David Strick v. Los Angeles Times Communications LLC et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT against Defendants Los Angeles Times Communications LLC, Tribune Company. Case assigned to Judge Consuelo B. Marshall for all further proceedings. Discovery referred to Magistrate Judge Frederick F. Mumm. (Filing fee $ 350 PAID.) Jury Demanded., filed by Plaintiff David Strick.(et) (Additional attachment(s) added on 5/13/2011: # 1 PART 2, # 2 Ntc of Asgmt, Summons, Civil Cover Sheet, # 3 Exhibit A, # 4 Exhibit B-E, # 5 Exhibit F, # 6 Exhibit G, # 7 Exhibit H, # 8 Exhibit I, # 9 Exhibit J, # 10 Exhibit K, # 11 Exhibit L, # 12 Exhibit M) (mg).

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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT TO UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JI]DGE FOR DISCOVERY This case has been assigned to District Judge Consuelo B. Marshall and the assigned discovery Magishate Judge is Frederick F. Mumm. The case number on all documents filed with the Court should read as follows: Cvl1- 4043 eBlI (FrM:c) Pursuant to General Order 05-07 of the United States District Court for the Central District of Caiifornia, the Magistrate Judge has been designated to hear discovery related motions. All discovery related motions should be noticed on the calendar of the Magistrate Judge NOTICE TO COUNSEL A capy of this notice must be served with lhe s{.rnmons and complaint on all defendants (if a remova! action is filed, a copy of this notice must be served on alt plainliffs). Subsequent documents must be filed at the following location: [[l' - Western Division 312 N. Spring St, Rm. G-8 Los Angeles, CA 90012 II - Southern Division tI 4'll West Fourth St., Rm. 1-053 Eastern Division 3470 Twelfth St., Rm. 134 Santa Ana, Riverside, CA 92501 QA927014516 Failure to file at the proper location will result in your documents being retumed to you. CV.18 (03/06) NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT TO UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE FOR DISCOVERY /ATAIDV \rv lrLf THOMAS M. REGELE (SBN 089865) KAREN MOSKOWTTZ (SBN 109681) karen@m oskowitzlawgroup.com 940i Wilshire Bouievard, Suite #1250 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Tel: 310-203-0808 / Facsimile: 310-282-91A2 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COI.JRT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA DAVID STRICK, an individual CASENUMBER PLAINTIFF(S) #W11 0lF0 &3 eBM ffiFfrtx) LOS ANGELES TTMES COMMTINICATIONS LLC, dba LATIMES.COM; and TRIBUNE COMPANY, a SUMMONS Delaware Corporation DEFENDANT(S). TO: DEFENDANT(S): LOS ANGELES TIMES COMML'NICATIONS LLC dba LA TIMES.COM: and TRIBUNE COMPANY. A DELAWARE CORPORATION A lawsuit has been rl filed against you. Within "/0 days after service of this summons on you (not counting must serye on tt$l-uintiff an answer to the attached dcornplaint E the day you received it), you amended complaini D counterclaim cross-claim or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintifPs attorney, , whose address is 9401 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite #1250, Beverly Hills, CA . If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. You also must file your answer or motion with the court. I KAREII-MOSKOWITZ 902i2 Clerlq U.S. District Court [iAY 1 1 2011 CHRISTOPHER PO Dated: Depury Clerk (Seal of the Court) 1161 [Use 60 days if the delendant is the United States or a Uniled States ogency, or is an oficer or enplayee of the Uilited States. Allowed 60 days by Rule I2(a)@1. I I I \i cv-0lA (l?J07i sur\'il\toNs UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OI? CALIFORNIA CIvIL COVER SHDET I (a) PLAINTIFFS (Check box ifyou are representing yoursslfE) DAVID STRICK. an individual DEFENDANTS LOS ANGELES TllvlES COMMUNICA'IIONS LLC, dba LATIMES.COM; nnd TRIBUNE CObIPANY, r Delarvare Corporation (b) Attomeys (Firm Anorneys (lf Knorvn) Name, Address and Telephone Numlrer. If you are representing yoursell, provide snrne-) THOMAS M, REGELE (SBN 089865) l(AREN MOSKOWITZ (SBN 10968 | ) karcn@moskowitzlsrvgroup.com 9401 Wilshire Blvd, # 1250, Bevcrly Flills, CA 90212 [Tel. ] l0-203-08081 tII. BASIS OF JURTSDICTION (Ploce nn X in one box only.) trl Plaintrff d3 U.S. Govenrrnenr f.drral Question (U.S Government Not a Pany) CIT'IZENSI-|Ip OF IlnlNCIp.lL PARTIES - For Divcrsiry C$cs Only (Place an X in one box for plaintiffond one for defendant.) PTI; DCF PTF DIIF Dl Cl lncorporatcdorPrincipllPlace n4 D4 Citizen oIThis Stote ofBusiness rn lhis State E Defendant D 4 Diversity (lndicate Citizenslrip Citizcn o[ Anolher of Portics in ltenr Ill) 2 U.S. Governnenl Citrzen or Subject IV. ORIGIN (Place an 2 Removcd lrcm Stilte Coun lneorporatcd and Principal Placc B 5 tr 5 oIBrsiness in n nolherState ofa tr3 Di ForeignNntion Foreign Counrry n6 C6 X in one box only-) dr Original 11) Stale fl [] 4 or 0 5 Tr*nsferred 6 3 Remanded frorn Appella!e Coun 1'. REQUESTED tN COIIPLA,INT: JURY DEIUAND: SLASS ACTION undcr I;.R.C.P. VL Zt: D t',es O No (Check'Ycs'only if demanded in /No dntOXry D complaint.) DE,trtr\NDED tN COI\.tpL4tNT: S D 7 Appeal to Dist.ict District from anothcr drstracl (spacify) Judge from Msgistrale Judge ln Accort1 rvith prool. Permanent ln-iunction CAUSE OF,ICTION (Cile the U.S. VIL NATURE OF SUIT (Placc nn X in one bgx only.) OTHERSTATUTES n 400 tr 410 Antitfilst 430 Banks and Banking C 450 Comrnerce/lCC U 460 B 470 Rates/etc. Deportation Raclieteer lnfluenced ond Corrupt Organizations Consumcr Credit E 480 tr 490 Cable/SatTV D 810 SelectiveService D 850 Securities/Conmodilies/ 875 E 890 ! Exchange Customer Challcnge l? USC 34IO OtherStarutory Ac(ions 891 Agricultural Act E 892 Economic Stobilization Acl il0 Insurance t20 Marine r30 Millcr Act 140 Negoliable Iilslrurncnl 150 Recovery of Overpayment Enlorcemenl Judgillent t5t 152 l5l lvlatters C 894 Energy Allocotion Act D 895 Freedom olln[o. Act tr 900 Appenl ofFee Detcrmination Under Equoi Access to Justice Constiturionaliry lvledicare Act Recoverl' of Dcfauited Student Loan (Excl. Vetersns) Rccovery of Ovcrpaymenl of vcter0n's Beneflts 160 Stockholders' Suits 190 Olher Contnct 195 Contract Product of ONLY: PERSONAL INJURY Airplane 3 Airplane Prorlucl l0 ll5 REAL PROPERTY 210 Land Condelnnation 220 Foreclosure 230 Rent Lease & Ejcclment Tons to Lorrd Tort Prod$ct Lirbilily All Olher Real Property TORTS PERSONAL PROPERTY 370 Olher Fraud tr Liability 120 310 Assault, Libel & Slnnder Fed. Entployers' 380 Other Personal 340 145 Marinc Marine Product 350 355 Liability Motor Vehicle Molor Vehiclc Product Liatrility 360 Qtller Personal hjury 362 Personel lnjurylvled Malpmclicc 365 Pcrsonrl lnjuryProduct Liability Asbcslos Persenal liljury Producl 368 Liabi{ily IIviMIGRATION ,162 Naluralizotion 385 465 Habcrs CorpusAlicn Delainee Olhcr Imnrigration r\ctions Property Damage Property Darnagc Product Liabilify BANI(RUPTCY 422 Appeal ?8 USC 158 423 tVithdrarval 28 USC I57 CIVIL RICIITS 441 Voting 442 Enlploymcnl 443 Housing/Accommodntions 444 Wellare 445 American rvith Disnbilities - Ernploymenl 446 Amcrican rvith Disabilities - Application 463 PRISONER PETITIONS 510 Motions to 371 'lruth in Lendirrg Lirbility Liabiliry State Statutes IIOR OFFICD USE & of 196 Frnnchise E 891 Environmet|tal 0 950 'toRTs CONTRACT Slate Re4pportionment C3 tr} dyes Reinststcd Reooened Multi- l-itigotion D Proceeding 440 O(her Other Civil Rights 510 535 Vacate Sentencc l labeas Corprrs Ceneral Dcath PenBlry LABOR 710 Fair LoborSrandards ACt 720 Lrbor/Mgmt. Relations 730 Lobor/Mgmt. Reponing & 540 Nlaldam[s/ Disclosurc Act Othcr ?40 Rsilwoy Lsbor Acl 790 Olher Labor 550 Civil Rights 555 ltrison Condition FORFEITUREi PENALTY 610 Agriculture 620 Other Food & 791 Lil igstron Ernpl. Ret, Inc. Secrrity Act PROPERTY RIOI.ITS 820 Copyrigh(s Drug Drug Relsted 830 840 Seizure of Properry ?l USC 62i SOCIAL SECURITY t-ilA ( r395f0 862 Black Lung (923) 881 630 Liquor Larvs 640 R.R. & Truck 650 Airline Regs 660 Occupational Sofery /Flealth 690 Other Pilt€nt Trsdemsrk 86r 863 DIWC/DIWW (405G)) 86C SSID Tiile XVI 865 RSI (405(g)) FEDERAL TAX SUII'S 870 Taxes (U.S. Plainliff or Defendaut) 871 IRS-'l'hird Pany 26 usc 7609 Case Number AT,T[R COI\IPLETING T}IE FRONT SIDE OF FONI\T CV-7I, COi\IPLEI'E'TIID INFORI\IATION REQUISTDD BELO\1'. cv-71(os/08) CIVIL COVER SHEET Pagc I of? UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA CIVIL COVER SHEET VIII(a). IDENTICAL CASES: Ifyes, list VIII(b). Rf,LATED CASES: llyes, list Civil Has this action been previously filed in this court and dismissed, remanded or closed? Have any cases been previously filed in thrs court that are related to the present caset dNo n Yes case number(s) cases are deemed related (Check all boxes that ifa previously filed apply) ! A. ! case and the present case: Arrse from the same or closely related transactions, happenings, or events, or B. Call for determination ofthe E C. For other same patent, trademark or copyright, and one IX. VENUE; (When completing the following infonnation, ListtheCountyinthisDistrict; Check here ifthe same or substantially related or similar questions oflaw and fact. or reasons would entail substantial duplicatron o1'labor ifheard by different.ludges; or f) D. Involve the (a) n dNo n Yes case number(s): use an additional sheet if ofthe factors identrfied above in a, b or c also is present necessary.) CalifomiaCountyoutsideofthisDistrict;StateifotherthanCalifornia,orForeignCountry,inwhichEACHnamedplaintiffresides. lcles or rts ls a name thrs box ls c County in this District: IO rtem California County outside ofthis District, State, ifother than Califomia; or Foreign Country lOS ANGELES COLINry (b) I ListtheCountyinthisDistrict;CalifomiaCountyoutsideofthisDistrict; StateifotherthanCahfomia,orForeignCountry,inwhichEACHnameddefendantresides Lheck here rt the government, tts agencies or emplovees is a named defendant. County in this District* this box is checked, go to item (c California County outside ofthrs District; State, ifother than California, or Foreign Country DELAWARE, authorized and doing business in Los Angeles County (c) ListtheCountyinthisDistrict; Note: In land condemnation CalifomiaCountyoutsideofthisDistrict; StateifotherthanCalifomia: orForeienCountry.inwhichEACHclaimarose. tract of land involved. cases, use the location of the County in this District:* California County outside ofthis District; State, ifother than California; or Foreign Comtry LOS ANGELES COIINTY * Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura, Santa Barbara, or San Luis Obispo Counties and condemnal X. t/ SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY (OR PRO PER) butisusedbytheC1erkoftheCourtforthepurposeofstatistics,venueandinitiatingtheciviIdocketsheet.(FormoredetailedilrstctionS' Key to Statistical codes relating to Social Security Cases Nature ofSuit Code Abbreviation Substantive Statement of Cause of Action 861 HIA AII claims for health insurance benefits (Medicare) under Title 1 8, Part A, ofthe Social Security Act, as amended. Also, rnclude claims by hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, etc., for certification as providers ofservices under the program. (42 U.S.C. l935FF(b/l 862 BL All claims for "Black Lung" benefits under Title 4, Part B, ofthe Federal Coal Mine Health and Safery Act of {30 863 DIWC u.s.c All claims filed by insured workers for disability insurance benefits under Title 2 ofthe Social Security Act, amended; plusall claimsfiledforchild'sinsurancebenefitsbasedondisability. 863 DIWW All claims filed for widows or widowers insurance benefits Act, 864 SSID as 1969. 923) amended. (42 U as (a2U.S.C.a05(g)) based on disability under Title 2 of the Social Security S C. 405(g)) All claims for supplemental secunty income payments based upon disability filed under Title 16 ofthe Social Security Act, as amended. 86s RSI All clarms for retirement (old age) and survivors benefits under Tttle 2 ofthe Social Security Act, as amended. (42 u s.c. (g)) cv-71 (05/08) CIVIL COVER SHEET Page 2 of 2

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