Asia Economic Institute et al v. Xcentric Ventures LLC et al

Filing 96

AMENDED DOCUMENT filed by Plaintiffs Asia Economic Institute, Iliana Llaneras, Raymond Mobrez. Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 2 Exhibit 2 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 3 Exhibit 3 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 4 Exhibit 4 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 5 Exhibit 5 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 6 Exhibit 6 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 7 Exhibit 7 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 8 Exhibit 8 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 9 Exhibit 9 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 10 Exhibit 10 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 11 Exhibit 11 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 12 Exhibit 12 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 13 Exhibit 13 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 14 Exhibit 14 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 15 Exhibit 15 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 16 Exhibit 16 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 17 Exhibit 17 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 18 Exhibit 18 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 19 Exhibit 19 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 20 Exhibit 20 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 21 Exhibit 21 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 22 Exhibit 22 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 23 Exhibit 23 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 24 Exhibit 24 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 25 Exhibit 25 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 26 Exhibit 26 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint, # 27 Exhibit 27 to Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint)(Blackert, Daniel)

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Asia Economic Institute et al v. Xcentric Ventures LLC et al about:blank Doc. 96 Att. 11 From: To: Sent: 7/3/2010 2:52:50 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time Subj: Fwd: Hi Smitty....from David From: To: Sent: 1/15/2010 4:25:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time Subj: Re: Hi Smitty....from David No, I would not want the middle name out of it because fortunately most ppl do not know my maiden name, it is the one thing that probably keeps them from finding me. Thank you for that offer though. If I could have any concession, to have my report unlinked to the other ones that I placed on there would be a great benefit. It is hard enough that when my name is googled they get me, but when Patti Shew or Millie Plemmons and I am not sure about Vivian Pulcini, but when they are googled, I come up, and in many cases first. If that association could be unlinked, that would be a great start. If any report could be removed, I would want the one I put on there about my spouse gone, and that is for my grand son who is 17. As I told you, he has no father, my husband is his only father figure. My husband has been an infidel and treated me with so much disrespect, he has taken everything that I believed in and destroyed it, but let's face it, I turn 58 this month, I have MS, I am surviving cancer, and have colitis that puts me in the hospital sometimes. Believe it or not, I am a nice looking woman, his cheating had nothing to do with that. He is a sex addict. He is seeking help and most days, I am ok, but there are those knock down days. We spent a year not knowing what a sex addict was. With the wrong counselors, in raw pain. But then we found the right ppl and once a diagnosis was made, it made sense, and recovery began, for both of us. I still have no idea how I found ROR. I rue the day. Sometimes I just wake up and cry. The last time I went into the hospital, almost a year ago, only passing blood, ten day stay, I called ROR from the hospital and begged and begged. The thing about that was, the more I begged was when the reports then became linked. I just finally stopped. If he took all of them down, I would quietly walk away. All that I want for the remaining years of my life is peace. I have become acquainted with those others that I have needed to in order to find other avenues to fight but David, I do not want to fight. I do not need to fight. The MS Society solicited me to work with them as a rep in DC, and I turned it down, I worked with the Cancer Society, did public engagements, but I don't want any of it, I want peace. Just peace. And, I did this to myself. I cannot concentrate on any particular thing, I am not natured to be jealous or follow a man around or check a speed ohmmeter, or any of that jazz, it is not me. But if this happens to me again, I will not survive it. It will take me down. You have no idea what it is like to have someone you love sit you down and in 20 mins tell you of 26 years of infidelity, and most of it with your trusted friends, and then you begin to live your life backward and everything you loved, and believed in changes and you realize you had no friends, because some of them helped it along, and others knew. And, then you realize you are the woman that you knew through the years who you knew their spouse was cheating and you looked at her with sad eyes and sighed when she walked away. That woman was me and I never knew it. It makes you want to die. Then this. When something like this happens to you, there is no justice. There is no way to make this right. none. In a stupid, pain coma, I did a stupid thing. I hurt a lot of ppl. But most of all me, because I am not natured to hurt anyone. To hurt them, regardless of what they did, hurt me the most. I just want peace. David, that is all. I do have two personas with ROR, I think that the other email is I put two reports on Vivian Pulcini. She had five affairs with 7/19/20 st 3:08 PM 1 of 3 about:blank my husband, she did some awful things, I just lost it with her. That is why I know that you can create as many personas as you please and put as many reports on as you please. My reports, while true, one person was not. I don't hate you, I hate what ROR stands for. I think that if indeed Ed started this for a positive reason, he has lost site of what he is doing and he needs to clean it up. He could maintain this site and get the personal stuff off there. It doesn't belong there if it is a consumer site. You know that. He needs to rethink his business model and what he is doing. He could take the heat off of himself, create a site that made sense and so forth. Check IP addys for dup persona from one person. No good comes from that. It is solely for the purpose of revenge. In a message dated 1/15/2010 2:02:13 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Jan, So I finally figured how to send a PM on SEOmoz and since someone said that I should stop asking people to email me, I tried that option and then wouldnt you know it, you dont allow PMs!!! Arrrgh!! Anyway, I wanted to prove to you that I really am RORs lawyer, so I pulled your email address from a report that you filed. Who else would have that access? Now, I was serious about saying that I probably won't post any further comments on SEOmoz. It's clear that you guys don't want to hear our side of the story. That's fine. I do respect your right to disagree with us. However, I want you to know that as inhumane as you think Ripoff Report is, we do have a heart. In fact, just last month I received a request from a lawyer in your neck of the woods asking us to remove a report....not because it was false, but because the guy named in the report had died, and he had a 16 year-old daughter who shared his unusual last name. When people were searching for her on Google, they found the report about her dead father which had lots of embarrassing details about him being a criminal, etc., and it was devastating to her. That lawyer did not threaten us and did not sue us. He just asked us to help a 16 year-old girl during the Christmas season. And guess what? We said YES....and in case you're wondering, we did not ask for and did not receive a dime for doing this. We did it simply because it was the right thing to do. Of course, we can't really advertise this because once we start saying that we're willing to help some people, it sort of opens the floodgates for everyone to demand the same treatment. I know you'd like it if we would just take down anything/everything when asked, but that's just not something Ed is willing to do at this point. Maybe someday, but not right now. Even though you have been blasting ROR for a long time, I am still willing to TRY to help you. I can't promise that Ed Magedson will agree, and I don't have the power to take down reports without his permission, but I will at least do my best to ask him to make an 2 of 3 7/19/2010 3:08 PM about:blank exception. In most cases, Ed is very reluctant to remove an entire report, but he may be willing to remove a single unique word or name so that people looking on Google won't find the report. In your case, I am trying to figure out what that word would be. I know your name is "Jan Martin Smith", and if you do a search for that entire name, the Ripoff Report does come up on page 1 of Google. However, if I search for just "Jan Smith", there are like 70 million hits and ROR is nowhere to be found. I'm not sure how many people would search for you using all three names. However, assuming Ed won't agree to take down every report, would it help if we removed the name "Martin"? If there's a different word that you think would be better to remove, let me know what that is. Again, I can't promise that Ed will agree to this, but I'm willing to at least ask him about it, and not because your right and were wrong, and not because I am trying to shut you up. I just want to offer this as a small humanitarian gesture because thats MY policy. P.S. Due to the threats that have already been made against me, Ill redact my last name from this email even though its easy enough to find. However, I am including my direct dial phone number. If you want to call that number, I will answer it unless Im away from my desk. ~David [last name redacted to protect the innocent] General Counsel Xcentric Ventures, LLC PO BOX 310, Tempe, AZ 85280 Tel.: (480) 668-3623 Fax: (480) 248-3196 -Lisa J. Borodkin 323-337-7933 3 of 3 7/19/2010 3:08 PM

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