33. Interrogatory 27 and RFP 152: Information and copies of any 7 Federal False Claims Act complaints or claims related to MEI since 8 9 January 1, 2001. Objection overruled, however limited to any 10 complaints which are filed in court and are publicly available as well 11 as any unfiled or informal claims of which Defendant has knowledge. 34. 12 13 16 17 Copies of all bids and documents submitted on any federal project since January 1, 2006. 14 15 RFP 153: 35. Interrogatory 27 and RFP 154: Objection sustained. Any complaints or claims (and all documents related to this request) under the Federal False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. § 3729-3733, related to MEI brought at anytime since January 1, 2001. Objection sustained. Information sought is largely 18 duplicative of Interrogatory 27 and RFP 152. 19 36. Interrogatory 28 and RFP 155: List of former employees who 20 21 22 23 have quit or been terminated that MEI has contacted to inform them of confidentiality of all documents and information learned while at MEI (and all documents related to this request). 37. 24 Interrogatory 29: Objection sustained. Specify all information that MEI deems is 25 confidential, proprietary, or a trade secret. 26 /// ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 11 Objection sustained. 1 38. RFP 156 and RFP 157: All "Spy Cobra" (surveillance devices) 2 information and every mechanism from January 10, 2010. 3 sustained. 4 39. Interrogatory 30: Objection Information on all employees who left MEI 5 since January 1, 2010. Objection sustained, except overruled as to 6 employees who left on their own who were not earlier named, including 7 8 names, dates of employment and last known contact address. H. 9 10 Plaintiff’s Third Motion to Compel Discovery, ECF No. 170, is GRANTED in part and DENIED in part. 11 1. RFP 158: Produce a complete copy of each and every document 12 or "information" which MEI suggests Mr. Salazar "has accessed and/or 13 misappropriated" to form the basis for his allegations in the 14 Complaint that MEI targeted specific individuals for termination. 15 Objection overruled to the extent that MEI has accused Plaintiff 16 Salazar of accessing information without authorization. Such 17 information claimed by MEI to have been so accessed, if known, shall 18 19 be produced. 2. 20 RFP 159: Produce all documentary evidence including all 21 electronics regarding high level decisions leading to termination of 22 employees since January 1, 2011. 3. 23 RFP 161: Objection sustained. Produce all handwritten notes or memos exchanged 24 between Lynnae McGuillen, Roger Barno and Gene Monaco from October 1, 25 2010-March 1, 2011. 26 /// MEI indicates it will make such documents ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 12 1 available as to Plaintiff, but objects as to other employees. 2 Objection sustained as to other employees. 3 4 5 4. RFP 162: All financial information from CNA Insurance policy No. 425361471 (a claims made, "wasting" policy with a $1,000,000.00 employment practices liability limit) and all attorneys hours, hourly 6 Objection sustained, except rates, etc., for MEI and all documents. 7 8 9 10 11 that Defendants will provide a summary of coverages and a copy of any liability provisions in such policy(s) implicated by the litigation which would be pertinent to payment of claims asserted by Plaintiff. 5. RFP 163: Produce a copy of the most recent memo, letter, 12 statements, invoice, ledger, email, or other document which sets forth 13 the balance remaining on the CNA policy. 14 15 6. RFP 164: Objection sustained. Copy of all documents that MEI sent to CNA giving it notice of claims being made against MEI. Objection sustained. 16 7. RFP 165: All documents regarding any requests MEI has made 17 requiring current employees to fill out papers with nondisclosure or 18 19 20 21 22 confidentiality clauses. 8. RFP 166: All documents relating to MEI transferring or liquidating assets. 9. RFP 167: Objection sustained. Objection sustained. MEI has been working with other entities or 23 individuals in anticipation of opening a business using MEI 24 proprietary and confidential information, and products. 25 documents or things that have been gathered or created in anticipation 26 of opening this business(s). Objection sustained. ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 13 Produce all 1 10. RFP 168: In June of 2013 MEI laid off several employees. 2 Produce any existing list which sets forth which employees were laid 3 off (with contact information) as well as all documents which serve to 4 give notice to each employee of their status as being laid off and any 5 6 documents or emails which discuss the layoffs and any formal documents identifying the layoff as a RIF. Objection sustained except that 7 names of employees laid off in June of 2013 along with contact 8 9 information shall be produced. 11. 10 RFP 169: Same as RFP 168 but regarding employees given 11 notice of reduction in pay as a result of MEI's current financial 12 concerns. Objection sustained except names of employees given notice 13 of reduction in pay during June 2013 along with contact information 14 will be provided. 15 12. RFP 170: All documents between MEI and government agencies 16 informing agencies that MEI was laying off and cutting pay of 17 employees. Objection sustained. 18 13. 19 20 Interrogatory 6 and RFP 15: Have you (Roger Barno) ever been named as an executor, trustee, trustor, grantor, donor, creator, 21 or beneficiary in any Trust? 22 Objection sustained. 23 14. If so, provide all documents. Interrogatory 8 and RFP 17: Requests information regarding 24 Roger Barno’s engagement in the foundation of any business since March 25 29, 2012. 26 Objection sustained. /// ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 14 1 15. Interrogatory 9: Whether Roger Barno is aware of any sale, 2 liquidation, forfeiture, transfer of title or deed, gifting, or other 3 transfer of any property or asset by his employer, Monaco Enterprises, 4 Inc., occurring since the date of this lawsuit (March 29, 2012). 5 Objection sustained. 6 16. Interrogatory 7 and RFP 15: Have you (Gene Monaco) ever 7 been named as an executor, trustee, trustor, grantor, donor, creator, 8 9 10 or beneficiary in any Trust? If so, provide all documents. Objection sustained. 17. 11 Interrogatory 10: Are you (Gene Monaco) aware of any sale, 12 liquidation, forfeiture, transfer of title or deed, gifting, or other 13 transfer of any property or asset by your employer, Monaco 14 Enterprises, Inc., occurring at any time since the date this lawsuit 15 was filed (March 29, 2012). 16 17 I. Objection sustained. Plaintiff’s Motion for Discovery re Extend Duration of Deposition of Gene Monaco, ECF No. 187, is denied as moot based on the 18 parties’ stipulation communicated to the Court on February 27, 2014 19 that an additional two weeks was agreed upon. 20 J. 21 Plaintiff's Ex Parte Motions, ECF Nos. 33 and 68, are 22 STRICKEN as improperly filed ex parte. 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 15 1 2 3 IT IS SO ORDERED. The District Court Executive is directed to enter this Order. DATED this 27th day of March, 2014. 4 5 s/Lonny R. Suko 6 7 LONNY R. SUKO SENIOR UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ORDER RE DISCOVERY MOTIONS - 16

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