Chan v. Department of Homeland Security et al

Filing 5

ORDER re 4 Report and Recommendations, signed by Judge Richard A Jones. While the court declines to adopt the R&R, the court will not grant an emergency stay of removal on the facts now before the court. The court declines to adopt the R&R, but nonetheless DENIES Petitioners motion for an emergency stay of removal. The court refers this action back to Judge Donohue for further proceedings.(LMK) Modified on 5/17/2012;Copy of Order mailed to Petitioner. (LMK).

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1 2 3 4 5 6 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON AT SEATTLE 7 8 SARITH S. CHAN, Case No. C12-847-RAJ 9 Petitioner, 10 11 12 13 14 v. ORDER DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, NATHALIE ASHER, Field Office Director, NORTHWEST DETENTION CENTER, Respondents. 15 16 The court has reviewed the Report & Recommendation (“R&R”) (Dkt. # 4) of the 17 18 Honorable James P. Donohue, United States Magistrate Judge. The R&R recommends that the 19 court deny Petitioner’s motion for an emergency stay of removal because the court lacks subject 20 matter jurisdiction. The R&R declares that Petitioner is subject to a final order of removal dated 21 May 19, 1998, and that 8 U.S.C. § 1252 strips this court of jurisdiction to review actions taken to 22 enforce that order. 23 This court is currently unable to verify whether Petitioner is subject to a final order of 24 removal and the legal basis for that order of removal. Moreover, while the R&R may be correct 25 26 in its assumption that Petitioner has opened an impermissible collateral attack on his removal TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER - 1 1 order, the court currently has no way of verifying the nature of the collateral attack. The court is 2 therefore unable to determine whether the jurisdiction-stripping provisions of 8 U.S.C. § 1252 3 apply. Accordingly, the court is unable to verify whether it has subject matter jurisdiction. The 4 court notes that it has, at a minimum, subject matter jurisdiction to decide whether the 5 jurisdiction-stripping procedures of 8 U.S.C. § 1252 apply. 6 Nonetheless, Petitioner cannot obtain injunctive relief without establishing at least a 7 possibility of success on the merits of his claim. Petitioner claims that he has asked the “Board 8 9 of Immigration” to reopen his claim on the basis that he is a citizen of the United States. 10 Petitioner provides no evidence or other basis for the court to believe he has any possibility of 11 succeeding on that claim or any other claim for relief. Accordingly, while the court declines to 12 adopt the R&R, the court will not grant an emergency stay of removal on the facts now before 13 the court. 14 The court declines to adopt the R&R, but nonetheless DENIES Petitioner’s motion for an 15 emergency stay of removal. The court refers this action back to Judge Donohue for further 16 17 18 proceedings. DATED this 17th day of May, 2012. 19 A 20 21 The Honorable Richard A. Jones United States District Court Judge 22 23 24 25 26 TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER - 2

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