Silus M Valson v. Marion Spearman

Filing 4


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FILED CL K, U.r. DI~TRI~~ CO+JRT ''''• Sf L u S t~,~,~tt I~-• . i! S S G r~l .~ NOV- `- 9 2016 cn~ Nom. z,-i~s~a8 PR1SOh IDEtiTIPICATION/UOOt<1~G h0, 1-t.~J.s, rte. P.o. ~d~c' 3a so '~ A DDRESS OR PLACE OP CONFItic`IENT SU.SAKI 1/i I_ i_ F_ , ~A Not:: E RAL DISTRIGIOF CALIfOfiNfA DEPl1TY `f !v 12'? It is your responsibility m notify the Clerk of Court in writing of any change of address. If representzd by an attorney, provide his name, address, telzphone and facsimile numbers, and e-mail address. UNITED STATES DISTFICT COUP.T CEI~'TRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFOR?~'IA ~~~ 5 i L i..t_S P~. V1~L5 o n1 To be supplied by tti_ Clerk of the United States District TULL N~L~(E (lricfud: name under rviiidi you were convicted) ~~ Petitioner, Ev~o~~~7~~~2~ HEni~~~►G ■. L M A~~or► A1bIENDED PETITION FOF `4'RIT Or HAEEAS CORPUS E~' A PEP.SON IIvT STATE CUSTODY 28 U.S.C. § 2257 SV"E.~ 2M<l,ni N~,~fE OF WARDEN, SUPERINTENDc`T. J.~ILOR OR AUTHORIZED PERSOD,' HaV]NG CUSTODY O° PE'CITIOIvcP•. Fesponder.t ~E.e~~.eES-tEi~ PLACE/COUNTY O~ COQIVICTIO~; ~ o.~ AT► a ~ t''tS ; PREVIOUSLY FPED, R°LATcD CASES 1~ THIS DISTRICT COUP.T (Lis: by case nwnuer ) CV CV I NSTF.UCTIONS -PLEASE P. AD CAP.EFULLY 1. To use this form, you must be a person who eitne; is currently serving a sentence under a judgment against you in a California state tour:, o; will be serving a sentence in the fixture under a judgment ajainst you in a California state court. You are aslcino for relief from the con~rictioa and/o: the sentence. Tnis form is your petitior, for relief. 2. In this petition, yon may challenge the judgment entered by or.l;~ one California state court. If you want to challeng: the judgment entered by a different California state court, you must file a separate petition. 3`: Make sure the form is typed or neatly handwritten. You mus, teL the truth and sign the form. I:you make a false statement of a mate;ial fat;, you may be prosecuted for perjury. ~. Ans;ver al: the questions. ~"oe do not reed to tits case law, but you do need to state the federal legal theory and operative facts in support of each groune~. You may submit additional pares if necessary. It you do not fill out the form properly, you will be asked to sub:ai' additional or c~:rec: iaform~:ion.. If you want to submit a legal b~ieEor arguments, yoe may attach a separate memorandum. 5. You must include in this petition all the grounds for relief from the conviction and/or sentence that you challenge. And you mus; state the facts tt;a! support each ground. If you fail to set forth all the grounds in this petition, you may be barred from presenting additional grounds at a later date. 6. You must pay a fee o` 3 .00. I; the fee is paid, your petition will be filed. If you cannot afford the fee, you may ask to proceed i~: forma pauperis (as a poor person.). To do that, you must fill out and sign the declaration of the last two pages of the form. Also, you must have an authorized officer at the penal institution complete the certificate as to the amount of money and securities on deposit to you- credit in any account at the institution. If your prison account exceeds $25.00, you must pay the filing fee. 7. When you have completed the form, send the oribinal and nvo copies to the following address: ~U ~~yR'~ Clerk oFthe United Stat:s District Court for the Central District of California s~cSr United States Courthouse C` RK U~ ~ ATTN: Intake/Docket Section r~Q~~j 312 North Spring Stre:t ~,`(~ ~ 1 Los Angeles, California 90012 ~`►*~' ~ ~,,, ~cOP~~ PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS CY A PERSON IN STr1TE CUSTODY (28 U.S.0 4 2 Page 1 of l PLEASE CO~~IPLETE THE FOLLOtib'ING:(Check n~propriz!e nunib~r) This p tition concerns: 1. ~a conviction and/or sentence. 2 ❑prison discipline. . 3. u a parole problem. 4. ❑other. PETITION 1. Venue a. Place of detention ~ i G Fl D E 5 E,~'-`~ S?A~f E Pal$~~ b. Piace of conviction and sentence L ~S ~ N Ci E LE,S L~ u ~•li `( 2. Conviction on whi=n the petition is basted (n seDarnt~ petition must befiledfor eadi conviction beinS nttnckedJ. a. Nature of offenses involved ~;»~tud~ air co«f~r~ : ~ ~~ r ~.~ o y ~«F{ ~ N a ►J S u FF i t i F~ r~'7 L'f Frr~a~r~ ~ N ~ ~~~-r,C f,,, t ~ ~~ ~1 1~~~3 ~3~~'/ C i-i A rZC~ E Fo R. ~ r~ E v~ S E o f .A (FN~IAnJt.EME~T~ b. Penal or other cod: section or sections: pE ~ ~ a ~ ~ i 2~?~. ~a c. ~ ~- L f < < ~ ( L~o Z i( S~BDsvcSra~al (10~ ./~• N f~ . Case number: g p~ S < i l' L ~ ~. Date of conviction: A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r-~ ~ ~ ,~ Q e. Date of sentence: A ~~y ~ E p A u G uS Z f. Leng~h of sentence on each count: ~ i~ ~ ~ 2p ~~-( , E`t ~ ~ r•j C i ~i ~ ~ E~Fl~j Aa~1CI F~ crt ~ (L(,~_ -'~ 1 a vJ ~C ~l g. PIA3 (cheek one) u IVOt all11Cy dGuilty u Nolo contendere h. Kind of trial ~~l,e~k one) u 1ury u Judge only 3. Did you appeal to the California Court of Appal from the judgment of conviction? ❑Yes [~No If so, give the following information for your appeal ~a~~d arc~,~n ~ ropy ofr~~~ coup af,appe~rd~ ~«5~0» if avnil~~~~~): a. Case number: ~ 1rw b. Grounds raised ~~~sr e~~~,J: (1) i~1% ( 2) CV -69 (Oi/l21 PETITION FOR WR[T OF HABEAS CORPUS Iil' A PERSON INSTATE CUSTODY (28 U.S.0 4 ?2i4) Pace 2 of I l (3) Its ~`~) i~ ~7 ) l~ ( 6) ~~ c. Date of decision: ~~~ d. Result ,v t,~ 4. If you did appeal, did you also file a Petition for F.evie~v ~vitn the California Supreme Court of decision? ❑Yes the Court of Appeal L✓J No If so give the following information (and arr~d~ ~on«s of d~~ P~rrr,o,~jor Review nrtd fl~~ Su~rcntc Cottrf a. Case number: rulins ijnvnilnGlc) rl!~ b. Grounds raised~~;5rea~n): ; ') rl~~~ (2) (3) ~~ u (~) ( s) c~ ~~ ~6) ~' c. Date of d~cisior.: d. Fesult M~~ ~i w 5. If you did not appeal: a. State your reasons C^j~Q ~~ pC,~•-~ ~ rI'~ .PP~~i. F u~—f (~£L~tVE ~1 A, tJ !—I ~.S t~Ja-Z rG~. S c.i R l~~ s sE~ D~Ai~~ r ~~1~_. ~uoUM~,~7 , b. Did you seek permission to file a late appeal? ❑Yes AMEt 0~,JP 1 1.~.~ —i ~ c E' o i~ ~.~r~s ,ar,~~nEr~ [v]'~o 6. Have you previously filed any habeas petitions in any state court with C ~Yes o~ respect to this judgment of conviction? ~o S'`t v If So, give the following information for each such petition ~~,5~ addrrro~~a~ p~gz5.f necessar } and nteach copies oJthepetitions and ~, Nye rulings on the petition; if avnilnble): a. (1)Nameofcourt:Sfl.PFf.~t.~r ~1• old ~~i~~~, ~ iou~►~H (2) Case number: ~~ 3 2 f l2 S (3) Date fil:d CV -69 (OS/l2) (or if moiled, the dnre thepztitiai vas horned aver ro die prison airthorities for moiling): s~~ ,~,rJt~l~ t ~ /" ' ~ PETITION FOR WRIT OF HADEAS CORPUS 6Y A PERSON IN STATE CUSTOD]' (2S U.S.0 4 ?'_~4) '~- e ~ 2 ~1~O ~ ~ ~j Page 3 of ll (~) Grounds raised(Iiste~~di): (~) friEF~E~~t~v~ ~.55~5'T~~ ~E ~F (b) i~1E~~EC."'rlvE ASS[S?~p.1zE (~) ir~E~F~~~~~/~ .~SScSzrar~LE ~~uwSE~ a ~ Laur/SE(,,. nor c.r~c.~n/S~L ~d) fie) ~~ ( Date of decision: 5) , t i~` ~ 1 1 S l ~ r~~ ( Result [~ `~ ~ ~~ 6) (7) Was an evidentiary hearing held? ❑Yes [~No 6. (1)Nameofcourt: t~ . of ~f'P~~ tIL~ LAS ~F 71 ( ('.acP niimhAr; BZ ~ I ~ O~ SE~or~V aPP~L~.c~-TE (3) Dates f11:C~ (orif mailed, the d~7te die petitio~r ~vns turned overro tfir prison aitllior.'tiesJor ~nailin~) A~S~ ; ( Grounds raised (listeacli): 4) (a) ~ w EfFe_ ~"t t i/ FO SS i S~~ rJ ~~- ~ ~ c,a ~. ►-~ S E A (b} jr.l E~FE~Zrvc. ASS~S~'7A nILC ~~ ccac,~rf CL (~> ~~ ~~rcc:~~vE ,~SSrSZ~~~-~ of L~urlsE.i (d) ~P / ~`/ (5) Date o: decision: (6) Result /~, !- ~ ~ L ~O~ 2 ~fl~ i~ E ~ ~ E (7) Was an evidentiary hearing held? c. (1)Nameofcourt: ❑Yes ~No ~;.~~~~~~ z~~Q^{ ~~ i ~~~~~Prvl~ ( Case number: S 23 ~-t 5~c S 2) ~~) Date filed (or if r~iailed, flee date the pe!itio~t ova; hrrned over ro thrprison nuthoriti::for mnilins): ~"~ ~~{ ( j~ ~ Z fi ~ ~ r + ( Grounds raised (list each) ~) (a) ( c) :t ~.~ t rF~~7 ~: v ~ r, /~CSaC"7~,1 ~~ b ~ ~o~..~r~~Er~ << ,,, (d) (e) ~~ CV-69 (OSI17.) PETITION FOR WRIT Of HAIIL-AS CORPUS BY A PERSON IN STATE CUSTODY (28 U.S.0 4 2?i4) Page 4 of 1 t (~) Date ofdecision: (6) P~esult ~u,~, ~ ~ 2. ~ o ~,~ r?e,~,i Fn ( 4Vas an evidentiary hearin; held? 7) 7. ❑Yes [~JNo Did you file a petition for certiorari in the United States Supreme Court? u ~'es ~ No IFyes, answer the following: (1) Docket or case number (if you know}: (2) Result: ( Date of result (if you know): 3) ( Citation to the case (iFyou know): 4) S. Fo: this petition, state ever~~ ground on which you claim that you are being held in violation of the Constitution, laws, o:treaties ofthe United States. Attach additional pales if you have more than five grounds. Summarize bri~ily~ the facts supporting each ground. For example,i`you are claiming ineffective assistance of counsAi, yon m us: state facts spe~ifica!ly setting fort'ri wha~ your atto:ne~ aid or failed to do. CAUTION': ~xhat~stior Fequirentent: In order to proceed in federal court, you muss ordinarily first e..haust your state tour: remedies with respect to each ground on which you are requesting relief trom the federal court. Tnis means than, p-io: to see!cin~ relieffrom the federal court, you fi:st must present all of you; grounds to the California Supreme Court. Ground one: ~ N~F~~~-Ti VE ASS~~7~rJ~~ C SC n./ ~t E r~S ~ii t G P i-t ~SE j (1)SupportingFACTS: ~E~~ ~SE ~o~,,, 1S~i_ , , 01= ~~u rJ S~~ ~~,Rr•J i~~SS~~R `S M ~s~EPr~ESEN'T~--r~ a~ ,~,Jn /a ~ t~+S+~s~tEf~~P`~'7~~t~,..t r~F ~ tf2~ ,~ (~~ Eta N~r~J~.EM E~~ "tM ~ uS ~ 5-'A'Ti~TF ~~ A LJrJCF!~ ~~AL~~r~RN~A ~Gal..~ ~~~A~_ ~~Q~ ~('-C-) ( Did you raise this claim on direst appeal to the California Court of ?) Appeal? ❑Yes [~No (3) Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Feview to the California Suprem e Court? u es [~No ( Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Suprem 4) e Court? LV~Yes u No Ground two: INE,~FE~='i~vE (1) Supporting FACTS: --~ ~~ C R i h~l t rte! f~ L CV -69 (0 /12) ~.SSiS~TF.rJLE; ~F ~~ a t2—t 'S ~..t S ~' ~~~ L E t+j 7E ~' ,, Ct~ur•iSEL ~,~ i_~S ~ R ~~ 2 E D PETII'10` FOG WRIT OF HABEAS COI2PU5 BY A PERSON Iti STATE CUSTODY (28 U.S.0 4 Z'-~-1) An►C E ~. ES (~ ETIT Page 5 of (3) ~`~) ~~) (6) c. Date of decision: d. Fesult i~ 4 ~. If you did appeal, did you also file a Petition for P.evi~~~~ ~vitn the California Supreme Court of the Court of Appea; decision? ❑Yes [~No If 5o give the following info:P.1atiOn (mid ntrach copies of the P~;itron for Review and tl~. Supreme Court ruling ijavniin~lc) a. Case number: ~/ ~ f b. Grounds raised (~;5r e~d~): ~~~ ~r ~3) u (T) u 5) ( r, () 6 tl c. Date of decisio;:: N ,~,A d. Result W 5. Iiyou did not appeal: a. State your reasons n j p ~ U ~J ~ iti-~ E iJ T N ~'(~ i~ o F ,J ~~ A r+ O ~ ~>r i r/ t F -~ 'fL /` ~~ C E /-`~ 'T N i is ,~ -f e`~ J i-' r F /-L- ~~ rl q E ~- ~i i ~ r~ ~ b. Did you seek permission to file a late appeal? ,A i~ t rJ f~"C~ S vt ~' ~ ~-5 S F c7 ~ u D ~,r-t w2 c,,s ❑1'es [~No 6. Have you previously filed an}'habeas petitions in any state court with respect to this judgment of conviction? L ~(Yes u No If so, give the following information for each such petition ~~,5~ A~~~r~o~~~i~~~~, ~fnecessnry, n;,d ~ua~~~ ~op;~s of d~c peririon> ~»~~ r~~e rulings on tJtrpctitioru i~avnilnblc): a. (1) Name of court: ~uPE2~a ~? C~ _ of Gam' i ~ ~ ~n e..~,v~(~ o ~ ~„s ~rv~ fs ( Case number.~p~32 j ~ 2~ 2) (3) Date filed CV-69 (OS/l2) (or if moiled, the dnr~• thepefitiori rugs turneu over to flee prison nutl~oritiesfor mnilirtg): A~(> i L PETITION FUR «'RIT OF HABG.15 CORPUS [3Y A PERSOti[1 5TA1'E CU51'ODl'(2y U.S.0 § 2254) L ~~ i n I Page 3 of l l (4) Grounds raised ~;;;: r,,~~~J: Ca) ~un~DAMErs~tK~~ C:cr~s~t'i-ru ►~~~n~ E~~.~~ ~ i~~~4~1 S~nf' lr ~ C~ C~ 4 U B~R~Ai~~ ~~ (d) fie) (Fj (5) Date of decision: ~ 5 / o ~ li ~ (6) Result ~ ~ ~v e C O (7) tiVas ar. evidentiary hearin; held? b. (1)Nam~ofcourt: ~-t ❑Yes [~No o~ ,c~i ~t~~, ~Aic~_ ~ Z^~ '~ ~PfEr c~7~ f? IS7 ~rt—T ( (_;acA niimh~r; 6~ ~ 2-~ c1 ?~ 71 (3) Date f11~C~ (or y~maifed, die dntr the petition ~vns turnzAovcr to tl7e prism autliaritie~jor moiling): ~ ~~( 'z'~ ~ p(~ . ( Grounds rased (lis~ each): 4) ~~~ ~un1t7AMF ~~^L ~'s~r•f.S' 1"~i,i~ 'v nr,~~ ~~~~Z.~ iL~~~if~L Sg1'J~~1~1' ~ ( - ~b~ FuN~s~r-~~r~'Tlk~ t~r~SZ~-ru7~a~r~a~ EI"~P~f~~I~~Gu~.~ ~~.N--t~n1~.~. 6~~~..A~n ~ ~`~ t~ i, c, a ~, it ~~) ~P ~ ~•/ ( Date of derision: _ ~A 5) , ~ S~ '~ .~ i G. ( Result 6) ~ `, ~ ~~ N (7) Was as evidentiary hearing held? ❑Yes ~No c. (1)Nameo:`court: 5~.~1P;~~-.,M~ %:~uf-i .cat' (2) Case number: ~,~~c~e.~~nt c,~. j2 3 io ~ C,, f ~ j}Datefll~d(oriJmnil~d, thedateNicpc!i~ion~vn;h~rnedovcrroN~eprisor:n utiiaritic;farniniling%: ~uLt/ ',~f,~ ? ~~~ (~) Grounds raised (list eadi): ~a) Lor►S?~ -rc,~'[t:..r~o..~ Eff~:~(~~, It~~Cs~L Lb) FuN_~'AnnEr~--r~t c.~NSri-ru-t~oNr,c~~ ~~r~~~~ ~[~c.::~~ SEA-r~r~~~6 ~ ~~ l( l~ 4 C~ ~i SEN7En1i~' f~~~C. bA~~:.aArN i~ (d) (e) ~~ CV' -69 (o5i12} YLTITION FOR ~4'RiT OF HABEAS CORPUS I3Y A PLItSOti IN STATE CUSTODY (28 U.S.0 4 2'_ia) Pag^ 4 of 11 (~j Date oidecision: (6) Result ~t?.~f5 Cfc 1 L~ of e., D~~, tC ~~ (7) Was an evidentiary hearing held? ❑Yes[fNo 7 Did you file a petition for certiorari in the United States Supreme Court? . u Yes ~ No I yes, ans~ve: the following: [ (1) Docket or case number (if you know): (2) Result: (3) Date of result (if you know): ( Ci.ation to the case (if you know): 4) ~,,~ s. ro: this petition, state every ground on which you claim that you are being held in violation of the Constitution, la~,~s, o: treaties of the United States. Atta:h additional pages if you have more than Five grounds. Summarize b:i; y the facts supaorting each ~rou, For e.;ample,i`you are claiming ineffective assistance of counsel, you d. m us=state facts sp~~ifically setting for t'r: ~~~na~ your a±to:hey aid or failed to do. CAUTION: a. Ground~ Exhnt.stior: Requi; -ement: In o-der to proceed ir: federal court, yon. must ordinarily iirs~ e::ha~st your stale court remedies with respect to each ground on which you are requesting r~lie~ Trom the federal court. This means that, p-io: to seeking re;ief from the f:deral court, you first must pr~sert all o`your grounds to the California Supreme Court. ~ S rY 1 1 (1) S~ropo:tiny FACTS: (2) Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? ❑Yes u No (3) Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? ❑Yes ❑No ( Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Co~irt? 4) ❑Yes u No ~~~ (1) Supporting FACTS: m CV -69 (OS/l2) PGI'ITIO\ FOR ~VRf'I' OF FiAP.L-AS CORPUS ISY A PERSON f\STATE CUSTODY (Zy U.S.0 2'_51) 4 f';~oe S of l l ~ rje~ R.Et-~Fw b `~~ j r-.i Lc~ S't n ~'-f fa~—r C 2 F-i i S ~a r.d "l i rl :_.~ E ~ r.t ~ ~T 'T At i- i M F r-.1~ ~;r...~~ — S ~ n A i— 5 ( Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the Califor 2) nia Court of Appeal? ❑Yes [/jNo ( Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the 3) California Supreme Court? ❑Yes ~No ( Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the Califor 4) nia Supreme Court? [~~'es u No c. Ground three: IL.LCC-,~~ l t'1r,aiJA~ SC.~v~Cl~s`tN~ C3~~L,/~iN C-~rJ ~`7 ~'f— ter ~t~ ~ ~~r ~x~G~s ~~ ~E~~ ~~►~~c.~u~-t ~u~~s~~t~~~,.► (1) Suppo:tiny FACTS: ` 'E.ni2 s t ;~,v C n..► *7 /\ (-' f? i L ~ u u2 3''~' , 2.~ v 9 ~~-1) M.rte ry ~ c~-(~ ~ p E~ i ~ r u r~ ~ ~ r rJ n~ t s ~ a ~0 2 ( :C a N~1 ~ i.~ ~ ~_ ~ ry `` /`~7 ~ ~a z. (=1►v~ E ~.1~ ~f ~-1 R C ~ — S F ~ r ~ i— 5 } (3) Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? u ~'es ~No ( Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Fevievr to 3) the California Supr:me Court? ❑~"es L~1Nv ( Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the 4) California Supreme Court? [► Yes ❑No d. Groundfou:: ~L~Et.Ai~ SEtJ~~~.Ic~NC, ~,~f~G~inr, C~n1 S~rr~UZ+~r~l,~~ E X20~L ; ~ r-1 F k'c C~ 5 ~ ~ —r~ ~ ~~ c.~ r~ 2 c:~a 2—z s ~ u ~t sp r e—(c o ~ (1) Suoportina FACTS: v N AP R r L 12.. 2a ~? ~ PE~7l —t r ~ ,J E ~2 Z,.~ r ~S A2~~~ —t~t~ PAY ~~~..~ ~1~~o2~—E~~ErI—~ ~~f' [Z~6~~~`I Ary t7 A't'1 t- M P'7 ~c~ L~ L.t nl~'f S ~-~ Pa F r,l~=`-f ~ t ~rJ S ~ S Z < <.f Cs U ,J D E2 F E L ~r~ of GAS'E vF i~ n~ fl ~A3ZI l Z_~. _iri-- (2) Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the Califor nia Court of Appeal? ( Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Fevie~v to 3) the California Supreme Court? ( Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the 4) California Supreme Cou:t? e. Ground five: j~LEC.~~ SEi~1'"CE~~iN~~ (SF-~~i~ie~1 .c~,.~ ❑Yes [~'I~Io ❑~'es [~'~10 [i~'4es u No —/t~c.~7io~,~ ~C~Q~r~ { r~ ~kcE~s ~f ~f-~t ~~~~.~ c.~u~c~s sc..«~C+~~ - -~r'~o~ (1) Supportinb FACTS: —r ~.~ ~ ; 217~Rf ►~ ~ S .,1 Per ~ v ~2 ~ C T 1 `t I G n~ (2 ~G ~u 2 ~ .~ ~ L a S ~o C~ M A r~! D i h! ~ r~l ~., ~.~ Lu ST o i~ Y .~ ~s,~ ~ ~ s ~~ ~r .~ ~ s c~ s,, ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ N ~ ~ ~► ~~ ~ N ~. ~M ~~ -r ME F~~~raY L~os~. ~Fa ~+4~tev _~ ~ o a.►"i ~ r.► c~~ aN A~t ? A c i-1M~ iv ~T F i v e— S~ (2) Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the Califo rnia Court oFAppeal? C~'-69 (0~/l?) PETITION FOR «'RIT OF HABEAS CORPUS [3Y A PERSON (N STATE CUSTODY (28 U.S.0 nF 9 z'-~4) i— ❑Yes 5 U.~ i'f H —~-~ Z ~to Page 6 of L I (3) Did you rai~~ this claim it a P:tition for I'.evie~~, to the California Supreme Cour[? u ~"es [~No ( Did you raise this claim ir. a habeas petition to the California Supreme 4) Court? [~`~"es ❑~o 9. If any of the grounds listed in paragraph 7 were not previously presente d to the California Supreme Court, sate b riefly which grounds were not presented, and give your reasons: 10. Have you previously filed any habeas petitions in an}' f~dera! tour: with u Yes respect to this judgment of conviction? [~No If S0, glve itle following information for each such petition (use ndditionnf pngei if necessary'. and ntracL copies offhr petitions a~~d Nye rulings on thz petitions ijavaifnGle): a. (1) Name of court: ( Case number: 2) ( Date fil:L~ (or if marled, tL~ dolt the petitimi ~+~n~ lamed over to the prism nuthoritiesJor mnilirig): 3) ( Grounds raised (list each): 4) ( a) (b) ( c) (d) fie) ~~ (5) Date of decision: ( Result 6) (i) Was an evidentiary; held? ❑Yes u No b. (1) Name of court: (2) Case number: (3) Date filed (or ~f~nailed, the d~ife N~c pctitiar. tivas turned ovcrto die prisari authoritiesfar ~nniliiig): (4) Grounds raised(~~~re~d~J: ( a) (b) (c) (d) ( e) ~~ (5) Date of decision: CV -64 (0~/12) PETITION FOR 6VRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS ICY A PERSON IN 51'ATE CUSTODY (2~ U.3.0 4 2251) Page 7 of l t (6) P.esult m (7) bVas an evidzntiary h~arinc he!d? u ~'es u No 1 1. Do you have any petitions no~~~ pending (i.e., filed but no±yet decided) in any state or federal court with respect to this judgment of conviction? ❑Yes [,/jNo IEso, give the following information ~~,~d ~rr~,~l~ ~ ~opyo,~rl~~ petition rfavailaGle): (1) Name of court: (2) Case numb:r: ( DatA fll~d (or if moiled, die date't/ie petition 3) wns hirn~d overto die prison aurlioritiesfor mnilinS): ( Grounds raised (~~5re~~1~~: 4j (a) (b) (c1 (d) ` ~P~ \•/ 12. Are you presently represented b~ counseI? ❑Yes ~~10 IT so, provide name, address and telephone number: WHEP.EFOP~E, petitions: prays that the Cou; grant petitions: relief to which he may b~ entitled t in this proceeding, Sijr~ature of Attorney (ifary) I declare (o;certify, verify, or s;at~) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and Executed on ~~ ~~i.~~~G ~ ~ Dote CV -69 (USl12) correct. Signature ofPetitioner PETITIOti FOIL ~`"R[T OF H ~BEAS CORPL S BY A PEI;SON IY STATE CUSTODY (?8 U.S.0 9 2'-~-1) Page 8 of l l SILu S ~_VAI.Sir/ Petitioner I, ~C i L ~ S S P F ~R M~r~ Respondents) ~ - '1~J~L.S D rl M A 2t.D of DECLARATION III SUPPOP.T OF PFQUEST TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERIS ,declare that I am the petitioner in the above entitled case; that in support of m}'~o:ion to proceed without being required to prepay Fees, costs or give security therefor, I state that because of my poverty I am unable to pay the costs of said proceeding or to give security therefor; that I believe I am entitled to relief. ,~~ v 1. ArA you presently employed?-~'fe~ ~No a. If the answer is yes, state the amount of your salary o; wades pe: month, and give the name and address of your employer. b. Ii the arswe: is no, state the date o`last emo:oymem and the zmount of the salary and wagAs per month which you received. 2. Have you received, within the past twelve months, any money from any of the following sources? a. Business, profession or fo:m ofself-employment? ❑Yes ~No b. Fent payments, interest or dividends? ❑Yes ~No c. Pensions, annuities or life insurance payments? ❑Yes ~No d. Gifts or inheritances? ❑Yes L/1 No e. Any other sources? ❑Yes L✓1No If the answer to any of the above is yes, describe each source of money and sate the amount received from each during the past twelve months: 3. Do you own any cash, or do you have money in a checking or savings account? (Include any fund; in prison accounts) u Yes C ~'-69 (OSl l2) L►1 No PETIT[Oti FOR 1VRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS U]' A PER50~ I` STATE CUSTODY (28 U.S.0 4 2214) Page IU of C t If tiie anstiver is yes, stag tiie total va;ue o`the items o~~med: , A J;' Do you owr any real estate, stocks, bonds, notes, automobiles, or other ~~aluabl e property? (E.rcludi~i~ ordiiln;y houseJioldfur~iis)rings acid clothiti,~) ❑Yes LJ NO If the answer is yes, describe the property and state its approximate value: a 5. List the persons who are dependent upon you fog support, state your relation ship to those persons, and indicate how m uch you contribute toward their support: ~~ L ~ ~~ ~ n.(0 A D E'P Z . .v ~ ~ ~(t 2F c.~'1 r~r1 S A ~!n ~ E(-1,~ ~~ t L i 7 A~ ~ q.~► T .io.-1~ o ( . ..,. ~0:..~~t: Fi ~,Ar~F,r ~_ ~t~tol i nr"lor nan~lh~ ... ~', _i 1 1 _ r_.__~.~ r Executed on ~ p /~~{ / ~.~, (~ Date ari iry ~ f F--~~ i t ;,r the {nr?anin 15 tri P C~ _l 8II__ CnrIe.vt, h - ~--0 ~~-'J Sisi~ntcare of Petitioner CEP,TIFICATE I hereby certify that the Petitioner herein, has the sum of $ on account to his credit a± the institution_ where he is confined.I furthe, certify that Pet;tioner likewise has the foliowin~ securities to his credit according to the records of said institution: Autliori~ed Officer of Lutitution/Titie of Officer CV~69 (0~/l2) PETITIOti FO[t WRIT OF HA6EAS CORPUS [iY A PERSO\ IN STATE CUSTODI' (?9 U.S.0 4 "—"—~4) Page I t of lI Nam~;Ad~r~ss of Attorn~v or Pro Per ~S 1 t-- u$ h-~ _ V A L Sd r-' ~{ , b. S, t', i'. ~• fax 3~~0. S~sANvi~~ E. Ln ~[o~ L7 Telephone IJ~/ W u Apptd O FPD u CJA G1~Pro Per U NITED STATES DISTP.ICT COU['.T CENTRr~.L DISTRICT OF CALIFOR1YlA CASE NUti1BEP.: .sinus ►~,~r~v~~ v ~.~s~,~ PLAINTIFF(S), v. Nlotior anti Affidavit fo: Leave to AP~~aI In I'orm~ Pauperis: ❑~ ~28 U.S.C. 7~3(~ DcFENDA~'T(S). o Th~und~rsi~ned S ~ L C~ S M , V/-~ 1, jd rl LC ZS U.S.C. 191 ~uji3t~y' ii~ill~'r'r'iiiil~lCt1C^,^:0 ves t.l.. ~ PCourt L.P.__. SL. ~ ~~Pr2 1.CC' S ~ ig1J fog authorization to prosecute an appeal without prepayment offees and costs o~ security therefor, and for the preparation of a Court Reporter's transcript a: government expense. 1. I believe 1 am entitled to redress, and the issues which 1 desire to present on my proposed appeal are the follo~vin~: a. i~vE~FEC~ ~V C b. iI~E.L f~L , ~ S tiS~q,—rC~ SCnl~Erv~rrrC~ a~ Cam+ r~S~E L f~ARC~~rN. Fu~~+f~AMEiv~A~ Con►S7. F-R~ctZ c. 2. Because of my poverty I am unable to pay the costs of the proposed appeal proceeding or to dive security therefor. I swear that the follo~vin~ responses are true. a. Are you pres~ntiy employed? ❑Yes C7No. If the ans~ve; is yes, state the amount of your salary or wages per month and give the name and address of your employer. Have you received, within the past twelve months, any income from a business, profession or other form of s~lfemployment, o: in the form of rent payments, interest, dividends, or other source? D Yes f~No. If the answer is yes, describe each source of income and state the amount received from each Burin; the past twelve months. A-13(04/10) ~IOTfO\' AND AI'~ID:\1'IT FOR LGAY[ APPGAL IN fOR~IA PAUPERIS Page I oft c, Are you presently employed in prison? u ~'es C~No. [f yes, state the number o;hours you ~~~ork per weel: and the hourl,~ rate oFpay. d. Do you o~vn any cash or do you have money in a check in; or savin,s account? u ~'es NI No. f f the answer is yes,state the amount of money in each acco~mt separatel}' as of sip(6) months prior to the date of this affidavit. e. Do you own any real estate, stocks, bonds, notes, automobiles, or other valuable property (excl uding ordinary household furnishings and clothin~)~ f In what year did you last file an income ta,~ return? . ( rJ I~c~.1a w, .t t j Approximat~l}~ how much in~om~ did your IGst . tax return reflect? rs.a n1 ~ h. Lisp the persons ~vho are dependent upon you for suppo rt and state your relationship to those perso ns. i. State mon?hfy expenses, itemizing th~ major items. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoinj is 1~I ~ ~ ~ true and correct. -~. ~ / T- _ _-'" — Sio~~aliu•e of Parry Date Signn~ure ofA1lorney ( Drsregm•d if filed in propria persona) A -IS (04/10) ~110TION AtiD A~~IDAVIT FOR LEA~'C APPCAL I:ti' fOR~fA PAL'PERIS Page 2 of 2 rr:n~r car sr,r;~~lcr r~~ ~~~.TL I,1' PI;i:S()~ I~' STf1TI'. CI15TC>T11' (Ped. F'.. Civ. P. 5; 2E U.S.C. ~ 174G) 1, M - S(L i t S , decl~ re: \/A L-~D ~ aim over I8 years o~a~'~ and << p~.rta~ to this a~cion, 1 am ~ residen! of I—I I ~. FI I fl ~~1~ C011ilf}~ Or L ~SS E /v —~--~~ State ofCaliiorni~. Nfy prison adcL~ess is: c.t S A ~1 ~i r t:~ E Prison, > "?~'"T ~c ~DtSE ~"7 .On "~ ~ F. t ~ C~ ~~ GI (c~ (2~f L~ ~ ~. ~. ~ DX 2S , 2a (f~ ~ UATc) 1 .s~rv~d the a~a~n~c: P~1 ~~ r.a ~I ~ Pus ~ F~~ ~ ~~ f P~~S:~ ~ (~ c~ ~ i? o F / ~ ~-~1 S' ~ N S~'~?~'_ G ~:S'7~ o (DES~P.192 DOCU~I=~T} o!. the pa-ties h~r~ir b~~ pla~in~ true and correct copies thereof, enclose~ in a sealer; envelope, ~~~itn pesta~e th~r~on fully paid, in tn~ United Stat~~ Nlail in a deposit bo,_ so p~ovide~ a` tn~ above-named correcClGIi~1I IRSLILLlf10Ci it ~vni~h I ~m pres~ntl~~ confined. Thy envelope ~v2s ~F '~rf~ v,nls~~t7 S~IA'~E'DIS72~L~ ~`O~"~T ~.~ F~~ ~~A, A'~~/N: in/?/~~C I Fc ~~ ~Ff E ~~nc~R~t Dr s'1(I i ~T of CA :,~ S-r ~ ~ ~T nt o r~'t ~-~ J P 2 ~ n! c p,~ ~.K E ~ f~~TrD ~ . ~ '~ 12 °1Vof2 L c.S ~~C~~LES , cl~l;~r~~'n~ t/~ addr~JSPdasfollorvs; CL~ru 1 declare undAr p~nalh- o`p~rjur~~ under the lati~~s of the United States of America that the forgoing is true and correct. E;~e~ut~d on ~_~~`~(fie i (D~~T~) I',:1COivIi~lOPl\C~A1fORI~1S\P PR~SV~ ~YPG ~ue~.isl ll,?L'00 (1:I Ipm) (D~~LARANT'S SIGNATURc) J~~! ~ ~~ F~,~:~1~~1lil~llt G ~~r:~or or s~r.~~icL r,~~ n~~~iL C.C.P. 1013, 2U1~.;?b U.S.C. 17dG~ S"I'AT~ OT CALII~'U]:N1A S5: County ot~ L~issen I, (A) ~ «U S ~..~ . ~~ LS,o rJ , 8111 a resident of the High Desert Sale Prison at St;sanville, County of L~s,en, California, ~m at le~sf I o years O~ 1,~. f~n~~ m~iilin~ address is P.O. E~"o;; 3D3~, S~.:sanv;lle, CA 90127. Un (B) pvac~C2 ~S _ following document(s): (Cl ff.~r~i~~ P R 1~;v la Fir 20 !(E , I serv~cl , ~,..2~-r ~v~ 7AT E S- ~ Cl'Ll~ t-I~f_3L~s HIICI correct copy of ti~~ ~Y ~ C fitS Ta D `~ on each party listed b~lotiv b}~ pla~ing it in an envelop, ~~~itn adequate postage provide d, and by ciPpositing paid envelope in ~ bo:: for the United States Mnil al HUSP, P.O. Box 3030, Susanville, CP, yo127. Each part}~ to the a~tion hws beer. duly sensed. This cop}~ is b in, mailed to (D): t~Er~K b~ -r FcE. c.~,~ s-zEn s-r~~ ~~5~~ ~ c-r coy-r-r F~2 Z h~C, cEr~ rr~~~ D iS-r2<<"T ~r ~A~~FaRK~~, v~Ni~~o ~~7a r~S c.~~ R-zF-+.ourE. ~T'7N: ,.i~~kt i D.:.~k E~t 3'«~ ~v~-+~ z S~~ N~~~7E~ SP~~~.cG S~nEE'f~ L AS /-~r~1Chc.,LZ.Si cAL~Fc~RN+A 9a~12 I have rn~ail~d additiora] copies to (D): There is r~Qular d~live:y s~rvi~e by the United States Mail b~t~veen th~ above plac^ mailing and the parties' listed. I dP~lare, underpAnalty ofp~rjury, that the forgoing is true and correct. Dated (E): to /~S Z0~_,a: Susanvi(IP, Ca(ifo;nia. ~~~//~ Signed: CDCP. I.D. # (~-.~,~j~ ~ ~IDSP MAILROOM ACKNO~~LEDGM~NT OF MAILING DATE: SIGi1ED: ~ `'T~ L.t-1 M E N'f i 1 5 ~.~'(~ v r•~ ~ §) 12~22.5 ~ 2 F,~L.~S 3 ~ r_ ~/~ 6 Y ~.~.2s ~C ~-~~ ('~~~ac~ F?~!s.~t-~f~ ~ ir~7 7 ~ ~.1 T7 M ~ n► -~ 9 r-~ rs ~~ ~ ~ ~ F ~L►rL~'C~f o F ~~ N S E ~ 1 1 c..~F-l~L~ 12 S c.~ ? ~ i ti i S Ia r~ 13 ~~-r~'t+crsC.C~'S 1~ ~ ~t ,~ ~~ ~ C 15 n.~~~ ~ a.~~v `~ ~~—c~-~ 16 A o~ 18 Laun1SEL t N~ . ~ tic/ ,p.- S .off !..~ ~ ~ C} S ~~y-t ~?' E ~~ ~d. r~..S > fry i~~ E. `A ice- S E f-( ~. 'r-I 1 S ~T r-1 A'f" i c.~c ~-~ i c: f-t IN.'L ~ D E S 22 `~ '~~ .r-~ ~~f ~Y ,(✓-'t ~~ ~► !~ i ~ ~ 23 F o ~c 2~ PECK 2~ 'if ~-1 ~ f ~ s~ ~.'E5 ~ 26 PAY 27 KEsS~E~ 28 uSE P.~. ~ ~~~2~~.53 v~2~uE n~ GF ~`..c ~ of ~ K ~ b3 f~ ~ ~ ,~.1~ ~-c S (~;) -~rl~-f ~ ~ r~ ~t A nl ~:.0 M ~.rJ1 ir•i ~✓~o~~--c~G..i ~'NE S~7A1~'[ E r o~ S'ff~~ a.c'i 5~~~~ D ~ C ~2 ~t t~ ~riv~SitCa~TE ~'f~ ~ Erg HA.~.,c~r-~ Er~+~~ ~D i~ ~ ? c ~ r•~.ttL ~ N i-1~ ~^1`~.M ~ r.('1 ~- ~ _ ~S IZ~ 22, S3 r FAi~Ca ~nl ~o %:R /~. ~ b ~ P E-c i -t ~ G rJ ~. C~ ~ ~ iJ'T E. NL i N A t ~-1 A r< Cj. C. i7 SubL~. ~E~CNS~. .~ o v 4 SE t> ~ A (-r...~ ~i rat 1 ~ r+ S :.~ ~ F= ~ ` E ►J T L 'r ~ 22. Ste . "~~~L FEL~r~1Y "ASS. 21 AN r n/ 1. aJ Lc~~F~~~v~. -c L `~ ~ f~ ~ S~~F~ci~rc~f P. ~ . ~ 12 ~~.~Ai~S'[ ~~-ArJ i~ESSL~S ~ n/ ~ a..~ ~C c..rr~r-~~c~~r S~c~~~. C~ )Cl j d ~ CoL1r~~~.L LH~.~~~c ~ .~ B Fs G-~ Y ~'o L,L. r~-~'r Fo ~ P. C. . ~ i2o~'~. S3` PLC' 2 0 'r ~ ~."~,~-~ ~ ~ ~ mac, r_ ~ ~ oF ~ ~~.E(~ ~ Cs ~ Fo ~ r•~ ~~~ y ~~c~. v.~tiS~r~ F3 .A > ~ i ~ 2 ~v .) f'LE.A f~U2~E - .~ i rN ~ r~ ~-1~ r.► ~~.M ~r.+'~ r F~t ~:~~' n`% ~7a f~r~NArv~~,vt~~!'t PLE~a ~ #-1 ~ ~r~~~ -~f ~'~ ~ ~ '~0 ~ ~ '~ r~ P ~ c 5 ~ r► r~ E nJ7 P. ,.~ r~ ,~-C~ ~ M ~ -(~o != 5 ~U i~ J. 1 C i^ 5 OF J~~S~S'T/-\nl:_~ 19 T=om C5 & E~'i SEr~~TEr►L~ 1 7 ~-r o L L.p ''f F~ t~^ ~~~ 2"~ 'f ~ ~ A ~L 1O S,.v ~i i ::~{-ti r~ r~ rte► ~ E-~ S ~n~ZEkED '?' ~-t ~ c - ~ ~(~ v i trc Z ~r A'( 7 ~~ ~o~PE- ~N~~ ~ 0i,~f:tr~~ 7 ~~v~~ C~ i Ira i.~ q ~~ ► 't 1-t 2~ SrJ. ~ nT~ su ~C.o?~/.~ -{ i ~ N 1 P~~[tTioNE2 S o~1 ~ - S ~ ~f~-I~t S; APPf<C~P~~i~- E ? /-~N P Csrvr P.! n. 2 FA~~~ 'T A "T~~ rl M E rJ ""C .rte N E y S F. 1 t.v M f ETEr T 2 daft 3 4 6 P ~ T ~.'r 1. c:. iJ ~ ~ '~[ ~ ~''~ "~ ~ ,J ~. iR ~ +~ SEi~7ErV~t~1:~ , _cal. C F~. C_ ~(~~~~ ~~'~~ ~ ~ I7~`L~L. 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MINUTE ORDER SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DATE PRINTED: 08/13/14 CASE rv0. BA321128 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA VS. DEFENDANT O1: SILUS MARDEL VALSON N UNC PRO TUNC ORDER PREPARED. IT APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT THE MINUTE ORDER IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION DOES NOT PROPERLY REFLECT THE COURT'S ORDER. SAID MINUTE ORDER IS AMENDED NUNC PRO TUNC AS OF THAT DATE. ALL OTHER ORDERS ARE TO REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. DETAILS LISTED AT END OF THIS MINUTE ORDER. INFORMATION FILED ON 10/15/08. CQUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT O1: 664-211 PC FEL Q2: 664-211 PC FEL 03: 04: 05: 06: 07: 08: 09: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 Z11 211 211 211 211 O N 04/03/09 AT PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC FEL FEL FEL FEL FEL FEL FEL FEL FEL FEL FEL FEL 900 AM IN CENTRAL DISTRICT DEPT 128 CASE CALLED FOR PRETRIAL CONFERENCE PARTIES: DENNIS J. LANDIN (JUDGE) J ACK SCHEINFELD (REP) RENEE WENZEL (CLERK) RAZNE A. RITCHEY {DA) DEFENDANT IS PRESENT IN COURT, AND REPRESENTED BY ALAN KESSLER BAR PANEL ATTORNEY D EFENDANT STATES HIS/HER TRUE NAME AS CHARGED. D EFENDANT ADVISED OF AND PERSONALLY AND EXPLICITLY WAIVES THE FOLLOWING RIGHTS: J URY TRIAL OR COURT TRIAL AND PRELIMINARY HEARING CONFRONTATION AND CROSS-EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES; PAGE N0. 1 PRETRIAL CONFERENCE HEARING DATE: 04/03/09 CASE N0. BA321128 DEF N0. DATE PRINTED 08/13/14 O1 SUBPOENA OF WITNESSES INTO COURT TO TESTIFY IN YOUR DEFENSE; A GAINST SELF-INCRIMINATION; DEFENbANT ADVISED OF THE FOLLOWING: THE.NATURE OF THE CHARGES AGAINST HZM, THE ELEMENT OF THE OFFENSE IN THE INFORMATION AND POSSIBLE DEFENSES TO SUCH CHARGES; THE POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF A PLEA OF GUILTY OR NOlO CONTENDERE, IN~LUbING THE MAXIMUM PENALTY AND ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTIONS AND THE POSSIBLE LEGAL EFFECTS AND MAXIMUM PENALTIES INCIDENT TO SUBSEQUENT CONVICTIONS FOR THE SAME OR SIMILAR OFFENSES; THE EFFECTS OF PROBATION; IF.YOU ARE NOT A CITIZEN, YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED THAT A CONVICTION OF THE OFFENSE FOR WHICH YOU HAVE BEEN CHARGED WILL HAVE THE CONSEQUENCES OF D EPORTATION, EXCLUSION FROM ADMISSION TO THE UNITED STATES, OR DENIAL OF NATURALIZATION PURSUANT TO THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. COUNSEL FdR THE DEFENDANT JOINS IN THE WAIVERS AND CONCURS IN THE PLEA. COURT FINDS THAT EACH SUCH WAIVER IS KNOWINGLY, UNDERSTANDINGLY, AND EXPLICITLY MADE; UPON MOTION OF DEFENbAiVT, PLEA TO COUNT 01 VACATEp AND SET ASIDE, AND NEW AND DIFFERENT PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (O1) DISPOSITION: CONVICTED THE COURT FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT Ol TO BE IN THE SECOND DEGREE. UPON MOTION OF DEFENDANT, PLEA TO COUNT 02 VACATED AND SET ASIDE, AND NEW AND DIFFERENT PLEA QF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (02) DISPQSITION: CONVICTED THE COURT .FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT 02 TO BE IN SHE SECOND DEGREE. UPON MOTION OF DEFENDANT, PLEA TO COl1NT 03 VACATEQ AND SET ASIDE, AND NEW AND DIFFERENT PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (03) DISPOSITION: CONVICTED THE COURT FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT 03 TO SE IN THE SECOND DEGREE. UPON MOTION OF DEFENDANT, PLEA TO COUNT 04 VACATED AND SET ASIDE, AND NEW AND DIFFERENT PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (04) DISPOSITION: CONVICTED THE COURT FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT 04 TO BE IN THE SECOND DEGREE. PAGE N0. 2 PRETRIAL CONFERENCE HEARING DATE: 04/03/09 CASE N0. BA321128 O EF N0. O1 DATE PRINTED 08/ 13/14 UPON MOTION OF DEFENDANT, PLEA 70 COUNT 05 VACATED AND SET ASIDE, AND NEW AND DIFFERENT PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (05) DISPOSITION: CONVICTED THE COURT FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT 05 TO BE IN THE SECOND DEGREE. U PON MOTION OF DEFENDANT, PLEA TO COUNT 06 VACATED AND SET ASIDE, AND NEW AND DIFFERENT PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (06) DISPOSITION: CONVICTED THE COURT FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT 06 TO BE IN THE SECOND DEGREE. U PON MOTION OF DEFENDANT, PLEA TO COUNT 07 VACATED AND SET ASIDE, AND NEW AND DIFFERENT PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (07) DISPOSITION: CONVICTED THE COURT FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT 07 TO 8E IN THE SECOND QEGREE. U PON MOTION OF DEFENDANT, PLEA TO COUNT OS VACATED AND SET ASIDE, AND NEW AND DIFFERENT PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (08) DISPOSITION: CONVICTED THE COURT FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT 08 TO BE IN THE SECOND DEGREE. U PON MOTION OF DEFENDANT, PLEA TO COUNT 09 VACATED AND SET ASIDE, AND NEW AND DIFFERENT PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (O9) DISPOSITION: CONVICTED THE COURT FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT 09 TO BE IN THE SECOND DEGREE. U PON MOTION O.F DEFENDANT, PLEA TO COUNT 10 VACATED AND SET ASIDE, AND NEW AND DIFFERENT PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (10) DISPOSITION: CONVICTED THE COURT FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT lO TO BE IN THE SECOND DEGREE. U PON MOTION OF DEFENDANT, PLEA TO COUNT 11 VACATED AND SET ASZDE, AND NEW AND DIFFERENT PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (11} DISPOSITION: CONVICTED THE COURT FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT 11 TO BE IN THE SECOND DEGREE. U PON MOTION OF DEFENDANT, PLEA TO COUNT 12 VACATED AND SET ASIDE, AND NEW AND DIFFERENT PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (12) DISPQSITION: CONVICTED PAGE N0. 3 PRETRIAL CONFERENCE HEARING DATE: 04/03/09 CASE N0. BA321128 DEF N0. Ol DATE PRINTED 08/13/14 THE COURT FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT 12 TO BE IN THE SE~OfVD DEGREE. U PON MOTION OF DEFENDANT, PLEA TO COUNT I3 VACATED AND SET ASIDE, ANO NEW AND DIFFERENT PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (13) DISPOSITION: CONVICTED THE COURT FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT 13 TO BE IN THE SECOND DEGREE. UPON MOTION OF DEFENDANT, PLEA TO COUNT 14 VACATED AND SET ASIDE, AND NEW ANO DIFFERENT PLEA OF GUILTY ENTERED. COUNT (14) DISPOSITION: CONVICTED THE COURT FINDS THE OFFENSE IN COUNT 14 TO BE IN THE SECOND DEGREE. COURT FINDS THAT THERE IS A FACTUAL BASIS FaR DEFENDANT'S PLEA, AND COURT ACCEPTS PLEA. THE COURT HAS READ AND CONSIDERED THE PROBATION REPORT. THE DEFENDANT PLEADS OPEN TO THE COURT OVER PEOPLE'S OBJECTION. N EXT SCHEDULED EVENT: S ENTENCING DEFENDANT WAIVES ARRAIGNMENT FOR JUDGMENT AND STATES THERE IS NO LEGAL CAUSE WHY SENTENCE SHOULD NOT BE PRONOUNCED. THE COURT ORDERED THE FALLOWING J UDGMENT: IMPRISONED IN STATE PRISON FOR A TOTAL OF 19 YEARS AND AS TO THE BASE COUNT 4 MONTHS (03): COURT ORDERS PROBATION DENIED. SERVE 15 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE UPPER TERM OF 5 YEARS AS TO THE BASE TERM COUNT 03. PLUS 10 YEARS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 12022.53(6) PLUS 520.00 COURT SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PURSUANT TO 14E5.8(A)(1) P.C.) $lO.OQ CRIME PREVENTION FINE (PURSUANT TO 12Q2.5 P.C.) TOTAL DUE: S30.Q0 IN ADDITION: -THE DEFENDANT IS TO PAY A RESTITUTION FINE PURSUANT TO SECTION 1202.4(8) PENAL CODE IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 200.00. -DEFENDANT IS TO PAY A PAROLE RESTITUTION FINE, PURSUANT TO PENAL PAGE N0. 4 PRETRIAL CONFERENCE HEARING DATE: 04/03/09 CASE N0. BA321128 D EF N0. O1 DATE PRINTED 08/13/14 CODE SECTION 1202.45, IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 200.00. SAID FINE IS STAYED AND THE STAY IS YO BECOME PERMANENT UPON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF PAROLE. -THE COURT ADVISES THE DEFENDANT OF PAROLE RIGHTS. COURT ORDERS AND FINDINGS: -PURSUANT TO PC SECTION 296, THE DEFENDANT IS ORDERED TO PROVIDE BUCCAL SWAB SAMPLES, A RIGHT THUMB PRINT, A FULL PALM PRINT IMPRESSION OF EACH HAND, ANY BLOOD SPECIMENS OR OTHER BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES AS REQUIRED BY THIS SECTION FOR LAW ENFQRCEMENT IDENTIFICATION. THE DEFENDANT WAIVES ALL BACK TIME OF 2 YEARS AND 4 MONTHS. COUNT (03): DISPOSITION: CONVICTED DMV ABSTRACT NOT REQUIRED AS TO COUNT (O1): COURT ORDERS PROBATION DENIED. S ERVE 12 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 2 YEARS AS TO COUNT O1. PLUS ZO YEARS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 120Z2.53(B) PLUS $20.00 COURT SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PURSUANT TO 1465.8(A)(1) P.C.) TOTAL DUE: $20.00 SENTENCE TO RUN CONCURRENT WITH THE BASE TERM IN COUNT 3. ~ itrt rt irrtic ir~~ ~~irrt ~r irtr:rf;~ti'r it ir~~f(~ir*ict, ~~k ~k:; ~t ic-.k ik irfiic it fr it irrt it i~~c ktr i~~fcfr~ir it w~~k N UNC PRO TUNC PREPARED AUGUST 6, 2014 BY R. WENZEL, JUDICIAL ASSISTANT. ~4 it ic;t'.~fiit fr it i':`itirrti~ar i~ir it ~4 it::~k~hr ~t it hJk fc t~i4 tr it it i:~i;:': k~~~~i:it ~Y fa it a4 it*ir it it ~k ?: :': t. DELETE: SERVE 13 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 3 YEARS AS TO COUNT O1. SUBSTITUTE: SERVE 12 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 2 YEARS AS TO COUNT O1. COUNT (O 1): DISPOSITION: CONVICTED DMV A65TRACT N07 REQUIRED AS TO COUNT (02): PAGE N0. 5 PRETRIAL CONFERENCE HEARING DATE: 04/03/09 CASE N0. BA321128 DEF N0. DATE PRINTED 08/13/14 Ol COURT ORDERS PROBATION DENIED. SERVE 13 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 3 YEARS AS TO COUNT O1. PLUS 10 YEARS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 12022.53(8) PLUS 520.00 COURT SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PURSUANT TO 1465.8(A)(1) P.C.) TOTAL DUE: $20.Q0 SENTENCE TO RUN CONCURRENT WITH THE BASE TERM IN COUNT 3. rt t~~t*~rtfrftt~~~t.~rtft i<tr~~*~~*~~~~~~hfr~~rt*~***~~ft~rt~*~~~;~rtfrt.~rt NUNC PRO TUNC PREPARED AUGUST 6, ASSISTANT. 2014 BY R. WENZEL, JUDICIAL DELETE: SERVE 13 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON CURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 3 YEARS AS TO COUNT 02. SUBSTITUTE: SERVE 12 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 2 YEARS AS TO COUNT 02. FILE IS FORWARDED TO THE JUDGMENT DESK FOR PREPARATION OF AN AMENDED ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT. A CERTIFED COPY IS TO BE FORWARDED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS. COUNT (02): DISPOSITION: CONVICTED DMV ABSTRACT NOT REQUIRED AS TO COUNT (04): COURT ORDERS PROBATION DENIED. SERVE 4 YEARS AND 4 MONTHS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS ONE-THIRD THE MID-TERM OF 3 YEARS WHICH IS PLUS 40 MONTHS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 1 YEARS. 12022.53(8) PLUS $20.00 COURT SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PURSUANT TO 1465.8(A)(1) P.C.) TOTAL DUE: $20.00 ENHANCEMENT ALLEGATION IS AS FOLLOWS: THE COURT ORDERS THE DEFENDANT TO SERVE 1/3 THE MID-TERM OF 1 YEARS, WHICH IS 40 MONTHS AS TO THE SPECIAL ALLEGATION 0 IN COUNT 4. SENTENCE TO RUN CONSECUTIVELY. PAGE N0. 6 PRETRIAL CONFERENCE HEARING DATE: 04/03/09 CASE N0. BA32112$ DEF N0. O1 DATE PRINTED 08/13/14 TOTAL SENTENCE IS 19 YEARS AND 4 MONTHS. COUNT (04): DISPOSITION: CONVICTED DMV ABSTRACT NOT REQUIRED AS TO COUNT (05): COURT ORDERS PROBATION DENIED. SERVE 13 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISdN COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM 0~ 3 YEARS AS 70 COUNT 05. PLUS 10 YEARS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 12022.53(6) PLUS 520.00 COURT SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PURSUANT TO 1465.8(A)(1) P.C.) TOTAL DUE: $20.00 COUNT (05): DISPOSITION: CONVICTED DMV ABSTRACT NOT REQUIRED AS TO COUNT (06): COURT ORDERS PROBATION DENIED. SERVE 13 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 3 YEARS AS TO COUNT 06. PLUS 10 YEARS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 12022.53(6) PLUS $20.00 COURT SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PURSUANT TO 1465.8(A)(1) P.C.) TOTAL DUE: $20.00 TERM TO RUN CONCURRENT WITH THE BASE TERM IN COUNT 3. COUNT (06): DISPOSITION: CONVICTED DMV ABSTRACT NOT REQUIRED AS TO COUNT (07): COURT ORDERS PROBATION DENI£D. SERVE 13 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 3 YEARS AS TO COUNT 07. PLUS 10 YEARS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 12022.53(6) PLUS $20.00 COURT SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PURSUANT TO 14b5.8(A)(1) P.C.) PRETRIAL CONFERENCE PAGE N0. 7 HEARING DATE: 04/03/09 CASE N0. BA321128 DEF N0. O1 DATE PRINTED 08/13/14 TOTAL DUE: 520.00 TERM TO RUN CONCURRENT WITH THE BASE TERM IN COUNT 3. COUNT (07): DISPOSITION: CONVICTED DMV ABSTRACT NOT REQUIRED AS TO COUNT (08): COURT ORDERS PROBA7IQN DENIED. SERVE 13 YEARS IN ANY 5TATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 3 YEARS AS TO COUNT 08. PLUS 10 YEARS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 12022.53(8) PLUS $20.00 COURT SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PURSUANT TO 1465.8(A)(1) P.C.) TOTAL DUE: $2 .00 TERM TO RUN CONCURRENT WITH THE BASE TERM IN COUNT 3. COUNT (08): DISPOSITION: CONVICTED DMV ABSTRACT NOT REQUIRED AS TO COUNT (09}: COURT ORDERS PROBATION DENIED. SERVE 13 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 3 YEARS AS TO COUNT O9. PLUS 10 YEARS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 12022.53(8) PLUS $20.00 COURT SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PURSUANT TO 146S.8(A)(1) P.C.) TQTAL DUE: $20.00 TERM TO RUN CONCURRENT WITH THE BASE TERM IN COUNT 3. COUNT (09): DISPOSITION: CONVICTED DMV A85TRACT NQT REQUIRED AS TO COUNT (10): COURT ORDERS PROBATION DENIED. SERVE 13 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 3 YEARS AS TO COUNT 10. PRETRIAL CdNFERENCE PAGE N0. HEARING DATE: 04/03/09 8 CASE N0. BA3211Z8 DEF N0. Ol /13/14 DATE PRINTED 08 PLUS 10 YEARS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 12022.53(6) PLUS 820.00 COURT SECURITY A55ESSMENT (PURSUANT TO 1465.8(A)(1) P.C.) TOTAL DUE: $20.00 TERM TO RUN CONCURRENT WITH THE BASE T£RM IN COUNT 3. COUNT (10}: DISPOSITION: CONVICTED DMV ABSTRACT NOT REQUIRED AS TO COUNT (11): COURT ORDERS PROBATION DENIED. SERVE 13 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 3 YEARS AS TO COUNT 11. PLUS 10 YEARS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 12022.53(6) P1.U5 $20.00 COURT SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PURSUANT YO 1465.8(A)(1) P.C.) TOTAL DUE: $20.00 TERM TO RUN CONCURRENT WITH THE BASE TERM IN COUNT 3. COUNT (11): DISPOSITION: CONVICTED DMV ABSTRACT NOT REQUIRED AS TO COUNT (12): COURT ORDERS PROBATION DENIED. SERVE 13 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 3 YEARS AS TO COUNT 12. PLUS 10 YEARS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 12022.53(6) PLUS S20.O0 COURT SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PURSUANT TO ].465.8(A)(1) P.C.) TOTAL DllE: S20.O0 TERM 70 RUN CONCURRENT WITH THE BASE TERM IN COUNT 3. COUNT (12): DISPOSITION: CONVICTED DMV A85TRACT NOT REQUIRED AS TO COUNT (13): COURT ORDERS PROBATION DENIED. PAGE N0. 9 PRETRIAL CONFERENCE HEARING DATE: 04/03/09 CASE N0. BA3211~8 DEF N0. O1 DATE PRINTED 08/13/14 SERVE 13 YEARS ZN ANY STATE PRISON COURT 5ELECTS THE MID TERM OF 3 YEARS AS TO COUNT 13. PLUS 10 YEARS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 1Z022.53(B) PLUS 520.00 COURT SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PURSUANT TO 1465.8(A)(1) P.C.) T07AL DUE: $20.00 TERM TO RUN CONCURRENT WITH THE BASE TERM IN COUNT 3. COUNT (13): DISPaSITION: CONVICTED DMV ABSTRACT NOT REQUIRED AS TO COUNT (14): COURT ORDERS PROBATION DENIED. SERVE 13 YEARS IN ANY STATE PRISON COURT SELECTS THE MID TERM OF 3 YEARS AS TO COUNT 14. PLUS ZO YEARS PURSUANT TO SECTION PC 12022.53{g) PLUS $20.00 COURT SECURITY ASSESSMENT (PURSUANT TO 1465.8(A)(1) P.C.) TQTAL DUE: $20.00 TERM TO RUN CONCURRENT WITH THE BASE TERM IN COUNT 3. rt ~~~t*~~*~~rtfrfr~~#fi rt t*~~*~~~~~frrt*~*A~~~ft *~~ft~*mfr**ft~fth~i:rth~~~* N UNC PRO TUNC ORDER " NUNC PRO TUNC ORDER PREPARED MAY 29, 2009, 8Y RENEE WENZEL, J UDICIAL ASSISTANT. THE COURT FINDS THAT THROUGH INADVERTENCE OF THE COURT AND CLERICAL ERROR, THE MINUTE ORDER DATED APRIL 3, 2009, DOES NOT CORRECTLY REFLECT THE COURT'S ORDER. SAID MINUTE ORDER IS AMENDED NUNC PRO TUNC AS INDICATED ABOVE. COUNT (14): DISPOSITION: CONVICTED DMV ABSTRACT NOT REQUIRED NEXT SCHEDULED EVENT: SENTENCING PAGE N0. 10 PRETRIAL CONFERENCE HEARING DATE: 04/03/09 CASE N0. BA321128 D EF N0. O1 DATE PRINTED 08/13/14 08/13/14 I HEREBY CERTIFY THIS TO BE A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ELECTRONIC MINUTE ORDER ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE AS OF THE ABOVE DATE. SHERRI R. CARTER ,EXECUTIVE OFFICER/CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA BY , DEPUTY PAGE N0. 11 P RETRIAL CONFERENCE HEARING DATE: 04/Q3/09 , ~ ~ =~ ~_ ~; SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~^ ~" ~^ FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ML THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ _ rLQS ANA:-.k - CASE NO.BA321128 Plaintiff, f`~ '%? -."~ C:)URT OCT 15 2008 v. C ~ ~ O1 SILUS MARDEL VALSON (08/29/198' ( Bk# 9756190) Defendant(s). ~ L~J(,l~41- I N F O R MA TI O N ~v CATH~RI~~E tvi(R~S,DEPUTY Arraignment Hearing Date: 10/15/2008 j Department: CEN 128 I TFORMATION i SUMMARY Ct. No. Charge Charge Rangy_ 1 PC 664/211 1G-~ .:, ~ 2 PC 664/211 ~(% ~_3-3`~ 3 PC 211 4 Defendant Special Alleeation Alleg. Effect -- --_~ VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) +10 Yrs., MSP* VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) ~+10 Yrs., MSP* 2-3-5 VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) +10 Yrs., MSP* PC 211 2-3-5 VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) +10 Yrs., MSP* 5 PC 211 2-3-5 VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) +10 Yrs., MSP* 6 PC 211 2-3-5 VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) +10 Yrs., MSP* 7 PC 211 2-3-5 VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) +10 Yrs., MSP* 8 PC 211 2-3-5 VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) +10 Yrs., MSP* 9 PC 211 2-3-5 VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) +10 Yrs., MSP* 10 PC 211 2-3-5 VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) +10 Yrs., MSP* 11 PC 211 2-3-5 VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) +10 Yrs., MSP* 12 PC 211 2-3-5 VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) +10 Yrs., MSP* 13 PC 211 2-3-5 VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) +10 Yrs., MSP* 14 PC 211 2-3-5 VALSON,SILUS MARDEL PC 12022.53(B) +10 Yrs., MSP* The District Attorney of the County of Los Angeles, by this Information alleges that: ,~y COUNT 1 On or about April 12, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime of ATTEMPTED SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY,in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 664/211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON, who did unlawfully, and by means offorce and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate presence of ARCELIA ACEVEDO,MARIO GARCIA. ' NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code 667.5(c)." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." * **** COUNT2 On or about April 11, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime of ATTEMPTED SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY,in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 664/211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON, who did unlawfully, and by means offorce and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate presence of JENSEN BUENAVENTURA,OPHELIA OLIVA. " NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code 667.5(c)." " NOTICE: T'he above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." * **** COUNT3 On or about March 23,2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime of SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY, in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON,who did unlawfully, and by means of force and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate presence of MAYELA PEREZ. "NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code 667.5(c)." " NOT'ICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning ofPenal Code section 1192.7(c)." * *•** Rev. 940-1/ 9 DA Case 27683435 9 Paae 2 ramp N~ aa~~~~~a COUNT4 On or about March 9,2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime of SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY, in violation of PENAL CODE SECTION 211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON, who did unlawfully, and by means of force and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate presence of MAYELA PEREZ,GUILLERMO GARCIA. " NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning ofPenal Code 667.5(c)." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." * **** COUNT 5 On or about February 10,2007,in the County of Los Angeles, the crime of SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY,in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON,who did unlawfully, and by means offorce and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate presence of RAUL TORRES,LUIS GALICIA. " NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code 667.5(c)." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." * **** COUNT 6 On or about February 1, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime of SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY, in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON,who did unlawfully, and by means of force and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate presence ofERNESTO GODINA,LUPE ROCHA. " NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning ofPenal Code 667.5(c)." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." * **** COUNT 7 On or about January 26, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime ofSECOND DEGREE ROBBERY, in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON,who did unlawfully, and by means of force and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate . presence of LASOME SHABNYAN. "NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code 667.5(c)." NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." ' * **** COUNT 8 On or about January 12,2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime ofSECOND DEGREE ROBBERY, in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON, who did unlawfully, and by means of force and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate presence ofPAOLA ESPINOZA,MARIA TORRES. " NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code 667.5(c)." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Pena] Code section 1192.7(c)." * **** COUNT9 On or about January 5, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles,the crime of SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY, in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON,who did unlawfully, and by means of force and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate presence of JAE HOON CHANG. " NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning ofPenal Code 667.5(c)." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." * **** Rev._940-1/99 DA Case 27683435 Page 4 Case No. BA321128 [r COUNT 10 On or about January 5, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime of SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY, in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON, who did unlawfully, and by means of force and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate presence of YOiJNG SOO BAE, KIHAE BAE. " NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code 667.5(c)." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." * **** COUNT I1 On or about November 22,2006, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime of SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY,in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON,who did unlawfully, and by means offorce and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate presence of GU KANG SUNG. " NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code 667.5(c)." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning ofPenal Code section 1192.7(c)." * r*** COUNT 12 On or about November 13,2006,in the County of Los Angeles, the crime of SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY,in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON,who did unlawfully, and by means offorce and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate presence of JCJNG HOON SONG. "NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code 667.5(c)." "NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning ofPenal Code section 1192.7(c)." * **•* Rev. 940-1/99 DA Case 27683435 Pave 5 Case No BA321128 CO[JNT 13 On or about November 9, 2006, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime of SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY, in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON, who did unlawfully, and by means offorce and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate presence ofNATIVIDAD SOTOMAYOR. " NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning ofPenal Code 667.5(c)." "NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." * **** COUNT 14 On or about January 20, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles, the crime of SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY, in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 211, a Felony, was committed by SILUS MARDEL VALSON,who did unlawfully, and by means of force and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and immediate presence of NORMA ADRIANO. " NOTICE: The above offense is a violent felony within the meaning ofPenal Code 667.5(c)." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." It is further alleged as to counts) 1,2, 3, 4, 5,6,7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 that said defendant(s), SILUS MARDEL VALSON personally used a fireazm, a shotgun ,within the meaning ofPenal Code section 12022.53(b). . ss** ,x NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require the defendant to provide DNA samples and print impressions pursuant to Peaal Code sections 296 and 296.1. Willful refusal to provide the samples and impressions is a crime. THIS INFORMATION CONSISTS OF 14 COLJNT(S). Filed in Superior Court, County of Los Angeles DATED: d O STEVE COOLEY DISTRICT ATTORNEY County of Los Angeles, fate of Ca 'fornia BY: RITCHEY DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY /CO Pursuant to Penal Code Section 1054.5(b), the People are hereby informally requesting that defense counsel provide discovery to the People as required by Penal Code Section 1054.3. Rev. 940-1/99 DA Case 27683435 Page 7 Case No BA321128 - ~ -ti x~; r7~ ".' ~ ~-' 1 ,rte ; ,•~-;-~ -• ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT •PRISON COMMITMENT -DETERMINATE ( NOT VALID WITHOUT COMPLETED PAGE TWO OFCR-290ATTACHEO CR•290 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF: LOS ANGELES PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA v5. DOB O8-Z9-SS oeFeNoanrr: SILOS MARDEL VALSON BA321128 -A " Fv` -B c~~ No.: A23254671 u NOT PRESENT BOOKING NO.: 'I ZS9'I89 COMMITMENT TO STATE PRISON AOSTRACT OF JUDGMENT _(~ ~ AMENDED ABSTRACT DATE OF HEARING _D DEPT. N0. JUOGE 04-03-09 128 CLERK DENNIS J. LANDIN REPORTER RENEE WENZEL PROBATION N0. OR PROBATION OFFICER JACK SCHEINFELO COUNSEL FOR PEOPLE COUNSEL fOR DEFENDANT ~ APPTD. RHINE A. RRCHEY i. ALAN KESSLER Defendant was convicted of the commission of the following felonies: Q9 Additional counts are fisted on attachment 1 (number of pages attached) CIXMi CODE SECTION M0. YF~R CRIME COhtMRTEO CRLNE 1 PC 664J211" ATTEMPTED R068ERY 2ND 20fl7 2 PC PC PC PC 6641211" 111" 211" 211" ATTEMPTED ROBBERY 2ND SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY SECOND 6EGREE ROBBERY SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY 2007 3 4 211" SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY 5 6 2 . PC u IMMEDIATE SENTENCING X2013991 coriwcTeo DATE QF CONVICT70N µOAATEII'EAH ~ o u ~ ~~ r~ ~ d ~ ~ W ~ ~'~' i wz W~ ~ ~' ~ ~C v` o .vC o LL v ~ S a ~ ~.~ i jS F ~~ ~~ ~ ~ v "p ' BY < ~ PRINCIPAL OR CONSECIlfI~ T0. IhIPOSE~ 1E H~ YRS. 0403-09 040J-09 X M X M 2007 2fl07 2007 0403.09 0403.09 0403-09 X U X M X M X 1007 0403.09 X M X NOS. 5 1 (3) (3) X X (2) (2) X ENHANCEMENTS charged and found to be true TIED TO SPECIFIC COUNTS (mainly in the PC 12022 series). List each count enhancement horizontally, Enter time imposed for each or "S" for stayed. DO NO7 LIST ANY STRICKEN ENHANCEMENT(S). COUNT ENFNry~F1,IFM TIME LV,POSEO oa'rroasure~ E•'~~~~~ TIME IMPOSED OH'SFOASTAI'EO ENFFWdCEMENT TiMEIUPOSED DR'Sfqi SSA1'EO TOTAL 1 PC 12012.53(8} (10) (10} 2 3 4 PC 12U22.53IB1 PC 12022.53(8) PC 12022.53(8) 5 6 PC 12022.53(B) PC 12022.53(8) (~O) f0 3YRS,4MOS {10} (10) 10 3 {~p~ (10} (10} 3. 4 ENHANCEMENTS charged and found to be true FOR PRIOR CONVICTIONS OR PRISON TERMS (mainly in the PC 867 series). fist all enhancements horizontally. Enter time imposed for each or "S' for stayed. DO NOT LIST ANY STRICKEN ENHANCEMENT(S). ~ ~~C~~ ifMEIMPOSED oa's Foa sravEo ENHMCEMENf TIMEIM POSED pt •r Foa sinrEo EMi~WCEMEPIT TIMEIMPOSE~ DR'S FOA STAVED TOTAL 4. u Deft. sentenced per: u PC 667(b)-(i) or PC 1170.12 (two strikes) u PC 1170(a)(3). Pre-confinement credits equal or exceed time imposed. (Paper Commitment.) Deft. ordered to repoR to local Parole Office upon release. 5. INCOMPLETED SENTENCES)CONSECUTIVE GOUr'tfY 6. TOTAL TIME ON ATTACHED PAGES: p CaSE NUA~BER 7. u Additional indeterminate term (see CR-292). $, TOTAL TIME EXCLUDING COUNTY JAIL TERM: ~9 4 This form is prescribed under PC t 213.5 to satisfy the requirements of PC 1213 for determinate sentences. Attachments may be used but must be refereed to in this document. Page 1 of 2 Form AEopRd for Mandatory Use Jud~oalCouncaofCatifomia g§~1~3 ~p~~5 CR -290 {Rev. January 1, 2007) ABSTRACT OFJUDGMENT— PRISON COMMITMENT— DETERMINATE P°"~~°"°, PEOPLE aF THE STATE OF CKIFORNW vs. oeFErronnr: SILUS MARDEL VALSON BA321128 -B -A -C -D FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (plus any applicable penalty assessments): 9. Restdution Fine(s1: a. Case A: $200.00 $ per PC 1202.4(b) forthwith per PC 2085.5; 5200.00 per PC 1202.44 is now due, probation having been revoked. per PC 1202.45 suspended unless parole is revoked. Case B: $ $ per PC 12d2.4(b) forthwith per PC 2085.5; 5 per PC 1202.44 is now due, probation having been revoked. per PC 1202.45 suspended unless parole is revoked. Case C: S 5 per PC 1202.4(b) forthwith per PC 2085.5; S per PC 1202.44 is now due, probation having been revoked. per PC 1202.45 suspended unless parole is revoked. Case D: $ $ per PC 1202.4(b) forthwith per PC 2085.5; S per PC 1202.44 is now due, probation having been revoked. per PC 1202.45 suspended unless parole is revoked. b. Restitution per PC 1202.40: u Amount to be determined ❑Amount to be determined ❑Amount to be determined ❑Amount to be determined Case A: S Case B: ~ Case C: $ Case D: 5 to u to u to u to u victim(s)' vict+m(s)' vidim(s}• viciim(s)' u u u u Restitution Fund Restitution Fund Restitution Fund Restitution Fund u Vctim name(s), rf known, and amount breakdown in item 1 t, below. u •Victim names(s) in probation officer's report. ' c. Fines Case A: $10.00 per PC 1202.5. S per VC 23550 or u inGudes: u $50 Lab Fee per HS 1 f 372.5(a) days u county jail u prison in lieu of fine u concurrent u consecutive u$ Drug Program Fee per HS 11372.7(a) for each qualifying offense per PC 1202.5. $ Case B: $ per VC 23550 or u includes: u $50 Lab Fee per HS 11372.5(a) days u county jail u prison in lieu of fine u concurrent u consecutive Drug Program Fee per HS 11372.7(a) uS for each qualifying offense Case C: $ per PC 1202.5. $ per VC 23550 or u includes: u $50 Lab Fee per HS S 1372.5(a) days ❑county jail u prison in lieu of fine u concurrent u consecutive u$ Drug Program Fee per HS 11372.7(a) for each qualifying offense per PC 1202.5. $ Case D: $ per VC 23550 or u includes: u $50 Lab Fee per HS 11372.5(a) days ❑county jail u prison in lieu of fine u concurrent u consecutive uS Drvg Program Fee per HS 11372.7{a) for each qualifying offense d. CouR Security Fee: 5280.00 per PC 1465.8. 10. TESTING a. u Compliance with PC 296 verified b. ~ DNA per PC 296 c. p AIDS per PC 1202.1 d. ❑other (specilyJ~ 1 1. Other orders (specify): THE DEFENDANT WANES ALL BACK TIME OF 2 YEARS , 4 MONTHS. 1 2. IMMEDIATE SENTENCE: 14. CREDIT FOR TIME SERVED u Probation to prepare and submit Post-sentence report to CDCR per PC 1203c. CASE A Defendant's race/national origin: BLACK TOTAL CREDITS Q B 1 3. EXECUTIpN OF SENTENCE IMPOSED; a. b. c. d. e. C ~ at initial sentencing hearing. u at resentencing per decision on appeal. ❑after revocation of probation. u at resentencing per recall of commitment.(PC1170(d).) ❑other (specify): p Date Sentence Pronounced: 04-03.09 ACTUAL LOCAL CONDUCT 4019 u 293.1 u 4019 u 29J3.1 4019 u 293].1 u 4019 u 2933.1 Time ServeO in State Institution: ~ L~ Y Q~~ DMH COCK CRC (+oo] ~z~aa~ ~~aoo~ ~ ~ 1 5. The defendant is remanded to the custody o(the sheriN ~ forthwith u after 48 hours excluding Saturdays, Sundays, To be delivered to ~ the reception center designated by the director of the California Department of Coiredions ands other s eci P,Y ~~ - ' CLERK OF THE COURT ( ' ~ hereb certi the fore oin a correct b tract o the ud ment made in this action. DEPUTYSStGNATURE DATE D.H.HERNANDEZ 08-13-14 CR-290(Rev. January 1, zoo~i ABSTRACT OF MENT -PRISON COMMITMENT -DETERMINATE ~ ' ~~C ~ "~,\ • ~ ~. .~~~~ ra ~. z orz - ~ ~ - y, - ABSTRACT OFJUDGMENT- PRISON COMMITMENT CR•290•A ATTACHMENT PAGE PEOPLE OF THE SfAiE OF CAUFORNU va. ~eFeNoaNr: SILUS MAROEL VALSON BA321128 -B -A 1. Defendant was convicted of the commission of the following felonies: This attachment page number: 1 AIRff C CODE SECTION N0. YEAR GRIM ~pp~MRTEO CRII.IE SECOND DEGREE ROB9ERY SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY PG PC PC 9 10 11 12 13 14 211" SECOND dE6REE ROBBERY SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY PC PC PC PC 8 211" PC 7 211" 211" 211" 111" SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY 211" 211" -D -C ~ cormcreo DATE OF CONVIC110N OAATFJYEAR a a w PRINCIPAL OR ~ BY ~ ~ u ~S «~ ~~ d 2007 2007 2407 0443-09 X 04Q3-09 04-d3-09 2fl07 2U07 2067 2001 ~ X 2007 ~ = 5~ V ; y~ oe ~~ v5 W} ~8 ~~ ~~ ~ `~j a F ~s W y O~ U ul a ' R ~ " ~ " nMEMP050 YAS. M X X X X (3) (3) 0403-09 M X M X M 0403-09 0403-09 0403.09 04-03-09 X X X X X X X X NOS. (3J M M M M (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) TOTAL 2. ENHANCEMENTS charged and found to be true TIED TO SPECIFIC COUNTS (mainly in the PC 12022 series). List each count enhancement horizontally. Enter time imposed for each or "S" for stayed. DO NOT UST ANY STRICKEN ENHANCEMEN7(S). COUM ENHANCETiENT 7 e PC 12022.53(8) PC 12022.53(6) 9 10 11 PC 12022.55(8) PC 12022.53(8) PC 12022.53(8) 12 13 14 PC 12022.53(8) PC 12022.53{B) PC 12022.53{B~ T1ME IA7POSED OA S'FOH 3IPYED ~Hµ~~~T TN!E IMPOSED oR's faa5UVE0 TIME IMPOSED oq •S WRSTAtFD ENHANCEA~M (tUj TOTAL (10) (1Q} (10) (10) (14) (10) (ZO) (14) (10) (1d) (10) {10) (10) (SO) (10) TOTAL 3. ENHANCEMENTS charged and found to be true FOR PRIOR CoNVICTiONS OR PRISON TERMS (mainly in the PC 667 series). List all enhancements horizontally. Enter time imposed for each or "S" for stayed. DO NOT LIST ANY STRICKEfI ENFiANCEMENT(S), ENHANCBdENT TIME IMPOSED CR5'FORSTAYEO ENHANCEAIEM TILIE IMPOSED oR•sfaASrArEo ENHANCEMENT 4 TOTAL TIME IMPOSED ON THIS ATTACHMENT PAGE: Fofm Adcpled br Mandalnry Uu Ju~idal Council of Ca~ibmia CR -294A(RN. JanuNy 1, N]On ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT —PRISON COMNfITMEFIT ATTACHMENT PAGE TIME IMP0.SE0 OF'S'FORSTAYED TOTAL 0 Penal Cade,§1213.5 '~ L , ~r ~ y F~ ' ~~~ SL'PEI2lOR COURT OF TI1E STATE OF CALIFO2\IA FOR TIIE COL1T1'OF LOS AtiGELES THE PcOPLE OF THE STATE OF ~/ `~j ~.~~~ CALIFOR.\'LA, CASE \O.L'A321 ]28 .Plaintiff, v. O 1 S[LUS ~I.~RDEL 'ALSO\ (08/29;1 935) • Defendant( I{ FELO.~'~'CO.~IPLAlti'T , ~f The undersigned is informed and belie~•es tt:at: G ~ I COU~iT 1 On or abou~April 12,2007,in t~e Coun r ty of Los Angeles, the crime of ATTE~~TED SECO~tD DEGREE ROBBERY,in viola ion ofPEN AL CODE SECTION 664/211, a Felony, was co.:irnitted by SILUS h~RDEL VALSO~, wbo did unla wfully, and by means of force and fea~alce personal prop~ty f rom the person, possession, and im.•nedia:e 1 presence of ARCELIA ACEVED O,THERESA LOPEZ, ~,ZARIO GARCI.A.~ NOTICE: T'be above offerse is a ~~iolznt " felony «•ith "NOTICE: The abo~~e offense is a serious felony in the meaning ofPena] Code 667. 5(c)." ~i~ithin the meaning of Penal Code sect ion 1192.7jc )." *«*** COLT~T 2 o Oa or about Apnl 11, ~ _007, ~n the County of Los Angeles , the came of ATTEi~fPTED SEC0~1D DEGREE ROBBER',in violation of PEN AL CODE SECTION 66;,'211, a Felo ny, w'as commirted by SILUS 1~IARDEL VALSOV, ~~ho did unla «•ful]y, and by means of force and fear take personal property rom the person, possession, and immediate f presznce of JENSEN BUE~'AVENTLJ R.A, OPHELIA OLNA. "NOTICE: The abo~•e offerse is a violent felo ny ~~•ithin the mear.ino of Penal Cod e 667.5(c)." " \OTICE: The above offense is a serious felony ~~~ithin the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." 1 * ***~ CJ / ~ r z ~ - /~ / Rev 90G-1199 DA Case 27683435 -, ~ _Pao COU~T3 Oz cc about l~la:ch 23, 2~~07, in the County of .03B~F.~C', in ~-io:a'ion ofPEAL CODE P SEC Los Ar~cles, the crime of SECOND DcGP.EE TION 211, a Fe;ory, n~as com.~nitted by SILUS I~fAP~DEL VA.LSO\, ~'• ho did unlan filly, a^d by means of force and fear ta'.:e persor,al property from the person, possession, and i;n.-ncdiate presence of h1AYEL A PEREZ. "NOTICE: ?he zbo~:e o!'fcnse is a violent felony within t!~e meaning of Penal Code 667.5(c)." " \'OTICE: The a'~o~~e offense is a serious felo ny within the meaning of Per,al Code section 1192.7(c)." *.*** COCTNT 4 On or about l~iar~h 9, 2007,in t`~e County of Los ROBBERY,in violation o:PcNAI.CODE SEC Angeles,the crime of SEC0~1D DEG REE TION 211, a Felony, was comrnitt~d by SILUS hiARDEL offorce and fear take personal property fr om the person, possession., and i:tunedia?e presence of1~LAYELA PEREZ, GUILLER1~10 GARCIA.. "NOTICE: The above off~rse is a ~~iolent fe]ony within the meaning of Penal Code 667.5 (c)." \OTICE: The abo~~e offense is,a serious felo " ny within the mearin~ of Penal Code sectioq 1192.7(c)." VALSOV, who did unla~~~tslly, and by means ~ «*«~ COUi~"T 5 ~ On or about Feb:i:a:y 10, ?007, in the County of 1 Los Angeles, the crime ofJSECO~TD DEGREE i ROBBER',in violation of PENAL CODE SECTIO V 211, a Felony, w•as committed by SILUS 1~iA RDEL VALSO~', ~~'ho did urla`~~fully, and by means of force and fear take personal property from the pers on, possession, and imr.~cdiate presence of R~UL TOR RES, LUIS GALICLA. `'OTICE: The abo~~c o` " tense is a violent felony ~~~ithin tl~z meaning of Penal Code 66i.5(c)." " \OTICE: The abo~•e offense is a serious felony within the meanir,e of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." * «.*+ Rev 900-1/99 DA Case 27683435 Pa CO[,~'T 6 On or a'~out Fcbn:ary 1, 200i, in t5c Coup^~ of Los Ank les, t'~:c crime ot'SECO~iD DEGREE .O~ F BER~', in vio(a:ior of PE \AL CODE SECTiO~ 211, a Felony, «•as corz.-ni tted by SILUS 1~1ARDEL V ALSO~,«ho did urla~~ fu'. ly, z;d by means of fore and fca~ tape personal property fro m tie person, possession, and irrune~ia:e prs erce of ER~.LSTO GODL VA,LUPE ROCHA. " TICE: Tt:e abo~~e offens \'O e is a ~-iclert fzlory r:ithin the mcanine of Penal Code 657.5(c)." "ti OTICE: Tie abo~~e offens ' e is a s:rious felony «~ithin the meaain; of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." * **** COt3NT 7 On or about January 26, 2007, in ROBBERY,in r•iola+ion ofPE~ .4L V ALSO~', ~~•ho did unIa:~~fully the County of Los Angele s, t~~e crime of 5ECOVD DE CODE SECTI0~1211, a Fel , and by means of force and GREE ony, ~~~as com.*nitted by SIL US hiARDEL fear tae personal property fro m the person, possession, and i:rmediate presen ce of LAS0~1E SHA$~'YA~ v'. °\'OTICE: The abo~~e offens e is a violent felony within the meaning ofPena] Code 667.5( c)." "~'OTICE: 'T're above offense is a serioLs felony «~ithin the mea ning of Penal Code section 1192 .7(c.}." : ** ** COLJti'T 8 On or about January 12, 200i, in the County of Los Anozlzs, the crime of SECOND DEGREE ROBBERI', in ciolstion of PENA L CODE SEC?]O~l 211, a Fel ony, «as co:n,~nitted by SILUS I~L 4RDEL 'AL ~ SO:r', ~~~ho did urla«~fully, and b}~ means of force and fea r take personal property from the person, possession, and imm~diatz presence of PAOLA ESPI~OZA,I~L 4RIA TORRES. °NOTICE: The abe~~e offense is a ~~io!er,t felony ~~~it~:in tliz mea ning of Pena] Codz 667.5(c). " "NOTICE: The abo~•e offense is a serous felony «ithin the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)," .**** RPM 9(1C1-1/99 ~,a case 27683435 Pao 1 COU~'T 9 0.~ or a`~out 5, 2067, ir'~ tnc County of Los Ar.~elcs, t:,e crime ~ of SECO~~ DEGREE ROBEEP.~', in ~'iola~ion of PE~'AL CODS. SECTION 211, a Fclory, was coc-;~.~nitted by STLUS hiARDcL V ALSOV, «~ro did Lr,la~.~~fuliy, aad by means of force and fea: tike prope~~y from the per;on, possession, ar;d i:n~-ncdiace presence of~E[J~1 JA LEE CH.4tiG, J~4E HOOV CHA'~G. "NOTICE: Thy above offcrse is a ~~iolent felony w~it~in the mzanin~ of Peril Code 667.5(c)." " \OTICE: The above afPense is a se;;eus felony ~~ithin t:;e meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." *:*«* COLJti'T 10 On or about January 5, 2007, in the County of Los Angeles,the crime of SEC0~1 D DEGREE ROBBERY, i:. viola:ior of PE~`AL CODE SECTIOv 21 I, a Felony, was committ ed by SILUS 1~iARDEI, VALSO~, who c'id Lnlawfully, and by means of force and fear take personal property from the person, possession, and inrzed,•ate presence of ~'OLJtiG S00 BAE,KIH.AE BAE. "NOTICE: Tie above offznse is a violent felony within the mzaning of Penal Code 667.5(c) ." °NOTICE: 'Tre above offense is .a serious felony within the r.,eaning of Penal Codz section , 1192.7(c)." * ***~ COWT 11 On or about No~~zmber 22,?006, in t::e Coun y of Los Angeles, the crime of SECO~'D DEGRE E J ROBBERY, in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTION 211, a Felony, was commixed by SIL.US 1~1ARDEL V ALSO~', ~;-ho did unla«~fully, and by means of force and fear ta4e pzrsoral propzrt from y the person, possession, ar.d imrncd•,atc presence of GU FiA~G SLING. "tiOTICE: The abo~~e offense is a `~iolcnt felony within the meaning of Pzral Codz 667.5(c)." "NOTICE: The abo~ e offense is a serious felony «•ithin the meaning of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)," * +~*. Rev 500-1/99 OA Czse 27683435 Page 4 Case No BA321 COUNT 12 On or a'~out \o~ c~- ber 13, 2005, in tac County of Los , An~clzs, t;e crime of SECOND DEGF.EE .OBBEF.~', in ~~iel~ on of PE~_AL CODE SECTI0~121 P 1, a Felony, «~as cori.-ni~ed by SILUS 1~1AR DEL ~,'ALSOV, ~~~ho c'id nnla~ti•fully, ar,d by mca~; of force aid fear take persor,al p;oper~y from the person, possession, a^.d i~;rnedi~te prescrce of TU:`'G H00~' SOti'G . "NOTICE: The above o` is a ~~iolent felory within the meaain~ oFPenal Codz 667.5(c)." " \OTICE: The abo~~e is a serious felony «~ithin the meanin g of Penal Code section 1192.7(c~." * **~* .. COUNT 13 On or about Noti~emoer 9, 2006, in the County of Los Angele s, the crime of SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY,in violation ofPENAL CODE SECTIOti' 211,,a Felony , was committed by SILUS bLARDEL VALSOV', ~vho did unla«~fi:lIy, and by means of force and fear take pe;sonal property from the person, possession, ar,d irn.-nediate presence of NATNID.4D SOTO~ LAYOR. "NOTICE: The abo~~e offense is z violent felony within the meanin g of Penal Code 667.5(c)." " \OTICE: The abo~~e offense is a serious felony ~vit~in the meanir .~ of Penal Code section 1192.7(c)." i It is further a'leeed as to cour.t(s) 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and T3 tha; said defendant(s), SILUS 1~tARDLL VALSOV personally used a firearm, a handgun ,withi n Lhe meaning of Penal Code section 12022.53(b). ***•* 1 12 ~ Rev. 900-1/99 DA Case 27683435 Page 5 ' C BA3711 \OTICE: Conviction of this offense ~~ill require the defendant to pro~~idc D\.4 samples and prin t i;~pressions pursuant to Pena] Code sections ?9G and 296.1. \ti'illful refu se] to protiide the samples a nd impressions is a crime. 10TICE: The Pcoplc of the State~of Cali fornia intend to present c~-idence and seek jury findings reoardina alI applicable circumstance s in aaera~ation, pursuant to Pena] Code section 1170(b) and Ct~~r~:i~:,;lia~rt v. Calijvr~iia 2007 U.S. LElIS 13?4. T '' I DECLARE LT:~DER FEtiALTY OF PERJURY T~iaT THE FGREGOIti G IS TRUE AND CORRECT AtiD TH.~T THIS CO~IPLAI~iT,CASE h~iBER BA321128, CONSISTS OF 13 COLJNT(S). Executed at LOS ANGELES,County of Los Angeles, on April 16,2007. - - -- -- ' - DECLARA_~'T A,'VD COtiiPLAL~I: ~N'I' STE`'E COOLEY, DISTRICT ATTORNEY B~: P~:~S~LA J.G. FROHREICH,DEPUTY 4GENCY: . DR 1~:0.: LAPD -RA1~IPART AREA 070200616 DcFE~'DAtiT VALSON,S1LUS l~S?.RDEL LSO: ID NO.: OPER~7'OR: B.T~1 CII ISO. 02325.671 PHONE: PRELLI~f. TLti1E EST.: DOB B OOKIPiG NO. 8;29/ 1 98 976190 4 ~iOUR(S) BAIl. RECOLt'D 51,365,000 CUSTODY R'Iti DATE 04/16,2007 P ursuant to Penal Codc Section 1054.5(b), the Peorle arc hereby informally rzqu estine that defense counsel pro~~ide disco~•ery to the Pzople as required by Prna l Code Section I OS~.3. Rev. 900-1/99 DA Case 27683435 Paae 6 FFLO\'1' CO~II'I.,~i\~7 -- ORD LR IIOLDI\G TO ~\'S\~~ER —P. C. SEC"TIO\ 872 It a,~pca;my to me fro~ the c~-i~cr.c~ presented t~:ac t;:e follo~~'ing ofie rse(s) }:as,~:ave been com.-nitted t hat t::cr:. is suit"icicr,t c~u~c to bcli~~e and t~a; the follo«~ir~ dcfenCar.t(s) guil ty thereof, to wit: ( ne out or odd as applicable) S~rr STLUS 1~1.A.RDEL VALSOti Cocr.t I`o. Chare~ 1 PC 66-~/2I I '2 PC 66/211 3 PC 211 4 PC 211 5 PC 211 6 PC Zl 1 7 PC 211 & PC 211 9 PC 211 10 ~ PC 21I 11 PC 211 12 PC 211 13 PC 211 Charge Ra*~ee 2-3-5 2~-5 2-3-5 2-3-5 2-3-5 2-3-5 2-3-5 2-3-5 2-3-5 2-3-5• 2-3-5 2-3-5 2-3-5 ~ Special Alleeation PC 12022.53(b) PC 12022.53(b) PC 12022.53(b) PC 12022.53(b) PC 12022.53(b) PC 12622.53(b) PC 12031.53(b) PC ]2022.53(b) PC 12022.53(b) PC 1Z022.53(b) PC 12022.53(b) PC 12022.53(b) PC 12022.53(b) Alle2. Effect +]OYrs, I~1SP« +10 Yrs, hfSP* +10 Yrs, I~iS?* +10 Yrs, hiSP* +10 Yrs, b1SP` +IO Yrs, LISP` +10 Yrs, I~iSP• +lOYrs, 11,iSP' +lOYrs, hiSP• +lOYrs, biSP# +lOYrs, hiSP* +10 Yrs, hSSP~ +10 Yrs, 11~iSP• I order that the deferCant(s) be held to an~~~~er ther efore and be admitted to bail in the sum of: SII ,US MARDEL VALSO~; Dollars and be com.^utted to the custae~y of the Sheriff of Los Angeles County until such bail is give n. Date of arrasQr:ment in Superior Cour: ~~~il] be: SILUS ti1ARDEL VALSO~i at A .l~f. in Dept ( ~ u ~ I 1 Date: Cornntil,ing A(agistrnte Rem 900-1/99 DA Case 27683435 Page_7_ __ S(LuS ~,_vAL~QrJ Petitio~ier M A 2t ~ r~1 I, S i ~ ~S DECLARATION'IN SUPPORT OF P.EQUEST TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERIS S P F P.R M.~r~+ Respondents) ~ - '~/~LSQ r1 ,declare that I am the petitioner in the above entitled case; that in support of my motion to proceed ~vitllout being required to prepay fees, costs o: give security therefor, I sate that because of my poverty I am unable to pay the costs of said proce~din; or to give security therefor, that I believe I am entitled to relief. Are you presently employed? r,,,v s ~No a. If fne ans~ve; is yes, state the amount of your salary or wajes pet month, and give the name and address of your employAr. b. IF the answer is no, state the date of last er.-ip:oyment and the amount of the salary and wages per month which you received. 2. Have you received, within the past twelve months, any money from any of the following sources? a. Business, profession or form ofself-employment? ❑Yes ~No b. Rent payments, interest or dividends? ❑Yes Q~No c. Pensions, annuities or life insurance payments? ❑Yes LJ No d. Gifts or inheritances? ❑Yes ~No e. Any other sources? ❑Yes L~JNo If the answer to any of the above is yes, describe each source of money and sate the amount received from each during the past twelve months: 3. Do you own any cash, or do you have money in a checking or savings account? (Include nnyfunds i~t prison nccour~ts) u Yes ~No CV -69(U~/12) PETITIOti FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS U1" r1 PEI250N IN STATE CUSTODY (38 U.S.0 4 2214) Page 10 of l l Name/Address oCAttorney or Pro Per K. V.A LSd r~' ( L- uS SuS a ,~ v r w- ~ E. Telephone u FPD ~ ~ f ~'] c...A I~~f~ u C1A u Apptd C~Pro Per U NITED STATES DISTP.ICT COUP.T C~hTI2AL DISTP~ICT OF CALiFORN]A CASE NUti1BER: sl~us M~.r~v~~ v ~.~s~~► PLAINTIFF(S), v ~"~ A,~I ~+~J Motior and Affidavit for Leave to AP~eal In Forma Paup~ris: ❑~, 2S U.S.C. 7~3(~ / SP~A2 M/Rnl DEFENDANT(S). ~fl~ UT1C~ersiane(1 ,S ~ (..1..~.s M ~ ~/~ L j~ LX lS U.S.C. 191 .'rl,'., 1 a[,'~iwrt L.R__. S' 1 i~(' S~9 J j. i rIPr7, ~ a Fiu~iy' iii iil~ Vri~i~l~~ 1Ct10^~ *;;.^,YES t.l., for authorization to prosecute an appeal without prepayment offees and costs o~ security therefor, and for the preparation of a Court Reporter's transcript at government expense. 1 . I believe ] am entitled to redress, and the issues which 1 desire to present on my proposed appeal are the follo~vin~: a. b. ice► ~FEc~ ~V C iL~F,L~~~ ~ S S~ S—~,qr-rcC SLn~~~:Nc~r+ts ot~ f~AR~-,~,N ~ou~ rtfS~L Fui~+t7AMEn►7AL c nN~T ~ftrc~R c. 2. Because of my poverty I am unable to pay the costs o~ the proposed app~af proce~din~ or to Qive security therefor. I swear that the following responses are t;ue. a. Are you p.esently employed? ❑Yes QNo. If the answer is yes, state the amount of your salary or wades per m onth and give the name and address of your employer. b. Have you received, witi~in tl~e past twelve months, any income from a business, profession or other form of s~lfemployment, or in the form of rent payments, interest, dividends, or other source? ❑Yes C~No. If the answer is yes, describe each source of income and state the amount received from each Burin; the past twelve months. A•18 (Od/l Oj MOTION AND A~~ID:\VIT F'OR LEA~'G APPCAL IN ~OR.~(A PAUPERIS Page 1 of 2 c. Are you presently employed in prison? u ~'es C~No. If yes, state the number of hours you work per week and the hourly rate of pay. d. Do you o~vn any cash or do you have money in a checking or savings account? ❑Yes ~No. ff the answer is yes, state the amount of money in each accoun t separately as ofsis(6) months prior to the date of this affidavit. e. Do you own any real estate, stocks, bonds, notes, automo biles, or other valuably property (excluding ordinary household furnishings and cfothin~)? f . In ~vl~at year did you last file an income tax return? ~~ ~~o~~ ~. Approximately ho~v much income did your l~st tax return reflect? h. Lisp the persons ~vho are dependen± upon you for suppor and t state your r~lation~hip to those persons. i. State mon±hly expenses, itemizing the major items. I declare under penalty of perjury tl1a: the forejoin~ is true and i~J :a ~ ~ correct. / _. _'- ` Dale A-IS (04/10) ~~ , - Sro~~a~ure ofParry Signaliu~e ojA~lorney ( Disregard if filed in proprin persona) ~110TION Atip API~fDAVIT FOR LEAVC APPGA L I;\ ~OR,`IA PAL'PCRIS Pa;e2 oft Date\Time: 11 /2/2016 6:37:05 AM verified: CDCR Inmate Statement Report Institution: HDSP CDCR# Inmate/Group Name Institution Unit Cell/Bed G65198 VALSON, SILUS HDSP C 004 1 104001 $0.00 Current Available Balance: ransa i n List Transaction Date Institution Transaction Type Source Doc# Receipt#/Check# Amount Account Balance " information was found for the given criteria.*' No En mbrance Lis Encumbrance Type Transaction Date Amount ' information was found for the given criteria.*' *No Obligation List Obligation Type Court Case# PLRA CV-01420-GSA(PC) COPY CHARGES COPY 09/16/16 Original Owed Balance Sum of Tx for Date Range for Oblg Current Balance $350.00 $0.00 $346.40 $0.20 $0.00 $0.20 Restitution List Restitution Court Case# Status RESTITUTION FINE BA321128 Fulfilled Original Owed Balance Interest Accrued $200.00 ~+ _.:.;, , $0.00 Sum of Tx for Date Range for Oblg Current Balance $0.00 $0.00 r t. Est C~ {~~^r~ 2 { ~ ~LuS °~ M. ~/F.~SOr.1 ~e~~ u~. U-L~Sr°13 / cif - +o~-IUp i-1 rLi-~ oESE~~c S~n [C f2-isa,-V P~s7 a~Frce So~c ~o~n_ .- S[.t S f~ r~i V~ L LC~ ,L ~ R(o F 27 ,i r .£~' G LE2t~ O~C ~ aF 'rF(E UNI'7LD S~A~iGS 'fHrc GCt~1T2~L y iAr-~ ~~i EO ~ STS CS vE F~--a ,~: ~ r.~ -r n ~ ~~ 312 LoS L.EG A L Nt.4t L Na2~c-( 1 biS~TR~L OIS'~(t~~~ Cpu(Z f arr ~~Lf~aRNi~' ~ CouRll H~uSE ~ o~ cl~ E~ SPFIr~G sEc~ ~ a ~ S?2~E~ Fa~h~+A ar+~E~ES _ ~ AL~ 9c]o~2

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