Federal Trade Commission et al v. Amazon.com Inc

Filing 122

ORDER granting Parties' 121 Stipulated MOTION Extending the Deadline for the Parties to Submit a Joint Status Report and Discovery Plan. The deadline for the parties to file a Combined Joint Status Report and Discovery Plan is extended to 12/15/2023. Signed by Judge John H. Chun. (KRA)

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1 2 3 4 5 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON AT SEATTLE 6 7 CASE NO.: 2:23-cv-01495-JHC 8 9 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, et al., 10 Plaintiffs, 11 12 V. STIPULATED MOTION AND ORDER EXTENDING THE DEADLINE FOR THE PARTIES TO SUBMIT A JOINT STATUS REPORT AND DISCOVERY PLAN AMAZON.COM, INC. , a corporation, 13 NOTE ON MOTION CALENDAR: November 28, 2023 Defendant. 14 15 16 STIPULATED MOTION The paiiies, by and through their attorneys of record, respectfully request that the Comi 17 enter the proposed order set fo1i h below, which extends the deadline for the pa1iies to submit a 18 Combined Joint Status Repo1i and Discove1y Plan to December 15, 2023. 19 In suppo1i of this request, the pa1iies represent the following to the Comi: 20 1. On October 24, 2023, the Comi entered an order setting November 30, 2023 as 21 the deadline for the paii ies to submit a Combined Joint Status Repo1i and 22 Discove1y Plan as required by FRCP 26(f) and Local Civil Rule 26(f). Dkt. #80. 23 24 2. The paiiies have engaged in good faith negotiations regarding the discove1y process, plan to meet and confer further regai·ding discove1y issues, and agree that STIPULATED MOT. AND ORDER EXTENDING THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT A JOINT STATUS REPORT AND DISCOVERY PLAN - 1 1 a sho1i extension of the deadline to file a Combined Joint Status Repo1i and 2 Discove1y Plan would be productive. 3 3. The paiiies stipulate as follows, subject to Comi approval, and jointly request that 4 the Court enter the following Order approving this Stipulation: 5 a. 6 7 The deadline for the paiiies to file a Combined Joint Status Repo1i and Discove1y Plan is extended to December 15, 2023. Stipulated to and respectfully submitted this 28th day of November, 2023, by: 8 15 s/ Edward H Takashima SUSAN A. MUSSER (DC Bai· # 1531486) EDWARD H. TAKASHIMA (DC Bai· # 1001641) DAVID B. SCHWARTZ (NY Reg. # 4947925) DANIELLE C. QUINN (NY Reg. # 5408943) Federal Trade Commission 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20580 Tel.: (202) 326-2122 (Musser) (202) 326-2464 (Takashima) Email: smusser@ftc.gov etakashima@ftc.gov dschwaiizl @ftc.gov dquinn@ftc.gov 16 Attorneys for Plaintiff Federal Trade Commission 9 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 s/ Michael Jo Michael Jo (admitted pro hac vice) 20 Assistant Attorney General, Antitiust Bureau 21 New York State Office of the Attorney General 22 28 Libe1iy Sti·eet New York, NY 10005 23 Telephone: (212) 416-6537 Email: Michael.Jo@ag.ny.gov 24 Counsel for Plaintiff State ofNew York STIPULATED MOT. AND ORDER EXTENDING THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT A JOINT STATUS REPORT AND DISCOVERY PLAN - 2 s/ Rahul A. Da,war Rahul A. Daiwai· (admitted pro hac vice) Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General of Connecticut 165 Capitol A venue Haiiford, CT 06016 Telephone: (860) 808-5030 Email: Rahul.Daiwar@ct.gov Counsel for Plaintiff State of Connecticut 1 s/ Alexandra C. Sosnowski Alexandra C. Sosnowski (admitted p ro hac 2 vice) Assistant Attorney General 3 Consumer Protection and Antitmst Bureau New Hampshire Department of Justice 4 Office of the Attorney General One Granite Place South 5 Concord, NH 03301 Telephone: (603) 271-2678 6 Email: Alexandra.c.sosnowski@doj.nh.gov Counsel for P laintiff State ofNew 7 Hampshire 8 s/ Caleb J. Smith Caleb J. Smith (admitted pro hac vice) 9 Assistant Attorney General Consumer Protection Unit 10 Office of the Oklahoma Attorney General 15 West 6th Sti·eet, Suite 1000 11 Tulsa, OK 74119 Telephone: (918) 581-2230 12 Email: caleb.smith@oag.ok.gov Counsel for P laintiff State of Oklahoma 13 s/ Jennifer A. Thomson 14 Jennifer A. Thomson (admitted pro hac vice) 15 Senior Deputy Attorney General Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General 16 Sti·awbeny Square, 14th Floor HaiTisburg, PA 17120 17 Telephone: (717) 787-4530 Email: jthomson@attorneygeneral.gov 18 Counsel for P laintiff Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 19 s/ Michael A. Undorf 20 Michael A. Undorf (admitted pro hac vice) Deputy Attorney General 2 1 Delaware Depaii ment of Justice 820 N . French St. , 5th Floor 22 Wilmington, DE 19801 Telephone: (302) 683-8816 23 Email: michael.undorf@delawai·e.gov Counsel for PlaintiffState ofDelaware 24 STIPULATED MOT. AND ORDER EXTENDING THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT A JOINT STATUS REPORT AND DISCOVERY PLAN - 3 s/ Christina M Moylan Christina M. Moylan (admitted p ro hac vice) Assistant Attorney General Chief, Consumer Protection Division Office of the Maine Attorney General 6 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0006 Telephone: (207) 626-8800 Email: christina.moylan@maine.gov Counsel for P laintiff State ofMaine s/ Garv Honick Gaiy Honick (admitted pro hac vice) Assistant Attorney General Deputy Chief, Antitmst Division Office of the Maiy land Attorney General 200 St. Paul Place Baltimore, MD 2 1202 Telephone: (410) 576-6474 Email: Ghonick@oag.state.md.us Counsel for P laintiff State ofMaryland s/ Michael MacKenzie Michael Mackenzie (admitted pro hac vice) Deputy Chief, Antitmst Division Office of the Massachusetts Attorney General One Ashbmion Place, 18th Floor Boston, MA 02108 Telephone: (617) 963-2369 Email: michael.mackenzie@mass.gov Counsel for P laintiff Commonwealth of Massachusetts s/ Scott A. Mertens Scott A. Me1i ens (admitted pro hac vice) Assistant Attorney General Michigan Depaii ment of Attorney General 525 West Ottawa Sti·eet Lansing, MI 48933 Telephone: (5 17) 335-7622 Email: MeiiensS@michigan.gov Counsel for P laintiff State ofMichigan 1 s/ Zach Biesanz Zach Biesanz (admitted pro hac vice) 2 Senior Enforcement Counsel Office of the Minnesota Attorney General 3 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1400 Saint Paul, MN 55101 4 Telephone: (65 1) 757-1 257 Email: zach.biesanz@ag.state.mn.us 5 Counsel for Plaintiff State ofMinnesota 6 s/ Lucas J. Tucker Lucas J. Tucker (admitted pro hac vice) 7 Senior Deputy Attorney General Office of the Nevada Attorney General 8 100 N . Carson St. Carson City, NV 89701 9 Telephone: (775) 684-1100 Email: LTucker@ag.nv.gov 10 Counsel for Plaintiff State ofNevada 11 s/ Ana Atta-Alla Ana Atta-Alla (admitted pro hac vice) 12 Deputy Attorney General New Jersey Office of the Attorney General 13 124 Halsey Street, 5th Floor Newark, NJ 07101 14 Telephone: (973) 648-3070 Email: Ana.Atta-Alla@law.njoag.gov 15 Counsel for Plaintiff State ofNew Jersey 16 s/ Jeffrev Herrera Jeffrey HeITera (admitted pro hac vice) 17 Assistant Attorney General New Mexico Office of the Attorney General 18 408 Galisteo St. Santa Fe, NM 87501 19 Telephone: (505) 490-4878 Email: jheITera@nmag.gov 20 Counsel for PlaintiffState ofNew Mexico 21 22 23 24 STIPULATED MOT. AND ORDER EXTENDING THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT A JOINT STATUS REPORT AND DISCOVERY PLAN - 4 s/ Timothy D. Smith Timothy D. Smith, WSBA No. 44583 Senior Assistant Attorney General Antitmst and False Claims Unit Oregon Depaii ment of Justice 100 SW Mai·ket St Portland, OR 97201 Telephone: (503) 934-4400 Email: tim.smith@doj.state.or.us Counsel for Plaintiff State of Oregon s/ Stephen N Provazza Stephen N . Provazza (admitted pro hac vice) Special Assistant Attorney General Chief, Consumer and Economic Justice Unit Depaii ment of the Attorney General 150 South Main Street Providence, RI 02903 Telephone: (401) 274-4400 Email: sprovazza@riag.ri.gov Counsel for Plaintiff State ofRhode Island s/ Gwendolvn J. Cooley Gwendolyn J. Cooley (admitted pro hac vice) Assistant Attorney General Wisconsin Depaiiment of Justice Post Office Box 7857 Madison, WI 53707-7857 Telephone: (608) 261 -5810 Email: cooleygj@doj.state.wi.us Counsel for Plaintiff State of Wisconsin 1 MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP 2 By: s/ Patty A. Eakes Patty A. Eakes, WSBA #18888 Molly A. Te1williger, WSBA #28449 1301 Second Avenue, Suite 2800 Seattle, WA 98101 Phone: (206) 274-6400 Email: patty.eakes@morganlewis.com molly. te1williger@morganlewis.com 3 4 5 6 7 WILLIAMS & CONNOLLY LLP 8 Heidi K. Hubbard (pro hac vice) Kevin M. Hodges (pro hac vice) 680 Maine A venue SW Washington, DC 20024 Phone: (202) 434-5000 Email: hhubbard@wc.com khodges@wc.com 9 11 12 COVINGTON & BURLING LLP 13 16 Thomas O. Barnett (pro hac vice) One CityCenter 850 Tenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001-4956 Phone: (202) 662-5407 Email: tbamett@cov.com 17 Attorneys for Defendant Amazon.com, Inc. 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 STIPULATED MOT. AND ORDER EXTENDING THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT A JOINT STATUS REPORT AND DISCOVERY PLAN - 5 1 ORDER 2 IT IS SO ORDERED. 3 DATED this 29th day of November, 2023. 4 5 JOHNH.CHUN UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 STIPULATED MOT. AND ORDER EXTENDING THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT A JOINT STATUS REPORT AND DISCOVERY PLAN - 6

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