Ewalan v. Washington State Department of Corrections et al
ORDER re PLaintiff's 218 Second PROPOSED Subpoenas, filed by Joseph Lochuch Ewalan. The Clerk is DIRECTED to issue the subpoenas set forth in Appendix A tothis order. Upon the Clerk's issuance of the attached subpoenas, USMO isDIRECTED to serve the subpoenas on the designated witnesses by no later than 4/1/2024. Signed by Judge James L. Robart. **13 PAGE(S), PRINT ALL** (Joseph Ewalan, Prisoner ID: 392824) (SS)
CASE NO. C20-5678JLR
Before the court are pro se Plaintiff Joseph Lochuch Ewalan’s second proposed
witness subpoenas, in response to the court’s March 22, 2024 order. 1 (2d Prop.
Subpoenas (Dkt. # 218); see also 3/14/24 Order (Dkt. # 201) (granting in part Mr.
The court is also in receipt of Mr. Ewalan’s request to the Clerk “to help mail
subpoena[s] in blank” to him. (Request (Dkt. # 220) at 1.) The court thanks Mr. Ewalan for his
diligence in responding to the court’s orders regarding his subpoenas despite lacking Internet
access. (See id.) The court acknowledges and extends compassion to Mr. Ewalan for the many
unique challenges he faces as a pro se incarcerated litigant. Because the court concludes in this
order that Mr. Ewalan has substantially complied with the court’s instructions concerning
witness subpoenas, it is unnecessary to mail the subpoenas in blank to him. The court will
facilitate issuance and service of Mr. Ewalan’s witness subpoenas as stated in this order.
Ewalan’s motion to subpoena witnesses and setting forth an expedited procees to
facilitate his trial witness subpoenas, conditioned on Mr. Ewalan’s compliance with the
court’s instructions and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 45); 3/24/24 Order (Dkt. # 217)
(concluding that Mr. Ewalan’s first proposed subpoenas failed to comply and extending
the witness subpoena deadline).) The subpoenas are directed to Dr. Lara B. Strick, Chad
Anderson, and Dr. Joseph T. Ho. (See generally 2d Prop. Subpoenas.) The court has
reviewed Mr. Ewalan’s second proposed subpoenas and concludes that Mr. Ewalan has
substantially complied with the court’s March 24, 2024 order and Rule 45. The court
will therefore facilitate the issuance and service of Mr. Ewalan’s subpoenas, as set forth
in Appendix A to this order. (See 3/24/24 Order at 4-5.) As the court previously noted
(3/14/24 Order at 1), Mr. Ewalan is proceeding in forma pauperis, entitling him to
service by the United States Marshals Service (“USMO”). (See IFP Order (Dkt. # 4)); 28
U.S.C. § 1915(d).
Mr. Ewalan is advised that the court has transcribed his subpoenas in typeface
format for legibility purposes. The attached subpoenas also cure minor deficiencies the
court identified in Mr. Ewalan’s second proposed subpoenas, such as his failure to
identify the issuing court as the United States District Court for the Western District of
Washington. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(a)(1)(A)(i). Mr. Ewalan is further advised that the
court has adjusted the dates and times that his witnesses are instructed to appear, for a
few reasons. Trial is scheduled to begin on April 22, 2024, and because he is the
Plaintiff, Mr. Ewalan will present his case and question his witnesses first. The court
expects that jury selection and opening statements will consume the first trial day,
meaning that Mr. Ewalan will likely begin questioning his witnesses on April 23, 2024.
With that in mind, the court has scheduled Mr. Ewalan’s witnesses in the order that Mr.
Ewalan had designated in his second proposed subpoenas.
The court ORDERS as follows:
1. The Clerk is DIRECTED to issue the subpoenas set forth in Appendix A to
this order.
2. Upon the Clerk’s issuance of the attached subpoenas, USMO is
DIRECTED to serve the subpoenas on the designated witnesses by no later than April 1,
2024. See 28 U.S.C. § 1915(d). USMO is DIRECTED to pay any and all of Mr.
Ewalan’s witness fees. See Local Rules W.D. Wash. LCR 3(c)(3).
3. Nothing in this order shall be construed to prevent Defendants from seeking
to quash or otherwise objecting to Mr. Ewalan’s subpoenas on any usual basis permitted
by law.
Dated this 27th day of March, 2024.
United States District Judge
Appendix A
AO 88 (Rev. 02/14) Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Civil Action
for the
Western District
of Washington
of __________
Joseph Lochuch Ewalan
Robert Schreiber, et al.
Civil Action No. 3:20-cv-05678-JLR
To: Dr. Lara B. Strick, Coyote Ridge Corrections Center, 1301 N Ephrata Ave., Connell, WA 99326
(Name of person to whom this subpoena is directed)
YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in the United States district court at the time, date, and place set forth below
to testify at a hearing or trial in this civil action. When you arrive, you must remain at the court until the judge or a court
officer allows you to leave.
Place: United States District Courthouse
Courtroom No.: 14106
Date and Time: 04/23/2024 9:00 am
700 Stewart Street, Seattle, WA 98101
You must also bring with you the following documents, electronically stored information, or objects (leave blank if
not applicable):
July 16, 2017 through November 9, 2017 medical records, including X-ray photos and MRI. You will
only testify at to the July 16, 2017 assault incident. Nothing beyond that. Confidentiality is paramount.
The following provisions of Fed. R. Civ. P. 45 are attached – Rule 45(c), relating to the place of compliance;
Rule 45(d), relating to your protection as a person subject to a subpoena; and Rule 45(e) and (g), relating to your duty to
respond to this subpoena and the potential consequences of not doing so.
Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk
Attorney’s signature
The name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the attorney representing (name of party)
Joseph Lochuch Ewalan (pro se)
, who issues or requests this subpoena, are:
Washington State Penitentiary, Inmate No. 392824, 1313 N 13th Ave., Walla Walla, WA 99362
Notice to the person who issues or requests this subpoena
If this subpoena commands the production of documents, electronically stored information, or tangible things before
trial, a notice and a copy of the subpoena must be served on each party in this case before it is served on the person to
whom it is directed. Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(a)(4).
AO 88 (Rev. 02/14) Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Civil Action (page 2)
Civil Action No. 3:20-cv-05678-JLR
(This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 45.)
I received this subpoena for (name of individual and title, if any)
on (date)
u I served the subpoena by delivering a copy to the named person as follows:
; or
on (date)
u I returned the subpoena unexecuted because:
Unless the subpoena was issued on behalf of the United States, or one of its officers or agents, I have also
tendered to the witness the fees for one day’s attendance, and the mileage allowed by law, in the amount of
My fees are $
for travel and $
for services, for a total of $
I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true.
Server’s signature
Printed name and title
Server’s address
Additional information regarding attempted service, etc.:
AO 88 (Rev. 02/14) Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Civil Action (page 3)
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 45 (c), (d), (e), and (g) (Effective 12/1/13)
(c) Place of Compliance.
(1) For a Trial, Hearing, or Deposition. A subpoena may command a
person to attend a trial, hearing, or deposition only as follows:
(A) within 100 miles of where the person resides, is employed, or
regularly transacts business in person; or
(B) within the state where the person resides, is employed, or regularly
transacts business in person, if the person
(i) is a party or a party’s officer; or
(ii) is commanded to attend a trial and would not incur substantial
(2) For Other Discovery. A subpoena may command:
(A) production of documents, electronically stored information, or
tangible things at a place within 100 miles of where the person resides, is
employed, or regularly transacts business in person; and
(B) inspection of premises at the premises to be inspected.
(d) Protecting a Person Subject to a Subpoena; Enforcement.
(1) Avoiding Undue Burden or Expense; Sanctions. A party or attorney
responsible for issuing and serving a subpoena must take reasonable steps
to avoid imposing undue burden or expense on a person subject to the
subpoena. The court for the district where compliance is required must
enforce this duty and impose an appropriate sanction—which may include
lost earnings and reasonable attorney’s fees—on a party or attorney who
fails to comply.
(2) Command to Produce Materials or Permit Inspection.
(A) Appearance Not Required. A person commanded to produce
documents, electronically stored information, or tangible things, or to
permit the inspection of premises, need not appear in person at the place of
production or inspection unless also commanded to appear for a deposition,
hearing, or trial.
(B) Objections. A person commanded to produce documents or tangible
things or to permit inspection may serve on the party or attorney designated
in the subpoena a written objection to inspecting, copying, testing, or
sampling any or all of the materials or to inspecting the premises—or to
producing electronically stored information in the form or forms requested.
The objection must be served before the earlier of the time specified for
compliance or 14 days after the subpoena is served. If an objection is made,
the following rules apply:
(i) At any time, on notice to the commanded person, the serving party
may move the court for the district where compliance is required for an
order compelling production or inspection.
(ii) These acts may be required only as directed in the order, and the
order must protect a person who is neither a party nor a party’s officer from
significant expense resulting from compliance.
(3) Quashing or Modifying a Subpoena.
(A) When Required. On timely motion, the court for the district where
compliance is required must quash or modify a subpoena that:
(i) fails to allow a reasonable time to comply;
(ii) requires a person to comply beyond the geographical limits
specified in Rule 45(c);
(iii) requires disclosure of privileged or other protected matter, if no
exception or waiver applies; or
(iv) subjects a person to undue burden.
(B) When Permitted. To protect a person subject to or affected by a
subpoena, the court for the district where compliance is required may, on
motion, quash or modify the subpoena if it requires:
(i) disclosing a trade secret or other confidential research,
development, or commercial information; or
(ii) disclosing an unretained expert’s opinion or information that does
not describe specific occurrences in dispute and results from the expert’s
study that was not requested by a party.
(C) Specifying Conditions as an Alternative. In the circumstances
described in Rule 45(d)(3)(B), the court may, instead of quashing or
modifying a subpoena, order appearance or production under specified
conditions if the serving party:
(i) shows a substantial need for the testimony or material that cannot be
otherwise met without undue hardship; and
(ii) ensures that the subpoenaed person will be reasonably compensated.
(e) Duties in Responding to a Subpoena.
(1) Producing Documents or Electronically Stored Information. These
procedures apply to producing documents or electronically stored
(A) Documents. A person responding to a subpoena to produce documents
must produce them as they are kept in the ordinary course of business or
must organize and label them to correspond to the categories in the demand.
(B) Form for Producing Electronically Stored Information Not Specified.
If a subpoena does not specify a form for producing electronically stored
information, the person responding must produce it in a form or forms in
which it is ordinarily maintained or in a reasonably usable form or forms.
(C) Electronically Stored Information Produced in Only One Form. The
person responding need not produce the same electronically stored
information in more than one form.
(D) Inaccessible Electronically Stored Information. The person
responding need not provide discovery of electronically stored information
from sources that the person identifies as not reasonably accessible because
of undue burden or cost. On motion to compel discovery or for a protective
order, the person responding must show that the information is not
reasonably accessible because of undue burden or cost. If that showing is
made, the court may nonetheless order discovery from such sources if the
requesting party shows good cause, considering the limitations of Rule
26(b)(2)(C). The court may specify conditions for the discovery.
(2) Claiming Privilege or Protection.
(A) Information Withheld. A person withholding subpoenaed information
under a claim that it is privileged or subject to protection as trial-preparation
material must:
(i) expressly make the claim; and
(ii) describe the nature of the withheld documents, communications, or
tangible things in a manner that, without revealing information itself
privileged or protected, will enable the parties to assess the claim.
(B) Information Produced. If information produced in response to a
subpoena is subject to a claim of privilege or of protection as
trial-preparation material, the person making the claim may notify any party
that received the information of the claim and the basis for it. After being
notified, a party must promptly return, sequester, or destroy the specified
information and any copies it has; must not use or disclose the information
until the claim is resolved; must take reasonable steps to retrieve the
information if the party disclosed it before being notified; and may promptly
present the information under seal to the court for the district where
compliance is required for a determination of the claim. The person who
produced the information must preserve the information until the claim is
(g) Contempt.
The court for the district where compliance is required—and also, after a
motion is transferred, the issuing court—may hold in contempt a person
who, having been served, fails without adequate excuse to obey the
subpoena or an order related to it.
For access to subpoena materials, see Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(a) Committee Note (2013).
AO 88 (Rev. 02/14) Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Civil Action
for the
Western District
of Washington
of __________
Joseph Lochuch Ewalan
Robert Schreiber, et al.
Civil Action No. 3:20-cv-05678-JLR
To: Chad Anderson (Psychologist), Washington State Penitentiary, 1313 N 13th Ave., Walla Walla, WA 99302
(Name of person to whom this subpoena is directed)
YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in the United States district court at the time, date, and place set forth below
to testify at a hearing or trial in this civil action. When you arrive, you must remain at the court until the judge or a court
officer allows you to leave.
Place: United States District Courthouse
Courtroom No.: 14106
Date and Time: 04/24/2024 9:00 am
700 Stewart Street, Seattle, WA 98101
You must also bring with you the following documents, electronically stored information, or objects (leave blank if
not applicable):
PTSD diagnosis records; you are to testify only to Mr. Ewalan's PTSD diagnosis. Nothing beyond that.
Confidentiality is paramount.
The following provisions of Fed. R. Civ. P. 45 are attached – Rule 45(c), relating to the place of compliance;
Rule 45(d), relating to your protection as a person subject to a subpoena; and Rule 45(e) and (g), relating to your duty to
respond to this subpoena and the potential consequences of not doing so.
Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk
Attorney’s signature
The name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the attorney representing (name of party)
Joseph Lochuch Ewalan (pro se)
, who issues or requests this subpoena, are:
Washington State Penitentiary, Inmate No. 392824, 1313 N 13th Ave., Walla Walla, WA 99362
Notice to the person who issues or requests this subpoena
If this subpoena commands the production of documents, electronically stored information, or tangible things before
trial, a notice and a copy of the subpoena must be served on each party in this case before it is served on the person to
whom it is directed. Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(a)(4).
AO 88 (Rev. 02/14) Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Civil Action (page 2)
Civil Action No. 3:20-cv-05678-JLR
(This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 45.)
I received this subpoena for (name of individual and title, if any)
on (date)
u I served the subpoena by delivering a copy to the named person as follows:
; or
on (date)
u I returned the subpoena unexecuted because:
Unless the subpoena was issued on behalf of the United States, or one of its officers or agents, I have also
tendered to the witness the fees for one day’s attendance, and the mileage allowed by law, in the amount of
My fees are $
for travel and $
for services, for a total of $
I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true.
Server’s signature
Printed name and title
Server’s address
Additional information regarding attempted service, etc.:
AO 88 (Rev. 02/14) Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Civil Action (page 3)
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 45 (c), (d), (e), and (g) (Effective 12/1/13)
(c) Place of Compliance.
(1) For a Trial, Hearing, or Deposition. A subpoena may command a
person to attend a trial, hearing, or deposition only as follows:
(A) within 100 miles of where the person resides, is employed, or
regularly transacts business in person; or
(B) within the state where the person resides, is employed, or regularly
transacts business in person, if the person
(i) is a party or a party’s officer; or
(ii) is commanded to attend a trial and would not incur substantial
(2) For Other Discovery. A subpoena may command:
(A) production of documents, electronically stored information, or
tangible things at a place within 100 miles of where the person resides, is
employed, or regularly transacts business in person; and
(B) inspection of premises at the premises to be inspected.
(d) Protecting a Person Subject to a Subpoena; Enforcement.
(1) Avoiding Undue Burden or Expense; Sanctions. A party or attorney
responsible for issuing and serving a subpoena must take reasonable steps
to avoid imposing undue burden or expense on a person subject to the
subpoena. The court for the district where compliance is required must
enforce this duty and impose an appropriate sanction—which may include
lost earnings and reasonable attorney’s fees—on a party or attorney who
fails to comply.
(2) Command to Produce Materials or Permit Inspection.
(A) Appearance Not Required. A person commanded to produce
documents, electronically stored information, or tangible things, or to
permit the inspection of premises, need not appear in person at the place of
production or inspection unless also commanded to appear for a deposition,
hearing, or trial.
(B) Objections. A person commanded to produce documents or tangible
things or to permit inspection may serve on the party or attorney designated
in the subpoena a written objection to inspecting, copying, testing, or
sampling any or all of the materials or to inspecting the premises—or to
producing electronically stored information in the form or forms requested.
The objection must be served before the earlier of the time specified for
compliance or 14 days after the subpoena is served. If an objection is made,
the following rules apply:
(i) At any time, on notice to the commanded person, the serving party
may move the court for the district where compliance is required for an
order compelling production or inspection.
(ii) These acts may be required only as directed in the order, and the
order must protect a person who is neither a party nor a party’s officer from
significant expense resulting from compliance.
(3) Quashing or Modifying a Subpoena.
(A) When Required. On timely motion, the court for the district where
compliance is required must quash or modify a subpoena that:
(i) fails to allow a reasonable time to comply;
(ii) requires a person to comply beyond the geographical limits
specified in Rule 45(c);
(iii) requires disclosure of privileged or other protected matter, if no
exception or waiver applies; or
(iv) subjects a person to undue burden.
(B) When Permitted. To protect a person subject to or affected by a
subpoena, the court for the district where compliance is required may, on
motion, quash or modify the subpoena if it requires:
(i) disclosing a trade secret or other confidential research,
development, or commercial information; or
(ii) disclosing an unretained expert’s opinion or information that does
not describe specific occurrences in dispute and results from the expert’s
study that was not requested by a party.
(C) Specifying Conditions as an Alternative. In the circumstances
described in Rule 45(d)(3)(B), the court may, instead of quashing or
modifying a subpoena, order appearance or production under specified
conditions if the serving party:
(i) shows a substantial need for the testimony or material that cannot be
otherwise met without undue hardship; and
(ii) ensures that the subpoenaed person will be reasonably compensated.
(e) Duties in Responding to a Subpoena.
(1) Producing Documents or Electronically Stored Information. These
procedures apply to producing documents or electronically stored
(A) Documents. A person responding to a subpoena to produce documents
must produce them as they are kept in the ordinary course of business or
must organize and label them to correspond to the categories in the demand.
(B) Form for Producing Electronically Stored Information Not Specified.
If a subpoena does not specify a form for producing electronically stored
information, the person responding must produce it in a form or forms in
which it is ordinarily maintained or in a reasonably usable form or forms.
(C) Electronically Stored Information Produced in Only One Form. The
person responding need not produce the same electronically stored
information in more than one form.
(D) Inaccessible Electronically Stored Information. The person
responding need not provide discovery of electronically stored information
from sources that the person identifies as not reasonably accessible because
of undue burden or cost. On motion to compel discovery or for a protective
order, the person responding must show that the information is not
reasonably accessible because of undue burden or cost. If that showing is
made, the court may nonetheless order discovery from such sources if the
requesting party shows good cause, considering the limitations of Rule
26(b)(2)(C). The court may specify conditions for the discovery.
(2) Claiming Privilege or Protection.
(A) Information Withheld. A person withholding subpoenaed information
under a claim that it is privileged or subject to protection as trial-preparation
material must:
(i) expressly make the claim; and
(ii) describe the nature of the withheld documents, communications, or
tangible things in a manner that, without revealing information itself
privileged or protected, will enable the parties to assess the claim.
(B) Information Produced. If information produced in response to a
subpoena is subject to a claim of privilege or of protection as
trial-preparation material, the person making the claim may notify any party
that received the information of the claim and the basis for it. After being
notified, a party must promptly return, sequester, or destroy the specified
information and any copies it has; must not use or disclose the information
until the claim is resolved; must take reasonable steps to retrieve the
information if the party disclosed it before being notified; and may promptly
present the information under seal to the court for the district where
compliance is required for a determination of the claim. The person who
produced the information must preserve the information until the claim is
(g) Contempt.
The court for the district where compliance is required—and also, after a
motion is transferred, the issuing court—may hold in contempt a person
who, having been served, fails without adequate excuse to obey the
subpoena or an order related to it.
For access to subpoena materials, see Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(a) Committee Note (2013).
AO 88 (Rev. 02/14) Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Civil Action
for the
Western District
of Washington
of __________
Joseph Lochuch Ewalan
Robert Schreiber, et al.
Civil Action No. 3:20-cv-05678-JLR
To: Dr. Joseph T. Ho, Providence St. Peter Hospital, Dept. of Neurosurgery, 413 Lilly Rd. NE, Olympia, WA 98506
(Name of person to whom this subpoena is directed)
YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in the United States district court at the time, date, and place set forth below
to testify at a hearing or trial in this civil action. When you arrive, you must remain at the court until the judge or a court
officer allows you to leave.
Place: United States District Courthouse
Courtroom No.: 14106
Date and Time: 04/24/2024 1:00 pm
700 Stewart St., Seattle, WA 98101
You must also bring with you the following documents, electronically stored information, or objects (leave blank if
not applicable):
November 6-9, 2017 MRIs and X-ray; medical records dated November 6-9, 2017. You will only testify to
your treatment of Mr. Ewalan. Confidentiality is paramount.
The following provisions of Fed. R. Civ. P. 45 are attached – Rule 45(c), relating to the place of compliance;
Rule 45(d), relating to your protection as a person subject to a subpoena; and Rule 45(e) and (g), relating to your duty to
respond to this subpoena and the potential consequences of not doing so.
Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk
Attorney’s signature
The name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the attorney representing (name of party)
Joseph Lochuch Ewalan (pro se)
, who issues or requests this subpoena, are:
Washington State Penitentiary, Inmate No. 392824, 1313 N 13th Ave., Walla Walla, WA 99362
Notice to the person who issues or requests this subpoena
If this subpoena commands the production of documents, electronically stored information, or tangible things before
trial, a notice and a copy of the subpoena must be served on each party in this case before it is served on the person to
whom it is directed. Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(a)(4).
AO 88 (Rev. 02/14) Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Civil Action (page 2)
Civil Action No. 3:20-cv-05678-JLR
(This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 45.)
I received this subpoena for (name of individual and title, if any)
on (date)
u I served the subpoena by delivering a copy to the named person as follows:
; or
on (date)
u I returned the subpoena unexecuted because:
Unless the subpoena was issued on behalf of the United States, or one of its officers or agents, I have also
tendered to the witness the fees for one day’s attendance, and the mileage allowed by law, in the amount of
My fees are $
for travel and $
for services, for a total of $
I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true.
Server’s signature
Printed name and title
Server’s address
Additional information regarding attempted service, etc.:
AO 88 (Rev. 02/14) Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Civil Action (page 3)
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 45 (c), (d), (e), and (g) (Effective 12/1/13)
(c) Place of Compliance.
(1) For a Trial, Hearing, or Deposition. A subpoena may command a
person to attend a trial, hearing, or deposition only as follows:
(A) within 100 miles of where the person resides, is employed, or
regularly transacts business in person; or
(B) within the state where the person resides, is employed, or regularly
transacts business in person, if the person
(i) is a party or a party’s officer; or
(ii) is commanded to attend a trial and would not incur substantial
(2) For Other Discovery. A subpoena may command:
(A) production of documents, electronically stored information, or
tangible things at a place within 100 miles of where the person resides, is
employed, or regularly transacts business in person; and
(B) inspection of premises at the premises to be inspected.
(d) Protecting a Person Subject to a Subpoena; Enforcement.
(1) Avoiding Undue Burden or Expense; Sanctions. A party or attorney
responsible for issuing and serving a subpoena must take reasonable steps
to avoid imposing undue burden or expense on a person subject to the
subpoena. The court for the district where compliance is required must
enforce this duty and impose an appropriate sanction—which may include
lost earnings and reasonable attorney’s fees—on a party or attorney who
fails to comply.
(2) Command to Produce Materials or Permit Inspection.
(A) Appearance Not Required. A person commanded to produce
documents, electronically stored information, or tangible things, or to
permit the inspection of premises, need not appear in person at the place of
production or inspection unless also commanded to appear for a deposition,
hearing, or trial.
(B) Objections. A person commanded to produce documents or tangible
things or to permit inspection may serve on the party or attorney designated
in the subpoena a written objection to inspecting, copying, testing, or
sampling any or all of the materials or to inspecting the premises—or to
producing electronically stored information in the form or forms requested.
The objection must be served before the earlier of the time specified for
compliance or 14 days after the subpoena is served. If an objection is made,
the following rules apply:
(i) At any time, on notice to the commanded person, the serving party
may move the court for the district where compliance is required for an
order compelling production or inspection.
(ii) These acts may be required only as directed in the order, and the
order must protect a person who is neither a party nor a party’s officer from
significant expense resulting from compliance.
(3) Quashing or Modifying a Subpoena.
(A) When Required. On timely motion, the court for the district where
compliance is required must quash or modify a subpoena that:
(i) fails to allow a reasonable time to comply;
(ii) requires a person to comply beyond the geographical limits
specified in Rule 45(c);
(iii) requires disclosure of privileged or other protected matter, if no
exception or waiver applies; or
(iv) subjects a person to undue burden.
(B) When Permitted. To protect a person subject to or affected by a
subpoena, the court for the district where compliance is required may, on
motion, quash or modify the subpoena if it requires:
(i) disclosing a trade secret or other confidential research,
development, or commercial information; or
(ii) disclosing an unretained expert’s opinion or information that does
not describe specific occurrences in dispute and results from the expert’s
study that was not requested by a party.
(C) Specifying Conditions as an Alternative. In the circumstances
described in Rule 45(d)(3)(B), the court may, instead of quashing or
modifying a subpoena, order appearance or production under specified
conditions if the serving party:
(i) shows a substantial need for the testimony or material that cannot be
otherwise met without undue hardship; and
(ii) ensures that the subpoenaed person will be reasonably compensated.
(e) Duties in Responding to a Subpoena.
(1) Producing Documents or Electronically Stored Information. These
procedures apply to producing documents or electronically stored
(A) Documents. A person responding to a subpoena to produce documents
must produce them as they are kept in the ordinary course of business or
must organize and label them to correspond to the categories in the demand.
(B) Form for Producing Electronically Stored Information Not Specified.
If a subpoena does not specify a form for producing electronically stored
information, the person responding must produce it in a form or forms in
which it is ordinarily maintained or in a reasonably usable form or forms.
(C) Electronically Stored Information Produced in Only One Form. The
person responding need not produce the same electronically stored
information in more than one form.
(D) Inaccessible Electronically Stored Information. The person
responding need not provide discovery of electronically stored information
from sources that the person identifies as not reasonably accessible because
of undue burden or cost. On motion to compel discovery or for a protective
order, the person responding must show that the information is not
reasonably accessible because of undue burden or cost. If that showing is
made, the court may nonetheless order discovery from such sources if the
requesting party shows good cause, considering the limitations of Rule
26(b)(2)(C). The court may specify conditions for the discovery.
(2) Claiming Privilege or Protection.
(A) Information Withheld. A person withholding subpoenaed information
under a claim that it is privileged or subject to protection as trial-preparation
material must:
(i) expressly make the claim; and
(ii) describe the nature of the withheld documents, communications, or
tangible things in a manner that, without revealing information itself
privileged or protected, will enable the parties to assess the claim.
(B) Information Produced. If information produced in response to a
subpoena is subject to a claim of privilege or of protection as
trial-preparation material, the person making the claim may notify any party
that received the information of the claim and the basis for it. After being
notified, a party must promptly return, sequester, or destroy the specified
information and any copies it has; must not use or disclose the information
until the claim is resolved; must take reasonable steps to retrieve the
information if the party disclosed it before being notified; and may promptly
present the information under seal to the court for the district where
compliance is required for a determination of the claim. The person who
produced the information must preserve the information until the claim is
(g) Contempt.
The court for the district where compliance is required—and also, after a
motion is transferred, the issuing court—may hold in contempt a person
who, having been served, fails without adequate excuse to obey the
subpoena or an order related to it.
For access to subpoena materials, see Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(a) Committee Note (2013).
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