Kristin Perry, et al v. Dennis Hollingsworth, et al

Filing 2

DOCKETED CAUSE AND ENTERED APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL. SEND CADS: No. The schedule is set as follows: Transcript due for Orig Clerk USDC, San Francisco on 12/08/2009. Certificate of record due 12/15/2009. Appellant Martin F. Gutierrez, Appellant Dennis Hollingsworth, Appellant Mark A. Jansson, Appellant Gail J. Knight, Appellant Proposition 8 Official Proponents, Appellant - Yes on 8, A Project of California Renewal and Appellant Hak-Shing William Tam opening brief due 01/25/2010. Appellee Paul T. Katami, Appellee Lavender Seniors of the East Bay, Appellee Our Family Coalition, Appellee Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Appellee Kristin M. Perry, Appellee Sandra B. Stier and Appellee Jeffrey J. Zarrillo answering brief due 02/23/2010. Appellant's optional reply brief is due 14 days after service of the answering brief. [7091801] (GR)

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K r i s t i n Perry, et al v. Dennis Hollingsworth, et al D o c . 2 Att. 2 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS F O R THE NINTH CIRCUIT F IL E D OCT 13 2009 M O L L Y C . D W YE R , C LE R K O F C O U R T U . S . C O U R T OF APPE A L S K R IS T IN M. PERRY; SANDRA B. S T IE R ; PAUL T. KATAMI; JEFFREY J. Z A R R IL L O , Plaintiffs - Appellees, v. A R N O L D SCHWARZENEGGER, in his o f f ic ia l capacity as Governor of California; E D M U N D G. BROWN, Jr., in his o ffo icial capacity as Attorney General of C alifo rn ia; MARK B. HORTON in his o fficial capacity as Director of the C alifo rn ia Department of Public Health & S tate Registrar of Vital Statistics; L IN E T T E SCOTT, in her official capacity as Deputy Director of Health Information & Strategic Planning for the California D ep artm en t of Public Health; PATRICK O 'C O N N E L L , in his official capacity as C lerk -R eco rd er for the County of A lam ed a; DEAN C. LOGAN, in his o f f ic ia l capacity as RegistrarR eco rd er/C o u n ty Clerk for the County of L o s Angeles, Defendants, and P R O P O S IT IO N 8 OFFICIAL P R O P O N E N T S ; DENNIS H O L L IN G S W O R T H GAIL J. KNIGHT; M A R T IN F. GUTIERREZ; HAK-SHING W I L L IA M TAM MARK A. JANSSON; N o . 09-17241 D .C . No. 3:09-cv-02292-VRW N o r th e r n District of California, S a n Francisco T IM E SCHEDULE ORDER PROTECTMARRAIGE.COM - YES ON 8 , A PROJECT OF CALIFORNIA RENEW AL, Defendant-intervenors A p p e lla n ts , v. O U R FAMILY COALITION; L A V E N D E R SENIORS OF THE EAST B A Y PARENTS, FAMILIES, AND F R IE N D S OF LESBIANS AND GAYS, Plaintiff-intervenors A p p e lle e s . T h e parties shall meet the following time schedule: T u e., December 8, 2009 C o u rt reporter shall file transcript in the district court, p u rsu an t to FRAP 11(b) and 9th Cir. R. 11-1.1; A p p ellan t/p etitio n er's opening brief and excerpts of reco rd shall be served and filed pursuant to FRAP 32 an d 9th Cir. R. 32-1; T h e brief of appellee/respondent shall be filed and s er v e d , pursuant to FRAP 32 and 9th Cir. R. 32-1 M o n ., January 25, 2010 T u e., February 23, 2010 T h e optional appellant/petitioner reply brief shall be filed and served within fo u rteen days of service of the appellee/respondent's brief, pursuant to FRAP 3 2 and 9th Cir. R. 32-1. F a ilu re of the appellant to comply with the Time Schedule Order will result in a u t o m a t ic dismissal of the appeal. 9th Cir. R. 42-1 Appellants/Petitioners without representation of counsel in a prisoner appeal m a y have their case submitted on the briefs and record without oral a rg u m en t, pursuant to FRAP 34(a). Within 10 days of the filing of the a p p ella n t's opening brief, parties may file a statement setting forth the rea so n s why, in the opinion of the parties, oral argument should be heard. F O R THE COURT: M o lly C. Dwyer C le rk of Court G e ra ld Rosen D e p u ty Clerk

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