Schultz v. Elsevier STM Incorporated et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT. Filing fee received: $350.00, receipt number PHX 0970-5665322, filed by Marilou Schultz (submitted by Patricia Ferguson). (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(REK)

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Exhibit Index A. Luisa Birchwood, An Expert Navajo Weaver ..t i.É* ffiTffi by Luisa Birchwood GHqrcourt 5Cþ{(}üL pL}$LtSHIR5 Cover, @Pete Saloutos/CORBIS; p.3, @Carl & Ann Purcell/CORBIS; p.4-5, p.7, p.9, @Paul Conklin/ PhotoEdit; p.6, p.10, @Catherine Karnow/CORBIS; p.B, @Deborah Davis/PhotoEdit; p.1 1, OARPL/ Topham/The lmage Works;p.12, @Christie's lmages/CORBIS; p.13, @Lowe Art Museum/SuperStock; p.14, @Mark Gibson/lndex Stock. Copyright @ by Harcourt, lnc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be addressed to School Permissions and Copyrights, Harcourt, |nc.,6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, Florida 32887-6777. Fax: 407-345-2418. HARCOURT and the Harcourt Logo are trademarks of Harcourt, lnc., registered in the United States of America and/or other jurisdictions. Printed in China ISBN 10: 0-15-351524-4 ISBN 1 3: 978-0-1 5-351524-8 Ordering Options ISBN 10: 0-15-351214-8 (Grade 4 Advanced Collection) ISBN 13:978-0-15-351214-B (Grade 4 Advanced Collection) ISBN 10: 0-15-3581 14-X (package of 5) ISBN 13:978-0-15-358114-4 (package of 5) lf you have received these materials as examination copies free of charge, Harcourt School Publishers retains title to the materials and they may not be resold. Resale of examination copies is strictly prohibited and is illegal. Possession of this publication in print format does not entitle users to convert this publication, or any portion of it, into electronic format. 1 23 45 6 7 8 I 10 985 12 11 1009 0B 07 06 úW Morilou Schultz is o Novojo weover. She knows oll obout Novojo rugs ond blonkets, Thol's becouse she's been oround lhem her whole life. Her mother wos o Novojo weover. So wos her grondmother. Her greot-grondmother wos, too. Even her greaÍ-greal-grandmoÍher wos o Novojo weover! "Weoving hos olwoys been port of my life," Morilou soid. Morilou become inspired to moke her own Novojo weovings. She begon to do so while just o child. lbdoy she is on experl weover. She weoves beoutiful Novojo blonkels ond rugs, ond she leoches others how to weove. She corries on the Novojo weoving trodition. 3 Morilou wos born in Sofford, Arizono, in lq5q. She grew up in Leupp, Arizono, which is on the Novojo reservotion. Morilou remembers being woken up once os o child by the sounds of her mother weoving. Morilou leorned to weove by woTching her mother. Morilou become more ond more skllled over time. She wos olreody weoving complete Novojo rugs when she wos in elemenlory school. She wos even oble to sell the rugs to eorn money. As she grew older, she continued to moke ond sell weovings. This ollowed her to support herself. Todoy Morilou's fomily weov¡ng trodition continues. Her son weoves, os do her nieces ond nephews. In foct, her niece Krystol Schultz won on oword for her Novojo weoving. "Novojo weoving hos olwoys been ond conïinues fo be possed on ¡n my fomily," Morilou soid. The Novojo hove been moking blonkets for o long time. At first, the Novojo people lived in Conodo. About 1,000 yeors ogo, o group of Novojo seltled in the southwestern oreo of whoï is now the United StoTes" They 'Á $\ $¡ "N r\ become formers. The Pueblo people lived in thot region. They knew how to weove ond moke cloth. yx I N They used cotton ond grosses lo weove $, N .\ blonkets. The Pueblo tought the Novojo how to weove ond build looms. Looms ore simple mochines used for weoving. Severol hundred yeors loter, Sponish people come ond brought sheep with them from Spoin. The hoir thot grows on sheep is colled wool. The Novojo leorned how to weove blonkets from wool. A student weaver 5 Getting the wool is the first step in moking o Novojo blonket. The troditionol Novojo woy to do this wos to let the wool grow on the sheep, The Novojo woiÌed until the wool wos long ond thick. They hod to poy close oïtenTion to the wool becouse sometimes it would become infested with insects. Once lhe wool wos long, f hey would delicotely sheor the sheep. To sheor meons "to cut off the wool." Next, the Novojo cleoned the wool. First, they shook it to remove ony lwigs, ond then it wos woshed. This would get rid of most of the oil on lhe wool. Then lhe Novojo would let the wool dry in the sun. This mode the wool fluffy. Finolly, the wool wos "corded" to untongle it. Cording is similor to combing. A weaver spinning yarn Morilou usuolly buys yorn for her own weov¡ng. Sometimes for speciol projects, though, she octuolly storts with wool ond spins it into yorn, just like her oncestors did. She spins the wool using o spindle. The spindle is o stick thot hos o wooden circle on the end of it. Morilou wrops some wool oround the spindle. Then she rolls the circle on her leg, which stretches ond twisls the wool into Thin slronds. Someïimes Morilou will spin the yorn three or four times. Next, Morilou dyes the yorn so lhot her blonket will hove color. Like her Novojo oncestors, she moy use noturol herbs, roofs, or vegetobles lo moke the dyes. Her oncestors would grind up things such os gropes, prickly peor coctus, or thistle, ond then odd woter to lhem 1o form o dye. Then the yorn wos dipped into The dye. This bonded the color to The yorn. 7 The octuol weoving of the blonket tokes ploce on o loom. Novojo weovers work on verlicol looms. This meons Íhot the loom stonds upright, unlike horizontol looms, which lie flot on the ground. To set up fhe Novojo loom, two thin pieces of wood ore plonted into lhe ground oboul five or six feeï oport. A thin bronch is then hung ocross the top. The yorn is hung from This thin bronch so thot the blonket hongs in front of the weover. I Morilou first hongs long pieces of yorn from the top of Ìhe loom. These stretch oll the woy to the boltom of the loom. She keeps odding the pieces of yorn until there is yorn honging oll f he woy ocross the lop of the loom. She then ottoches these pieces to the bottom port of the loom to hold Them in ploce. These pieces of yorn thoT run verticolly, or up ond down, ore colled the worp. Morilou tokes out o thin piece of wood colled o bolten. The botten is like o long ruler. She corefully posses the botten through the worp yorn, She first posses it over one piece of yorn, then under the next piece of yorn, then over the following piece of yorn, ond so on. Now the botten is in ploce. This ollows the weover to poss yorn eosily through the worp threods. She tokes o piece of The yorn ond begins To poss it through the worp Threods. Becouse of the boften, the threod goes over one Threod, underneoth the next, ond so on. These pieces of threod thot poss through horizontolly, or side to side, ore colled |he wefÍ. The botten creotes on opening in the worp threods, ond the weff threods poss through this opening. The weft threods, or yorn, give the blonket colors or potterns. If the weover wonts block running horizontolly ocross her blonkeï, she'll use block threod. She will run this block weft threod through the worp threods ond lhen top it down with o weoving fork. Becouse the work is so detoiled, weovers often work in short intervols. t0 This is o newly-woven Novojo blonket. It hos been mode To look just like the eorly Novojo weovings. Most of the eorly Novojo blonkets were striped. In foct, when young Novojo women first leorned to weove, their first project wos usuolly to moke o simple striped blonket. The threods for these eorly blonkels were colored with noTurol dyes, so they were noï very colorful. The blonkets were usuolly white wifh block, brown, or groy stripes. In lhe eorly I 800s, though, the Novojo begon to purchose clothing or blonkets thot come from Spoin ond were mode of red cloth. The Novojo unroveled the clothing or blonkeTs to get The red threod. Then they used the threod in their weovings. As o resull, the Novojo weovings become more colorful, This is colled o Chief Blonket. As the Novojo become better weovers, they begon to moke Chief Blonkets. Chief blonkets hove much thicker stripes. Most of them hove wide white, block, ond red stripes. Loter Novojo weovers begon to odd diomonds to their Chief Blonkets. Over the yeors, the diomonds become lorger ond lorger. They become known os "Chief Blonkets" becouse they were often given to Notive Americon leoders, os well os to Americon militory leoders. Mony people wonted To hove one of lhese beoutiful, but very expensive, blonkets. Somelimes the Novojo weovers would cut o slil in the center of o Chief Blonket. This mode the blonket more flexible in its use becouse people could ploce their heods through the hole ond weor the weoving like o poncho. 12 I This type of Novojo weoving is colled on "Eye-Dezzler" becouse il "dozzles the eye" with colors ond unique potterns. The Novojo begon to moke blonkets like these in the | 880s. It wos ot thot time thot the Novojo begon lo buy wool from o mill in Pennsylvonio. This wool wos bright ond colorful, so the Novojo weovers begon to moke blonkets f hot hod brilliont reds, blues, ond yellows in them. The weovers olso storted to moke more complicoted poÌÎerns. The Novojo sold mony of their weovings to troding posls. In order to sell more of their weovings, the Novojo begon to moke them thicker ond heovier. People bought these heovier weovings ond used them os woll hongings or rugs insteod of using them os blonkets. t3 Morilou is proud to help preserve the Novojo woy of weoving. "The techniques I use ore the troditionol woys of weoving Novojo rugs, ond this sets them oport from other weoving Troditions," she soid. Morilou disploys ond sells her weovings of the Heord Museum Indion Foir ond Morket. This event is held eoch yeor in Phoenix, Arizono. She hos won owords of the foir for her weovings four times! She olso ollends the Sonto Fe Indion Morket. Hundreds of ortists from mony different Americon Indion groups come to this morket lo show their works. Morilou hos shown her weovings there for over lwenty yeors. "l weove becouse of my love of weoving ond lhe chollenge of creoting unique weovings," Morilou once soid. Given her fomily history, she will llkely weove for mony more yeors. After oll, her grondmoïher wove until she wos in her mid-90s! 14 Th¡nk Cr¡t¡colly '1. What does the author think about Navajo weavings? 2. How d¡d the traditional Navajo people get the wool they needed for their weavings? 3. What is a word that means almost the same thing as unique does on page 13? 4. What is one opinion stated in this story? 5. What are some details from this story that interested you? Why? M) Ð Art Drqw ond Color o Chief Blqnkef Look back at some of the blanket designs in this book. Draw an outline of a blanket. Then design your own blanket in the Navajo style. Color it with markers or colored pencils. Æ qU9j School-Home connection Tell a family member about how the traditional Navajo people got the wool for their weavings. Then have a discussion about why people might want to preserve old traditions. Word Count: 1,517 (1,529)

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