Southern California Institute of Law v. TCS Education System et al

Filing 31

Joint STIPULATION for Extension of Time to Amend Order on Motion to Dismiss Case,,,,,, 23 filed by plaintiff Southern California Institute of Law. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration, # 2 Proposed Order)(Shohet, George)

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George A. Shohet SBN 112691 1 2 LAW OFFICES OF GEORGE A. SHOHET, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION J 245 Main Street, Suite 310 4 5 6 Venice, CA9029l-5216 Tel.: (310) 452-3176 Fax: (3Iq 452-2270 fAdditional Counsel Appear on Signature Page] 7 8 I Attomeys for Plaintiff Southern Califomia Institute of Law 10 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 11 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA t2 13 T4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF LAW, a California corporation, l5 t6 Plaintiff' vs. 17 18 TCS EDUCATION SYSTEM, an t9 Illinois corporation; DAVID J. FIGULI, an individual; and GLOBAL EQUITIES, LTD. dlbla HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP, a Colorado limited liability company, 20 21 22 23 CASE NO,: CVl0-8026 PSG (AJWx) fAssigned to Hon. Philip S. Gutierrez] STIPULATION EXTENDTNG THE TIME FOR PLAINTIFF TO FILE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT Action Filed: Oct. 25,2010 Current Filing Date: April 26,2011 Proposed Filing Date: May 17 ,2011 Courtroom: 880 [Proposed Order lodged concurrently herewith and Supporting Declaration fi led concurrently herewithl Defendants. 24 25 26 27 28 STIPT,ILATION EXTBNDING THE TIME FOR PLAINTIFF TO FILE ITS FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT WHEREAS, on April 4,201 I l, the Court granted in part and denied in part 2 defendant TCS Education System's Motion to Dismiss the Complaint filed by J plaintiff Southem California Institute of Law; and WHEREAS, the Court granted the plaintiff until April 26,201I to file its 4 5 First Amended Complaint; and 6 WI{EREAS, defendants David J. Figuli ("Figuli") and Global Equities, LLC 7 ("Global") have requested time to retain local counsel and further discuss the case 8 with plaintiffs counsel before the First Amended Complaint is filed in an effort to 9 reach a resolution; and WHEREAS, all parties arc agreeable to extending the time for the filing of 10 l1 the First Amended Complaint; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, r2 13 subject to the approval of the Court, by and between counsel for the undersigned 14 parties, and defendants Figuli and Global, that the time for plaintiff to file its First 15 Amended Complaint is hereby extended from April26,2Al1, to and including, 16 May 17,2011. 1- IT IS SO STIPULATEDI t/ l8 Jeffrey Stewart Whittington KAUFMAN BORGEEST AND RYAN t9 LLP 20 23975 Park Sorrento Suite 370 2l Calabasas,CAgi302 22 8-880-0992 Fax: I18-880-0993 Email : j whittington()kbrlaw. com 8I 23 24 25 26 27 28 Dated: April /7 ,2011 {')r*r, /ilr4,, r.m;s By Attfrneys for Defen dant TCS Education System 1 STIPULATION EXTENDING ]'HE'TIME FOR PLAINTIFF TO FILE ITS FIRST AMilNDED COMPLAINT 1 DAVID J. FIGULI GLOBAL ilQUITIES, LLC 2 8697 S. Blue Creek Road Evergreen, CO 8043q Tel.:(720) 810-2495 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dated: April 22,2011 10 1l By David J. Figuli, Esq. for himself and Global Equities, LLC In Pro Per l2 13 t4 LAW OFFICES GF GEORGE A. SHOHET 15 Gretchen M. Nelson SBN 112566 l6 KT.EINT}LER & KREINDLER LLP 707 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 4100 Los Angeles, CA 90017 17 18 Tel.:{2i3) 622-646q l9 Fax: (213) 622-6019 20 2l 22 Dated: April /(rort By George A. Shohet Attorneys for Plaintiff Southem California Institute of Law 23 24 ?5 26 27 28 2 StiFulauox nxronliNC rnr rrME FoR pLAINTIFF To FILE ITs FIRsr AMENDED COMPLAINI' 1 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned hereby certifies that all counsel of record who have J a consented to electronic service are being served with a copy of the foregoing 4 document via Central District of California CMIF.CF system on April 22,2011 5 6 /s/ Georee A. Shohet 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

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