Franklin v. Apple, Inc. et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against all defendants ( Filing fee $350 receipt number 11280000000000850736, Online Credit Card Payment), filed by Clyde Bernard Franklin. (Penton, Ronnie) (Additional attachment(s) added on 10/29/2009: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet) (eec).

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Franklin v. Apple, Inc. et al Doc. 1 Att. 1 bJS 44 (Rev- 12.i07) CIVIL COVER SHEET oq-1Dq ^ C ont ine cL TheJS44civilcoversheeta|ldtheif[onnatiotlcontainedtlercinneitherrop|accnorsupp|ementthelineandser byloca1ru|esofcourt,This|orm,approvedbytheJudicialconferenceoftheUnitedSiatesjnSeptembErl974,isrcqrrid the clvrl docker sheet. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON TllE REVERSE OF TllE FORlvt.) L {a) PLAINTIFFS Clyde Bernard Franklin, individually, and oR behalf of'sirnilarly situated individuals Apple, [nc. and AT&T Mobilitti, L.L,O, Countyofg6i6"oeeofFirsflistedDefendant (b) Counry ofltesidenee of Firsi Listecl (EXCEPT rN rJ,$. Plaintiff MObite CA$ES) Santa Clara Cauntx rLArNrrr (rN u.s. PLAtNIrPF CASES ONLg NOTE! . t3i{ LANS COND!:MNATION CASES, USA',fl.lE LOCeriOX,Or tHr TANDINVOLVAD, (C) dttorney:s.1finn Nnne; A{dress; end Tetephone,ltumbet) Attom$s.(tfKnoqi) Ronnie G. Pentcn, 209 Hoppen Place, Bogalusa, Louigiana 70421; (qgq7 II. BAS'IS OF JURISDICTION Place*"x" ct3 fg{eq! Qqqgtlq.$ inone,aoxorrty) ilI. CITIZI'NSHIP O$ ]RINCIPAL PARTIE$0t&e:qu,'x" (fnr Diiorsity Cmix Otrl.y} in onc Bbx fot pliintiff tnd One Box for Defendant) U-S. odvemruc,tt -phirm' {U,S. Oovornme{t Not s P{rIy} Cifrril oFTfrisStite Citizen.of Aootlri 81aic lTT Xl 02 03. DlT tr I llsorForntedd/PrinsJ$alPlaeg of Businqss tn This.Stnie, PT9 OEF d 4 04 a2 1.,.S. OoYmmena [l4 Dlveroity (fndicate Citianship oflnrties in Itern Doldanl 0 ? lncdrpodedandPtllaipalPlffis t 5 of Businrsr.ln Anothet Slate Ul 5 III) Citizen or'$u$oci oia tr 3 ndreigrNntibtr g 6 n6 ft t l0 Inr0rrlla* f,l i20 MBri[e g 130 MitlcrAot lJ, I 40 Ngotitble lostrulaent et |50rRaovery of 0vrjtsyrro|lt & &rforcemen al 151 MrdisoAct Def{irltel $hrdent Loans U 152 &bco"ery of 0 tr F D D {cxci, Vetlrst$) 153 Rcovery of.'Otrpsyrnent of Veterarirs Bele.its 160 Stocklolders' Sllits l90OllicrC{rb{et 195 Conhact Ploduca Li8bility Airplme I 3ri2'Persorrl lnjury 315 A.irplnne Prodnct Med. Malpnctied Liabillty fl 3fsPtrsoirsllnjury Prodlotllebility S2oAsraulr tibellt Slander 0 368 Asbestos9erorirl 330 FederelSnployers' ldtrylPitiluoa Liability Liability PERSONALPITOIERTY !40Marine ,3?0 O0re.rffaud 345 Mtrihe,t'mduot D Lia}itity d xuTnltliir'Lrrldirig MstorVeticle tl 3S00tlicrPenolral MotcrVehiclc FropedyDamage Product Liabllity D 385 Property Dm{ge ProdtrctLintlility 0 360 Otber Prsonal 3l0 441Volitrg 442 Einliloyncrt 443 lafli$inef 510,Mdiion*. ti) Vocatc. Sdnfeloo ?DRSONAI,TNJURY PERSONALINJUBY 6?0 Other FGod.& Dnrg D f2s.Dng Relattd Sei:rurc of}itleltt, ?1 USC 8Er lJ ,630 Liqror Laws 640 R.R. &Tnrck I 400 Stnte Rcftpportionmnt 410 Antltnist Brnl$:andBa*i[g {,{! Conqeno 430 il il t-6J0.Aiiihd Reg$. :6600$cuf*liotUl Sqfcv/Health ll fl I 8J0 lererrt S40Tndcmnrl< 460Dcpottation 470 Rddaetcet lnfluesoeat snd C.oir|pt OBani?ati0{r{ 480'Consumcr Credit 4!0,CibldsnlIV 81.0 Aat rl.tbor/M. grtt. Relsli{nr 730 L4bor/l\,lgmt.Reporting 724 E O o 86r lnA{r395f0 86?BlaokLung(923) 863 DIwC/DlwW (405(9) 864 SSID'l'itle XVI Sqlqetive.Scroica S50.Sccrrritiedcomnrodiiics/ Exchnnge 875 Cr$tonerehalbnge t2 usc 3410 i'90 Other Stf,tutory .l,ctions 891 AgliedtumlAots 892 Esnomie Sttbilizdtion Aet t96 Frenchise &Disclosnrc:1{6l ?40 .Railw*yrtnbor Aoi or Defendanr) 871 IR$---Tldrd?arly 26USC ?609 210 Land Condcmnation 220 F6rcldsilre 230 Renf l*rie.&:Ejechatrt at 240 Torts to Lelld O 245 Ton Product t;iability 0'290 All Otlrcr R*al Propcrty fl l3 ?90 olhsr,Lnbor Litigation 791 Em?l.Ret, l$c; 89.3 Sriiroliue[tal Mfl 894 Ercrgy Allocalion.Ast 8-95 Fredom Acemmoditiors 444Welfare 445.Amer, dDisabililies Einploymcnt 446 Amer, dDisabilitios - llabBqr Corpss: 530 Celcrol 535 Bc&ih l,tualty 940 Mdrdamu$ & Qthcr 550 Civil Rig&ts 535 ftkon Cofidltion tea{tity,Act of lnfof, nation g Act r0oApJ,eal.sf Fee Detennfustiiln Under..Equal Accw lo Jtrslicc ?50 Conilitutirtndlily oJ Staie slfltutsg orhei 4{0 Olhsr Civil Rightl Y. OAIGIN & I Original. rroceeorng fl (Place an 2 Renroved fronr n State Court 'X" in Ore B{x 0nly) 3 Remanded from Appailate Court fl 4Reinslritedor Roolened D 5 il 6 Mlltidistriei 'O Litigatisn to Distriol 7 VI. CAUSE OF ACTION REQU 3:C9l$i{ $99,: under which you are filing (Do not clte iuiisdicllornl stafules unlcss rllvcrslty): }CMAND$ UNDERT.R.C:P.23 (See iruaurtlons): CIIECK YES onty ifdemanded in JURY COMPLAINTT VIX]I. RSLATED CAS.E(S) DEMAND: d Yes CI No IFANY D0CKBTNUMBER MDL 0S-21 16 RECEII}T.# AMOUNT APPLYING IFI' MA6,ruDGE

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