Barnes v. Olson et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against 2011 Homestead Web, Alaska Moose, Blue Diamond Webs, Ron Davis, Grow More, and Gary Olson, filed by Mi'chelle A. Barnes. (Attachments: # 1 Attachment)(TYM, COURT STAFF)

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. Certificate of Registration FORM VA For a Wol't( of the VIsual Arts t • · · - ....,..-reo l'nDVQit:li-IT OFRCE This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title q, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records . ~~gh~~" 1. PREVIOUS OR ALTERNA: VA 1-430-666 111111111111111 -·~ EFFECTl~F REGiSTHATTON JAN 08 ZDOI ECONTINUATION SHEET. of Ame<i" TilLES Y Publkllllonu a Ccntrllmtl011 lflltit 'Jllllrlr wu published as a amrribullnn 10 1 f"!!''odiW. serial, fll C'OIIeelkln, p - · - ··-- - --- ~a~tod. --~<AilHiheW••kY · --- illfDIIIIIIIioll aboultbe a.lltdlve wort in whkh the - ·- - - - - - - · · · - - · - - - - -·- -- ·-··· -- ·-- ··--- - - - - - -- -- Jr pibllsbcd in a pcrlodk;al or ICrial pc: Volame 'Y NAME OF AUTHOR~'\' 2 ~ a~ 1 fL. • lllutDateY Numbei'Y DATES OFJJIRTH AND DEA'I11 Year Born 'Y Year Died 'Y __ zrwc ~ Wa dlit conlribulloa w lhc Wllltl; a NOTE .......... liiiW w hi~"t Under 11M law, lhe "Buthclt" of •"-rkmade far lllra"la Qell11111lly lilt omp~ay«, not the amployM liM l11111UC• lioBIJ, For lilY part a! Dill NATURE OF AtJTRORSBIP CbL!Ck eppropriale bas(es). 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OFFICE USE ONLY " DO NOT WRrTE ABOVE THIS UNE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE CONTINUAnoN SHEET. • · a : ,..snnnn 1 1 ar• MMJ'Iftr- , _ PREVIOUS REOJSTBATION Has lqlislmtlon for 1h£s v.'OCk. ot rot 1111 =tkr ~oo of 1b1t work. already bcaiiiWio iD die Copyrig):t Otlb? g Yrv g No If )'0'11' aBSWU ill"'''cat wby ill anolbcr J'Oftllllriml bcl!IJ M!Jhl1 ~Cilcl;t aPJ'NIIriale boll.) T a. a 'll!ia is lhc fin;( publiMc:d lldluon of a \VOlt prrvlowly roaimn:d In uopvblisllod form. b. a 'n!Ja Ia :be lilllippliCiliOII M!Dfncd by ddt Glllbot AS copytlsill cl4lnlant, o This 11a ~ vtlsion ar lhc Wdllc,as sbOW1I by spaco 6llll ftll& BllPficalkln. If )'0111' &DSWct is HYca,• af,vo: ~ ~oa NUlllbec,. •"· ===· 5 c. P'7 FDC'M $'~ aad :5b Cora doriVIIlve WO<t;CSGlpleleOllly 6b!oracompilatloa. a. J'moJclltlna Malftill IdonittY apy praoxllrlfts work or warka lha:lbl&lllott II basod on ,.lncorp>rans, Y SU U DERIVATIVE WORK OR COMPll.ATION 6 Cocnpl~ bolh II*'! 61 ZlbllDIJ% W b. Material Added to'lb!J Work Olvc a brleC, £eMr~l s1WIIICII1 of :he aw.rialth21 hu lleell added :o :hls"Rft IIIII In 10blch COf'7l'lghtlsclalmcd,.,. b DEPOSIT ACCOIJNT lftb8 ~ ~!lito bodllfpi ro a Dqxall A=n•ult iUiabllshed !o tilt Cop)'rlgtl 01llc!. &lYe name 111111 numllu ot ACceullt. N1111e-,. Accollal Number,. -------------------------------------------------------a CORll£SPONDENCE Om norao ~ ed!lr>:N towhleb ~llllt aboor lhb appliallion Jhould be ICIIL N~/t\dd~C9<f/Api/City~P ... -1\1..i WM e. It, /!) ll..V t1t.S !1-0~l Dtbow ~~' -A-~r~,-A-K. q1Srfo 1 ~-= 7 b $ a•whot - -------------~~~~~~~0~~~-~~~~~~~ -~~nt~---------------------------~~F----+-----­ ~ of e>dllsl\'9 righl(s) 0 authorlzftt agent of::=-::-:-:=-:~-=----=-~-:--:----:---,-..,-­ Nameorad>ot«-~-.or-ot-...o~A of the '1\'0rk.ldcmtl&d In lhla application and. Ill at the &tale!Mnts mllde by IIIC'DI ~ appllm!on ore correct to the best of my lr.nuwledgt., \'1:11 D datr ar publiCtlon In ~pace 3, do nat A,srt and submit it behue that datv. ~~-~-- Ox~.~ Certificate wiHbe mailed In window . envelope to U,lt 9 addraas: ... I First published 03/1211990 by the Anchorage Daily News then picked up by the AP; Christian Science Monitor; New York Times and Gamma Liason Agency, NY, NY who represented world-wide publications. May 10,2009 Gary Olson, Chai1man Alaska Moose Federation 7133 Arctic Boulevard #13 Anchorage, AK 99518 Infringement of Copyright Settlement Agreement- Due Upon Receipt Confidential Copyright Settlement Agreement between Gary Olson, Chairman of Alaska Moose Federation & Mi 'chelle A. Barnes, Photographer & Copyright Owner Unauthorized Images Willfully Used Without Prior Contract And I Or Prior Authorization: • "Stand Off' Moose v Alaska Railroad Train (Aerial Photograph- Image Published World-wide) • Moose Running Down Railroad Tracks (Aerial Shot- Image Published in Alaska & United States) These images were produced as part ofthe Save The Moose campaign in the winter of 1989-90. Total Due Upon Receipt: $15,000Type of Unauthorized Use(s) - Factors Affecting the Price oflmages Access to Material (Unauthorized use on Moose Federation website, newsletters and letterhead. Gary Olson stated that, "I copied the images from the Alaska Railroad Website and Alaska Railroad Annual Report.") Aerial Photographs (Risk, Uniqueness & Difficulty (additional 50%)) Commerce Use- Unauthorized Use to Solicit Memberships of individuals, families, Corporate Sponsors, Guides & Outfitters on Letterhead, Newsletters and on the Moose Federation Website Exclusive, One-of-A-Kind Image That Can Not Be Duplicated (additional 50%) Failure to Give Photo Credit (triple fee for failure to provide photo credit) Failure to Protect Images on Website from Reproduction Distribution oflmages & Use Included Viewing on World Wide Web Length of Unauthorized Use- Four Years Public Relations Use for Moose Federation (Unauthorized No Prior Contract) Risk to Get Image (Risk, Uniqueness & Difficulty (additional25%)) Size(s) oflmages Used Uniqueness of the Image Value of the Image to the Client (Uniqueness, Historical Value, One-of-A-Kind Image) Wildlife in Natural Environment (Risk, Uniqueness & Difficulty (additional20%)) Note: Failure to keep the terms of this Copyright Settlement Agreement confidential, between the two parties stated regarding the unauthorized use of the images stated above indefinitely, will void this Copyright Settlement Agreement and will breach the terms and conditions of this settlement where by Mi'chelle A. Barnes, Copyright Owner & Photographer, will move forward with full legal action against Gary Olson, the Alaska Moose Federation and its board members for breach of contract in Federal Court under the Copy Right Act of 1976. Full damages will be sought up to and including full attorney legal fees, Statutory Damage Awards of up to $100,000-, Per Infringement, Per Image, and will attach punitive damages 2021 Oxbow Circle for damage to personal and professional reputation in the amount of$350,000-. Anchorage, AK 99516 USA This Copyright Settlement Agreement is made exclusively between Gary Olson, Chairman of the Alaska Moose Federation only and Mi'chelle A. Barnes, Photographer & Copyright Owner. (907) 522.8339 P&F (907) 250.7575 Cell E: grizzly E: May 17, 2009 ff!t" Gary Olson, Chairman Alaska Moose Federation Conservation Fund Inc. 7133 Arctic Boulevard # 13 Anchorage, AK 99518 & Gary Olson (Residence) 3320 Windlass Circle Anchorage, AK 99516 The enclosed copies, samples and examples are enclosed to illustrate the following charges : The Alaska Moose Federation Conservation Fund Inc. herein referred to as AMF, it' s officers and Board of Directors otherwise referred to as "AMF Advisory Board," ofthe 50l(c)(3) Non-profit, identified with a Federal Tax Identification numbers as TIN# 42-1552446 are in violation of the Federal Copyright Act of 1976; and may also be in violation of Federal and State Ethics laws governing non-disclosure and conflict of interest(s); if any of the AMF Advisory Board members failed to report their relationship under the Federal Ethics law and if they failed to disclose this relationship to avoid any conflict of interest in financially supporting and directing Federal, State and Municipal public funds that may have been utilized and/or granted for AMF projects proposed and/or executed; for any property owned by the Anchorage Municipality and State of Alaska which may have been exchanged or granted to AMF and GMM without prior and complete public disclosure as required by law. (See AMF and GMM website print outs which shows the link (to Board of Directors which navigates to the "AMF Advisory Board" aka "Board of Directors.") !f!tF AMF ADVISORY BOARD U.S. Senator Ted Stevens U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski U.S. Congressman Don Young Governor Frank Murkowski Lieutenant Governor Loren Leman Senator Gene Therriault Senator Ben Stevens Senator Con Bunde Senator John Cowdery Senator Lyman Hoffman Senator Lyda Green Senator Ralph Seekins Senator Thomas Wagoner Senator Fred Dyson Senator Charlie Huggins Senator Gary Wilken Representative Pete Kott Representative John Coghill, Jr. Representative Mary Kapsner Representative Lesil McGuire Representative Nancy Dahlstrom Wasilla Mayor Dianne Keller Denali Borough Mayor David Talerico Fairbanks North Star Borough Mayor Jim Whittaker Nenana Mayor Jason Mayrand Tom Harris CEO Alaska Village Initiative Myron Naneng President, Association of Village Council Presidents KENI Radio Talk Show Host Rick Rydell Retired Alaska State Biologist Bud Burris Retired Alaska State Biologist Sterling Eide Range Scientist, Bill Collins Forester Glen Holt Veterinarian Del Seeba oard of Directors Advertising Copynght © 2000- Al aska Moose Federation An chora ge, Al aska Site Design by To illustrate that Gary Olson, AMF, GMM and its AMF Advisory Board willfully and egregiously violated Mi'chelle A. Barnes' copyright work products, note that the copy above of AMF & GMM's website shows that Gary Olson, AMF, GMM & it's Advisory Board Members were clearly aware of the act, and consequences of violating the Federal Copyright Act would be enforced by stating, "Copyright© 2000 Alaska Moose Federation, Anchorage, Alaska,"and further incumbered the independent business agent, "Blue Diamond Webs" and the Alaska Railroad Corporation website and annual report where Olson admits copying Barnes' photographs. f{fF Page2 1) (See copy of AMF Alaska Highway Safety Office Grant Application dated 09.14.2006 which shows under "Restr iction of State Lobbying:" "RESTRICTI ON ON STATE LOBBYIN G Non e of t he funds und er t his program will be used for a ny acti vi ty spec ifi ca lly design ed t o urge or influ ence a State or local leg islator to fa vor or op pose t he adoption of any spec ific legi slative proposa l pe nding before any State or local leg islat ive body. Such activities incl ud e bot h direct and ind irect (e.g., "grass roots") lob byin g acti vities, with one exception. This does not preclude a State official whose salary is supported with NHTSA funds from engaging in direct communications with State or local legislative officials, in accordance with customary State practice, even if such communications urge legislative officials to favor or oppose the adoption of a specific pending legislative proposal." Unless each Federal & State AMF Advisory Board Member "is supported with NHTSA funds ," they are other-wise prohibited from direct and/or indirect favor supporting these programs, legislation proposals, actions and/or funding without prior disclose of possible conflict of interest and may be in violation of Ethics laws. "Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fa ils to fi le the required certification shall be subject to a civi l pena lt y of not less t ha n S1o,ooo a nd not more than S1oo,ooo for each such fa ilure." 2) Gary Olson, Chairman aka President & CEO of AMF and the Grow More Moose Organization (GMM) willfully and egregiously copied and utilized the works of art and photographic work product(s) owned by professional photographer, Mi'chelle A. Barnes, aka Grizzly Classics of Alaska in violation of the Federal Copy Right Act of 1976. AMF Alaska Highway Safety Office Grant Application dated 09.14.2006 shows that Olson certainly had knowledge of unauthorized use of other work products owned by NHTSA & AHSO, see below: "C. Copyright: The Alaska Hig hway Safety Office and the U.S. Department of Transportation reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, for State or federal government purposes: (1) the copyright in any work developed under a grant, sub'grant, or contract undefifgrant or sub grant; and (2} any rights of copyright to which a grantee, sub grantee, or a contractor purchases ownership with grant support." Additionally the e-mail dated March 23, 2oog, from Gary Olson to Mi'chelle Barnes states, "Hello again, this is not one of the primary contacts for Discovery for us but I am send ing yo u all correspondence with them as well as the release I signed and faxed to them. Thanks, Gary" "ACQUIRED FOOTAGE I STILL PHOTOGRAPH LICENSE" Film Footage Video Footage Still Photograph D D D T~ese exa111ples show that G~ry Ols~n "ha~ lmowledge qfaccepted ind~stry standards and legal requirements ofprotected·work products and copyrighted .property·but failed to follow the law. 3) Gary Olson, AMF & GMM utilized "Stand Off' Moose v Alaska Railroad and an aerial shot taken of a Moose running down the railroad tracks without prior license and/or prior permission of the professional photographer, Mi 'chelle A. Barnes and copied these photographic works in a protected work product belonging to the Alaska Railroad Corporation and to the photographer, Mi'chelle A. Barnes. ., f(f" Page3 4) Gary Olson, AMF Advisory Board Members, AMF & GMM utilized these images for the purposes of advertising; membership fund raising; solicit Corporate Sponsorships; newsletters; and public relations use to better and advance AMF & GMM actions, purposes, programs and projects of the AMF and Grow More Moose Organization. Deadline: It would be with deep personal regret, if Gary Olson fails to meet the deadline below, legal action would have to commence to collect payment and make me made whole. As Gary Olson noted May 13, 2009, we each want to purse using our lives and personal gifts to raise awareness of Moose Conservation and Mitigation. It is a personal mission that I and my Mother, Rep. Ramona Barnes (Speaker of the House) commenced with the Save the Moose effort during the winter of 1989-90. As I explained to Gary on May 13, 2009, proceeds from the sales of my photographic works provide for my financial support which is especially essential to me because I do not have a spouse supporting my financial needs like him. It is my sincere hope that the Infringement of Copyright Settlement Agreement Invoice will be paid by May 21, 2009 by 5:00p.m. to avoid having to publically purse Federal legal action. All AMF & GMM financial organization assets, banking deposits, income statements and IRS Tax Returns from 01.01.2000 to current, will be subpoenaed. Gary Olson, AMF & GMM claim to be "an educational non-profit" however, AMF has actively sought city, state & federal grant funding for "Moose Mitigation" efforts which the AMF Newsletters show includes 'grooming' with Snow Cats. ALASKA MOOSE FEDERATION CONSERVATION FUND INC (C/o GARY W OLSON) PO BOX 23 1028 Educational Organization ( Wildlife Preservation, Protection) 0 5/ 2 00 3 Gary Olson received from Mi'chelle A. Barnes an invoice due immediately upon receipt entitled, "Infringement of Copyright Settlement Agreement- Due Upon Receipt," dated May 10, 2009 on May 13, 2009 in Barnes' home. Deadline for full payment of$15,000 in a cashier's check made payable to Mi'chelle A. Barnes or Grizzly Classics of Alaska, is due by May 21, 2009 by 5:00p.m. If full payment is received by May 21,2009 by 5:00p.m., Mi'chelle A. Barnes' attorney will commence full legal action and pursue all legal avenues up to and including full legal action against Gary Olson, the Alaska Moose Federation, AMF & GMM Advisory Board members for unauthorized use of copyrighted works owned by the photographer, Mi'chelle A. Barnes, in Federal Court under the Copy Right Act of 1976. Each "AMF Advisory Member" (listed above), AMF Board Members, AMF Statewide Moose Safety Task Force Members- Southcentral Coordinator Chairperson Dianne Keller, Wasilla City Mayor;- Interior Coordinator Co-Chair David Talerico Denali Borugh Mayor; - Rural Alaska Coordinator Director Charles Parker, Secretary CEO of Alaska Village Initiatives;- Native Corporation Coordinator Director Tom Harris CEO of Tyonek Native Corporation; - State Safety Coordinator Director Mary Schrage Statewide PTA Advocate; -Biologist Coordinator Director Bud Burris Retired ADF&G Moose Biologist; -Forestry Coordinator Director Owen Graham Exec. Director of Alaska Forest Assoc;- Veterinarian Coordinator Director Dr. Del Seeba Doctor of Veterinary Medicine wHJJj~ §erv¢«1 with an individual copy of the lawsuit and will be subject to responding to the co.mplailiti.n F~ller~r€outt AMF Board of Directors that will receivec indi.Viduatcopy. f.the Federal Complaint are as follows: an o Gary Olson, Chairman; Greg Roczitka, Co~Ch2\irf ':PaulBauer,'ilirector; Dr. Mich-~el Ellenberg, Director; Phil Reid; Director; & P.J. Simon, Director. A copy of this may be sent to the Alaska Railroad Corporation and to Blue Diamond Web Designs as a third party. .. \. f{f' Page4 Full civil, punitive and compensatory damages will be sought up to and including full attorney legal fees, Copy Right Statutory Damage Awards of up to $100,000-, per Infringement, per Image, and will attach punitive damages for damage to personal and professional reputation in the amount of $350,000-. Additionally triple civil damages will be sought due to the willful and egregious acts by Gary Olson, AMF & GMM and its failure not to make the photographer and copyright owner whole even though as an officer Gary Olson copyrighted the photographic works, he acted to steal Barnes' copyrighted property and conceal his actions without financial compensation to the owner with full knowledge of the Federal Copyright Act of 1976 and it's enforcement action under the act. (Below, Gary Olson receiving the "Infringement Of Copyright Settlement Agreement- Due Upon Receipt," dated May I 0, 2009 on May 13, 2009, at about 7:30p.m. in the home ofMi'chelle A. Barnes. Olson left with the invoice.) Served Infringement of Copyright Settlement Agreement Invoice in person on May 13, 2009, by e-mail and Certified Mail Return Receipt. Mi 'chelle A Barnes 2021 Oxbow Circle Anchorage, AK 995 16 USA (907) 522 .8339 P&F (907) 250. 7575 Cell E: grizzly E: Print Page I of 3 Subject: Fwd: Payment Deadline 05 21 09 From: Mi'chelle Barnes ( To:;; Date: Friday, April 6, 2012 7:00 PM ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Teddy <> Date: Mon, May 18, 2009 at 6:05 PM Subject: Re: Payment Deadline 05 21 09 To: Hello Gary, Thank you for taking the time to discuss your thoughts with me. I hope you have a speedy recovery from your cold, everyone in my office is sick or has been sick. Re: I am saddened that this action may carry through and I do not know what to say other than I will try to meet these near impossible demands. Gary, I am not a non-profit business but I will offer this alternative solution to provide you with more time. 1) If you pay 1/3 of the invoice($ 5000.00) by 05.21.09 at 5:00p.m. 2) I will extend the balance of the invoice due on 06.02.09 which should give you plenty of time to get a business line of credit; a home equity loan or some other way you can pay the other $10,000.00. This is the best offer I can give you to give you additional time to remit the payment regarding the invoice dated 05.13.09 which is due upon receipt. I am surprised that given the grant funding and statewide fund raising banquets this winter AMF has received, that there seems to be any crunch at all. In the interim I am researching your financials so if you have not been completely honest with me, I will know very shortly. The Copy Right Law of 1976 does not indemnify well meaning persons that copyright the creative work products of creators. I know you have a heart felt concern for Moose but I can assure you that it is no more than the depth of the feeling I have for Moose and all wildlife that's why I pushed Mom for us to do "Save the Moose" in the 1989-90 winter. 3) Please mail or e-mail me a receipt for the artwork I provided for the Spring Banquet in Palmer for $150- of"Stand Off." Thank you, Mi'chelle From: golson@growmoremoose.or.g Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 1:10PM To: Teddy Subject: RE: Payment Deadline OS 21 09 http://us.mg5 ?.rand= 1290706776&action=showLetter&box=T .. . 4/19/?.0 1? Print Page 2 of3 Hello Michelle, I have battled a cold for the last 4 days since coming over to see you so please do not have anyone else come over until you are feeling better. My voice is back now so I am going to contact Betsy to see if she can help with the needed advertising for the full page ads which I agree will be beneficial for this effort. Certainly, with her homestead being right in the middle of Pt. McKenzie, her passion for that area will be genuine. I will let you know what she thinks. On the payment issue, I have only a loss of words with your stated intentions but you will do what you have to do. As I said in person, the AMF has worked on less than a shoe string budget where most non-profits have a significant backer (which has certainly not been the case here except for my time). Since its conception, we have had the purests of intent being the helping of moose that the people who have had life altering experiences with them (vehicle collisions, attacks, etc). Though we both agree that moose have been tragically abandoned by too many in Alaska, your time line per the following is an unrealistic deadline which leaves no other options unless Betsy is willing to assist which she may very well do but we do not know yet. I am saddened that this action may carry through and I do not know what to say other than I wi ll try to meet these near impossible demands. I will contact you after I have successfully contacted Betsy with her ideas. Tom has emailed me that he has had a terrible bout with the flu thus I will not contact hlm until his voice returns which he hopes is later this week. Thank you for your passion in helping moose and I will let you know what I find out. Gary -------- Original Message -------Subject: Payment Deadline OS 21 09 From: "Teddy" <> Date: Mon, May 18, 2009 1:37am To: "Gary Olson" <> Gary, Please see attachment. Deadline for full payment of $15,000 in a cashier's check made payable to Mi'chelle A. Barnes or Grizzly Classics of Alaska, is due by May 21, 2009 by 5:00p.m. It would he with deep personal regret, if you fail to meet the deadline below, legal action would have to commence to collect payment and make me whole. Gary noted May 13, 2009, we each want to purse using our lives and personal gifts to raise awareness of Moose Conservation and Mitigation. It is a personal mission that I and my Mother, Rep. Ramona Barnes (Speaker of the House) commenced with the Save the Moose effort during the winter of 1989-90. I explained to Gary on May 13,2009, proceeds from the sales of my photographic work provide for my financial income and buys equipment. Gary, it is my sincere hope that the Infringement of Copyright Settlement Agreement Invoice will be paid by May 21.2009 by 5:00p.m. to avoid having to publically purse Federal legal action. Mi'chelle Barnes http://us.mg5 1290706776&action=showLetter&box=l... 4/19/2012 Page 1 of 1 4 • Tedd From: Date: To: Attach: Subject: "Teddy" <> Monday, May 18,2009 12:37 AM "Gary Olson" <> Moose Bill Deadline 05 21 09 .pdf; Moose Bill.pdf Payment Deadline 05 21 09 Gary, Please see attachment. Dead line for full payment of $15,000 in a cashier's check made payable to Mi'chelle A. Barnes or Grizzly Classics of Alaska, is due by May 21, 2009 by 5:00 p.m. It would be with deep personal regret, if you fail to meet the deadline below, legal action would have to commence to collect payment and make me whole. Gary noted May 13, 2009, we each want to purse using our lives and personal gifts to raise awareness of Moose Conservation and Mitigation. It is a personal mission that I and my Mother, Rep. Ramona Barnes (Speaker of the House) commenced with the Save the Moose effort during the winter of 1989-90. I explained to Gary on May 13, 2009, proceeds from the sales of my photographic work provide for my financial income and buys equipment. Gary, it is my sincere hope that the Infringement of Copyright Settlement Agreement Invoice will be paid by May 21,2009 by 5:00p.m. to avoid having to publically purse Federal legal action. Mi'chelle Barnes 5/18/2009 ·:Ne,Ws•·.,;.·. r·: " PRICE 25 CENTS I w0 T 1lle system of nils inMalled a srtat ctpenseand~onWofked. Mooae R K E D! 112~ offlhe hi,~Jray& and t~ ullroad •ndoa tbe nib. We'tll llill In finilnciatty,butOilrp#tlofthcjobh~~ -drOIUofSnethcMooscvohnllecRandcomribulortcteattd•')'llemottr.tlb!ha1eued their strua~e throogh lhe _eep SIIO'II'S ~provided We pl11ees for the MOOsc'to reu aild feed. It's been a pku~m wortlng with d ' conctfnod Absbrit Who catbd and wan1rd 10' helP, TIIANKS IO the roiiO'Il'in&: ....__ t, .. ~AT'Nry~ .... ....... ..._ -. Cr.AJ.Orwtlba,D.D.S. ....... ~u.a..ltaS.I:ModlcDoA. a.-. ~C. !kiln RQ)'.I:OoUM~ """""- Pr.Jc.C.I...-.KD. .....,.T,aodmrl Mr.aWn..U Carlk ... _ SNrk'Jflm' ~~ri!': 1. " - ED!o a.-L Cirt.Jt ,_.,,ltclu., l ~ Dloi..IE.OtK. ~=.lD<*Iortcw.t. ......... Alhtnl. A. («ywn.t>m •Wt!.tC.GI Dak.l:o.-O..S. Tcnyl. ~.l: lJWis.ltc. At..UI'Io:J11clih-,Jnc:. W.n.t"""""'Jt..., Mr .AM rt.~1 J:~me a,t ~l,.,fM\IIkkMM :"~~=~ Jtrry l l..!OihS..- ct.mtcl~MiiMI C~AR..,., Irwh l •d•··-11/!lll O.!I. 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""""' ............ lMJicSnricdr ·- I•AM'4'M u ~~&.,.._ .. Daily News PRICE :2 5 CE f"-. ,., I . ,.;r ·"#'·~· - ~. ·' maintain the quantity and quality of Alaska's moose population. February 16, 2007 Paralyzed Veterans of America Attn: Mr. Doug Warren 801 Eighteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20006-3 51 7 RE: 'No Moose Commute' Corporate Sponsorship Consideration Dear Mr. Warren, The Alaska Moose Federation would like the Paralyzed Veterans of America to consider joining our unprecedented rural and urban effort to increase public safety while rebuilding Alaska's moose populations. The 'No Moose Commute' was created after the winter of 2003 resulted in over 1,000 vehicle collisions. The effort targets statewide moose collision corridors including the Mat-Su to Anchorage commute. Our efforts, all of which significantly increase public safety, will help mitigate these accidents while enhancing moose away from these roads. We are a four year old 501(c)(3) Alaskan non profit dedicated to assisting state agencies by implementing initial and long term mitigation efforts. Alaska state agencies currently lack deep snow mitigation plans which are some of the top killers of moose populations. AMF is focusing its efforts and resources in the following ways: Food Banks's Wild Game Salvage Program- AMF, partnered with Food Bank of Alaska, to assume the highway moose salvage program to shorten response time while increasing public safety by utilizing specialized equipment to remove moose whole rather than having volunteers processing them on Alaska's highways. Winter Trail Escape Program- Utilize equipment to compact snow trails that allow moose to reach new habitat thus providing them alternative travel routes away from the transportation corridors. This program has been performed in Alaska before. Winter Habitat Enhancement- Long term solutions include the commencement of AMF overseen habitat enhancement along road and rail corridors. In addition, the complete removal of moose browse within DOT's right of way will further encourage moose to winter away from these transportation corridors. In addition, the AMF is insisting that wildlife fencing and crossing structures need to be implemented in highway design where dangerous collision corridors occur. Thank you for considering this request. To inquire more about our organization or the specific needs of each program, please contact us at our office at 336-6673 or my cell at 317-1200 for further details. Sincerely, Gary Olson, Chairman The Alaska Moose Federation Paralyzed Veterans of America coming on board with the Moose Federation Doug Warren Consultant Paralyzed Veterans of America Heritage Fund I am very excited about the upcoming banquet as well as the opportunity to meet the many more AMF supporters and I welcome the chance to spend time talking about home with new friends. Alaska has been my home for well over 20 years, not in the sense Alaska Moose Federation and the opportunity to work together to further the goals of the AMF as well as further the opportuniof physically living in this beautiful country full time, but living with a sense of being an Alaskan in the sometimes crazy world ties in Alaska for Americas disabled Veterans. down here on the outside. I keep in touch with home on a very The upcoming AMF banquet will not only be an exciting event regular basis through my dear friends watching over things for me for me as another trip to Alaska but because a dear friend of and my very frequent trips back to where I left a major part of mymine will be in attendance with me. Steve Sanford from Ft. self many years ago. Wainwright in Fairbanks was injured in Iraq and was recently awarded the Distinguished Service Cross by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Peter Pace for his heroism in battle. A very humble hero and passionate outdoorsman that has been working hard to help develop projects for more of our wounded heroes and I am sure he will also be a true ally for the AMF. Five years ago with the Paralyzed Veterans of America Heritage Fund I began bringing a group of injured veterans to Alaska every fall to moose hunt outside of Fairbanks, in order to try and share a small part of something so special to me as well as to help provide an opportunity that these dedicated sportsman might not otherwise have a chance to enjoy during their lifetime. We have enjoyed great support from the Alaska Senatorial leaders since day one with these programs and taking advantage of this article would like to thank both Senator Ted Stevens and Senator Lisa Murkowski for everything they have done since the beginning to support our efforts in helping us open Alaska for our disabled Veterans. We are very excited about developing our relationship with the Moose Hunting in Fairbanks. • ening Schedule Evening Raffles Mystery Table: You never know what is in this one. The best raffle. & Raffles r dinner AK Moose Federation Table: es #78-81 1 by Lt. Governor Loren Leman Logo, AMF specific items. f 1st Annual Ultimate Moose Camp: 5 Gun Table: Top quality firearms. Kids Table: Moose fans of tomorrow. Ladies Table: Don't forget this one. Fishing Table: Can never get enough. 3 Gun Table: Top quality firearms. served irman Gary Olson(+ video) 1airman Todd Clark t Speaker Jack Coghill Sr. :tion Pulled/ Varmit Raffle Drawn ion Begins #82-87, 30 min. break nous Shotgun Pie Auction Drawn !S ish & Outfitter Camps Drawn 1 ble Drawn tie Drawn ~Drawn ;tery Raffle Drawn, 20 min. b reak tfoose & Duck Camps Drawn ber/ Membership Raffle Drawn e Drawn gget Balloons Drawn tble Drawn :s #74-77 ;tery Drawing ~ 1ST ANNUAL SEl1TA.kJ c •, ~ ' (, ""·iJ, MOOSE B ENEFIT ~ "f!.etJ· Cfrow ~Ome /vU Friday,January z3rd, zoo9 at the S eward Alaska Railt The Alaska Moose Federation httn·//ururur ornuiTY'InrPtnl"\n<!P r.rCT! ( Copyright © 2000- Alaska Moose Federation PO Box 231028 Anchorage. Alaska 99523-1028 Site Design by www.bluediamondwebs .com ··-·--- -·-------- Welcome! --- ·- - · Q_opserva!!_on -~~~out Moose Volunteer S~o~ tht.t R-IYlf ~ 6-M{V] ~ wluJ-1-h- 6J~ ~ ~'t--~ ~ttJhtt.lti~ ~ ~. Page 1 of 1 11,., 1"11\f\{\ Moose News c • w eJcome to 1 he Alaska Moose FederatiOn e Page 1 of I "' Home Su nday, May 17,2009 Voluntee r What's News? >Membership Mail a persona l check or money order to: Alaska Moose Federation P.O. Box 231028 Anchorage, Alaska 99523-1028 ftd • Conette oy P h one Call 1-(907) 33-MOOSE 1-(907) 336-6673 Donate Online CLICK HERE tt Moose News Moose are killed da ily on our hig hways! How ma n y? More> MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION The Alaska Moose Federation offers you the choice of purchasing your membership online or by submitting your membership application along with your check. Keeping Moose off School Grounds More> Read, '"All About Moose·· by The Alaska Moose Federation is a 501(C )(3) Non-Profit Foundation . Donations and memberships are deductible. Membershio Tvoe ndividual FamilY Sustainina Individual orporate Suooortina p-ompany Outfitters/Guides) Lifetime \Ages 59-64 IA!Jes 65 & Over 1-Year $30.00 $50.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 $150.00 3- Year $75.00 $135.00 $750.00 $500.00 $250.00 To purchase your membershie online, [>lease click the button below. rr:ll!!f•~~~ Online To purchase you membership using a fo rm to send via the mall, please clic k the icon below. ~ ~ Download a membership application form in pdf format here. The Alaska Moose Federation is a 501 (C)(3) Non-Profit Foundation. Donations are deductible. IadnrUHnl Board of Di rectors Advertising Copynght @ 2000· Alaska Moose Federation Anchorage . Alaska Site Des1gn by www.b lued iamo httn://www_ hersh1n . a~m ~/17/2009 w eiCome to 1 ne AlasKa Moose t ecteratwn Page I of 1 • Home Su nday , May 17,2 009 Volunteer f'!itF Moo se Ne w s >Advertis ing Advertising Have you see n th e SPR ING 2008 News letter? Pixel Size 180 X 300 $490/Month On Black Background Advertising space on the Alaska Moose Federation web site is a premium location for attracting the highest number of visitors to view your ad. Each month the Alaska Moose Federation web site averages over 10,000 visitors. What a wonderful way to help support a very worthy organization while attracting customers to your own business. That makes your advertising less than a penny per visitor. All advertisers approved for display on the Alaska Moose Federation web site are at the sole discretion of the Alaska Moose Federation. All advertising space is available for 12 month periods billed annually. Ad prices are for single page ads. For multiple page ad placement, a 5% discount is offered for each ad placed. Ads may be submitted prepared to the pixel size displayed or, you may wish to have our in-house designers to assist you with your ad design. Ads may be static, flash, or animated designs. All ads are placed into a black or white background based on ad size selected below. Click Here ~ ilfi , Moose are killed dai ly on our highways! How many? Morn> Keeping Moose off School Grounds More> Read, " A ll About Moose" by Why advertise online? • Increase traffic to your web site • High visibility with in and out-of-state viewers looking for Alaska lnfonnation Pixel Size Pixel Size Pixel Size 149 X 110 149 X 110 $100/Month $100/Month 140 X 55 $50/Month Pixel Size 140 X 55 $50/Month Is Transplanting Moose new To Alaska? Moro> Up coming Events More> Pixel Size 420 X 92 $250/Month For more infonnation on our advertising rates and placement, please contact our advertising department at: (907) 336-6676 or, e-mail us at, Contest Board of Directors Advertising Copynght © 2000· Alaska Moose Federation Anchorage, Alaska Site Oescgn b ~· www.b 5/17/2009 w eiCome to 1 ne AlasKa Moose t eaerauon Home Page 1 of 1 "'•lOW t.11111' t.1on-,pl" Sund ay, May 17, 2009 Volunteer rril'" Moo se Ne ws What's News? Welcome to The A laska Moose Federation! Have yo u seen th e SPR ING 200 8 Newsletter? Thank You! To our many donors who have helped the Alaska Moose Federation to become a part of the Anchorage community. Evertts Flying Service Alaska Fur Gallery Ind ian Valley Meats Tall Tales Ta:xide nny MC3 Construction Alaska Ra ilroad Trail Ridge Air Larsen Consutting United Renta l Millennium Hotel Cabella's Ruffed Grouse Society Moose's Tooth Barney's Sports Chalet Eberhard Brunner Photography Scott Miner Todd Halverson Marc Taylor Tony Russ lall}' Kaniut Gary's Bullets The Alaska Zoo Full Swing Gotf Alaska Remote Guide Serivce James Swan with Snow Goose Productions Alaska Recreational Management Spemak Airways Duane Hill Th e Doggie Wash Haircuts for Pea nuts The Calendar Clu b Ken Laing Diamond Nails TNT Gilts Muffin Break Kaladi Brothers Coffee C o. Joe and Candie Caraway H20asis Indoor Waterpark Mr. McConnick-Miniature Golf Diamond Ice Chafet The Alaska Club David Green Furriers Alaska Wildberry Products Alaska Rock Gym Mountain Vtew Sports Warren and Jan Olson Bob Meny Orso's Restaurant The Brewhouse Alaska Hom and Antler Greg and Kathy's Barber Shop Alaska Serigraphics Brown Jug Nancy Dahlstrom My Lord's Floral Center Classic Design Moose are killed dail y on our highwa ys! How many? More> Keeping Moose off School Grounds More> Read, "All About Moose" by Is Transplanting Moose new To A laska? More> Upcoming Events More> Moose Photo Contest Board of Directors ---~-4 / Advert ising Copyright © 2000- Alaska Moose Federatton Anchorag e. Aiaska Site Destgn by 5117/2009 w e1come to 1ne Alaska Moose t eaeratton Page I of2 Ho rn e Sunday, May 17,2009 Volu nteer Moose News Welcome to The Alaska Moose Federation! AMF is a wildlife conservation organ ization w ith an emphasis on moose. It defines conservation as a state of harmony between people, land and wildlife, and acknowledges that good conservation often is a fluid and elusive balance. It advocates sustainable, ethical use of resources and seeks common ground among stakeholders. AMF celebrates outdoor and rura l lifestyles and va lues within A laska culture growing ever more distant from the land. Have you see n the SPR ING 2008 News letter? Click Here o• Moose are killed da ily on our highways! How many? More> Alaska Moose Federation works with Department of Fish & Game See the full story here ~ -~ Read, "All About Moose" by D(1 '~'l' 1 y r:<~t! Mail a person al check o r money order to: Alaska Moose Federation P.O. Box 231028 Anchorage, Al aska 99523-10 28 • Keep ing Moose off Sc hool Gro und s More> moose can grow! Call 1-(907) 33-MOOSE 1-(907) 336-6673 It's time to save our orphaned moose calves See the full story here ~ Donate On line CLICK HERE I I Is Tra ns pl anting Moose new To A laska? More> Upcomin g Events More> Moose Photo Contest Moose Versus Car See KTUU NEWS 2 video lit< Moose mitigation Man and Moose - Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman 5/17/2009 welcome to 1ne AlasKa Moose teaeratwn Page '2. of2 Here comes a new batch of ca lves ... more>> See Alaska National Guard Project in 1967 more» Board of Directors Advertis ing _ _ _ _)._. Copyr1ght © 2000- Alaska Moose FederatiOn ~( Anchorage. Alaska - S1 Oes1gn te b~· www.b 5/17/2009 \.._,Ullli::lU U t'age ~ 1 Q! 1 Website Designed by Ron Davis© 2011 at Homestead"·' Create a Website for Your Business http:/ 511/2012

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