Courthouse News Service v. Michael Planet

Filing 12

EX PARTE APPLICATION to Continue Hearing on Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction from November 7, 2011 to January 17, 2012 filed by Defendant Michael Planet. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Proposed Order)(Naeve, Robert)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Robert A. Naeve (State Bar No. 106095) Erica L. Reilley (State Bar No. 211615) JONES DAY 3161 Michelson Drive, Suite 800 Irvine, California 92612 Telephone: (949) 851-3939 Facsimile: (949) 553-7539 Attorneys for Defendant MICHAEL PLANET, IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS COURT EXECUTIVE OFFICER/CLERK OF THE VENTURA COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 11 12 13 COURTHOUSE NEWS SERVICE, Plaintiff, 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 v. MICHAEL PLANET, IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS COURT EXECUTIVE OFFICER/CLERK OF THE VENTURA COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT, Defendant. Case No. CV11-08083 R (MANx) Assigned for all purposes to Hon. Manuel L. Real EX PARTE APPLICATION TO: CONTINUE HEARING ON PLAINTIFF’S MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES AND DECLARATION OF ERICA L. REILLEY IN SUPPORT THEREOF 21 22 23 24 ([Proposed] Order Continuing Time In Which To Respond To Complaint And Hearing On Motion For Preliminary Injunction Submitted Concurrently) 25 26 27 28 Ex Parte Application Case No. CV 11-08083 R (MANx) 1 2 EX PARTE APPLICATION I. 3 Nature Of This Action. By this action, Plaintiff Courthouse News Service (“Plaintiff”) seeks broad 4 declaratory and injunctive relief against the Ventura County Superior Court, and 5 specifically, its Executive Officer and Clerk of the Court, Michael Planet 6 (“Defendant”), claiming that the Court’s alleged failure to provide Plaintiff with 7 virtually instant access to newly filed unlimited civil complaints as they arrive at 8 the courthouse amounts to a violation of Plaintiff’s First and Fourth Amendment 9 rights. Specifically, Plaintiff complains that increasing delays and an alleged 10 “policy” that Plaintiff (and every other member of the public) cannot have access to 11 new filings until the requisite document processing is completed has resulted in 12 new filings being “as good as sealed.” (Compl., at 3.) 13 Despite Plaintiff’s on-going communications with Defendant—in which 14 Defendant explained that same-day access to all newly filed unlimited civil 15 complaints was not possible in all situations due to serious State resource shortages, 16 ongoing court budget reductions, and the priorities of other matters, including the 17 sometimes-urgent needs of litigants—Plaintiff filed this action on September 29, 18 2011, and simultaneously filed a Motion for Preliminary Injunction noticed for 19 hearing on November 7, 2011. Plaintiff’s complaint includes two claims arising 20 under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, and a third claim for alleged violation of California Rule 21 of Court 2.550 (regarding sealing of records). 22 23 24 25 26 27 II. Requested Relief. Defendant’s responsive pleading to Plaintiff’s Complaint is due on October 25, 2011 (or no earlier than October 20, as there is a dispute regarding when service on Defendant was effective). Yet Defendant’s opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction currently is due before that, on October 17, 2011. 28 - 1- Ex Parte Application Case No. CV 11-08083 R (MANx) 1 Defendant intends to respond to Plaintiff’s Complaint by way of a motion to 2 dismiss raising jurisdictional, justiciability and immunity issues, along with 3 arguments that certain causes of action fail to state claims upon which relief may be 4 granted. Those arguments are likely to render the entire Complaint unsettled, if not 5 untenable. To give the parties and the Court time to consider the viability of 6 Plaintiff’s Complaint and then refocus on whatever claims might validly remain 7 prior to hearing on Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Defendant hereby 8 applies ex parte, pursuant to Local Rule 7-19, for an order granting the following 9 relief: 10 11 (1) filed on or before October 25, 2011. 12 13 14 15 That Defendant’s motion to dismiss or other responsive pleading be (2) That this Court take off calendar Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction, with an option that it be re-filed two weeks after the date that Plaintiff’s operative complaint becomes settled. (2) 16 Or, in the alternative, that this Court order that Plaintiff’s Motion for 17 Preliminary Injunction not be heard until January 17, 2012, with briefing on the 18 Motion continued in accordance with Local Rule 7-11. 19 Defendant takes the allegations in Plaintiff’s Complaint seriously, and wants 20 to give them the appropriate consideration and analysis. Defendant will not ask for 21 any further extensions of time in connection with these motions. 22 III. Reason For Requested Relief. 23 Due to the simultaneous filing of Plaintiff’s Complaint and Motion for 24 Preliminary Injunction, under the current schedule, Defendant’s responsive motion 25 to dismiss will not be heard until after the Court has reached the merits of 26 Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction. This order puts the cart before the 27 horse, forcing the Court to reach substantive issues of the litigation before deciding 28 -2- Ex Parte Application Case No. CV 11-08083 R (MANx) 1 threshold jurisdictional and justiciability issues. Accordingly, Defendant seeks to 2 continue the hearing on Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction for the 3 prudent and appropriate purpose of providing the Court with an opportunity to 4 consider those threshold issues before the Court and parties invest additional time 5 and resources briefing the merits of Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction. 6 January 17, 2012, is the first date this Court is available to hear the Motion that 7 would permit the parties not to work-up and brief the Motion until after hearing and 8 resolution of Defendant’s motion to dismiss. 9 IV. Defendant Has Complied With Local Rules 7-19, 7-19.1 And The 10 Court’s Standing Rules For Ex Parte Relief. 11 A. 12 On Friday, October 7, 2011, Defendant’s counsel contacted Plaintiff’s 13 counsel via telephonic voicemail and e-mail to propose that the parties stipulate to 14 schedule that would permit Defendant’s motion to dismiss to be heard and resolved 15 prior to Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction. (Reilley Decl., ¶ 2.) In both 16 October 7 communications, Defendant’s counsel notified Plaintiff’s counsel that, if 17 Plaintiff would not stipulate, Defendant intended to apply ex parte for such relief. 18 (Id., ¶ 3.) Plaintiff’s counsel stated they would not agree to such a stipulation, but 19 offered to talk further on Monday, October 10, 2011. (Id., ¶ 4.) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Defense Counsel Has Provided Notice To Plaintiff’s Counsel. On Monday, October 10, 2011, counsel for both parties talked by phone and could not reach agreement on the scheduling of Defendant’s motion to dismiss and Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction. During the call, Defendant’s counsel gave notice that Defendant would file this Ex Parte Application later that day. Plaintiff’s counsel stated they would oppose the Application, at which time Defendant’s counsel informed them that Plaintiff would have twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the papers to oppose the Application. (Id., ¶ 5.) 28 -3- Ex Parte Application Case No. CV 11-08083 R (MANx) 1 B. 2 Defendant is informed and believes that the contact information for 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Contact Information for Plaintiff’s Counsel Plaintiff’s counsel is as follows: Rachel Matteo-Boehm (SBN 195492) David Greene (SBN 160107) Leila C. Knox (SBN 245999) HOLME ROBERTS & OWEN LLP 560 Mission Street, Suite 250 San Francisco, CA 94105-2994 Telephone: (415) 268-2000 Facsimile: (415) 268-1999 12 13 14 Dated: October 10, 2011 Respectfully submitted, JONES DAY 15 16 17 18 19 20 By: /s/ Robert A. Naeve Robert A. Naeve Attorneys for Defendant MICHAEL PLANET, IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS COURT EXECUTIVE OFFICER/CLERK OF THE VENTURA COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -4- Ex Parte Application Case No. CV 11-08083 R (MANx) 1 2 MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES I. This Court Has Discretion To Continue The Hearing On Plaintiff’s 3 Motion For Preliminary Injunction. 4 This Court has the discretion to extend the time in which to file a motion to 5 dismiss, and to continue a hearing on a motion for preliminary injunction, on a 6 showing of good cause. Fed. R. Civ. P. 6(b); Quintero Family Trust v. OneWest 7 Bank, F.S.B., No. 09-CV-1561, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 115765, (S.D. Cal. Dec. 11, 8 2009) (“The matter of whether to grant a continuance is traditionally within the 9 discretion of the court.” (citing Avery v. Alabama, 308 U.S. 444, 446, 60 S. Ct. 321, 10 84 L. Ed. 377 (1940).). Here, Defendant requests that the Court continue the 11 hearing on Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction indefinitely (and subject to 12 re-filing once Plaintiff’s pleadings are settled) or no earlier than January 17, 2012, 13 so that Defendant’s motion to dismiss can be heard and resolved prior to full 14 briefing on, and the Court’s merits resolution of, Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary 15 Injunction. 16 II. 17 Defendant’s Requested Relief Will Conserve Resources. Resolving Defendant’s motion to dismiss in advance of the hearing on 18 Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction is both logical and economical. The 19 motion to dismiss will address issues that are likely to resolve this action in its 20 entirety. For example, Defendant anticipates that his motion will raise various 21 jurisdictional, justiciability, and immunity issues, and will also argue that certain 22 causes of action fail to state claims upon which relief may be granted. The exact 23 contours of these arguments are still being considered and evaluated. 24 25 26 27 28 By prioritizing Defendant’s threshold challenges, the Court may avoid having to delve into the complex constitutional issues and injunctive relief raised by the merits of Plaintiff’s First Amendment challenges. Moreover, continuing the hearing on Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction indefinitely (and no earlier - 5- Ex Parte Application Case No. CV 11-08083 R (MANx) 1 than January 17, 2012) will allow the Court to resolve the motion to dismiss before 2 the parties and this Court expend resources briefing and considering what may 3 otherwise be a mooted motion. If this lawsuit remains viable after the Court has 4 ruled on Defendant’s motion to dismiss and the pleadings have settled, the parties 5 can then focus on the remaining briefing for the Preliminary Injunction Motion. 6 III. Defendant’s Requested Relief Is Consistent With Established Law 7 Requiring That Certain Issues Be Determined At The Threshold. 8 Beyond waste, there are substantive legal reasons to decide Defendant’s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 motion to dismiss first. To start, Plaintiff’s requested injunctive and declaratory relief, including its Motion for Preliminary Injunction itself, necessarily implicates a myriad of federalism concerns, including interference in administration of state judicial system, dictating state and local budget priorities, and daily monitoring of the Ventura County Superior Court to ensure the court remains compliant with providing same-day access. Accordingly, at a minimum, this Court should hear and consider whether equitable abstention is appropriate before reaching the merits of Plaintiff’s requested preliminary injunction. 19 Moreover, Defendant’s motion to dismiss likely will raise immunity and 20 ripeness issues will determine whether the Court has subject matter jurisdiction 21 over the case. See, e.g., Lee v. Oregon, 107 F.3d 1382, 1387-88 (9th Cir. 1997) 22 (“In order to ensure that a federal court's Article III power has been properly 23 invoked, the courts have developed several doctrines, including standing, mootness, 24 and ripeness, each of which imposes a different requirement on the substance of a 25 plaintiff's claim.”). While Plaintiff no doubt will argue that the issues raised in its 26 Motion for Preliminary Injunction are important (and Defendant is not disputing 27 that), they must give way to the questions of jurisdiction, justiciability and 28 immunity that will be raised in Defendant’s motion to dismiss. -6- Ex Parte Application Case No. CV 11-08083 R (MANx) 1 IV. Defendant’s Requested Relief Poses No Prejudice To Plaintiff. 2 Plaintiff has insisted that their Motion for Preliminary Injunction be heard 3 first, before Defendant’s motion to dismiss. (Declaration of Erica L. Reilley, ¶ 4 4 [hereinafter “Reilley Decl.”].) As set forth above, neither judicial economy nor the 5 law favor such an approach. Moreover, Plaintiff cannot demonstrate any particular 6 prejudice that would result from granting Defendant’s requested relief. 7 A. 8 While Plaintiff Motion for Preliminary Injunction makes much of the alleged 9 “irreparable harm” that will be suffered if Defendant’s policies are not preliminarily 10 enjoined, Plaintiff’s actions reveal there is no actual urgency. The alleged “delays” 11 in access to newly filed unlimited civil complaints about which Plaintiff complains 12 dates back to early 2008, and the specific policy Plaintiff seeks to enjoin was 13 disclosed to Plaintiff in July 2011. (Declaration of Julianna Krolak ISO Mot. for 14 Preliminary Injunction, ¶ 5 (“Beginning in early 2008, media access at Ventura 15 County Superior began to deteriorate on a number of fronts.”); Mot. for Preliminary 16 Injunction, at 18:3.) Nevertheless, Plaintiff did not file this action or bring its 17 motion until September 29, 2011. Moreover, once Plaintiff finally did move to 18 enjoin the policy, Plaintiff did not seek to expedite hearing on the motion or 19 otherwise seek interim relief (granted, no facts would warrant a temporary 20 restraining order in any event). At bottom, the history of the conduct complained of 21 and Plaintiff’s actions to date do not demonstrate any compelling need to waste 22 already-precious State resources by requiring briefing on the substantive issues 23 simultaneous with, and before decision on, various threshold legal issues that may 24 remove this Court’s jurisdiction to hear those substantive issues in the first place. There Is No Urgency To Plaintiff’s Motion. 25 26 27 28 -7- Ex Parte Application Case No. CV 11-08083 R (MANx) 1 B. 2 Defendant’s Requested Relief Does Not Shorten The Briefing Schedule. 3 Defendant’s requested relief does not seek to shorten the notice requirements 4 or briefing schedule established by Local Rules 6-1, 7-9 and 7-10. To the contrary, 5 Defendant’s motion to dismiss would be due no later than October 25, 2011, and 6 would comply with the full 28-day notice period. By taking off calendar the 7 hearing on Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction—or scheduling it no 8 earlier than January 17, 2012 (the first available Court date that would permit the 9 parties not to work-up and brief the Motion until after Plaintiff’s motion to dismiss 10 is resolved)—the parties would have more than sufficient notice and time to brief 11 the issues raised. No prejudice to Plaintiff would result from granting Defendant’s 12 requested relief. 13 V. 14 15 CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, Defendant respectfully requests his Ex Parte Application be granted as requested. 16 17 18 Dated: October 10, 2011 Respectfully submitted, JONES DAY 19 20 21 22 23 24 By: /s/ Robert A. Naeve Robert A. Naeve Attorneys for Defendant MICHAEL PLANET, IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS COURT EXECUTIVE OFFICER/CLERK OF THE VENTURA COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 25 26 27 28 -8- Ex Parte Application Case No. CV 11-08083 R (MANx) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DECLARATION OF ERICA L. REILLEY I, Erica L. Reilley, declare as follows: 1. I am an attorney at law, duly admitted to practice before all Courts of the State of California and before this Court, and am a partner with the law firm of Jones Day, attorneys of record for Defendant Michael Planet, in his official capacity as Court Executive Officer/Clerk of the Ventura County Superior Court. I make this declaration in support of the Defendant’s Ex Parte Application to Continue Hearing on Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction. As one of the attorneys responsible for the defense of this action, I have personal knowledge of the facts stated in this Declaration and if called as a witness I could and would testify competently to them. 2. On October 7, 2011, I telephoned Rachel Matteo-Boehm, of the Holme 14 Roberts & Owen LLP law firm, to request a stipulation to continue the time to 15 respond to Plaintiff’s Complaint and to continue the hearing on Plaintiff’s Motion 16 for Preliminary Injunction to a date after Defendant’s motion to dismiss would be 17 resolved. Specifically, I left a voicemail at or around 4:10 p.m., and followed that 18 voicemail up with an email minutes later (that cc’d David Green and Leila Knox, as 19 well), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 20 3. In both my October 7 voicemail and email, I informed Ms. Matteo- 21 Boehm that if Plaintiff would not stipulate to the continuance, Defendant intended 22 to apply ex parte for an order granting such relief. 23 4. On October 7, 2011, at approximately 5:18 p.m., Ms. Matteo-Boehm 24 e-mailed me back and stated that Plaintiff would not stipulate to continue the 25 hearing to a date beyond which Defendant’s motion to dismiss would be resolved, 26 but that we could discuss the matter further on Monday, October 10, 2011. A copy 27 of Ms. Matteo-Boehm’s e-mail is attached hereto as Exhibit B. 28 - 9- Ex Parte Application Case No. CV 11-08083 R (MANx) 1 5. On October 10, 2011, at 10:30 a.m., I telephoned Ms. Matteo-Boehm 2 and Mr. David Greene to discuss the matter further. During the call, we were not 3 able to reach agreement on an appropriate stipulation, and I gave notice to Ms. 4 Matteo-Boehm and Mr. Greene that Defendant would file this Ex Parte Application 5 later that day seeking a continuance of the hearing on Plaintiff’s Motion for 6 Preliminary Injunction. Ms. Matteo-Boehm and Mr. Green stated that Plaintiff 7 intended to oppose Defendant’s Application. I informed Ms. Matteo-Boehm and 8 Mr. Green that Plaintiff would have twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the 9 papers to file an opposition. I followed up that phone call with an email stating the 10 11 same, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit C. 6. Shortly thereafter, Ms. Matteo-Boehm responded to my email, a copy 12 of which is attached as Exhibit D. She proposed a schedule that would provide for 13 simultaneous hearing on November 21, 2011, of Defendant’s motion to dismiss and 14 Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7. Although Defendant appreciates the brief extension Plaintiff has offered (and would consider it if this Application is denied), it does not address the waste of resources that would result where the Court has not yet had an opportunity to rule on the propriety of its jurisdiction over, and viability of, the underlying Complaint prior to hearing the Motion for Preliminary Injunction. By prioritizing these threshold issues, this Court and the parties need not expend limited resources on the complex constitutional issues and injunctive relief raised by the merits of Plaintiff’s First Amendment challenges prior to the pleadings being settled. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States and the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on October 10, 2011, at Los Angeles, California. /s/ Erica L. Reilley Erica L. Reilley LAI-3150709 - 10 - Ex Parte Application Case No. CV 11-08083 R (MANx)

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