Rene Alvarez, et al v. USA
Opinion issued by court as to Appellants Rene Alvarez, Simone Alvarez, Anthony Anglada, Adam Arbitman, Jospeh Begley, Joseph Bendig, Dolores Benson, Brian Bonifant, Maura Bonifant, Lana Botelho, Robert Botelho, Ronald Branch, Jr., Rebecca Branum, Daniel Brown, Marcus Brown, Martha Brown, Cynthia E. Bush, Thomas Bush, III, John Cannon, Laura Cannon, Rachel J. Cannon, Julie Cashman, Michael Cashman, Bettina Catalano, Gena Cindric, Mary Cindric, Thomas Cindric, Nicklous Cooer, Clara Coront, Kurt Coront, Clara Cosgrove, John Cox, Wanda Cox, Kyle Craig, Michael Craw, Sharon Craw, Montye Crawford, Gladys Crespo, James T. Davidson, Mary Beth Davidson, Lori Davis, Weston Davis, Colette Dennehy, Barbara Devine, Robert Devine, James Dicaprio, Susan Donahue, Tracy Donahue, Frank R. Doyle, Jr., Gail Fagan, Joe Figueroa, Jacqueline E. Fruge, Wilfred Fruge, Kelly Galanos, Milton Galanos, Douglas Garner, Harold Garner, Laurie Garner, Jimmie C. Garza, Nancy L. Garza, Sandra Gilley, Sandra Goetz, David Grant, Lisa Grant, Ronald Grimes, Shigemi Grimes, Mark Hamlet, Theresa Hamlet, Sandra Hill, John Kelley, III, John Kelley, Jr., Kristine Kelley, Larry S. Klumb, Leanne M. Klumb, Edward Kohn, Gladys Kruskall, Keith Kruskall, Elsa Krutak, James Krutak, Joey Lenseigne, Loftus Children's Benefit Fund, Deborah Loftus-Errthum, Colleen Marchi, Robert Marchi, Anthony Marotta, Jean Marotta, Julie Marotta, Janice Martin, Karen Martin, Phillip M. Martin, Thomas Martin, Brian Miller, Kryssa Miller, Elaine Morgan, Elaine Morrison, Walter Morrison, Sean O'Brien, J. Andrew Osenhamer, Michael Parra, Kimberly Pribble, Jami Price, Mitchell L. Price, Brian Quirk, Victoria Quirk, Derek Ranger, Jennifer Ranger, Carol Reck, Richard Reck, Harry G. Richards, John Riley, Monica Riley, Michael J. Roselle, J. Andrew Rosenhamer, Michael Russo, Mary Salazar, Albert Schreiber, Jo Anne Schreiber, Rick Sell, Donald Shruhan, James Slater, Tamara Slater, Cynthia J. Smith, William L. Smith, Scott Snyder, Stephen Snyder, Deborah Sourini, Michael Stanton, Roberta Stanton, Andrew Thompson, Olivia Thompson, Kristine Tierney, Kathy Tilley, Mark Trouville, Mary Ellen Trouville, Nanette Van Gundy, Robert Van Gundy, Ronald Van Gundy, Robert Vance, James Woolley, Nancy Woolley, Ruth A. Zellers and Steven S. Zellers. Decision: Affirmed. Opinion type: Published. Opinion method: Signed. The opinion is also available through the Court's Opinions page at this link
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