Tucson et al v. City of Seattle et al

Filing 137

AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER. Signed by Judge Marsha J. Pechman. (KRA)

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Honorable Marsha J. Pechman 1 2 3 4 5 6 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON AT SEATTLE 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DEREK TUCSON, ROBIN SNYDER, MONSIEREE DE CASTRO, and ERIK MOYA-DELGADO, No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER Plaintiffs, v. CITY OF SEATTLE, ALEXANDER PATTON, DYLAN NELSON, RYAN KENNARD, and MICHELE LETIZIA, Defendants. 15 16 JURISDICTION 17 18 This Court has Jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331. 19 20 21 22 23 CLAIMS AND DEFENSES Plaintiffs will pursue at trial the following claims: 1. Violation of the First Amendment – Retaliatory Arrest – Defendants Letizia, Patton, and Nelson. Derek Tucson against Michele Letizia and Alexander Patton. Robin Snyder against Michele Letizia and Dylan Nelson. Monsieree DeCastro against Michele Letizia and Dylan Nelson. Erik Moya-Delgado against Michele Letizia. 24 25 26 27 AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 1 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 2. Violation of the First Amendment – Retaliatory Booking – Defendants Kennard, 2 Patton, and Nelson. 3 Derek Tucson against Ryan Kennard, Dylan Nelson, and Alexander Patton. Robin Snyder against Ryan Kennard, and Alexander Patton. Monsieree DeCastro against Ryan Kennard and Alexander Patton. Erik Moya-Delgado against Ryan Kennard, Dylan Nelson, and Alexander Patton. 4 5 6 7 3. Violation of the First Amendment – Monell Claims against City of Seattle for 8 9 Retaliatory Booking. 10 4. Violation of the First Amendment – As Applied Challenge (injunctive relief). 11 ADMITTED FACTS 12 1. 13 14 charcoal writing on a wall January 1, 2021. 2. 15 16 Seattle Police Department (SPD) officers arrested all four Plaintiffs for chalk or Seattle Police Department (SPD) officers transported all four Plaintiffs to King County Jail for booking. 17 ISSUES OF LAW—PLAINTIFF 18 19 20 1. Plaintiffs’ chalk writing in the public forum. 2. 21 22 3. 27 Whether Defendants’ enforcement of SMC 12A.08.020.A.2 against political chalking in the public should be enjoined. 25 26 Whether SMC 12A.08.020.A.2 violates the Fourteenth Amendment as applied to Plaintiffs’ chalk writing in the public forum. 23 24 Whether SMC 12A.08.020.A.2 violates the First Amendment as applied to 4. Motions in limine – the Court will be called on to resolve disputed motions in limine. AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 2 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 2 5. Jury instructions – the parties may have legal disputes relating to to jury instructions. 3 4 5 6 7 ISSUES OF LAW—DEFENDANT 1. Whether plaintiffs present sufficient evidence to support a jury verdict on their claims. 2. Whether defendants present sufficient evidence to support a jury verdict on their affirmative defenses. 8 3. Evidentiary issues presented by the parties, including motions in limine. 9 4. The jury instructions, verdict form, and special interrogatories. 10 11 12 13 14 15 WITNESSES The names and addresses of witnesses, other than experts, to be used at the time of trial and the general nature of the testimony of each are: Plaintiffs’ Witnesses – Will Testify: • Derek Tucson. Contact c/o Plaintiffs’ counsel. Mr. Tucson will testify regarding 16 the circumstances of his arrest and booking into jail by SPD on January 1, 2021; the damages 17 suffered therefrom, including emotional harm; other incidents of actual and planned chalking and 18 19 20 21 22 political speech; the chilling effect on his speech as a result of his arrest and the City’s related policies and practices; the emotional harm and damages suffered as a result of the arrest and booking; and the authentication of various documents. • Robin Snyder. Contact c/o Plaintiffs’ counsel. Ms. Snyder will testify regarding 23 the circumstances of her arrest and booking into jail by SPD on January 1, 2021; the damages 24 suffered therefrom, including emotional harm; other incidents of actual and planned chalking and 25 political speech; the chilling effect on her speech as a result of his arrest and the City’s related 26 27 AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 3 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 policies and practices; the emotional harm and damages suffered as a result of the arrest and 2 booking; and the authentication of various documents. 3 4 5 6 • Monsieree De Castro. Contact c/o Plaintiffs’ counsel. Ms. De Castro will testify regarding the circumstances of her arrest and booking into jail by SPD on January 1, 2021; the damages suffered therefrom, including emotional harm; other incidents of actual and planned 7 chalking and political speech; the chilling effect on her speech as a result of his arrest and the 8 City’s related policies and practices; the emotional harm and damages suffered as a result of the 9 arrest and booking; and the authentication of various documents. 10 11 12 13 • Erik Moya-Delgado. Contact c/o Plaintiffs’ counsel. Mr. Moya-Delgado will testify regarding the circumstances of his arrest and booking into jail by SPD on January 1, 2021; the damages suffered therefrom, including emotional harm; other incidents of actual and planned 14 chalking and political speech; the chilling effect on his speech as a result of his arrest and the 15 City’s related policies and practices; the emotional harm and damages suffered as a result of the 16 arrest and booking; and the authentication of various documents. 17 18 19 20 21 • Caedmon Cahill. Contact c/o Defendants’ counsel. Ms. Cahill will testify regarding her role as a Policy Advisor for the City of Seattle during 2020 and 2021; COVID-19 booking restrictions; her investigation into the City bookings of protestors in violation of the COVID-19 booking restrictions; her efforts to bring these violations to the attention of SPD and 22 the City of Seattle Mayor’s Office; the nature of the response she received from SPD and the 23 Mayor’s office; and the City’s policies and practices with regard to booking into King County 24 Jail during 2020 and 2021. 25 26 27 • Michele Letizia. Contact c/o Defendants’ counsel. Officer Letizia is expected to testify about the facts and circumstances of the arrests of Plaintiffs; his observations of Plaintiffs AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 4 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 through a security camera prior to and during the arrests; his communications with other officers 2 regarding the same; the reason for the arrests; and the culture within the East Precinct as of 3 4 5 6 January 2021; and the City’s policy and practice with respect to chalk writing; the exercise of his discretion in making arrest and booking decisions. • Jamison Maehler. Contact c/o Defendants’ counsel. Officer Maehler is expected 7 to testify about the facts and circumstances of the arrests of Plaintiffs; the reason for the arrests 8 and booking of Plaintiffs; the culture within the East Precinct as of January 2021; the East 9 Precinct break room or bike room; the presence of certain political materials within that room; 10 11 12 13 14 the presence of Chief of Police Carmen Best within that room; and the City’s policy and practice with respect to chalk writing; the exercise of his discretion in making arrest and booking decisions. • Ryan Kennard. Contact c/o Defendants’ counsel. Sgt. Kennard is expected to 15 testify about the facts and circumstances of the arrests of Plaintiffs; the reason for the arrests and 16 booking of Plaintiffs; the booking policies and practices at SPD as of January 2021; the culture 17 within the East Precinct as of January 2021; and the City’s policy and practice with respect to 18 19 20 21 chalk writing; the exercise of his discretion in making arrest and booking decisions. • Dylan Nelson. Contact c/o Defendants’ counsel. Officer Nelson is expected to testify about the facts and circumstances of the arrests of Plaintiffs; the reason for the arrests and 22 booking of Plaintiffs; the culture within the East Precinct as of January 2021; the booking and 23 arrest policies in place at SPD and the East Precinct as of January 2021; and the City’s policy 24 and practice with respect to chalk writing; the exercise of his discretion in making arrest and 25 booking decisions. 26 27 AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 5 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 • Alexander Patton. Contact c/o Defendants’ counsel. Officer Patton may testify about the facts and circumstances of the arrests of Plaintiffs; the reason for the arrests and booking of Plaintiffs; the culture within the East Precinct as of January 2021; the booking and arrest policies in place at SPD and the East Precinct as of January 2021; and the City’s policy and practice with respect to chalk writing; the exercise of his discretion in making arrest and booking decisions. • Daniel Clark. 206-466-8396. Mr. Clark is expected to testify about the authentication of certain exhibits relating to incidents of arrest or threatened arrest for political chalking. • Ryan Barrett. Contact c/o Defendants’ counsel. Officer Barrett may testify about the facts and circumstances of the arrests of Plaintiffs; the reason for the arrests and booking of 14 Plaintiffs; the culture within the East Precinct as of January 2021; the booking and arrest policies 15 in place at SPD and the East Precinct as of January 2021; access to the precinct’s bike/break 16 room containing improper political materials; the City’s policy and practice with respect to chalk 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 writing; the exercise of his discretion in making arrest and booking decisions. Defendants’ Witnesses – Will Testify: Captain Jung Trinh. c/o Kerala Cowart, Assistant City Attorney Seattle City Attorney’s Office 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2050 Seattle, WA 98104-7095 In addition to the witnesses identified by Plaintiffs, the Defendants will call Captain Jung Trinh. Contact c/o Defendants’ counsel. Captain Trinh will corroborate the officer defendants' 25 testimony about their reasons for addressing property crime around the East Precinct. As watch 26 commander at the time, he has a big picture perspective on how precinct operations such as 911 27 response were regularly disrupted that fall and winter by people committing misdemeanor crimes. AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 6 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 These misdemeanors included intentionally blocking officers’ vehicles, throwing bags of garbage, and 2 breaking the sally port card reader. In addition, Captain Trinh will testify about booking practices as 3 related to Plaintiffs' Monell claims. 4 Ofc. Mia Nguyen c/o Kerala Cowart, Assistant City Attorney Seattle City Attorney’s Office 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2050 Seattle, WA 98104-7095 5 6 7 Defendants will call Ofc. Nguyen. She was the arresting officer for Plaintiff Moya- 8 9 Delgado and she will testify as to her observations of the facts and circumstances of his arrest. 10 In addition, she participated when Plaintiffs Snyder and DeCastro were processed in the 11 holding cell and transported to King County jail and she will testify as to her observations of 12 those events. 13 14 15 Defendants received Plaintiffs’ narrowed list of deposition designations on June 3. Plaintiffs intend to present deposition testimony in lieu of live testimony for three witnesses 16 who plaintiffs do not also plan to call as live witnesses. Defendants are evaluating whether or 17 not they will call any of these witnesses to respond to the designated deposition excerpts and 18 will notify Plaintiffs and the Court as soon as possible of their decision. 19 PLAINTIFFS’ TRIAL EXHIBITS 20 21 22 23 Plaintiffs identify the following trial exhibits, which they intend to present to the jury in electronic format: Ex. # Description 26 27 Admissibility Objection Admitted INCIDENT PHOTOS AND STILLS 24 25 Authenticity 1 Photos of chalk writing (PL000057, CITY_000417, CITY_000421, CITY_000422, CITY_000423, CITY_000424) AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 7 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP None MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 2 3 Ex. # Description 2 Screen shot of Trump Flag in East Precinct (still from Dkt. 81-5, CITY_000912) MIL, 401, 402, 403 3 Screen shot of tombstone in East Precinct (Dkt. 81-6, CITY_000912) MIL, 401, 402, 403 4 Still showing police presence (from PL_000164) None 5 Still showing police presence, (from CITY_000879) None 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Arrest reports (CITY_000461- 463, 496-498, 491--493, 465-467) None 7 Booking receipts (CITY_000473, 476, 479, 488) None 8 Kennard screening report and screening forms (CITY_000457, CITY_000499-506) None 9 Barrett property inventory (CITY_000459) None 10 Nelson statement (CITY_000474475) None 11 Nelson inventory of livestream video (CITY_000477-478) None 12 Patton statement (CITY_000480481) None 13 Letizia statement (CITY_000494) None 14 Booking verifications Stipulate (CITY_000507, 508, 509, 510, 511) to admit exhibit with REDACT PII; NONE 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Objection 6 16 17 Admissibility Admitted ARREST AND BOOKING DOCUMENTATION 14 15 Authenticity AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 8 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 Ex. # Description Authenticity 2 4 5 6 7 15 Incident report and cover sheet (CITY_000489-490, 482-485) None 16 CAD Report, CITY_000518-527 REDACT PII; NONE 9 10 11 17 Security camera video, OutsideEntranceView, CITY_000878 None 18 Security camera video OutsideAlley pt. 1 (Dkt. 81-2, CITY_000879) None 19 Security camera video OutsideAlley pt. 2 (Dkt. 81-2, CITY_000880) None 20 Officer Jordon Body Worn Camera video (Dkt. 81-16, CITY_000922, Axon Body 3 Video 2021-01-01 2233) 401, 402, 802 (unless specific clips identified) 21 Officer Patton Body Worn Camera video (Dkt. 96-4, CITY_000921, Axon Body 3 Video 2021-01-01 2233) MIL, 403 until 00:20. Otherwise None 22 Officer Gregory Body Worn Camera (Axon Body 3 Video 2021- 401, 402, 802 (unless specific 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Admitted INCIDENT VIDEOS 12 13 Objection summary narrative descriptio n, to avoid need to offer witness to authentica te? 3 8 Admissibility AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 9 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 Ex. # 2 Officer Barrett Body Worn Camera (produced by defense 5/21/24) (Axon_Body_3_Video_2021-0101_2235) None 24 Officer Nguyen Body Worn Camera, CITY_000916, Axon Body 3 Video 2021-01-01 2237 401, 402, 802 (unless specific clips identified) 25 Officer Nelson Body Worn Camera video (Dkt. 81-17, CITY_000914, Axon Body 3 Video 2021-01-01 2237) None 26 Maehler Body Worn Camera video (Dkt. 81-5, CITY_000912, Axon Body 3 Video 2021-01-01 2249) MIL 401, 402, 802 (unless specific clips identified) 27 Officer Gregory Body Worn Camera, (CITY_000909, Axon Body 3 Video 2021-01-01 2249), shove of Moya Delgado MIL, 401, 402, 403 802 28 Officer Barrett Body Worn Camera video (Dkt. 96-2, CITY_000910, Axon Body 3 Video 2021-01-01 2249) 401, 402, 802 (unless specific clips identified) 29 Officer Nelson Body Worn Camera video (Dkt. 96-3, CITY_000911, Axon Body 3 Video 2021-01-01 2249) None 30 Officer Barrett Body Worn Camera video (Dkt. 96-1, CITY_000904, 401, 402, 802 (unless 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Objection 23 6 10 Admissibility clips identified) 5 7 Authenticity 01-01 2233, CITY_000920) (arrest of DT, with shove) 3 4 Description AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 10 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP Admitted MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 Ex. # 2 5 Authenticity Admissibility specific clips identified) 31 Officer Gregory Body Worn Camera, CITY_000901, Axon Body 3 Video 2021-01-01 2259 401, 402, 802 (unless specific clips identified) 32 Officer Barrett Body Worn Camera video, (CITY_000899, Axon Body 3 Video 2021-01-01 2301) None 33 Officer Gregory Body Worn Camera video (Dkt. 96-6, CITY_000891, Axon Body 3 Video 2021-01-01 2330) None 34 ICV -- Snyder and De Castro -CITY_000889, AXON Fleet 2 IR Video 2021-01-01 2333 None 35 ICV – Tucson and Moya Delgado – CITY_000882, 2021736_ICV_8596@20210101233325. mpg Duplicates Ex 34 36 Livestream video, Dkt. 96-5, PL_000164 No Objection to 0:00-4:45, 15:1716:40, or 22:03-23:00 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 27 Admitted 401, 402, 403, 802 to remainder of Exhibit 23 26 Objection Axon_Body_3_Video_2021-0101_2255-3) 3 4 Description BOOKING POLICY DOCUMENTS 37 Diaz booking memo, (Dkt. 96-7, CITY_000768-769) AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 11 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP None MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 2 3 4 Ex. # Description 38 SPD email re: booking, Mar. 24, 2020, CITY_000770 None 39 May 20, 2020 email “remove booking restrictions,” CITY_012315 403, 802, 805 40 June 5, 2020 Bushaw email, Dkt. 98-8, PL-000524 41 June 2020 Notes re: booking restrictions, CITY_005163 401, 402, 802 42 July 6, 2020 email re: bookings, CITY_004513-4517 401, 402, 403, 602, 802 43 Oct. 6, 2020 email from Cahill, CITY_004464-66 401, 402, 403, 802 44 Oct. 8, 2020 Caedmon Cahill email (Dkt. 96-11, CITY_004435-4436) 401, 402, 403, 802 45 October 22nd, 2020 Cahill emails. CITY_004484-4487 401, 402, 403, 802 46 Nov. 16, 2020 JAG organizing email, CITY_002294-2296 401, 402, 802 47 Dec. 2 2020 JAG meeting invite, CITY_010329-330 401, 402 48 Dec. 16 2020 JAG meeting invite, CITY_010744-45 401, 402 49 Dec. 16 2020 JAG agenda re: booking restrictions, CITY_012198 401, 402 50 Dec. 21, 2020 email to Kline re: booking restrictions, CITY_012266-7 401, 402, 802 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 12 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP Authenticity Object Admissibility Objection Admitted 401, 402, 403, 602, 802 MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 2 3 Ex. # Description Authenticity 51 Jan. 6, 2021 email re: booking restrictions, CITY_012333-34 401, 402, 403, 602, 802 52 Jan 6, 2021 email to Julie Kline re booking restrictions, CITY_012282-83 401, 402, 403, 602, 802 53 Jan. 6, 2021 JAG emails and agenda, CITY_009500-503 401, 402, 403, 602, 802 54 Jan. 13, 2021 Caedmon Cahill email (Dkt. 96-12, CITY_01223739) 401, 402, 403, 802 55 Jan. 20, 2021, Emails with Assistant Chief Mahaffey, CITY_012302-05 401, 402, 403, 802 (scheduling parts ok) 56 Email re: Keith Swank working group participation, CITY_01199596 401, 402, 403, 802 57 Julie Kline JAG text messages re May 2021 JAG meeting, CITY_004610 et seq. 401, 402, 403, 802 58 Meeting invite for May 2021 JAG meeting CITY-010435-36 401, 402 59 SPD Manual, Section 6.010 (Dkt. 96-31) 401, 402 (not in effect on Jan 2021) 60 Protest Bookings Spreadsheet, CITY_005092 401, 402, 403, 602 61 KOMO Diaz clip, Dep. Exhibit 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 13 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP Object Admissibility Objection Admitted 401, 402, 403, 802, 901 MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 2 3 Ex. # Description Authenticity 62 Evidence Item Scan (Override article) CITY_000403 Object Admissibility 4 Objection 401, 402, 403, 802, 901 CHALKING POLICY AND PRACTICE 5 6 63 Chalking photo, PL-000001 Object 7 64 Chalking photo, PL-000002 Object 65 Daniel Clark video of officer chalking, Dkt. 79-1, PL-000581. Object None 66 Screenshot from Clark video, from PL-000581 Object None 67 City of Seattle webpage regarding chalk Dkt. 96-10 None 68 SPD Twitter post regarding chalk, PL-00008 None 69 Tire chalking video (March), Dkt. 108-1, PL-000815 401, 402, 403 70 Second video of tire chalking (April), PL-000816 401, 402, 403 71 Photo of tire chalking, PL-000817 401, 402, 403 72 Tire chalking photo, PL-000519 401, 402, 403 73 Tire chalking photo, PL-000007. 401, 402, 403 74 Video of Lt. Brooks chalking arrest warning, Dkt. 38-1, PL-000165 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Admitted Object 403 26 27 AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 14 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 2 3 Ex. # Description Authenticity 75 KOMO video of chalking, PL000046. object 76 Patton body camera of Clark arrest, CITY_000943 Admissibility 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 401, 402, 403 RCW 42.52.180 – Use of public resources MIL, 401, 402, 403 78 SMC 4.16.070 – Code of Ethics MIL, 401, 402, 403 79 SPD Policy 5.060 – Employee Political Activity MIL, 401, 402, 403 80 OPA Case Summary, No. 2021OPA-0013, Dkt. 96-33 MIL, 401, 402, 403, 802 81 Trump Twitter post, Dkt. 96-32 object MIL, 401, 402, 403, 802, 901 82 Video of barricade construction (viewed and discussed in Jackson 30(b)(6) Dep.) object MIL, 401, 402, 901 83 Spreadsheet with DOT closure permits, PL-000134 object 401, 402, 403, 602, 802, 84 Barricade complaints, PL-000136, 137, 135 object 401, 402, 403, 602, 802, 901 85 Officer Gregory OPA Interview, CITY_004703 - CITY_004720 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 401, 402, 403, 602, 901 77 14 15 Admitted MISCELLANEOUS 7 8 Objection 802 27 AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 15 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 2 3 4 Ex. # Description 86 Officer Barrett OPA Interview, CITY_004721 - CITY_004740 87 Officer Nelson OPA Interview, CITY_004640 - CITY_004662 401, 402, 403, unless Plfs identify excerpts 88 Officer Letizia OPA Interview, CITY_004683 - CITY_004702 401, 402, 403, unless Plfs identify excerpts 89 Officer Nguyen OPA Interview, CITY_004663 - CITY_004682 802 90 Body Worn Camera showing full length of barricade wall, Axon Body 3 Video 2020-12-16 0250, CITY_000930 401, 402, 403 91 SPD BWC Policy 401, 402; version not in effect on Jan 1, 2021 92 Patton Body Worn Camera showing Gadsden Flag, Axon Body 3 Video 2020-12-16 0239, CITY_000943 MIL; 401, 402, 403 93 Gadsden flag “SPD Has Tread on Me” screenshot excerpted from CITY_000943 MIL; 401, 402, 403 94 Copy of SMC 12A.08.020 MIL 5 Authenticity 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 Admitted DAMAGES 24 25 Objection 802 6 7 Admissibility 95 Plaintiff De Castro progress notes, PL-000646-684 object MIL, FRCP 26(a)(1)(A), 701, 901 27 AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 16 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 2 3 4 5 Ex. # Description 96 Plaintiff De Castro invoices, Admissibility 97 Plaintiff De Castro, Questionnaire/Intake notes, object MIL, FRCP 26(a)(1), 701, 901 object 401, 402, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 901, MIL; FRCP 26(a)(2)(B) object 401, 402, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 901, MIL; FRCP 26(a)(2)(B) object 401, 402, 901, compound exhibit PL-000685-694 98 8 Plaintiff De Castro, opinion letter, PL-000725 9 10 11 99 12 Plaintiff De Castro, Clinician Administered PTSD Scale, PL-000695-000724 13 14 15 16 100 De Castro Wage Docs, PL-000730808 17 18 19 20 23 Admitted SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBITS 101 Maehler Body Worn Camera video, CITY_012364 401, 402, 403 (cumulative ) 102 Complete arrest documentation, CITY_000453-517 401, 402, 802 (document is too long, many irrelevant w/ hearsay, but many parts 21 22 Objection PL-000642-645 6 7 Authenticity 24 25 26 27 AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 17 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 Ex. # Description Authenticity Admissibility 2 Objection Admitted are admissible) 3 4 5 DEFENDANTS’ TRIAL EXHIBITS 6 In addition to those identified by Plaintiffs, the Defendants identify the following trial 7 8 exhibits, which Defendants intend to present to the jury in electronic format: 9 10 Ex. # Description 11 200 Body Worn Video of Mia Nguyen, 11:07 pm; Dkt 94, CITY_000898. Excerpts 11:0911:10, 11:13-15 Agreed 201 SPD General Offense Report #2021-000736; Dkt 86-16, CITY_000453. Withdrawn 202 Captain Sano Email, dated Aug. 10, 2021; Dkt 103-3, CITY_004742. Withdrawn 203 Photos, SPD East Precinct, Dkt 111-1, CITY_000419- Agreed 12 13 14 15 Authenticity Admissibility 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 18 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP Objection Admitted FRE 401, 402, 403, 801, 802. Plaintiffs have included the relevant and admissibl e excerpts of this packet of document s in their proposed exhibits. FRE 401, 402, 403, 407, 801 MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 1 Ex. # 2 Admissibility 204 Video of Plaintiff MoyaDelgado marking wall of East Precinct building; PL-000162 Agreed 205 Excerpt of In-Car Video, Plaintiffs Snyder and DeCastro; CITY_000898. Excerpt 11:3411:39. Disputed 206 Body Worn Video of Mia Nguyen, 10:55 pm; Dkt 94, CITY_000903 (excerpt – 10:5510:58pm) Agreed 5 6 Authenticity 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Objection Admitted CITY_000420, CITY_000422CITY_000427, and PL-000070. 3 4 Description Document Defendant s produced as exhibit is Bates 899. Object under FRE 401, 403. ORDER OF THE COURT This case is scheduled for trial before a jury on June 12, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. This order has been approved by the parties as evidenced by the signatures of their counsel. This order shall control the subsequent course of the action unless modified by a subsequent order. This order 21 shall not be further amended except by order of the court pursuant to agreement of the parties or 22 to prevent manifest injustice. 23 Dated June 4, 2024. 24 A 25 26 Marsha J. Pechman United States Senior District Judge 27 AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 19 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 As Presented on 28th day of May, 2024 by: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 By: MacDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 _/s/Nathaniel Flack ________ Nathaniel Flack, WSBA #58582 Email: nathanielf@mhb.com Braden Pence, WSBA #43495 Email: bradenp@mhb.com By: THE LAW OFFICE OF NEIL FOX 2125 Western Ave Ste 330 Seattle, WA 98121-3573 Tel 206.728.5440 Fax 866.422.0542 _/s/Neil Fox_____________ Neil Fox, WSBA #15277 Email: nf@neilfoxlaw.com By: /s/Kerala Cowart Kerala Cowart, WSBA# 53649 Joseph D. Everett, WSBA# 38248 Assistant City Attorneys E-mail: kerala.cowart@seattle.gov E-mail: joseph.everett@seattle.gov Seattle City Attorney’s Office 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2050 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 684-8200 Attorneys for Defendant City of Seattle, Alexander Patton, Dylan Nelson, Ryan Kennard, and Michele Letizia 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AGREED PRETRIAL ORDER - 20 No. 2:23-cv-00017-MJP MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961

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