Apple, Inc. v. Motorola, Inc. et al

Filing 92

Declaration of Christine Saunders Haskett filed by Plaintiffs Apple, Inc., NEXT SOFTWARE, INC. re: 90 Motion Requesting Claims Construction (Attachments: # 1 Ex. 1 Moto Infring. Cont. Ex. A, # 2 Ex. 2 '157 patent, # 3 Ex. 3 '179 patent, # 4 Ex. 4 '329 patent, # 5 Ex. 5 '230 file history, # 6 Ex. 6 Oxford dictionary definition, # 7 Ex. 7 '559 file history, # 8 Ex. 8 The OSI Model, # 9 Ex. 9 ISO Standard, # 10 Ex. 10 Japanese file history, # 11 Ex. 11 Japanese prosecution appeal, # 12 Ex. 13 Moto Infring. Cont. Ex. E, # 13 Ex. 14 IEEE Standard, # 14 Ex. 15 '333 patent, # 15 Ex. 16 '721 file history, # 16 Ex. 17 '193 file history, # 17 Ex. 18 Moto Infring. Cont. Ex. F, # 18 Ex. 19 Merriam Webster Dictionary, # 19 Ex. 20 Webster's Dictionary) (Haslam, Robert)

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EXHIBIT 15 United States Patent [19] [11] Twardowski [45] 4,328,540 [54] TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER FOR CONTROLLING REMOTE ELEMENTS [75] Inventor: Joseph W. Twardowski, Schaumburg, Ill. [73] Assignee: Chamberlain Manufacturing Corporation, Elmhurst, Ill. [21] Appl. No.: 422,452 [22] Filed: [51] [52] [58] H04B 9/00; H04Q 9/00 340/825.69; 340/825.22; 340/825.31; 340/825.72; 455/151 Field of Search 340/825.69, 825.22, 340/825.31, 696, 825.72; 455/151 References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 318/266 455/151 ~ 1423126 364/167 1/1976 United Kingdom 340/825.72 ABSTRACf [57] Sep. 23, 1982 4/1981 Lee et al. 9/1981 Muller et al. 5/1982 Matsuoka et al. Primary Examiner-Donald J. Yusko Int. U.S. CI. 4,263,536 4,291,411 Aug. 13, 1985 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 0. 3 [56] 4,535,333 Patent Number: Date of Patent: Transmitters and receivers for controlling remote elements which use a synchronous serial transmission format and which allows changes in coding to be automatically made between the receiver and transmitter and wherein the code is stored in memories of the transmitter and receiver and wherein the receiver can generate and transmit a new code with a light emitting diode so as to change the code in the transmitter. The transmitter and the receiver use micro-computers which are suitably programmed and include non-volatile memories. 12 Claims, 12 Drawing Figures ~ +Vcc 16 94 /9 ~~~CHANNEL 3 97 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 1 117 1819"", .. Vee. 26 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 en I U >- <[ ..J ..J <[ f- U 0 58 S1 6 60 61 S3 S4 6 6 64 65 66 ::I ~g 13 0;[ >w z;[ ~ "- 0 .2: z .ycc:.......-w--ll':::O.:...'-+I 22 r"'-~·\tc -=- E 1 27 II -l ~ 23 ..Vee u.s. Patent Aug. '13, 1985 4,535,333 Sheet 1 of9 FrG.1 13 12 MEMORYt------I MICROCOMPUTER t----l R F TRANSMITTER 16 17 PROGRAMMING SIGNAL 14 RECEIVER r--l.....L...l-.....J...-.....,.., ""--.,.."... CHANNEL 21 SELECT INPUT TRANSMIT SWQC tt-22 ~ E - 18 19 e>-- BATTERY T 31 30 FIG. 3 I 33 41 PROGRAM SWITCH ~MODE 34 >-----<""""MICROCOMPUTER t-----+ MEMORY RF RECEIVER 37 39 38 40 1 234 ,..--;-.. PROGRAMMING SIGNAL 36--'--+---1 TRANSMITTER u.s. Patent Aug. 13, 1985 _ 4,535,333 Sheet 20£9 FIG. 2 POWER -up INITIALIZATION YES ACCES S CODE FROM NON-VOLATILE MEMORY INPUT CHANNEL DECODE SIGNAL I.D. NO TRANSMIT SYNC HEADER TRANSMIT CHANNEL I.D. TRANSMIT DATA BLOCKS 1 THRU 4 PROGRAM NON-VOLATILE MEMORY TRANSMIT CALCULATED CHECKSUM FLASH READY TRANSMIT TERMINATING HEADER TRANSMIT BLANK ING PERIOD INDICA TOR u.s. Patent Sheet 3 of9 Aug. 13, 1985 FrG.4 OUTPUT VOLTAGE 4,535,333 FrG.6A 0.5 msec POWER-UP INITIALIZATION ACCESS NON-VOLATILE MEMORY FOR CODE L.::===---=======--_=-JI ME I-- 2 m sec.--I OUTPUT VOLTAGE . FrG. 68 0.5 msec. L-----l--========--___.TIME 2msec--1 f-- GENERATE NEW RANDOM CODE FROM OLD CODE MONITOR RECEIVER INPUT ...-----.. STORE NEWLY GENERATED CODE IN NON-VOLATILE MEMORY TRANSMIT NEW CODE VIA LED NO YES YES OUTPUT SELEC TE D L....---fC HANNEL FOR A PPROX. 6 SEC. NO 0::: W FIG. 5 <.9 0:: W o I Z ~ ~ !<Co:: Zw -0 U WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD WORD 2« O:::w 6 ~I 3 5 4 2 &1 1 I I I I I I I I I II ' I I I I I I II I I , I I I I I II I II I II z I I I I I BLANKING PERIOD I III I I I I, III II I I III I II III I (J) w 2 r- ~ ~ ~ U co 0 (\j OJ (\j ~ U --l 9 OJ ~ ~ 0 ~ u ('f) ~ U 9 OJ ~ ~ U VvORD WORD WORD WORDS z >- 1 2 4-6 3 (J) II I III I I I I I , I I I II I • ~ I I I (J) )2 ~ ~ U 2 I- ~ I'III I 4 ~ I I I I i I r- Ci ~ --l U 28 BITTIMES (28msec. ) (\j co w 0 (\j ZU Uco CO 9 co u III I! I ~ (\j ~ U z~ OJ --l CO ~ ~ ~ I I OFA TYPICAL WORD f"""t- t - '" ...w 00 UI en g" ~ ~ LUGIC LUGIC 4 BITS = .j;;;;. OUTPUT' VOLTAGE I ~ 9 CO ~9 ~ ~ III 4 4 (J) BIT BIT BIT w TIMES TIMES TIMES 'w '\t en i I I I : i III III III III III I 4 4 4 4 81T BIT BIT BIT ) TIMES TIMES TIMES TIMES ~ « W b \\1 I 11 I - \\0 I 11 I I 0.75 msec. - '- '" LU G "( L- - ~ -.. - 1Il W 1Il -.. W ~.25 msec. '--- J 1msec.;..U msec._U msec.J..1 msecJ .. TIME W W u.s. Patent Aug. 13, 1985 4,535,333 Sheet 5 of9 FfG. 7A ;9 +Vee ,-----/'---. +Vee 8 ( ~ f 12, 16 ~ I ~ ~ [67 (68 26 (70 (71 (72 (73 (74 ~75 ..J ..J 4l~ 1'"69 l58 l59 L60 L61 L62 L63 l64 "65 "66 I u I- « « ,76 I- l.Z U 0 +Vee t U J..QQ .4£ 57 ~ 93' ~ :J 0- ---i L _I ~ - A ~Nee =- ~ ~ AAA t ,A'~ - - - A - AA + Vee ---- L , 0 0:: 0- 27'- V i- )"101 +Vee W u yv -() tI -- "- ..... ' -{>o- u.s. Patent + Aug. 13, 1985 4,535,333 Sheet 6 of9 FfG.7B Vee ~ > < (16 94 /9 o~t--~~CHANNEL 3 /! )~v97 CHANNEL 2 I('L1~' C HANNE L 1 17 18 19 ~-'" + n ICC 151 t52 t53 l54 w ...J ~13 1->- <ret:: ...JO OL -l- >w Z2 I 0 , z I r55 1 +Vee ~92 ;> 56 57 (93 l [91 90 I (101 ("11 (50 22 ~ r- E 1- - +Vee 23 RF .--~ +Vee -..=<'V I- ~ XM'TI 10~V u.s. Patent Aug. 13, 1985 4,535,333 Sheet 7 of9 FfG. SA 30 \ +Vcc (134 J (136 ~ !+ t 33 200 ,n50 11 151 [\ L135 +Vcc t (137 ,..138 ,139 /"140 (141 142 143 dQ2. 1\110 /8 J1L U I- « -l -l « I- ~ ~ ,125 (126 . . 127 (128 ,129 ,130 (131 (132 ,,133 I U n r--1440 1(113 Ir114 1c118 .JliL ~ :...-I-;:) CL 2 115 116 - , I-- 107 r +Vcc ONce t :-t - A ~1 v A y-'\. I I AA A C--" '--- ·v A I--- +Vcc I-- , 2 0 0:::: CL + Vee w v 7/1= ... A (122 • r-I> U ... ±I ...L- - v I I u.s. Patent 4,,535,333 Sheet 8 of9 Aug. 13, 1985 FrG.88 Nee • I )200 /"111 (112 1r34 ,..114 .. w -J I- 1 « -J 0 >- 0::: 0 > 2 W I Z 2 0 z (115 <'116 r +Vec 36 I---1-118 H19 .> . (107 TI 1/123 ~2 r 122 L....- ----J(l-10_5 '--- -+.-_<}- Nee r~ _l- I RF ~ ...,--121 31~1/ REC.~ __~ c • V1 • FIG. 9 "'0 ~ a DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA IFRAME : FRAME :FRAME IFRAME IFRAME IFRAME IFRAME 151 6 I 7 I 8 : 2 I 3 I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - f---NOTE1 f I I I -- J I I L- I ILI I I w . . , Rl n Rl I I I I I I ....J ....J w ....J ~ 2: W 0.... (f) 0.... « (f) .. I I I I I I I I w '--'j -L- I I I I 0.... -J 0.... w ....J 2: 2: 2: (f) 'J> « 0.... « (f) t I I I I I I I f I I I w I -J -J 2: 2: 0.... 'J> IL.......::- 0.... « (f) VJ \0 00 Ut en ::r' (I) ~ I w - '" I I L- ~ \0 W -J 0- ~ \0 2: « (.f) ~ -.. Ul W Ul -.. NOTE 1. Pulse width of sync pulse determines sampling time interval starting from the leading edge ofeacn pulse. w w w 1 4,535,333 2 Other objects, features and advantages of the invenTRANSMITIER AND RECEIVER FOR tion will be readily apparent from the following deCONTROLLING REMOTE ELEMENTS scription of certain preferred embodiments thereof taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 although variations and modifications may be effected without departing from the spirit and scope of the novel APPLICATIONS concepts of the disclosure and in which: This application is related to co-pending application of Joseph W. Twardowski and F. J. Liotine entitled BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS "Method and Apparatus For Controlling the Coding In 10 FIG. 1 comprises a block diagram of the transmitter; A Transmitter and Receiver". FIG. 2 comprises a flow chart for the transmitter; FIG. 3 comprises a block diagram for the receiver; BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION FIG. 4 comprises a flow chart for the receiver; 1. Field of the Invention FIG. 5 illustrates a transmission signal format; This invention relates in general to control transmit- 15 FIG. 6A illustrates a sync header waveform; ters and receivers and in particular to a novel control FIG. 6B illustrates a terminating header waveform; system. FIGS. 7A and 7B comprise a schematic diagram of 2. Description of the Prior Art the transmitter; Remote control transmitters and receivers are known FIGS. 8A and 8B comprise a schematic diagram of as, for example, for garage door openers and other 20 the receiver; and devices. Initially, a different carrier frequency was utiFIG. 9 illustrates a typical pulse train. lized for each pair of transmitters and receivers so as to isolate them from other units. Also, various coding DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED schemes have been utilized to encode data into binary EMBODIMENTS form. Certain of such transmitters and receivers include 25 FIG. 1 illustrates in block form the transmitter of the a plurality of two position switches which control the invention which comprises an antenna 10, an RF transcoding for the transmitter and receiver and in such mitter section 11 connected to the antenna and a microsystems the codes can be changed by manually changcomputer 12 supplying an input signal to the RF transing the positions of the switches to different positions to mitter 11. The micro-computer is connected to a memassure that the position of the switches in the transmitter 30 ory 13 which may be a non-volatile type memory and a and receiver are the same. number of channel select inputs 16, 17, 18 and 19 are connected to a channel selector unit 14 and supply inSUMMARY OF THE INVENTION puts to the micro-computer 12. A power supply comThe present invention comprises a novel multi-chanprises a battery E and a transmif switch 22 such that nel transmitter and receiver for controlling a plurality 35 when the transmit switch 22 is closed the transmitter is of functions and includes the feature of changing the energized by applying power to the various units of the code in the receiver and transmitter to one of a large transmitter. A programming signal receiver 21 is connumber of codes in an automatic manner. A pulse nected to the micro-computer and provides means for length binary code is utilized. selecting the code in the transmiitter. When it is desired to change the identification code, a 40 FIG. 2 comprises the transmitter flow chart and program mode switch is closed in the receiver and the when power is turned on the micro-computer 12 determicro-computer recalls from the non-volatile memory mines whether a valid programming signal is present. the last stored code. Using this code as a start, it perFIG. 3 is a block diagram of the receiver 30 which forms a random number generation algorithm and comprises an antenna 31 for receiving radiation from stores the newly generated code in the non-volatile 45 the transmitter 9. The receiver 30 includes an RF secmemory and immediately transmits the new code tion 32 which is connected to the output of the antenna through a light emitting diode. The transmission format 31 and the RF receiver section 32 supplies an input to a with the light emitting diode at the receiver continues micro-computer 33. A memory 34 such as a non-volatile until the program mode switch is turned off. During the type is connected to the micro-computer 33. A program energization of the light emitting diode in the receiver, 50 mode switch 41 is connected to the micro-computer and the transmitter is placed in close proximity to the reoutput channel leads 37, 38, 39 and 40 supply operating ceiver so that it detects the code from the light emitting signals for various apparatus or functions which are to diode and the new code is then stored in the memory of be controlled as, for example, channel 1 might comprise the transmitter which then produces a flashing ready a garage door opener. Channel 2 might comprise a signal to indicate to the operator that the programming 55 security control channel. A programming signal transcycle has been completed. mitter 36 is connected to the micro-computer 33 for It is seen that the present invention provides an improgramming the transmitter 9. proved remote control system that can be used for a FIG: 4.comprises a flow chart for the receiver. number of channels and allows for automatic change of The transmitter and receiver of the invention elimithe address coding between the transmitter and re- 60 nate the dip switches for code selection which are receiver. . quired in prior art devices and allows the expansion of Another object of the invention is to provide transchannels so that a number of channels can be utilized to mitters and receivers which have a large number of control different functions. Faster response times are possible codes so as to eliminate interference between obtained than prior art control transmitters and receivclosely spaced transmitters and receiver systems. 65 ers. A specific embodiment of the invention was conYet another object of the invention is to provide an structed wherein a four-bit single chip micro-computer improved transmitter and receiver system for a remote was utilized rather than custom discrete logic integrated control device. circuit for performing the encoding and decoding of the 3 4,535,333 algorithm. In addition, a non-volatile memory is used rather than a multiple three position switch for storing the custom code for each transmitter and receiver system. The use of a single chip micro-computer rather than 5 a discrete logic integrated circuit allows system flexibility for additional expansion and for various other radio controlled applications in addition to garage door opener systems without the requirement of major and 10 exhaustive. redesign efforts or custom integrated circuits. For such subsequent changes, a simple micro-program change in the self-contained mask ROM is all that is required and thus only software changes are necessary. 15 By using non-volatile memories rather than the dip switches used in the transmitters and receivers of the prior art devices requires that the randomly selected code be supplied from the receiver to the transmitter. Because of Federal Communication Commission rules 20 and regulations, the transmission of radio frequency signals for this purpose cannot be used since the trans. mission of a coding signal for defining the code in the transmitter would not be within the Rules for actuating 25 a garage door opener. This would comprise the transmission of a message containing information. This means that (1) during the programming mode transfer of code information from the receiver to the transmitter, the transmitter and receiver would have to be hard 30 wired together or (2) the transfer of such data occurs by using infrared transmitters and receivers. The use of infrared transmitting and receiving means requires no physical contact between the systems. In the present invention a synchronous serial trans- 35 mission data format is utilized because (1) the equivalent replacement of the prior art nine pole three-position switch with a non-volatile memory requires that the electrical inputs be binary and (2) the present design allows additional channel expansion and identification. 40 In a particular embodiment constructed according to the invention, the maximum number of channels was selected to be sixteen and allow 2 16 possible code combinations or 65,536. 45 The transmission format used in the invention utilizes security and privacy and is binary and uses pulse position modulation as the decoding format for data transmission. FIGS. 5 and 6A and 6B illustrate the data format used. As shown in FIG. 5, a synchronization header 50 frame of two bits is used for synchronization at the receiver. The first word 1 is a channel identification block of four-bits in length which contains the binary coded information that identifies the transmitting channel and this selection limits the maximum number of 55 channels to sixteen. Words 2 through 5 are data blocks and comprise four words each of four-bits containing binary coded information that can represent the code for a particular chan- 60 nel (2 16 possible code combinations or 65,536). Alternatively, other forms of digital information as, for example, the output of a transducer can be included in these words. Word 6 is a checksum block and is an error checking 65 format which is derived by the binary addition of the identification block with data blocks 1 through 4 and eliminates any carry bits. For example: BLOCK Channel Identification Block Data Block I Data Block 2 Data Block 3 Data Block 4 Checksum Block = binary sum of all blocks less any carry bits 4 MSB Bit 4 0 I I I I a Bit 3 I I Bit 2 I a a a I I I I 0 I LSB Bit I 0 I I 0 I I Then a termination header which is two-bits in length indicates to the receiver that the current information transmission train has terminated. Then there is a blanking period of 28 bits which in a specific embodiment comprises 28 msec and then the data format is repeated again. An example of word 1 is shown in exploded form in FIG. 5 comprising four-bits of a typical word and a logic 1 comprises a pulse of 0.75 msec and a 0.25 period of no signal. A logic 0 comprises a signal of 0.25 and then no signal for 0.75 msec. FIG. 3 illustrates the receiver block diagram and the software flow chart for the receiver is illustrated in FIG. 4. When the power is turned on, the receiver software first turns on the complete hardware system. It first interrogates the program mode switch input. If the program mode switch 41 is closed, the micro-computer 33 proceeds to access the non-volatile memory 34 to recall the last stored code. Using this code as a start, it then performs a random number generation algorithm and stores the newly generated code in the non-volatile memory and immediately transmits this new code through the light emitting diode 36. The transmitter 9 is placed in close proximity to the receiver 30 such that the programming signal receiver 21 receives the information from the light emitting diode 36. The transmission signal format of the receiver is as shown in FIG. 5 except that it does not need the channel identification block and uses a shorter blanking time equal to 5 msec. The receiver continues to transmit the code until the program mode switch 41 is opened after which the receiver monitors the receiver input port from the RF section and antenna. The receiver algorithm contains a software phase lock loop to lock it on the receiver sync header. All timing information required to perform the remainder of the algorithm is contained in the pulse width of the sync pulse. A software timing loop times out the pulse and stores this value in the memory. For each consecutive negative to positive transition, the micro-computer samples the input at the time interval it calculated from the sync pulse, as illustrated in FIG. 9. After all of the bits are sampled and stored in the memory, a comparison is made with the code stored in the non-volatile memory for a valid match. If a match is found, the appropriate channel output is identified by an appropriate light emitting diode to identify that particular channel. FIG. 1 comprises a block diagram of the transmitter and FIG. 2 illustrates the software flow chart of the transmitter. The transmitter upon power up interrogates the input photo-transistor 21 for a period of about 10 msec for indication of a valid programming signal. If no programming signal is available within the first ten milliseconds, the transmitter software assumes that the 5 4,535,333 presently stored code is accurate and the transmitter proceeds to transmit such code. It accesses the stored code from the non-volatile memory, reads the channel identification number, computes the checksum and then transmits all the information using the format illustrated and described. If a programming signal is received, the transmitter decodes the incoming information and if the checksum is correct stores the new code in its non-volatile memory 13 and outputs a flashing ready signal to indicate that the programming cycle has been completed. All output transmission timing is based on an ideal instruction execution time of 20 msec. Since the software is fixed, the only parameters that affect output timing are the resistor capacitor tolerances and any input tolerance variations between different micro-computers. A software pseudorandom number generator is utilized at the receiver to generate the different codes. The use of software to generate random values results in a paradox. The fact that an algorithm exists for a process implies that the process outputs are not truly random because the algorithm can be used to predict the output sequence. True random values can only be generated by the use of systems such as "memory garbage" or "human reaction time". The use of human reaction time requires additional hardware and expense which is undesirable in the high volume electronic industry. In the present invention, the use of "memory garbage" to start the system "initiation" or starting value is used on a one time basis. In the algorithm used every time a random number is required a new sixteen bit configuration will result from the seed or initiation value used. Continuous recall for sufficient number of times will result in all the possible sixteen bit configurations. However, the outputs will appear random if the sequence of outputs are considered and it is impossible to prove that the program is not producing true random numbers. The distribution of outputs is uniform over the range of possible outputs although all possible sixteen bit values appear before any repetition occurs. In the present invention 65,536 outputs will occur before any repetition occurs. The algorithm used works as follows. The random code is stored in four blocks of memory each four-bits wide for a sixteen bit word. This allows a binary representation of 65,536 discrete numbers. However, for the random number generator algorithm to work, the all zero state must not be used therefore there are only 65,535 numbers that can be used. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 6 The program for the transmitter micro-processor 12 and the program for the receiver micro-processor 33 are attached. FIGS. 7A and 7B illustrate the electrical schematic of the transmitter 9, the antenna 10 is connected to the RF transmitter 11 which receives an output on lead 50 from output terminal SO of the micro-computer 12. The micro-computer 12 may be a National type 404LP, for example. The non-volatile memory 13 may be a XICOR type X-221O and is connected by leads 51 through 57 to the micro-processor 12 as illustrated. An octal latch 26 is connected to the micro-computer 12 by leads 58 through 66 and might be a type 74C373. A EPROM 27 might be a type 2716 available from INTEL and is connected by leads 58 through 69 to the micro"computer 12 and is further connected to the octal latch 26 by leads 70 through 77. The power supply E and transmit switch 22 are connected to a regulator 23 which produces the drive voltage + Vcc. Infrared sensor 90 is connected by lead 91 to the micro-computer 12. A ready indicator 92 is connected by lead 93 to the microcomputer 12. Channel selector switches 94 through 97 are connected to channel selector leads 16, 17, 18 and 19 which are connected to the micro-computer 12. A lead 101 is connected from the memory 13 to the reset terminal of the micro-computer 12. FIG. 8 illustrates the receiver in :schematic form. The micro-computer 33 may be a type 404LP available from National Corporation. The antenna 31 is connected to the RF receiver 32 and by lead 10'5 to the micro-computer 33. The programming LED 36 is conne~ted through a resistor and a transistor 1'1 to lead 107 which is connected to the micro-computer 33. A non-volatile memory 34 which might be a type X2210 available from XICOR is connected by leads 110 through 119 to the micro-computer 33. A reset circuit 121 is connected by leads 122 and 123 to the reset of the micro-computer 33 and the memory 34. An octal latch 8 which might be type 74C373 is connected by leads 125 through 133 to the micro-computer 33. An EPROM 7 which may be a type 2715 is connected to the octal latch 8 and to the computer 33 by leads 125 through 136. The EPROM 7 and octal latch 8 are connected together by leads 137 through 144. The program switch 41 is connected to the micro-computer 33 by lead 200. The channel indicator lights 250, 251 and 252 are connected to the micro-computer by leads 150, 151 and 152 and illustrate which channel is energized. Although the invention has been described with respect to preferred embodiments, it is not to be so limited t -----D----------------I as changes and modifications can be made which are Whenever the program calls for random number, the within the full intended scope of the invention as deprevious value or "seed" is recalled. Each bit is shifted fined by the appended claims. left one position. Bits 14 and 15 are exclusive or-ed and 65 the result is shifted into the first position of block 4. In this manner, all possible 65,535 combinations will result before the pattern repeats. 4,535,333 7 APPENDIX' TRANSMITTER SOFTWARE LISTING oem: c, 'CoS"", ~ 1/ \ c; ; c'\'\E.C.,,"':.I.l I "l 2 OOIE BlK4 = 1.14 i II.fOOMATl ON BlCJCl( 4 3 oolD BLK3 = 1.1:1 ; INFORHATl (IN BlCJCl( 3 4 oolC BlK2 = 1.12 ; INFffiMATl ON BLOCK 2 5 oolB. lUI"' 1.11 ; I//FORMATl ON BlJJCj( I b oolA IlJU1 = 1.10 iI. D NUI'fF!fR S 002E COl.llno = 2,14 ; GF' COUNTER 0 9 002D COUNTl = 2.13 j (if' COUNTER I 10 OOZC COONT2 = 2. 12 ; rR COUNTER 2 11 003F SCRATe = 3.15 ; SCRATCH F'AD REGISTER 12 003E BRPNT = 3.14 i BR /!EMORY POI NTER 13 003D BDPNT = 3,13 ; BO IlEMORY POINTER 14 OO3C COMF'I = 3. 12 j COHPARE REGISTER I 15 oo3B COHP2 = 3,11 iCOMPARE REGISTER 2 16 003A CNTROL 17 0030 NOOsr = 3, 0 18 00(»= FLAGI 19 = 3.10 = 0.15 j CCMROL WORD REGISTER ; SCRATCH PAD REGISTER iFLAG REG1STER I ; INITJALlZATJON 20 000 00 CLRA 21 001 3E LBI SCRATC 22 002 7F sm 23 003 40 r.Dl1P 24 (J04 3E LBI SCRATC 25 005 333A Ol1G ; INITJALIZE G PORT 26 007 333C CAl1Q ; INITJALlZE L PORT 27 009 3361 LEI I ; TRISTATE L PORT 28 OOB 50 CAB ; SET SIp;. BI1-lARY COUNTER 29 OOC 332.£ aBO jSET~;(I=O 30 J5 ; INITIAlIZE D PORT 8 4,535,333 9 31 ,CHECI: FOR VALID PROl3RIW1ING SIGNAL ON INPUT GO 32 ,FOR A PERIOD 3300E2E START (f APPROx. 10 MSEC. LSI TRIll 34 OOF 70 sm 0 35 010 2E LSI IRIN 36 011 3301 SKGBZ 0 ; IS INPUT A LOGIC 1 ? 37 013 OS .F BRI ,YES 38 014 E5 J' BEGIN ; NO. ACT! VI' INPUT •CHECK BRI CLRA ; FOR SytlC PllSf. F:R.-~ S1IiF.Z 0 ; IS INPUT ..F BHZ , YES .1' P.EGlIl ;NO. ACTlVE INPUT, CHFI1( 39 015 00 41 (117 ::::;nj 42 019 DB 4~ iliA E5 44 OIB 51 BR2 AI~{: I 45 Ole D7 AISC 1 48 OIF 06 X0 49 (CO 05 LD 0 50 021 5A AISC 10 :>1 smr PUlSE X0 47 OlE 51 A LOGIC 1 ? ,J' BR3 46 OlD Db ; FOR ~;TlLL JP BRI 022 Il5 52 023 JMF' STRTX t.(l[l(J i NO INDICATION OF A PR03RAMMlNCi ; SIGNAL IIlTHIN to M:,EC 53 LBI BDPNT i INlTIALIZE RECEIVED DATA 55 026 7B sm II i MEt10Ry POI tITER 56 027 2D LSI COlJlITO i RESET COUNTER IRIN 57 028 70 sm 0 58 029 70 sm 0 59 02A 19 LBI lDNU1'1 6J 02L 70 sm 0 62 02[1 70 sm 0 b3 02E 70 STII 0 b4 O:1f 70 8m os 030 70 sm 0 bb 031 2D LBI COlJNT (J 67 032 3301 SJ<GBZ 0 54 025 3C BEGIN (J ; IS INPUT A LOGlC 1 ? 10 4,535,333 12 11 be 034 F6 J' LODY.I j 69 035 E5 J> BEGIN iNO 70 036 00 LOOU· 71 037 51 YES QRA AISC 1 Sl<GBZ 0 ; IS INPUT STILL A LtXi!C I 73 03A Fe JP BR4 j 74 038 E5 J> BEGIN ~ ;NO 72 033 3301 75 ((~ 51 BR5 BR4 YES AISC I 76 03D F8 &BR5 77 081: 06 X0 78 03F 51 AISC I 79 040 Ob X0 80 041 05 LO 0 81 042 5D AISC 13 B2 043 b03h -t1P Loon 83 045 2£ LEI IRIN 84 04b 00 a.RA 85 047 3301 SI<[;I::] 0 ; IS lI.'PIJT A LOGIC 0 B6 049 C7 -.I' . -2 iNO AI&: I ; YES ee (l4 E 3.,"01 SKGBZ 0 ; IS INPUT STILL A LODIC 0 89 040 Cf .I'BR7 i NO, RISING TRANSITION DETECTED 90 04£ CA .I'SRb iYES X0 ; STORE COUNT IN IRIN AlSC 14 ; FOR SAMPLE VALUE 87 04A 51 91 04F Db 93 0.51 5E 94 0~2 44 SRb: SR7: ; VALID 5 MSF.C BlANf: TIME ? ? NO? ~AMPLE 95 0:.3 2C LBI COUNT I i STORF. 9b 054 06 X0 i IN COUNTER 1 97 055 2£ LBI IRIN ; CHECI< FOR O'JERFLQI,J 98 056 00 (lRA S'9 057 21 Sl<E VALUE 100 053 DB J' REPEAT ; NO OVERFLOW 101 059 bOot J1P START ; OVtRFLQI,J Ell STS 102 05B 3301 RFPEAT SKGBZ 0 i CHF.O: FOR FALLING TRANSITION 4,535,333 13 10::: (15D DB J> . -2 ; INPUT STILL HIGH ,y.:I< SAMPLE ; FALLING TRANSITION DETECTED lOS OW 3C LBI BDPNT ; POJrH TO RECEIVE DATA POINTER 106 ObI 2S LD 2 107 062 50 CAB 108 063 20 SKC 109 OIA 6067 J1P BRB 110 Ob¢ 413 5MB 3 104 O~,f 6974 III Ob73301 BR8: BR9: ; l[fJl( JP BR8 '113 OM E7 114 0613 3301 FOR FAlLING TRANSITION SKGBZ 0 ; Itlf'UT STlI.L LOll Sl(GB2 (I 11506[1 EB J> .-2 ; INPUT STILL HIGH 116 Olf 6974 JSR SAMF'LE ;FALIING TRANSlTION DETECTED 117 070 3C LBI BDPIIT ; POINT TO 118071 2S LD 2 119 072 50 CAB 120 073 20 Sl:C 121 074 F6 JP BRIO 122 075 46 5MB2 123 076 3301 BRIO SKGBZ (I RECEI~'E DATA POINTER ; LOOK FOR FALLING TRAtlSTTJON FA JP BRIt ; ltJF'UT STI LL HICiH 125 079 F6 JP [:RIO ; ltJPUT STILL LO\.J 124 ()7~: 126 07A nOI [:PI I Sl<G[:: 0 127 07e FA JP -2 ; INPUT STILL HIGH 128 07D 6974 ,y.:I< SAMPLE ; FALL WG TRAilS I TI ON DETECTED 129 o7F 3C LBI BDFfH ; POINT TO RECEIVE OATA POINTER 130 080 25 LD 2 131 081 50 CAB 132 Of.'2 20 S1(C 133 083 85 oJ' ffi12 134 OC;4 47 5MB J 135 005 3301 SKGBZ 0 ; LOOK FOR FAlLING TRAIISITION 136 OB7 B9 JP BRl3 ; INPUT ST I LL HICiH 137 OB3 B5 oJ' £''R12 ; HIPUT STILL LOll 138 0'09 3301 BR12: BRI3 SKGBZ 0 14 4,535,333 15 139 08B B9 .p . -2 i 140 OSC 6974 JSR SAMPLE ; FAlLING TRANSITION [IfTECTED 141 08£ 3C LBI BDPNT ; POINT TO RECEIVE DATA POINTER 142 08F 25 lD 2 143 090 50 CA8 -145 on S'4 JP PRI4 14b 093 40 147 094 3C 148 os'S INPUT STILL HI GH SI1E: 0 P.R14 05 LBI BDPNT ; INCREMENT BD PO INTER LD 0 149 096 51 AISC I ,lAST MEMORY lOCATION FILLEDi 150 097 99 ,I' BR15 ,NO 151 098 9F ..f' BR16 ; YES em BR15 X0 BRI7 SKGBZ 0 ,lOOK FOR FALLI NG TRANS ITI ON 154 091: 605B ...tIP REPEAT ; INPUT STILL HIC,H 155 09E 9A JP SR17 ; INPUT STILL LI)l.I 152 Db 153 09A 3301 15.) ; CALCLIlATE RECEIVED DATA CHW:SUI1 157 09F 00 BR16 a..RA 158 OAO lA LBI BLKI 159 CAl 31 ADD 160 CA2 1B LEI BLI:2 161 0A3 31 ADD 162 0A4 lC lBI BLK3 163 CAS 31 ADD -16.5 0A7 31 ADD 166 OAg IE LBI CKStJM 167 009 21 SKE i 1M OM 600E J1P START ; CHECKSUM INCORRECT 169 i CHECKSUM CORRECT PROGRAM NON-VOlATILE MEMORY 170 ou:; DE LBI FLAGI 171 CAD 4C RI1BO 172 OAf. 39 lSI CNTROL 173 0;'; 73 STl! 3 174 OW 6933 JSR NVRM ; STORE DATA IN N\'RA11 175 OB2 3F LBI NW3E ; lNlTJATE A STORE COM::AIl[r ; SET IIR lTE TO NVRM FLAG ;STORE CONTROL WORD 16 4,535,333 17 176 GF:3 70 177 OE4 :-iF LBI ; TO NVRAM STII 13 NOU~.E 178 OP5 :«,A OI1Ci 179 OBi :>f LEI NOJ.f:;E 180 0[':': 7F 181 0E.1 3F LEI t/Dlf:;E I S2 OEIl 3-:.'"?.A ; TERMltJATF.: STORE TO tJ'JRArl 8Tl1 15 OMG LEI COMPZ ; INITJALIZE COMPARE 184 OBD 7F sm 15 ; REGISTERS 185 DBE 7F sm 15 186 OBF 2C LBI 187 OCO 70 sm 0 ISS OCI 70 STlI 0 189 0C2 OA LEI 0, II 190 0C3 333E OBD 191 0C5 b9B2 JOJl TIMF.:R 192 OC7 2C LEI COUNTt 193 0C2 70 sm 0 194 0C9 70 sm 0 195 DCA DE un 0,15 ·197 OCD 6';82 JSR TH'oER 198 ocr f;C .F BRI8 183 OBC 3A BRie ; RESET COUt/TER REGISTERS COl~m ; WRN ON READY INDICATOR ; RESET COUNTER REGISTERS ; TURN OFF ItIDICATOR 199 ; START TRANSl1lT SEQUENCE 200 ODO 3387 8TRTX LEI 0,7 ; I NST lTUTE AN ARRAY RECALL 201 002 mE OBD ; CYCLE TO NVRAM 202 004 DE LBI 0.15 203 005 333E aBO 204 007 DE LEI FLAG! 205 ODS 4D SI1BO 206 orr? 39 LEI ctlTROL 207 ODA 77 ST11 7 208 ODB b9K, JSR NVRAM 209 ODD 19 LEIIWUM 210 ODE 332E 1M. 211 ; CALGU..IlTE CHECKSlJI1 ; SET READ FROM NVRAM FLAG ; STORE CONTROL WORD ; READ CHANNEL lD NUMBER ~ DATil BLOCKS AND lD NUME.'ER 18 4,535,333 19 212 OEO 00 Q.RA 213 OE! 19 LBI IOOlJI1 214 0E2 31 ADD 215 0E3 iA L8I BlKI '217 OE; 18 LBI 8LK:2 218 OE6 31 ADD 219 0E7 IC LBI B1.K3 220 OEe 31 ADD 2210£910 LBI BlK4 222 OEA 31 ADD 223 OEB IE LSI CKSIJr; 224 DEC 06 X0 225 i 226 OED 3B INITX ; STORE CHECI;SIJ1'1 1N c/;SUM TRANSMIT SYNC PUlSE LBI cmlPI 727 CiEE 78 STlI 8 228 DEI' 00 ClRA 229 01'0 38 LSI CONPI 230 01'1 3369 LEI 9 ; INITIUZE COOPAAE REGISTER 231 01'3 51 BR19 -AISC I ; SET EII3= L SO= 1 ;TR~~SMIT LOCiIC I 232 01'4 21 SKE 7J3 01'5 1'3 JP BR19 234 CH 3361 LEI 1 ; SET 235 01'8 3B LEI COI1Pl ; TRANSMIT LOGIC 0 236 Of9 iD STlI 13 ; FOR 1. 5 MSEC. 237 OfA 00 Q.RA 238 om 3B LSI COMPI 239 OFC 51 BR20: AISC 1 240 OFD 44 Nap 241 OFE 21 SKE 242 OFF 60fC J1P BR20 243 101 44 IU' 244 102 44 NOP 245 ; TRAIQIIT !lA"' A BlOC!< i FOR 500 USEC. EN~:=(). so=o 20 4,535,333 21 246 103 3C LBI SDPNT ; INITIALIZE SO POINTER TO .248 105 3A LEI (:0111"2 ; DATA TO E:E TfW.ISl1lTTED 249 BTl] li),~ 70 25(J }(J; 3C (I NXBYTE LSI BDPNT 251 108 25 LD 2 25;' IDS' 50 CAB 253 lOA 23b1 LEI 1 ; SET EII3=O. SO=O 254 lOG 13 SrME:Z 3 ; CHEe.!< LOGIC STATUS OF BIT ;; 255 100 00 JP 81\21 ; RAM 83= t 2".Jb WE 32 RC ; RAM 83=0 257 10F 01 JP E:R22 258 1j(J L.! BR2t se 259 111 69tB 13fP'". 44 JSR TXMIT ; 160 IY.:iEC DELAY 260 1133£ LSI SCRATC 261 114 7E sm 14 262 1153£ LSI SCRATC 263 116 06 X0 2b4 11751 A1SC 1 265 118 07 J' .-1 '267 ItA 3t LBI BDPNT 268 lIE 25 LO 2 269 lie 50 CAB 270 110 3361 LEI 1 ; SfT EtI3=O.5O=0 271 llF 03 SKMBZ 2 ; CHECK LOGIC STATUS OF BIT 2 272 120 E3 JP ERZ3 ; RAM B2=1 273 121 32 Re ; RAM 82=0 274 122 E4 JP BR24 275 123 22 BR"j-j sc 276 124 69CB AA24 JSR maT ..... ' 277 126 3E LBI SCRATC 278 127 7£ sm 14 279 12'3 3E LEI SCRATe 2SO 129 06 X0 281 12A 51 AI~;(; 232 12B EA ,F' 1 -1 ; 160 USEC [HAY 22 4,535,333 23 2S3 12C 44 NOP 284 12D 3C LBI BOP/IT 285 12£ 25 LD 2 m CAB 12F 50 287 130 3361 LEI 1 ; SET EN3=0. 50=0 288 132 11 SKMBZ 1 ; GIECK LOGIC STATUS OF BIT 1 289 133 F6 J' BR25 .RAM Bl=1 290 134 32 RC iRAM B1=0 291 135 F7 J> 006 m 136 22 BR25 SC m 137 69GB BR26: JSR TX/'llT 294 139 3£ LBI SCRATC 275 13A 7E STJI 14 296 13[: 3E LBI SCRIIlC 297 131: 06 X0 298 130 51 AISC 1 301 140 3C LBI BDPNT 302 14i :5 LO 2 303 142 50 CAB 304 [43 3361 LEI 1 ; SET EN3=O. $0=0 305 145 01 SKMBZ 0 ; CHECK LOGIC STATUS OF BIT 0 306 146 C9 J' BR27 ; RAM BO=I 307 147 32 RC i RAM f:(J=(J 303 148 CA JP BR28 i INCRE/'IErlT BD POltlTER i LAST Mr:MORY LO!:l!TI '-':I 309 149 :2 007 BR"o .(,.'.' OCLAY ~t 31 (I 141\ t.9CB ; 160 USEr JSR nMlT 311 14C 3C LSI E:DPNT 312 140 05 LD 0 313 14E 51 AIS(; 1 314 14F 44 NOP 315 150 06 X0 316 lSI 05 LD 0 317 152 3A LSI CONP2 '319 154 t.lll! clMF' NH<YTE 320 NOP 15.~, 44 ; NO i YES 24 4,535,333 26 25 321 I~,i 3361 LEI I 322 15'; :;8 L8I COll'l 323 l:oA 78 sm 8 324 158 (lRA O(J 325 15C 38 LE:J COtlPl 326 15D 44 NO,' 327 15E 44 tmp 328 ; TRAIJSNIT TERMINATOR 329 15F 38 LE:j COMPl no 1<.0 78 8m :>31 161 00 CLRA 332 162 3E LEI C(~lF'1 333 163 2::'.,,9 LEI 9 334 165 51 BRi·~' 8 ; SET H13= I. 511= I ; TRAIJSMIT LOI, 1C 1 FOO 500 AISr: 3-.15 1M 21 E,;E 336 167 E5 ell' EK"? 337 16& :<361 LEI 1 lim: i SET EtJ:>O, SO=I) ; TRANSMIT E:LAtJK TI ME OF 23 MSEC. 339 16A 3A LSI CCd'1P2 340 168 72 sm 2 341 16C 76 sm 6 342 160 2C L81 COUNT I 343 IbE 70 sm 344 16F 70 sm 0 345 170 6981 J:J< TIMER 346 172 WED JMP 347 i 350 17500 i RESET COlJUTER REGISTERS i RETRANSMIT MTA 0 mm SUN<OUT INES 348 349 174 2C ; INITIALIZE COMPAfi'E REGISTERS SUBROUTINE SAMPLE SAMPLE LSI COlMI CtRA ; SETUP SAMF'L ING VALUE 'lOP 353 178 21 SrE 354 179 F6 ..F SlIBI Sl:G8Z 0 356 I7C 6181 JMP SUB: ; READ ltIPUT 4,535,333 27 ~7 sc 17E 22 i INPUT IS A LOGIC 0 i INPUT IS A LOGIC 1 ..tIP SUB3 358 17F blS2 181 32 SIJB2: RC 360 182 48 SUB3 RET ~9 W£:RWTlNE rlVRAN 361 LEI COMl'I i INITIALIZE BD MEMORY POWTER 3b3 184 7F STIllS i AND COMPARE REGISTER 364 135 7B sm 11 362 183 3B 36-'5 ISO 3C NVRAM: SUBb: LD 2 I~ 51 ; OOTPUT ADDRESS POINTED TO AISC I 3bb 187 25 367 LBI BDPNT ; EY COMPARE REGI STER 369 ISA 332-.£ [lB[I 370 ISC 39 LEI CNTROL •OUTPUT CONTROL IoIDRD TO 371 ISO 333A ONG ; MEMORY 372 18F OE LEI FLAGl i 373 190 01 SKMBZ 0 ; FLAG 374 191 DB $' SIJB4 ; firAD FLAG 375 192 3C LBI £:OF-NT ; WRITE FLAG 376 193 25 LD 2 377 194 ~.o CHECK FOR READ (lR IoiRITE CAE 378 195 00 CLRA 379 196 333C GANO ; WRITE TO tNRAM 330 198 3.165 LEIS i 331 19A £1 JP SI.I£:5 3S2 19B 3C SlJB4 ENABLE L DRIVERS LBI BDF'rn 33.3 19C :5 LD 2 334 190 50 CAR 335 19£ 332E lNL 336 lAO 06 Xa 327 tAl 3F WB5 LEI NfUJSE 333 lA2 7F STII 15 3!39 IA3 ::;F LBI NOUS£ 390 IA4 33.'"JA 0t1G ; READ FRi)11 INRAI1 i INITIATE A DESELECT 28 4,535,333 29 311 lAb 3361 LEI 392 lAS LBI BDPNT 3[; ; DISHf:LE L DFiI'.!ERS 393 IA9 05 LD 0 394 1M 51 AISC I 39S lAB Ob X0 ; STORE NEW VALUE FOR ':rib lAC 05 LD ;MEMORY POINTER ':ri7 lAD 3B LEI CC\'1PI ; LAST MEMORY LOCATION 398 IAE 21 SKE ; ACCESSED? 399 tAF bIBb .t1P SUBb 400 IBI 4B RET .402 !E:2 2D TIMER (J ;NO ; YES LBI COUNTO 403 183 OD CLRA 404 !E:4 AI;';(. I ~,J 405 IE::; F4 ..IF' -I •640 406 IBb 05 LD 0 ; COf.~lTO COIITENTS TO Ar:CU 407 IF.7 51 AISC: 1 ; ADn I TO ACClI 405 ISS FD JP LPI 409 lB9 07 XDS ; STORE ZERO ItI COUNT (J 410 IE;A OS LD 0 ; DECREMENT TO COUNT 1 411 lBB 51 AIS"C 1 ;ADD 1 TO COUNT I 412 IBr.: 44 NOP 41., IBn <16 LPI 1I~;[c DELAY LOOP X (J 414 !E:E 3A LEI W'lP2 ; COMF'ARE COU!JTERS TO 415 ISF 05 LD 0 ; COMPAh"t REGISTERS 41b ICO 2C LBI ; SKIP IF MasT SIGN WJt<r 417 ICI 21 418 IC2 blB2 .J1P TIMER 419 IC4 3B LBI W1PI 420 ICS 05 LD 0 :j SI:E ·422 ICi J1F' TIMER 424 1('''; RET 48 42b ICB 38 TXMIT L81 C:OMPI ; WJALS COMP2 ; WUALS WJNTO ; NO, INSTITUTE ANnrHER CYCLE 30 4,535,333 31 427 ICC 73 STII 3 429 lCD 00 (1.RA 429 ICE 38 LBI COMPI 430 lCF 44 NOP 431 100 33h? LEI 9 ; 58 Etl:?.: I. S{J= 1 AI S<~ I ; 250 USEe LOOP 432 trr2 51 INCI 433 1[13 21 ~H 434 104 02 JP INCI 435 ID5 20 SI:C 436 lOb JP [iF 437 107 38 432 ID~: ; TRAN~:MJT A LOGIC L S(I=l TF.AN~;O i TRANSMIT A LOGIC 0, LEI COl1f'l 74 STII 4 439 109 3B L81 COMPI 440 lOA 00 QRA 441 lOB 51 INC2 AISC 1 442 IDe 21 SKI: 443 100 DB oJ' lNC2 444 IDE 48 ; 240 USEC. LorJP RET 445 IDF 33hl TRANW -LEI 1 ; SET EtB=O 446 lEI 38 LBI Cot1F'1 447 lE2 73 STII 3 448 lE3 3B LBI CO!'lF'I 449 lE4 00 QRA 450 1£5 51 1NC3 AISC 1 451 lEI, 21 SKI: 452 lE7 E5 oX' INC3 453 lE8 48 ; 18(1 USEe LOOP RET .<;~ ~'In BWNT 0()3D BEGW 0025 ELKI OOIB BLY,2 001C BLK3 0010 BLK4 001E BRI 0015 PoRIO , 00'"0 BRII 007A BIll 2 0085 BRI3 0039 BRI4 0094 BR15 0099 BR16 009F BRI7 009A BR18 OOE1: BRI? OOF3 BR2 OOIB BR20 OOFC BR21 0110 BR22 0111 BR23 0123 BR24 0124 BR2S 0136 BR26 0137 BR27 0149 BR?B 014A BR29 0lt.5 ~;O=O 32 4,535,333 34 33 BR7 OO~F BRS pm oo,:.,F. E:RPNT OO:-iE CKSUM O{J!F CNTROt 003A cntlPI 003C COHP2 0(J3B COlINTO 002E CilUIJT 1 002D COUNT2 0(12C 00i,7 IDI~JM (lOlA INCI 0102 INe2 INITX OOED IRIN 0021' NOUSE 0030 f OlDB f FLAG1 000F INC3 01E5 LOOK 1 0036 LPI OIW NVRAM 0183 NXBYTE 0107 REPEAT 005B StW'LE 0174 stRATC 003F START QO(JE STRTX OODO SUBI 0176 SUB2 0181 SUB3 SUB4 OIS'B SUBS DIAl SUB6 0186 TIMER OlB2 TXMIT 01eB 0182 TRANSO 01DF tJU Ef;,,'OR LWES 489 ROM \lORDS USED COP 420 ASSfMt:LY WJRCE CHEC'n;/JM = 50Ci OBJECT (:H£C'J:StlM = OCB2 INPUT FILE GENUSER. JANfi SRC Vl{ OBJECT FILE GENUSER. ,IANN LM 2 3 4 '" .~,I CHAME:EPLA I N MANUF f-iCTUR I r4Ci CORF'ORAT I ON /::.. {.;LL R I CiHT:,,: RE:":ERVF.D" 7 ,-, c' 9 = 10 00lF 11 001E 1, 14 1 .~, 001D 1, 1 .-, .-, 001C BLf<2 L 1.2 ; INFORMATION BLOCK 2 14 001I:: BU<I. 1. I. 1 ; 15 (lOlA I DNUt'l Cf{::::IJM 1, 15 = 1. :~: 1, 10 ; INFORMATION BLOCK 4 ; I NFORl'lA T J ON l':L.OCf< INFOF~MATION ; I. D. NUMBER :~: BLOCK 1 4,535,333 35 36 ... , J.5 ; INFRARED INPUT COUNTER te, 002F IRIN = 17 002E eOl...INTO 2, 14 1-::' '-' 002[1 eOJ..INTl :7~ J 1. ::=: ; GP COI.JNTFR 1 ',I no}r: COI..ItH::'. :;;-fJ 12 ; CiF' 20 003F :::::CRi:,TC ::'::, 1'" "_.1 21 003E BRPtH ;:': ~ 14 ..:....:... .....,.-, 00:=:[1 r:DPNT 3, 'I. '-,,:. ~' ...' 003e COME'l :3, 12 24 003r::: eOMP2 ::::. 1 J. 2~5 OO::::A CNTROL = ::':, 'I. ~I ; CiF' COI.. INTER 0 COUNTER 2 iSCRATCH PAD REGISTER ;,BR MEMORY POINTER ;BD MEMORY POINTER ::::: ; COMPARE REGISTER ; COMPARE REGISTER 2 0 00:::0 :::: (), I (lU()F hC:r-:.:~;i..II\·l 2::: OOOE RBU<4 O. 14 29 ooon RBUC::: 0, 1 I:: ::::0 OOOC: RBLf<2 0, 1:2 31 OOnE: RBU<1 O. 11. ~:2 onOA RIDNI.Ji''I. = 0, 10 ::::::;: (IOnS) FLACH = 0,9 ::::4 ~,C" .':- ...1 J ~'I ; INITIAL. IZAT! ON 000 00 eLRA :3":-' 001 ::::E LBI ::::;CRATC 37 002 7F :::::TI I 15 ::::::: 00:::: 40 ::'::9 004 ::::E Lrn :::::CR?HC 40 005 ::::::::::::A OMCi i 41 007 ::::::::::::C CAMO ; INITIALIZE L PORT 4':1 009 ::::::=:60 LEI 0 ; TR I ::;TrHE L F'I,'IRT 43 OOB 50 CAB ;8FT 81 AS SHIFT REGISTER 44 ooe ::':::::::':E OBD ; ::::iET :=:0 '" 0 45 ; INITIALIZE D PORT 4<'-, OOE 0::::: .::~ 7 OOF INITIALIZE Ci PORT LDI FLAG1 5MB 0 ;8ET READ FROM NVRAM FLAG 4::::: 010 :::::9 LBI CNTROI. ; STORE CONTROL WORD 49 01 1 77 ::;T1 I 7 50 OJ. 2 3:::::,':7 LBIO,7 4[1 ; INSTITUTE AN ARRAY RECALL 38 i CYCLE ; CHECK FOR PROGRAM SWITCH ; Cl..O::::URE iND. MONITOR RECEIVE ;VES, PROGRAM SWITCH IN~JT (~OSED iCHECK FOR ALL ZERO INPUTS ;BI.I<l=O ; BUC?=O ;ALL BLOCKS EQUAL 0 • STORE DEFAULT NUMBER iTRANSFER GENERATED NUMBER iTO BLOCKS I THRU 4 4,535,333 40 39 o::m OE: LBI E:7 Cl:3E ,•• 1 c-1 LD O:~:F 06 86 8:3 x 0,12 1 0 89 040 OC LBI 90 041 LD 1 15 x ':iJ 1 04·? 0/'. 0, 1::': 0 r:n ':;'/2 04:,: OD l 9:~: 044 15 L[I 1 (l.14 94 ()45 Cit:. x () 95 04/:. o:=.: LBT 9/,. 047 4C: Rr·m 0 ':)7 04:::: ::::';1 LF:J OHROL 9 b.: 04'::' ....,.-, ::::TJ I 1 ...-:· ';19 04A 69D7 FU~Gl iPROGRAM NEW CODE N'v'R?i~l i TO i INSTITUTE A STORE COMMAND ::=: .J:":R NVF,AM 100 04C :=.:F LBI NOU::::E 101 04[1 7[1 ::::TI I 13 102 04E :=.:F L [: I NOU:o:E 10:=.: 04F :=.::=':::::A OMG 104 051 ::::F LBI NOU:;:::E 105 052 7F STI I lOt:. 053 ::=:F LIn 107 054 :=.::=':::=:A O~lCi 1 ():':: I 109 OSt. 00 15 NOU::::E CALCULATE DATA BLOCK CHECKSUM CLRA lA un 1 1 1 05:::: ::::1 ADD 1 1·~' 059 If: LB1 1 1::: 31 AnD 1 14 05B lC un 1 15 31 ADD 1 1 t. 05[1 1D LB1 1 17 05E ::': 1 ADn 1 H:: 05F lE LB I 1 1 9 Ot.O 06 x 1 10 057 O~~A o~c 0 F:I...K 1 r::LfC~ BL.K:::: BI... K4 CYSU~l iTERMINATE STORE COMMAND 4,535,333 41 120 42 iTRANSMIT SYNC PULSE 121 0"=.1 ::::E: INITX: LBI COMP1. 122 062 7::: ST I I ::: 12:::: ; INITIL IZE COMPARE REGISTER O(,.:~: 00 CLRA 124 064 :~:E: un COMF'I 12~j :~:~:e,9 LEI 9 065 L?"=. 067 51 BR1 ',I: AI:::.:C ; TRAN:=;MIT LOGIC 127 06::: 21 ; FnR 500 U:;::EC. .JP BRIo;; 129 O/:.A 1::::0 (J(-,C :~::~:61 LEI :::::E: LE: T ; :::ET EN::::=O, :::0=0 CO~1F' 1 ; TR::1N:=:MTT L.OCiTC () :=;T TTl :": i I/:',f- '. H.' 1::::::::: 06F :c:F: 1::=:5 071 44 NOP 1 ::::7 07::::: (:,070 ,IMP F:R20 1 ::::=: 075 44 139 076 44 140 NOF' ; TRf4N::::MIT DATA BLOCK 141 077 ::::c: LBI BDPNT ; INITIA LIZE BD POINTER TO 142 078 7E: ::;TI I ;FIRST AND LAST LOCATION OF 14::::: 079 :::::A LBJ COMF'2 144 07A 70 :=:T T J 0 145 07B :~:C NXBYTE' 11 iDATA TO BE TRANSMITTED LSI BDPNT LD 2 147 (17D :':;0 LEI 1. ; ::£T FN:~;=O, 1 49 0:::::0 1 :'~: SKMBi. ::: ;C~~ECK < I. ~:;o o:~: ,.lP BR21 ; RAl'l B:::::= 1 1 '-' 1. 0:::::2 :::::2 RC ; RAM B:::::=O 1 5:-:'~ 0::::::'::: :::5 ,.-IP BR22 0.- 1 :::::4 1 5::::: 0:::4 .-,.-, .:. ~:.. BR2I ::;:C 80=0 I_OGTe STATIJS OF BIT 3 4,535,333 44 43 154 0::::5 f:.A1F BR22 ,.J::';R TXi'1IT :::;CRATC 0:::7 3E LB1 1 ~5l-:. (X::::::: 7E :::;TI 1,57 0:::::-;; ::::E 15:::: O::::A Ol~. ~~ AI:=.:C 11:,0 O::::C ::::r:: DElJ4Y X 0 159 0::;;:1': ; 160 U:::;EC, L.E:I :::;CRATC 15~~ 1 f:. j 1 • ..IF' O::::D 44 O:=:F 14 -1 NOP 1 (.;~~ O::::E ::::C .1 63 :r L B I E:DF:'NT /~:l LD ): ,:,.4 090 50 CAB 1(.5 091 ::::::=:61 LEI 11::..6 0':;13 0:::: :::::f<i'1BZ If::.,7 094 97 ,..IF' BR::?:::: ; PAM E:2:.= 1 RC ; RAM E:2=0 .1. 16:=:: 09~5 ::'::2 11::.8 09/-, 9:::: 170 097 22 171 09::::: 6P,lF t ,..IF' BR24 E:R;?3 : :::::C E:R:24 : ,.JSR TXMIT IYiA ::::E, 7~7~ 2 Ll::l :=::CRATC .1.73 09B 7E :=:T1 I 1 74 09C :=:E " 17,', 09F. I"r:;r.=c. l.E: I ::::CF,ATI-: .1.75 09D nt, ; .1. !:"C) AF;C ~~ v 1 1 77 09F 9E .1. .1.4 0 ".IF' 7:::: OAO 44 NOF' ::::C I. [: I -1 179 OA1 1 :=.:0 OA2 25 LD 2 oA:::: F:DF'NT CAE: 1::':1 .1. 50 ::::2 0?,4 :'::::::r',1 1 ::::::::: (}?i/, L.EI '~:;~:::HP I 1 t84 OA7 AA It:::5 OA:::: "7 1 JP 8R25 :~:2 RC ..JF' BR26 1t=:f:. OA',' AB 187 OAA 22 BR25: SC 1:::::::::: OAB t.• 1 F .,A BR26: c.l:::;R TXMIT i. RAM Bl.=O DFl.AV 4,535,333 46 45 1:::::9 OAD ::::E LBI :::;CRATC 190 OAE 7E STII 14 1 ';1 J. OAF ::::E LBI SCRATC 1 'O"~I OBO 06 X 0 193 OBl 51 AISC 194 OB2 £:1 ._.IF' 195 OB3 44 NOP 19(,. 01::4 :;::c: LBT BDF'NT 197 OB5 2~5 LD 2 OB(~ 50 CAB 198 ; 160 U:::::EC. DELAY -1 199 OB7 3361 LEI 1 ; :::::ET EN:::=O. SO=O 200 OB9 01 Sf(MBZ 0 ; CHECK LOGIC STATUS OF BIT 0 201 OBA BD .JF' BR27 ; RAM 80=1 202 OBr:: RC ~:2 dP BR28 203 Or::C BE 204 OBD 22 BR27: SC 205 OF:E bAlE BR2S: .JSR TXMIT 20&, oeo 8C LBI BDPNT 207 OCl 05 LD 0 -;"08 oe2 51. AI:=;C 209 oee: 44 NOE' 210 OC4 06 X 0 21 1 OC5 05 LD 0 212 OCt:. 3A LBI 21 ::: OC7 21 :::::KF. ; INCREMENT BD POINTER :.'1 4 oe::::: 215 (leA CO~1F'2 ; TRMJ:::::MITTFD {~,07F: .1t'1F' NXB'iT[ 44 tKlr"' LEI 2l.7 OCD ::::F: L HI COt1P 1 21:::: nCE 7::::: :=.;Tl I 219 OCE 00 CL 220 ODO 3r:: L.r-:T COI"1P 1 22l OD1 44 NOP .-,.-/,-, NOP .. on:'~ 44 ; ~J(I ; YF:=; 21:::. ocr:: ::::::::/-.1 ...:~..:. ~ ; LAST MEMORY LOCATION :~: F~A 4,535,333 47 .-",-,,:, ..:.....:..._, 48 ; TRANSMIT TERMINATOR 224 OD:::: 3[: LBI 22:~ 0[14 7':' :::':T I I 22~. . OD5 00 CO/,lP1 CLRA 227 0[16 ~?2:~: ,.~, :::B L.B1 OD7 :::::::/':"') "229 0[19 51 2::::0 ODA :e: COi'lF'l LEI 9 AI::::C ; TRANSMIT LOGIC 1 FOR 500 USE: LEI 1 BR:?9: ;8FT EN3=O,80=0 21 2::::1 ODE: D',I 2:32 ODC ::::::::(,,1 2:~:3 I 2::::4 onE nnrc 5 MSEC. .-, r, - ...-,1':- TRANSMIT BLANK TIME OF .'.':J ,.~, t-t 236 OEO 7B STII 8 2:37 (lEI 2C LB1 COUNT1 23::: OE2 70 :=;T1 I 0 239 OE3 70 STI I 0 240 OE4 6A06 cJSR 241 OEt. un NOUSE ; CHECK FOR PROGRAM 242 OE7 :,:::32E INL I SW ITCH CLO:::;URE 243 OE'::I 1-' ..:. S~:::MBZ 244 OEA F1 .JP BEGIN I SWITCH NOT 245 OEB 0:::: LBI FLAG1 ; :=;W I TCH CLOSED ~:F RESET COlJrJTFR REG I ::::TER:::: TIMER ~: 246 OEC 1 1 I 247 OED 6061 ...IMP INITX 248 OEF 1,:,021 ,..IMP 249 OF1 4t:" .• IS PROGRAM FLAG SET? RETRANSMIT DATA O:~: 250 OF2 CLOSED 251 OF:::: ' NGEN IYES iNO GENERATE NEW RANDOM NUM8F RMB - .. 2 ::~:;::1.. LEI 2 252 OF5 ::::r.:: LI:: I r,:DPNT ; INITHiL.Ti'E S'ECEI VETI 253 OFf., 7A :::';T1 I ; MD'lCifiY PO INTER 254 OF7 LBI COI..INTO 2[1 10 255 OF::: 70 ::';11 I 0 256 OF9 70 STII 0 257 OFA 09 LBI RIDNLIM ;RE8ET COUNTER IRIN DATA 4,535,333 49 50 .258 OFB 70 :=:TI I 0 259 OFe 70 STI I 260 OFD 6104 ,JMP .".IT4 261 '21:":'~ OFF 44 NOP 100 ::::::=:/'·.0 LEI 2/:..::'::: 102 1,,01 r:: 21~,4 104 70 0 (; ,..IMP :::::TART ,JT4: ::'::TI I 0 2(.5 105 70 ::'::TI I 0 2/-,/-, 1 Of:. 70 :=:T I I 0 ;U-,7 1 07 :=:T I "r n :?~.. ,:~: 1 n:=: ;?n LF: I ~:-:.::,9 10',1 ::<::01 :=: I:" (i r: z 0 ; J::':I NF'/.IT (4 1._C1Cil"C ::-~70 ;.Or:: CF ,.IF' Lomo::1. ; :::71 10e (-,OF 1 ,.mE' BEGIN ·~:7'~: 10E 273 1. OF 7(J no ~~ L DOf< 1 1 :?74 1. 10 :::::::() I ~~~75 1 12 27/-.. 1. 1'" , .. ,1 t=:R~~.: "~. YF~'; CLRA ::::;I<GF:7 0 ; 1S INPllT ST1:LL A LOGIC 1 ,JF' BR4 D~ ~5l 1 AT::::C 1 1":' ,',OF 1 ' .. ,' 277 COUNTO ; YF::=: ,.II-IF' f-:EGIN BFI4: ~, ; NO Al:::::C 1 27:=: 1. 1C. DO· .JF' BR5 279 1 17 06 X 0 2:~:O 1 1::: 51 AISC 2:::::1 1 19 06 X 0 2:=:2 1 lA 05 LD 0 2::::;::: 1 1[: 5f-i P,I::::;C 1. 0 2:=:4 1 1C blOE ,.JMF' LCiOf:: 1 2:=:~~ 1 IE 2E L1':T 2:::::{~-., 1 IF 00 CLRA :-::":~:7 L?O :=;f':"I-if-:7 0 :?::::9 l2:::: :-'::::01 ~:=; 1. BR 6 IRIN AI:::;r.::: ;VALID 10 MSEC" BLANf< TIME l "290 124 :::::::01 :::f<m::z 291 l21:. EC' -'-' ,..IP BR7 INCl. 292 127 E3 •.IP BR6 lYE::':; X 0 ; :::::TORE. COUNT 293 12::: 0/" BR7: 0 I IS INPUT STTLL A I..OGIC 0 ? RISING TRANSITION DETECTF TN TRIN 4,535,333 52 51 294 1.29 05 L.D 0 i ::;:UBTRACT CORRECTION F{lCTOR 295 12A 5E AI:3C 1.4 iFOR SAMPLE VALUE 296 121:: 44 NOP 297 12C 2C LBI COUNT1 iSTORE SAMPLE VALUE 29:3 12D 01.:. X 0 ; IN COUNTER 1. 299 12E 2E LBI ::;:00 12F 00 CLRA ;,:01. 1::::0 21. :;:::KE 302 1.3.1 • ..If' REPEAT i NO O',jERFLm·j JMP ::=':TART i OVr::RFL.OW E X I ::::T:3 ::=':f<CmZ 0 iCHFCK FOR FALLING TRANSITION F4 ::::0::=': 1::::2 (:,01 F: ::::04 1.::::4 ::::::::01. ::::05 1. .-. f (~-.. 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HI CiH iF'nINT TO RECEIVE nATA POINTF I.D ,-', ..':' .-,c•• ::", J ::::21. 1 4B 50 CAl': :~:22 14e :20 SKC :~2:~: 14[1 rF ,JP f-:F,' 10 324 1.4E 4' 1-" :~:25 .r 1 Ll- :~:26 ::::~:O 1 ::=':t1[: 2 :=:f<CiJ::Z 0 iL..OOK FOR FAL.LTNG TRANSITION 151 n:::: ,..IF' F:Fi'1. 1. ; INPUT :3T I LL H TGH :'::27 152 CF ,..IP F:R1. 0 i INPUT :::;THL LOW 32:~: l:;'.-, 1 0".1 •.:' ::::::::01 E:Fi 10: BR1. 1 ::=':KC,f-:Z 0 4,535,333 . ::':":?9 1 "' •.•.1•• 1 54 53 ; INF'UT ::::T1LL HIGH [13 ::::::::0 1 5/:-. f<:-II::: c: .J:=;R ::::AMPL.E iFAI LING TRANSITION DETECTED :::::::: j 15:~: 3C L 1':1 r:DPNT iF'OINT TO ::'::~:2 1 ~~'':) .-,~- I. :~::.:::::: 1 ~A 50 •. • ••,,1 ::::::':4 1 5B DE nATA POINTF n :::: :~:O 1 C::;I-: RF~FJVF ::::::::~ ...IF' r:R 12 ::::::::f:. 15[1 47 :::::t1E: 1. :::::::7 15E :330 1 BR1.2: iLOOK FOR FALLING TRANSITION ::: :~~:~~: 1 1-.0 E'~' ._.IF' BR 1 :~: :":": :'~: ,:', 1 /. 1"11"= ,IF' F:F:: 1 .:-' 1 ::·:40 1 i.'~'): ;~::3n I 1':1'1::' S SI<:GB2. 0 ::':4 1 1(,.4 E2 ,..IP -2 ::':42 1e.5 f:,',JC::::: ·J:=:R :::::A~1PLE iFALLING TRANSITION DETECTED ::::4:3 le.7 3(: un BDPNT iPOINT TO RECEIVE DATA POINl 344 16::::: ~:45 a5 ; INPUT STILL HliCiH LD 3 1 t:.9 50 CAB 346 16A 20 :347 ~6B ED dF' BR14 :::4:::: 1 6(: 4D :::49 le:.D 3C :::::MB 0 BR1.4: LBI BDPNT i INCREMENT BD POINTER ~:50 l6E 05 LD 0 :::51 16F 51 AJ~;C i ;3~52 170 F? o..IF' BR15 ; NO ::::5:~: 17 1. FE: ...IP BR16 i ;:':54 172 OC:. r-:R15: ~:55 1 7'~' ::::::::0 1 -' BFi17: 351:. I._I 1 -'t= 1,.1::::4 ~lEMORY LOU4TION FILLF: VEl::; x 0 ; LOOf< FOR FALLING TRAN::::IT10r; ..JMP RF:PEAT ::':5:=-: i 35'7:'J 17:::: 00 BR1f:.: ; INPUT ::=:TILL HIGH .. IP BR1.7 ::;57 177 F:::: ; J NF'UT :=;T I LL LOW CALCULATE FiFCEIVED DATA CHECf<'SUM CLRA ::::(:.0 179 O·? LElI RIDNUM ::;61 17A 81. ADD :31.. . 2 1 7E: OA LI::I RBLK1. ::::/.,.:::: 17C ::: 1 LA:::;-r 4,535,333 56 55 or::: LBI ::::1;-.5 17E :~: 1 ADD :::::(,,(,. 17F oe L.BI 1.::::0 ::::1. Ann :~:(,.4 '3(:,7 J. 7D RBU<2 RF:UG::: L F: T R.r:: U::4 :~: (-, ';1 1:::: 2 :~: 1 ADD :=:70 1:::::::: OE :::71 LE:I RCYSUM ::::kF 1 ::::4 21. ;CHFCKSUM CORRECT ; UIFC:f:-:;::I_ rr-1 I r·wr:RFo:;:'CT ::::7:::: 1:=:7 Cl:::: U:;-[ FLAnl ::::74 1:=::::: 4[1 ::::I'1F: il ;SFT :~:75 1::::9 :::9 LBI CNTf;'OI ; ::::Tm~F i INSTITUTE RFAD FROM NVRAM FLAG CCiNTf';'j-rl._ WORD :=;T1 T 7 I HI 0,7 ORO AN ARRAY ; CYCLE ::::7';"' 1:::F OF LBI 0, 1.5 :=:::::0 190 ::::::::::::E CiBD 192 (-8n7 ,.J::m NVRAt'1 ::::::::2 194 1 A LE: I F:l fU ::::::::~: 195 :~::=: 1 1. ~j L.D ::::::::~ ; 1. ;=:kE :::::=:4 196 21 197 601 B ::::::::1:. 199 1B ,..IMP ::::TART LE: J F:U:--? ::::::::7 1. 9A 15 LD 1. ::::::=::=; 1. 9B ·~'.l ::::I<E ::::::'::9 19(: ,~~,O 1B ,..IMP ::':1" AM'T :::90 19F 1.e LB J f:L K::,: :::91 _1 ';IF 15 LD I ~~ 1 (-,\ ) I 1 I·: ::::',14 1 P,::: 1 n 1.1:::-1: [:IYA ::::95 L_n 1 1 A4 1 C'; ::::96 1 A~5 21 :::f':-C ::::97 ...Il'lP :::::T ART lAI:. 601 B ;CHFCk LBT RIDNI.l1'1 NI.lMr::Ff~ FOR RANDOM r1{~TCH RECALL 58 ; INJTILTZE COMPARE REGISTERS ; T:.J ITT AL TiE COIINTFR F;:I::'"G I :=. TFF~:::: 4 1 I:: Ie 1 4 19 1[:2 &. 1 B5 420 1 C4 4"~~ 1 lCI:. 1:.0 IF: 06 :~:360 ·..IT2: X 0 .J~lP .JT:~:" .JT 1 LEI (> .JMP :=:TART 4~-:/~? 4?::': :=;JJBROJ IT I NE ::::N·lPI . .F 4):4 1 c:=: :?C 425 1 C9 00 4";::-f:. ...1 1 CA '" 1 :=;AJ'1F'1..F Lr: l COJ.JNT 1 CI. R{-, ::::;I..Il:: 1 : AT:=;C 427 1 cr:: 44 4:~::=: 1 CC: 2 1 4~'?9 J CD CA 4:~:O leE 4:::J 1 DO f:. 1 D~';" .JMP ::::;1..11::2 4:~:2 1 D2 22 :::.;c .JF' :=;ur:: 1 :~.::~:c) 1 ; F'G<D ; TNPUT I NF'I.JT IS A LOGIC 0 4,535,333 60 59 4:::::3 1[1:3 61 [II:, ,_.11'1P SUB:3 4::::4 1 [I;') 32 ::::1.11.':2: RC 4::':5 1D6 4:;:: :;::I.m::.:; RET N'v'h'At1' I., • INPUT IS A I...OOIC 1 4:~::6 ::::r:: r:: I :-:O/'1F'1. 1 [I::::: 7F :=;TTJ 15, 1 D',I 7E: :::::1' I I 11 437 1.D7 4::::;::: 4::'::9 440 IDA ::::C 441 1 Dr:: '?~ .::.:. ! ill 1. [IF INITIALIZE SD MEMORY POINTER ;AND COMPARE REGISTER L.B I BDPNT 1\/ 444 :=.:UBI:,: i I..D '? ; OUTF'! IT p,nnRF:~::=; PO I tJTED or::n :~n:~::F:': 445 1. EO ::::';' I . BT CNTROI., 446 1F 1. ::::::::::::A ; MEt'1.CIRY n .f'Ki 1. 447 lC:': 0:::: L.B I 44:": ::;;f,:'MF:7 1 E4 01. 0 RE.~,n • CHECk FOR I'IF: lJR TTF ; FLACi 44',1 1E5 EF ,.IF' :::;1.11::4 • READ FU~;-:; 4c';O 1. LB I I;:DPN1' ; Wf-i: I TF FU.;G 451 1E7 25 F/-, 3C LD 2 452 1E:::: C:'(; eM: 45:3 1 E',I 00 CL.F,;; 4~-,4 1EA ; WFi I TE Tn CAl'lf) :~::~:::'::C ~Nr:;:AI'1 l..EI 4 456 1. FE 4~)7 1FF ::.:C 4~~~:=: 1F 0 , .1 F' :=; iI [: ~'5 F~', :=:1..1 E: 4 ' LBI BDPNT LD 2 ~~f~:; 459 IFl 50 460 J F2 ::':::'::2E INi 4(-,1 1.F4 06 X 0 4(·.? 1F5 :~::F 4/,,:::: 1F 6 7F 41:,4 1F7 ::::F 41:,~" 1. 1. Fr~ 41:.7 1 FC LBI NOU:::::F :::;1'1 I ; INITIATE A DESELECT 15 I.B I NOI.I::=;E F::::: ::'::3::::A 466 ::::1.Jr::5: ::::::::1:,0 l. ET :~:C LBI BDF'NT 0 • DISABLE L DRIVERS TO 62 ,STORE NEW VALUE FOR n • MEMORY POINTER 471 200 05. l. 472 201 ::::E: LRI CO"'1F'1 • LAST MEMORY IItCATTON 4 ...·-· 20';' 21 I.:. :~;f:::F ; ACCES:;F.D'::' 474 "20:~: 1-.1 475 ~~O~ (J .NO n"" 4:~: RET • YES SlIF:ROUT I NF. 47/~. 477 20t~1 -?f1 TTMFR: TI MFR LBI COUNTfi /!I-,-, ...... " .... ";'-C>7 Oi) 1-:;I.RA 479 208 "'. .. I j AI::::C 4::::0 -;::0';' C:~: ,JF' -1 ; 640 I.J~:F'-:_ DELAY LOOP 20A 05 LD 0 ; COLJrJTO CONTENT:::; TO ACCU. 482 208 51 AISC .ADD 1 TO ACCU 4:~:1 4:=::~: -?fiC n1 ,._IF' r .F'1 4:=:~1 ;wn 07 xns 4:~:5 20F O~ I 4::::/:. ';;-,OF 51 ni.~. ; nF.CRF.:MFNT Tn COl INT 1 (l AT:=:C : Ann 1 TO (:'-11 tNT t 1 NOP 4:37 210 44 4:=:;3 -;: t 1 n ; STORE ZERO IN COUNTO 1.F'1- X 0 ; COl'lPARE COIINTFRS TO 4;=:9 212 3A iCOMPARE REGISTERS LD 0 4','0 21:::: 05 491 214 2C LSI CCIUNT1 4Q-, 215 21 :==.::E 4'7::::: 21l-. (:":-:O~. JMP TIMF.R :-:n I RT "~5 ;,£,19 0'" .. LO 496 21A 2D LBI COUNTO i 497 21.B 21 SKE : EQUAL.S COLINTO 4';>8 21C 6206 .jMP TIMER f'·:'.'J 499 --"-1 ~7: 21E 48 0 SKIP iNa. TRANSMIT SUBROUTINE TXMTT: COUNT (':OM~'l RET 500 501 21F 3B ;SKIP IF MOST SIGN_ LSI COMP1 IF l.EAST SIGN. COUNT INSTITUTE ANOTHER CYCLE 4,535,333 63 .;) 502 220 7'-' 64 . ST.l T 3 503 221 00 CLRA 504 222 3B LBI COMP1 505 223 44 NOP 506 224 LEI 9 ; :3ET EN::::= 1 • so= 1 AI:~:C ; 2FoOI JSEC. 336~1 507 226 51 INC 1: LOOP SOt;: 227 21 SKI:: 509 228 Eb ,JP INC1 510 229 20 SI<C ; TRAN:=:MTT A I.nOIe 1. ::::0=1 51 1 22A F::: .JP TRANSO ; TRAN:=;MTT A LOfiIC O. :~;O=O 512 22B :3B L.BI COMPI 513 22C 74 STIr 514 22D 3B LBI COMPI 515 22E 00 CLRA 516 22F 51 INC2: 4 ; 240 U:=:EC. ATSC 1 517 230 21 SKF. 518 231 EF .JP JNC2 519 232 48 LOOP RF.T 520 233 3:361 521. ;~:35 TRANSO: :38 ; :=:ET F.N;:::=CI LF.T L F: I r:Or'lP 1 522 2:=:.=.. 7:3 5:7!::: 2:::7 ::::8 LBt cnMP1 524 2:38 OCI CLRA e,-,e •. I .~ .. '. I ~':"~~:9 51 52{~, :/:~:A 21 ~::?7 ;':~:8 F';I .IF' 52:~: '~~:"?:C: 4:=: RF.·[ TNC3' I Nr::::: 5'29 ; RANDot1 Nl.Il'lr-:FR iiENFRATnR 5:~:O ; :=:FED r:nr·.n (:. J NFn l Nil, 1 1) 5:~:1 ; FOR A NFW FiANnOl'l rJIIMF:FR 5:::2 ; (0. 11) THRU (0. 14) 5:::::3 2::::[1 :::C RANDOM' TH;:~:; I (1. 1 'f) r;Ft,jFRATF.fI I:::: I.I::;F:D .,:;:=; .; ;::14:=: T:::; TN ANn :=:Tm~F[I TN LEI nDPNT 5::::4 2::::E 7F.: 5::::5 ~-:::::F 1A LF:J r-:U-::1 CO·-, 240 n~ Lfl () l ,.. l ••,,:.':'_ ,xnk 8TTS 1 AND 2 OF ELKl 4,535,333 66 65 ::::41 4F XA:,:; 5::=:::':: 24:? LiF X{1:=; 24::=: 02 XOR E::'".-, , ,.1·.:'1 5:~:'"i) 540 '244 :',:F L.F:T tJOII:::;F 541 245 0(" X 542 24/-, 0::;: :=;f::'ME: 7 ~54:::: 0 ,..IMP 247 1:,25E 544 24',1 (:0259 '? :~;UBIO ,..IMP :=;111:: 11 ::;;UE: 12' l..E:J nnPNT ~,t~·5 "?4E: :::::C 1::":"1.' '~;" ~1 r~': ,--, ~-~~ ,n 504" 2.41} SO ; :::;H I FT I.EFT F:LOCK::::; 1 THRIJ CSf,B . la~·r, 548 24E 1.5 Ln 1 549 24F 4F XA:::; 550 250 4F XA::; 55l 251 17 xns '-,r='-, 4E CBA 552 ...:.. .....1.:. 1;:'".:=- ..... 253 3C .........1 •.:. ; ENTRY .FOR THE LEAST iSIGNIFICANT BIT OF BLK4 LBI BDPNT 554 '254 26 X 555 255 50 CAB 556 2.56 1:::: SKMBZ 3 557 257 625E .JMP SUE:10 55:3 259 1A 21-,.1 ::::c :;;;UB1::=:·. 564 262 05 5(:.5 263 5tJ" 570 571 ; FnRCE LEAST SIGN. BIT ON LBJ BDPNT ;SHTFT REGISTER TO 1 () ...IP SUB14 ...IMP :::::LIB12 567 265 624B 569 ; XOR OPERATION = AI:::::C .,. '.' •.•.1•• 48 iSHIFT REGISTER TO 0 LBI 1 , 15 LD .,..,. ..1 264 E7 51:,::: 267 iFORCF LEAST SIGN. BIT ON 01':1) ::::;UF:lO: 51::.2 25F :::'::::::::':E ~ll:.:::: ; XOR OPERATION ...IMP :::::UBl:::: 6261 5/:.1 25E 1E =0 LBI 1 , 1 1 OBn :=;UBl 1 559 25A ::::::::3E 5/:.0 25C :7~ SUBl4: RET I I CONTINUE UNTIL FINISHED TERMINATE PROCESS 4,535,333 67 572 "COPYF\' T OHT 19(;:2 CHAMBERLAT N MAN! IF {4CTUf~ I NCi 57:::: 68 CORF'Of~iH ION. ALL R T f:;HT::;; Rr:::::;ERVFD" 575 576 577 END I claim as my invention: 1. Apparatus for controlling a receiver with a remote radio frequency transmitter comprising a first micro-· processor and a first memory means in said receiver for storing at least one address code, non-radio frequency transmitting means in said receiver, switch means for energizing said non-radio frequency transmitting means to transmit an address code, a non-radio frequency receiving means in said transmitter for receiving said address code, a second micro-processor and second memory means in said transmitter for storing said address code, radio frequency radiating means in said transmitter for radiating said address code, receiving means in said receiver for receiving said radio frequency radiated address code, said first micro-processor in said receiver comparing the received address code with the address code stored in said first memory, an output circuit energized by said comparing means when said addresses are the same, wherein said first memory means comprises a non-volatile memory and a programmable read only memory and said second memory means comprises a non-volatile memory and a programmable read only memory. 2. Apparatus according to claim 1 wherein said first micro-processor is programmed to operate as a pseudo random number generator to generate a plurality of different address codes to allow the address codes in said transmitter and receiver to be changed. 3. Apparatus according to claim 2 wherein said nonradio frequency transmitting means is a light radiator. 15 4. Apparatus according to claim 3 wherein said nonradio frequency receiving means in said transmitter is a light detector. 5. Apparatus according to claim 2 wherein said nonradio frequency transmitting means in said receiver is an electrical conductor. 20 25 6. Apparatus according to claim 4 wherein said address code comprises a serial binary code of pulse length modulated form of a plurality of word lengths. 7. Apparatus according to claim 6 wherein said address code contains a binary check block for indicating whether a correct signal has been received. 8. Apparatus according to claim 6 wherein said address code contains a binary synchronizing block for 30 synchronizing the transmitter and receiver. 9. Apparatus according to claim 6 wherein said address code contains a terminating block. 10. Apparatus according to claim 6 wherein said address code is repeated and each address code is separated by a blanking period. 11. Apparatus according to claim 2 including a first octal latch in said receiver which is connected to said first micro-processor. 40 12. Apparatus according to claim 2 including a second octal latch in said transmitter. 35 * * * * * 45 50 55 60 65

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