Rupa Marya v. Warner Chappell Music Inc

Filing 170

[REDACTED] JOINT EVIDENTIARY APPENDIX IN SUPPORT OF NOTICE OF MOTION AND CROSS-MOTION AND MOTION AND CROSS-MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT re APPLICATION for Leave to File Under Seal 158 VOLUME 1 OF 8 filed by Plaintiffs Good Morning to You Productions Corp, Majar Productions LLC, Rupa Marya, Robert Siegel. (Attachments: # 1 Appendix VOLUME 1 OF 8 (EXS. 1 TO 5), # 2 Appendix VOLUME 1 OF 8 (EXS. 6-7), # 3 Appendix VOLUME 1 OF 8 (EXS. 8-10)(Manifold, Betsy)

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VOLUME 1 OF 8 - EXS. 1-10 (PAGES 1 TO 220) EXHIBIT 1 Ex. 1 1 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 1 of 43 Page ID #:795        %(76< & 0$1,)2/'  PDQLIROG#ZKDIKFRP WOLF HALDENSTEIN ADLER FREEMAN & HERZ LLP  % 6WUHHW 6XLWH  6DQ 'LHJR &$  7HOHSKRQH  )DFVLPLOH  Interim Lead Class Counsel for Plaintiffs >$GGLWLRQDO &RXQVHO RQ 6LJQDWXUH 3DJH@  UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT  CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA-WESTERN DIVISION       *22' 0251,1* 72 <28 352'8&7,216 &253 52%(57 6,(*(/ 583$ 0$5<$ DQG 0$-$5 352'8&7,216 //& 2Q %HKDOI RI 7KHPVHOYHV DQG $OO 2WKHUV 6LPLODUO\ 6LWXDWHG  3ODLQWLIIV     Y :$51(5&+$33(// 086,& ,1& DQG 6800<%,5&+$5' ,1&      'HIHQGDQWV /HDG &DVH 1R &9 *+. 05:[ FOURTH AMENDED CONSOLIDATED COMPLAINT FOR: (1) DECLARATORY JUDGMENT (28 U.S.C. § 2201); (2) DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF AND DAMAGES (28 U.S.C. § 2202); (3) VIOLATIONS OF CALIFORNIA’S UNFAIR COMPETITION LAWS (Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 17200 et seq.); (4) BREACH OF CONTRACT; (5) COMMON LAW MONEY HAD AND RECEIVED; (6) RESCISSION FOR FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION; and (7) VIOLATIONS OF CALIFORNIA’S FALSE ADVERTISING LAWS (Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 17500 et seq.) 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Stories for the Kindergarten WR 6XPP\ &R  YHUVLRQ RI ,Q  6XPP\ SXEOLVKHG D QHZ UHYLVHG LOOXVWUDWHG DQG HQODUJHG Song Stories for the Kindergarten ZKLFK FRQWDLQHG HLJKW SUHYLRXVO\ XQSXEOLVKHG VRQJV ZULWWHQ E\ WKH +LOO 6LVWHUV DV ZHOO DV LOOXVWUDWLRQV E\ 0DUJDUHW %\HUV  2Q RU DERXW -XQH   6XPP\ ILOHG D FRS\ULJKW DSSOLFDWLRQ 5HJ 1R  ZLWK WKH &RS\ULJKW 2IILFH IRU WKH  SXEOLFDWLRQ RI the Kindergarten  Song Stories for 2Q LWV -XQH   FRS\ULJKW DSSOLFDWLRQ 6XPP\ DJDLQ FODLPHG WR EH WKH FRS\ULJKW¶V SURSULHWRU EXW DJDLQ QRW WKH DXWKRU RI WKH FRS\ULJKWHG ZRUNV  7KH  YHUVLRQ RI Song Stories for the Kindergarten EHDUV D FRS\ULJKW QRWLFH UHDGLQJ ³&RS\ULJKW  E\ &OD\WRQ ) 6XPP\´  $V SURSULHWRU RI WKH  FRS\ULJKW LQ WKH UHYLVHG Song Stories for the Kindergarten 6XPP\ RZQHG WKH ULJKWV WR ERWK WKH VRQJERRN DV D FRPSLODWLRQ DQG WKH LQGLYLGXDO VRQJV SXEOLVKHG WKHUHLQ LQFOXGLQJ Good Morning to All  7KH O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You ZHUH not SXEOLVKHG LQ WKH  YHUVLRQ RI Song Stories for the Kindergarten  ,Q  6XPP\ &R SXEOLVKHG  VRQJV IURP WKH  YHUVLRQ RI Song Stories for the Kindergarten LQ D VRQJERRN WLWOHG Song Stories for the Sunday School 2QH RI WKRVH VRQJV LQFOXGHG LQ Song Stories for the Sunday School ZDV Ex. 1  9 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 9 of 43 Page ID #:803   Good Morning to All $QG \HW DJDLQ QHLWKHU WKH VRQJ Happy Birthday QRU WKH O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday ZHUH SXEOLVKHG LQ ³Song Stories for the Sunday School´    5HJ 1R  ZLWK WKH &RS\ULJKW 2IILFH IRU Song Stories for the Sunday School    2Q RU DERXW 0DUFK   6XPP\ &R ILOHG D FRS\ULJKW DSSOLFDWLRQ 2Q WKH  FRS\ULJKW DSSOLFDWLRQ 6XPP\ &R FODLPHG WR EH WKH FRS\ULJKW¶V SURSULHWRU EXW QRW WKH DXWKRU RI WKH FRS\ULJKWHG ZRUNV 7KH WLWOH SDJH WR Song Stories for the Sunday School VWDWHV    7KLV FROOHFWLRQ RI VRQJV KDV EHHQ SXEOLVKHG LQ UHVSRQVH WR HDUQHVW UHTXHVWV  IURP YDULRXV VRXUFHV 7KH\ DUH WDNHQ IURP WKH ERRN Song Stories for the  Kindergarten E\ WKH 0,66(6 +,// DQG are the copyright property of the  publishers (PSKDVLV DGGHG     Song Stories for the Sunday School EHDUV D FRS\ULJKW QRWLFH UHDGLQJ ³&RS\ULJKW  E\ &OD\WRQ ) 6XPP\ &R´   $V SURSULHWRU RI WKH  FRS\ULJKW LQ Song Stories for the Sunday  School 6XPP\ &R RZQHG WKH ULJKWV WR ERWK WKH VRQJERRN DV D FRPSLODWLRQ DQG WKH LQGLYLGXDO VRQJV SXEOLVKHG WKHUHLQ LQFOXGLQJ Good Morning to All  7KH O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You ZHUH not SXEOLVKHG LQ Song Stories for the Sunday School  (YHQ WKRXJK WKH O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You DQG WKH VRQJ Happy Birthday to You KDG QRW EHHQ IL[HG LQ D WDQJLEOH PHGLXP RI H[SUHVVLRQ WKH SXEOLF EHJDQ VLQJLQJ Happy Birthday to You QR ODWHU WKDQ WKH HDUO\ V  )RU H[DPSOH LQ WKH -DQXDU\  HGLWLRQ RI Inland Educator and Indiana School Journal WKH DUWLFOH HQWLWOHG ³)LUVW *UDGH 2SHQLQJ ([HUFLVHV´  GHVFULEHG FKLOGUHQ VLQJLQJ WKH ZRUGV ³KDSS\ ELUWKGD\ WR \RX´ EXW GLG QRW SULQW WKH  6RQJ¶V O\ULFV RU PHORG\           ,Q RU DERXW )HEUXDU\  6XPP\ &R UHSXEOLVKHG WKH VRQJ  Morning to All DV DQ LQGLYLGXDO PXVLFDO 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Harris (T 1R  FODLPLQJ WKDW WKH SHUIRUPDQFH RI Happy to Birthday to You LQ As Thousands Cheer LQIULQJHG RQ WKH +LOO 6LVWHUV¶  DQG  FRS\ULJKWV WR Good Morning to All -HVVLFD +LOO DVVHUWHG QR FODLP LQ WKDW DFWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ Happy Birthday to You DORQH RU LQ FRPELQDWLRQ ZLWK Good Ex. 1    14 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 14 of 43 Page ID #:808  Morning to All        )HGHUDO %URDGFDVWLQJ &RUS LQ WKH 6RXWKHUQ 'LVWULFW RI 1HZ <RUN FDSWLRQHG Hill v. Federal Broadcasting Corp. (T 1R  FODLPLQJ LQIULQJHPHQW RQ WKH +LOO 6LVWHUV¶  DQG  FRS\ULJKWV WR Good Morning to All -HVVLFD +LOO DVVHUWHG QR FODLP LQ WKDW DFWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ Happy Birthday to You DORQH RU LQ FRPELQDWLRQ ZLWK Good Morning to All    2Q -DQXDU\   -HVVLFD +LOO FRPPHQFHG DQ DFWLRQ DJDLQVW WKH ,Q  DQG  -HVVLFD +LOO VROG DQG DVVLJQHG WR 6XPP\ &R ,,, FHUWDLQ SLDQR DUUDQJHPHQWV RI Good Morning to All LQFOXGLQJ SXEOLVKLQJ SXEOLF  SHUIRUPDQFH DQG PHFKDQLFDO UHSURGXFWLRQ ULJKWV FRS\ULJKW DQG H[WHQVLRQ RI  FRS\ULJKW LQ H[FKDQJH IRU D SHUFHQWDJH RI WKH UHWDLO VDOHV UHYHQXH IURP WKH VKHHW  PXVLF  Applications for Copyright for New Musical Arrangement   2Q RU DERXW 'HFHPEHU   6XPP\ &R ,,, ILOHG DQ $SSOLFDWLRQ  IRU &RS\ULJKW IRU 5HSXEOLVKHG 0XVLFDO &RPSRVLWLRQ ZLWK QHZ &RS\ULJKW 0DWWHU  5HJ 1R ( ZLWK WKH &RS\ULJKW 2IILFH IRU WKH VRQJ   Happy Birthday ,Q WKDW 'HFHPEHU  $SSOLFDWLRQ IRU &RS\ULJKW 6XPP\ &R ,,,  FODLPHG WR EH WKH SURSULHWRU RI WKH FRS\ULJKW DV D ZRUN IRU KLUH E\ 3UHVWRQ :DUH  2UHP ³2UHP´ DQG FODLPHG 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FRS\ULJKW DV D ZRUN IRU KLUH E\ 2UHP DQG FODLPHG WKH  FRS\ULJKWHG QHZ PDWWHU DV ³DUUDQJHPHQW RI VHFRQG SLDQR SDUW´   7KH O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You ZHUH QRW LQFOXGHG RQ WKH ZRUN  UHJLVWHUHG ZLWK WKH &RS\ULJKW 2IILFH DV 5HJ 1R (  FRQWDLQ WKH QDPHV RI WKH +LOO 6LVWHUV DQG GLG QRW FODLP FRS\ULJKW LQ WKH O\ULFV WR 7KH DSSOLFDWLRQ GLG QRW  Happy Birthday to You DORQH RU LQ FRPELQDWLRQ ZLWK WKH PHORG\ RI Good Morning to All    Ex. 1    16 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 16 of 43 Page ID #:810   7KH ZRUN UHJLVWHUHG ZLWK WKH &RS\ULJKW 2IILFH DV 5HJ 1R ( ZDV  QRW HOLJLEOH IRU IHGHUDO FRS\ULJKW SURWHFWLRQ LQ WKDW LW FRQVLVWHG HQWLUHO\ RI  LQIRUPDWLRQ WKDW ZDV FRPPRQ SURSHUW\ DQG FRQWDLQHG QR RULJLQDO DXWKRUVKLS H[FHSW  DV WR WKH DUUDQJHPHQW LWVHOI   2Q RU DERXW $SULO   6XPP\ &R ,,, ILOHG DQ $SSOLFDWLRQ IRU  &RS\ULJKW IRU 5HSXEOLVKHG 0XVLFDO &RPSRVLWLRQ ZLWK QHZ &RS\ULJKW 0DWWHU 5HJ  1R ( ZLWK WKH &RS\ULJKW 2IILFH IRU WKH VRQJ Happy Birthday      ,Q WKDW DGGLWLRQDO $SULO  $SSOLFDWLRQ IRU &RS\ULJKW 6XPP\ &R ,,, FODLPHG WR EH WKH SURSULHWRU RI WKH FRS\ULJKW DV D ZRUN IRU KLUH E\ 2UHP DQG FODLPHG WKH FRS\ULJKWHG QHZ PDWWHU DV ³DUUDQJHPHQW IRU VL[ KDQGV DW RQH SLDQR´  7KH O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You ZHUH QRW LQFOXGHG RQ WKH ZRUN  UHJLVWHUHG ZLWK WKH &RS\ULJKW 2IILFH DV 5HJ 1R ( 7KH DSSOLFDWLRQ GLG QRW  FRQWDLQ WKH QDPHV RI WKH +LOO 6LVWHUV DQG GLG QRW FODLP FRS\ULJKW LQ WKH O\ULFV WR    Happy Birthday to You DORQH RU LQ FRPELQDWLRQ ZLWK WKH PHORG\ RI Good Morning to All  7KH ZRUN UHJLVWHUHG ZLWK WKH &RS\ULJKW 2IILFH DV 5HJ 1R ( ZDV  QRW HOLJLEOH IRU IHGHUDO FRS\ULJKW SURWHFWLRQ LQ WKDW LW FRQVLVWHG HQWLUHO\ RI  LQIRUPDWLRQ WKDW ZDV FRPPRQ SURSHUW\ DQG FRQWDLQHG QR RULJLQDO DXWKRUVKLS H[FHSW  DV WR WKH DUUDQJHPHQW LWVHOI   2Q 'HFHPEHU   6XPP\ &R ,,, ILOHG DQ $SSOLFDWLRQ IRU  &RS\ULJKW IRU 5HSXEOLVKHG 0XVLFDO &RPSRVLWLRQ ZLWK QHZ &RS\ULJKW 0DWWHU 5HJ  1R ( ZLWK WKH &RS\ULJKW 2IILFH IRU Happy Birthday to You   ,Q WKDW 'HFHPEHU  $SSOLFDWLRQ IRU 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DXWKRUVKLS RI WKH  O\ULFV WR HLWKHU RI WKH +LOO 6LVWHUV DQG GLG QRW FODLP FRS\ULJKW LQ WKH IDPLOLDU ILUVW    Happy Birthday to You DORQH RU LQ FRPELQDWLRQ ZLWK WKH PHORG\ RI Good Morning to All YHUVH O\ULFV WR  7KH ZRUN UHJLVWHUHG ZLWK WKH &RS\ULJKW 2IILFH DV 5HJ 1R ( ZDV  H[SUHVVO\ OLPLWHG LQ VFRSH DQG QHLWKHU FODLPHG QRU SURYLGHG FRS\ULJKW SURWHFWLRQ WR  WKH IDPLOLDU O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You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DGGLWLRQDO 'HFHPEHU  $SSOLFDWLRQ IRU &RS\ULJKW GLG QRW DWWULEXWH DXWKRUVKLS RI  WKH O\ULFV WR HLWKHU RI WKH +LOO 6LVWHUV GLG QRW FRQWDLQ WKH QDPHV RI HLWKHU RI WKH +LOO  6LVWHUV DQG GLG QRW FODLP DQ\ FRS\ULJKW LQ WKH O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You DORQH  RU LQ FRPELQDWLRQ ZLWK WKH PHORG\ RI Good Morning to All   7KH ZRUN UHJLVWHUHG ZLWK WKH &RS\ULJKW 2IILFH DV 5HJ 1R ( ZDV  H[SUHVVO\ OLPLWHG LQ VFRSH DQG QHLWKHU FODLPHG QRU SURYLGHG FRS\ULJKW SURWHFWLRQ WR  WKH IDPLOLDU O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You ,I DQG WR WKH H[WHQW WKH ZRUN UHJLVWHUHG  ZLWK WKH &RS\ULJKW 2IILFH DV 5HJ 1R ( KDG FODLPHG FRS\ULJKW SURWHFWLRQ WR  WKRVH IDPLOLDU O\ULFV WKDW ZRUN ZDV QRW HOLJLEOH IRU IHGHUDO FRS\ULJKW SURWHFWLRQ LQ  WKDW LW FRQVLVWHG HQWLUHO\ RI LQIRUPDWLRQ WKDW ZDV FRPPRQ SURSHUW\ DQG FRQWDLQHG QR  RULJLQDO DXWKRUVKLS H[FHSW DV WR WKH VKHHW PXVLF DUUDQJHPHQW LWVHOI   %DVHG XSRQ LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG EHOLHI WKH ZRUN UHJLVWHUHG DV 5HJ 1R  ( ZDV QRW HOLJLEOH IRU IHGHUDO FRS\ULJKW SURWHFWLRQ EHFDXVH 6XPP\ &R 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Clayton F. Summy Co. &DVH 1R  IRU DQ DFFRXQWLQJ RI  WKH UR\DOWLHV UHFHLYHG E\ 6XPP\ &R ,,, IRU WKH OLFHQVLQJ RI Happy Birthday to You   7KH +LOO )RXQGDWLRQ DVVHUWHG FODLPV XQGHU WKH    DQG   FRS\ULJKWV IRU Good Morning to All DQG GLG not FODLP DQ\ FRS\ULJKW WR WKH O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You DORQH RU LQ FRPELQDWLRQ ZLWK WKH PHORG\ RI Good Morning  to All    2Q 0DUFK   7KH +LOO )RXQGDWLRQ FRPPHQFHG DQ DFWLRQ DJDLQVW  WKH 3RVWDO 7HOHJUDSK &DEOH &RPSDQ\ LQ WKH 6RXWKHUQ 'LVWULFW RI 1HZ <RUN  FDSWLRQHG The Hill Foundation, Inc. v. Postal Telegraph-Cable Co. &DVH 1R    IRU LQIULQJHPHQW RI WKH +LOO 6LVWHUV¶ SXUSRUWHG   DQG  FRS\ULJKWV  WR Good Morning to All 7KH +LOO )RXQGDWLRQ DVVHUWHG FODLPV RQO\ XQGHU WKH    DQG  FRS\ULJKWV IRU Good Morning to All DQG GLG not FODLP DQ\ FRS\ULJKW  WR WKH O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You DORQH RU LQ FRPELQDWLRQ ZLWK WKH PHORG\ RI  Good Morning to All   'HVSLWH WKH ILOLQJ RI DW OHDVW IRXU SULRU FDVHV LQ WKH 6RXWKHUQ 'LVWULFW RI  1HZ <RUN DVVHUWLQJ FRS\ULJKWV WR Good Morning to All WKHUH KDV EHHQ QR MXGLFLDO  GHWHUPLQDWLRQ RI WKH YDOLGLW\ RU VFRSH RI DQ\ FRS\ULJKW UHODWHG WR Good Morning to  All    ,Q RU DERXW  6XPP\ &R ,,, FKDQJHG LWV QDPH WR 6XPP\%LUFKDUG &RPSDQ\   ,Q  6XPP\ &R ,,, UHQDPHG DV 6XPP\%LUFKDUG &RPSDQ\ ILOHG  UHQHZDOV IRU HDFK RI WKH VL[ UHJLVWUDWLRQV LW REWDLQHG LQ  DQG  5HJ 1RV  ( ( ( ( ( DQG (  HDFK UHQHZDO ZDV  VSHFLILFDOO\ DQG H[SUHVVO\ FRQILQHG WR WKH PXVLFDO DUUDQJHPHQWV   ,Q SDUWLFXODU RQ 'HFHPEHU   6XPP\ &R ,,, ILOHG D UHQHZDO  DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU 5HJ 1R ( DV 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Birthday to You ZDV WKH PRVW SRSXODU VRQJ RI WKH WK &HQWXU\  7KH  HGLWLRQ RI WKH Guinness Book of World Records LGHQWLILHG Happy Birthday to You DV WKH PRVW UHFRJQL]HG VRQJ LQ WKH (QJOLVK ODQJXDJH  'HIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO FXUUHQWO\ FODLPV LW RZQV WKH H[FOXVLYH Happy Birthday to You EDVHG RQ WKH SLDQR DUUDQJHPHQWV WKDW 6XPP\  FRS\ULJKW WR  &R ,,, SXEOLVKHG LQ    $6&$3 SURYLGHV QRQGUDPDWLF SXEOLF SHUIRUPDQFH OLFHQVHV WR EDUV  FOXEV ZHEVLWHV DQG PDQ\ RWKHU YHQXHV $6&$3 ³EODQNHW OLFHQVHV´ JUDQW WKH  OLFHQVHH WKH ULJKW WR SXEOLFO\ SHUIRUP DQ\ RU DOO RI WKH RYHU  PLOOLRQ VRQJV LQ  $6&$3¶V UHSHUWRU\ LQ H[FKDQJH IRU DQ DQQXDO IHH 7KH QRQGUDPDWLF SXEOLF  SHUIRUPDQFH OLFHQVH UR\DOWLHV DUH GLVWULEXWHG WR $6&$3 PHPEHUV EDVHG RQ VXUYH\V  RI SHUIRUPDQFHV RI HDFK $6&$3 UHSHUWRU\ VRQJ DFURVV GLIIHUHQW PHGLD $V DQ  $6&$3 PHPEHU DQG DVVLJQHH RI WKH FRS\ULJKWV LQ  'HIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO REWDLQV D VKDUH RI EODQNHW OLFHQVH UHYHQXH WKDW ZRXOG Happy Birthday to You  Ex. 1    21 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 21 of 43 Page ID #:815  RWKHUZLVH EH SDLG WR DOO RWKHU $6&$3 PHPEHUV LQ SURSRUWLRQ WR WKHLU VRQJV¶ VXUYH\  VKDUHV  Plaintiff GMTY’s Use of Happy Birthday to You    3ODLQWLII *07< LV SURGXFLQJ D GRFXPHQWDU\ PRYLH WHQWDWLYHO\ WLWOHG Happy Birthday DERXW WKH VRQJ Happy Birthday to You    ,Q RQH RI WKH SURSRVHG VFHQHV WR EH LQFOXGHG LQ VRQJ Happy Birthday to You LV WR EH VXQJ   Happy Birthday WKH  'XULQJ WKH SURGXFWLRQ SURFHVV SODLQWLII *07< OHDUQHG WKDW GHIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO FODLPHG H[FOXVLYH FRS\ULJKW RZQHUVKLS WR Happy Birthday to You   $FFRUGLQJO\ LQ 6HSWHPEHU  SODLQWLII UHTXHVWHG D TXRWH IURP  :DUQHU&KDSSHOO IRU D V\QFKURQL]DWLRQ OLFHQVH WR XVH  Happy Birthday to You IURP :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V ZHEVLWH   2Q RU DERXW 6HSWHPEHU   GHIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO  UHVSRQGHG WR SODLQWLII *07<¶V LQTXLU\ E\ GHPDQGLQJ WKDW *07< SD\ LW WKH VXP RI   DQG HQWHU LQWR D V\QFKURQL]DWLRQ OLFHQVH DJUHHPHQW WR XVH Happy Birthday to  You   2Q RU DERXW 0DUFK   GHIHQGDQW 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of Happy Birthday to You   %,* )$1 SURGXFHG D PRYLH WLWOHG Big Fan   ,Q RQH RI WKH VFHQHV LQ  Big Fan WKH IDPLOLDU O\ULFV RI WKH VRQJ Happy Birthday to You ZDV VXQJ E\ WKH DFWRUV   D  EHIRUH  VXSHUYLVRU WR VHFXUH WKH ULJKWV WR DOO WKH PXVLF WKDW ZDV XVHG LQ WKH PRYLH  ,Q WKH HDUO\ VXPPHU RI  DIWHU ILOPLQJ ZDV FRPSOHWH EXW Big Fan ZDV UHOHDVHG %,* )$1 UHWDLQHG WKH VHUYLFHV RI D PXVLF E 7KH PXVLF VXSHUYLVRU LGHQWLILHG ZKLFK PXVLF ZDV  FRS\ULJKWHG DQG DGYLVHG %,* )$1 WKDW LW ZRXOG KDYH WR REWDLQ D OLFHQVH  IURP :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG SD\ D IHH WR :DUQHU&KDSSHOO WR SHUIRUP  Happy  FODLPHG WR RZQ WKH  F Birthday to You LQ WKH PRYLH EHFDXVH :DUQHU&KDSSHOO H[FOXVLYH FRS\ULJKW WR WKH 6RQJ 5HDVRQDEO\ UHO\LQJ XSRQ WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ SURYLGHG E\ WKH  PXVLF SURGXFHU UHJDUGLQJ WKH FRS\ULJKW FODLP E\ :DUQHU&KDSSHOO %,*  )$1 UHDVRQDEO\ EHOLHYHG WKDW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO RZQHG WKH FRS\ULJKW WR  Happy Birthday to You  OLFHQVH IURP DQG SD\ D IHH WR :DUQHU&KDSSHOO WR XVH WKH 6RQJ LQ WKH  PRYLH   $FFRUGLQJO\ LQ -XO\  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LW FODLPHG RU ZKHWKHU WKDW  FRS\ULJKW ZDV YDOLG  Happy Birthday  DQG WKXV %,* )$1 WKH PXVLF SURGXFHU LW KLUHG DQG 3ODLQWLII H 7KH FRPPHQFHPHQW RI WKLV DFWLRQ RQ RU DERXW -XQH    ZDV ZLGHO\ UHSRUWHG LQ WKH SUHVV 3ULRU WR WKH GDWH ZKHQ WKH SUHVV ILUVW  UHSRUWHG WKH FODLPV DVVHUWHG KHUHLQ QR RQH LQ WKH SRVLWLRQ RI %,* )$1 WKH Ex. 1    24 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 24 of 43 Page ID #:818  PXVLF SURGXFHU KLUHG E\ %,* )$1 RU 3ODLQWLII 6LHJHO ZRXOG NQRZ RU  KDYH DQ\ UHDVRQ WR NQRZ WKDW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V FRS\ULJKW FODLP IRU  Happy Birthday to You ZDV LQ GRXEW  I 3ODLQWLII 6LHJHO OHDUQHG RI WKH FRPPHQFHPHQW RI WKLV DFWLRQ  RQ RU DERXW -XQH   IURP WKH SUHVV UHSRUWV %HIRUH WKHQ %,* )$1  WKH PXVLF SURGXFHU LW KLUHG DQG 3ODLQWLII 6LHJHO GLG QRW NQRZ DQG KDG QR  UHDVRQ WR NQRZ WKDW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V FRS\ULJKW FODLP IRU  Birthday to You KDG EHHQ GLVSXWHG E\ DQ\RQH RU ZDV LQ GRXEW  J Happy 6KRUWO\ WKHUHDIWHU RQ RU DERXW -XQH   DQG  VLJQLILFDQWO\ OHVV WKDQ WKUHH \HDUV DIWHU KH NQHZ RU UHDVRQDEO\ FRXOG RU  VKRXOG KDYH NQRZQ WKDW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO GRHV QRW RZQ D FRS\ULJKW WR WKH  6RQJ RU WKDW LWV FRS\ULJKW LV QRW YDOLG SODLQWLII 6LHJHO FRPPHQFHG D  VHSDUDWH FODVV DFWLRQ LQ /RV $QJHOHV &RXQW\ SXUVXDQW WR WKH WHUPV RI WKH  6\QFKURQL]DWLRQ /LFHQVH  Rupa’s Performance of Happy Birthday to You   3ODLQWLII 5XSD GED 57$) UHFRUGHG WKH VRQJ Happy Birthday to You DW  D OLYH VKRZ LQ 6DQ )UDQFLVFR WR EH UHOHDVHG DV SDUW RI D ³OLYH´ DOEXP 6KH OHDUQHG  WKDW GHIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO FODLPHG H[FOXVLYH FRS\ULJKW RZQHUVKLS WR  Birthday to You LQFOXGLQJ WKH ULJKW WR LVVXH PHFKDQLFDO OLFHQVHV Happy   6HFWLRQ  RI WKH &RS\ULJKW $FW SURYLGHV IRU FRPSXOVRU\ OLFHQVHV IRU  WKH GLVWULEXWLRQ RI SKRQRUHFRUGV DQG GLJLWDO SKRQRUHFRUG GHOLYHULHV i.e. :HEEDVHG  ³GRZQORDGV´ RI PXVLFDO FRPSRVLWLRQV )DLOXUH WR REWDLQ VXFK D OLFHQVH SULRU WR  GLVWULEXWLRQ RI D FRYHU YHUVLRQ RI D VRQJ FRQVWLWXWHV D FRS\ULJKW LQIULQJHPHQW VXEMHFW  WR WKH IXOO UHPHGLHV RI WKH &RS\ULJKW $FW   $FFRUGLQJO\ RQ -XQH   3ODLQWLII 5XSD SURYLGHG D 1RWLFH RI  ,QWHQWLRQ WR 2EWDLQ &RPSXOVRU\ /LFHQVH WR :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG SDLG  :DUQHU&KDSSHOO  IRU D PHFKDQLFDO OLFHQVH IRU WKH UHSURGXFWLRQ DQG GLVWULEXWLRQ  RI  FRSLHV RI WKH 6RQJ Ex. 1    25 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 25 of 43 Page ID #:819   Plaintiff Majar Use of Happy Birthday to You  D 3ODLQWLII 0DMDU SURGXFHG WKH )LOP HQWLWOHG ³No Subtitles  Necessary: László & Vilmos.´  FLQHPDWRJUDSKHUV /iV]Oy .RYDFV ³.RYDFV´ DQG 9LOPRV =VLJPRQG  ³=VLJPRQG´ IURP HVFDSLQJ WKH  6RYLHW LQYDVLRQ RI +XQJDU\ WR WKH  SUHVHQW GD\  E 7KH )LOP IROORZV WKH OLYHV RI UHQRZQHG 3ODLQWLII 0DMDU ZLVKHG WR XVH WKH Happy Birthday to You LQ  WKH RSHQLQJ VFHQH RI WKH )LOP ZKHUHLQ =VLJPRQG DQG RWKHUV VDQJ WKH  6RQJ WR .RYDFV LQ D FHOHEUDWLRQ RI .RYDFV¶ OLIH DQG WKH IULHQGVKLS RI WKH   WZR WKHUHE\ VHWWLQJ WKH WRQH IRU WKH )LOP F ,Q RU DURXQG WKH IDOO RI  GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ RI WKH )LOP  3ODLQWLII 0DMDU OHDUQHG IURP WKH PXVLF FOHDUDQFH VXSHUYLVRU ZRUNLQJ 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GHIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO WKH  VXP RI  IRU D V\QFKURQL]DWLRQ OLFHQVH WR XVH Happy Birthday LQ WKH Ex. 1    26 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 26 of 43 Page ID #:820  )LOP $W WKH WLPH 3ODLQWLII 0DMDU GLG QRW TXHVWLRQ DQG KDG QR UHDVRQ WR  TXHVWLRQ :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V FODLP RI FRS\ULJKW RZQHUVKLS  3ODLQWLII 0DMDU LV LQIRUPHG DQG EHOLHYHV WKDW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO FRQWLQXHG WR  KROG LWVHOI RXW DV WKH H[FOXVLYH FRS\ULJKW RZQHU RI WKH 6RQJ IRU \HDUV DIWHU  0DMDU OLFHQVHG LW H  0RUHRYHU %HFDXVH 'HIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO FODLPHG H[FOXVLYH Happy Birthday to You 3ODLQWLII 0DMDU IDFHG D  XQGHU WKH &RS\ULJKW $FW  86& †  et  FRS\ULJKW RZQHUVKLS RI  VWDWXWRU\ SHQDOW\ RI  seq.  LI LW XVHG WKH 6RQJ ZLWKRXW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V SHUPLVVLRQ DQG :DUQHU&KDSSHOO LQ IDFW RZQHG WKH FRS\ULJKW WKDW LW FODLPHG  I  TXHVWLRQ  :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V FODLP WR RZQ WKH FRS\ULJKW WR WKH 6RQJ 0RUHRYHU  3ODLQWLII 0DMDU GLG QRW NQRZ DQG KDG QR UHDVRQ WR NQRZ RQ 2FWREHU    DQG FRQWLQXLQJ WKHUHDIWHU  WKDW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V FRS\ULJKW FODLP  IRU Happy Birthday to You KDG EHHQ GLVSXWHG E\ DQ\RQH J  3ODLQWLII 0DMDU GLG QRW TXHVWLRQ DQG KDG QR UHDVRQ WR RQ 2FWREHU   DQG FRQWLQXLQJ WKHUHDIWHU  3ODLQWLII 0DMDU RQO\ ILUVW OHDUQHG WKDW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V  FODLP RI H[FOXVLYH FRS\ULJKW RZQHUVKLS LQ WKH 6RQJ ZDV VXEMHFW WR GLVSXWH  ZKHQ QHZV RI WKH VDPH ZDV SXEOLVKHG LQ D New York Times DUWLFOH RQ -XQH    3ODLQWLII 0DMDU FRQWDFWHG FRXQVHO DQG MRLQHG DV D SODLQWLII LQ WKLV  DFWLRQ SURPSWO\ WKHUHDIWHU  CLASS ALLEGATIONS   3ODLQWLIIV *07< 6LHJHO 5XSD DQG 0DMDU EULQJ WKLV DFWLRQ SXUVXDQW WR  5XOH  D  E RI WKH )HGHUDO 5XOHV RI &LYLO 3URFHGXUH DV D FODVV DFWLRQ RQ EHKDOI RI  WKHPVHOYHV DQG DOO RWKHUV VLPLODUO\ VLWXDWHG IRU WKH SXUSRVH RI DVVHUWLQJ WKH FODLPV  DOOHJHG LQ WKLV &RQVROLGDWHG )RXUWK $PHQGHG &RPSODLQW RQ D FRPPRQ EDVLV     Ex. 1    27 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 27 of 43 Page ID #:821   7KH SURSRVHG &ODVV LV FRPSULVHG RI  All persons or entities (excluding Defendants’ directors, officers,  employees, and affiliates) who entered into a license with  Warner/Chappell, or paid Warner/Chappell or SBI, directly or  indirectly through its agents, a licensing fee for the song Happy  Birthday to You at any time from June 18, 2009, until Defendants’  conduct as alleged herein has ceased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appy Birthday to You LV LQ WKH SXEOLF GRPDLQ DQG GHGLFDWHG WR SXEOLF XVH   ZKHWKHU E ZKHWKHU WKH  FRS\ULJKWV FODLPHG E\ :DUQHU&KDSSHOO FRYHU WKH SRSXODU O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You   F ZKHWKHU WKH  FRS\ULJKWV FODLPHG E\ :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DUH YDOLG  G ZKHWKHU :DUQHU&KDSSHOO LV WKH H[FOXVLYH RZQHU RI WKH FRS\ULJKW WR  Happy Birthday to You DQG LV WKXV HQWLWOHG WR DOO RI WKH ULJKWV FRQIHUUHG  LQ  86& †   H Happy Birthday to You   ZKHWKHU :DUQHU&KDSSHOO KDV WKH ULJKW WR FROOHFW IHHV IRU WKH XVH RI I ZKHWKHU :DUQHU&KDSSHOO KDV YLRODWHG WKH ODZ E\ GHPDQGLQJ DQG  FROOHFWLQJ IHHV IRU WKH XVH RI Happy Birthday to You GHVSLWH QRW KDYLQJ  D YDOLG FRS\ULJKW WR WKH VRQJ DQG Ex. 1    28 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 28 of 43 Page ID #:822  J ZKHWKHU :DUQHU&KDSSHOO LV UHTXLUHG WR UHWXUQ XQODZIXOO\ REWDLQHG  SD\PHQWV WR SODLQWLIIV *07< 6LHJHO 5XSD DQG 0DMDU DQG WKH RWKHU  PHPEHUV RI WKH &ODVV DQG LI VR ZKDW DPRXQW LV WR EH UHWXUQHG  :LWK UHVSHFW WR &ODLPV ,,, DQG 9,, WKH FRPPRQ TXHVWLRQV RI ODZ DQG   IDFW SUHGRPLQDWH RYHU DQ\ SRWHQWLDO LQGLYLGXDO LVVXHV   3ODLQWLIIV *07< 6LHJHO 5XSD DQG 0DMDU¶V FODLPV DUH W\SLFDO RI WKH  FODLPV RI DOO RWKHU PHPEHUV RI WKH &ODVV DQG SODLQWLIIV *07< 6LHJHO 5XSD DQG  0DMDU¶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x. 1    29 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 29 of 43 Page ID #:823  FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF  DECLARATORY JUDGMENT PURSUANT TO 28 U.S.C. § 2201  (On Behalf Of Plaintiffs And The Class)  (Against All Defendants)    3ODLQWLIIV UHSHDW DQG UHDOOHJH SDUDJUDSKV  WKURXJK  VHW IRUWK DERYH DV WKRXJK WKH\ ZHUH IXOO\ VHW IRUWK KHUHLQ   3ODLQWLIIV EULQJ WKHVH FODLPV LQGLYLGXDOO\ RQ EHKDOI RI WKHPVHOYHV DQG  RQ EHKDOI RI WKH SURSRVHG &ODVV SXUVXDQW WR 5XOH  E  RI WKH )HGHUDO 5XOHV RI  &LYLO 3URFHGXUH   3ODLQWLIIV VHHN DGMXGLFDWLRQ RI DQ DFWXDO FRQWURYHUV\ DULVLQJ XQGHU WKH  &RS\ULJKW $FW  86& ††  et seq LQ FRQQHFWLRQ ZLWK 'HIHQGDQWV¶ SXUSRUWHG  FRS\ULJKW FODLP WR Happy Birthday to You 3ODLQWLIIV VHHN WKH &RXUW¶V GHFODUDWLRQ  WKDW WKH &RS\ULJKW $FW GRHV QRW EHVWRZ XSRQ :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQGRU 6%, WKH ULJKWV  LW KDV DVVHUWHG DQG HQIRUFHG DJDLQVW SODLQWLIIV DQG WKH RWKHU PHPEHUV RI WKH &ODVV  7KLV LV EHFDXVH either D WKH  UHJLVWUDWLRQV ( DQG ( XQGHU ZKLFK  :DUQHU&KDSSHOO FODLPV WKRVH FRS\ULJKWV DQG WKH UHVXOWLQJ FRS\ULJKWV GR QRW  SXUSRUW WR FRYHU DQG GR QRW FRYHU WKH IDPLOLDU O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You EXW  LQVWHDG DUH OLPLWHG MXVW WR WKH SDUWLFXODU DUUDQJHPHQWV ZULWWHQ E\ )RUPDQ RU 2UHP  DQG LQ WKH FDVH RI ( WKH REVFXUH VHFRQG YHUVH ZKLFK KDV QR FRPPHUFLDO  YDOXH  or E LI DQG WR WKH H[WHQW WKDW WKRVH FRS\ULJKWV SXUSRUW WR FRYHU WKH IDPLOLDU  O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You WKH FRS\ULJKWV DUH LQYDOLG RU KDYH H[SLUHG   'HIHQGDQWV DVVHUW WKDW WKH\ DUH HQWLWOHG WR PHFKDQLFDO DQG SHUIRUPDQFH  UR\DOWLHV SXUVXDQW WR  86& †  IRU WKH FUHDWLRQ DQG GLVWULEXWLRQ RI  SKRQRUHFRUGV DQG GLJLWDO GRZQORDGV RI WKH FRPSRVLWLRQ Happy Birthday to You,  XQGHU WKUHDW RI D FODLP RI FRS\ULJKW LQIULQJHPHQW.   'HIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO GHPDQGHG WKDW SODLQWLII *07< HQWHU LQWR  D V\QFKURQL]DWLRQ OLFHQVH DJUHHPHQW WR XVH Happy Birthday to You DQG SD\  :DUQHU&KDSSHOO WKH VXP RI  IRU WKDW V\QFKURQL]DWLRQ OLFHQVH EDVHG XSRQ LWV Ex. 1    30 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 30 of 43 Page ID #:824  FODLP RI FRS\ULJKW RZQHUVKLS :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V GHPDQG ZDV FRHUFLYH LQ QDWXUH  DQG *07<¶V HQWHULQJ LQWR WKH OLFHQVH DJUHHPHQW DQG SD\PHQW RI  LQYROXQWDU\  ZDV   3ODLQWLII *07<¶V FODLP SUHVHQWV D MXVWLFLDEOH FRQWURYHUV\ EHFDXVH  SODLQWLII *07<¶V DJUHHPHQW WR SD\ GHIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG LWV DFWXDO  payment WR :DUQHU&KDSSHOO IRU XVH RI WKH VRQJ  ZDV WKH LQYROXQWDU\ UHVXOW RI :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V DVVHUWLRQ RI D FRS\ULJKW DQG WKH ULVN  WKDW SODLQWLII *07< ZRXOG EH H[SRVHG WR VXEVWDQWLDO VWDWXWRU\ SHQDOWLHV XQGHU WKH  &RS\ULJKW $FW KDG LW IDLOHG WR HQWHU VXFK DQ DJUHHPHQW DQG SD\ :DUQHU&KDSSHOO WKH   Happy Birthday to You LQ LWV ILOP SULFH LW GHPDQGHG  'HIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO GHPDQGHG WKDW %,* )$1 DV DVVLJQRU RI Happy  SODLQWLII 6LHJHO HQWHU LQWR WKH 6\QFKURQL]DWLRQ /LFHQVH DJUHHPHQW WR XVH  Birthday to You  6\QFKURQL]DWLRQ /LFHQVH EDVHG XSRQ LWV FODLP RI FRS\ULJKW RZQHUVKLS  :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V GHPDQG ZDV FRHUFLYH LQ QDWXUH DQG %,* )$1¶6 HQWHULQJ LQWR  WKH 6\QFKURQL]DWLRQ /LFHQVH DQG SD\PHQW RI  ZDV LQYROXQWDU\ DQG SD\ :DUQHU&KDSSHOO WKH VXP RI  IRU WKDW   3ODLQWLII 6LHJHO¶V FODLP SUHVHQWV D MXVWLFLDEOH FRQWURYHUV\ EHFDXVH  SODLQWLII 6LHJHO¶V DJUHHPHQW WR SD\ GHIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG LWV DFWXDO  payment WR :DUQHU&KDSSHOO IRU XVH RI WKH VRQJ Happy Birthday to You LQ LWV ILOP  Big Fan ZDV WKH LQYROXQWDU\ UHVXOW RI :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V DVVHUWLRQ RI D FRS\ULJKW  DQG WKH ULVN WKDW SODLQWLII 6LHJHO ZRXOG EH H[SRVHG WR VXEVWDQWLDO VWDWXWRU\ SHQDOWLHV  XQGHU WKH &RS\ULJKW $FW KDG LW IDLOHG WR HQWHU VXFK DQ DJUHHPHQW DQG SD\  :DUQHU&KDSSHOO WKH SULFH LW GHPDQGHG EXW WKHQ XVHG  ILOP DQ\ZD\ Happy Birthday to You LQ LWV   3ODLQWLII 5XSD¶V FODLP SUHVHQWV D MXVWLFLDEOH FRQWURYHUV\ EHFDXVH  SODLQWLII 5XSD¶V DJUHHPHQW WR SD\ GHIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG LWV DFWXDO  payment WR :DUQHU&KDSSHOO IRU XVH RI WKH VRQJ  DOEXP ZDV WKH LQYROXQWDU\ UHVXOW RI :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V DVVHUWLRQ RI D FRS\ULJKW DQG Happy Birthday to You LQ KHU Ex. 1    31 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 31 of 43 Page ID #:825  WKH ULVN WKDW SODLQWLII 5XSD ZRXOG EH H[SRVHG WR VXEVWDQWLDO VWDWXWRU\ SHQDOWLHV XQGHU  WKH &RS\ULJKW $FW KDG VKH IDLOHG WR HQWHU VXFK DQ DJUHHPHQW DQG SD\  :DUQHU&KDSSHOO VWDQGDUG PHFKDQLFDO OLFHQVH UR\DOWLHV LW GHPDQGHG EXW WKHQ SDLG  IRU WKH PHFKDQLFDO OLFHQVH DQ\ZD\   'HIHQGDQWV GHPDQGHG WKDW 3ODLQWLII 0DMDU SD\ WR 'HIHQGDQWV D  OLFHQVLQJ IHH LQ WKH VXP RI  SXUVXDQW WR 'HIHQGDQWV¶ FODLP RI FRS\ULJKW  RZQHUVKLS LQ RUGHU IRU 3ODLQWLII 0DMDU WR XVH  'HIHQGDQWV¶ GHPDQG ZDV FRHUFLYH LQ QDWXUH DQG 0DMDU¶V DJUHHPHQW WR SD\ WKH IHH  ZDV LQYROXQWDU\ Happy Birthday LQ WKH )LOP   3ODLQWLII 0DMDU V FODLP SUHVHQWV D MXVWLFLDEOH FRQWURYHUV\ EHFDXVH LWV  DFWXDO SD\PHQW RI 'HIHQGDQWV¶ GHPDQGHG IHH WR XVH Happy Birthday LQ WKH )LOP ZDV  WKH LQYROXQWDU\ UHVXOW RI 'HIHQGDQWV¶ DVVHUWLRQ RI D FRS\ULJKW DQG WKH ULVN WKDW  3ODLQWLII 0DMDU ZRXOG EH H[SRVHG WR VXEVWDQWLDO VWDWXWRU\ SHQDOWLHV XQGHU WKH  &RS\ULJKW $FW KDG LW IDLOHG WR VHHN 'HIHQGDQWV¶ DSSURYDO WR XVH WKH 6RQJ DQGRU  IDLOHG WR SD\ 'HIHQGDQWV¶ GHPDQGHG IHH   3ODLQWLIIV VHHN WKH &RXUW¶V GHWHUPLQDWLRQ DV WR ZKHWKHU 'HIHQGDQWV DUH Happy Birthday to You  HQWLWOHG WR DVVHUW RZQHUVKLS RI WKH FRS\ULJKW WR  3ODLQWLIIV SXUVXDQW WR WKH &RS\ULJKW $FW DV 'HIHQGDQWV FODLP RU ZKHWKHU 'HIHQGDQWV  DUH ZLHOGLQJ D IDOVH FODLP RI RZQHUVKLS WR LQKLELW 3ODLQWLIIV¶ XVH DQG HQMR\PHQW DQG  WKH SXEOLF¶V XVH DQG HQMR\PHQW RI LQWHOOHFWXDO SURSHUW\ ZKLFK LV ULJKWIXOO\ LQ WKH  SXEOLF GRPDLQ  DJDLQVW  ,I DQG WR WKH H[WHQW WKDW 'HIHQGDQWV UHO\ XSRQ WKH    RU   FRS\ULJKWV IRU WKH PHORG\ IRU  Good Morning to All WKRVH FRS\ULJKWV H[SLUHG RU ZHUH IRUIHLWHG DV DOOHJHG KHUHLQ      $V DOOHJHG DERYH WKH  DQG  FRS\ULJKWV WR WKH RULJLQDO DQG Song Stories for the Kindergarten ZKLFK FRQWDLQHG WKH VRQJ Good Morning to All ZHUH QRW UHQHZHG E\ 6XPP\ &R RU 6XPP\ DQG DFFRUGLQJO\ UHYLVHG YHUVLRQV RI H[SLUHG LQ  DQG  UHVSHFWLYHO\ Ex. 1    32 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 32 of 43 Page ID #:826   $V DOOHJHG DERYH WKH  FRS\ULJKW WR Song Stories for the  Kindergarten DQG WKH  FRS\ULJKW WR Song Stories for the Sunday School ZKLFK  FRQWDLQHG Good Morning to All DQG WKH  FRS\ULJKW WR Good Morning to All  ZHUH QRW UHQHZHG E\ 6XPP\ &R EHIRUH 6XPP\ &R ZDV GLVVROYHG LQ  DQG  DFFRUGLQJO\ WKRVH FRS\ULJKWV H[SLUHG LQ  DQG  UHVSHFWLYHO\   7KH    DQG  FRS\ULJKWV WR Good Morning to All  ZHUH IRUIHLWHG E\ WKH UHSXEOLFDWLRQ RI Good Morning to All LQ  ZLWKRXW SURSHU  QRWLFH RI LWV RULJLQDO  FRS\ULJKW    7KH FRS\ULJKW WR Good Morning to All H[SLUHG LQ  EHFDXVH WKH  FRS\ULJKW WR Song Stories for the Kindergarten ZDV QRW SURSHUO\ UHQHZHG   7KH SLDQR DUUDQJHPHQWV IRU Happy Birthday to You SXEOLVKHG E\  6XPP\ &R ,,, LQ  5HJ 1RV ( DQG (  D GR QRW JLYH  :DUQHU&KDSSHOO FRS\ULJKWV WR WKH IDPLOLDU O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You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appy Birthday to You   7KH UHJLVWUDWLRQ FHUWLILFDWHV IRU The Elementary Worker and His Work  LQ  Harvest Hymns LQ  DQG Children’ s Praise and Worship LQ  ZKLFK  GLG QRW DWWULEXWH DXWKRUVKLS RI WKH O\ULFV WR Happy Birthday to You WR DQ\RQH DUH  prima facie HYLGHQFH WKDW WKH O\ULFV ZHUH QRW DXWKRUHG E\ WKH +LOO 6LVWHUV   ,I GHFODUDWRU\ UHOLHI LV QRW JUDQWHG GHIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO ZLOO  FRQWLQXH ZURQJIXOO\ WR DVVHUW WKH H[FOXVLYH FRS\ULJKW WR Happy Birthday to You DW  OHDVW XQWLO  ZKHQ WKH FXUUHQW WHUP RI WKH FRS\ULJKW H[SLUHV XQGHU H[LVWLQJ Ex. 1    33 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 33 of 43 Page ID #:827  FRS\ULJKW ODZ   3ODLQWLIIV WKHUHIRUH UHTXHVW D GHFODUDWLRQ WKDW  D  FRS\ULJKW WR RU SRVVHVV WKH H[FOXVLYH ULJKW WR UHSURGXFH GLVWULEXWH RU  SXEOLFO\ SHUIRUP Happy Birthday To You  E  FRS\ULJKW WR Happy Birthday to You LW LV OLPLWHG WR IRXU VSHFLILF SLDQR  DUUDQJHPHQWV RU DQ REVFXUH VHFRQG YHUVH WKDW KDV QR FRPPHUFLDO YDOXH  F GHIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG GHIHQGDQW 6%, GR QRW RZQ WKH LI GHIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG GHIHQGDQW 6%, RZQ DQ\ DQ\ RWKHU FRS\ULJKW WR Happy Birthday to You WKDW GHIHQGDQW  :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG GHIHQGDQW 6%, PD\ RZQ RU HYHU RZQHG DUH  LQYDOLG RU KDYH H[SLUHG  G  H[FOXVLYH ULJKW WR GHPDQG RU JUDQW D OLFHQVH IRU XVH RI Happy Birthday GHIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG GHIHQGDQW 6%, GR QRW RZQ WKH  To You DQG H Happy Birthday to You LV LQ WKH SXEOLF GRPDLQ DQG LV GHGLFDWHG  WR WKH SXEOLF XVH   SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF  UPON ENTRY OF DECLARATORY JUDGMENT  DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF  PURSUANT TO 28 U.S.C § 2202  (On Behalf of Plaintiffs and the Class)  (Against All Defendants)    3ODLQWLIIV UHSHDW DQG UHDOOHJH SDUDJUDSKV  WKURXJK  VHW IRUWK DERYH DV WKRXJK WKH\ ZHUH IXOO\ VHW IRUWK KHUHLQ   3ODLQWLIIV EULQJ WKHVH FODLPV LQGLYLGXDOO\ RQ WKHLU RZQ EHKDOI DQG RQ  EHKDOI RI WKH &ODVV SXUVXDQW WR 5XOH  E  RI WKH )HGHUDO 5XOHV RI &LYLO  3URFHGXUH   Ex. 1    34 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 34 of 43 Page ID #:828   8QGHU  86& †  HPSRZHUV WKLV &RXUW WR JUDQW ³QHFHVVDU\ RU  SURSHU UHOLHI EDVHG RQ D GHFODUDWRU\ MXGJPHQW RU GHFUHH    DIWHU UHDVRQDEOH QRWLFH  DQG KHDULQJ DJDLQVW DQ\ DGYHUVH SDUW\ ZKRVH ULJKWV KDYH EHHQ GHWHUPLQHG E\ VXFK  MXGJPHQW´   3ODLQWLIIV DQG WKH RWKHU SURSRVHG &ODVV PHPEHUV KDYH EHHQ KDUPHG  DQG 'HIHQGDQWV KDYH EHHQ XQMXVWO\ HQULFKHG E\ 'HIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO¶V  WDNLQJV    3ODLQWLIIV VHHN UHOLHI IRU WKHPVHOYHV DQG WKH RWKHU PHPEHUV RI WKH SURSRVHG &ODVV XSRQ WKH HQWU\ RI GHFODUDWRU\ MXGJPHQW XSRQ &ODLP , DV IROORZV  D DQ LQMXQFWLRQ WR SUHYHQW 'HIHQGDQWV :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG 6%,  IURP PDNLQJ IXUWKHU UHSUHVHQWDWLRQV RI RZQHUVKLS RI WKH FRS\ULJKW WR  Happy Birthday To You  E  IHHV SDLG WR 'HIHQGDQWV GLUHFWO\ RU LQGLUHFWO\ WKURXJK LWV DJHQWV LQ  FRQQHFWLRQ ZLWK WKH SXUSRUWHG OLFHQVHV LW JUDQWHG WR 3ODLQWLIIV *07<  6LHJHO 5XSD DQG 0DMDU DQG WKH RWKHU &ODVV PHPEHUV  F  GLUHFWO\ RU LQGLUHFWO\ WKURXJK LWV DJHQWV IURP SODLQWLIIV DQG WKH RWKHU  &ODVV PHPEHUV LQ FRQQHFWLRQ ZLWK LWV FODLP WR RZQHUVKLS RI WKH  FRS\ULJKW WR Happy Birthday to You DQG  G UHVWLWXWLRQ WR 3ODLQWLIIV DQG WKH RWKHU &ODVV PHPEHUV RI OLFHQVH DQ DFFRXQWLQJ IRU DOO PRQHWDU\ EHQHILWV REWDLQHG E\ 'HIHQGDQWV VXFK RWKHU IXUWKHU DQG SURSHU UHOLHI DV WKLV &RXUW VHHV ILW  THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF  UNFAIR BUSINESS ACTS AND PRACTICES IN VIOLATION OF  CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE §§ 17200, ET SEQ.  (On Behalf of Plaintiffs and the Class)  (Against All Defendants)    3ODLQWLIIV UHSHDW DQG UHDOOHJH SDUDJUDSKV  WKURXJK  VHW IRUWK DERYH DV WKRXJK WKH\ ZHUH IXOO\ VHW IRUWK KHUHLQ Ex. 1    35 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 35 of 43 Page ID #:829   3ODLQWLIIV *07< 6LHJHO 5XSD DQG 0DMDU EULQJ WKHVH FODLPV  LQGLYLGXDOO\ RQ WKHLU RZQ EHKDOI DQG DOVR RQ EHKDOI RI WKH &ODVV SXUVXDQW WR 5XOH   E  RI WKH )HGHUDO 5XOHV RI &LYLO 3URFHGXUH   $V DOOHJHG KHUHLQ 3ODLQWLIIV *07< 6LHJHO 5XSD DQG 0DMDU DQG WKH  RWKHU &ODVV PHPEHUV KDYH SDLG OLFHQVLQJ IHHV WR GHIHQGDQWV :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQGRU  6%, DQG KDYH WKHUHIRUH VXIIHUHG LQMXU\ LQ IDFW DQG KDYH ORVW PRQH\ RU SURSHUW\ DV D  UHVXOW RI 'HIHQGDQWV¶ FRQGXFW   &DOLIRUQLD¶V 8QIDLU &RPSHWLWLRQ /DZV %XVLQHVV 3URIHVVLRQV &RGH  ††  et seq ³8&/´  SURKLELW DQ\ XQODZIXO RU XQIDLU EXVLQHVV DFW RU SUDFWLFH   8&/ †  IXUWKHU SURKLELWV DQ\ IUDXGXOHQW EXVLQHVV DFW RU SUDFWLFH   'HIHQGDQWV¶ DFWLRQV FODLPV QRQGLVFORVXUHV DQG PLVOHDGLQJ  VWDWHPHQWV DV DOOHJHG LQ WKLV &RPSODLQW ZHUH XQIDLU IDOVH PLVOHDGLQJ DQG OLNHO\ WR  GHFHLYH WKH FRQVXPLQJ SXEOLF ZLWKLQ WKH PHDQLQJ RI 8&/ ††     7KH FRQGXFW RI 'HIHQGDQWV LQ H[HUWLQJ FRQWURO RYHU H[FOXVLYH FRS\ULJKW  RZQHUVKLS WR Happy Birthday to You WR H[WUDFW OLFHQVLQJ IHHV LV GHFHSWLYH DQG  PLVOHDGLQJ EHFDXVH QHLWKHU :DUQHU&KDSSHOO QRU 6%, RZQ WKH ULJKWV WR Happy  Birthday to You   3ODLQWLIIV DQG WKH RWKHU PHPEHUV RI WKH &ODVV KDYH LQ IDFW EHHQ  GHFHLYHG DV D UHVXOW RI WKHLU UHDVRQDEOH UHOLDQFH XSRQ 'HIHQGDQWV¶ PDWHULDOO\ IDOVH  DQG PLVOHDGLQJ VWDWHPHQWV DQG RPLVVLRQV DV DOOHJHG DERYH   $V D UHVXOW RI 'HIHQGDQWV¶ XQIDLU DQG IUDXGXOHQW DFWV DQG SUDFWLFHV DV  DOOHJHG DERYH 3ODLQWLIIV DQG WKH RWKHU &ODVV PHPEHUV KDYH VXIIHUHG VXEVWDQWLDO  PRQHWDU\ LQMXULHV   3ODLQWLIIV DQG WKH RWKHU &ODVV PHPEHUV UHVHUYH WKH ULJKW WR DOOHJH RWKHU  YLRODWLRQV RI ODZ ZKLFK FRQVWLWXWH RWKHU XQIDLU RU GHFHSWLYH EXVLQHVV DFWV RU  SUDFWLFHV 6XFK FRQGXFW LV RQJRLQJ DQG FRQWLQXHV WR WKLV GDWH    $V D UHVXOW RI LWV GHFHSWLRQ 'HIHQGDQWV :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG 6%, KDYH EHHQ DEOH WR UHDS XQMXVW UHYHQXH DQG SURILW Ex. 1    36 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 36 of 43 Page ID #:830   8SRQ LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG EHOLHI 'HIHQGDQWV KDYH FROOHFWHG DQG FRQWLQXH Happy Birthday to You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†   FOURTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF  BREACH OF CONTRACT  (On Behalf of Plaintiffs and the Class)  (Against All Defendants)   3ODLQWLIIV UHSHDW DQG UHDOOHJH HDFK DQG HYHU\ IRUHJRLQJ DOOHJDWLRQ DV  WKRXJK IXOO\ VHW IRUWK KHUHLQ   3ODLQWLIIV            HQWHUHG LQWR OLFHQVH DJUHHPHQWV ZLWK 'HIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO ZKHUHLQ :DUQHU&KDSSHOO UHSUHVHQWHG DQG ZDUUDQWHG WKDW LW DQGRU LWV FR'HIHQGDQW 6%, RZQHG WKH ULJKWV WR Happy Birthday DV OLFHQVHG WKHUHLQ  3ODLQWLIIV DUH LQIRUPHG DQG EHOLHYH WKDW 'HIHQGDQWV¶ OLFHQVLQJ DJUHHPHQWV DUH WKH VDPH RU VXEVWDQWLDOO\ VLPLODU DV WR DOO &ODVV PHPEHUV SDUWLFXODUO\ ZLWK UHVSHFW WR 'HIHQGDQWV¶ FODLP RI RZQHUVKLS RI WKH FRS\ULJKW WR Happy Birthday  3ODLQWLIIV DQG WKH &ODVV KDYH VDWLVILHG WKHLU REOLJDWLRQV XQGHU HDFK VXFK OLFHQVLQJ DJUHHPHQW ZLWK :DUQHU&KDSSHOO  $V DOOHJHG KHUHLQ 'HIHQGDQWV GR QRW RZQ WKH FRS\ULJKW LQWHUHVWV FODLPHG LQ Happy Birthday DQG DV D UHVXOW RI LWV XQODZIXO DQG IDOVH DVVHUWLRQV RI WKH Ex. 1    37 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 37 of 43 Page ID #:831  VDPH 'HIHQGDQWV KDYH YLRODWHG WKH UHSUHVHQWDWLRQV DQG ZDUUDQWLHV PDGH LQ WKH  OLFHQVLQJ DJUHHPHQWV WKHUHE\ PDWHULDOO\ EUHDFKLQJ WKH OLFHQVLQJ DJUHHPHQWV    %\ UHDVRQ RI WKH IRUHJRLQJ 3ODLQWLIIV DQG WKH &ODVV KDYH EHHQ GDPDJHG LQ DQ DPRXQW WR EH GHWHUPLQHG DW WULDO  FIFTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF  COMMON LAW FOR MONEY HAD AND RECEIVED  (On Behalf of Plaintiffs and the Class)  (Against All Defendants)    3ODLQWLIIV UHSHDW DQG UHDOOHJH SDUDJUDSKV  WKURXJK  VHW IRUWK DERYH DV WKRXJK WKH\ ZHUH IXOO\ VHW IRUWK KHUHLQ   :LWKLQ WKH ODVW IRXU \HDUV 'HIHQGDQWV :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQGRU 6%,  EHFDPH LQGHEWHG WR 3ODLQWLIIV DQG DOO FODVV PHPEHUV IRU PRQH\ KDG DQG UHFHLYHG E\  'HIHQGDQWV IRU WKH XVH DQG EHQHILW RI 3ODLQWLIIV DQG FODVV PHPEHUV 7KH PRQH\ LQ  HTXLW\ DQG JRRG FRQVFLHQFH EHORQJV WR 3ODLQWLIIV DQG FODVV PHPEHUV  SIXTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF  RESCISSION FOR FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION  (On Behalf of Plaintiffs and the Class)  (Against All Defendants)    3ODLQWLIIV UHSHDW DQG UHDOOHJH SDUDJUDSKV  WKURXJK  VHW IRUWK DERYH DV WKRXJK WKH\ ZHUH IXOO\ VHW IRUWK KHUHLQ    'HIHQGDQWV¶ SXUSRUWHG OLFHQVHV ZHUH ZRUWKOHVV DQG LQHIIHFWLYH DQG GR QRW FRQVWLWXWH YDOLG FRQVLGHUDWLRQ   7KH FRPSOHWH ODFN RI FRQVLGHUDWLRQ REYLDWHV DQ\ QHHG IRU QRWLFH WR  'HIHQGDQWV         Ex. 1    38 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 38 of 43 Page ID #:832  SEVENTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF  FALSE ADVERTISING LAWS IN VIOLATION OF  CALIFORNIA BUSINESS & PROFESSIONS CODE §§ 17500, ET SEQ.  (On Behalf of Plaintiffs and the Class)  (Against All Defendants)    3ODLQWLIIV UHSHDW DQG UHDOOHJH SDUDJUDSKV  WKURXJK  VHW IRUWK DERYH DV WKRXJK WKH\ ZHUH IXOO\ VHW IRUWK KHUHLQ   2Q LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG EHOLHI 'HIHQGDQWV :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG 6%,  LQWHQGHG WR LQGXFH WKH SXEOLF WR HQWHU LQWR DQ REOLJDWLRQ UHODWHG WR LWV DOOHJHG  SURSHUW\ QDPHO\ WKH FRPSRVLWLRQ Happy Birthday to You   'HIHQGDQWV :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQGRU 6%, SXEOLFO\ GLVVHPLQDWHG  DGYHUWLVLQJ ZKLFK FRQWDLQHG VWDWHPHQWV ZKLFK ZHUH XQWUXH DQG PLVOHDGLQJ DQG  ZKLFK FRQFHUQHG WKH FRPSRVLWLRQ  LPSURSHUO\ VRXJKW DQG UHFHLYHG OLFHQVLQJ IHHV 'HIHQGDQWV NQHZ RU LQ WKH H[HUFLVH  RI UHDVRQDEOH FDUH VKRXOG KDYH NQRZQ WKDW WKHVH VWDWHPHQWV ZHUH XQWUXH DQG  PLVOHDGLQJ   Happy Birthday to You IRU ZKLFK WKH\  3ODLQWLIIV DQG FODVV PHPEHUV KDYH VXIIHUHG LQMXU\ LQ IDFW DQG KDYH ORVW PRQH\ DV D UHVXOW RI VXFK XQIDLU FRPSHWLWLRQ PRAYER FOR RELIEF   WHEREFORE 3ODLQWLIIV *07< 6LHJHO 5XSD DQG 0DMDU RQ EHKDOI RI  WKHPVHOYHV DQG WKH RWKHU PHPEHUV RI WKH &ODVV SUD\ IRU MXGJPHQW DJDLQVW  'HIHQGDQWV DV IROORZV  $ FHUWLI\LQJ WKH &ODVV DV UHTXHVWHG KHUHLQ  % GHFODULQJ WKDW WKH VRQJ  E\ IHGHUDO FRS\ULJKW ODZ LV GHGLFDWHG WR SXEOLF XVH DQG LV LQ WKH SXEOLF  GRPDLQ  &  IURP DVVHUWLQJ DQ\ FRS\ULJKW WR WKH VRQJ Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You LV QRW SURWHFWHG SHUPDQHQWO\ HQMRLQLQJ 'HIHQGDQWV :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG 6%, Ex. 1    39 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 39 of 43 Page ID #:833  '  IURP FKDUJLQJ RU FROOHFWLQJ DQ\ OLFHQVLQJ RU RWKHU IHHV IRU XVH RI WKH  VRQJ Happy Birthday to You  (  :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG 6%, XQODZIXOO\ FROOHFWHG IURP 3ODLQWLIIV WKH  RWKHU PHPEHUV RI WKH &ODVV DQG $6&$3 IRU XVH RI WKH VRQJ  Birthday to You  )  3ODLQWLIIV DQG WKH RWKHU PHPEHUV RI WKH &ODVV DOO WKH OLFHQVLQJ RU RWKHU  IHHV WKH\ KDYH FROOHFWHG IURP WKHP GLUHFWO\ RU LQGLUHFWO\ WKURXJK LWV  DJHQWV IRU XVH RI WKH VRQJ  LQWHUHVW WKHUHRQ  *  UHVWLWXWLRQ IRU GHIHQGDQW :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG 6%,¶V SULRU DFWV DQG  SUDFWLFHV  +  FRVWV DQG  ,  SURSHU SHUPDQHQWO\ HQMRLQLQJ 'HIHQGDQWV :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG 6%, LPSRVLQJ D FRQVWUXFWLYH WUXVW XSRQ WKH PRQH\ 'HIHQGDQWV Happy RUGHULQJ 'HIHQGDQWV :DUQHU&KDSSHOO DQG 6%, WR UHWXUQ WR Happy Birthday to You WRJHWKHU ZLWK DZDUGLQJ 3ODLQWLIIV DQG WKH RWKHU PHPEHUV RI WKH &ODVV DZDUGLQJ 3ODLQWLIIV DQG WKH &ODVV UHDVRQDEOH DWWRUQH\V¶ IHHV DQG JUDQWLQJ VXFK RWKHU DQG IXUWKHU UHOLHI DV WKH &RXUW GHHPV MXVW DQG     'DWHG $SULO   WOLF HALDENSTEIN ADLER FREEMAN & HERZ LLP %\ VBetsy C. Manifold %(76< & 0$1,)2/'      Ex. 1    40 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 40 of 43 Page ID #:834                 )5$1&,6 0 *5(*25(.  JUHJRUHN#ZKDIKFRP %(76< & 0$1,)2/'  PDQLIROG#ZKDIKFRP 5$&+(/( 5 5,&.(57  ULFNHUW#ZKDIKFRP 0$5,6$ & /,9(6$<  OLYHVD\#ZKDIKFRP  % 6WUHHW 6XLWH  6DQ 'LHJR &$  7HOHSKRQH  )DFVLPLOH  WOLF HALDENSTEIN ADLER FREEMAN & HERZ LLP 0$5. & 5,).,1 pro hac vice ULINLQ#ZKDIKFRP -$1,1( 32//$&. pro hac vice SROODFN#ZKDIKFRP %(7+ $ /$1'(6 pro hac vice ODQGHV#ZKDIKFRP *,7, %$*+%$1  EDJKEDQ#ZKDIKFRP  0DGLVRQ $YHQXH 1HZ <RUN 1<  7HOHSKRQH  )DFVLPLOH         Interim Lead Class Counsel for Plaintiffs RANDALL S. NEWMAN PC 5$1'$// 6 1(:0$1  UVQ#UDQGDOOQHZPDQQHW  :DOO 6WUHHW 3HQWKRXVH ' 1HZ <RUN 1<  7HOHSKRQH  )DFVLPLOH       Ex. 1    41 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 41 of 43 Page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ounsel for Plaintiffs             Ex. 1    42 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 42 of 43 Page ID #:836 DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL   3ODLQWLIIV *RRG 0RUQLQJ 7R <RX 3URGXFWLRQV &RUS 5REHUW 6LHJHO 5XSD  0DU\D DQG 0DMDU 3URGXFWLRQV //& KHUHE\ GHPDQG D WULDO E\ MXU\ WR WKH H[WHQW WKDW  WKH DOOHJDWLRQV FRQWDLQHG KHUHLQ DUH WULDEOH E\ MXU\ XQGHU 5XOHV  RI WKH )HGHUDO  5XOHV RI &LYLO 3URFHGXUH  DQG &LYLO /5                         'DWHG $SULO   WOLF HALDENSTEIN ADLER FREEMAN & HERZ LLP %\ VBetsy C. Manifold %(76< & 0$1,)2/' )5$1&,6 0 *5(*25(.  JUHJRUHN#ZKDIKFRP %(76< & 0$1,)2/'  PDQLIROG#ZKDIKFRP 5$&+(/( 5 5,&.(57  ULFNHUW#ZKDIKFRP 0$5,6$ & /,9(6$<  OLYHVD\#ZKDIKFRP  % 6WUHHW 6XLWH  6DQ 'LHJR &$  7HOHSKRQH  )DFVLPLOH  WOLF HALDENSTEIN ADLER FREEMAN & HERZ LLP 0$5. & 5,).,1 pro hac vice ULINLQ#ZKDIKFRP -$1,1( 32//$&. pro hac vice SROODFN#ZKDIKFRP %(7+ $ /$1'(6 pro hac vice ODQGHV#ZKDIKFRP *,7, %$*+%$1  EDJKEDQ#ZKDIKFRP  0DGLVRQ $YHQXH 1HZ <RUN 1<  7HOHSKRQH  )DFVLPLOH  Interim Lead Class Counsel for Plaintiffs Ex. 1    43 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 95 Filed 04/21/14 Page 43 of 43 Page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ounsel for Plaintiffs    Ex. 1 44 EXHIBIT 2 Ex. 2 45 Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 1 of 31 Page ID #:863 1 GLENN D. POMERANTZ (State Bar No. 112503) 2 KELLY M. KLAUS (State Bar No. 161091) 3 ADAM I. KAPLAN (State Bar No. 268182) 4 MUNGER, TOLLES & OLSON LLP 355 South Grand Avenue 5 Thirty-Fifth Floor Los Angeles, California 90071-1560 6 Telephone: (213) 683-9100 Facsimile: (213) 687-3702 7 Attorneys for Defendants 8 Warner/Chappell Music, Inc. and Summy-Birchard, Inc. 9 10 11 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA WESTERN DIVISION 12 13 GOOD MORNING TO YOU PRODUCTIONS CORP.; ROBERT 14 SIEGEL; RUPA MARYA; and MAJAR PRODUCTIONS, LLC; On 15 Behalf of Themselves and All Others Similarly Situated, 16 Plaintiffs, 17 v. 18 WARNER/CHAPPELL MUSIC, INC., 19 and SUMMY-BIRCHARD, INC., 20 Lead Case No. CV 13-04460-GHK (MRWx) DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FOURTH AMENDED CONSOLIDATED COMPLAINT Defendants. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ex. 2 DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO 46 CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 2 of 31 Page ID #:864 In accordance with this Court’s Order of April 29, 2014 (Dkt. 96), 1 2 Defendants Warner/Chappell Music, Inc. and Summy-Birchard, Inc. (collectively, 3 “Warner/Chappell”), through undersigned counsel, hereby answer Claim One of 4 Plaintiffs’ Fourth Amended Consolidated Complaint (“FAC”) as follows.1 1. 5 The allegations in Paragraph 1 are conclusions of law to which no 6 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 7 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 1 of the FAC. 2. 8 Warner/Chappell admits that the principal place of business of both 9 Defendants is in this District and that both Defendants regularly conduct business in 10 this District. The remaining allegations in Paragraph 2 are conclusions of law to 11 which no responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 12 Warner/Chappell denies such allegations. 3. 13 Answering Paragraph 3, Warner/Chappell avers that the written 14 agreement referenced in Paragraph 3 is the best evidence of the contents of that 15 agreement. Except as specifically averred herein, Warner/Chappell denies the 16 allegations in Paragraph 3. 4. 17 Paragraph 4 characterizes Plaintiffs’ claims in the FAC and no 18 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 19 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 4. 5. 20 Answering Paragraph 5, Warner/Chappell avers that the written 21 Copyright Office circular referenced in Paragraph 5 is the best evidence of the 22 contents of that document. Except as specifically averred herein, Warner/Chappell 23 denies the allegations in Paragraph 5. 6. 24 Warner/Chappell admits that on or about June 18, 2013, the “About 25 Us” page of Warner/Chappell’s website stated that “Warner/Chappell Music is 26 WMG’s award-winning global music publishing company. The Warner/Chappell 27 1 Warner/Chappell denies all allegations in Claim One of the FAC (including Ex. 2 headings and captions) not specifically admitted in this Answer. 28 47 -1- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 3 of 31 Page ID #:865 1 Music catalog includes standards such as ‘Happy Birthday to You’, ‘Rhapsody in 2 Blue’, ‘Winter Wonderland’, the songs of Cole Porter and George and Ira Gershwin, 3 as well as the music of Eric Clapton, Green Day, Katy Perry, Led Zeppelin, Lil 4 Wayne, Madonna, Nickelback, Paramore, Red Hot Chili Peppers, T. I.[,] 5 Timbaland, and others.” The remaining allegations in Paragraph 6 state conclusions 6 of law to which no responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is 7 required, Warner/Chappell denies such allegations. 8 7. The allegations in Paragraph 7 are conclusions of law to which no 9 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 10 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 7. 11 8. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 12 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in the first sentence of Paragraph 8 and 13 on that basis denies such allegations. Warner/Chappell admits that Robert Brauneis 14 published an article regarding the copyright in +DSS\ %LUWKGD\ WR <RX, and avers 15 that the article, while irrelevant and inadmissible in support of Plaintiffs’ claims, is 16 the best evidence of its contents. The remaining allegations in Paragraph 8 are legal 17 conclusions to which no responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a 18 response is required, Warner/Chappell denies such allegations. 19 9. Paragraph 9 characterizes Plaintiffs’ claims in the FAC and no 20 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 21 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 9. 22 10. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 23 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in the first sentence of Paragraph 10 24 and on that basis denies such allegations. Warner/Chappell admits that on or about 25 March 26, 2013, Plaintiff GMTY paid Warner/Chappell $1,500 for a 26 synchronization license to use +DSS\ %LUWKGD\ WR <RX, and that on or about April 24, 27 2013, Plaintiff GMTY mailed Warner/Chappell an executed synchronization license 28 agreement for the use +DSS\ %LUWKGD\ WR <RX, which was “dated” September 26,Ex. 2 48 -2- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 4 of 31 Page ID #:866 1 2012 “as of” April 1, 2013. Except as specifically admitted herein, 2 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 10. 3 11. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 4 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in the first sentence of Paragraph 11 5 and on that basis denies such allegations. Warner/Chappell admits that on or about 6 July 20, 2009, BIG FAN, entered into a synchronization license with 7 Warner/Chappell for the use of +DSS\ %LUWKGD\ WR <RX and that BIG FAN paid 8 Warner/Chappell $3,000 pursuant to that license. Warner/Chappell is without 9 knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations 10 in the third sentence of Paragraph 11 and on that basis denies such allegations. 11 Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in 12 Paragraph 11. 13 12. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 14 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in the first, second and third sentences 15 of Paragraph 12 and on that basis denies such allegations. Warner/Chappell admits 16 that on or about June 17, 2013, Plaintiff Rupa paid Warner/Chappell $455 for a 17 compulsory license to use +DSS\ %LUWKGD\ WR <RX. Except as specifically admitted 18 herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 12. 19 13. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 20 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 13 and on that basis 21 denies the allegations in Paragraph 13. 22 14. Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in Paragraph 14. 23 15. Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in Paragraph 15, except that 24 Warner/Chappell denies that Defendant Summy-Birchard, Inc. was acquired by 25 Defendant Warner/Chappell Music, Inc. in or around 1998. 26 16. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits that some time 27 prior to 1893, Mildred J. Hill and her sister Patty Smith Hill authored a written Ex. 28 manuscript containing sheet music for numerous songs composed and written by 2 49 -3- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 5 of 31 Page ID #:867 1 these sisters. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 2 form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 16 and on that 3 basis denies such allegations. Except as specifically admitted herein, 4 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 16. 5 17. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in 6 Paragraph 17. 7 18. Answering Paragraph 18, Warner/Chappell avers that the written 8 agreement referenced in Paragraph 18 is the best evidence of the contents of this 9 agreement. Except as specifically averred herein, Warner/Chappell denies the 10 allegations in Paragraph 18. 11 19. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in 12 Paragraph 19. 13 20. Warner/Chappell admits that on or about October 13, 1893, Clayton F. 14 Summy filed a copyright application (Reg. No. 45997) with the Copyright Office for 15 6RQJ 6WRULHV IRU WKH .LQGHUJDUWHQ. Except as specifically admitted herein, 16 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 20. 17 21. Answering Paragraph 21, Warner/Chappell avers that the written 18 Copyright Application referenced in Paragraph 20 above is the best evidence of the 19 contents of this document. Except as specifically averred herein, Warner/Chappell 20 denies the allegations in Paragraph 21. 21 22. Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in Paragraph 22. 22 23. The allegations in Paragraph 23 are conclusions of law to which no 23 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 24 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 23. 25 24. Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in Paragraph 24. 26 25. Warner/Chappell admits the lyrics to +DSS\ %LUWKGD\ WR <RX are as 27 alleged and that the lyrics frequently are performed in conjunction with the melody Ex. 2 28 50 -4- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 6 of 31 Page ID #:868 1 to *RRG 0RUQLQJ WR $OO. Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell 2 denies the allegations in Paragraph 25. 3 26. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in 4 Paragraph 26. 5 27. Warner/Chappell admits that in or about 1895, Clayton F. Summy 6 incorporated the Clayton F. Summy Company under the laws of the State of Illinois. 7 On information and belief, Warner/Chappell further admits that in or about 1895, 8 Clayton F. Summy assigned all his right, title, and interest in 6RQJ 6WRULHV IRU WKH 9 .LQGHUJDUWHQ to Clayton F. Summy Company. Warner/Chappell is without 10 knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining 11 allegations in Paragraph 27 and on that basis denies such allegations. Except as 12 specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 13 27. 14 28. Warner/Chappell admits that in or about 1896, Clayton F. Summy Co. 15 published a new, revised, illustrated, and enlarged version of 6RQJ 6WRULHV IRU WKH 16 .LQGHUJDUWHQ, which contained illustrations by Margaret Byers. Warner/Chappell is 17 without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the 18 remaining allegations in Paragraph 28 and on that basis denies such allegations. 19 Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in 20 Paragraph 28. 21 29. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits that on or about 22 June 8, 1896, Clayton F. Summy filed a copyright application (Reg. No. 34260) 23 with the Copyright Office for the 1896 publication of 6RQJ 6WRULHV IRU WKH 24 .LQGHUJDUWHQ. Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the 25 allegations in Paragraph 29. 26 30. Answering Paragraph 30, Warner/Chappell avers that the written 27 Copyright Application referenced in Paragraph 30 is the best evidence of the Ex. 2 28 51 -5- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 7 of 31 Page ID #:869 1 contents of this document. Except as specifically averred herein, Warner/Chappell 2 denies the allegations in Paragraph 30. 3 31. Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in Paragraph 31. 4 32. The allegations in Paragraph 32 are conclusions of law to which no 5 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 6 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 32. 7 33. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in 8 Paragraph 33. 9 34. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits that in or about 10 1899, Clayton F. Summy Company published 6RQJ 6WRULHV IRU WKH 6XQGD\ 6FKRRO, 11 which included the song *RRG 0RUQLQJ WR $OO and did not include the song +DSS\ 12 %LUWKGD\ WR <RX or the lyrics to +DSS\ %LUWKGD\ WR <RX. Warner/Chappell is without 13 knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining 14 allegations in Paragraph 34 and on that basis denies such allegations. 15 35. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits that on or about 16 March 20, 1899, Clayton F. Summy Company filed a copyright application (Reg. 17 No. 20441) with the Copyright Office for 6RQJ 6WRULHV IRU WKH 6XQGD\ 6FKRRO. 18 Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in 19 Paragraph 35. 20 36. Answering Paragraph 36, Warner/Chappell avers that the written 21 Copyright Application referenced in Paragraph 36 is the best evidence of the 22 contents of this document. Except as specifically averred herein, Warner/Chappell 23 denies the allegations in Paragraph 36. 24 37. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 25 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 37 and on that basis 26 denies the allegations in Paragraph 37. 27 38. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in Ex. 2 28 Paragraph 38. 52 -6- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 8 of 31 Page ID #:870 1 39. The allegations in Paragraph 39 are conclusions of law to which no 2 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 3 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 39. 4 40. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in 5 Paragraph 40. 6 41. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 7 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 41 and on that basis 8 denies the allegations in Paragraph 41. 9 42. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 10 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 42 and on that basis 11 denies the allegations in Paragraph 42. 12 43. Warner/Chappell admits that in or about February, 1907, Clayton F. 13 Summy Company released *RRG 0RUQLQJ WR $OO as an individual musical 14 composition. Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the 15 allegations in Paragraph 43. 16 44. Warner/Chappell admits that on or about February 7, 1907, Clayton F. 17 Summy Company filed a copyright application (Reg. No. 142468) with the 18 Copyright Office for *RRG 0RUQLQJ WR $OO. Except as specifically admitted herein, 19 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 44. 20 45. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in 21 Paragraph 45. 22 46. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 23 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 46 and on that basis 24 denies the allegations in Paragraph 46. 25 47. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 26 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 47 and on that basis 27 denies the allegations in Paragraph 47. Ex. 2 28 53 -7- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 9 of 31 Page ID #:871 1 48. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 2 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 48 and on that basis 3 denies the allegations in Paragraph 48. 4 49. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 5 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 49 and on that basis 6 denies the allegations in Paragraph 49. 7 50. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 8 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 50 and on that basis 9 denies the allegations in Paragraph 50. 10 51. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 11 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 51 and on that basis 12 denies the allegations in Paragraph 51. 13 52. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 14 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in the first sentence of Paragraph 52 15 and on that basis denies such allegations. The allegations in the second sentence of 16 Paragraph 52 are conclusions of law to which no responsive pleading is required. 17 To the extent that a response is required, Warner/Chappell denies such allegations. 18 53. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 19 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 53 and on that basis 20 denies the allegations in Paragraph 53. 21 54. The allegations in Paragraph 54 are conclusions of law to which no 22 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 23 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 54. 24 55. The allegations in Paragraph 55 are conclusions of law to which no 25 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 26 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 55. 27 Ex. 2 28 54 -8- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 10 of 31 Page ID #:872 1 56. The allegations in Paragraph 56 are conclusions of law to which no 2 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 3 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 56. 4 57. The allegations in Paragraph 57 are conclusions of law to which no 5 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 6 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 57. 7 58. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 8 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 58 and on that basis 9 denies the allegations in Paragraph 58. 10 59. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 11 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 59 and on that basis 12 denies the allegations in Paragraph 59. 13 60. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 14 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 60 and on that basis 15 denies the allegations in Paragraph 60. 16 61. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 17 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 61 and on that basis 18 denies the allegations in Paragraph 61. 19 62. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 20 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 62 and on that basis 21 denies the allegations in Paragraph 62. 22 63. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 23 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 63 and on that basis 24 denies the allegations in Paragraph 63. 25 64. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 26 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 64 and on that basis 27 denies the allegations in Paragraph 64. Ex. 2 28 55 -9- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 11 of 31 Page ID #:873 1 65. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 2 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 65 and on that basis 3 denies the allegations in Paragraph 65. 4 66. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 5 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 66 and on that basis 6 denies the allegations in Paragraph 66. 7 67. Upon information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits that Clayton F. 8 Summy sold Clayton F. Summy Company to John F. Sengstack in or around 1930. 9 Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in 10 Paragraph 67. 11 68. Upon information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits that in or about 12 1931, John F. Sengstack incorporated Clayton F. Summy Company under the laws 13 of the State of Delaware. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information 14 sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 15 68 and on that basis denies such allegations. Except as specifically admitted herein, 16 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 68. 17 69. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 18 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 69 and on that basis 19 denies the allegations in Paragraph 69. 20 70. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 21 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 70 and on that basis 22 denies the allegations in Paragraph 70. 23 71. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 24 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 71 and on that basis 25 denies the allegations in Paragraph 71. 26 72. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits that “[o]n August 27 14, 1934, Jessica Hill, a sister of Mildred Hill and Patty Hill, commenced an action Ex. 28 against Sam Harris in the Southern District of New York, captioned Hill v. Harris, 2 56 -10- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 12 of 31 Page ID #:874 1 Eq. No. 78-350.” Answering the remaining allegations in Paragraph 72, 2 Warner/Chappell avers that the complaint/s referenced in Paragraph 72 is/are the 3 best evidence of the claims asserted in the lawsuit referenced in Paragraph 72. 4 Except as specifically admitted or averred herein, Warner/Chappell denies the 5 allegations in Paragraph 72. 6 73. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits that “[o]n January 7 21, 1935, Jessica Hill commenced an action against the Federal Broadcasting Corp. 8 in the Southern District of New York, captioned Hill v. Federal Broadcasting Corp., 9 Eq. No. 79-312.” Answering the remaining allegations in Paragraph 73, 10 Warner/Chappell avers that the complaint/s referenced in Paragraph 73 is/are the 11 best evidence of the claims asserted in the lawsuit referenced in Paragraph 73. 12 Except as specifically admitted or averred herein, Warner/Chappell denies the 13 allegations in Paragraph 73. 14 74. Answering Paragraph 74, Warner/Chappell avers that the written 15 agreement referenced in Paragraph 74 is the best evidence of the contents of this 16 agreement. Except as specifically averred herein, Warner/Chappell denies the 17 allegations in Paragraph 74. 18 75. Warner/Chappell admits that on or about December 27, 1934, Clayton 19 F. Summy Co. submitted an Application for Copyright, which application is the best 20 evidence of its contents. Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell 21 denies the allegations in Paragraph 75. 22 76. Answering Paragraph 76, Warner/Chappell avers that the written 23 Application for Copyright referenced in Paragraph 75 above is the best evidence of 24 the contents of this document. Except as specifically averred herein, 25 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 76. 26 77. Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in the first sentence of 27 Paragraph 77. Answering the second sentence of Paragraph 77, Warner/Chappell Ex. 2 28 avers that the written Application for Copyright referenced in Paragraph 75 above is 57 -11- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 13 of 31 Page ID #:875 1 the best evidence of the contents of this document, and that the allegation regarding 2 the scope of the copyright claimed by this Application is a conclusion of law to 3 which no response is required. To the extent that a response is required to this 4 allegation regarding the scope of the copyright claimed, Warner/Chappell denies 5 this allegation. Except as specifically admitted or averred herein, Warner/Chappell 6 denies the allegations in Paragraph 77. 7 78. The allegations in Paragraph 78 are conclusions of law to which no 8 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 9 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 78. 10 79. Warner/Chappell admits that on or about February 15, 1935, Clayton F. 11 Summy Co. submitted an Application for Copyright, which application is the best 12 evidence of its contents. Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell 13 denies the allegations in Paragraph 79. 14 80. Answering Paragraph 80, Warner/Chappell avers that the written 15 Application for Copyright referenced in Paragraph 79 above is the best evidence of 16 the contents of this document. Except as specifically averred herein, 17 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 80. 18 81. Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in the first sentence of 19 Paragraph 81. Answering the second sentence of Paragraph 81, Warner/Chappell 20 avers that the written Application for Copyright referenced in Paragraph 79 above is 21 the best evidence of the contents of this document, and that the allegation regarding 22 the scope of the copyright claimed by this Application is a conclusion of law to 23 which no response is required. To the extent that a response is required to this 24 allegation regarding the scope of the copyright claimed, Warner/Chappell denies 25 this allegation. Except as specifically admitted or averred herein, Warner/Chappell 26 denies the allegations in Paragraph 81. 27 Ex. 2 28 58 -12- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 14 of 31 Page ID #:876 1 82. The allegations in Paragraph 82 are conclusions of law to which no 2 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 3 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 82. 4 83. Warner/Chappell admits that on or about April 3, 1935, Clayton F. 5 Summy Co. submitted an Application for Copyright, which application is the best 6 evidence of its contents. Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell 7 denies the allegations in Paragraph 83. 8 84. Answering Paragraph 84, Warner/Chappell avers that the written 9 Application for Copyright referenced in Paragraph 83 above is the best evidence of 10 the contents of this document. Except as specifically averred herein, 11 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 84. 12 85. Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in the first sentence of 13 Paragraph 85. Answering the second sentence of Paragraph 85, Warner/Chappell 14 avers that the written Application for Copyright referenced Paragraph 83 above is 15 the best evidence of the contents of this document, and that the allegation regarding 16 the scope of the copyright claimed by this Application is a conclusion of law to 17 which no response is required. To the extent that a response is required to this 18 allegation regarding the scope of the copyright claimed, Warner/Chappell denies 19 this allegation. Except as specifically admitted or averred herein, Warner/Chappell 20 denies the allegations in Paragraph 85. 21 86. The allegations in Paragraph 86 are conclusions of law to which no 22 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 23 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 86. 24 87. Warner/Chappell admits that on or about April 3, 1935, Clayton F. 25 Summy Co. submitted an Application for Copyright, which application is the best 26 evidence of its contents. Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell 27 denies the allegations in Paragraph 87. Ex. 2 28 59 -13- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 15 of 31 Page ID #:877 1 88. Answering Paragraph 88, Warner/Chappell avers that the written 2 Application for Copyright referenced in Paragraph 87 above is the best evidence of 3 the contents of this document. Except as specifically averred herein, 4 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 88. 5 89. Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in the first sentence of 6 Paragraph 89. Answering the second sentence of Paragraph 89, Warner/Chappell 7 avers that the written Application for Copyright referenced in Paragraph 87 above is 8 the best evidence of the contents of this document, and that the allegation regarding 9 the scope of the copyright claimed by this Application is a conclusion of law to 10 which no response is required. To the extent that a response is required to this 11 allegation regarding the scope of the copyright claimed, Warner/Chappell denies 12 this allegation. Except as specifically admitted or averred herein, Warner/Chappell 13 denies the allegations in Paragraph 89. 14 90. The allegations in Paragraph 90 are conclusions of law to which no 15 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 16 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 90. 17 91. Warner/Chappell admits that on or about December 6, 1935, Clayton F. 18 Summy Co. submitted an Application for Copyright as alleged in Paragraph 91. 19 Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in 20 Paragraph 91. 21 92. Answering the first sentence of Paragraph 92, Warner/Chappell avers 22 that the written Application for Copyright referenced in Paragraph 91 above is the 23 best evidence of the contents of this document. Warner/Chappell admits the 24 allegations in the second sentence of Paragraph 92. Except as specifically averred 25 or admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 92. 26 93. Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 93. 27 Ex. 2 28 60 -14- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 16 of 31 Page ID #:878 1 94. The allegations in Paragraph 94 are conclusions of law to which no 2 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 3 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 94. 4 95. The allegations in Paragraph 95 are conclusions of law to which no 5 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 6 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 95. 7 96. Warner/Chappell admits that on or about December 6, 1935, Clayton F. 8 Summy Co. submitted an Application for Copyright as alleged in Paragraph 96. 9 Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in 10 Paragraph 96. 11 97. Answering the first sentence of Paragraph 97, Warner/Chappell avers 12 that the written Application for Copyright referenced in Paragraph 96 above is the 13 best evidence of the contents of this document. Warner/Chappell admits the 14 allegations in the second sentence of Paragraph 97. Except as specifically averred 15 or admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 97. 16 98. Warner/Chappell admits that the copy of the work deposited with the 17 application that resulted in registration E51990 contained the lyrics “Happy 18 Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear ______, Happy 19 Birthday to you!” Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies 20 the allegations in Paragraph 98. 21 99. The allegations in Paragraph 99 are conclusions of law to which no 22 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 23 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 99. 24 100. The allegations in Paragraph 100 are conclusions of law to which no 25 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 26 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 100. 27 101. Answering Paragraph 101, Warner/Chappell avers that the written Ex. 28 agreement referenced in Paragraph 101 is the best evidence of the contents of this 2 61 -15- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 17 of 31 Page ID #:879 1 agreement. Except as specifically averred herein, Warner/Chappell denies the 2 allegations in Paragraph 101. 3 102. Answering Paragraph 102, Warner/Chappell avers that the written 4 agreement referenced in Paragraph 102 is the best evidence of the contents of this 5 agreement. Except as specifically averred herein, Warner/Chappell denies the 6 allegations in Paragraph 102. 7 103. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits that “[o]n October 8 15, 1942, The Hill Foundation commenced an action against [Clayton F. Summy 9 Co.] in the Southern District of New York, captioned The Hill Foundation, Inc. v. 10 Clayton F. Summy Co., Case No. 19-377.” Answering the remaining allegations in 11 Paragraph 103, Warner/Chappell avers that the complaint/s referenced in Paragraph 12 103 is/are the best evidence of the claims asserted in the lawsuit referenced in 13 Paragraph 103. Except as specifically admitted or averred herein, Warner/Chappell 14 denies the allegations in Paragraph 103. 15 104. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits that “[o]n March 2, 16 1943, The Hill Foundation commenced an action against the Postal Telegraph Cable 17 Company in the Southern District of New York, captioned The Hill Foundation, Inc. 18 v. Postal Telegraph-Cable Co., Case No. 20- 439.” Answering the remaining 19 allegations in Paragraph 104, Warner/Chappell avers that the complaint/s referenced 20 in Paragraph 104 is/are the best evidence of the claims asserted in the lawsuit 21 referenced in Paragraph 104. Except as specifically admitted or averred herein, 22 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 104. 23 105. Warner/Chappell is not aware of any judicial determination of the 24 validity or scope of any copyright related to *RRG 0RUQLQJ WR $OO. Except as 25 specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 26 105. 27 106. Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 106. Ex. 2 28 62 -16- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 18 of 31 Page ID #:880 1 107. Warner/Chappell admits that in or about 1962, Summy-Birchard 2 Company filed renewals for Reg. Nos. E45655, E46661, E47439, E47440, E51988, 3 and E51990. Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the 4 allegations in Paragraph 107. 5 108. Warner/Chappell admits that on or about December 6, 1962, Summy- 6 Birchard Company filed a renewal application for Reg. No. E51988, and avers that 7 the written copyright renewal referenced in Paragraph 108 is the best evidence of 8 the contents of this document. Except as specifically admitted or averred, 9 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 108. 10 109. Warner/Chappell admits that on or about December 6, 1962, Summy- 11 Birchard Company filed a renewal application for Reg. No. E51990, and avers that 12 the written copyright renewal referenced in Paragraph 109 is the best evidence of 13 the contents of this document. Except as specifically admitted or averred, 14 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 109. 15 110. Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in the first sentence of 16 Paragraph 110. Warner/Chappell admits that Summy-Birchard, Inc., is a subsidiary 17 of Warner/Chappell and a co-defendant in this action. Except as specifically 18 admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 110. 19 111. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 20 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 111 and on that basis 21 denies the allegations in Paragraph 111. 22 112. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 23 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 112 and on that basis 24 denies the allegations in Paragraph 112. 25 113. Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 113. 26 114. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 27 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 114 and on that basis Ex. 2 28 denies the allegations in Paragraph 114. 63 -17- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 19 of 31 Page ID #:881 1 115. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 2 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 115 and on that basis 3 denies the allegations in Paragraph 115. 4 116. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 5 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 116 and on that basis 6 denies the allegations in Paragraph 116. 7 117. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 8 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 117 and on that basis 9 denies the allegations in Paragraph 117. 10 118. Warner/Chappell admits that in September 2012, Plaintiff GMTY 11 requested a quote from Warner/Chappell for a synchronization license to use +DSS\ 12 %LUWKGD\ WR <RX. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 13 form a belief as to the truth of the allegation that this request was made through 14 Warner/Chappell’s website and on that basis denies this allegation. Except as 15 specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 16 118. 17 119. Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 119. 18 120. Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 120. 19 121. The allegations in Paragraph 121 are conclusions of law to which no 20 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 21 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 121. 22 122. Warner/Chappell admits that on or about March 26, 2013, Plaintiff 23 GMTY paid Warner/Chappell $1,500 for a synchronization license to use +DSS\ 24 %LUWKGD\ WR <RX, and that on or about April 24, 2013, Plaintiff GMTY mailed 25 Warner/Chappell an executed synchronization license agreement for the use +DSS\ 26 %LUWKGD\ WR <RX, which was “dated” September 26, 2012 “as of” April 1, 2013. 27 Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Ex. 2 28 Paragraph 122. 64 -18- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 20 of 31 Page ID #:882 1 123. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 2 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 123 and on that basis 3 denies the allegations in Paragraph 123. 4 124. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 5 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 124 and on that basis 6 denies the allegations in Paragraph 124. 7 125. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 8 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 125(a) and (b) and on 9 that basis denies the allegations in Paragraph 125(a) and (b). The allegations in 10 Paragraph 125(c) are conclusions of law to which no responsive pleading is 11 required. To the extent that a response is required, Warner/Chappell denies the 12 allegations in Paragraph 125(c). 13 126. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 14 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 126 and on that basis 15 denies the allegations in Paragraph 126. 16 127. Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 127. 17 128. The allegations in Paragraph 128 are conclusions of law to which no 18 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 19 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 128. 20 129. Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in Paragraph 129. 21 130. Paragraph 130(a): 22 Warner/Chappell admits that BIG FAN paid Warner/Chappell $3,000 23 pursuant to its synchronization license. Except as specifically admitted herein, 24 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 130(a). 25 Paragraph 130(b): 26 Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a 27 belief as to what BIG FAN, the music producer it allegedly hired, or Plaintiff Siegel 28 knew or had reason to know and on that basis denies such allegations. The Ex. 2 65 -19- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 21 of 31 Page ID #:883 1 remaining allegations in paragraph 130(b) are conclusions of law to which no 2 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 3 Warner/Chappell denies such allegations. 4 Paragraph 130(c): 5 Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a 6 belief as to what BIG FAN, the music producer it allegedly hired, or Plaintiff Siegel 7 had reason to know and on that basis denies such allegations. The remaining 8 allegations in paragraph 130(c) are conclusions of law to which no responsive 9 pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, Warner/Chappell 10 denies such allegations. 11 Paragraph 130(d): 12 Warner/Chappell admits that, in accordance with custom and practice in the 13 industry, it did not specify the numbers of the copyright registrations or renewals 14 pursuant to which it owns copyright rights in +DSS\ %LUWKGD\ WR <RX when it 15 negotiated with BIG FAN regarding BIG FAN’s synchronization license. Except as 16 specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 17 130(d). 18 Paragraph 130(e): 19 Warner/Chappell admits that there were stories in the press regarding this 20 action. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a 21 belief as to the truth of the allegations in the second sentence of Paragraph 130(e) 22 regarding when one in the position of BIG FAN, the music producer it hired, or 23 Plaintiff Siegel allegedly would know the alleged facts supporting this action and on 24 that basis denies such allegations. The allegations in the second sentence of 25 Paragraph 130(e) regarding when BIG FAN, the music producer it hired, or Plaintiff 26 Siegel allegedly had reason to know the alleged facts supporting this action are 27 conclusions of law to which no responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a 28 response is required, Warner/Chappell denies such allegations. Except as Ex. 2 66 -20- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 22 of 31 Page ID #:884 1 specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 2 130(e). 3 Paragraph 130(f): 4 Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a 5 belief as to the truth of the allegations in the first sentence of Paragraph 130(f) and 6 on that basis denies such allegations. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or 7 information sufficient to form a belief as to what BIG FAN, the music producer it 8 allegedly hired, or Plaintiff Siegel knew or had reason to know and on that basis 9 denies such allegations. The remaining allegations in paragraph 130(f) are 10 conclusions of law to which no responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a 11 response is required, Warner/Chappell denies such allegations. 12 Paragraph 130(g): 13 Warner/Chappell admits that Plaintiff Siegel commenced a putative class 14 action against Warner/Chappell on or about June 19, 2013. Warner/Chappell is 15 without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the 16 allegations in Paragraph 130(g) regarding when Plaintiff Siegel allegedly knew the 17 alleged facts supporting this action and on that basis denies such allegations. The 18 allegations in Paragraph 130(g) regarding when Plaintiff Siegel allegedly reasonably 19 could or should have known the alleged facts supporting this action are conclusions 20 of law to which no responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is 21 required, Warner/Chappell denies such allegations. Except as specifically admitted 22 herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 130(g). 23 131. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 24 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 131 and on that basis 25 denies the allegations in Paragraph 131. 26 132. The allegations in Paragraph 132 are conclusions of law to which no 27 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 28 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 132. Ex. 2 67 -21- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 23 of 31 Page ID #:885 1 133. Warner/Chappell admits the allegations in Paragraph 133. 2 134. Paragraph 134(a): 3 Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a 4 belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 134(a) and on that basis denies 5 the allegations in Paragraph 134(a). 6 Paragraph 134(b): 7 Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a 8 belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 134(b) and on that basis denies 9 the allegations in Paragraph 134(b). 10 Paragraph 134(c): 11 Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a 12 belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 134(c) and on that basis denies 13 the allegations in Paragraph 134(c). 14 Paragraph 134(d): 15 Warner/Chappell admits that on or about October 29, 2009, Plaintiff Majar 16 paid Warner/Chappell $5,000 for a synchronization license to use +DSS\ %LUWKGD\ WR 17 <RX in the Film “No Subtitles Necessary: László & Vilmos” and that, in accordance 18 with custom and practice in the industry, Warner/Chappell did not specify the 19 numbers of the copyright registrations or renewals pursuant to which it owns 20 copyright rights in +DSS\ %LUWKGD\ WR <RX when it negotiated with Plaintiff Majar 21 regarding this license. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information 22 sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 134(d) 23 regarding when Plaintiff Majar allegedly knew the alleged facts supporting this 24 action and on that basis denies such allegations. The allegations in Paragraph 25 134(d) regarding when Plaintiff Majar allegedly had reason to know the alleged 26 facts supporting this action are conclusions of law to which no responsive pleading 27 is required. To the extent that a response is required, Warner/Chappell denies such 28 allegations. Warner/Chappell admits that it is the exclusive copyright owner of Ex. 2 68 -22- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 24 of 31 Page ID #:886 1 +DSS\ %LUWKGD\ WR <RX and has held itself out as such since October 29, 2009. 2 Except as specifically admitted herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in 3 Paragraph 134(d). 4 Paragraph 134(e): 5 The allegations in Paragraph 134(e) are conclusions of law to which no 6 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 7 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 134(e). 8 Paragraph 134(f): 9 Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a 10 belief as to what Plaintiff Majar thought or had reason to think and on that basis 11 denies such allegations. The remaining allegations in paragraph 134(f) are 12 conclusions of law to which no responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a 13 response is required, Warner/Chappell denies such allegations. 14 Paragraph 134(g): 15 Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a 16 belief as to the truth of the allegations in the Paragraph 134(g) and on that basis 17 denies the allegations in Paragraph 134(g). 18 135. Paragraph 135 characterizes Plaintiffs’ claims in the FAC and no 19 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 20 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 135. 21 136. Paragraph 136 characterizes Plaintiffs’ claims in the FAC and no 22 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 23 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 136. Warner/Chappell further 24 denies that Plaintiffs can maintain this action as a class action or that any such class 25 can properly be certified. 26 137. Paragraph 137 characterizes Plaintiffs’ claims in the FAC and their 27 purported class and contains conclusions of law, and no responsive pleading is 28 required. To the extent that a response is required, Warner/Chappell denies the Ex. 2 69 -23- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 25 of 31 Page ID #:887 1 allegations in Paragraph 137. Warner/Chappell further denies that Plaintiffs can 2 maintain this action as a class action or that any such class can properly be certified. 3 138. The allegations in Paragraph 138 are conclusions of law to which no 4 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 5 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 138. Warner/Chappell further 6 denies that Plaintiffs can maintain this action as a class action or that any such class 7 can properly be certified. 8 139. The allegations in Paragraph 139 are conclusions of law to which no 9 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 10 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 139. Warner/Chappell further 11 denies that Plaintiffs can maintain this action as a class action or that any such class 12 can properly be certified. 13 140. The allegations in Paragraph 140 are conclusions of law to which no 14 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 15 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 140. Warner/Chappell further 16 denies that Plaintiffs can maintain this action as a class action or that any such class 17 can properly be certified. 18 141. The allegations in Paragraph 141 are conclusions of law to which no 19 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 20 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 141. Warner/Chappell further 21 denies that Plaintiffs can maintain this action as a class action or that any such class 22 can properly be certified. 23 142. The allegations in Paragraph 142 are conclusions of law to which no 24 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 25 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 142. Warner/Chappell further 26 denies that Plaintiffs can maintain this action as a class action or that any such class 27 can properly be certified. Ex. 2 28 70 -24- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 26 of 31 Page ID #:888 1 143. The allegations in Paragraph 143 are conclusions of law to which no 2 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 3 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 143. Warner/Chappell further 4 denies that Plaintiffs can maintain this action as a class action or that any such class 5 can properly be certified. 6 144. The allegations in Paragraph 144 are conclusions of law to which no 7 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 8 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 144. Warner/Chappell further 9 denies that Plaintiffs can maintain this action as a class action or that any such class 10 can properly be certified. 11 145. Warner/Chappell is without knowledge or information sufficient to 12 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 145 and on that basis 13 denies the allegations in Paragraph 145. Warner/Chappell further denies that 14 Plaintiffs can maintain this action as a class action or that any such class can 15 properly be certified. 16 146. Answering the allegations in Paragraph 146, Warner/Chappell hereby 17 incorporates its responses in Paragraphs 1 through 145 by reference as if fully set 18 forth herein. To the extent that any further response is required, Warner/Chappell 19 denies the allegations in Paragraph 146. 20 147. Paragraph 147 characterizes Plaintiffs’ claims in the FAC and no 21 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 22 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 147. 23 148. Paragraph 148 characterizes Plaintiffs’ claims in the FAC and contains 24 conclusions of law, and no responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a 25 response is required, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 148. 26 149. Warner/Chappell admits that it holds a valid and enforceable copyright 27 in the composition +DSS\ %LUWKGD\ WR <RX and that pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 115, it is Ex. 28 entitled to royalties for the mechanical licensing of this composition in accordance 2 71 -25- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 27 of 31 Page ID #:889 1 with the legal requirements of that provision. Except as specifically admitted 2 herein, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 149. 3 150. Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 150. 4 151. The allegations in Paragraph 151 are conclusions of law to which no 5 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 6 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 151. 7 152. Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 152. 8 153. The allegations in Paragraph 153 are conclusions of law to which no 9 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 10 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 153. 11 154. The allegations in Paragraph 154 are conclusions of law to which no 12 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 13 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 154. 14 155. Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 155. 15 156. The allegations in Paragraph 156 are conclusions of law to which no 16 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 17 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 156. 18 157. Paragraph 157 characterizes Plaintiffs’ claims in the FAC and contains 19 conclusions of law, and no responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a 20 response is required, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 157. 21 158. The allegations in Paragraph 158 are conclusions of law to which no 22 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 23 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 158. 24 159. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits that the 1893 and 25 1896 versions of 6RQJ 6WRULHV IRU WKH .LQGHUJDUWHQ included the song *RRG 26 0RUQLQJ WR $OO. The remaining allegations in Paragraph 159 are conclusions of law 27 to which no responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is 28 required, Warner/Chappell denies such allegations. Ex. 2 72 -26- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 28 of 31 Page ID #:890 1 160. On information and belief, Warner/Chappell admits that the 1893 2 version of 6RQJ 6WRULHV IRU WKH .LQGHUJDUWHQ and the 1899 version of 6RQJ 6WRULHV 3 IRU WKH 6XQGD\ 6FKRRO included the song *RRG 0RUQLQJ WR $OO. The remaining 4 allegations in Paragraph 160 are conclusions of law to which no responsive pleading 5 is required. To the extent that a response is required, Warner/Chappell denies such 6 allegations. 7 161. The allegations in Paragraph 161 are conclusions of law to which no 8 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 9 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 161. 10 162. The allegations in Paragraph 162 are conclusions of law to which no 11 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 12 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 162. 13 163. The allegations in Paragraph 163 are conclusions of law to which no 14 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 15 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 163. 16 164. The allegations in Paragraph 164 are conclusions of law to which no 17 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 18 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 164. 19 165. The allegations in Paragraph 165 are conclusions of law to which no 20 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 21 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 165. 22 166. The allegations in Paragraph 166 are conclusions of law to which no 23 responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a response is required, 24 Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 166. 25 167. Paragraph 167 characterizes Plaintiffs’ claims in the FAC and contains 26 conclusions of law, and no responsive pleading is required. To the extent that a 27 response is required, Warner/Chappell denies the allegations in Paragraph 167. Ex. 2 28 73 -27- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 29 of 31 Page ID #:891 RESPONSE TO PRAYER FOR RELIEF 1 2 Warner/Chappell denies that Plaintiffs are entitled to any of the relief 3 requested in paragraphs A through I of the Prayer for Relief contained in the FAC or 4 to any relief whatsoever. RESPONSE TO JURY DEMAND 5 6 Plaintiffs’ request for a jury trial does not require a responsive pleading. To 7 the extent that a response is required, Warner/Chappell denies that Plaintiffs are 8 entitled to a jury. 9 10 AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES Warner/Chappell asserts the following affirmative defenses and reserves the 11 right to raise additional defenses if and when appropriate, including if and when it 12 responds to other claims in the FAC (and/or if and when it responds to this and/or 13 other claims in subsequent amended complaints). In asserting these defenses, 14 Warner/Chappell does not assume the burden of proof for any issue with respect to 15 which the applicable law places the burden on Plaintiffs. 16 17 First Affirmative Defense Claim One, and every purported claim contained in Plaintiffs’ FAC, fails to 18 state a claim against Warner/Chappell upon which relief can be granted. Further, 19 Claim One of the FAC and Plaintiffs’ other claims are ambiguous, vague, and/or 20 unintelligible. Warner/Chappell avers that Plaintiffs’ claims, including Claim One, 21 do not describe the events or legal theories with sufficient particularity to permit 22 Warner/Chappell to ascertain all defenses that may exist. 23 Second Affirmative Defense 24 Claim One, and every purported claim contained in Plaintiffs’ FAC, is barred, 25 in whole or in part, by the applicable statute of limitations. 26 27 Ex. 2 28 74 -28- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 30 of 31 Page ID #:892 1 Third Affirmative Defense 2 Claim One, and every purported claim contained in Plaintiffs’ FAC, is barred, 3 in whole or in part, by the doctrines of laches, waiver, and/or one or more doctrines 4 of estoppel. 5 Fourth Affirmative Defense 6 Claim One, and every purported claim contained in Plaintiffs’ FAC, has been 7 waived by Plaintiffs in whole or in part and are, to that extent, barred. 8 Fifth Affirmative Defense 9 Claim One, and every purported claim contained in Plaintiffs’ FAC, is barred, 10 in whole or in part, because of Plaintiffs’ unclean hands. 11 Sixth Affirmative Defense 12 Claim One, and every purported claim contained in Plaintiffs’ FAC, is barred, 13 in whole or in part, because Plaintiffs have suffered no injury or damages as a result 14 of the matters alleged in the FAC, or alternatively, because the alleged damages, if 15 any, are speculative and because of the impossibility of ascertaining and allocating 16 those alleged damages. 17 Seventh Affirmative Defense 18 Claim One, and every purported claim contained in Plaintiffs’ FAC, is barred, 19 in whole or in part, because Plaintiffs lack standing to sue for the injuries alleged in 20 the FAC. 21 Eighth Affirmative Defense 22 Claim One, and every purported claim contained in Plaintiffs’ FAC, is barred, 23 in whole or in part, because Plaintiffs are not entitled to restitution or disgorgement 24 of profits. 25 Ninth Affirmative Defense 26 Claim One, and every purported claim contained in Plaintiffs’ FAC, is barred, 27 in whole or in part, because Plaintiffs would be unjustly enriched if allowed to 28 recover any portion of the damages alleged in the FAC. Ex. 2 75 -29- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC Case 2:13-cv-04460-GHK-MRW Document 99 Filed 05/06/14 Page 31 of 31 Page ID #:893 1 Tenth Affirmative Defense 2 Claim One, and every purported claim contained in Plaintiffs’ FAC, is barred, 3 in whole or in part, because the remedies sought are unconstitutional, contrary to 4 public policy, or are otherwise unauthorized. 5 6 Reservation of Rights to Assert Additional Defenses Warner/Chappell has not knowingly or intentionally waived any applicable 7 defenses, and it reserves the right to assert and rely upon other applicable defenses 8 that may become available or apparent during discovery in this matter. 9 Warner/Chappell reserves the right to amend or seek to amend its answer and/or 10 affirmative defenses. 11 PRAYER FOR RELIEF 12 WHEREFORE, Warner/Chappell respectfully demands the entry of judgment 13 in its favor and against Plaintiffs as follows: 14 1. That Plaintiffs and the members of the purported plaintiff class take 15 nothing by the FAC; 16 2. That the FAC and each and every allegation and subpart contained therein 17 be dismissed with prejudice; 18 3. That Warner/Chappell recover its costs of suit incurred herein, including 19 reasonable attorneys’ fees; and 20 4. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. 21 22 DATED: May 6, 2013 23 24 25 26 MUNGER, TOLLES & OLSON LLP By: V .HOO\ 0 .ODXV KELLY M. KLAUS $WWRUQH\V IRU 'HIHQGDQWV :DUQHU&KDSSHOO 0XVLF ,QF DQG 6XPP\%LUFKDUG ,QF 27 Ex. 2 28 76 -30- DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CLAIM ONE OF PLAINTIFFS’ FAC EXHIBIT 3 [ REDACTED] Ex. 3 77 Ex. 3 78 Ex. 3 79 Ex. 3 80 EXHIBIT 4 Ex. 4 81 Ex. 4 82 Ex. 4 83 Ex. 4 84 Ex. 4 85 EXHIBIT 5 Ex. 5 86 Ex. 5 87 Ex. 5 88 89 Ex. 5 90 Ex. 5 91 Ex. 5 92 Ex. 5 93 Ex. 5

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