Carter v. Rudinplay, Inc.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against Rudinplay, Inc. ( Filing fee $400 receipt number 1128-2194355, Online Credit Card Payment), filed by Tonja B. Carter. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Civil Cover Sheet) (Lembke, Matthew) (Additional attachment(s) added on 3/13/2018: # 4 Civil Cover Sheet) (tgw).

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lB-CU- I tl-,.!SJS44 (Rev.06n7) CIVIL COVER SHEET iurpose of''initiaring the civil docket sheet. (S]aE INS'/IRUCIIONS ON Nlixl' PAGli o]t 'I HIS R)ltM) I. (a) PLAINTIFFS DIIFENDANTS Tonja B. Carler, in her capactiy as Personal depresentative of the Estate of Nelle Harper Lee (b) (c) I'laintiff ltSrySe 9oLl4y-A!9!gmC County of i{esidence of First i-isted (EXCIrI'|',IN U.S. PLNN1 Attornevs (Firu ll:t Attorlleys Nome, Atldrass, orul'l alephotc Nilmbcr) BASIS OF JURISDICTION DI C} U.S. Goverrunent 3 Plaintiff 1r'tu"e on Rudinplay, lnc. New York, New County of Resiclence o{ First Listed Defendant (IN T!.5. PLAINIl},\: (:ASES ONI-Y) NOTE: IN LAND CONDEMNATION CASE-S. USE TIIE LOCATION OF TTIE TRACT OF I-AND INVOI.,VED- C:ASIIS) tUdt(trew H. lembke, Jeffrey [\il. Anderson, Ellen Presley Proctor; Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP, 1819 Fifth Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35203, (205) 521-8000 II. B (lJ York Knovn) Jonathan Zavin; Loeb & Loeb LLP, 345 Park Avenue, New York, NY 2A154: (212) 407-4161 III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES Otdce dn "x" in onc tloxltr I'taintiJf and Onc Box-fit- I)efendant) 0;or Dn'ertit)t (.hses (hrlt) I'1-r DElr PTI| DEF 3 4 J 4 Citizen of'l'his State fX t 13 I Incoqroratetl or Princ\ral Place "x" inore Boxotltt) Federal Question (,!.5. Governnrcnt Nol a P.tfly) ofBusiness In This State O 2 E4 U.S. Govemnent oiversity Citizetr ofAtrother Citizetr or Subjeot IV. NATURE O O O 0 D D c( 0 0 ll I ofa D3 tl 3 ,l -s ds lncorporated ard Pliflcipal Place ofBusiness [n .Another State fioreign Nation 36 36 BAN.KIII IP'TCI, PI'RSONAI, INJURY 0 120 Marine 130 Miller Act 140 Negotiable lrstrument 150 ltecovery ofoYeryayment O 310 Airylane 315 Airplane Product O Liability 0 151 N,IedictroAct 152 Reoovery ofDefaulted Student l,oans (Excludes Veterans) 153 Recovery ofOverpaylrent ofvetemn's Benefits 160 Stockholdets' Suits 190 other clontract 195 Contact Product Liability 196 Franchise D 320 Assault, Libel & Slander 330 Federal Ernployers' fl 340 Mrine 345 Maritre Product t,iability il O 350 Motor Vehicle 355 Motor Vehicle Product I"iability 360 Other Personal il 362 Personal O 365 Personal L{ury Product l.iability 367 l'{calth Care/ n 368 Asbestos Personal Injuy Product O O Ittjury lfiury O 720 Labor'/h4anagement Relations D 740 Raihvay Labor Aot 751 tanily zurd Medical Leave Act LJ 790 Other L,abor L,itigation ll lkrduct Liability Mediol Maloractice D O 210 L,and Condemnation 220 Foreclosure 230 Rent Lease & Ejectnent 240 Torts to L,and 245 Tort I'roduct Liability 290 A1l 0ther Real Property 440 Other Civil Rights 441 Voting i 442 Employment O 443 Ikrusinl Accornmodations 445 Arner. w/Disabilities il 3 f] Emplo)anent 446 Amer. w/Disabilities Other 448 Educatior Ill n 79I EmployeB Rettemeflt Ilabeas Corpusl 463 Alien Detairrce 510 Motions to Vacate D D D l, D 863 DIWC/DIWW (40s(g)) 864 SSID Title X\il 86s RSI (40s(g)) 3 8?0'l'axes (U.S. Ptsinti{T or Detbndart) 871 IRS-Third I'arty I 5 i'l D 3 3 ,l I 0ther: fl D ,A.ntitrust Banks and Banking Cornrnerce Deportalion Rackcteer Influenced md Cotrupt Orgmizations 480 Consursr Credit 896,{rbitration 899 Adrninistrativc Procedure .ActlReview or Appeal of Agency Decision 950 Constitutionaliry ol State Statutes 462 Naturzrlization Applicatkrn 540 Mandannrs & Otlrer 550 Civil Rights ))) Pnson (lurdrhon 56Cl Civil Detainee - l0 430 450 460 470 Act 26 tJSC 7609 530 General 535 Death Penalty 4 490 Cableisat TV 850 SecuritieJComrnoditiesl Exchange 890 Other Statutory Actions 891 ,Agricnltural Acts :-l 893 Environlnental Matte$ 895 lrreedorr of Inlbfl nation ESNNPAT- TAY RItrTS Ircome Security Act Sentetrce fl n 3 3 U S62BlackLung(923) Act Property Darnage 385 Property Datnage 861 l.lrA (139511) 375 False (llairrrs Act 376 C)ui'Iam (31 USC 3'129(t\)) a-l 400 State Rcapportkrnment 840 I'rademark ft I f, .:.saG[4&spsgEIDL- 3 ?10 Fair Labor 3S0OtherPersonal 820 Copydghts l]30 Patetrt 835 l'atent - Abbreviat€d 3 370 Other Fraud 371 thrth inLendirg 0 422 Appeal 28 USC I 58 423 Withdrawal 28 USC 1 s7 New Drug Applioation Liability PERSONAI, PROPERTY lf J il I {] 3 625 Drug Related Seizue ofl'roperty 2l USC 881 690 Other Phmaceutical l'ersonal lnjury Product t,iability D Liability O 0 3 ',-IIJTI, RII:IITS D D O D O 2 Click here for: PI,RSONAI, INJTIRY & Rlforcement of D 3 2 un "X" iu One []ox SUIT fJ I l0 Insurmce D State (lnd,catc Citkcnship o{Pdrties in lteilt IIA Defendant 465 Other lnurigration Actions Couditions of Confinemetrt v. ORIGIN xr (Plece Original ail D Proceedrng "x' 2 in One Box Onls) Removed from slate couft n3 Remanded frorn Appellate Court IJ 4 Reinstated or B Reopened Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing VI. CAUSE OF ACTION 1Do 5 'I'ransfened frorn 3 6 Another District lvtultidistrict t,itigation Transler t.itigation - l)ircct !'ile not citeJiltis{lictional statiltes unless diversit!): Brief description of cause ance with contractual VTI. REQUESTED IN COMPLAINT: YIII. RELATED CASE(S) III ANY CHECK IF THIS IS A CT,ASS Z\CTION UNDER RUl-El 23, F.R.Cv.P. (See DtrMAND ions CHECK YES only if demanded tn complairtt: $ JLIRY instruction.t): DIiMAND: 3 Yes XNo DOCKET NTJMBER .TUDGE SIGNATLIRE OF ATTORNEY OF RECORD DATE /s/ Matthew H. Lembke 03t13t2018 I'UIT UFI'ICII UJb UI\LY RII.CEIP # J 8 Multidistricl AMOTJNI' APPI-YINC IT.P JUDGL: MAG. JUDCts

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