Ronald Adams v. J. Gastelo

Filing 3

ORDER SUMMARILY DISMISSING PETITION FOR LACK OF SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION REFERRING THE PETITION TO THE U.S. COURT OF APPEALS PURSUANT TO NINTH CIRCUIT RULE 22-3(A); DENYING A CERTIFICATE OF APPEALABILITY by Judge Manuel L. Real: This action is dismissed without prejudice for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction pursuant to Rule 4 of the Rules Governing Section 2254 Cases in the United States District Courts. LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY. A certificate of appealability is denied. (see attached) (copy of petition and appeal form attached) (Attachments: # 1 copy of petition, # 2 Appeal Form 12) (jm)

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Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 1 of 179 Page ID #:1 ~ot~c~~.1 L ~dc~n,,,s. NAME AILED U.S. DISTRICT COURT p~~~s7 PRISON IDENfIFICATIONBOOKING NO. APR 28 201T ~i4 L• Me,i,~"s <'ni13,tN ~~s~ lat~!&~x f~l.U!` ADDRESS OR PLACE OF CONFRJEMF.N7' CALIFORNIA DEPUTY ~i~d'~s~~. c~,,n1.34~3~t-klof Notc: II is your raponsibiliry to notify the Clerk ofCourt in vrriting ofany change ofsddras. Ifrepresented by an attorney, provide his one, -mail address. address, telephone and facsimile numbers,and o UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA CASE NUMBER: ~~I 17 -~32 ~ ~.C~~M. To be supplied by the Clerk of the United States Disvict Court FULL NAME(Include name user which you were com~icre~ Petitioner, v. AMENDED PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS BY A PERSON IN STATE CUSTODY 28 U.S.C. § 2254 ~1A~Rd~- ~. G~►S~~~o. C'c~G~-~~8~ AUTHOR17Fn NAME OF WARDEN, SUPERINTENDENT, JAILOR OR PERSON HAVING CUSTODY OF PEi7'fIONER Respondent. PLACE/COUNTY OF CONVICTION C:('fLy.Z.Y~ ~d f~ I.06'/~.i~~LAS PREVIOUSLY FILED, RELATED CASES IN THIS DISTRICT COURT (List by case number) cv cv ~//fy~3~~~ ~' ~~? I NSTRU4TIONS -PLEASE READ CAREFULLY 1. To use this form, you must be a person who either is currently serving a sentence under a judgment against you in a California state court, or will be serving a sentence in the future under a judgment against you in a California state court. You are asking for relief from the conviction and/or the sentence. This form is your petition for rolief. 2. In this petition, you may challenge the judgment entered by only one California state court. If you want to challenge the judgment entered by a different California state court, you must file a separate petition. 3. Make sure the form is typed or neatly handwritten. You must tell the truth and sign the forth. If you make a false statement of a material fact, you may be pros~uted for perjury. 4. Answer all the questions. You do not new to cite case law, but you do need to state the federal legal theory and operative facts in support of each ground. You may submit additional pages if necessary. If you do not fill out the form properly, you will be asked to submit additional or correct information. If you want to submit a legal brief or arguments, you may attach a separate memorandum. 5. You must ir►clude in this petition ~ the grounds for relief from the conviction and/or sentence that you challenge. And you must state the facts that support each ground. Ifyou fail to set forth all the grounds in this petition, you may be barred from presenting additional grounds at a later date. S. You must pay a fee of SS.00. If the fee is paid, your petition will be filed. if you cannot afford the fee, you may ask to proceed rnforma pauperis (as a poor person). To do that, you must fill out and sign the declaration o~'the last two pages of the form. Also, you must have an authorized officer at the penal institution complete the certificate as to the amount of money d eeurities on de osit your _io credit in any account at the institution. if your prison account exceeds 525.00, you must pay the filing f LODGED C(.L'~-1K U.8. DIST~ICTC01 6. When you have completed the form, send the original and two copies to the following address: Clerk of the United States District Court for the Central District of California United States Courthouse ~R 2 7 207 ATTN: Intake/Docket Section 312 North Spring Street ~TRtC OF CALIF i Los Angeles, California 90012 DE PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS BY A PERSON IN STATE CUSTODY (28 U.S.0 $ 2254) CV-69 (04/05) Page 1 of 10 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 2 of 179 Page ID #:2 PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING:(Check appropriate number) This petition concerns: a conviction and/or sentence. 1. 2 O prison discipline. . 3 O a parole problem. . 4 C~other. . PETITION 1. Venue yb~ a. Place ofdetention ~~./~~E',~i/"~~ M~~tJS ~p~jv'y ~= b Place ofconviction and sentence ~[~'e,Qt~at2 Cc~u~~- ~i~ y ca- ~c.•~~-~s.~f' . 2 . C011VtC[IOD OIl W~110E1 ~]C ~1Ctlt10I1 IS b8S8d (a stparale pelifion must befiledjor euch convicfrun being ulfackedJ. a. Natwe of offensts involved ~~r~ ou ~aM:~: C~iPAL ~~~l~ri0~ffra.! ~ ~~. r~~jrJ d~ ~~- :a$~ f9 LL',~ svc/~S ~ b. Penal or other code section or sections: ~u.~~l['c~dc 5~.~_~'ae,.l :Zt'~''v K-1 ~~~1 c Case number:~(o~.~ foC~ . d Date ofconviction: ~t Ilr~- ~'~ ~~( . e Date ofsentence: / ~- ~ ~3 - c~ ~drd . f Length ofsentence on each count: 1 ~ . ~4~~A'Y ~ •t'-1 ~f ?fr.~l ~ ~hcl`S Sfi~17^ Cs c t ~S}~''t ~l' S ix~~ . „ mo - ~~ •• }~ti~~~s ~~c~.• ~,l t g Plea ~~~ . J: 1fdNot guilty D Guilty ~ Nolo contendere h. Kind of trial (~~,t o~J: u Jury Judge only 3 Did you appeal to the California Court of Appeal from the judgment ofconviction? . ~f SO, give the following information for your appeal a. Case number: C.Jif/ Yes u No ~ond~rru~na~~py~frtir cau.r~fAP~Qide~;~;on;fa,~oltaht~~: r;~.1~1 b. Grounds raised err:re~h~: T PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS BY A PERSON IN STATE CUSTODY(28 U.S.0 $ 2254) CV-69 (04/05) Page 2 of 10 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 3 of 179 Page ID #:3 (2) ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) ( 6j c. Date of decision: u. Result 4 If you did ~ppea3, did you aisc~ file a Fetztion for Revie;~~ ~~~ih the CAE #E -~~= Supreme ~nurt of the Court of Appeal . decision`? ❑Yes u No ifso give the following information fond arra~h ~ap;e~~ ofrhe ~er~rr~~n ra.R~ v;~, and the Supreme Courf ruling ifuvnilableJ: a Case number: . b. Grounds raised ~rsr ea~ti~: ( 1) EZ) ( 3) f4 ) ~~) ( 6) c. Date of decision: d. Result 5. If you did not appeal: a. State your reasons b. Did you seek permission to file a late appeal? ❑Yes 0'No 6 Hav you previously filed any habeas petitions in any state co~~rt with respect to this judgment of conviction'? . Yes G No Ifso, give the following information for each such petition ~~,3e ydd;r;~,n~~E,aK~s rfnece.csnry, arrd otlach copies ojthe petitions and ihr rulings stn the petitions ifavailnb(eJ: PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS RY A PARSON IN STATE CUSTODY (2R US.0 § 2254) CV-69 lU4/OS) Pale 3 of 10 s Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 4 of 179 Page ID #:4 a. (1)Name ofcourt: SU ~('~{ ~~ ~'7U~" 0~ C~:~.• ~..Dl3i+~1~',~ c~~ ~.5 {'~h.Y,~~~ ( Case number:,~lnaZ d~ ~ ~`c 2) ( DBtC t11Cd (or if mailed the dn~e the pe~itfon wos tw~red over ~o the prison aathoriuesjoy mailtn~: ~~~'~,~ r~~ ~,~~Q~~ 3) ( Grounds raised p;~r eo~~J: 4) ( .J.1~15(}~fc[i~c~~ ~t/r~~►•~`~ ~ P~c:J~~~Ac $c~~ki~ ,r~f~~~gCC1 a) ~,ea (b) i t~~ ~►~ ~ ~~ w ~a p~ ~~ec.~~f~. ,ASS i~ s { (d) (e) ~~ = (5)Dateofdecision:l e fa~~sgr^~. 2.~ 2oe3 i9f~~c~., ~ ion. ~ls Lxl~il~i~ r~~• (6) Resuh `Thy C~~+~{ ~ ~ a c nos 1~~,~►~ ~ c.~ f~ ~+~c ~e r~ e}s c.~ rf ~i!~ ~~ ~~+ia ~e(t t s Cor r~~~ ~~,~ sk~c ec.+r►•aA~.e ~ ~ ~ i~ ~L ee~ a •~ 6.c c.~ ~e.Y~a ~c~ e (7) Was an evidentiary hearing held? b. (1)Nameofcourt:~SclP~.~2i~f~ C~'Yes u No r5c~~'~ e3~ Gt`~L- ~dc~~'Y t~ LUaS ~r~4~.?~te-s' ( Case number: ~(o~4Q~~ 2) i ( D8tC t1~Cd (or ijmailed, the dale the peti►ron was yarned over to the prison authorities for mailing: ~ I~I~I Z !s elQl..3 3~ (4) Grounds raised per eah~: (a) R_C..1t`D~ ~t-u(l.7 Co~J~tc,~~'E.a➢ /3.~si~ r.v Ie' ( .~~~~c~~-~u~ b) ~C~ ss~s~,~~rrc Pt.. ~~~1~Uz.acet o1)ct ~~s~ C_ ~. CSI' }/i3t4 G.r~+~ /jl~l~~ ~t ~~-f tc~~ C~ ~.icl ,~~~ .~~ ~ ~._ ` ~ Q :." ~ ~'i"!C a; iS ~ ~-~.[. S'~1.` ~4A l~e,.t .~. ~a~ ( e) ~~ ( Date of decision: ~ ~- - ~~ l= rr,~., 5) (6)Result _ ► is s ~ ~, ~t — ;lS= ~3 ~t~ Coc~~A /'r✓Y~rvec~u; d~,..r~,~ ~/.t f:~.~~vti~ ( Was an evidentiary hearing held? 7) ❑Yes u c. (1)Name of court:. ~v~~f c;~ 19 PP~zs ~ P~ ~i~r~~ ,~ ~~v~~c,.J ( Case number: (t~' .~~~ ~i ~( S~ 2) ( Date filed ~w;fmailed t/re dale the pelilion 3) vas tanned over to!hr prison au~lwriliesjor mailing: ( Grounds raised p~s~ eah~: 4) ( a) Thy- i'~! ~a~S tl~~c~- cF ~u~~~s•~~ ~.:.~~ ~ut~ ~ ~ C ti~sr~c~ ~l b} ( ~j [-" e Jt~/ dt S~c~v~ce~ ~ v~~~e,vcc c~ ~2eG3 ~tJ s~! fttC~o.l~~~i'l~~e.~sc~ G~ M ~'~`~'/'fiC~ ~~iC~ ~~I ~~l'iJ~•/~ ~~~ ~f/'~Ui'i ~/ CG/.~lOi'f~(. ~ PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS BY A PERSON IN STATE CUSTODY(28 U.S.0 § 2254) CV-69 (04/05) Page 4 of 10 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 5 of 179 Page ID #:5 ~~~J ~~,uue ~~~' Pc~E ~. ~l ~ ~1►Ui ~-~d ~~-t~}es ()15~riG~ Co rrZf G~.~/f~'~C 1~1Str~c! a~ CAL a~' ~Gv ~~ ~~/1ti~ Cti ) ~rouwd5 ~:1is~d Gl.~~ Si~c~~c L~~.P~t !,~ ~.,,ll.Y C ~.v~v~sc }~I~c ~e~r ~LCr1Jc2 c» f~- ~I,~r L~rc~~:;~ ,t ~ i'~-~ f~t~ fl~l-l'7b ~'rc~ ~ ~c1~5/t,..e..l~ ~S~,~c,~' ~I~~ G.~!'DtJ~~cltL'~ ~.~1lri`~r~ `S~ , L-/ I~~C O{~ ~G Ll.SIOh.~ S.~~i SvnJl~!1 ~6~ ~es~Lf (~- D~stric~ Ca~,t~ ~ rr+ ~,.-~.F ~SUe~ ~~- ~1,:s ~e~Fi~cG~~ r~Ks ~:.. S~r~,J~ c~►'~ ~SlJC/'rs SfV~ C~tJ,~ ~_~~T~.L'~~_ I~~r~~wc.(._ ~+ F~"~~ t~3 ~ f 7 L, C.J 4s c, v ~ ~l (~~a ~-C✓~ ry !~ c L~ ? (i) itJ /~~ r_ c.~- ~3~ ~c~~~ Y~s L7' 1.1a,L-~~ C Uv ~~~U.tJ~"~c ~ c~'~C~-es CC~u~~ c~ ~1['~'13Z~1~.~~_ — bJi".(1~1 ~ ifJs~~i ~.~. ~i le.~ '~) ~ Y''v u u~ 5 C ~.~ ~ s^}i0.~ ~'c- 'E'er ~`~Cl~.~ ~c;~ r~se.~ •.J~ ~ ~'~/Su ~~/ r ~, t/fde.✓C ~ r ~- i~ 1 o2.-b,~ t/~ ~c_ ~ t~~ ~~ ~~"~~ ~.v~.~ ~r~ ~cf.~ 1~0~.f1'4C C'~~ ri CIS) I v~L C.~~u:~.~Scc c~z..s ~~e ~~~'~c~ ~> -vc__._.C~~',~..r~~hl~~.._~~~2_._.__ __s_.-~~ ~ lu r~ ~tv it's r~~~ tl.~~ ~-l.~ s~~-C-1 ~'~L-: /°eaP~c ~~ C~r.~r~z )I~i 1 ~ l~~►]_r 1 Cv~e_ f r IMP ~I ~i r~L ]~2 r l i 4-la ~1--~ t ) d el r L~~~~-~ ivC „~.~r, „ ,5 ~. t+ sS ►s k~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~,~ , ]. .1~ ~ ~r ~ii~~~- ~ t~ r~ cry. C~P~Pr ~ ~ c~ ~r ~r~r~ l R ~ri~ r~U~l ~i~yfCL' C~- ~S~GtJL~ f )i~.. G~ ~~l~l ~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 6 of 179 Page ID #:6 (~) ( d) fie) ~fl ( Date of decision: ~✓~Y~r~c.~ 5) ( Result ~~-i1J L ~. 6) ( Was an evidentiary hearing held? 7) ❑Yes o For this petition, state every ground on which you claim that you are being held in violation of the Constitution, laws, or treaties ofthe United States. Attach additional pages if you have more than five grounds. Summarize briefly the facts suppoRing each ground. For example,if you are claiming ineffective assistance of counsel, you must state facts specifically setting forth what your attorney did or failed to do. CAUTION: Exhausriorr Requirement: In order to proceed in federal court, you must ordinarily first exhaust your state court remedies with respect to each ground on which you are requesting relief from the ederal court. This means that, prior to seeking relief from the federal court, you first must f present ail of your grounds to the California Supreme Court. a. Ground one: Daft f~r~t~~sS iiiCLeic~ u~e~ tl~c U~wt~ $eta Cow~i~~~u~i~w3~ _,~~ c,.,,~A Cv~u~~Gf~ ~ f~.~ 4,~t~.~.1~ rs~ ~r ~_ Cc~~c_,S~c-~~~c._~8~ ri~~t o~wt~.~R ~~,r c~Nu'ow:,:tt S ( Supporting FACTS: ~i~ c` ~ C I.c'~~ ~zln ~`1f51 $I,~~ ~ec~('L~ t-e.~ ~L.r ~~~= 1) i =-iyi~ ~iL~ iv ~~ Jew ~c v~An.~s#~ cx.1 G ~~ ~t~.Dk3~' CU~~t~ia~ 't ~ ,, ~ e.~4►~~c~.1e.k. ~' fed t/i~r~~P ~:..~1. s~ ~~~ ~t~c~ ~~~~~l~t~s ~t~l Cc1Pe~~~io~.,wl ~ "I~L~t ~'~lc Cl,~ar~~ r~- ~e.,ac...~ Ga1~ Sew ~Co~.1~~~j ~!'./-IL ~U1°~lfi~f~ra.l'~aJ (2}Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? ❑Yes O No { Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? 3) D Yes D No ( Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Court? 4) ❑Yes O No b . ( Supporting FACTS:.~,~~~~ ~liGr'If ~~ 1) ~U Y 2' ,•~'~ ~COQ /~ . 'Clpe~2fG~ ~O(~~ ~itl.f~~.~ /~,rts~~~,~°►,1 rA ~1~5 CC?~/°r~~5 ~ (2)Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? ❑Yes d No ( Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? 3) ❑Yes u No PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS BY A PERSON IN STATE CUSTODY(28 U.S.0 § 2254) CV-69 (04/05) Page 5 of 10 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 7 of 179 Page ID #:7 t ,~`~ ~ P Pc~t~ ~ i i~J ~ -~c:~ c.~{ S: --- ~o.cJ i'? l r ~,J a(Z. ~1 v v~ i W ~ ~'/ ~ ~lf~ Li n,~. 1~ cr~r i ~JS 1 I,J [ kl 'C'~e i~ c (.J e W~ t~.i a ~.J o ('ds G I~ G~ r~Y 5 ~G.r►.~Su i~~e__ i~~ ~L,e ~e~c~r~ ~'1~~~ S Per_i ~Y ~e,c~~S i~L,e ~-1,~~ i~~ c+i ~S' GJ c~V~~ C)1~~ e r~ ~-L~ t C~ e~ c~ 14 c~(Z C~J e~~` /~i!~i' ~ ~'S. 0 {~.~ ~- Y t ~,~ . U~' i l~~' J~ ~^/ ~U ~ ,~ e ~ Y~ iL ~ l -f-l~ ~ ~ u ~ ~~ e.... -~UU f~ !Lc_~e_ ~ C~ ~ L ~ ~ ~_ ~ ~' -~r ~ ~ ~ v~~ I°~wc~L ca d ~ ~~~ ~ S ~~~, c r,~ (l~ 1 Cc 1 ~~„is ~.. S ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ c.~s ~ r~ ~ C v PuL u~ ~-~t~~.~ G ~~ c. C i~c ~ ~. v►~ ~1.~ci ~,1~~ c~ tJ ~ ~~~. ~1,. ~ l~! S~ o~ ly . Da ~ ~riL C.r~u~~5~ L ,b ~-i i ~ ~-~ ~ ~~ ~iv ~ l~ ^~ ~.~ ~ic,~ ~v .1.i..~ v es ~~ ~ e~ ~tl~~ Cl~c.r~ c~ I~ C'.a~s ~~cl ~ ~ ~~- -k~ Prisc~r.;~ ~v ~v~ K~,.~ cc~c..~i~~ 1`1.,~ ~Y~~ C_l~~ rse~~ 1--1c. c.,~e,.s C.~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ c~~ e,~~,~~1.. o~ ~l„~ c.L.i 1.~ ~o l_~es ~ e ~ ~~C~1 e . ~~ ~~ ~►~ ~ r ~ ~~ L~C~J e r2 e~~ C~u 2 ~- ~ L c.~~-c ~ C_Gf~.~ (f~ C ~~- ~ ~ ~~~ ~U1 e_ ~ ~.,c~~C.~ f'`~L.~ `~ fa c~~~- ~,1. -~c~ cc~ ~~rc~~- ~- L~~ OIZ `-~-~r e !Pe,~ ~ ~IY GI.~.Jc ~c ~d ~" e 1.JC~ ~G~ ~ ~~!~ ~ l~Gf,J ~ t~~o r~ c~ C~v ~~ ~r~►~~c~ r ~ ~'~. ~ 6~~ S~Y-►~C~- c~ ~ cs~~ /~v~ evJ~. 1 r~ ~ ~,~ Gam.~"~ ~- C,,1 C~ f..~ lv i ~ ~c~ S ~ c` ~t ES CC~G~.) ~.S ~i ~U ~i~ fi.~ l. 1~u ~.. 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W L~1T ~i ~ 7~ /~~~5'~►~1~-~ ~ J U~S t I LJ~ ~11,. ~ ~e P~ r' ~-d~e hJ ~- c~r C dN ~~ec ~-t~C}t~ S ~_(,~~ '~~ '~1~ lraiL~ ~- G k 1 GL.~ ~-c~ f~~ ~ ~-l~~ i ~ C C~ Y re~~ ~~ ~.z~~~ Yl c:~ ~ ~u~S ~G,~~~ 1~ ~ Y1~ ~.~s ~ t~ ~ t~~S I~ e c c,r~sE _ p •C. ~ c~ ~ ,V-~f C1 d~:~`r;,~~ V~~c~,,,ns ~s ~ ~l /l,~n~ f es ~2., ~l~a ~'I ~/~1~~~c~J c.~ u~}L /~v,~%S2i ~✓e~✓~ I (~1~en1~1lv~e ~J ~~ L► L iPU~( ~ ~.f"~ tJ~c./U; `~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 8 of 179 Page ID #:8 C'L~hJ ~i~UL-~~ rr~~ ,~i~S~ S ~~ IC~. ~ c~t 31~ IpG ~ ~ f L.).J ~hG,L't S . y'jl.~ ~ ~r1tJU~. ~U~//~.~ e~~~ ~~Cy Lj~'~ ' / 7L-" G~i'~ S GL~ ~.~J ~~/ ~~v5U~5'P LJ~S iEJc~~,~ .5/~'~Cj~7' f1K~ ~~~ I/jG~//1~~' f ~.]~1'L ~ C1i✓d e~2 ~!L' ~s~ e~ ~Y G,~ G:~~s .~hrrv~Ps. O!c>LJ f,~iL-~ ~e,~1~9L CU~e c~LJY 1 i~J.~ C~ ~ LJ~S C- '~'1~i ~ '~'l.~ c~ U~S~ ~GL~~ `~'~.~ ~z-~ 1 ~ I~Gf,.)C. 1~ c~(Jd L~'% ~`~ ,,~~~r~! Cc~~c ~.~~} ~'ec~c~~.~CL1. I~.t '~c~.i~.~ C'cJ~lc ~~~~i~~~ I~~•~~~ i'~(Cl mss' ~rA l CCU~U L~~iG,,~ c~~1 c. 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(Il Su ~l'o ~ ~- i ~ ~ ~c-~ j~: - C~ W cc~ ~L.~ Lc~ c.3 ~~._ G o ~ ~- ~- -~il~ ~1 s c1 e_c_ i S ic~ cJ o~ t"l~~ ~ U i~ e.~c e, Lt~~.~ i tea c~ ~~1,. ~Q~-~~ ~io ~ ~~ 1 ~ik1 Cr r~ v ici-io ~ ~ c,~s L o~ ~e ~,~~t c~a ~ S~~~u~ ~~ ~ I~ S L'L ~-1G c~.~ ~C> lt ~..7 G.S ~1 C~~ ~.~ ~-i ~1L ~ `nt~ ~- ~'~ ~ 'pc'~G~ ~.0 c~ ~ S -~ c~.-~ v~L c~ ~~~ Y~ Ct=-1 ~~ Chui~t ~ L v i~et~c ~ ~1„G~- ~L,~ I/~i ~ ~-~~/~ f~ ~ ~ L` f~ r~ d c~~ ~-1..~ V~ ~S e~ r~~ 1~I b'-11- '~l..t '~1IL~I~ G~ ~'~.e___ C c~ n~n~~ ss ~~~~ ~ ~-1,.c ~~~~s~~ l~~ t~~~c~i~s ~er~ ~ere~ 1 i DvL-~~5~ C~2u~~- ir~~ (~,~ ~-1~wo~~ ~~ ~s +~~~~ ~suzux~-w~ ~c~~s~ ~~e~ ~~~~; ~ Cill ~~ C,J r.Li ~~ `~~~-► ~ ror.,~c 2 i S C~I'b"c~c-~ i~ ~1~r ~~~ ~[3l~,,~PLc, i w ~- V~11~~e~ -~L~~_ C.J i~'~t~ CG~e_ Se~.~f"Gh1, /~e C~h1' L 5~~ ~ LiSL~ ~ ~S 1~ 1~e~ c~ ~1~(~~t'C~' ;~ '~ ~ I~5 CGUhJs'eC ~~' ~U~ Uhl .fl~r'~~~ /~L" ~~ ~l,~iG~le~C C,JCts Cl~►~r~e~ C~~ ~~ G,~lC CG~~L~ ~i~~c/. t~►s cre~(,~~1~1e_ e vl~e,~ cc~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~av,~~ ~~,cy ~ s f~ ~i~ic.~J~~ , C .t~~ S CUI.JUt `~ e~ e c~.~ I~r~~ ~ fl~c~ ~-r;~r~~ C.~ ~Lt G~ ~G(~) ~ c~ r~ ~1,~e. f "~,is ~z~.~' C,.~_ ~D ~,'L _S~E'-C, [ C_Xa C.J` f Glit I .5 ~ , C`Cr~1c ~ [~ sit/~ ~ liea~e;~ce ~ s ~i'C~~~ C ~uhJSeL ~,~/~ /~~PLLL~.~e cc~,vs~~ ,bc~~ G~J~~~ ~ bvse_ ~-~,~ coUr2~ ~ isc,~e ~~ o~ ~~~~,cx~~ ~'rr~~~-rr~~~ ~~~i~,C .~. rid sn~,.~,r ~- -~ ~~-~r~r~ ~lL-~ L,~rv~S ~~er~.~ ~~ Ec~~~ , /?1 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 11 of 179 Page ID #:11 (4)Did you raise this claim in a bees petition to the C lifomia Supreme Court? ~ Ye No c Ground three: . ( Supporting FACTS: 1) ( Did you raise this claim on direct appeal io the California Court of Appeal? 2) O Yes u No ( Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? 3) ❑Yes O No ( Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Court? ;. 4) D Yes D No ( Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? 2) uY C°1No ( Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? 3) QY u No d Ground four: . ( SuppoRing FACTS: 1) ( Did you raise this claim in a habeas petiaon to the California Supreme Court? 4) es u No e. Ground five: ( Supporting FACTS: 1) ( Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? 2) ❑Yes ( Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme CouR? 3) O Yes ( Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Court? 4) O Yes PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS BY A PERSON IN STATE CUSTODY (28 U.S.0 § 2254) CV-69 (04/05) Page 6 of 10 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 12 of 179 Page ID #:12 8, If any ofthe grounds listed in paragraph 7 were not previously presented to the Supreme Court,state briefly which grounds were not presented, and give your reasons: _~ court with respect to this judgment of conviction? 9 Have you previously filed any habeas petitions in any . O Yes u No Ifso, give the following information for each such e1 ( aJditional pages ijnecessory, and attach copies ofthe petitions and use the rulings on the petitions ijovaflableJ: a (1)Name ofcourt: . ( Case number: 2) ( Date filed ~w Imailed the date 3) was turned over fo the prison ( Grounds raised (Jisr eachj: 4) Ca) ~~) ( c) ( d) ( e) ( fl ( Date of decision: 5) ( Result 6) ( Was an evidentiary ly6aring held? 7) ❑Yes u No b (1)Name ofcourt: . ( Case number: 2) ( D3[6 f11Cd (oi ijnwiled the dnlc 1/rt petition wus tarrred over to the 3~ 'uu~hvriliesjor mailinp~: ( Grounds raised ~t~~r e~~~: 4) ( a) ro~ c~~ ( d) ( e) ( ~ ( Date ofdecision: 5) ( Result 6) PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS BY A PERSON IN STATE CUSTODY(28 U.S.0 § 2254) CV-69 (04/05) Page 7 of 10 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 13 of 179 Page ID #:13 (7)Was an evidentiary hearing held? ❑Yes u No ' 10. Do you have any petitions now pending (i.e., filed but not yet decided) any state or federal court with respect to thisjudgment ofconviction? O Yes D No If SO, give the following information.~~o~ra~,Q ropy ofr~~r~r~on ~ ~vp,t~n~e~: 1) ( Name of court: 2) ( Case number: 3) ( Date filed ~o.iJmailed, the dare the petition was rurne~over ~o thr prison uulhoriliesJor mailing: 4) ( Grounds raised (rsr ea~n~: a) ( ~~) c) ( d) ( e) ( ~~ 1 1. Are you presently represented by counsel? ❑Yes C31Vo Ifso, provide name, address and telephone number: WHEREFORE,petitioner prays that the Court grant petitioner relief to which he may be entitled in this proceeding, Signature ofAttc~ney(Jany) I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on•~''t" S— ~-~ Date Signature of etitioner PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS BY A PERSON IN STATE CUSTODY(28 U.S.0 ~ 2254) CV-69 (04/05) Page 8 of 10 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 14 of 179 Page ID #:14 ~'~~ 1~~x ~l c'L Ce~1~~'i~L ~~,5~rl~~ ~ ~?L ~~~~`J~~ K~~ ~ ~ifivwc,~ ~-d,~~s C~~r~ ~~ ~l~~s mss, t~~S~r~~~ c C~u,~~ L i~l, ~~L-' A c Eves't~ /"~i~ ~~ fs Gc~c~~2~ ~ ~i~,rc.~ ~E.JD~i~z .,/ r G~ ~~L-' L=NClas~ ~vcc~~~~'. "~~YC~ ~ /S ~ /~G~/ ~/Gh/ ~ZrC L~Sr/ ~ ~ ~~I~Ilo~JS ~G~lce. ~~~./iAl / /-~~e C~ic~1Q~ GDS/°U~ C.~A-fG' l~G,Z~oGG. ~,,5 ~~TS C~u~.~- L.J i L.! St~ ~~!S ~~cu~l~r ~.../{ % ~1r ~ D-~aTe ,~ /~L-" ~e~i~jl~~ ~~~C C ..~rl ~ c~' 1~~ t3~ vs Cry ~2PUS. f~c G~~~ ~ G.J~s /=i`1r ~O~/ei~-r ~~/1 ~~, aG~G. `~ ~✓c..s ,De~~~ a ~,~ ~Dw a G ~~~. ~~i~i~xlc~ SkiP f~.G-' /3-/'r'c,~l c~r~~e~ ~.~✓~ l'I1c ~ /c~1~/G~✓ ~ ° f 'G!Q ~e1~ ftrJ %v ~Sti9~L-'~'c1/°/'C~r~ CC1vr~ c~' Ci~L id~i/a . S<< ~~ rs /°~ ~i~-I~r~ L ;c~c~~.s~ l~~s~ Li's~~~1 G ~e~ ~~✓~ t G~~i~ L,.J ~f J► ~lsl.Jr~ fic„~z . /a~ ~i~r~.rJc,~ /~1.a~L ~~ts /~~~i~i~,•✓. / ~L= 7 cr~t ~J~ Sv/~re ~,c C ovk~ CL z~2k /~JO /"~ ~tu~✓ ~~.1~' l.,Jrf~ Ci~itwl W /'1 a- G~ ~y/C CC,.SL~ L✓C~.~ C LGIL' Gk~ /VGUCIlK ~OC ~ a ~ o~ 13 G~✓ a i~ l~r L,J~i./~ ~ /=/~Gc ~ L✓ri ~"u✓~ ~9 kJ~ ~=~~~ 2.D . / r ~i'~~~ci.~~ !~}cl/J/I~Y1' ~e~'vlo/1vri~e~ ~~iL /~G~~`~/~G~.J G✓I'~!~ fi ' - c~ L c ~ ~~ L'xP~ ~:,~.s t°~ lac ue slit l..~olc r-~ C.~tt~ G✓,~s GiLr Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 15 of 179 Page ID #:15 ,~c,viI~ L l~1I9S ~i/C ~~ ~~~ /de~% ~lcaJP,2 ~Gq1 c._. 1~fs~ ~ -~ /~ ~c~i,vet E ~~ I~t.v ic.cJ. ~`ic Cav~~ -'x ~ f~ flGrUe ~ L /dl~~w f~cc~ f~is /SSt~e f.J4S h~v~c ~e~~ CAS Uc~t c...s ~tiiS Cr~u~~- ~~ G_S LJ~-LL ~s ~c `~~h Ctl2. v ~~-e L-"x~i'~+~~ B la~'~~ ~nc.r~-~iv. L.J~c..~1 ~~iis ~^ suL C.1lgl /~~ ~-~-,c s S ~ /~ c~~c/ i~ G,~c~s ~~ ~~r~,~~ c. ~- f ~r ~~, ~ ~ ~2• c~.~ ~J ~uri~S ~lc~i ~-i ~ ~ ! d ►~ n~~ C Lc.i 19rovti/all ~5 ~Gul a ~i c ~J~ U~~~ v~° ~1•J ~1~ t ° -" Sul°cRlG12 CGvQ~• 10~ccUs'L' ~G ~Z~li C~~i~ CUi~ G~i~1~1T~ ~/~+~1~/~ C~.~ Y c.e~ ~.s G~ ~ t. ~'v l ~l ~ic~J~,L l~., / ~ ~ilc `vack ~1,J ~l,e ~~ 11 ~cJ ~~u,~~-. ~~ is i3 ~~G` ~G~.J ~e~I~ic~.J. L ~S'~f1~~' ~S'u~ I~Y~rP CGu~~ Sc.~l~ /~~~i~J~s.~e~2 1~~1~iwrs -" L ~2 ~~ ~/G~tJ ~/'aC-/C LJ.CI~/'~t C/ ~Ir iJs ~`!G CUU~~ ~ l~'l~f~~ ~7cc.~ G~J ~Cl~~ICc a S ~Gc✓s ~~~~ a ~C ev~/~l G!'~c2 G.1✓~S % G1 TS ~ ~ vex !~~ ~. ~~. , ~ccc.uf~ ~ ~~~ CL~:n.~ iS ~l~U~~- ~~,c~ i~U ~~R i°rc~ia~~rrJ ~ ~~L, / ! ~c.✓/~ Grdr Scc f.~.~J o2S ~s v~ Cc) ~ ,L,' S~~G•' S~i°rc~J.~c~ ~~u,2~- ~i~s ~ G~~S~i'~v~i~Ni~[ ~ ~iIc G~~.✓,~ /ar v~ c~ /~c ~i ~i'c%c~ G~.1LE~ ~ G✓leK /~Il.1ScJc,Q GJIL~ ~.0 s G✓Y~-I ~ ! "e I ~7f/~~✓c~ %S /~~~ucffO ~~s ~~ ~'~ C~~Y1~ ~~Zc ~is p ~~¢jc~N, e ,l .~ cct~r~ c~~~l~ Pc~r J~kt ~ y ~ i~c.%L J'u ry ~t.~F ~I~c s F GrcS ~~ w5 i try c c.~r1 G~ r r ce-E. Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 16 of 179 Page ID #:16 EARL \i'ARREN BOILDING 3i0 DIcALLISTER S'I'RE ET APKIL BOF,LK S AN FRANCiSC0. CA 94102 AIiTOn1ATIC .4VPEALS SUNERI'ISOR (ais) sus-~noo ~Su~xPxrtE C~~ixz# of C~S~ltfoz~t~ JORGE E. NA~'ARRETE C Ol?R'I' ADTIINISTRA'COR AND C LERK OF THE SUPREAfIi COI~R'I' February 6, 2017 Ronald Adams, P-65157 California Men's Colony State Prison P.~. Box 8101 San Luis Obispo, California 93409-8101 Re: B252445/A620066 — In Ronald Lee Adams on Habeas Corpus Dear Mr. Adams: Returned unfled is your petition for review received February 6, 2017. A check of the Ce~~t of Appeal docket shows that a denial order was filed on November 20, 2013. This court lost jurisdiction to act on any petition for review on January 19, 2014. (See Cal. Rules of Court, rule t~.SOG~('e).) Without thisjuris~tictiony this court is unable to consider your requestfor legal relief. In the event there is a desire to file a petition for writ of habeas corpus, a copy ofthe form is enclosed. Please complete the form as fully as possible and sign it on page six (we must have an original signature). You may attach any documents to the completed form. Very truly yours, JORGE E. NAVARRETE Court Administrator and Clerk of the Supreme Court By: C.Won , Enclosure: cc: Rec. puty Clerk Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed ID #:17 California Courts -Appellate Court Case Information 04/28/17 Page 17 of 179 Page Page 1 of 2 ~}3j}~I1a~E ~.OUTtS ~.a5~ ~I1~01'TI1~~i011 CALIF~~RNIA COURTS Tris~unic~.aEear~r~cHOFcr~L~FORNiA 2nd Appellate District Change court J Court data last updated: 03/01/2077 12:42 PM Docket (Register of Actions) In re RONALD LEE ADAMS on Habeas Carpus Division 7 Case Number 6252445 Description Date Notes 1 1/14/2013 Petition for a writ of habeas corpus filed. 1 1/2Q/2013 Order The petition for writ of habeas corpus filed herein November 14, 2013 has been denying petition filed. read and considered. The petition is denied. ~~y ~ '~ 09/11/2014 ~ se mplete. Petitioner Adam's requesting copy of Returned document for petition filed in case 8232338 People v. Vargas. Notice sent to petitioner re nonconformance. court's copy policy. Click here to request automatic e-mail notifications about this case. Careers ~ Contact Us (Accessibility ~ Public Access to Records ~ Terms of Use 0 Privacy O 2017 Judicial Council of California case/dockets.cfm?dist=2&doc_id=2061429&d... 3/1/2017 California Courts -Appellate Court Case Information 04/28/17 Page 18 of 179 Page Page 2 of 2 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed ID #:18 3/1/2017 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 19 of 179 Page ID #:19 ~~~~~-=x~ RNIA SiJI'ERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFO ~~ ~;,rs ~=~ u~~o;'`an ~ries FOK THE COUNTY OF I.,OS ANUELES i 2 ~~-r 3 RONALD LEE ADAMS ) 4 Petitioner, ) 5 6 Wit" * s `'Y:? '' ,s x ~ Case No.: A6200~ ~~~, ~ *~~a 'U_ ~ `(`~~`i ~ ,.~ ,, '~~. v. 1 ~:i,iLb ~'~s.r1~cE'YC ORDER RE: PETITION FOR W RIT OF HABEUS CORPUS STATE OF CALII'ORNIA Respondent 8 9 IN CHAMBERS 10 11 12 13 14 is ~ Petition for Writ of ~-Iabeas Corpus by Ronald Lee Adams,Pro se ("Petitioner"). No appearance by a Respondent. DENIF,D. "The Court has read and considered the Petition Petitioner on or about November 29, 2016, and 1. 16 for Writ of Habeas Corpus filed by finds that the following apply: Petitioner has failed to show a prima facie case for relic£ People v. Duvall ( 1995)9 Cal. 4th 464, 474-75. 1 ~~ . 2 ficant delay in seeking habeas Petitioner has failed to explain and justify the signi in (1949) 34 Cal. 2nd 300, 18 re .Swa relief I~z re Clark(1993; 5 Ca! 4t" 75.0. 765; In 19 302. 20 3. The petition presents claims raised and rejected 21 in a prior habeas petition and Petitioner has not alleged :facts establishing an exception to the rule barring reconsideration of claims previously rejected. Such successive claims constitute 22 23 24 h (2012)55 Cal. 4' 428, 455; In an abuse of the writ of habeas corpus. In re Reno 25 26 _7 7 28 ORDER Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 20 of 179 Page ID #:20 i re Martinez(2009)46 Cal. 4th 945,956; In re Clark(1993)5 Cal. 4th 750, 767- 2 68; In re Miller (1941) 17 Cal. 2°d 734, 735. 3 4 For all of the foregoing indicated reasons, the petition is DENIED. The clerk is to give notice and send a copy of the order to the District Attorney (Habeas 5 Corpus Litigation Team), 320 West Temple Street, Room 540, Los Angeles, CA 90012, and 6 petitioner as follows: 8 9 io Ronald Lee f~dams CDC #P65157 California Mens Colony East P.O. Box 8101 San Luis Obispo, CA 93409 ii 'I 12 13 December 6, 2016 JUDGE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ORDER .8 2 SUPERIOR'COURT Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 21 of 179 Page ID #:21 0~~~ ~ Name:,~(~W Address: .~' ~C ~f~~~ ~~7LI• MC-275 6 ~~~ t~~ S ~.~L ~Cd~1~S ~~ffe~ rl rz 1~ ~ ~v Cy~`"v ~S~nJ.tu>~ U~lsp~ ~~- `~3~vrk~~t 5(~'] CDC or ID Number: ~~; -~ ~ ~!~ ~ f ~a_. P TITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS e ~1~lG~e/~~i~ /~~'~t"cG~J ~ Petitioner vs. No. ( be supplied by the Clerk of the Court) To . ~"~~:lt a~ C.✓FLt~v~.~ ~ Respondent INSTRUCTIONS—READ CAREFULLY If you are challenging an order of commitment or a criminal conviction and are filing this petition in the Superior Court, you should file it in the county that made the order. If you are challenging the conditions of your confinement and are filing this petition in the Superior Court, you should file it in the county in which you are confined. Read the entire form before answering any questions. • This petition must be clearly handwritten in ink or typed. You should exercise care to make sure all answers are true and correct. Because the petition includes a verification, the making of a statement that you know is false may result in a conviction for perjury. Answer all applicable questions in the proper spaces. If you need additional space, add an extra page and indicate that your answer is "continued on additional page." • If you are filing this petition in the superior court, you only need to file the original unless local rules require additional copies. Many courts require more copies. • If you are filing this petition in the Court of Appeal and you are an attorney, file the original and 4 copies of the petition and, if separately bound, 1 set of any supporting documents(unless the court orders otherwise by local rule or in a specific case). If you are filing this petition in the Court of Appeal and you are not represented by an attorney, file the original and one set of any supporting documents. • If you are filing this petition in the California Supreme Court, file the original and 10 copies of the petition and, if separately bound, an original and 2 copies of any supporting documents. Notify the Clerk of the Court in writing if you change your address after filing your petition. ~~ Approved by the Judicial Council of California for use under rule 8.380 of the California Rules of Court(as amended effective January 1, 2007). Subsequent amendments to rule 8.380 may change the number of copies to be f~r~~h91 ~b ~~ 7 Supreme Court and Court of Appeal. CLERK ~~ ipr~~~~~ ~..,...._ Form Approved (orOplional Use Judicial Council of California MG275 Rev. January 1, 2010] PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Penal Code,§ 1473 al seq.; Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.380 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 22 of 179 Page ID #:22 MC-275 This petition concerns: conviction ~A j Q Parole Q A sentence ~ Credits Q Jail or prison conditions Q Prison discipline ~/ Other (specify): ~~~' /~}f.~- C1~ d C~'~~ f~,v 1. Your name: ~b~,3~j,,~ 2 Where are you incarcerated? . ~at~S CP.~.~,~~Q~F }~p1~ Criminal conviction 3 Why are you in custody? . ~~'}~~~4-~S!>I~1 C~_L.i, ~ ~,~J1,~1 ~,v~~~S L,(~(jj~{~ Q Civil commitment Answer items a through i to the best of your ability. a. State reason for civil commitment or, if criminal conviction, state nature of offense and enhancements (for example,"robbery with use of a deadly weapon"). b. Penal or other code sections: c. Name and location of sentencing or d. Case number: e. Date convicted or committed: f Date sentenced: . g. Length of sentence: h. When do you expect to be released? v i. Were you represented by counsel in the trial court? 4. What was Q Yes Q No If ves. state the attomev's name and address: LAST plea you entered? (Check one): Not 9uiltY 0 GuiltY Q 5. If you pleaded not guil Q Jury MC-275[Rev. January 1, 2070 Nolo contendere QOther: at kind of trial did you have? Judge without a jury ~ Submitted on transcript Q Awaiting trial PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Page 2 of 6 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 23 of 179 Page ID #:23 MC-275 6. GROUNDS FOR RELIEF Ground 1: State briefly the ground on which you base your claim for relief. For example, "The trial court imposed an illegal enhancement." (If you have additional grounds for relief, use a separate page for each ground. State ground 2 on page 4. For addifional grounds, make copies of page 4 and number the addi6ona/ grounds in order.) Supporting facts: Tell your story briefly without citing cases or law. If you are challenging the legality of your conviction, describe the facts on which your conviction is based. If necessary, attach additional pages. CAUTION: You must state facts, not conclusions. For example, if you are claiming incompetence of counsel, you must state facts specifically setting forth what your attorney did or failed to do and how that affected your trial. Failure to allege sufficient facts will result in the denial of your petition.(See In re Swain (1949)34 Cal.2d 300, 304.) A rule of thumb to follow is, who did exactly what to violate your rights at what time (when) or place (where). (If available, attach declarations, relevant records, transcripts, or other documents supporting your claim.) 6 ►'~S ~P Irl.Ge.J ~~ ~Ue. -~-4S ~/0'Z- I ~e S' ~ 1'Yke,~ o~ ~ U ~~"M.,e~! ~ ~ ~ ez t/~~~ ~<<~~~ cam► ~-I,J C-1~1~Y~~ -•L-~..) ~e~ ~1~~~,.3 c~..~,.y~ 1 CGrJ'N..~ L I~ ~.t ~c' ~ca~'~s L ~ -~, b. Supporting cases, rules, or other authority o tional (Briefly discuss, or list by name and citation, the cases or other authorities that you think are relevant to your claim. If necessary, attach an extra page.) MC-275 Rev. January t, 2010] PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Page J of 6 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 24 of 179 Page ID #:24 C.r~L~~v ~~i~ ~vPrermme. ~~.~`_`N ~~d c~~ f~n~~~ F~~ / e ~1`~0~ l- Q2 ~ 1`~~ -~1~~s ca~ r2~ °~c~ ~ (~e.t~ re.~ -~~~ ~'Itier 1~e_,,.~ ~.i ~J~ ~e -~ i~~~ac~ ~r~~- C~ l-I~1,~e-~S CC~~PuS~ i►~.~ s ~ 5 ~ I'~u~~ ~-~~d c ~Go~ 1~ ~se~. r~ ►~ ~ ~►~ t 1~ ~ ~~ ~-~ ~C~u~f off' cif P~l.s c~~ -~1~~ S~~C I/~~~c~rw~L~! ~~we►~~ c~~~ee ~ 1~ree....t ~r 9. ~t-I~ ~t-L~is C Lc.~ /►„` S' ~ c~ul~ ~ ~._ ~o r~~~ l~~ i~ tl~e. t~ i 5 uP~ ~~~ ca~~~. S e~ ~ ~-~~cl.. L~Iii ~~~ ~ C13) v~ ~~w~ o -~l~ ~ (~~'_~t ~ l v►J ~"1~ !~ ~~1~ vt NIl~-~►e.~S C~ ~ ailS f U S C~ ~e-~ 1b~ ~GU~~ O~ i Pr~sz~~~.~ C~~.~~. ~ s +-~,~~ fi 3~ yewr ~c C~~'I~F1,~ ~ ~e~~d`s c~w~_ ~~~ tts ~S r~ec L ~..s tl~~ l~ (~ s fr~c~ cry ~c~~~~w~ I Cam ~I~ ~1~L C,~~'~J~ CC~►~U~~~+~~~ ~i `I, 4t..) ~ ~. 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C~~ io t,.~ G'~ C~.c~~i~vua~r~s ~~Le%/~ ~ ~'e~c~~ ~~1 ~ ~D ~ U ~.c:..e .~ s i1~ ~~~-t~ ~-t~J ~Oe~ c,~Se . -~-1~~ Cryrfs C~~~i,.~'t1L_ ~~~~e ~~ ,. ~ ~S /~ _ C.GeJrc~— i~ ~C9~~ Q "c7Y'~'tW ~s i Cr~"~— ~c)s ~- ~1~~°V~ C.~LJ I~I~J r 1 ~V 1 ~ei.J ~t V~1~~ 1~c~~i lam}~ l~t~-C~~a~.le~~ ~ ~G'~ ~e-~t~I,G~.~~. lti s Cl~v(~~ O~v~us~- ~e-~~~5~~~Gc.~ C~c~~~ c~e~ ~ ~.-s . ~3t~ ~ c~- ~ is ~~~ ~~~rr~ c~~ al"~C ~- ~1~.~ 1~~35~-Y1~-e~- o~ ~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 33 of 179 Page ID #:33 ~/ r ~0 Name: ~~~~.~ ~C~ c' Address: ~~.~j~ a~~ ~ .C. / , ~SAA 1 ~lvO,[.S' a~r~Sjp ~ L' MC-275 ~ l/~l `~3 ~C~ ~t ~lvf D~ CDC or ID Number: ~~S (S CCirf~~~~ c,~ ,L~s /~.v~~t~.s ( court) PETITIOtd FOR Wf2lT OF HAC~EAS CORPUS Petitioner N0. ~Cv~CL.i.~~ n VS. ( be supplied by the Clerk of the Court) To Respondent lNSTRUCTIOPJ~—READ CAREFULLY If you are challenging an eider of commitment or a criminal convection and are filing this Petition in the Superior Court, you should file it in the county that made the order. . If you are challenging the conditions of you. confir~ernent and are f~lin~ th6s petition in the Su~erivr Court, you sr~ould fife it in the cownty in which you are conned. Read the entire form before answering any questions. • This petition must be clearly handwritten in ink or typed. You should exercise care to make sure all answers are true and correct. Because the petitiar includes a ~>erification, the making of a statement that you know is false may result in a conviction for perjury. • Answer all applicable quzstions in the proper spaces. If you need additional space, add an extra page and indicate ;her your answer is "continued on additional page." • ff you are filing this petition in the superior court, you only need to file the original unless local rules require additional copies. Many courts require more copies. • If you are filing this petition in the Court of Appeal and you are an attorney, file the original and 4 copies of the petition and, if separately bound, 1 set of any s«pporting documents(unless the court orders otherwise by local rule or in a specific case). I# you are filing this petition in the Court of Appeal anG you are not represented by an attorney, file the original and one set of any supporting documents. • If you are filing this petition in the California Supreme Court, file the original and 10 copies of the petition and, iF separately bound, an original and 2 copies of any supporting documents. • Noiify the Clerk of the Court in writing if you change your address after filing your petition. Approved 5y the Judicial Council of Caiifornia for use under rule 8.380 of the California Rules of Court(as amended effective January 1, ?.007), Subsequent amendments to rule 8.380 may change the number of copies to be famished to the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal. FoRn nPpro~ec mr oP~iona~ uea Jutllcial Couiuil of Catilomla MC-275 ~Ray. January 1, 2010 PETITION FQR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS - Pagc 1 of 6 PO~Bi case,§ 1473 a1 seq.; L'al. Rules of Court, rule 8.380 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 34 of 179 Page ID #:34 ( This psti MC-275 concern: A conviction ~ Parole A sentence 0 Credits Q Prison discipline Q Jail or prison conditions , L I Other (specify): ~(~C~~~~~~J~daC~- (~ ~Pf~ ~ ~.~...~...,~ ~ ~ (`~►,~G L~ _ L,_ ~C 1. Your name: ~}a~iN/ yl~,.S. 2. Where aro you incarcerated? ~C~L i 3. Why are you in custody? ~~v'~~5~~[ ~Criminai conviction M ~l ~$i~ W C ~~'. L ~s t ~MG,) ~'i~~ Q Civil commitment Answer items a through i to the t~:st of your ability. a. State reason for civil corr,mitment or, if criminal conviction, state nature of offense and enhancements (for example, "robbery with use of a deadly weapon"}. b. Pen~1 or other code sections: c. Name and location of sentencing or committing court: d. Case number: e. bate convicted f. Date sentenced' g. Length of sentence: h. When do you expect to be released? i. Were you represente8 by counsel in the trial court? Q Yes Q No Ifyes. state the attomev's name and address: 4. What was the LAST p ea you entered? (Check one): "~] Not guilty ~ Guilty ~ No!o contendere Q Other: 5. If you pleaded not guilty, what kind of trial did you have? Q Jury [~ Judge without a jury MG275 (Ray. Jenu:~ry 1, 20t0] Q Submifted on t' ranscript (~ Awaiting trial P~T'I710id FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Paee z ors Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 35 of 179 Page ID #:35 MC-275 6. GROUNDS FOR RELIEF Ground 1: State briefly the ground on which you base your claim for relief. For exarple, "The trial court imposed an illegal enhancement." (If you have additional grounds for relief, use a separafe page for each ground. Sta[e ground 2 on page 4. For additional grounds, make copies of page 4 and number the additional grounds in order.) a. Supporting facts: Tell your story briefly without citing cases or law. If you are challenging the legality of your conviction, describe the facts on which your conviction is based.!f necessary, a!tach additional pages. CAUTION: You must state facts, not conclusions. For example, if you are claiming incompetence of counsel, you must state facts specifically setting forth what your attorney did or failed to do and how that affected your trial. Failure to allege sufficient facts will result in the denial of your petition.(See !n re Swain (1945)34 Cal.2d 300, 304.) A rule of thumb to follow is, who did exactly what to violate your rights at what time (when)or place (where). (If available, attach declarations, re/avant records, transcripts, or other documents supporting your claim.) r~~ l ..~e ~-~i~~e..~~' cistc ~-h,°s c~~~'~ ~ ~~a~~~ d iC i r~ L w ok ~~~ ~L-Itic~t -~}~L`~s ij c~ r~~v~~s~ iSs~~ ~~~2 fi~;.s c~~°~ -~ r.~ r~e~~- i ~ t2zc~rd ~s ~~ ~ ~`~c~s / ~-U CCU /~J ~-~.iiJ t'~t L" LCS r)rr'c~ .[.h1;~t~/J~~s,~ f%'c,~.,+ ~:~.` f G- f~ ~ S~f Y /~► c~C~ ~U ~ ~M~. a1.Yt C..s ~.J ALL ~ S ~L•~_ ~LQ i' ~ -~1.~. .~~,F~ ~~i~.a~ ~ — C-~ t'~e~- ~-~G~ i~ 2, ; Tl~.~5 L~ ~ 1~~.~ rr,~ -'Ala,-~ ~+f7 ~ ~2r~ ~ 1,._c,. ~. c ~ c~Ac~2 ~u~►~.~ ~ (&~~ ~ S ~ d'S ~ ow i C ~ue'~~ Ga~~ t►~ try ~v~ c..v-r 3. ~~ ~~t~ft car~~2 t-c~ e_5 t-v~U ~. i.S L~.~.~. ~~e_-~ ~~ ctiL Lc~w ~~ '~1,.~ c,.~ c. cc~~.,,; c Lu s ~~~; c~Pip~~~~~~ t-c~ ~~~ V'e~~.L.~ l f'~ ~;v try .,2~' ~~-~i ffr-,~: ~i~r ~ fti~s ~~r.~~,g ~' ~s~ ~ ~~;~c~~~ cti~~s d~~~'~.d t-l.~~s c~c~s c;~ v~i~~Ds~ iS c.r~e ~i ; a;,~ +e~ Ce~r ~re-~ ~_ C Gu ~f -~i~ e ~S ~ 1~~.,,~ fit, ccu~2 ~ ~er,~~~~,~ ~s~ b. Supporting cases, rules, or other authority o tional (8,-iefly discuss, or lrsf by name and crtafion, the cases or other authorities fhaf you think are relevant to your claim. if necessary, attach an extra page.) MC-275 (Rev. January t, 2010) PETITIQN FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Pape ] ot6 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 36 of 179 Page ID #:36 MC-275 (i/apH. .able): 7• Ground 2 or Ground a, Supporting facts: A[ Cr~1d< <S~Ca~ C~.c.~v~c~~c•,1~ S~ . ~ C~},~fr.~11.1 G~ G~tre~ ~ 1 ~`~-l~: ~ ~ l~~ k ~ ~1 t~~ ~~n ~-V utry ` V~-V l.~ IJCJ~~ ~,7c~ L~c ~^ ~ i1 ' ~ ~-C ~ S ~ ~'~ fr~CS l ~/ ~IJ~~C \ K~. ~ d c~e is/i~c~ l3 - ~~~ ~h~"~'~~'kL:s lr~ ~ S i st. 4• ~S/ ~ ~~ ~ J \ ~~~"~ r ~` ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ \ ~~~1.~~ V N ~ ~ V ~~ l:J a ~~ 1 ~ c5 l~c,)S `~t,~ 'i-~L ~(-~ C i ~ Cv P~~~ ~ ~ ~~,.zF ~ ~:s~ ~~7~ C~ w~ ~E2~~~i M~~~ .7 ~-L.i,S d-eic-~,n~..~~ ~ car't w~Z ~~~ i, M ~ic~ (.mss i ~~.. ~~e ~ ~'~~b~ 1ti1 ~'y ' ~-t~.J ~~t~kL (~4-~ I G ~ ~ ~~ ~ t ~ lG G:? c.Q -~t,~i irt~c:.c X ' ~ ~nc~ ~~ ~Lc.t~'~.-S C„J'c.~s•, v,~c:c.S f ~..~~ ~ i c ~~, ~ri~~ C.J r-i ~ ~ l~ 1~ ~n e.~5 Gc~ ~~~' (f ~~e.~' fh~S ~-W 5U ~~ ~ ~~ Li.u' ~ C; i c~ E.W L~ '~'~c ~. z Y~ ~e./I~.~S , ! c,..~~ ~ ~~,,r ~P~e_,,, cs ode S ~~ ~cs~ r,~ ~2~ ti~ lc~ c~ ~-~~~~,,,~ ~-l-.c i i t~~ ~~..;L2~ nnnr~ ~~sk~ Lc.t~:~ CJir c.1 Cry ~'~ ~c~~~~G~~ c:.~ ~ ll~~:~ ~~? ~2 C~i~ tJ i~J ~-c~Q ~~..~ Ifs 9~ ~ l ~-1 Y e.►a `r3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ..~.1..7 ~~C ~-[ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ C: S ~► S C[.'_E t,~ ~~- 1~~~ ~~s ~~,,~s L ~~ E~,2 ~'Y~.~,..,, 4~1,~ G ~~~° cv ~ ~ ~~.~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~'~t-~ ~vr~ Cam:. c:~e~ ~-~ C. ~* iL1c;Y S ,~~-S C~ ~ Gt ~. Cj ltd +. % ~~ ~S' ~,t~~ • ~' V ~i ~ ~' ~~ ~9~~ TY~'~~-T ~~ ~ ~ %w~G.uJt .s '~-~ l~}~j~~~~ i i ~c r tTe_c_~ i 1~3 '~' 1~ C.cJG~ ~- C~ 1~ tic_-r~ ti l.~.s~J ~/~~? Gl.c.r a...._ S ~Csv~d ~J ~ lip i~liUStt-~- !.0 t/L ;5~1~►'~if L?~' CCrrrk'-~{. i1~ CCU ~4 ~+~P V°c~v- G►J~~~/ Cr~.1nx~~ f;~~re~1~[ f-f ~ /~,~5 f r~c~ ~~ic:..~ L ~ t;.~ lc~ ~~~ [~ ~ ~b L~~ ~ ~~' ~~k;e ~~ ~4 ~ 1 $ ~c~~ 1~; 1 Q:S' GJLIL, b. Supporting cases, rules, or other authority: MC-275 (Rev. January 1, 2010] PETII"ION FOR WRIT QF HABEAS CORPUS Pose ~ m s Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 37 of 179 Page ID #:37 .s ~;~~a +~c~- c.~u~r~ ~ ~, ~t~ c.~~ i-~.» iC~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ C~.~1 t~~:s ~ Aso i~~ r ~~ C~rre~~~ ris ~ 4~ ~~v L~c~.S~s ~ ~i L~,t- ~~ ~1 ~ r r~► s . t,.~' ~ ~L.i~J ~i-~ ~ C~It~ ~ ~~i~L~- G~ ~v~ S~t.,.~e.~-. 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Cl~U~(J.J~-L ~,/'/`~.S G~i ~r~~Y~~ ~~~ /`~~-~I ~~~3 e~ L,./f ~f~ ~ G~ ~i~iL-` ~.'!zil~' ~~ -~- ,~~~~ 1~1 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 52 of 179 Page ID #:52 L>cG~r1~ ~-~- f1~ ~ ~'c..~~ rc~~r~ r~Z~-► ,~?cc~ ~a-~~f aj~cis~ v~ /~ ~}dr►Jzy S tom+ ~f~ ~- ~ Gvs ~ . ~xi~~ ~,1 ~~l ~ x~►~~~~ (~1 ~.~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~1 Ex.l~ b; ~ ~11 ~ ~c ,~3: ~ri~` ~,~~~~~ ~ ~I~,~~~~ T~ ~~rd~~.:~ ~e~,uC~, ~~v~ 1,.L ~}~t~~~ ~Pf~~C D~-~-~ c-1—,~~=~C;. C,.3r~4 t~~ ~c,.,~~ ~~I~~~~'~-~ [ l~ ~Q~C1,~xnf~ ~~.~ ~rlaL ~ ~ fi Pr~~~ s~ ~~~~~. ~~~.~~ Vi c. ,z~~;/~► Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 53 of 179 Page ID #:53 ~. Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 54 of 179 Page ID #:54 ~ G~ SUP~RTdR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGE LES D ate: February 28, 200 ~ HONORABLE: STEVEN SUZUKAWA ~ JUDGE A620066 People of the State of California vs RONALD LEE ADAMS F. JEFFERSON NONE CLERK REPORTER (P3rties and counsel checked if present) Counsel for the People: Deputy District Attorney: NO APPEARANCES Counsel for Defendant: NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: No APPEARANCES CASE CALLED FOR HABEAS CORPIIS PETITION PETITIONER, RONALD ADAMS, SEEKS TO SET ASIDE TWO 1981 CONVICTIONS FOR ORAL COPULATION. HE ERRONEOUSLY FILED A WRIT OF HPBEAS CORPUS, BUT T1~E COURT WILL NONETHELESS DEAL WITH THE ISSUES RAISE. IN ESSENCE, PETITIONER COMPLA INS HE WAS IMPROPERLY CONVICTED OF A VIOLATION OF PENAL CODE SECTION 288A(C) HE ARGUES THE STATUTE REQUIRES EVIDENCE THE VICTIM WAS UNDER THE AGE OF 14 AT THE TIME OF THE COMMISSION OF THE OFFENSE. THE VICTIMS- HERE WERE ADULTS . WHILE PETITIONER IS CORRECT IN THAT THE COMPLAINT ALLEGED THE WRONG CODE SECTION, HE CANNOT ESTABLISH A SHRED OF PREJUDICE. HIS COUNSE L WAS PUT ON NOTICE THE PETITIONER WAS CHARGE D WITH ORAL COPULATION. THE TRIAL COURT, AFTER A BENCH TRIAL, CONVICTED PETITIONER UNDER THE APPROPRIATE SECTION. PETITIONER'S ALLEGATION HIS APPELLATE COUNSEL WAS INCOMPETENT FOR NOT RAISING THE SAME ISSUE IS EQUALLY WITHOUT MERIT. COUNSEL COULD NOT POSSIBLY ESTABLISH PETITIONER WAS DENIED ANY LEGAL RIGHT. FnTIT~C2:~n' J iCLQtiLJT FCR ; ELIy: I3 DENIED. A COPY OF THIS MINUTE ORDER .IS SENT TO PETITIONER VIA U.S. MAIL AT HIS LAST KNOWN ADDRES S; ~iR. RONALD ADAMS, CDC #P-65157 P.O. BOX 7599/B-4-206 PELICAN BAY STATE PRISON : RESCENT CITY, CA. 95531 ~~~~~LOS,~'~r ^~~~,, ~"',:` ~, ~ . ~J . ~`~/ ;~_:,~. -.' ti " "ski: ~'", I a~~. . i I L MINUTE ORDER -.~ f. .'L. . . ~.n t Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 55 of 179 Page ID #:55 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 56 of 179 Page ID #:56 1875 CENTURY PARK EAST SUITE 1340 L OS ANGELES C ALIFORNIA 90067 ROBERT A. KASHFIA RYAN D. KASHFIAN ' GEORGE E. AKWO OLGA Y. NOVAK G OHAR O. FAYYAZ' rE`E`"°`~E ~~ ) A\~lH[lF i[ A\~ & ][~~ A\~]H[lF l[ A\1v LLP +1 3 1 ~ 75 1 X 578 A ttorneys and Counselors at Law MATTHEW W. KRUPKE t •uMi**cn ro vw.<n<e ,h .u, • o;srx ~cr nr .o ~ ~A~ Ff GAS iEREO v~TE~:! =TTGNi~[ , UUITC~ S!a TES PST(k1 G TF~O£AI.:FV O.F.._ -~~-ITT,D TG vC-[T;:E ~N .n IIFO A.~ it + 1 310 751 7579 ..~~.F~_~w. Thursday, September 24, 2015 For Immediate Delivery via U.S. First Class Mail ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION CONFIDENTIAL MR. RONALD ADAMS #P-65157 CMCE -CALIFORNIA MEN'S COLONY EAST P.O. Box 8101 San Luis Obispo, CA 93409 R~: ~`h Ci; cuit hrpeila~ie Case ~ r~ll~w Up hegardiri~ l~Iuirer NINTH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS PRO BONO ASSIGNMENT -MEDIATION CA Case No.: Case Name. : 14-72413 ADAMS v. VALENZUELA Dear Mr. Adams: I hope this letter finds you well. We have had more than a couple of conversations with the mediator and the Attorney General's Office. You had stated in your previous letter that your goals are as follows:(1)to have counts # 3,4, and 5 of your 1981 conviction overturned, and (2) to correct any classification error with the CDCR regarding your abstract judgment. Additionally, you expressed some issues regarding the visitation rights of your nephews and nieces. Based on the research we have done, the conversations that we had with opposing side, we hope this letter cari held answer a few of the q~uest:ons o::;:,nfusions i;~ }'cur previous letter and ~~~hat will happen moving forward. C ALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CULVER CITY DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHI IJGTON WWW,KASHFIANLAW.COM Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 57 of 179 Page ID #:57 lf~ A~ ~ 1H[ 1F )[~Iv & 1[S A\~ lH[ 1F 1[ ~.ICI A ttorney • end L LP C o u n~ e 1 o r• a t La w MR. RONALD ADAMS(#P-65157) CMCE -CALIFORNIA MEN'S COLONY EAST P.O. Box 8101, San Luis Obispo, CA 93409 September 24, 2015 Mediation Fol!ow Lp ; 9th Circuit Appellate Case Page 2 of3 ADAMS v. VALENZUELA —Case No. 14-72413 1981 Conviction Our records indicate that you are currently being held on your most recent convict ion relating to the incident you had with the repossession of your car in March of 1999 and not. your 1981 conviction. You are serving your sentence pursuant to a crime of carjacking, or taking another's vehicle without their consent. Therefore, with respect to counts # 3, 4, and 5 of your 1981 conviction, which you are not being incarcerated for, we must take into account whether you :,an get any relief in that regard. I understood from your previous letter that you believe that counts # 3, 4, and 5 against you pursuant to Penal Code 288a(c) are incorrect. You have said that court records show that the victim stated she that was married at the time, therefore she could not be a minor, and that you had ineffective counsel representing you. With all of this in consideration, please keep in mind that although the law has changed since the time of your arrest and convict ion, the courts cannot ~apply,a new law to an old conviction This means that whatever crime you were convicted of, only the older (original) rule oflaw can apply to it. ~,~.'e cannot apple the newer laws to your case. Abstract Judgment Nonetheless, we sought to look deeper into the 1981 statute. Attached is a copy of the actual statute at the time. It appears that the Abstract is not technically incorrect —whic h is what the Attorney General's office is saying. Even if the Abstract is incorrect, it appears that your claim should be brought in the Superior Court. The 9` Cucuit_apparently,caru~ot amend the Abstract which is what the ttome~ General, is saying as well. The Attorney General's office has also said that they feel like there is not much that they can to in relation to your goals. As such, after reviewing your case, the Attorney General's office believes that there is no issue for them to resolve. Visitation Rights You stated in your most recent letter that it is still your goal to get visitation rights with your nieces and nephews. I understand that, due to your criminal status as an alleged sex offender, you were restricted from being visited by minors. However, in your recent letter, you have stated that some of your nieces and nephews have either:(1) moved out of states or (2) are now above age C ALIFORNIA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA L OS ANGELES OFFICE C ULVER CITY OFFICE WASHINGTON OFFICE e'S CEI+TURt 7~RK E%.ST, SUi7E tJ40 L GS :,N GELES. Ca oli ilh~ > i ;tp 751 75?8 F - 1 ', 10 ]51 7579 F o G17 BRISTOL Pi.F k'n';,Y . >UITE 100 C Ui`+Eft C!TT . 4p:. :(!. -1 10 JaF 9820 P •7 202 i9fi 9 , 19 1 • 1 110 116 OSOG F WWW vAeuc~~u~ •~~~ ~~.. Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 58 of 179 Page ID #:58 1fC.~~ 1H[ 1F ][ A~I~ & 1[~~ A~~ lH(1F)( A~ 11~ A ttorney~ LLP end Counselor• at Law MR. RONALD ADAMS(#P-65157) CMCE -CALIFORNIA MEN'S COLONY EAST P.O. Box 8]01, San Luis Obispo, CA 93409 September 24,2015 Mediation Follow Up ~ 9th Circuit Appellate Case Page 3 of 3 ADAMS v. VALENZUELA —Case No. 14-724] 3 or older than 18. Moreover, we have investigated and found that on or about May 2015 8, there is no restriction currently. Please advise if this is incorrect. Nonetheless, if any person or family member that you have is older than the age of 18, then they are allowed to visit you regardless of your criminal status with the CDCR. I just want to clarify if this is still a problem for you? Do you have any nieces or nephews that are minors, under the age of 18, and who you would like to be able to visit you at your current location? If that is still the goal, please let me know, and we will work on a solution to correct that problem. In light of the foregoing, there is not much we can do with respect to the 1981 convict ion and it appears the minors issue is resolved. Taking those into account, please advise what you would like me to do and how to proceed. We have another phone conference scheduled for October 20, 2015. I just want to make sure that if there is anything we can do or add in light of the foregoing, it can be exhausted. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you. C ALIFORNIA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA L OS ANGELES OFFICE 1 875 CEIITUFY P~P,N EnST C GS ~.FGEIES, C~ 4~Ub( - 1 ; t0 7t1 7;?tl V • 1 il0 'S1 7;?~F CULVER CITY OFFICE S US.. TE 1 7•IO 601 J E R ISTOL PA P h W;.y C UL~:ft CIT'i . Ca 4Ct 7(7 +1 i~ ]4N y870 P ., ~n ~~. t. nsnn r WASHINGTON OFFICE S UITE 700 -t 2G2 `,~6 5419 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 59 of 179 Page ID #:59 ~'u ~. 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IBB - A YENDEO ~ ABSTMCT .. ~ us'"u"°u' . ~ U>.'/5ll. r.`w[ti1NMM ~ 36I.TGMAN - •, ~ . - f---i ~wfG'f[T PiOd1 AKlW ~+rY+OTC[w K C YCHA ~ I dJL~f'u.~w~~COwvI IIO(l InL C(~Yur..Yf~Q INLIq~O+M (:I ILOra~CS. , ~ ' c..r. C I~`~1'~fO~1TOli = C 70tl~IG . u ~A[ [:Nr ~[]• P«r.eyr H ~ - _— '— ~` ,~('$j.E„q __ __ ~ ' __-S~O~}L =F_ '~lT._~_ ( Rrl ~~~ COA~MITV.ENi TO STATE PI:{SOM ABSTRACT OF JUDGAI~ wvc ante ~ro ua~~w~m~ n6 `~ ~ ror.w~a90 ~ Z 90$303 SCI,ICKSRI:L~t~]v • ~] Nu1l/~K CA.m I~ p LbrIDON u~~ <OMYICI~ON ~TF CrMVC\~N ` JC CCaM~ ~^'~ '~ ~ LGOVtirif:ri CFTC k,{ ~ ~~ L~ 1lDY HI PC 245 Z 7 PC 2 ~ a _,,__ _$ PC _2~ '2 ~~lP i - [L ~U9 — ~~ i .r V 4 - z — _ ~ '::::~~ .~ , . ~~ ~'— y ~"T~ - '. ~ . r , . , ~' ~ ~'~ : e.a...i_e ~cn~s~o...cco.wrn.~osmo~in ir[..vro~ OM~W J p K~ rY. rn ~ ~ — - -~-- ' • y L~~` ~i r:~: ~Y ya. a — , , pf TMI- W~~YyA y t7~} 4~ y~ S~ •y S +~lf p Vltf ~ ~f Vi r ♦ L ~~ Ud l~ a O ~UMi ~ ~4~1b 10 2• 1 10 22 1 1~ 2~ I ' ,~ - - i i Pry ~ I I ~' . . ~. ` ~~ ~~ ~ a ■■ ~~ ` i . ~s ~s ~i ~ : :~i~- ~~:o a~ i:■~i~i i~:~ ~~i ~~~o i ~~~~■ ~{!s r ~ ~i ~ ■ ~ ■e~ ~~ -- ---; --_ ~ .ti ~ inrYTY ~+ffY,(Dy. u.....rsrl v' +. _.. .'.____'_._' ._ _. .._____' ~'_ _-__' -' _ _ — _1 . 1 > t-f:.+ar.• a i~..r [o!~ ~ ~ rw.i. d Md C.r f~7 ] J~e.r, d J~sy"+n~ a.a tv~.c w~0 ~r o-"n-~v• r~.«.. v.w 4~..~ -..r , , .ii ~ •..7 ~ c "+41 y V'tr'.a~ ~~n./• M~ ~ ~ 0 1 11~ byl~~+nY r i~.~, ~a~. a w. a~..r~+~r+~ ~o nw wa.f ~,ir.~~ .,~ w' r. •~.~vt+.a r M D~c~r^r+ d fs•~row r~r+ - Mr Cm 1~~00~ ~r~.-s.nw. ~ e. xti ~ ~7 tl A M~U^G NF ~~I~ 1 r ...a sn .w e. ~.s~a .s~wi sr!n.r~a. , a r ;r.~wy~a ~v~.. u ~• ! 1'RIA lJ/I, 19/1 fisir~.ei,'iU~ A85TRACT OF JUDG61E~1T - CO1~A~AIT6IENT = (i ___ n ~`~•~. ,ru. ~IT~GY YFM1f0l~,~p~]AIA. ~nao. [v`~oa~v nc.ra orw~cniro .~: ~ I ~ _ ~ ~~C. ~71]S M1 w..c ccri +~V•'A•rwaJ•~to in ocu't-~: - . l .. ., • Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 62 of 179 Page ID #:62 _ _ ~. ~~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 63 of 179 Page ID #:63 261 DEERING'S PENAL 5 7.5. Obscene Matter. §§ 311-312.5. 7.6. Harmful Matter. §§ 313-313.5. 8. Indecent Exposure, Obscene Exhibitions, and Baw~d~~ and Other Disorder ly' House §§ 314-318.6. 9. Lotteries. §§ 319-328. 10. Gaming. §§ 33~337s. 10.5. Horse Racing. §§ 337.]-33?.9. ]1. Pawnbrokers, Gold Buyers and Junk Dealers. ~§ ;43, 344. ]2. Other Injuries to Persons. §~ 346-367. CHAPTER 1 Rape, Abduction, Carnal Abuse of Children, and Seduction § 261. Rape defined. § 261.5. Unlawful sexual intercourse. § 262. Rape of spouse defined: Time to report violation. § 263. What constitutes essential guilt of rape: Sufficiency of penetration. § 264. Punishment for rape: Recommendation by jury: Discretion of court. § ?64.1. Aiding and abetting another in rape: Punishment. § 265. Abduction of women for marriage or defilement: Punishment. § 266. Seduction for purposes of prostitution: Aiding and abetting: Procuri ng illicit seaua intercourse by false pretenses: Punishment. § 266a. Taking person for prostitution without consent or b}' false representation: Punish ment. § 266b. Taking person by force, to live in illicit relation: Punishment. § 266d. Receipt of money for placing person in custody for the purpose of cohabitation. § 266e. Payment for purpose of prostitution or placing in immoral house. y 266f. Selling person for immoral purposes. § 266g. Placing or permitting placing of one's wife in house of prostitu tion: Punishment: Wife competent witness. § 266h. Definition of pimping: Penalty: Competent ~~itness. § 266i. Pandering defined: Penalty: Competent witness. § 26%. Abduction for prostitution: Punishment. § 268. Seduction under promise of marriage: Penalty. § 269. Intermarriage, ~~hen a bar to prosecution. § 261. [Rape defined.) Rape is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a person not the spouse of the perpetrator, under any of the following circumstances: 1. Vdhere a person is incapable, through lunacy or other unsoundness of mind, ~~hether temporary or permanent, of giving legal consent. 2. Where it is accomplished against a person's •ill by means of force or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury on the perso~i or another. 3. Where a person is prevented from resisting by any intoxicating, narcotic, or anaesthetic substance, administered b}~ or with the privity of the accused. 4. V1%here a :person is at the time uncor,scious of the n;;rin~e of the act, and this is known to the accused. * .'7yy: 5. Where a person submits under the belief that the person committing the act is the victim's spouse, and this belief is induced by any artifice, pretense, or concealment practiced by the accused, with intent to induce such belief. [1872; 1889 ch 191 § l; 1897 ch 139 § l; 1913 ch 122 § 1; 1970 ch 1 301 § 1; 1979 ch 994 § 1; 1980 ch 587 § l.] al C Jur 3d Abortion and Birth Control § 8, Appellate Re~~ie~v ~y~ ]57, ISB, 360 et seq., C riminal Lau• ,ys§ .32, .36, 209, Z10, ?067, 2 068, ?071, ?078-2085, ?104, 2123, 2126, 2826; N~itkin Crimes pp 204, 26.3, Z64, 265, 266, ?67, ?68, 270, 475. 626, 919. § 261.5. [Unlawful sexual intercourse.] Unlawful sexual intercourse is an act of see intercourse accomplished «°ith ~ femaic not the ~~.~ire of the perpetrator, ~ti here the female is under the age of 18 }ears. Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 64 of 179 Page ID #:64 .c. § 286 -'-1 r -^y < ''~. DEERING'S PENAL § 21, 2B, 266, 2.329, 23.31, .071, 3157; § W itkm Crimes pp 27, 494, 519, 998; Evidence p 1035. $'; • • child under the age of 14 years shall not have his sentence suspended until the court obtains a report from a reputable psychiatrist as to the mental condition of such § ?86.5. [Sexually assaulting animal.] person. [1941 ch 1201 § 1; 1965 ch 1815 Any person who sexually assaults any ani§ 1.] Witkin Crimes pp 497, 1001, 1029. ma] protected by Section 597f for the purpose of arousing or gratifying the sexual § 288a. Oral copulation.) (aj C3ra] copudesire of the person is guilty of a misdelation is the act of copulating the mouth of meanor. [1975 ch 71 § 8.5.] 21 Cal Jur 3d one person with the sexual organ of another C riminal Law § 3335. person. b)(1) Except as provided in Section 288, ( § 287. [Same]: Penetration sufficient to any person who participates in an act of oral complete the crime.] Any sexual penetration, copulation with another person who is under however slight, is sufficient to complete the 18 years of age shall be punished by impriscrime of sodomy. [1872; 1975 ch 71 § 9.] 21 onment in the state prison, or in a county C Jur 3d Criminal Law §231; W'itkin al jail for a period of not more than one year. C rimes pp 494, 496. ( Except as provided in Section 288, any 2) § 288. [Crimes against children: Lewd or person over the age of 21 years who particilascivious acts: Punishment.](a) Any person pates in an act of oral copulation with who shall willfully and lewdly commit any another person who is under 16 ~~ears of age lewd or lascivious act including any of the shall be guilty of a felony. acts constituting other crimes provided for ( Any person who participates in an act c) in Part 1 of this code upon or with the of oral copulation with another person w•ho body, or any part or member thereof, of a is under 14 years of age and more than 10 child under the age of 14 years, with the years younger than he, or when the act is intent of arousing, appealing to, or gratifying accomplished against the victim's will by the lust or passions or sexual desires of such means of force, ~~iolence, duress, menace, or fear of immediate and unlaw~ru] bodily injury person or of such child, shall be guilty of a felony and shall be imprisoned in the state on the victim or another person shall be prison fora term of three, five, or seven punished by imprisonment in the state years. prison for three, six or eight years. ( Any person who, while ~~oluntarily ( Any person who commits an act ded) b) scribed in subdivision (a) by use of force, acting in concert with another person, either violence, duress, menace, or threat of great personally or by aiding and abetting such bodily harm, and against the will of the other person, commits an act of oral copulavictim shall be guilty of a felony and shall tion when the act is accomplished against be imprisoned in the state prison for a term the victim's will by means of force or fear of of three, five or seven years. [1901 ch 204 immediate and unlawful bodily injury on the § 1; 1933 ch 405 § 1; 1937 ch 545 § 1; 1976 victim or another person shall be punished ch 1139 § 177, operative July 1, 1977; 1978 by imprisonment in the state prison for five, ch 579 § 17; 1979 ch 944 § 6.5.] Cal Jur 3d seven, or nine years. Appellate Re~~iew §§ 475, 484, 485, 491 95 ( Any person who participates in an act e) 5 of oral copulation while confined in any 28-SSl, 556, Criminal Law §§ 1013, 1261, state prison, as defined in Section 4504 or in 1616, 1624, 16.30, 1634, 1636, 1641, 2250, any local detention facility as defined in 2 262, 2271-2275, 2277-2281, 2282287, Section 6031.4, shall be punished by impris290, 2292, 2296-2298, 2301, 2302, 2?p4-2 onment in the state prison, or in a county 2307, 2826, .3068, 3224; Witkin Crimes pp jail for a period of not more than one year. 44, 122, 204, 283, 289, .324, 497, 500, SOS, ( Any person who commits an act of ~ 5 35, 567, 914, 919, 955, 998, 1010, 1029,• oral copulation, and the victim is at the time C riminal Procedure pp 67, 172, 17.3, 203, unconscious of the nature of the act and this 57; E~~idence pp 29.3, .?77, 515, 622, 779, 5 is known to the person committing the act, 1107, 1125; Summar}~ (Bth ed) p 5546. shall be punished by imprisonment in the § 288.1. [Same: Suspension of sentence.] state prison, or in a c~,~inty jail for a period A n}' person convicted of commining any of not more than one _,c:ar. []915 ch 586 § 1; le«~d or lasci~-ious act including any of the 1921 ch 848 §§ 1, 2; 1st Ex Sess 1150 ch 56 acts constitutir~ other crimes provided for § 1; 1st Ex Sess 1952 ch 23 § 3; 1955 ch 274 in Part 1 of this code u~~on or with the § 1; 1975 chs 71 § ]0, 877 § 2; 1976 ch 1 139 body, or any part or member th~:~eof, of a § 173, operative July 1, 1977; 1977 ch 490 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 65 of 179 Page ID #:65 o ~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 66 of 179 Page ID #:66 ~ f .. SUPERIOI~ ~JURT OF ~`fi~ ST'~T'.~ ~F C~~`Gi~~VZA FO~t TH3E COIIN~'Y d~` LOS ANGLES the People of the Sate of Caliiorua, ~ No. ~. ~`-o2006b rlaint~fi, v. R OPIA~D ~,~DA.'~S , 1fiT~~E3R3f_4T'ION Vio. Sec. 20'] P.C. (CTS. and II) V .0 io. Sec. 28~a(c) i , (CT. IIi , I V 2nd V) R io. Sec. 245Ca) P.C. (Clo VI, V-II) P io. Sic. 261~2)/2~?(3) P.c. CTS, i1~I, Ig ~d b) ( Defendant. C OIIl~~ I The said ~ t~ 0~-4~,.D L~ ADSNIS is accused by t!~e ~~s.rict Atto-ney of a.^.d for the County or Los Ar,~~l~s, State o~ Cc1LIOT'a, t7V ~.nfe~a~ion, v? t:,e grime of ~~~~"L1~u OI S~C~10~ 21i7 O- ',~'v ~~~?~ v0'~~ a felony, committed as follows: T7a: tPe mid OIl Ot aD~llC LII~ _P~s v~.rl C~j~ 0[ ~~?~e~ ~~ ~-D`-" ~' ~~~~~~~ 1 ~C i'~~ Calilor~;a, did wil:rul!y~ z~a unlawfully, and f0=C1b1~ ~ ~ ai 2P.Q lIl iil.~ ~OLII'}~ Oi !JOS ~:7~~1aS, 5[8Ce Of S~~31 , ~~e ~ .a ..nd 3~ieS rudrey ?ice in the Coun~y of I,os Az5zles, Maze o~ Cali~or:~~a .tiLL did ~~? 1 t,~?~ said A'1~A~ 1~1C~ ~.,0 2~Ot11~~ CO1Li.T~'S~ S~c^~L~~ COL'.'_~~~ ~?1~ -;.3~1ot;~e:^ p~T't of i,he said LCS 4~~e1e5 Co1z71t~. v 1S 1LL~}1?I' ~.~1?~E'~ vi3i, 1Il L~e CO~TL'1S310Il P..'~d ~t~~~~~?;1 CO~II1SS10Il of rrie above offense the said deiend~t, ~OI~T~LD Imo. ADaM"~~; p~~scnall~ —use a firearm, to ~~t, a revolver, wither the ~ean~no of ?enal Code Section 12022.5. I~ is 't:rzner alleged Zhat in the commission and a~tempted co~.mission of zhe above offense zne said defendan~, ROl`iALD I,~ A~r1,S, personall3 used a firearm, to wit, a revolver, within the aeanin~ of Penal Code Section 1?03.05(a)(1). Filed in open Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los ,4ngeles, on motion of the District Attorney of said County. DATED: JOHN J. CORCORSN, Clerk By Deputy JOHN K_ VAN DE KAMP, District At~orney for the County of Los Angeles, Stale of California . r~— BY ------------------------------------------------------------------------Deputy Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 67 of 179 Page ID #:67 ,~ _ _ ~~~ COUNT i ' For a r~urther and separate cause or' complaint, D?I~g D offenses as the charge ser r`orth in CJILT2f?f11' 07f2f152 01 r1l@ SUf1l E class of crimes and hereof, complainant further complains and says : That on or about .he 8th dcy of ~.ngelps, Stage of Caliromia, the crime of Los a felony, was commitred by kebruary 1981 , at and in the County - Ron21d L~e Adams who did willfully end unlawTully~ ~d • of 20~ 0~ Tom, ~V~ CGDE - IOT'C2?bl~~ s~ea1, ~~:~, 2,n.d ~_~sz ~~-,,.,,Lo G 2.~2.r1~uES ~ i.I1? COl1L' t l ,~ O_` L05 ~+ngBl~S ~ ;Si,2.~n 0~ C3~1 C?'Il1~ ~.Q Q1C1 L2~e ~ +1.12 52.1 J ~~'+,±.~' ~i~ariades 1Ili.0 2~^O~L i1~2' COl1I1~_~y~ S~3t~~ CGLL~~'~ 2..TC~ ~II.O~~.~i p art oT ~~e said Los Q~eles G~un~y. 1~ 1S ~i;:~~~~= c~~~~2~ ~1'13v „~ ~~~ CG~1S6~0~ .~CZ ~~L? ~. ~'J~eC~ iss~on c CGTT'tT— ~~e ~~c~e o_~e~s~ ine sad d~=e~d:,s ~, _~oL~id L~~ ~d~s, ~~T_ S OIl~~l~ 't15~Q c, 1'~=@~T'II~ iN~ ~~ h'~~ ~~it~' LT~euL~n~ O i~~al ~'.00_e ~y'C~20='S ~?0 22.~ Subscribed and sworn to before me on I ssued by JOHN K. VAN DE KAN1P, Distr ict Attorney By Deputy W ITNESSES Judge of the above en~irled Cou~r ~ ~~ '-` Bail Recommended $ CI I No. (or other) Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 68 of 179 Page ID #:68 _) ~~ COUWT I' For. c furrher and separa~e cause of co,~plaint, being a differenr o~'r'ense or the same class of crimes and o~fenses as the charge set forth in hereof, compfafnant further complains and says: Thar on or about the 8~h day of Los Angeles, Stage or` Cali~omia, the crime o. February 1881 , at and in the 28u~(a)(e) OF `~E ~~ r~ ~OD~ ,~ a felony, was committed by Eonald Lee ~da..~s who did willfully and unlawfully, County p~~icipate in ~ acs o~ o~a1 copy:..=a~~oa W1LI1 ~1.Z~?y ~1C~~ 2.~~ G~.~C~ COIIi ~~~ ~h@ ~^~~.Z1C1~2:~1CT1 Cf 5~1~ ~e?'SGIl 1~ act b~ ~~. force, violence, duress, meaance, a..nd ~~eat of great bm~ily .~i. ~S =iL~~~~ 2~1 2~aCj. ~ilg~ ~~ ~1? C0~.1SS=.~'? c.~~ ~.~i.~~~~e C~ C^v'7_T'?1SS=0I1 0 ~`~~ c.;70yc O_~~LJ2~ ~tl? CnT_"EIlr~a_n~~ ap-~alC i,o~ ~~'+c.~1S~ D~_ 'SG12`~.~5 ~ 5~~ ~ ~ 1 ^~T'2?T'T~, ~O W1L~ 2 _T'eJO~Y~~ ~ W1Lr 1Il ~t12 IIl2~~r' 02 1~2'~1'.3~ J ~ ~`iOQ? . SBC~ZO~ ~2C~~.~. 1~..:`~:~~~ ~~~1~~ ~ X'l"5"J~~~ Subscribed and sworn to before me on ------Judge of she obove eni~rled Coup Issued by JOHN K. VAN DE KAMP, District Attor ney ay Deputy W ITNESSES Bail Recomrnendad $ CI I No. for other) of Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 69 of 179 Page ID #:69 -1 l r,'` ~ 4 co~rvr ~~ For e further and s~parate cause o. complain, being a difTerent o`fens= ofi ~n~~ same cless of crime s and ofrenses as the charge ser forth in h ereof, complainan~ furt7er complains and scys: That on or about the 8th dey of Los Angeles, State of Cclifornio, the crime o. ~on21d o felony, was c~~nitT~~ by ~~bru~,~, 1981 , et and in the County 2gg(a)(e) 0~ Tt`'~"' ~7a...L CODE L2B QCI.2,ID.S 1 w ho did willfully and unlaw~uliy ~ ~~~; c;aa~e ~ ~ acs oT oral co~ula~i on wi u 2=?'s1cZ~a~22'13Ci2S ~ c.~1d Ci1Cl COIIl S21~. aCi Dy ~~LT. TO~'CC~'~ V~0~~71C2~ peZ ~l]~ D~'i.1C1U3Z~0Il Oi S2~ (~ ~e_T'SOL~ 1T~ C1LLT'~SS~ 7IlA~~.C2~ 2IlC~ i.t'?' 2o.L OS ~=e2.i, bOC~''~1~p i. 15 ? iL. ~~?= ~~~ e~~~3 ~:1 ~ ~i`?~ CCU ' .S5=0Il 2~1~ G~~2~Ti~~Ci COi„ ~SS? p~ Oi ~n2 abase Or=~eIlS~ ~h? S21C~ ~?r~~^c~~ ~ ~`{O~?.ZC~ ~2~ ~G'.c~~ ~ -D2_"SO~aI ~ U52G~ ~ ~~ ram ~ i.0 -vi_~ ~ ~ ~EVO~~i2T_' , ,-'IIl `vu1'~r.~ ~hE i2P~:~5 O.T_~ ~~Il2.~ ~ cC~10~ 1~~72,~~ vOCB X3 ~.~ ~'X-u~Y - Subscribed and sworn to before me on -------------------------------------J~dge of rh= aboe~e enriiled Covrr I ssued by JOHN K. VAN DE KAMP, District Attor ney By Bci~ Recommended X:r,~v~' ^rxx Deputy WITNESSES $ CI I No.(orotheri or Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 70 of 179 Page ID #:70 ( —'~ ~. `~: ~— ~ COU~1T "v ror a r'urther and separate cease of complaint, being a different orfense o.'the same c!e>; o; crimes and orfenses as the charge set forth in Hereof, complainan` further complains and says: Tnot on or about the ~~h "gib-T"aa-z'~ 1981 day of Los Ang les, Sete of Calir'ornia, .he crime o. , at and in the ~~~~~)~~) ~r m~-" -~'1~ C~r~, Ci r2~0'ly~ WQ~ COrilRllt`2~Jy' ~on~d Lee Adams w ho dio willfully and unl~w uliy , ~~-''~iCi~~te ~~ Coun~y ~ zc~ of orate ~op'~2~ic~ witi~l 1 ' -~~ b1QiP5' - Ce ~ ~uQ G1C1 COII1D2~ L~~ ~~~1C1y 2i,~011 D~ 58.1 D~?"SOn 1L'~ 52.1 act by .force, ~iiQiB'~'~C? ~ dtL~~5.7 ~ n~Il~C? ~ 2nC1 i.ti'~ e~i, Oi o_ c''c. both?S ~~. 1V 1S _~'"~~~T' c`.?~~c:~i ~~~L ~ ~~~ CCII',i~.i_SS_O~ ?.~~i ._u;,?I~TJ~2C~ . ^.O~'Z:~S_O~. Ci ir'2 c.}'-OV? v0._.i~~Se ~ti'E S=_..~.` '~eie=.1'.1a~~. ~:~~~2iri I~?n ~ _Q?,'~~. ~~=507'~~~/ ~.;iS@~ 1 =~~" ~'^1~~ ~O ik~ v. a .E"v0?VET_~ 7 iti~a~r'~. f~il~ ! . 'V2' -~ OT ' ' J .~~l ~. i'oIl=~ ~'iOC~ S~C~10nc I~r~7.' '2 I~Q .~r ~o X~x'a'-k'~''~ Subscribzd and sworn to before me on ~~'~~~TXXX ---~------ --------------- Jvdge of the above eni~rled Coun I ssued by JOHN K. VAN DE KAMP, District Attorney ~y Deputy WlTNc55E5 Boil Pecommpnded $ CII No. for o~harl of Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 71 of 179 Page ID #:71 ~~. Co[iNT y—' For a rurther and separate cause of complaint, being a different offense of the same doss of c.imes and ofrenses as the charge sit forth in hereof, complainant rurrher complains and says: Thct on or about the ~~h day or Fzb?'~~'S 19~i , at and in the County or' dos Angeles, State o1 Cal ~rornia, .he crime of ASSAULT 3Y MEANS OF FARCE EIKELY T0~ PRO~J-CE GREAT BODILY Il~J;JRY ~`iN~ WITH DEA~3LY WEAPON, .n violction of Section 2~5(a;, Penal Code o Ca!ifornio, c felony, was committed by Ronald ~~e Adams w ho did v,.~i lifully and unlowTully comr-iit cn cssault upor J~_r_e Z2~asia~ ~s w ith a deadly weapon,.o wit, and by means or Force l ikely .o produce great bodily injury . ~evol'ver ! 15 =~~nE2' ~^ '' ~ ~sB~ ~i~GL ~ ~h~ C0~1 i, SS=v^~ ~Cl .~~~?~~i,~~ COi~— ~ SS1~~T? O ~_i.~ bCV? O~~~S~ ~~~ S31C'i ~l~r?:iCi~L~ ~OIl3~d ~~2 G~cICS~ p erso=:~~!~ liS~'~ a ~1~~21"II~ ~O ~r.~~ a _T ~TO~vn=~ ' W=~'~1Il ~~8 ~nc~iA~ Oi teL~.l. erode Sec~io~ 12622.~. Subscribed and ~vvom to b~fo~2 me on -------------------------------------Judae of the acv= enrirled Coin I;sued by JOHN K. VAN DE KAMP, Dis~rict r„tom~y Bail Recommended Ry Deputy WITNESSES CI I No. for other) ~~..~~ • '•. . Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 72 of 179 Page ID #:72 \:~~ COUNT i~T1 ror a Turfiner and separate cause of comp laint, bein offenses as the charge g a different oTrense o.the same clas set forth in hereon, complainanfi further complains That on or about the. 8th s of c.imes and and says: day of rebruary 1981 - , a. and in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, the crime of ASSAULT BY MEANS OF FARCE LIK~LY TQ PRODUCE G~cAT BODILY INJURY ~'►~ED WITH DEAD!Y VaEAPQN; .n violation o.' Se:.tion 245(a), ,~'~ Penal Cod e of Cclifornia, a Telony, was committe d by Ronald Lee .~d~s who did willfully cnd unlawTully co~nrnit an assault upon eucL e~ Rice with a a~adly weapon, .o wit, and. by mac^s o .force likely to product g.gat bodily injury. 2V0~VAT_' 1 1S Tli~~h2'_' ~~Zeo~C~ ~~2.~ ~ ~. ir? COL^~15S1v~? 2'~Q 2i.~e~p~ed CO~c~ SS1 01 ~i`12 3}JO1~B Of.~IlSB ~}1? 0~ Sc1Cl C~?i ~~Q2.Lt ~ ~0I]2.~ C~ Lc~'~ ~:'i2.~S ~ I7E?'SO'~~~ Zy 1S~C~ c 'T ~2'2y"L~~ T.O Zti1-G~ 2 1 _T'cVO1Si?I'~ w71~~.~?i ~ilE ~~2T1.'~~ Oi ~~~?~ ~0~ Sec ~ tion I2G%2,5, Subscribed aid swam tc b=iors me on ---------------------------Judge o` the above entitled court Issued 'by JO IN K. `J,~,N DE K^,M?, DisrrictAiiOfil2y By WITNESSES --------- bail Recommended Depury $ CII No. (or otherl x~-~xx Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 73 of 179 Page ID #:73 COiJtVT VI~I ror a ~urher and separate cause of complaint, being a dinerent offense of the same class of crimes a nd of~enses os the charge set forth in h ereof, compicinani further com plains and says: That on or about the ~~h day of Februaz'S 1881 , ❑t and in the Co Los Angel=s, State o~ Cali'orni unty of a, the crime or RA°E, in violation of Secrion 261 ;2)/251(3), Penal Co Cal ifornia, a ~elcny, wcs com de of mitred by gp~~~~ ToA ~a~~ w {'1G C~I~ U/I i ITUi ~y^ ~'1~ U~IQ~NTUI I`~/ }1J V2 Gi~G~ C]CCO~"1F+~ iS~l ❑fl OC1 C~ S~XUC1 1 i1t@~CQUfS@ WIT~ 'l O T?fl'lv~e person, to wit, n or hll~e3 mice ,not his wile, vJhere she resisted bui w~cs overcome by force and vioi~nc~, and wher e s~'~e was pr~ven;Ed from resis~ing by ~~?~:T On~ Ifilil~uf~f~ bodi ly harm t7CC .^~f`i'ia~Jill`~ ~2515tQilC~ iClreafs O~ ~Y CG?PCi?!l" ~~JV✓~( 07 2n~CUi1011. Iv yS ~ZL~~.,_ ~~ ~eyaG~ ~hci. T. ~~''_~ CO~i~S10'~ CO~~°~1~~ Oi ~~'2 ~. ..~Q ~Lv~%~~~ GDOv~ Or:...~SC~ ~r].~ Sc~~ CL~1~'Ilr!a~'~p~?ld ~c.~ 4riar;,S 'r~~_"50~~~1~ L'S2~ u' __~~'~"~ 7 ~O W_~~ ~ ~@'vO~V2 p~~~ Code Szc~;~ 1~ _ TrTi~r1T~..1 ir~.~ ~~~ ~._Z'i~ Oi ~?~.~ ~1? ~ubscrib~c and sworn to ber ~r~ me on 03.05(~)(1)•---------- Issued by JOHN.! K. VAN D~ K,gMP, Distrrict Attorn ey By WITNESScS Dep uty ---------------------- ------ ------------------------ -------ludoe e':h= c6o~e entii!ed Cori Bai l P,~commended ~~r `~ $ CI I No. (or o'her) i Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 74 of 179 Page ID #:74 ~CJUNT v~III Fora `urther and separate cause of comp laint, being a different o~~Tense of the same class or crimes aid o~ rrenses as the charge set north in h ereon, compfainart further complain s and says: Tnat on or abour fhe 8th day of ~'~br~aazy 1981 , at and in the County of Los Angel=s, State o. California, the crim e or R,4PE, in violation or Section 251 (2j/ 26i {3), °enal Code of Calirorria, a felony, wcs committed by ~o~~~- ~-'Pa ~~~5 w no aid wiil`ully end unl~w=ully hav e and cc~cmplish an act of s?xuel ir, 'e~~~ourse with a female p?rson, to wit, ~adre~ t~~ Ce ,nor his wife, where she resisted but it@~ ~25.STOf1C2 WaS OVE'iCO~ri IE Dy f0~'C2 Qn(~ violence, ~r~ w{l~,'? S~`1A ~~v^.S ~7~~VaflfG~ T rfO(7' f~Sls~ing by thr~c ~ o~ great and ir;,m=di~t~ bodily r harm accomponi~~ by appa~ ~ni pe~•r✓er o~ ~xacu ion. I ~C 15 '~~nor all~~~ C~ ~}?2t "~ ~~'? COIIiIl11S5~ 0~ ci~C~ c~v..~~~ C~ C OQ' PS=C~ Oi ~_n@ ~bvV~ O=i ~T~S~ L~~ jai C~ ~?=c'~C~: t ~ ~0~=~~ ~ !.,~Z ~C~~S ~ ~ e_'S~TG~~J '~o~ _lTa Q O . ~?~al ~ _T~~ i3O YJ' L~ ~ ~A'vOlV~ '_ W11._' -,?~ G'O'a~ :s~^.~_O ~S ~~~j..~`J~e~~~~ ~, l~'J2?,j, L~~~ ~c~i~" Subscribed and sworn to b~rore m~ on ------Issued by JOHN K. VAN D~ K.AI`~1P, District Attom~y e -----------------Sail P,ecommended ay Deputy ~, h.,a^ o~ tn_ aoo~e eniirledCourr z z'~"~; f fi x-~.r~-x r. WITNESScS $ CII No. (or other) x~~-x~X Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 75 of 179 Page ID #:75 COUNT For e ~~urther and separate cause cr complaint, being a difref~nt ofrense or' the same class of cri and offenses as the charge mes set forth in nereo;, complainant furthe r complains and says: That on or about the 8th day o~ February- 1981 , or and in the County cos Angeles, State or Colifo of rnio, the crime of RAPS, in violation of Section 261(2j /261 (3), Penoi Code or Cal irornia, a r'elony, was com mitted by ~,ee 3d ~m~ w ho did wii irui ly and unlav✓rul!y nave and acco~nplish ar act of s~xuci in;ercou-se win o r~mal perso^, fi0 Wli, A_u~ro~ ~1Cc not his wife, WI'l~f~ Sh2 ~'e5 her resistancF was overco 15±?Cl ~U i me by force end vio{enc~, and vrnere ;ne wcs p. vented from rAsisri~g by i ~"1(~~TS O ~1"B~i t7^i(~ )1~(7?cOI~1E' ~JDG~ I ~y i'lp,'fTl OCCO(7'i~Of112C~ by U~D CJiEilf pOW~i 07 ~X~CUt1011. ~'i, ~., rL=~~~~ 2.~~ ~~oi: i,~'12~i, 1~ -r ~~ , ,,,C~~~. ~-SS~R.'T-`, 1SS7Di 0= ,.nn 3b , Ov0 fl~T ~Il52~ ire 52.~,C~~~~.c'= p .~:1r'c~~~` ~~~Sv"n al l ~ ;IS~~ c. ~~ =~'~ ~ ~O W1i, ~ ?'> T'?2 '_~2V0~~~~`~ti7 P~~a1 C~~e S2 ~_ C ce i !" i 1' 1r~o c~~ r " c-~ OnS 103.06{a~{1) & l?C 22~.``'- ~'~~' 1 ~ ~'! S ubscrioed and sworn to 6~70f2 . ~ "may :~1 ~/!3 me on J v~JL ~ -----------------------J~dge or th= aoa~e enifi iec ------Covn Iss ~d by JOHN,l~ u'!., Gt MP, Distyfct Atforney !C~ By Bai l recommend D onwd ?. Tremblers g1L Deputy W ITt~cSSES ~ ` C om~ion Brach Offi ce Comp~on PD ri1e~;i` ; custody ~ 81-1267 20,000 CII No. (or other) cii~ u~: bi~~~-~-`,'- 6022 605 -~ -~ ~~ ~;; f~Z~ ~ a q ~ ~, v Si~T~iviEivI ~r ~t~Gn i S. ~ ~~ ~~yf~~arir~g e~... -------- ~,o~i-------~.-. Prelim' at---- ~r , -~'oUl1C i,~~ic11G~i i?:j'J~Si,`.-Ci ~ Of ~:;. - '}-~ ~ .v , ~ ~~ , !~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 76 of 179 Page ID #:76 _ _ I ~ ~ . 1 _ ,~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 77 of 179 Page ID #:77 ~,TATE OF G`ALIFORNIA I NMATE/PAROLEE APPEAL CDCR 602(REV. 08/09) DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION Side 1 INtl UJG UIYLT ~: Institution/Parole Region: Ct~~~-~ 1 - ` _ ~ Log #: Category: ~ _ _ FOR STAFF USE ONLY You may appeal any California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDC R) decision, action, condition, policy adverse effect upon your welfare and for which or regulation that has a materi there is no other prescribed metho al d of departmental review/remedy Regulations, Title 15,(CCR) Section 3084.1. You must available. See California Code send this appeal and any supporting of days of the event that lead to the filing of this appea documents to the Appeals Coordinato l. If additional space is needed, r (AC) within 30 calendar only one CDCR Form 602-A will further guidance with the appeal process. No repris be accepted. Refer to CCR 3084 als will be taken for using the appeal for process. A eal is subject to re'ection if one row of text er line is exceeded. Name Las First): 1NRITE, PRINT, or TYPE CLEARLY in black or blue ink. CDC Number: Unit'Cell Number: Assignment: `~ c~. State briefly the subject of your appeal (Exa mple: (o S l SZ ~- P damaged TV,job removal, etc.): ~"G~-"l LCJ~ V~- "~ ~ ~ 2:~. Fo~'6.~ ~ ~~ ~..5' , r~ _ ~ S~ ~9~~~::,.; ~-1,~~ ~,z. ~~~7~~.G.t_~~ ~.15~ i ~.: F~S ~t 3 r~ JAL L Ci~1C AP~F~~S prFICE t :~ t lt~ s ~axJ~iJ ~ ~r CMC APPEALS OFFICE M AY 2 Z 201 S pporting Documents: Refer to CCR 3084. 3. Yes, I have attached sugporting documents. List supporting documents attaches' (2.g., CDC ~+P ~ 2 ~ 201 MAY 0 6 2016 B. Action requested (If you need more space , use Section B of the CDCR 602-A): ~ , 1~ . c C..~ i 1'~ 1Q~ v~~ /~FF~~~ ,Z2w` ~_~ A Explain your issue (If you need more space . ld` , use Section A of the CCCR 602-A ): l~ 3 e~~3s!6. 1~~ )!t. ~ [~ }'~ - ~~. ~ ~ Z.. ~~ ~ ~.~,~~L~~5 t~ ~Cx1~1.~~ i'~~P 3N1~ ~!'~~ jr i i.~~ f tl V is ~ "— c ✓ /~,v 1%~/ Gc'.~~ i " -1_==l_- ='~ 1 .~~.t~ /~'t s~i~ Z.Z. IJj.'~~ ~1.°c+5 ~i..~'.~¢ 1 GFF ~ ~: ~ CMG APPEP+LS OFFI~~ 1083, Inmate Property Inventory; CCC 128-G, Classification Chrono): ~~ ' u No, I have not attached any supporting docum ents. Raason \7 Inmata/Parolee Signature. ~ j — Date Submitted: ~ By placing m initials in this l ox, I waiv ' e my right to receive an interview. C. First Level -Staff Use Orly StaFf — Cheak One. Is CDCR 602-A This appeal has been: Attached? 'Yes u No u Bypassed at tha First LQ~~ t Review. Go Yo to Sa~don E ~ ~ p 2G1~ ' Rejected (See a!:ached le:...r for instruc..on) ~r~,~ j~ Date: '~ ~u ~~ L ~ ___ ~_ a?e: _ Date: Cancelled (See attached letter) Date: J Data' Accepted at the FjL Level of Review. T Assigned te: ~., +~'eh~------- Tit;e: ~J'~"~~' Date Assiyred: ~_I p Date Due:._ ~ ~ _ 11~_ First Level Responder. Complete a First Level T re;oons~clude Ir.?eriie~,vePs name T . t~t~e, infNr✓ievi da'~.~.'ion, and complete the s~rtier; belo~, . — — Ga~e of Irterview~ _ _ ~~ Intervieav Location.: ___ _~ g__ _ Your appeal issue is: j$ Granted _ _ _ u Grar:ted in Part ❑Denied u O?her: _______~_______ _______ _______ ___ ~ 1 at~a had lettar. I' dr.:atistied w!th First t Laves response' m~lete Secticn D~ n ~~.. ; . _.. v~ . ` ~~'71.V1_~e ~~ ~ ~1 Tith= e.4 ~_ !~~^.~t~ ~~~.L' _z,~l_ . . ~~__ S~gr;3t_,•~ ~ Da~e~empla_ted~~~~ ~-. ~ --. ~`~~~`~l~prE, LS (~FFi~ Date r~~~eived by Ai.'._ --- - _ - - -- r- - ------~ _. _ _ __ ~~!, ~ ~. ~~}~ ~„ ~~~; , , , ~..,..- - - JUN 2 ~ 2 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 78 of 179 Page ID #:78 l STATE OF CALIFORNIA INMATE/PAROLEE APPEAL CDCR 602(REV. 08/09) DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION s~a~ z D. If you are dissatisfied with the First Level response, explain the reason below, attach supporting documents and submit to the Appeals Coordinator for processing within 30 calendar days of receipt of response. If you need more space, use Section D of the CDCR 602-A. Inmate/Parolee Signature: Date Submitted E Second Level -Staff Use Only . Staff —Check One: Is CDCR 602-A Attached? u No ❑Yes This appeal has been: u By-passed at Second Level of Review. Go to Section G. u Rejected (See attached letter for instruction) Date: u Cancelled (See attached letter) u Accepted at the Second Level of Review Date: Date: Date: Assigned to: Title: Date Assigned: Date Due: Second Level Responder: Complete a Second Level response. If an interview at the Second Level is necessary, include interviewer's name and title, interview date and location, and complete the section below. Date of Inter~~iew: Your appeal issue is: Interviewer: Interview Location: u t~enied u vihe~: See attached letter. If dissatisfied with Second Level response, complete Section F below. Title: Signature: ❑Granted ❑Granted in Part ~Prinl Namej Reviewer: Title: Date completed Signature: (Prin. Nam=a Date received by AC: F If you are dissatisfied with the Second Level response, explain reason below; attach supporting documents and submit by mail for Third . Level Feview. it must be received within 3G calandar days c. receipt cf pror response. Psail te: Chief, Inmate Appeals Branch. Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, P.O. Box 942883. Sacramento, CA 94283-0001. If you need more space, use Section F of the CDCR 602-A. Inmate/Parolee Signature: Date Submitted: G. Third Level -Staff Use Only This appeal has been: u Rejected (See attached letter for instruction) Date: Date: u Cancelled (See attached letter) Date: u Accepted at the Third Level of Review. Your appeal issue is ❑Granted See attached Third Levei response. Date: Date: ❑Granted in Part- ❑Denied Date: ❑Other: Third Level Use Only Date mailed delivered to appellant / / H. Request to Withdraw Appeal: I request that this appeal be withdrawn from further review because; State reason. (If withdrawal is conditional. list conditions.) Ir~mat2/Parolee Sig~atur~: Print Stall Name: v ^+r 08ie: Title: Date: Signature: Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 79 of 179 Page ID #:79 STATE C1F CALIFORNIA INMATEJPAROLEE APPEAL FORM ATTACHME NT CDCR 602-A REV. 03/12) DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION Side 1 IAB USE ONLY ~; tns6tutlon/Par ole Region: Log ~': Categpry: C~~C-E FOR STAf'P USE ONLY Attach this form to the CDCR 602, only if more space is needed. Only one CDCR 602-A may be used. Appeal is subject to rejection if one row of text per line is exceeded. WRITE, PRINT, or TYPE CLEARLY in black or Name (Last, First): CDC Number: ~ - ~ ~~St~7 UniUCell Number: Assignment: ~~~~ ,~,f A Continuation of CDCR 602, Section A only (Expla . in your issue):~-5~1r LG ~1~ C~i Z t~-o.1~- +~~ ~~~Y~.~ ~~ .~~~~:~ ~ ~ s ;~• ~ ~~ 1~ ~~v~~e ~ s~~ a ~+~ ~.z ~~~--~ CCL ~P:~P~~L >4 ~~~ la•.ti' : Cvi -'... sa:5aC.'~ r blue ink. a~- i .5 ~Cs~'~.~JS ~ ~i ~y iS ~ ~ 7~ ~ c~v- i ~-11~ ~-~ s_=k~~~ ~ ~:~~~ ~s„~..,~ C..~c..s ~~~ l''l~' aA 1`L~~ C~~,,,~~, ~ Gam:,' C.~,r.~r+.... ~-~ G~'.~ 7 ~" C~v'~" -~ Sp c~.0 .~—~•1~ ~ ~',~ri~~t ~' MAYO 6 2016 CMC APPEALS OFFICE 2 ~ ~~~ Cti9C Ar~tALS OFFI~~ ~A ~ tF fi ( ,~~ -~~~n., ~y-~ r ,~. -F- i~. j~ ~,.--~; ~x~;,>~~J ~~t ~ ~~~f-~ ~' ~~ ~,~'~-s ~- '~'~.,j : ~~SIC ~ '~ f ~r~_ vJ < mil ~f~t,`~~--/s~~~-t ~ .~. . ,. -,.# ~l InmatdParolee Signature: B. Continuation of CDCR 602, Section B only (Actio n Date Submitted: ~ ~ `~ requested): Inmate/Parolee Signature: Date Submitted: Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 80 of 179 Page ID #:80 STATE OF CALIFORNIA INMATFJPAROLEE APPEAL FORM ATTACHMENT CDCR 602-A (REV. 03/]2) DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION Sic'e 2 ~.. D Continuation of CDCR 602, Section D only (Dissatisfied with First Level response): . InmateJParolee Signature: Date Submitted: F Continuation of CDCR 602, Section F only (Dissatisfied with Second Level response): . InmateJParolee Signature: Date Submitted: Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 81 of 179 Page ID #:81 State oi' California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Memorandum 4 ~ _~ l 7 Date June 22, 2016 0 7 ADAMS, RONALD P65157/Facility C-6356L California Men's Colony Subject FIRST LEVEL REVIEW CMC APPEAL LOG # CMC-E-16-01023 A review of your appeal has been completed. Your complaint, includi ng requested remedial action, has received careful consideration. APPEAL ISSUE: 1 . In your appeal you contend that on January 3, 2016, you submitt ed a California Department of Corrections (CDCR) Form 22 Inmate/Parolee Reques t for Interview, Item or Service to your Correctional Counselor I (CCI) regarding a Visiting Restriction due to a prior conviction from 1981. The CDCR Form 22 was returned to you by your CCI with the response that the Visiting Restriction was determined by the offense shown on your Abstract of Judgment for Case A620066. You disagre ed with the response by your CCI and re-submitted the CDCR Form 22 to the CCI Supervisor for review. The CCI Supervisor informed you that the Abstract of Judgme nt was a court document, and any issues with said document need to be addressed with the court. Subsequently, you sent a new CDCR Form 22 dated February 8, 2016 to Case Records in which you state that the Abstract of Judgment for Case A62006 6 is in error, and by law, Case Records is to notify the court of said error. 2. In your appeal you also contend that the CDCR Form 22 dated Februar y 8, 2016 is missing along with the court documents and exhibits that were attache d to it at the time of submission. ACTION REQUESTED: 1. In your appeal you request that the Case Records office return CDCR Form 22 along with all attachments and exhibits and that it be answered. DETERMINATION: • Your appeal was reviewed and assigned pursuant to Californ ia Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 15, Section 3084.5. INTERVIEWS: An interview was not completed in accordance with CCR Section 3084.9( d)(1) & (2). APPLICABLE DOCUMENTATION /EVIDENCE ASSOCIATED WITH APPEAL: • CDCR Form 22 Inmate/Parolee Request for Interview, Item, or Service dated November 3, 2015, January 3, 2016, and February 8, 2016 • CDCR Form 695 Appeal Screening Forms dated May 20, 2016, April 28, 2016, December 30, 2015, December 18, 2015 • CDCR Form 602 Inmate/Parolee Appeal Log# CMC-E-15-02804 • Page 1 of the Legal Status Summary (LSS) dated December 20, 1995 • Abstract of Judgment case number A620066 • Minute Order dated February 28, 2003 case number A620066 • October 20, 2015 Mediation Conference Letter • Felony Complaint case number A620066 reflecting Counts 3-5 and 8-9 ,. f ti ~ iI~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 82 of 179 Page ID #:82 GMC Appeal Log # CMC-E-16-01023 First Level Review Page 2 of 2 • • • • • • CDC 12881 Notice of Classification Hearing dated May 10, 2007 CDC 128-G Classification Chrono dated May 17, 2007 CDC 1286 General Chrono's dated May 19, 2007 and March 3, 2011 1981 Penal Code Sections PC 288a(c) and 261.2 PC 1202.05 Department of Operations Manual(DOM)Section 54020.10.1 RESPONSE TO ISSUES: 1 . A review of your file has been conducted and it has been found that no legal errors have been found on the Abstract of Judgment for discharged case number A620066. Your case and all counts have been recorded correctly according to the legal documents contained in your central file. 2. Through further review it has been found that the CDCR Form 22 dated Februar y 8, 2016 was answered by a Correctional Case Records Analyst (CCRA) on Februar y 12, 2016 and returned to you with all documents attached, along with the Penal Code definition for PC288a(c). Additionally, the same CDCR Form 22 was resubmitted, by you, for a Supervisor's Review; however no date for the second submission was notated on the CDCR Form 22. The Correctional Case Records Supervisor received the CDCR Form 22, with all submitted documents, and responded to the issues. On June 21, 2016 these forms were returned via institutional mail. Please see attached CDCR Form 22 originally dated Februar y 8, 2016. RESPONSE TO ACTION REQUESTED: 1. Your request has been GRANTED. The CDCR Form 22 dated Februar y 8, 2016, along with the attachments and exhibits have been responded to and returned to you via institutional mail on June 21, 2016. CONCLUSION: Based on the aforementioned, your appeal is Granted at the First Level of Review. APPEAL GRANTED r ~~~~. P. DENNY Associate Warden, West Facility California Men's Colony Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 83 of 179 Page ID #:83 l ~ lA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ~.--:~ GLEE REQUEST FOR INTERVIEW,ITEM OR SERVICE AND REHABILITATION , e ~ 10/09) te Kam ' SECTION A: INMATFJPAROLEE REQUEST NAME(PHnt): (LAST NAME) (FlRST NA61E) HOUSMIGlBED NUMBER: CDC NUMBER: SIG ASSIGNMEM: . --~ ` ~ ,._. ~~ ~ " i HOURS FRO - ~ RE: ~ YOPIC Q.E MAIL, CONDITIOp{OF TO i.~ ~ C _ CONFINEMENT/PAFiOLE, EfC.): t CLEARLY STATE THE SERVICE OA REM REQUESTED OR REASON FOR INTERVIEW' ~tf~'_~/:'~ '~r.[! t ' ' F I4~s ~l'• •C,t /l'x., i~F!f~ , • '~`~" t ~ ~ ~y:,~ f~ trrr ,~1~cJ l.Zdr i.ilnt~. ~~ C ^jP ~~ ~' u ' ~''JE ~ r ~('~LLL7 ~L~f.S l~ ~~t ~~ ^ r>~ ~U~S TCCi /3~IE. ~/l f~ -~~ ', , 1~/fG ~ /~ 1.:~.,~ vr~~ ~ /.2.~' ~ ~ ~. ~-~i ' ~l rtSiiG) f_. ~ ]r.~".,!'o i~ ~~ ~{i r~ r T ~ c` ~ rxoD ofD~v~aY ~c~cx nrraor~wTE sox ~ **NO RECEIPT WILL BE PROVIDED IF REQUEST.IS NT TH2OUGH MAIL: ADDRESSED TO:~ ~',~~,~f _ - 0 DEL-iVERED'I'Q STAFF(STAFFTO COMPLETE BOX BELOW AAFD-GIVE(`,O~DENE~OD~COPY TOINMA TE/PAROLEE)s . RECEIVED BY:PRINT STAFF NAME: DATE: SIGNATURE: MAILED ** DATE MAILED:~/? /! ~ FORWARDED TO ANOTHER STAFF? - (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO IF FOpWARDED-TO WHOM: DATE DELIVERED/MAILED: METHOD OF DELIVERY: ( CIRCLE ONE) IN PERSON BY US MAIL SECTION B: STAFF RESPONSE RESPONDING STAFF NAME:! ~ ~ ~~ f DATE: ~ ~// j SIGNATURE: / ;% ~ / `;~ f ^ DATE RETURNED: ~~ ,",:~ SECTION C: REQUEST FOR SUPERVISOR REVIEW PROVIDE REASON WHY YOU DISAGREE WITH STAFF RESPONSE AND s : ~, ~ — FORWARD TO RESPONDENT'S SUPERVISOR IN PERSON OR BY US MAIL. KEEP FINAL CANAR Y = " SIGI~`A~T AE: DATE SUBMfTTER ~ ~'.~ GFCTInN ilr SIIPFFiVISAR'S REVIEW pECEIVED BY SUPERVISOR (NAM ~: ~ DATE: Distribution'. Oriri{ral - Retum to Inmate/Parolee; Canary -Inmate/ Parolee's SIGNATURE: DATE RETURNED: 2nd Copy; Pink -Staff Members Copy; Goldenrod - Inmate/Parolee's 1st Coov Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 84 of 179 Page ID #:84 _~ ~ DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION _ r ~NTERVI~W, I i ~M ors ~FRVICE ._ ~, -. STATE OF CALIFORNIA - ' I NMATE/PAROLEE REQUEST FOR INTERVIEW, ITEM OR SERVICE CDCR 22(10/09) SECTION A: INMATE/PAROLEE REGIUEST (LAST NAME) NAME (Print): n (FlRST NAME) y ~ COC NUMBER: ~~V1~` HOUSING/BED NUMBER: ~ ~~ ~ SAS 1 ,,; HOURS FROM ~ TOPIC (I.E. NAIL, CONOITIO OF CONFINEMENT/PAROLE, EfC.): TO i1 ' % ~/ ~~J ', ..1 K ~Lv l V ~ L l luiw v~ TUR ~ ~ `~ ASSIGNMENT: S ( G ~.. `\ w••1~~ ~,..~ ~—/ ~ ~~.— ~-... / Li~v\V l-LV~J ~v9~ es rlc~i~/ y C~^i l~ T7^K„a+C1~ L u ~ i s t1ti~ Res ~t~~~~-t~o~ (~C;~sc oy:± ,~t~..y f.`t ~l e~~1;fr~~>`c~,~ c~ l~.~c ~1c .~~.~ ~ rc?. G ~l~i'c l~ is c~ ~ , ' S ~11e CGWi/i~c~fc..,i i ~'~..~ CG ~ vec-~. METHOD OF DELIVERY(CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX~ *NO RECEI - T WII.L BE PROVIDED IF REQUEST IS MAILED ** `, ~P / SENT THROUGH MAIL: ADDRESSED TO:~~ C~DUityU~~G1e ~. ~/~FT ~ `~ DATE MAILED: ~ l 1 ~G ELIVERED TO STAFF(STAFF TO COMPLETE BOX BELOW A1VD GIVE GOLDENROD COPY TO INMATE/PAROLEEj: FiECE1VED BY: PRINT STAFF NAME: DATE: SIGNATIIHE: FORWARDED TO ANOTHER STAFF? ( CIRCLE ONE) DATE DELIVERED/MAILED: IF FORWARDED —70 WHOM: VES NO METHOD OF DELIVERY: ( CIRCLE ONE) IN PERSON BY US MAIL SECTION B: STAFF RESPONSE RESPONDING STAFF NAME: DATE: SIGNATURE: ~5 1 SECTION C: REGIUES`T FOR SUPERVISOR REVIEW DATE RETURNED: I (~ 1 ~ G(,~,{,LJ(~~ f'e V t` ~~~~- PROVIDE REASON WHY YOU DISAGREE WITH STAFF RESPONSE AND FORWARD TO RESPONDENT'S SUPER VISOR IN PERSON OR BY US MAIL. KEEP FINAL CANARY GN TURE: DATE SUBMITTED: — ~ ~— l to SECTION D: SUPERVISOR'S REVIEW flECEIVED BY SUPEPVISOR (NAME): ~~- ~- ~~sr~ j ~fi~~ r ~' s GATE: t~~u~~ ~~ sTRif~T ~F ~✓r~~M-~~r SIGNATURE: GATE RETURNED: ~~ ~ is ~ care ~~~i~~~~ ~~~v.~r~r.;~I~ ~~, it t, ~~~/ ~'~L r~ /~~r'!~~, SS wr% >,t ' 'llfl= c'~✓N~ ~ ~ ~~;~ C~'/Z7; Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 85 of 179 Page ID #:85 ~ iTA1EOI-cAurUKNIA ,..~ ..._... _. _,...,._...._.._. .. -----.-.-- 1 N MATE/PAROLEE REQUEST FOR INTERVItW, ITEM OR SERVICE : DCR 22(10/09) SECTION A: INMATE/PAROLEE REQUEST (LAST NAME) NAME (Printk (FIRST NAME) ~ ~~.~! ~ ~ ` URE ~ ~ l~ ~.J I~ + ASSIGNMENT: HOUSINGIBED NUMBER: ~3 Y CDC NUMBER: G "1$/~RLY STATE T E SER 1 HOURS FROM~M ~ r~ . ~ r 1 SON F R INT E OR ITE I~EQUES ED O VIEW: TO IC (I.E. MAIL, CONDITION OF CONFINEMENTIPAROLE, EfC.~: —r~' ~~~ o— Tw ~-ati ~-~"r~c•l r~ p ~-~ ~ r~s ►..~ ~ ~ C'r~.~~ec~ ~~ ~ ~- ~`~zrx~... ~c ~-s~ S~~~~ ~.,r~~~ ra.; r'-r►z~ :,~ t-l._c j4,?cS~%vc b TO ``! ~l~ c~~~?~ G- ~t3=cat. rr~~,.Lig~l .IL,~ Prr,G~.,.._ ~'~ Ti~z Cr,~.~C.i-1"~~! Ian ►~ ~~ ~~:,~ c~ ~ ~-I~.~~ , ~~,L~~4 ~~ P~ ~.~ s~ ~c ~Y_.r~,~i ~ ~1~~,~ cis ~ ~Lrt ~~.»~r1/~~ o~~ ` ~.5'Y ~' ~ ~c~c C~.J .Ft ~'.-rr'✓- s2 ial L✓Li~c~ ~ Y ~4~ Li~~L~~ r ~S'fe~-l!'{r:.J CE,f 7`~ fiiai~s. ~ftsC-o<-~ r~ " ~ cr~ ~ ccrrd ~-~ice t~ ~ta1~~✓c~-l„~-~-cs.~ i ~►r i ~ 14r~-a.~- C{~~-P~ 1°~er-~'~ GAY 1-~.1,.~~lE-' I~%ra~~~cc ~S ~JPI'~~_ ~~' ° e~tc~o-r./ c c a~JC~ C1,7 c ~ / L~~tC.~..`~'la ~cor~P /t t~ac jC~~tf<S its ~Cl ~ ccl-Y ec~. W~ILL BE P OVIDED IF REQUEST IS MOILED ** ~rxo~ of DELivExY ~c~c~ .arrxor►ua~ sox ~ * *NO RECE PT ,/ ENT THROUGH MAIL: ADDRESSED TO: C~~L~ ~eCGY1j ~ ~lCelal~In . DATE MAILED: "~/ °~/~ u DELIVERED TO STAFF(STAFF TO COMPLETE BOX BELOW AND GIVE GOLDENROD COPY TO 1NMATE/PAROLEE): RECEIVED BY: PRINT STAFF NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: FORWARDED TO ANOTHER STAFF7 ( CIRCLE ONE) DATE DELIVEREDIMAILED: IF FORWARDED— TO WHOM: RESPONDI IN PERSON BY US MAIL ~~ % DATE: STAFF NAME: NO ME?HOU OF DELIVERY: ( CIRCLE ONE) SECTION B: STAFF RESPONSE YES DATE RETURNED: r~•~ SECTION C: REQUEST FOR SUPERVISOR REVIEW PROVIDE REASON WHY YOU DISAGREE WITH STAFF RESPONSE fSND FORWARD TO RESPONDENTS SUPERVISOR IN PERSON OR BY US MAIL. KEEP F1NAL CANARY COPY. SECTION D. SUPERVISOR'S REVIEW RECEIVED BY SUPERVISOR (NAME): 0 ~ ~ DATE: ~ SIGNATURE: ~ DATE RETURNED: ~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 86 of 179 Page ID #:86 Inmate/Parolee Request for Interview, Item or Service CDCR 22 P65157 Adams, Ronald Lee Section D: Supervisor's Review have reviewed the legal documents contained in your central file under discharged California Department of Corrections(CDCR) number C43417 and active CDCR number P65157. It was determined that on October 22, 1981 you were convicted often counts from the Los Angeles County Superior Court for case number A620066 and has been correctly recorded and discharged in the Strategic Offender Management System (SOMS). The court found you guilty of committing Penal Code (PC) Section 288a(c) Oral Copulation with Force as to Counts 3-5. In addition, the court found you guilty of PC 261.2/3 Rape/Resist Force/Violence as to Counts 8-10. The Probation Officer's Report and Legal Documents do not reflect any documentation that the victims of your crimes were minors. PC 288a(c) states, "Any person who participates in an act of oral copulation with another person who is under 14 years of age... or when the act is accomplished against the victim's will by means of force..." There are no errors in the crime description or offense codes listed on your Abstract of Judgment(AOJ). Therefore, the case will remain recorded as reflected on your legal documents and no letter will be sent to the court for correction. I have contacted the court to request any certified copies of any Minute Orders dated on or after February 28, 2003 from the Los Angeles County Superior Court for case number A620066. If there are any corrections to your case you will be notified via a Legal Status Summary. Since you were incarcerated prior to January 1, 1993 for case number A620066 the counseling staff would have had to complete a review of your central file to determine if you met the visiting restriction criteria under PC Section 1202.05. It was counseling staff's responsibility to notify you by way of a CDC Form 128b, General Chrono, which required your signature verifying notification. After effective notice was provided to you, the CCI was to notify the Correctional Case Records Manager(CCRM)that the inmate is within the restrictive criteria of PC Section 1202.05. At this point, the Correctional Case Records Analyst(CCRA) was responsible for notifying the sentencing court, obtaining a court order to restrict visiting with the child victim, and informing counseling staff. Then counseling staff is responsible notifying the visiting staff. Once the court order was received by the facility, the inmate was to be notified on a CDCR 128b1, Notice of Classification Hearing, which a Classification action will occur. We have not received any amended legal documents which the court ordered PC 1202.05 Visiting restrictions. On May 17, 2007 a Classification Committee Action conducted at Folsom State Prison determined that you were prohibited from visiting with minors per California Code of Regulations(CCR) Title 15 Section 3177. Case Records has not made any entries in SOMS that reflects a PC 1202.05 Legal Mandate is required. If you disagree with the decision of a classification committee, you may file an inmate grievance via the CDCR Form 602 appeal process as outlined in sections 3084 through 3084,9 per CCR Title 15 Section 3173.1(g) Visiting Restrictions with Minors. Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 87 of 179 Page ID #:87 EJ T. Montgo ery, CC 7 ~~\i~~ J e 21, 2016 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 88 of 179 Page ID #:88 is 695 " ning For: ` ' ~~DC 603 Inmate/Parolee Appeals CDC 1824 Reasonable Modification or Accommodation Request RE: Screening at the FIRST Level Wednesday, December 30, 201S ADAMS, P6~1.57 C 00~ 3346001E VISITING,, 12/30/2015 Log Number: CMGE-15-02804 ( Note: Lod numbers are assigned to all appeals for tracking purpos es. Your appeal is subiect to cancellation for failure to correct noted deficiencies.l The znciosed do~urnents are being returned to you for the following reasons: Yoccr appeal has been rejected pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title IS, Section (CCR) 3084.6(b)(7). Your appeal is missing necessary supporting documents as established in CCR 3084.3. All documents must be legible (If necess ary, you may obtain copy(ies) ofrequested documents by sending a request with a signed trust withdrawalform to your assigned counselor). Your appeal is missing: As previously informed, you must complete another CDCR 22form and submi t to the staff mem5er/area involved in this incident. Ifyou are not satisfied with the staff response on the C DCR 22form,you need to send it to the supervisorfor review. Once you have completed the DCR 22process through the supervisor"s level, you may submit an appeat C at that time. L± K. Martin, SSA (A) M. Mandella, OT R. Ochoa, CCII G. Luz, OT __, H. Cervantez, CC-II Appeals Coordinator CMC ' NOTE: If you are required to respond/explain to this CDCR Form 695, use only the lines provided below. Be advised that you cannot appeal a rejected appeal, but should take the correct ive action necessary and resubmit the appeal within the timeframes specified in CCR 3084.6(x) and CCR 3084.8(b). Pursuant to CCR 3084.6(e), once an appeal has been cancelled, that appeal may not be resubmitted. However, a separate appeal can be filed on the cancellation decision. The original appeal may only be resubmitted if the appeal on the cancellation is granted. i~'OTE THIS CDCR 695 IS A P~Rn'IANEN'I' APPEAL ATTACHML~"T'AND IS NOT TO BE REMOVED Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 89 of 179 Page ID #:89 r~ - rn~a M 695 _,keening ~'or: CGC 602 lnmate/Parolee Appeals CDC 1824 Reasonable Modification or Accom modation Request RE: Screening at the FIRST Level F riday, December I8, 201S ADAMS, P65157 C 005 3346001E VISITING,, 12/18/2015 Log Number: CMC-E-15-02804 ( Note: Lod numbers are assigned to all appeals for tracking purposes. Your appeal is subject to cancellation for failure to corr ect noted deficiencies.) The enclosed documents are being returned to you for the following reasons: Your appeal has been rejected pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title IS, Section (CCR) 3084.6(6)(7). Your appeal is missing necessary supporting document s as established in CCR 3084.3. All documents must be legible (If necessary, you may obta in copy(ies) ofrequested docu`nents by.sending a request with a signed trust withdrawalform to your assigned counselor). Your appeal is missing: - Completed CDCR 22 through the Supervisors Leve! Complete another CDCR 22form and submit to the staff member/area involved in this incident. Ifyou are not satisfied with the staffresp onse on the CDCR 22form,you need to send it to the supervisorfor review. Once you have completed the CDCR 22process through the supervisor's level, you may submit an appeal at that time. d`.., ~~ K. Martin, SSA (A) — M. Mandella, OT _ R. Ochoa, CCII _ J. Javaux, AGPA G. Luz, OT H. Cervantez, CC-II Appeals Coordinator CMC \ ~~ ~ ~. ~~~ p 1, ~r ~ J^ ~~~ 1~TE: If you are required to respond/explain to this CDCR Form 695, use only the lines provided below. i~A~ ~hL kt~c IafihGi~vt~+ (~F,~, ~ ~'~~~,~c ~~~~~~1 11 r° r~Ft~r a~1 ~-1~i5 tiiS:~Ay►~•,~ :i~'.~uc. /~' /ICJ ~~c 13 /try ,:fir J-~~ ~~ L ~,l« ,1~:~ o~.~ ~-~L ~ fJ~4S~r,~{-~- ~.1;n~,~.~ zF ~ L"it eC~' Be advised that you cannot appeal a rejected appe al, but should take the corrective action neces sary and ~7- ~ $i7>c resubmit the appeal within the timefi~ames spec ified in CCR 3084.6(a) and CCR 3084.8(6). Pursu ant to ~„~z ~kr CCR 3084.6(e), once an appeal has been cancelled , that appeal may not be resubmitted, Howe ver, a separate appeal can be filed on the cancellation decis 7 ion. The original appeal may only be resubmitte d if ~'~~`~~~s the appeal on the cancellation is granted. NOTE THIS CDCR 695 IS A PERMANENT APPEAL ATTACHMENT AND IS NOT -TO BL l7EMOV~D Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 90 of 179 Page ID #:90 ~ ~ .NfA ~ 'LEE.APF'E~4L O ~ . (REV. 08/9) — —-- DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION S AND REHABILITATION IAB'tJSEONLV '~__~_~,---------- Side 1 --~,---- ~ InstituUoo~FarolP Region Log fir: Category ,~ - ~~-~-~ ~_-_Q-2_$_:0.4 -~~~__ ~ORSTAFFUSFONLY You may appeal any California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) decision, action, condition, policy or dverse effect upon your welfare and for which a regulation that has a material there is no other prescribed metho d of departmental review/remedy available. Regulations, Title 15,(CCR) Section 3084.1. You must send this appeal and any suppor See California Code of ting documents to the Appeals Coordinator days of the event that lead to the filing of this appea (AC) within 30 calendar l. If additional space is needed, ~o one CDCR Form 602-A will be accepted. further guidance with the appeal process. No reprisals will be taken for using the appea Refer to CCR 3084 for l process. Ap eal is subject to re'ection if one row of text per line is exceeded. WRITE, PRINT, or TYPE CLEARLY Name (Last; First): in black or blue ink. CDC Number UniVCell Number: Assignment: State briefly the subject of your appeal(Exam ple: damaged N,job removal, etc.): A Explain your issue (If you need more . space, use Section A of the CDCR 602-A ):/~ L~O/: rC~^f~".v~tJftL ~C~~~5~~' I~ o~ C' ~C. Sc_.~ G~ t~1.. ~ ~CIr^ 22 ~n.~c..~ L 11- ~c' C S ~ C~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~r2v~~~~ C.~ is k1,~ cc~ c.~1 ~-k c~ ts~„ ~ ~~C ~ l~~~i.~Y. ife~s .L r3c.~~c~e~ l~~ ~-1,.~ - ~1_r rc~~-r~ck~~~1 . cry d~l~P s B Action . requested (If you need more_space, use Secti on B of the CDCR 602-A):~ .A~~ Lesfit> ^~.0 C.~ ~L~~IliCi f )C~~.. ~t~..~ ' ~_L~ t ~.5~ ~r..e ~U 1~~ . t/'is~~. C`t- ~CGt"J S '~b ~i~CUS 3 S '~~P ~'Cu~ - `~~' LSw.P~~ ~-12 ~ -~ ~ ~i-~CP _ ~-ti Y`~5(iCcs~-1 cal Suppo Documents: Refer to CCR 3084.3. es, I have attached supporting documents. List supporting documents attached (e.g., CDC 1083, Inmate Property Inventory; CDC 128-G, Classi -- fication Chrono) - u No, I have not attached any supporting docum ents. Reason Inmate/Parolee Signature: Date Submitted: ~~ ~+-' (S 6y placing my initials %n.this box, I waive my right to receive an interview. C First Level -Staff Use Only . Staff -Check One: Is CDCR 602-A Attac This appeal has been: hed? u No ypassed at the First Level of Review. Go to Sec~p E. ejected (See attached letter for instruction) Date t~ ~ ~ `~"'' Date Date: Cancelled (See attached letter) Date: Date: u Accepted at the First Level of Review. Assigned to Titfe: Date Assigned: Date Due: First Level Responder: Complete a First Level response. Include Interviewer's name, title, interv iew date, location, and ccmplete the sectio n belov~~. Date of Interview: Interview Location: __ Your appeal issue is: ❑Granted ❑Granted in Part ❑Denied ❑Other: See attached letter. If dissatisfied with First Level response, complete Section D. I n:er~iewer: ___ Title: Signature: (Print Namej Date completed: ` _ Reviewer. Titles _ Signature: (Print Nen~e) Date received by AC:___,_ _ _ . Use Only ~~~: Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 91 of 179 Page ID #:91 STATE OF CALIFORNIA I NMATE/PAROLEE APPEAL CDCR 602(REV. 08/09) DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATIOM1 Side 2 D. If you are dissatisfied with the First Level response, explain the reason below, attach supporting documents and submit to the Appeals Coordinato r for processing within 30 calendar days of receipt of response. If you need more space, use Section D of the CDCR 602-A. Inmate/Parolee Signature: Date Submitted E Second Level -Staff Use Only . Staff —Check One: Is CDCR 602-A Attached? ❑Yes u No This appeal has been: u By-passed at Second Level of Review. Go to Section G. u Rejected (See attached letter for instruction) Date: u Cancelled (See attached letter) I ❑Accepted at the Second Level of Review Date: Date: Date: Assigned to: Title: Date Assigned: Date Due: Second Level Responder: Complete a Second Level response. If an interview at the Second Level is necessary, include interviewer's name and title, interview date and location, and complete the section below. Date of Interview: Interview Location: Your appeal issue is: ❑Granted ❑Granted in Part ❑Denied ❑Other: See attached letter. It dissatisfied with Second Level response, complete Section F below. Title: Signature: (Print Name) Interviewer: ~ ,..\ Reviewer: Title Date completed Signature: (Erin! Name) Date received by AC: F If you are dissatisfied with the Second Level response, explain reason . below; attach supporting documents and submit by mail for Third Level Review. It must be received within 30 calendar days of receipt of prior response. Mail to: Chief, Inmate Appeals Branch, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, P.O. Box 942883, Sacramento, CA 94283-0001. If you need more space, use Section F of the CDCR 602-A. InmateJParolee Signature: Date Submitted: G. Third Level -Staff Use Only ~ This appeal has been: i ❑Rejected (See attached letter for instruction) Date: Date:. Q Cancelled (See attached letter) Date: u Accepted at the Third Level of Review. Your appeal issue is ❑Granted See attached Third Level response. Date: u Granted in Part Date: ❑Denied Date: ❑Other: Third Level Use Only Date mailed delivered to appellant,/ / H Request to Withdraw Appeal: I request that this appeal be withdrawn from further review because; . State reason. (If withdrawal is conditional, list conditions.) _ _` Inmate/Parolee Signature: _Title: _ __ __ _ Signature:_ __ ___ _Date, Date: Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 92 of 179 Page ID #:92 NIA ~~RQLEE APPEAL FORM ATTACH MENT 6 Q2-A (REV. 03112) Attach this form to the CDCR 602, Appeal is subject to rejection if only if more space is needed. Onl y one CDCR 602-A may be used one row of text per line is exceeded . Name (Last, First): . WRITE,PRINT, or TYPE CLEARLY CDC Number: ~r*1C..A.,:S A Continuation of CDCR 602, Section . A only (Exp Unit/Cell Number: Q~S1S7 ~h,~ir^ ~r. in black or blue ink. i~c~i`~~, Assignment: ~~f~S ~~~ lain your issue):lt 4 ~ R C~,.t`tl~ ~c1.~ '~]~~- ~~~,c~ ~11~Y ~~v~i~~~c~GxY-~1S 7~.~.F-cS`I~~ ~y C.GWv~~~c~.J t,~s~~..~ c`l1,~... ~we.~o ~' ~ f~.~iwc~ c,.xs ~-~.Jt.~t`.ve ~" J Z W CO} CL Q ~-Cn Inmate/Parolee Signature: Date Submitted: ~ ~ B Continuation of CDCR 802, Sect . ion B only (Action requested): InmatPJParoleA Signature: Date Submitted: L~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 93 of 179 Page ID #:93 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA I NMATFJPAROLEE APPEAL FORM ATTACHMENT CDCR 602-A (REV. 03/12) Side 2 D. Continuation of CDCR 602, Section D only (Dissatisfied with First Level response): Date Submitted: InmatelParolee Signature: F Continuation of CDCR 602, Section F only (Dissatisfied with Second Level response): . ~`vnaturt: ___ _ Date Submitted: Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 94 of 179 Page ID #:94 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 95 of 179 Page ID #:95 ~ I Ctrill~ Intl it~i~ ~~~~rt ~~ J `~.~0 lopv O~~ ~~~ltilnr [e.l~~ ~c~l~nn ~~n Ilia IiChe / D ie , ~ ~ f - -.: ..- , '. ` ~ _ ,. ~ ~ , ~- NT — COMM{TMENT SUPERIOR COU~RT(tf CAL 4FORNI/t COUHT`~ •~ ~ OF _YA3 PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF C9 IFO~9N~I UEFENdANT: OX Al}AM$ R~AL A L LE8 ~crw~ `~ i ~z~' ~s i sc_B ~EHOED ABSTAAC7 ' ~ ~:aooa~asLT C XOUt~c '} ~ ~ ~~~ .~ 7. _ ~ _A - '::7 .; '~ _E _~.. .0 _288a c ~;-_ _ ~. r •ycc ri~.a ~c e z 490303 arnx+~a~ !Y f u~w.. ~■ ~ _ - 1~l t: rro~~o J: C~f~ •A ~~` mac/ ♦ U i ~ --;-=-_ 8.. ~ - f. ♦ ~ ~ , ,,~ 'r Z _. ~~ Co~~i♦ '~ j r ~~~ M~U ~[o ~~w1~~CF [ ~ t. t ~+ ~, s (~'i? 4 is~ ■■ Sa ■s ~~~■c~~a~ ■ ra ~~ i■~~~~~~ r= ~■ ~~ r ~~~~~~~ ~~°~ ~n ~ ~~~~e~i~t~~s ~■~ ~i~~~w~~~~ ■~~ ]. ~ f °.. ~ ~ULiT~C16L_ cce ~.o • u+o. • ~ `,~ ~ ~%: , ~~ I~ •swr~r c~ uungr COY VIC~IOM ~ PZHC~__ :-- f _~~~c`~i~u~asxz r .i _ C .. 207. ~ ~ - ~~ x CONCti~ T 4C .~.'°'~ .~ -- o ---T ~ ~ . -- . ~~~, . . 3 ~ ~~ ~a'.a.** ru cex vic.c o o. :hc caw~sa~er o~ rH~ iouu~~w6 raa.o .u: ~ ~s.~o o ~ ~ ~.*p cwrc ~ wr ~ ~o • o~.~ ~:,~ FDAM DSL290 ' - xII•F DO~ti ~~Ft~ SELIt~tAK ~. V•• D :....,. C061MITl~IENT TO STA TE PRISON ABSTRACiOFJUDGMENT _,, ~ ANOEI.SS (~1 ~~~~,,, w ~ a Ate►: .'~ . ~' •-- ''~} . .S .~ ~. ABSTRACT OF JUDGME ~ ~.':~ ' ~~~ ~, . ,- liYO~h •Y{1 . ~~ ; ~_ _._ •[~Y/~ ~)~ i 1 wvr~~. a . '~ i ~ u 'z { ._ ~a wrr c •r 1c1~ s ~e••i rrrS rr ~"". ALl •n•crra ~ .~~[~ (.o r ora ew. 1 ~ . ~: •la~ao ~l o~~.l( •~ (t ~ a~ 4w~~) awo/o~'~ tMYOSED--"___' ~~ .•~~f '~.'_~_._ ~.707A1_ TERM _"`____` ~ sou~v ~1~ ur~[1: ~ ". "_'~ "___'_' _'_' _' ~~l ..M~ Y~: 'Wd: ILyC~~G 1 (-) • ~i~~w~~ w~ Mi ~ _ . ci.o •u~ ~ - LJ fo O it c ~l~~cA lam Q ~~ f~~lo10A ~~eif `u.~r 1 ' ~.~ ~Owo —/~ ~~ os ~o~~TM a• I P ' ~ t • ~c Rriwnwe r ~o, ~~ •IIC .• - i 81 = i-aa ~ gar •.oae .o *+~ cu a~a~i ' ~ A• ••'T~~(~ wiv •~•~ iI ~. ~T i o.. .wa~~. ~. , u o.u lb2 ALL —.--~--_..~OI [OYY~~wc~i=.~~+. ~ wt• —~ ~ ~ ~~---; ~~.n {all.. ~ i [Kw~• 81 =l—k-,•.. = —_~--~' ----- CLE 11K Of ~ /hen cy cr>fi/y fh~ SVEMOR CDUNT — /pt ~nl fo 6t ~ corn `~~ 'T t(~~h~rf of iM _ /ud~w~rnl woods iw i Ihi acflon. ~ ~ . .~ ~ ~~L t ~_1~_~ ~_ `--~— 1 —' ._, .-_ T ~,f IV ~ N p~Aa C~1 ~ IlGC u 7 IJ07 f I MY COAL N~~w~cw v~Ew 1 Wlt Co1~ J ~ 10 Y~nly IM A .OY el 1'.~ w;rK~ ~JI70. A ~npY ~ P Ilpn rpyt WTI /~OYY~nMnb OI M1 rW CPMI tI7 pO4aNinn ~w0 f 1 t01 G 1. Att~vwener~ I ~~tplep~^Y 1~~ d[br( I~~I~~a OI J~tl~ ~~ WppMmwt~y t~ Ana y_ G VsN WI m~nl ~~d w~~nl e1 Cp~M1on~ pi pp~1 X011 •oOrl u~~w1 pr ln~y copy aI Inl~ ipm C~fTm1l~w~nll Apr 6~ WTI 0/ I~~n/~ yy~IM 6l tMr r~c.~ ~~m•n ~•~ 111:~d t0 IM D~Minyr~l of COn pytwnl to f\ru Ceor11:0 ~~. M4Y~f p~nyJnl J Yc.M C4.~cJ d to Pin/i COAL a~n;~ ~ °~^ •'"Q"~'+' ~• E14ctn~k.h ~. 19E1 _'.— J",.—` •Irr ~i~vTq ~: i r~~~ cr• f ~ _ u (~u~~ ABSTRACT OF JUOGM ENT~j~-COMMITMENT `_ ~ IOPY OSl 7f~ ri.~r.. ~ •s •~~~ ,A - -, ., _-~ ~' .• '.----_"_ym.G 12175 i. ,• O ~ . • . s• . .~. ~ ~ j .. ~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 96 of 179 Page ID #:96 !<Ci 111Y I~~I 1~ 1 •' ~ ~~0~ i1~~ I~~~~(OPY 01~ ~~•,111.•~ Ct~~ lic~l~e~~ ~ln 1~~1 IBC r~• /~ ~ y ([ ~/ i _ ` .. ~ - ,~ ~ ,. _ ~~ ~ J ABSTRACT OF JUbGMENT —. COMMITMENT ATTACHIAENT PAGE . SWERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, CO{~[iTY OF ___._ ___~j_~jj(~$~„9 A cnw`~o.— ~ - ~_' - BRANCH ------- 3(N}1'H CA_}rfRli PEOPL[!GF THE ~TATE OF CALIFORNIA DEFENbAMOl ADN'~S $O~IAI~ IBB . _ AKA: COMMITY.EHT TO STATE Pl~ISOIi ~,,.~~ ~ ~..=~ For~woe.~a~o ~ ABSTRACT OF JUDGM ~' Of➢f JI~CiC .emus ~ ' PnF:eNt ~' n "x "'?"OCA A YE►lOEO ~ A857MCT - ~ /AC -:ENT ~ .• . .~t yypp •• 1w~ 0. - ~lYi1~ ~YO~~Id.~1 C T~AIJIS~ ROOSFYBLT F DORH 9C B--1 _t ~ 2~_ _ NfHJN ILN CJ.YM`~'LfdlfC011i U>MSll riNlll~1'N(LH1 ~ ~f SBLIC~(AH C YWIiC ~ A ~] NYilR1MLC11~w1 ( ] ) lBrl lJtY~ 7~~~[ C\ih~ [ • ' -';.-~. ~i dY L W1S ^ _"__'_~ L ~TI[1w~LMT l. 3` ` P(~ .[CnOr~ww~~aw CF.[ ADW - - PC _ 245 i SI ~~' - ~ [ur r4G _ COMKfOM ~ W 4 . ~i l _ ~~, ~? ~ ~ ~ r-- - , .~ :cw.~.•ir~cn,s~o.u~cco.roi n.~osmo~.n. . .. . C~ CC:~. . 7°~~~~ ~::~ C ~~ a ~. ~~:o spa s _ ,~ '• P ` J~.JQj` O r U~t 0' tr liV ~(l iMKr~ tw ~{ fl TTT ~p~y~ Taos- wVYn ~ y e F t~ F ~~ ,{ lli i ~ . , ~~ f7~J W ` J ~~ ~ ~b V ' VY lY f VR t' ♦ ~fJIK ~Or~1)6 , t ~ T-~ a . - YMIEKI XI'Lwi~']N 02 _ 1 10 22 - - CCUCl~ ~~ ~ _ ~. HIPS _ PL` _2 1,2 Z .90$303 K C NCHA ~ Ya ( pIJ LrJ`Y~~w~SC:(Y+vC11DOV ~hL CC1M~~.5~]N Of 1ML ~OLLOwWGf LLCYllCS.~ . . g26~`~(]A NO pq PNOO1TKY1 pT1[[N ■~ ~ ~~ ■ a Y -_ ~ -- -- -~ ~~ ~~ 1 ~■ ~■ ■ . + f i -- ~1 !■ ~~ ■ ~ t ,..~ ~ Tnr4 ir.E ~ff,(D7:v....r.~r. 1. V . '-,:~ ~ 'f~f. H b i+-.Y COH 4~7 ~] S p v 1~ ~F. 1' nin or...' C„4 I w — rw+a d M~/ Crh {~7~1 W~KI d I~.YY~^I s.a Cv~r.<. w~61✓ e.+~.-1v~ v.4~c. - ~dnab..ow+us.~~ohw[~frS~x7~~s~a.w wxwwV~r.i.i.:rte.• ` I f '. Yl --n t47 ~Y Y'Lw'.~n T.T:~✓a~~ ~11~Lsc~+~..v~~ ` Mr [oa 1'x]o~ ~w~.n..~~ ,.~ a .~.a M .w o. i•-ua ..~.wi A!n~r~w• , ~ ~.r..~ , , .oU w'r.••nvt-re a In. D~c~~^.ti e~ Go~crr. ►~++~+a A85TRACT OF JUDGMENT - CO1~AI~AITMENT °pi' •"`'"' D',~ ~~ an~cwuaNr Coro+ osi r~o► . u•«v..,i~ ~. ,vex sirr.OuiUi~ u .0 ~•w..ra.c. /. .. ~ i<< ; , ~. ~ ~ '.nia~cv:~nru nc.ra ari.+rcrrra •. ~ ~ .~ n .. ~ ~~ ~ v,..~ c- ~~,~s .cvv*w r+:a:~ta Tn ccv+ra— ~..rc crst , Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 97 of 179 Page ID #:97 I t ~'UP~RZC~R COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Date: February 28, 2003 HONORABLE: STEVEN SUZUKAWA JUDGE A620066 People of the St-ate of California va RONALD LEE ADAMS F. JEFFERSON NONE CLERK REPORTER (Parties and counsel checked if present) Counsel for the People: Deputy District Attorney: NO APPEARANCES Counsel for Defendant: NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: NO APPEARANCES CASE CALLED FOR H1~.BEAS CORPIIS PETITION PETITIONER, RONALD ADAMS, SEEKS TO SET ASIDE TWO 1981 CONVICTIONS FOR ORAL COPULATION. HE ERRONEOUSLY FILED A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS, SUT Tc:E COURT WILL NONETHELESS DEAL WITH THE ISSUES RAISE. IN ESSENCE, PETITIONER COMPLAINS HE WAS IMPROPERLY CONVICTE D OF A VIOLATION OF PENAL CODE SECTION 288A(C). HE ARGUES THE STATUTE REQUIRES EVIDENCE THE VICTIM WAS UNDER THE AGE OF 14 AT THE TIME OF THE COMMISSION OF THE OFFENSE. THE VICTIMS HERE WERE ADULTS. WHILE PETITIONER IS CORRECT IN THAT THE COMPLAINT ALLEGED THE WRONG CODE SECTION, HE CANNOT ESTABLISH A SHRED OF PREJUDICE. HIS COUNSEL WAS PUT ON NOTICE THE PETITION ER WAS CHARGED WITH ORAL COPULATION. THE TRILL COURT, AFTER A BENCH TRIAL, CONVICTE D PETITIONER UNDER THE APPROPRIATE SECTION. PETITIONER'S ALLEGATION HIS APPELLATE COUNSEL WAS INCOMPETENT FOR NOT RAISING THE SAME ISSUE IS EQUALLY WITHOUT MERIT. COUNSEL COULD NOT POSSIBLY ESTABLIS H PETITIONER -WAS DENIED ANY LEGAL RIGHT. F~TIT~CP~Ll\~J ~~r~QL'i.ST r^CR P.EL2~~ IS DENIED. A COPY OF THIS MINUTE ORDER .IS SENT TO PETITIONER VIA U.S. MAIL AT HIS LAST KNOWN ADDRESS; MR. RONALD ADAMS, CDC #P-65157 P.O. BOX 7599/B-4-206 PELICAN BAY STATE PRISON CRESCENT CITY, CA. 95531 — s (~~~~~/LC/lJ~!Arm1~~~~ ^~ ': , 4 ' y~ i:~7~r: r e ' ~~`, '~µ I, p ', ~ J MINUTE ORDER ~ ' Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 98 of 179 Page ID #:98 t - z 1 875 CENTURY PARK EAST S UITE 1340 L OS ANGLES C ALIFORNIA 90067 ROBERT A. KASHFIAN t R YAN D. KASHFIAN " G EORGE E. AKWO O LGA Y. NOVAK G OHAR O. FAYYAZ ' r E~evn cnE l[~~ A\~]H[]F](A\Iv & l[~~ A\~]H[lF )[ A\I~ LLP + 1 310 751 7578 M ATTHEW W.KRUPKE~ t .o,.~„E~ ,~ oa.~,~~E ~~~ .,~~F~w~~~. A ttorneys and Counselors at Law r ,;: + 1 31D 751 7579 Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Ilxl ~E: Sie1[5 n~TEUT U TRn ~[w 4p t. C. fl[( n 11 r.~iT"f E.G i[I off.., l'I [. t: Iw C411"LNili.t For Immediate Delivery via U. S. First Class Mail MR. RONALD ADAMS #P-65157 CMCE —CALIFORNIA MEN'S COLONY EAST P.O. BOX 8101 San Luis Obispo, CA 93409 Re: 9"' Circuit Appellate Case — rollow Up From October lG, 201 11~Iediation c:,onference NINTH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS PRO BONO ASSIGNMENT -MEDIATION CA Case No.: 14-72413 Case Name: ADAMS v. VALENZUELA Dear Mr. Adams, I hope this letter finds you well. Today, Ihad aforty-five (45) minute conversation with the mediator and the Attorney General's office. We were able to ascertain that you had a visitation restriction for two (2) years between May 2013 and May 2015. However, we don't know the reason for this restriction. In fact, based on my conversations with the mediator, neither the other side nor the mediator knows the reason for this restriction. We have no documentation as to the restriction; therefore, are unaware the reasons for it. The purpose of the mediation and from the mediator and the Attorney General's side in this action was to attempt to find some practical solutions to the visitation rights only. It seems that this was the reason why your matter was referred to the mediation panel originally, according to the mediator. Currently, based on the abstract sentencing documents for the 1999 conviction, it does not appear that you were sentenced with regard to being a "child sex offender". There is no evidence that you are in fact, classified as a "child sex offender." This is according to representations C ALIFORNIA ~-OS AhIGFLES CULVER UTY DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA \YASHINGI;i;I WWW.KASHFIANLAW.COM Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 99 of 179 Page ID #:99 1f.~ A\~lH(1F1[A\lv & 1[~~A~~lHf1F1[ A\~ LLP A 1 i or ne ys and Cou n eeI o rs a t La w MR. RONALD ADAMS(#P-65157) CMCE —CALIFORNIA MEN'S COLONY EAST P.O. BOX 8101, San Luis Obispo, CA 93409 October 20, 20]5 Mediation Follow Up — 9`h Circuit Appellate Case ADAMS v. VALENZUELA —Case No. 14-72413 Page 2 of3 made by the Attorney General. From the reading of the abstract, the fact that your abstract -contains "P_enal_Code_667_(A)"_is_seemingly_not ind cat _v_e_of anything_related to your claim that -- ___ you are labeled as a "child sex offender." Nonetheless, we were searching to find some kind of resolution with the Attorney General to assist you in this forum. However, since there is no current restriction and the sentencing documents do not refer to any " child sex offender" status, there it appears that nothing further that can be done with respect to mediation, according to the Attorney General and the mediator. Meaning, they were willing to assist in your visitation rights. However, the practical solution of visitation was achieved with respect to your classification and visitation rights. There is currently documentation as to any restriction that prevents you from being visited by minors such as your nieces, nephews, and girlfriend's children. Naturally, the prior restriction was lifted not through your petition, but rather by elapsing of time. Currently, the mediator wants to know whether or not the panel should know about what happened in mediation. Traditionally all information is kept away from the 9`h Circuit Panel. However, it is your decision whether you want to release this information. As you know, our representation was limited to mediation. Since there is no resolution at mediation, the scope of our representation has been completed and concluded. Unfortunately, based on the limits that the Attorney General was able to assist with, and the state of any restrictions, it seems our hands are tied with respect to achieving any practical result with mediation other than visitation rights. If you have any information regarding the 2013 restriction such details as to why the restriction was first placed or a sentencing memo that specifically states a code section that accuses you of being a "child sex offender," we can let the Attorney General and the mediator know, and perhaps they may be willing to consider it. However, at this time, there is not much we are able to do given the posture of mediation, the mediator, and the Attorney General. tt was a pleasure working for you. We tried out best in this forum. With respect to the State matters, we are not able to assist in State proceedings as we only do pro bono work on the federal panel. C ALIFORNIA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA L OS ANGELES OFFICE 1 875 CEWTU RY l 05 ANGELES, + 1 710 751 7578 - 1 319 757 7579 VaRN EAST Ca 40067 P F CULVER CITY OFFICE ;UITE 77.10 W ASHINGTON OFFICE 501) BRISTOL PkRKV/pY, SUIT[ 10!1 C U~VEft CITY, CA 902:}0 ? IC lA8 9820 P • 1 207. 576 9a 19 '• 1 7 f0 1 ifi 0500 F WWW I(ASH ~Id NI AW !'n~~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 100 of 179 Page ID #:100 ~r lE.~ A\~]H[ lF l(A\lv & ]E.~ A\~)H[ 1F l( A\ LLP A t~orneyc and Counselors a~ Lew MR. RONALD ADAMS(#P-65157) CMCE —CALIFORNIA MEN'S COLONY EAST P.O. BOX 810], San Luis Obispo, CA 93409 October 20, 2015 Mediation Follow Up — 9`~' Circuit Appellate Case ADAMS v. VALENZUELA —Case No. 14-72413 Page 3 of3 Lastly, the Attorney General denies your request that they recommend this go to the Superior --Court....They.-ha~e_stated__that _this _is _the .District_Attorney's discretion .and .scope. It is _not._. something within the powers of the Attorney General. We wish you the best ofluck. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA C ALIFORNIA L OS ANGELES OFFICE GULVER CITY OFFICE WASHINGTON OFFICE 1 U75 CEIiTU k'/ PARn EAST, SUITE 134(1 L OS ANGF LF S . Ca 900x7 ~ 1 J10 751 . ..~ ~3 P 607.] GRISTOL PwRKWAY. SUITE tU0 CULLER CITY. C;; 902'0 •t 7~0 34Z 99th +I 207 S+h ~~1 I '~ ,i ~~p i;~ i~.,iy r ~ i Rio zit, osoo F WWW.KASHFIANLAW.COM Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 101 of 179 Page ID #:101 is r .1 t .. ~ ~ .. i'1?:t ~' l ► r r: ~/IarJ xT - r'yN ~ '~~-~ . . ~ ~ .{,~ ; . ~ cn~~y in~i m ,~ ~m.w b. ~, ~. coot v~, ^ysir cr.nn ca o.. n, ~n,s ncne f Nam (~ __ ~~,y~~aV1 ~~_ D~Ic _I~ ~~,_ ~ '~ ''.. ~ rl.a...~;'~Y.;-.i1....:::.:,: L~.:i;i:.....:_:a:..i . . ' ~~i~~~:P. r' j r ~(. ~ . ;~.' r = `~ ' :_;~; ~~ S. ~ ; YYi ~ - .:fir_ ~ ._....~~. ~. ~ , ROI~AI,~1 I,~ ADAJ7S j ion, of the crime of ~vi-o2atioti ,oT Seetion~88u (c }, _ of the. Penal Codo 'on t oz SDoul the '.~~.~: ' ~• . __ ._, "2 _~ ~' p felony.comniitFGd as foligws: That the saidJ, RONA~.D I,EE ADAFLs Y :%.~ . ~ cc~urrr ". ~ - is~:ccuscd by the pistritf At►o rncy of and for Ih~ :County of [.os Angdcs, State oI California , by ,; .' Fnformat -~i4`. "~.;;:c;-i `~ ~ ~. - . For a fyrlhcr and 3cparpte causd '~ o[ action, being a different ~offen se~oC:.t~he,samb lass of crimes ' andv(fcnscsas the charge ul forth in COuntsI aAd II - ~ ~ ~ - • Ihis ~. '~ ~ . . the said - , , ,;` . ..C~.~..s:~:f•1iV~ ath. day of FeDl'u&ry e 2981 a1 and~in the County of Lod p~gclrs, Scale oCCalifornia,did N•illf uIIy and uNawfully parLiCipa copulation xith~ te •in 2~n a~t Of ora l] and did compel said i the person ~n sazd act byforce, viQlence~ dur particip tion of ~ threat oS great bod ess, mena e, apd ily hsrm. ~ ~ ~. It is fu her c oa~ission oS~he alleged that xn •the eom~aission and atte above mpted ~ personally used a fi~e oSfenae, the defendant, RQNAI,D Z,F.E ADA T'}F;, c~ Panal• Code- Section aru, to xit, a revolver, within the neanin 1?022, j. _ ~ ;:~~ '-:~; ~ - s ~. ~~ _ .. j 1 ~~ t ~ :,l~, _ . •x -. ' i V ~ 1 Fil:•d~ In oven Superior Cou rt of Ih,: State of Ca1~(crnu, ~ounly o! os Angeles. on motion ( ~hc Urctc ~[ Altom' of vid Coynly. ,~ S ID_►TLD_ ~~~/~ 10NN K: YAN DE }:AAIP. Distr ict Auornry ~ for the Coun[y of Los Angrks, Stir of Cali(or~~i~ Z~JOUF7QQL ~OO~CY 7C XXX ~Fu~ .. i ~ . ~~ - ~ ~. , r • - , 1 . ,' -. .. ;~ ~ 4 ,~ . { ~ r • a~•s~.1 ~. r.. .lei, rG i ~~ 1 ` 3 k~~~ i y - ~ .kiwi l~i.:lA.:l'~-.9'~1~'-~7~.ali ~~GA -wi~.~ ...1 ,~ ~ ~~~ .- _~ 1 - ~, ; ~~[icR~F+Zar .a..Sa CI'S-S_ ' 1 3 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 102 of 179 Page ID #:102 1 ~/' ' ~ ~~t~ ~ v..~~y mn in~~ im.f. n. nom. cuor o., m„~e, o.,i~arr~.un c~ w~~ ~~~n . f w+~w~ f . , ` r -, ~. ' ~ ~ •• `.~SIL.u~::t~.i..Y~~.{t_ca~,.iif~i6...., ,' ~ _. -~i'~..__~:~~L~~~i_. ~ S -i a~_ aWJ~:...:~ r ~ 4..a.~i.~~.: ~..j .:~" . ~ . ~; ~ ~~+~F? ~ f~~ ~~ ~ the uid' '' ~ '. RONALD LEE ADAtIS t~~ •~ For a further and~parate cause of action, bring a differen t offense of the s~mc class of crimes set fofth in fll~ preCedi,t~g Counts ~ hereof; and offenxs as the thar~ ~, u accused by the District Attorney of and for the County of !ps Angc]es, State of California, by information, oflhecrimeof• vio], ation of Section 288a(c) this ":':,; , ;~ : : ,`.'=-: ~+ of- the Penal Codc, a felony, committed as follows: That the said ~ ' . Y _ .. = f4 - RONALD I~`E AIlA19S ~ ~ , c. on or about the 8th day of Febnl3Tp~ 1981 ~~ ~nd,in the County of E,os Ankles_ Slate of Ca:.forni:,, did willfully and unDJrfutly partiepate In Hn act oS o1'al .copulation xith •_ t,~ ~ .= ° '~~: f=-e ' ; V ~ ~ and did compel the p~rticipat ~ of said ~ said act b ion Y, #menance ~ ~ and threat of great bodily.har Torce, violence, duress, cq. / i... ~ ?~;; =~ ~~E , `.. ~ I ~t is Turthcr alleged that the commission and attempted '~ coxmis~ion of the above offense the personally used a-Firearn, to xit, laid defendant, RO?faLD LEE ADAhS, a~ revolver, within the meani of Penal Code SeC`tion 12022 ng .3.' ~ _ ~~ ' ~ f '' 1 ' — '1 A~Icd I~ open ~upciior Court of the Stitt of hfor~~u, County 4f F.os Angcks, on motion 9~thc [fEsllict AI lorpcy of said County: ~ YOHN K. VAT! D7: kAi~IP, District Atlornry fOr the ~dunty of Los Angeles. Sl~tc of California ~ X ~ i ! t , . ~ 4 ~ , JOlIP1 1. CORCORAtQ,Ckrk -: ~ 4 .~ ~ ~ ~_ a .' ~ ~ _r - - . ■ ,' r.rer.~~-v.. lilt- h: i n /! 7~ . ~~ i ~ ~.r.~6~.Y : l ~ . ~rtw~Y~aT.~T „ s~..Y.'- r ,d'r f. i • 5~~+~;yfg~j~~,. ` ~~ D 14. ~~~,.~ii►ip?ii~0i. i1.:i)~C~J . _ .. .:5..x:.:.1.. ..~.1 :, Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 103 of 179 Page ID #:103 { 1 ~ f i .• ~.,, ,,~,• 1 ~~ .._ .. _ _'' _.. . .. ._ ~i' 1 ~ .. . _ ~ :, ._.__ ~ ~~ ; j -r ~i► r ~U 1 Y ,YS s ~' ,:~, ., ~'~ •`~° ;',~ i . ~?~: . - _ _ ~. is accused by the pistricl Allornc~y of and (or•Ihe County,pf Asigcles, St~dle oC Califorrfia, by this ~ information,of(hecrimeof ~}olat~on~ot Section 288a(c) ~ ~' bf tAe Penal Code ~ ~ ~ ~ - _ rlelony, cornmilfed as follows: Thy[ the said RONALD I,EE ADAt7S . 3 ~~ ?-'~c:'%-i {.~.~ ' -. . on o~ about the z_ February, 1981 'a~. aria in the Caun~y.or l,os 8th day of Angeles. State ot('afifo:nia,did wi(ffully and unlawfu2ly , p~tieipate i71 an act of oral . copulation xith ~,and d id coapel the~par~ici~ation of said person in said act by force, violence; dura3s, menance', and ,threat of great bodily harA. ~ ~ ~~~-~ '~;;:~ ~' :.~1 ~'`: < t I is further alleged that in the con~ission and attemptci~ cos~ission of tt~e above offense the said defendant, RO~aLD Z~~'.~' ADAPiS, personally used a firearao,,wo xit~ a rewlver within the meaning of Penal Code Sections l 22.3 and 1~03.0v(a)~1). ~ ;'`-<_ ,'.:i~~;~ ~ ,. ~ For a fur[j~cr and scparatc wusc of action, being a differcnl offenu of tha some class criincs of and offenses as the charge u~ forth in all preceding CouAts ~ ~ ~ - w ~ ~ .~. hereof, 3~ORALD I.EE ADAl'iS the said ., ~ ~ . .`• f . '. ``~ '.~ / ., 1 / ~, ~. I ~~ i -. _ - - _ - r .. ` Y ~ { i t I . , ., Filed in o~cn Su~rior ('ourt of the ~St~tc of ali(ornia. County of L s Angrks, o~ motion o f the bistrir[ Atlornc of ciid Counly. DATED: ~ ~ >> IO11N K- VAA! DL 1:AMP, District Aiiorner for Ifx County of [_os A~ip.-Irs. Si~i. of C~;i(~~rni~ Z]Q~YXY7CZYXX7Cb000XK7GCYX ' - ~. n r ~t~ , JOI1N I. COFC'OR1N, Ckrt _ ~', [~Puty : ; ~ ~ i . ., ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ "`~~ ~ < ,• ~ }.waSiii?~~ t '~ ~ } , -i~~~~ it,~..t,__'~:sf.L"~.1.c6'.--Li~.7i')Y~y'Y:r~~ i - ~ a '~ ` . ~ ~~.c~t.. ~!i,.,k~. • ~ ~ ~- Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 104 of 179 Page ID #:104 ( ~:•~'rr' - : ` ~ , .... -r,~.... ~':j~. -+' tl 1Nr1~1 -~n f ~ r ` /- r 1n~1 In~~ irtu V~1.. I.~~~coor a. nllt~e a~il~c/I~n Y a `r.,' : 7fC7`.~r:~ o - 1i~~1 firn.. rc'1.'. ..~~, . .. r• ~ r. ' ~-+~-~ ~- /~~— ~ .. ,~ F'or a furlhcr andsc~wrulc cause o! dclion, hcLig o diffcrcn; o1(ensc'of the sazne.cla~ s vl crimes ' fi ~. ' f; `' .'t i ~ ~. and offenses es the d~nr~u ! hemof, ~ R01iALD I.EE ADAMS the, said ': r~'r~~ k' 4~ '' ~ - _ ~ ti ~ .i i ~ 'acl forth in alt preceding Counts ~ , T. ' - ~ , ~~'. • j~ Lr accused t~Y the District Attorrrcy of and (or the County oCLos Angeles, Slalc of California, by this ~I~~ ' ~j t ,, ~~~ ; _,~ , ? . r'~?,'~~?. ~ ~~~ ~ ~~r ? ~~: ~~' RON ~ LEA /~AI'wS ~ ~ _ _ 1 ` ~F { then 2nd [here overcorpe•by Corcc and violencC used upon and against the said ~ _ ' .. •~ ~, and withtorce and violence, Then end there resisted ~hc accomplishment of Saidacl.e( sexual intercours e but her 7esistapcc was' j '~ ~ . at and in the Counly,of leloniou.~1 a femalt person, who ivas not then and there the wife of said . and sJu, the said • "='1^ ''~- • unlawfull without the consent and agains! the will oC [he said ~-}^ ~:~,!tiFj .' Febril2Sy~ 1981 have and accomplish an.act of sezua] iirierrourse K•jeh and upon .~~~r ~ ; =,I~~<kt :..: r .`:::•• ~ ` ,.=%~ . - day of . An cles, State of California, did willfull _'~3~~" t 8th _ RONALD ;,Ey ADA2iS F ` '- ~ %ion or about the ~s ~'~'~~ t , Information, o[ the crirrm of !{.\PE, Sn viola tloA of Scclior. 261, Subdivisio n 2, Penal Code of California, a felony, commit led es fo1JeW~:' 7'het the said' by said~dcfendanl. It is--lurtheF alleged that. in the Coo~ission and atte?~uted fo~~lssio~l of the above offense, the said deTen~ant, P.O;CALD L~:..ADAI'S; ~c~~so~ally u5~d•a firearm,, to xlt, a revolver,. trith~n the weaning oi`' ~nal Code Sectio❑ 12022.3 and 1203.06 (x)(1)• •• . . ~ ~ ~ ~~. ~ . i r y J . 'ti„ .. . ~ ,' ]USI~.I'U C. BU~('ll. ni~IciN Alinrn~y' fq~ lily County a( I.os Angrirs. Slot: o(t~~I~f~, rT"' i y F~Icd in eyes Su~rrior Court n! the Slntr o! Califq[nia, Co:~nl)• of 1.n5 ~cgcics, on (rtnlion ' '. of the District Allomcy of sai4 CoYnly. , D,i;:.D: X~xzxxz . ........ .. ......... n y.....:..... ......... ..;ezaxxx.~cxxxx~c ,, ~~~` ~~' ~ ~ :~~ . . .' . ~~ Y~~LLIAT~{ (',. SIf.1Ill', Clgk s - ~. . ~~ f r :~:~ , ~ ,,%~ ,, ~' .4'~~~..,.t.. _ ~.______._. , Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 105 of 179 Page ID #:105 ~, - ;mot nr,- - -r~~ ~ .a ~. - him. `_ _ .~ . ~ y 'r . . , w ~ 1. [~'~^^ ~ `~~/~U~__~t ~~I.~.d~ rr 7i~~~. ~ ~~ vJ .. •, ~ li„~ [oov Pc~ n~aliri [s~~~lic.l~on ~n Ili~~ I~~n~ 1 c~~1IlY 1~~~' In~l ~m~p~ ~~~ ~ , ~ ~. ~~. ` _~'~ -- ~ - - - 1 r- D ~. 1 ~ CUUNT• I~ ' ` ~ i ~ ~ . ,o } a fvrlhcc And scpar~ic cause of actinn, being a dilfcreq( oifenrc of the same class of crimr.. 'or , :r.,'.• ;~ and offenses es the chazge, bet lorlk~ in ull preceding ~Dunt a _ .. , ' ~:r ,~ ' ". -•, n. ROtihID I,F~ ABAt~^i ' .~. thrsafd ~ .- , ,~ j / `~ { . ~ ~=: a i .. f L accused by the~Dislrict Attorney v( and (or Lhe County: Los Argeies, $tale of California, by this s q( •.'~ i, z~ ~ ` Si 1: - '~`~a : ~7 pn ' or about the '8th ' :~,~{:~ ' ~ ;`;~~; .. a Crmalc.~crson,,whp was not thenynd thcrc the wife of said i and she. Lhe said ~~ ~'_~ j " ~. . _i ".. ~OPlAI,D I,.e~ ADA1'LS .wi1}iout the tonsenl and against the will of the said' i ~'~~ . :i " February, 1gB1 . ' ~-=~ ~ Y daj of ' ~ RQNALD I,EE AD6J'~ ~ , al and in ).he County of .o .Los Ang.^]es, State a( California, did wiN[ully, udlawlu]]y, feloniously, and~~y_~th force and riglerce,~ '...ha4e and a~rnmplish an act of sexual inte~coucse with and upon... _ 7 informatlq~l. of .Lhe crime b! fLAT'E,~ ~~olatiort o[ ~clien 761, Sulxiivision 2 ; Pehal Cade n( Catilornla,-e felony, committed as follows: 1'ha! 4he said _ . Ihrn .and there rezislcd the accomplishment of uid act of sexual intcrcoursc~bul her resistance was then and there ovtrconie by Coree and violroCe used upon and a6ainsl Ih'r said ~. l ~~`•by said ;dcfendant , It is Surther alleged thaE in the coagnission and atteranted of the above ofSense 'the said deSendant RON-4LU •i„E ADAt;S, per~onally used a fireara~ to tiit a revolver kiU~iin the meaning _ ~ oS Penal CodeTSections 1203.06(a)~1) and 1202c~.3. _ • C OiG'P15516A , '~>%~: • i ~ ~ _ ~ .. ~ .. . . s , : :~ ~~ i . .. IOSIJ'11~1'. R~1~;('li. Ilis.L~~ct Ai .D`.~ _ n:r ~~ilu~ In c~yhn Surciinr Cc,url n( the Slate e( ~~ .(I 1 17, {~O1111~y ~( ~/.'S /~II~(`~C<, Pll mo4,{nn . ~i ~l - ~ ibr Ihd(.~u~{y ~~( Ln5 Angrli ~ n(f al~lc•+~id of tic f)i;irlcl.Altorncy o! sold County. ' .,~i I,~. XJ(XXXXXXxYX XXRlXkXXXX't:( .I?hTF:D: ~ - 11 lYfLl_(A1~~ C S IA[l[~,`Llrr~f ,~:~ ` ~ i~r ,. . __.,._ I~ ~" ..~.. I ~ ~ ~r ~A "~ 1 _~J Z i(31 ~ fFn' , ~ ~ ~ ~- r ~ , ~ l)~ . ~ I ' ~` r :~. . ~ , .. K} } ~ .. ~ ; :y'; j. . _. . . •~ ~ .. ~ ' : ' •i ~ ' ~, ~ '. V ~ ~ ~ J ~lcy~~f' it 1 -1,~` C~ 'I~ I xi. Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 106 of 179 Page ID #:106 1 .. i ii i u,uir in.i gnu .....w ~ ' ~ . h~~~~T _ ~ ~~~. c onr oe, n uur, c.,id~c.iw~ o.. mn ~ ,r n \/ W1~ ~ ti s COUNT x ~~ ' S ~ F'or ~i further add srporatc caux of action, Ecing a different offcn`se of the wme class n[ crimes a ndollcnscsasR~cchrrgc . All precc¢in(~ CountD ` ; actfnrihin . , ~.~, ' hercal, .11~esaid RONALD LEE ADAMS ~ ~ :a - ~~ ~. ~ ' ~ Is~ccused by the District Attorney of and Lor tae County of Los Angtles, &late u[ California, Dy Lhis Y information, of the crime of HAYS, in v~btalion of Scclion 261, £ubdivivon 2, r •~ Penal Code of Uli.ornia, a [Elony, committed u Lollows: Vial the sald~ • "nth op or about the ~ ~~e~~ Febz'u~.ry, 1 81 ~ ROlikJ,D I,E:E ADAT'1$ ', at and in the County o[ Lqs Angeles, Slalr of Calilornla,~id willfully, unlawfully, lelooiously, and with forte and violence, ha~~e land accomplisu an act of sexual interrou~e ~y~ih and upon r _ a.(rinale person, who was noI Ihcn end ~herc the wife o(said ., witl~cut the consent anU aguinsl Lhc will of~lhe said RDNAL~ LF.E ADA1`u r a'nd she, the s.n~1 Ihen and there resisted [he accompliehmcnl~o{ said act of scx~al intercnurse but her rrys{ance was t hen and them overrorl~e by Corce and vioten~e used upon'ana against. the laid - .. • .. ~ by said dSfcndant, ` ~- l~ • si - ~~ .. ~. ~ ~_ ?ll ~j in r~~cn tiu~xnn~ Cotul 0C the ;ilnlc of C. 6l~ ~ nit, c~.unly of l,ns /~n~cics. on inoSlOn , i l ll~r Ui li ~rl Alicrncy rf ~iid Cuunly. ~ _. ~ ,~.,I ~ "_'j a ~ ~~1. i c~f~1, . ' ``'~. I~ is Turthr_r alleged that in the coauniscion mid at`er led co~~?ysion of the above offense, th2 said defendant, ROi~AL" ~ 1.pA11S., * person-illy used a firearm, to ~+it y a revolver, within the me ~ ii~~ i of l`enal Code actions .12U3.~(a)~1) ancf 12022.3. j ~ Ily I ~1At~~l ~. ~ 1_ , ---- . .. , ~ o ~ ~ ~ ' IhC•GnuNy u( l.os nn;:cics. Sl:ilc of ('.~IifNni~ ` ,r Ily ,' ~.a-~pn G1~S~~,.••~+-. f--v } ll,~•ni; (' l1Ai+LFti 11 ~~rlh:I..C'01~ -~. AOAMs M. MICHAUD. CCU ~~.~707 P65'l57 FOR CONSIDERATION x/10/07 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION CDC-128-89 (3-88) COPY TO INMATE TITtE CCI lNSTfTUTION FSP ~ ~ ❑INCREASE #N CUSTODY u ASSIGNMENT TO SECURITY kQUSiNG u OTl~ER Initial Classification Commfttee ROUTING INSTRUCTIONS: ORIGINAL CLASSIFICAT1dN COMMfTTEE STAFF NAME tnifiai_ REASON: REMOVAL FROM PROGRAM u TRANSFER YOU WILL ARPEAR BEFORE CLASSIFICATfOf~ COMMITTED ON OF A MA,lOR PROGRAM CHANGE AS FQLLOWS: E NOT{CE OF CLASSiFICATI4N HEARING STATE OF CALIFORNIA Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 107 of 179 Page ID #:107 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 108 of 179 Page ID #:108 INITIAL REVIEW NO: P65157 NAME: ADAMS MEPD: 8-25-2033 PS:49 NR: 3-08 CDC-128-G (Rev. 8140) Custody: CLOBR WG: A2 PG: B eff: 4-Ofi-06 Assignment: U/A S appeared before the Initial Classification Committee this date. S received advanced written notice of this hearing as documented on the 12881 dated 5-10-07. He is a 5~0 year old BiACK 2nd-termer received into CDC on 1-04-2000 from LA Count subseguent to a conviction for PG215 CARJACKING with enhancements for Repeat Offender. N~N-CON 1 ROLLING of VC 10851 ~A}, Vehicle Theft. He received a sentence of 36 years to Life. He was received at FSP from CSP-SAC for evel III placement on 5-04-a7 as a result of non-adverse transfer with a CSR endorsement for FSP-III. C-file reflects: H1W/D: NONE' SEX: Conviction for PC288A Oral Copulation -14 w/ Force and PC261.2, Ra_pe with force, Violence and Threat with Use of Weapon. Arrest date of 2-08-81 and received by CDC on -~~-82 for 25 year sentence. S is prohibited from visitinq with minors per CCR 3177; ESC: NONE; 3 ARSON: None; PC 296 Complete; REQ TO REG: PC 290; SvP: if S is a PC 29Q re9istrant and is within nine months of release, is a SVP screening form in file"l N/A' ENEMIES: Refer to CDC 812 for current locations. GANGS: NONE; CONF INFO: Present and audited by committee.; DISC HX: 12-28-05, Willfully Obstruc{ing~ a~ Peace Officer. 5-23-05 Willfully Resisting a Peace Officer Resultinq in the Use of Force. 5-23-05, Vl/ilffully Resisting a Peace dfficer Resulting in the Use of Force. 10-d7-OAF, Disrespect to Staff. 11-10-03, Grooming- Sfandards. 7 16-03, Disruptive Behavior Which Threatened Staff 5afety. 7-08-03 Manipulation of Start. 6-15=03, Refusing to Abey Direct orders. 3-12-03, Disrup~tive Behavior. 'f0-26-00 Willfully Delaying a Peace Officer• COMP. RESTRfCT: N/A' PC 1202.05: N/A; MED: Meets criteria for F~/FH per CDC 128C dated 1-06-20b0; CCCMS: 128C dated $-28-07; DPP: N/A' DDP: NCF per CDC 128C dated 2-09-2000' MDO: S does not meet offense criteria.; PC 305.6/3058.9: Applies; PC 3058.8: N/A; DVO: If S is unc~er PC 3058.6 or 3058.9 will this classification action be within 120 daYs of his release date? No.' 1f yes, will S's release date chap~ge? N/A; TB CODE: 22 dated 3-73-07~-Dent Class: 2; Restitution: CVO; Cc:rreht Balance: None; TABS: T.8 RGPL,~er DVI CDC 1?_8B dated '!-2~-03. Case was reviewed for e~llgibility, for the following programs: CCF/MCCF: Not eligible based on time to serve.; FIRE CAMP: foot eligible based on time to serve.; MSF: Not eligible based on time to serve.; SAP: Nat eligible based on time to serve.; REST. CTR: Not eligible based on length of term. DOUBLE/SINGLE CELL REVIEW: A review of the central file, including disciplinary history revealed no prior in cell vio{ence, predatory behavior toward other inmates or staff nor any case factors indicating S is not compatible with double cell housing. Committee notes that S has been double cell housed since reception in CDC. INMATE'S PARTICIPATION: During committee S stated that he did not want to be at FSP. S specifically requested to be considered for noth~ng when asked where he would like to work. S states that he foresees no problems adjusting to the FSPIII-GP. COMMENTS: S has prior CDC number C43417 that was archive reviewed per CDC 128B dated 8-06-01. Committee acts to Release FSP-fly, Set custody at C~.OBR, P/O SS W/L effective 5-17-07. The inmate stated that he did not a9ree with the committee action. S was advised of his rig ht to appeal this committee action. Next Reclass: 308. Next BPT Hearing: 8-2011 for D c #1. S meets I~fe term criteria for Level II housing per CCR #3375.2(a}(7). CONCUR: B MA FIELD P C. (C a~rperson) . M. C AUD, I (Recorder) K. M. UN , CC 11 C CLE . CER, Education cc: inmate DATE 5-17-07 Classification UCC-V Inst.: FSP ADAIV~S PGSl57 CDC-128-B Rev. 7174 1 NITlAL UCC DATE cc: 5/]9107 j ~isiting Sergeant Central File {original) Inmate Type of Committee (lnitiat I UCC 1 ICC On VISITING R~STRICTIQN Date Of Co~zi~z~ittee Action S/y~lQ7 1 ~ GENLR~IL C~~RONO The above inmate has been restricted from visiting with minor children based on CCR 3173.1. This decision was made during NAI~~E and NUMBER ~< Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 109 of 179 Page ID #:109 ~~'cM ~ - `~~p~ ~ S''~ 7 AT~: J J ~ t ~~ ~ l ~c: Central File (ori~uiai) Inmate Visiting Lieutenant II]5t1hit7011' '"'" ~'~"'~~ ~, ~ . .~ ~~?S~T~~G R? ~S'~~CT~ON '~~~/I~~X~IO?2S Signature of staff member completing cha~ono Printed Narne and title of staff member coinpletiz~g chronfl Gr~I~~L CH~RONQ visiting Staff notified by telephone ors ~ ~j ~} cUc l~r;-~ pig,•. ai~a~ -~-~ ALL OT~-LER 112iNOP. CHILDI~N SHALL BE NON--COI~'TAG'T ~?~SITS ONLY PER CCR 3173.1 ,., ~C . -'~c'c~' ~_ I'lie ' a~o~e innate is restr~cied fi •om visiting with the following nunor child{ren) per CCR 3173.1(x): 1~A]V.[~ and NCJMBER _ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 110 of 179 Page ID #:110 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 111 of 179 Page ID #:111 ~ Page 1 of 1 PENAL CODE -PEN PART 2. OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE[68i - i62o] (Part 2 enacted 1872.) TITLE 8. OF JUDGMENT AND EXECUTION [ii9i - i234.5~ (Title 8 enacted 1872. ) CHAPTER i. The Judgment[ii9i - i2io.51 (Chapter Y enacted 1872.) ( Whenever a person is sentenced to the state prison on or after January 1, 1.993, for violating Section 261, a) i2o2.o5. 264.1, 266c, 285, 286, 288, 288a,288.5, or 289, and the victim of one or more of those offenses is a child under the age of 18 years, the court shall prohibit all visitation between the defendant and the child victim. The court's order shall be transmitted to the Department of Corrections, to the parents, adoptive parents, or guardians, or a combination thereof, of the child victim, and to the child victim. if any parent, adoptive parent, or legal guardian of the child victim, or the child victim objects to the court's order, he or she may request a hearing on the matter. Any request for a hearing on the matter filed with the sentencing court shall be refereed to the appropriate juvenile court pursuant to Section 362.6 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. ( The Department of Corrections is authorized to notify the sentencing court of persons who were sentenced to the b) state prison prior to January 1, 1993, for violating Section 261, 264.1, 266c, 285, 286, 288, 288a, 288.5, or 289, when the victim of one or more ofthose offenses was a child under the age of l 8 years. Upon notification by the department pursuant to this subdivision, the sentencing court shall prohibit all visitation between the defendant and the child victim, according to the procedures specified in subdivision (a). ( Added by Stats. 1992, Ch. 1008, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 1993.) Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 112 of 179 Page ID #:112 ~~ o ~ ego ( ~/►~ ~ ~'~~.~tJ~ (~ 1 ~C ~JEEF1~'G'~ P~!~ ~._ cniiC under tic a~~ o' ~=~ vear~ siiali clo: ~~'~~Itl:ll: ~I~t~. D~ _- rq-r. ~1Q C,~:~t: r'.{`(- a►~imai, j ~~`-~ ti ~86.~ `Se~ual~E~ assa~l,m~ n . w~h. s auali~ assaults and ails c+~ .Any p~rsor the pur"Z ma protecte~ 6~ ~~ ~~r~* ~~7 fo= - ~ a ~i~ iuc the 5 = ua' ~--e,, nog ~,' ~ ~u~in~ ~ ~./~ St~ ~j~ C~PS1T'e Oi th pCS'S7t: 1; ,~,,, m anon. ~~~"'_ ct Cnmina' ~rti ti~ - e1311T1 Oi h R715C1E- ~ i ~ b.~~-~ -'-' gal Ju< ,~' ~ ~8'. [Sams}: genet:atior sufficient to n. eompiete the crime, j And sexua~ penetratio wever slight, i< su~,cient to complete the ho F 9.] 21 . v crime of sodom~~. f 1872: 1975 ch 71 ~d Criminal Law § 2331; ~~~thin ` .Cal Jur `-4 Crimes pp 49Y, 490. Lewd or , 1 ~ ~ 28&. [grimes against children: acts: punishment.] (a) Any person `L► ~ lascivious it any -~ ~ whc shall willfully and lewdly comm lascivious act including any of the ~,,~ lewd or ded for ~ acts constituting other crimes provi of this cede upon or ~z~;-~tihe ~ , in Part 1 t ereoi, of a body-, or any part or age of 14 years, with the ~ ~ child under arousing, appealing to, or gratifying i nt such the lust o: passions o: sexual desires of or of such chili, shall be guilty of a person ~ --' : state felony and shall be imprisoned in the a term of three, five, or seven y prison for J ' U ~h:- ~.- years. de(b) Any person who commits an act force, scribed in subdi~~ision (a) by use of .i ~ great ~ 1, violence, duress, menace, or threat of the bodily harm, and against the will of .4~ of a felony and shall ,~ q ~~ '~t~ victim shall be guilty term be imprisoned in the state prison for a [1901 ch Z04 ,'~ ~ of three, five or seven years. ~~ § 1; T976 ~ ~ `~ § 1; 1933 ch 405 § 1; 1937 ch 545 ; 1978 ~ ch ll39 § 177, operative 7uly 1, 1977 -+. 17; 1979 ch 944 § 6.5.] Cal Jur 3d '\.l ch 579 § 491-495, ~ ~ Appellate Review §§ 475, 484, 485, S,' inal Law §§ 1013, 1261, ~.., ,.,~ ~ 528-551, 556, Crim 1641, 2250, "'^ ~~ 1616, 1624, 1630, 1634, 1636, ?277-2281, 2284-2257, f~ ~ 226?, 2271-2275. 23042290, 2292, 2296-2298, 2301, 2302, r ; Witkin Crimes pp 2307, 2826, 3068, 3?24 SOS, 44, ]22, 204, 283, 289, 324, 497, 500, 998, 1010, 1029,• 535, 567, 914, 919, 955, 203, Criminal Procedure pp 67, 172, 173, 779, SS7; Evidence pp 293, 377, 515, 622, mary (8th ed) p 5546. 1107, 1125; Sum § 288.1. [Same: Suspension of sentence.] any Any person convicted of committing ious act including any of the lewd or lasciv ded for acts constituting other crimes provi code upon or with the in Part 1 of this of, of a body, or any part or member there r? [ is; Cl :SJF ~ tC i ~U tt~ llflir L1~fYl ~ l '1 ~' ~'. ~_ l'1-1111 l a~ -, wi t 1 '~ ~ C '~ Vc Cll;, m n~~i~~ :;f1 ,~~~i 3 ; )1 ~.~~~~~i,~~~i i. :~O` )~i*'; h C~'+~ 1e- o~ suY; f. ~;; ~ J a c~r~ul.~t~ar ~ f a v ~~ c gnu t 'b~ i~~h ate_ z~ ~ ~pu:a tn~ the mc'~u*h o`~ >i lati, one pe.scm v ~,h in_ se~;u _ c.~af .r ~~i~ ~tr~e~ }-~ersc?r.. (bl =i ~~ ~'= e_ nr~:,n - ir- ~ rior 52s. v as ~: rsor_ w n. ra-ticipat... it ar a;: ~ o o~ a; person ~~ric is- ~nd~r copulation w~itr another I~ years oar ag shah be a~~ni~neG i~ i ,pri;~s ty onmen; in the state prison. or in a coun ~L pe iod or not more tear ,one year. jail for U -~ '~ ~ ~,xcPpr as provided ir_ Secnor 288, and-, the age of 21 rears who particlperson over pates in ar act of ora~ copulation with another person who is under 16 years of a~e'~ sha11 be guilty of a felony. ( c} Any person who participates ir: ar. ac: ~ f'b~al copulation wits another p~rsor who o o; age nd morP than 1G is under 14 years when the acs is years younger than he victim's v~ill by ~~ accomplished against or means o~ force, violence, duress, menace, fear o'~ immediate and unlawful bodily injur} be on the victim o. another person. shat punished 'b}~ imprisonment in the state prison for three, sia or eight year (d) Any person who, while voluntarily r acting in concert with another person, eithe nall;~ or by aiding and abetting such ~1 perso :aother person, commits ar. act of Drat copu when the act is accom~Iished against tion fear of.~_ the victim's will by means of force or e and unlawful bodily injury on the I~ immediat hed victim or another person shall be punis ent in the state prison for five, by imprisonm seven, or nine years. (e) Any person who participates in an act any' of oral copulation while confined in ed in Section 4504 or in state prison, as defin inI any local detention faci]ity as defined be punished by impris- I Section 6031.4, shalt ty onment in the state prison, or in a coun more than one year. jail for a period of not of (~ Any person whc commits an act victim is at the time oral copulation, and the this unconscious of the nature of the act and act, is known to the person committing the hed by imprisonment in the shall be punis d state prison, or in a county jail for a perio one year. [1915 ch 586 ~ l; of not more than 56 1921 ch 848 §§ 1, 2; lst Ex Sess 1950 ch ch 23 § 3; 1955 ch 274 § 1; 1st Ex Sess 1952 § 1; 1975 chs 71 § 10, 877 § 2; 1976 ch 1139 490 § 178, operative July 1, 1977; 1977 ch Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 113 of 179 Page ID #:113 i .' i' <I I'" I'' ' I § 2G1 DEERING'S PENAL 7.5. Obscene Matter. §§ 311-312.5. 7.6. Harmful Matter. §§ 313-313.5. b. Indecent Exposure, Obscene Exhibitions, and Bawd~~ and Other Disorderly House §§ 31 318.6. 9. Lotteries. §~ 319-328. 10. Gaming. §~ 33~337s. 1 U.5. Horse Racing. §§ 337.1-33?.9. ] . Pawnbrokers, Gold Buyers and Junk Dealers. §§ 343, ] 344. 1 2. Other Injuries to Persons. §§ 346-367. ,.,. CHAPTER ] I~: (ail i; Rape, Abduction, Carnal Abuse of Children, and Seduct ion § 261. Rape defined. § 261.5. Unlawful sexual intercourse. § 262. Rape of spouse defined: Time to report violation. § 263. What constitutes essential guilt of rape: Sufficiency of penetration. § 264. Punishment for rape: Recommendation by jury: Discret ion of court. § 264.1. Aiding and abetting another in rape: Punishment. § 265. Abduction of women for marriage or defilement: Punishment. § 266. Seduction for purposes of prostitution: Aiding and abetting: Procuring illicit sexua intercourse by false pretenses: Punishment. § 266a. Taking person for prostitution without consent or by false representation: Punish ment. § 266b. Taking person by force, to live in illicit relation: Punishment. § 266d. Receipt of money for placing person in custody for the purpose of cohabitation. ~ 266e. Payment for purpose of prostitution or placing in y immoral house. § 266f. Selling person for immoral purposes. § 266g. Placing or permitting placing of one's wife in house of prostitution: Punishment: Wife competent witness. § 266h. Definition of pimping: Penalty: Competent witness . § 266i. Pandering defined: Penalty: Competent witness . § 267. Abduction for prostitution: Punishment. § 268. Seduction under promise of marriage: Penalty. § 269. Intermarriage, when a bar to prosecution. § 261. [Rape defined.] Rape is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a person not the spouse of the perpetrator, under any of the following circumstances: 1. Where a person is incapable, through lunacy or other unsoundness of mind, whether temporary or permanent, of giving legal consent. 2. Where it is accomplished against a person's will by means of force or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury on the person or another. 3. Where a person is prevented from resisting by any intoxicating, narcotic, or anaesthetic substance, administered. by or with the privity of the accused. 4. Where a peisnn is at the time unconscious of the nature of the act, and this is known to the accused. 5. Where a person submits under the belief that the person committing the act is the victim's spouse, and this belief is induced by any artifice, pretense, or concealment practiced by the accused, with intent to induce such belief. [1872; 1889 ch 191 § 1; 1897 ch 139 § 1; 1913 ch 122 § 1; 1970 ch 1301 § I; 1979 ch 994 § 1; 1980 ch 587 § 1.] al C Jur 3d Abortion and Birth Control ~ 8, Appellate Review §§ ]57, 158, 360 et seq., riminal Law §§ 32, 36, 209, 210, 2067, C 2 068, 2071, 2078-2085, 2104, 2123, 2126, 2 826,• Witkin Crimes pp 204, 263, 264, 265, 2 66, 267, 268, 270, 475, 626, 919. § 261.5. [Unlawful sexual intercourse.] Unlawful sexual intercourse is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a fcm~ilc nut the ~F>iCe of tl~e perpetrator, ~vltere the female is wider the age of 18 years. w ~. `~'~ ~ +~ :=r:s ~tTr• t+ ~ 't ,~R`' ~ ' W `~_ ~ ~y ~M ;~ i ~ }-~: i~ 4 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 114 of 179 Page ID #:114 Operations Manual DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION proof that the requirements of 3172(a) have been met or there is explanation for the absence of a signature. Acceptable explanations for the absence of a signature include, but are not limited to: • A documented physical and/or mental condition or disability that may exclude the inmate from mailing and/or signing the questionnaire. Verification of inmate mailing has been established by other means, such as a date officially stamped by the institution or by a staff signature. In accordance with CCR Subsection 3172(e) the visitor has been • directed to update a questionnaire on file by designated staff in conjunction with a periodic review or a change in name, address, telephone number, or arrest history. • When the completed CDCR Form 106 is received and processed at the institution facility, the inmate shall receive a SOMS Notice of Visitor Approval/Disapproval. • Inmates shall be responsible - for notifying visitor applicants of their approval to visit. • Visitors may be required to contact the Department of Justice regarding their criminal or arrest history. ApprovaUDisapproval of Application to Visit 54020.8.1 The authority to approve or disapprove a CDCR Form 106 shall not be delegated below the rank of correctional sergeant, parole agent II, or correctional counselor II. An application to visit may be disapproved in accordance with CCR Section 3172.1. Arrest History Inquiry 54020.8.2 Revised April 3, 2014 Upon receipt of the CDCR Form l06 an arrest history inquiry shall be completed and a determination to approve or disapprove visiting should be made within 30 working days at a minimum, a Criminal Identification and Information (CI&I) report shall be obtained if the California Law Enforcement Telecommunication System lists a CI&I number for the applicant. Reasons for delay beyond 30 days may be provided. to prospective visitors upon inquiry by the individual applicant. Notification If the visiting application is disapproved, the applicant and the inmate shall receive from visiting staff via SOMS Notice of Visitor Disapproval, written notification of the disapproval and the process to appeal the decision. The visitor shall be informed of the specific reasons) for disapproval. Reconsideration ofDisapproval 54020.8.3 Revised April 3, 2014 Reconsideration of disapproval shall occur upon receipt of supporting documentation and information, and included on a new CDCR Form 106 subject to the provisions of CCR Section 3172.L Revocation of Approval to Visit 54020.8.4 Revised Apri! 3, 1014 An individual's approval to visit may be revoked when: Information that would have resulted in visiting disapproval becomes known after visiting approval has been granted. • My activity or event occurs subsequent to an approval to visit that would have resulted in disapproval of the initial application. Violations of State Law on Institution/Facility Property 54020.8.5 Visitor violations of State or federal law on institution facility property may be referred to prosecuting authorities in accordance with CCR Section 31762. The visitors visiting privileges shall be revoked pending investigation and/or court disposition. If the visitor is not prosecuted or not referred for prosecution, the visitor shall be subject to action in accordance with CCR Subsections 31762(a)and (b). If the visitor is found not guilty or a court dismisses the charges, visiting approval may be restored upon the written request ofthe visitor. Extenuating Circumstances for Visitor Approval 54020.9 Revised September 15, 1007 Exceptions to approval requirements for visitors may be made when death, life-threatening illness, or injury occurs to an immediate family member, including registered domestic partner, of the inmate. Family emergency exceptions shall be made only for an inmate's immediate f amily members as defined in Section 3000 of the Title 15 or clergy. Each request to visit because of a family emergency shall require proof of the emergency and approval of the supervisor in charge of visiting. Chapter 5 Visitors must present acceptable picture identification and pass an arrest history inquiry in accordance with this Section. The visit shall be conducted under the direct supervision of visiting or designated staff. 54020.10 Visiting Requirements for Minors Revised April 3, 1014 Minors shall be accompanied by an adult who has been approved to visit the inmate. Approval of an emancipated minor's visit requires aone-time submission of a certified copy of the court order of emancipation. Staff shall note that the original is certi£ed, and verification of the order shall be noted in SOMS. The emancipated minor is subject to all the rules and regulations as set forth for adult visitors. If the accompanying adult is not the parent, legal guardian, or spouse of the minor, a notarized written consent shall be required from the person with legal custody of the minor, or a certified copy of a court order authorizing the minor to visit while accompanied by a designated adult. • The notarized written consent or court order shall state the duration of approval and must be presented each time the minor visits. The notarized written consent must be renewed annually. • Staff shall note the notarized consent form is current and shall annotate it in SOMS. 54020.10.1 Visiting Restrictions for Minors Revised May 10, 2010 Any inmate convicted of specified criminal acts against minors shall be prohibited from visiting with minors in accordance with provisions of CCR Section 3173.1. • For inmates convicted ofPenal Code (PC) Sections) 261, 264.1, 266c, 285, 286, 288, 288a, 288.5, or 289 when the victim is a minor visitation with the minor victim sha be prohi ite , except as authorized by an order of the juvenile court pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 362.6. Visitation pursuant to such an order shall be limited to non-contact status. • For inmates convicted of PC Sec[ion(s) 261, 264.1, 266c, 269, 285, 286, 288, 288a, 288.5, or 289 when the victim is a minor, visitation with any minor who is not the victim o t e came s a e limited to non-contact status except as authorized by the Institution Classification Committee. For inmates convicted of PC Sections) 273a, or 273d, visitation with • the minor victim shall be limited to non-contact status. • For inmates convicted of violating PC Sections) 187, 269, 273a, 273ab, or 273d, when the victim is a minor, visitation with any other minor shall be limited to non-contact status except as authorized by the Institution Classification Committee. • When an inmate has been arrested, but not convicted of any crime involving a minor victim included in this Section, a classification committee shall determine whether all visitations with a minors) is to be limited to non-contact status. • Untess otherwise prohibited, the inmate's visiting status shall be unrestricted until a classification committee has done the following: • Made acase-by-case determination whether the inmate poses a threat of harm to minor visitors in contact visitation. • Considered the circumstances of the misconduct involving a minor victim in determining whether the inmate poses a threat of harm to minor visitors in contact visitation. In making its determination, the classification committee shall consider, but is not limited to, arrest reports, probation officer reports, court transcripts, and parole revocation transcripts. • if a classification committee determines that the inmate will pose a threat of harm to minor visitors in contact visitation, it will order all the inmate's visitation with minors be restricted to non-contact visiting status. • If the inmate disagrees with the decision of a classification committee, the inmate may file an inmate grievance via the CDC Form 602 appeal process as ouNined in CCR Sections 3084.1 through 3085. Processing Visitors 54020.11 Revised April 3, 10/4 Upon arrival at the visitor processing area, the visitor shall be issued a SOMS. Visitor Pass. Visiting staff shall: Pa¢e 452 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 115 of 179 Page ID #:115 ,'~E OF CAL`FORNIA ~ .nl"SATE/PAti20LEE REQUEST F~... ~.. CDGR 22.(1R/09) SECTION A: INMATE/PAROLEE REQUEST NAME (Print): (FIRST NAME) (LAST NAME) SIGNATURE:' .- ASSIGNMENT: HOUSINGBED lIUMBER;: ' " CDC NUMBER: s ~ ~T ,ri fi TOPIC (I.E. MAIL, CONDITION OF CONFINEMENT/PAROLE, ETC.): F ~ p", HOURS FROM TO ' r~ ~ ,~ARLY STATE THE SERVICE OR ITEM REQUESTED ORREASON FOR INTERVIEW: ~ f i a , ~ v' t r. - ~ _ ~1 _ r ~ , ~ j .. ~ ... ~ , ' .. s? METHOD OF DELIVERY(CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX) **NO ._- Q`SENT THROUGH MAIL: ADDRESSED TO: q =..w >. ~" ~ — a ' ~~ _ ,. .. ~, RECEIPT WILL BE kROVIDED IF REQUEST IS MAILED ** ms „ s ~ ~~ DATE MAILED: < / `~/ u DELIVERED TO STAFF(STAFF TO COMPLETE BOX BELOW AND GIVE GOLDENROD COPY TO INMATE/PAROLEE): RECENED BY: PRINT STAFF NAME: DATE: SIGNATURE: FORWARDED TO ANOTHER SiAFF9 ( CIRCLE ONE) IF FORWARDED — TO WHOM: DATE DELNEREU/MAILED: YES NO METHOD OF DELIVERY: ( CIRCLE ONE) IN PERSON BY US MAIL SECTION B: STAFF RESPONSE RESPONDING STAFF NAME: DATE: SIGNATURE: DATE RETURNED: SECTION C: REQUEST FOR SUPERVISOR REVIEW PROVIDE REASON WHY YOU DISAGREE WITH STAFF RESPONSE AND FORWARD TO RESPONDENTS SUPERVISOR IN PERSON OR BY US MAIL. KEEP FINAL CANARY COPY. SECTION D: SUPERVISOR'S REVIEW RECENED BY SUPERVISOR(NAME: DATE: SIGNATURE: DATE RETURNED: Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 116 of 179 CORRECTIONS#:116 Page ID AND REHABILITATION ~IFORNIA~ ~' ~ARTMENT OF uvw~.,~ c~rAROLEE REQt1EST FOR WTER~I CDCk 22(10/G9) ~ , V, ITEM OR SERVICE ~ ~~ ~~~ a ~ECTfON A.INMATE/PAROLEE REQUEST NAME(Print: (LAST NAME) ` ~--. liOUSING/BED NUMBER: L~ (FIRST NAME) ASSIGNMENT: .i~ e L J ~. - , ~ ~ :. $~`~, ~'E.z_ -~ TORE: - TDPIC (I.E. MAIL,CONDRION OF bONFINEMENTIPAROIE,.ETC.: HOURS FROM R TO~~ ~.''b~ .T 1 C~ 1~ ~S ~C]UES•I ED ~IN 1RL ' Oi'~l~+~ ~~~~~E '~.~ ~~~ i } CDC NUMBER: t.~ ~i~~ 4~ C.+e~~ ~.c ~ .. - _ VIEW: ~ tc~ ~s c~~.~ t..~S ~ ~'~1~/~ ~..2~1~ G i 4 ~li~Gt ~ ~s ~~ !~.~d _ ~~-I~ ~2 ,~..—_ ~ ~~ c~~~~~ ~%s ~~,~ ~ ~.a~. ~s e, ~ ~ ~~ , ~ ~ ~ r i~ P~~1- ~ c~ c~ ~ r~ to ~ 9r~ ~~~ .~ f ~'r ~' ~ ~+' r~ ~~ ~~ ~vr ~,~,~~ tz~~ i~ t ~~ c.'~. -~~ ~ ems} C'~ ~,c. gip_ s` L ~ n aF DELrvER~ ~ci~eicnrrRorFun~ Bax ~ **NO RECEIPT WILLBE ROV,IIDED IF REQUEST I5 MAILED ** SENT THROUGH MAIL: ADDRESSED TO ~p,J~~. J~{ t~. DATE MAILED: ~- / / ~. s u DELIVERED TO STAFF(STAFF TO COMPLETE BOX BELOW AND GIVE GOLDENROD COPY TO INMATElPAROLEE): :RECENED BY: RRINT STAFF NAME: ' DATE:. .:. - SIGNATURE: _ WARDED TO ANOTHER STAFF? RCLE,. ONE) - IF FORWARDED-TO WHOId; ., - ~ DATE ~ELWEREDIMAILED: - - - . ._ _ NO METHOD OF DELIVERY: - (CIRCLE ONE) R YES IN PERSON .- ~~ L, d BY US MAIL _..._: _;. . SECTION C: REQUEST FOR SUPERVISORREVIEW PROVIDE REASON WHY YOU DISAGREE WITH STAFF RESPONSE AND FORWARD TO RESPONDENTS SUPERVISOR IN PERSOl~ OR BY US MAIL.- KEEP FINAL;CANARY COPY. SECTION D. SUPERVISOR'S REVIEW RECENED BY SUPERVISOR (NAME): DATE: SIGNATWRE: DATE RETURNED: - - Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 117 of 179 Page ID #:117 STATE OF G~ALIFOFNIA INMATFJPAROLEE APPEAL CDCR 602(REV. 08/09) DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABIL ITATION Side 1 IAB USE ONLY i I nstitution/Parole Region: _, Log #: Category: i FOR STAFF USE ONLY You may appeal any California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) decision, action, condition, policy or regulation that has a material adverse effect upon your welfare and for which there is no other ore~~r~ti^a -- '• tmental review/remedy available. See Californ Regulations, Title 15,(CCR) Section 308a i "~•~ -ia Code of ~ments to the Appeals Coordinator (AC) within 30 days of the event that lead to the fil calendar )CR Form 602-A will be accepted. Refer to CCR further Quidance with the appeal pros 3084 for Appeal is subject to rejection if c S WRITE, PRINT, or 1 CLEARLY in black or blue ink. Name Las Firs[): ( ~ Unit/Cell Number: Assignment: ~W WL~ State briefly the subject of your a~ ~ ~ v~ =b 1~~~ r.; ~-ilc s ARC,;Z ~ 201 A. xplain your issue (If you neec r ~J -~ + i~- CMC APPEALS OFFICE +f..3~~.,~'Q 1 MAY Q 6 2016 B. Action requested (If you need m GFF t e .,;,.; ~ L-KC~i1.cT ~J ~ c +a„~ ~ _s CMC APPEALS OFFICE M AY 27 2016 CMC APPEALS oFFiC~ S pporting Documents: Refer to CCR 3064.3. Yes, I have attached supporting documents. List supporting documents attached (e.g., CDC 1083, Inmate Propert y Inventory; CDC 12$-G, Classification Chrono): u No, I have not attached any supporting documents. Reason Inmate/Parolee Signatu __~ By placing ~ Date Submitted:"'C ~ ~J ' l s in this box, I waive my righ4 to receive an interview. C First Level -Staff Use Only . Staff -Check One: Is CDCR 602-A Attached? 'Yes u No This appeal has been: u Bypassed at the First Level of Review. Go to Secto~ ,~r~ ~ O tU~~ ~il~~~ L ~j ~ '~iejected (See attached letter for instruction) Date: HI 1Ufv ~ aTe: __ Date: _ Date: u Cancelled (See attached letter) Date: Accepted at the ~t Level of Review. ~y~~~ Assigned to:~~~h h~ ----- Title: T"J ~YW~ _Date Assigned: 4►1~ p_ Date Due:_~~~J~p_ First Level Responder Complete a First Level responses. elude ~r,'erdiev~2r's name. title, interview date, o tion, a^d complete the se~tio~ below. Date of Interview: _~~~____ __ Inter✓iz~r~ Location: _ _~~~__ _, __,___,_____ Your appeal issue is: ~ Granted ❑Granted in Part Q Denied ❑Other: __ ~] J ~ h See at+ached letter. If dissatis`ied a+ith First Level . ' response, rr~plete Section D ~ C~~~su~Cua"„^ —_v~J'-~ J-~~'~1~_~_e__ Tide' ~t~~~A'_ _5...C~~_ Sigriatur~' -,n-~ ~~-~%~------ -Cate completed~~~~ /~ ~ ~ j „/~ ~Reviewer: __ ~~+(L1 ~~ ~ Title.'~ --- S~ynature: ---. `~" —_.--=---f D ate received by AC:___________ _. }~~~~ '~ ~ ,~'''~ 3 ~ AC Use Only - .IIIN ~ f. Za Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 118 of 179 Page ID #:118 STATEt7h` CALIFORNIA INMATE/PAROLEE APPEAL FORM ATTACHMENT CDCR 602-A REV. 03/12) DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION Side l IAB USE ONLY j Institution/Parole Region: 'i CSC-~ Log #: Gategory: 1~^Q~~23 F OR STAfF USE ONL Y Attach this form to the CDCR 602, only if more space is needed. Only one CDCR 602-A may be used. Appeal is subject to rejection if one row of text per line is exceeded. WRITE, PRINT, or TYPE CLEARLY in black - or blue ink. Auignment: 1~4 ~an~.s ~r~l~-~- ~ ~3SG ~ Q~S~~? A Continuation of CDCR 602, Section A only (Explain your issue):~ . l4G.~+Y,n~~ c~ ~'r~(~~r„~- (,.5~..c ~ ~v ~~lG ~~ '~-t 1.~.~-r. ':~r .,~ ~ r i,,~ Li~va~. t_ Se...t, ~1,..~ 2~. ~c+~~--~b 1. CCL ~~~ie~~i~~! I~G~~...~ ,~z5'K"s~ t~ I~.e iS ~r_s~'~r.~lS i~i ~~' ~~S r.~ ~~ ~ C ~rv~.~ -#lam y~ln s~}+r~~ ~k ~v~5a...=~ GJc~S ~ ~ C~~' v~ ~''lze C~c,~~' ~ G,~S ~~r~••~ t'~ ti ffs ~lc~" Ccart''-4~' ~ .s/~ C.~s a~~S G~6 1 i ~~~' ~, MA~'0 6 2016 J CMC APPEALS OFFICE Z i 2 7 ~n~~, GMC APPEALS OFFI~ . . r _ O /. s.. 9 ~ ~ L ~ a ¢ _ t c. . .. I~ ~ 4. . '~r .may i "Q I Inmate/Parolee Signature: Date Submitted: ~L~ ~ ~ ~+. B Continuation of CDCR 602, Section B only(Action requested): . InmateJParolee Signature: Date Submitted: Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 119 of 179 Page ID #:119 State oT California CDC FORM 695 Screening For: CDC 6~2 Inmate/Parolee Appeals CDC 1824 Reasonable Modification or Accommodation Request RE: Screening at the FIRST Level F riday, May 20, 2016 ADAMS, P65157 C 006 3356001L CASE INFO./RECORDS,Policy &Procedures, 05/06/2016 Log Number: CMC-E-16-01023 ( Note: Lod numbers are assigned to all appeals for tracking purposes Your anneal is subiect to cancellation for failure to correct noted deficiencies.) The enclosed documents are being returned to you for the following reasons: Your appeal has been rejected pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title IS, Section (CCR) 3084.6(b)(8). Your appeal involves multiple issues that do not derivefrom a single event, or are not directly related and cannot be reasonably addressed in a single response due to this fact. You may resubmit the unrelated issues separately using separate appeals. Be advised that you are still subject to the submission of one non-emergency appeal every l4 ca/endar days. After a review oJyour CDCR 602 and attached CDCR 22forms,you have multiple issues. I you're attempting to appeal an incorrect AOJ,you'll need to submit a new appeal solely f regarding that issue. I you're attempting to appeal visiting restrictions, you'll need to submit a new appeal solely f regarding that issue. K. Cox, SSA (A) R. Ochoa, CC1I J. Javaux, AGPA ~_ G. Luz, OT Appeals Coordinator CMC NOTE: If you are required to re~spond/explain to this CDCR Form 695, use only the lines provided below. ~ '~t~~'~C ~/CYf~ Ql;~~~ra._ _ Iii ill iYr~i~i G~1w._.J~ /~.~.rfC'~ ~-pr dl ~d~ ~'~ir~l ..~.a~ae~ ~ ~"~,~~ {r~ c ~ ~ C.l~[a ~s ~-1,..~ I~.~~ ( ~s C~C~~tJ'/siFt " i,l~, ~s -~v CJ~~.2 ~Ik• ~ ~ ~'G /c~ C3 J fiC~~9~"~e~l~'~ ~ ,l~J C.~rI=~ ` Q~ ~!~f ~►.s a.,(' A.clat ~~' A~'/'~Aicr"ffu ~7.~ 4fF; ~~our~U1`~ ~ .~ r 1. i, Be advised that you cannot appeal a rejected appeal, but should take the corrective action necessary and ~'k~ /S~1'u~ resubmit the appeal within the timeframes specified in CCR 3084.6(a) and CCR 3084.8(b). Pursuant to CCR 3084.6(e), once an appeal has been cancelled, that appeal may not be resubmitted. However, a ~~~L ` A separate appeal can be filed on the cancellation decision. The original appeal may only be resubmitted if~~ ~~ the appeal on the cancellation is granted. ~~~~w NOTE THIS CDCR 695 IS A PERMANENT APPEAL ATTACHMENT AND IS NOT TO BE REMOVED ~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 120 of 179 Page ID #:120 Mate of California CDC FORM 695 Screening For: CDC 6~2 Inmate/Parolee Appeals CDC 1824 Reasonable Modification or Accommodation Request RE: Screening at the FIRST Level Thursday, April 28, 2016 ADAMS, P65157 C 006 3356001L CASE INFO./RECORDS, Policy &Procedures, 04/25/2016 Log Number: CMC-E-16-01023 ( Note: Log numbers are assigned to all appeals for tracking nurnoses. Your anneal is subiect to cancellation for failure to correct noted deficiencies.l The enclosed documents are being returned to you for the following reasons: Your appeal has been rejected pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 1S, Section (CCR) 3084.6(b)(7). Your appeal is missing necessary supporting documents as established in CCR 3084.3. All documents must be legible (If necessary, you may obtain copy(ies) ofrequested documents by sending a request with a signed trust withdrawalform to your assigned counselor). Your appeal is missing: I you have not received the staffresponse on the CDCR 22form,you need to send a new f DCR 22form to the supervisorfor review. Once you have completed the CDCR 22 process C through the supervisor's level, you may submit an appeal at that time~ll' R. Webster, OT K. Cox, SSA(A) R. Ochoa, CCII __' J. Javaux, AGPA A ppeals Coordinator CMC ~y If you are required to respond/explain to this CDCR Form 695, use only the lines provided below. ~ `-) e.c~~cs! '~ ! ~' 1._c,Se<✓f /~ ~~T[.~~ ~/"'- oa! k L.~,~ t ~~.. Grp v ~c ' v~' ~ :Z~^ C3- C6. r ~~ ~~,,~~~.~1 —,4-~#~'•,~~~,~~~ c,✓ ~~; s.s~ruc t ~~ ~~~, ~~l G t~~, L -ib i~ fit- Be advised that you cannot appeal a rejected appeal, but should take the corrective action necessary and resubmit the appeal within the timeframes specified in CGR 3084.6(a) and CCR 3084.8(b). Pursuant to CCR 3084.6(e), once an appeal has been cancelled, that appeal may not be resubmitted. However, a separate appeal can be filed on the cancellation decision. The original appeal may only be resubmitted if the appeal on the cancellation is granted. NOTE THIS CDCR 695 IS A PERMANENT APPEAL ATTACHMENT A1vD IS NOT TO BE REMOVED Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 121 of 179 Page ID #:121 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 122 of 179 Page ID #:122 ti- : -.~ ~r~ .. ~, t~:~~s~~~~k fT ; f a if C A F.r = t r+ ~ e~~ y Za..`..L `t' e ~ } e X ~.~ ~~:.... 12 ~ L::..11' ~ 3 5 /~ r -~ y r ~ { it } ~ ~r ~E '' uY L,,.t `~-i Lfi'x`a`~'~:F~i.l •~ ~1 tJ0~~' f ~sZ"' _.z~ .J.r a: ~'_~..~ ~>~ ~7 I. } n om i ;y' ~ ~ ~~ Cam. ~ /'' j " i £ aA 1 4 S 7. t~x h [ - 3' C"It ~41i , yam,~ ~r.~ t f ~.~ ! i la_4 i ~ r .~i 1,;~. ~~~; ,~ ~ ~S- ~1. :i.~~: ~,.-~~~t~ , ~~~.L.V~ ~ 3.~ ~~ ~~~ ~ -~~,.ea~i+.L~ f~i, s s. .~ :. ~...<~ 1..sc_• ~L~}, A.0 ~ ~.,~Z' = ~w F ~iJ} ~~{~ L~F 1 i1 *3I~a~Ji L~d ~~~ 3 cL~ T J r i.~1F~LLJ '. j ~:~~~ : ^L i . 4 ~7 .~~ 4TPI t ,~ ' t -s:~ -' v" sl ' ~ Y.'~y , fir i ~,. .. 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Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 127 of 179 Page ID #:127 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 128 of 179 Page ID #:128 EXHIBIT i Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 129 of 179 Page ID #:129 515 AND ALSO -- 1 2 MR. DHANIDINA: 3 THE COURT: 4 MR. DHANIDINA: AND THE ALLEGATION? AS TO HIS ALLEGATIONS. IT IS ALSO ALLEGED UNDER THE SAME 5 CASE NUMBER THAT YOU HAVE SUrFERED THE FOLLOWING FELONY 6 CONVICTIONS. 7 TWO COUNTS OF PENAL CODE 207; THREE COTJNTS OF PENAL CODE 8 SECTION 28B(A)(C}; TWO COUNTS OF PENAL CODE SECTION 246; 9 THREE COUNTS OF PENAL CODE SECTION 261.2 AND 261.3. FIRST, IN CASE NO. A620066 CONVICTION OF 10 IT IS ALSO ALLEGED YOU SUFFERED CONVICTIONS 11 IN CASE N0. A611480, VIOLATION OF PENAL CODE SECTION 211 12 AND VIOLATION OF 664/211. THERE IS ALSO ALLEGED THAT YOU SUFFERED A 13 14 NO. A619509. 16 CODE SECTION 1170.12(A) THROUGH (D), 667(B) THROUG:3 (I) 17 AS WELL AS PENAL CODE SECTION 667(A) (1) AND PEI~IAL CODE 18 667.5 (B) . ~l VIOLATION OF PENAL CODE SECTION a96 IN CASE 15 ~ ~1,~ THESE P.LLEGATIONS ARE MADE UNDER PENAL ALL RIGHT. 19 THE COURT: 20 THE DEFENDANT: 21 22 HELL. ALL OF YOU. THE COURT: YOU KNOW WHAT,-ALL YOU BURN IN ALL OF YOU. NOW, HE HAS TO REMAIN. 23 ALL RIGHT. 24 JUST PICK HIM BACK UP AND PUT HIM IN THE 25 HE HAS OBVIOUSLY FAINTED. 26 ALL RIGHT. 27 JUST PICK UP HIS HEAD ENOUGH THERE. 28 THE COURT HAS SEEN THESE DEMONSTFcATIONS ,~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 130 of 179 Page ID #:130 s Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 131 of 179 Page ID #:131 SUPERIOR COUR COUNTY OF LO A EL PROBATION OFFICER'S REPORT DEFENDANT'S NAMES) ~~~~~~ REPORT SF(]I IFNrG nin t COURT CASE NO COURT JUDGE SC-D CHEROSKE TA100955 HEARING DATE DEFENSE AT7Y. PROSECUTOR 6-9-99 P.D. D.A. RACE DPO AREA OFFICE PHONE NO. B SWEARINGEN SOUTH CENTRAL (310)603-7366 RONALD LEE ADAMS ADDRESS (PRESENT/RELEASE) 1209 WEST SPRUCE STREET COMPTON,CALIFORNIA 90220 BIRTHDATE GENDER 12-27-56(43) M DRIVER'S LICENSE/EXP. DATE CITIZENSHIP STATUS N3425481 B MAIN NO. PROBATION NO. CII NO. X - 1728700 A05446204 TYPE REPORT CUSTODY STATUS/RELEASE DATE DAYS IN JAIL THIS CASE ESTIMATED Q VERIFIED 123 DAYS Probation and Sentence Pre-Conviction (131.3 CCP) Deferred Entry of Judgment Post Sentence Diversion (Specify) T_ ~MP'NDED B OOKING NO. 5984192 PRESENT OFFENSE: LEGAL N15 I UKY CHARGED with the crimes of (INCLUDE PRIORS, ENHANCEMENTS OR SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES) ~ 1999 ~~}~~' COUNT ONE - 215(A)PENAL CODE(CARJACKING); COiTNT TVVO: 108 1(A) VEHICLE CODE(UNLAtiVFULLY DRNING OR TAKING OF A VEHICLE); COiJNT THREE: 245(A)(1)PENAL CODE(ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON); COUNT FOUR: 245(A)(1)PENAL CODE(ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON,BY MEANS LIKELY TO PRODUCE GREAT BODILY INNRY); CONTINUED NEXT PAGE) ( CONVICTED of the crimes of (INCLUDE PRIORS, ENHANCEMENTS OR SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES) PRE-PLEA DATE OF REFERRAL CONVICTED BY APRIL 28, 1999 NOT APPLICABLE COUNTS)CONTINUED TOP 8 S FOR DISPOSITION ALL SOURCES OF INFORMATION PROPOSED PLEA AGREEMENT NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE DATES)OF OFFENSE TIME(S) ~~ 0630 MARCH ~S, 1999 DEFENDANT: (SEE PRIOR RECORD SECTION) ~ N/A ~ ON PROBATION ❑SENTENCED TO STATE PRISON/COUNTY JAIL ON CASE ❑PENDING PROBATION VIOLATION HOLDNVARRANTS ❑PENDING NEW CASE u ON PAROLE-REMAINING TIME RECOMMENDATION: u PROBATION ~ DENIAL u COUNTY JAIL ~ STATE PRISON ❑DIAGNOSTIC STUDY u 707.2 WIC u 1203.03 PC u CYA ❑OTHER u YES ~ NO Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 132 of 179 Page ID #:132 f ~,~~~~ 1 PRESENT OFFENSE CONTINUED: 2 -(I) PENAL CODE: ON 11-24-81, CONVICTED OF -(D) AND 667(B) SPECIAL ALLEGATION 1170.12(A) CODE,261.2 PENAL CODE AND 2613 PENAL CODE,NUMBER A620066; 288(A)PENAL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ON 12-1-77, CONVICTED OF TWO COUNTS OF 211, NUMBER A611480 AND SPECIAL ALLEGATION 667.5(B) PENAL CODE: ON 11-24-81, CASE NUMBER A620066; ALSO 496 PENAL CODE, NUMBER A619509. o Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 133 of 179 Page ID #:133 ~~~,~~~ SOURCES OF INFORMATION (this page) PRESENT OFFENSE: 1 POLICE REPORT (CONTINUED) 2 3 4 -ARREST DATE TIME BOOKED AS OFFENSE LOCATION OF ARREST ARRESTING AGENCY 3-8-99 0630 SAME 215 PENAL CODE 1209 WEST SPRUCE COMPTON POLICE DEPARTMENT 5 6 7 8 CO-DEFENDANTS) CASE NO. DISPOSITION 9 NONE 10 11 12 ELEMENTS AND RELEVANT CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE OFFENSE: 13 ON MARCH 8, 1999, THE DEFENDANT HAS BEEN CHARGED 1~VITH 14 CARJACICING, UNLAWFUL TAKING OF A VEHICLE AND TWO COUNTS OF ASSAULT WITH DEADLY 15 WEAPON. 16 TWO VICTIMS ARRIVED AT THE DEFENDANT'S HOME TO REPOSSESS A 1~ VEHICLE. DEFENDANT CAME RUNNING OUT OF THE HOME YELLING FOR THE VICTIMS TO STOP. 1~ HE BECAME ANGRY AND AT ONE POINT THE DEFENDANT PICKED UP A GARDENING HOE AND 19 ATTEMPTED TO HIT BOTH REPOSSESSORS. THERE WAS ALSO A PHYSICAL ALTERCATION WITH 20 PUNCHING AND HICKING. 21 THE DEFENDANT THEN JUMPED IN THE TO~V TRUCK AND DROVE OUT OF 22 THE DRIVEWAY AT A HIGH RATE OF SPEED DROPPING THE REPOSSESSED CAR 1N THE DRIVEWAY 23 OF THE 24 LOCATION..- _ ._ _ _, _ _ OFFICERS RESPONDED TO _ _. 1209 WEST SPRUCE, DEFENDANT'S HOME. 25 OFFICERS THEN GOT A CALL FROM 708 108TH STREET IN THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES REGARDING 2 6 THE "CARJACKING." A FEMALE CALLER, NAMED SHERI, STATED THE DEFENDANT WAS AT HER 27 RESIDEiVCE AND THAT THE TOW TRUCK WAS NEAR THE AREA OF 108TH AND VVATTSWORTH. 28 OFFICERS RESPONDED TO THE LOCATION AND RECOVERED THE TOW TRUCK. Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 134 of 179 Page ID #:134 ~~£~?~'7 i SHORTLY AFTERWARDS THEY SAW THE RED HYUNDAI THAT THE 2 DEFENDANT WAS DRIVING AFTER HE LEFT THE TOW TRUCK. THE DEFENDANT WAS ON SIGHT 3 AT 1209 WEST SPRUCE STREET. 4 THE DEFENDANT TOLD OFFICERS THAT HE HAD BEEN PEPPER SPRAYED 5 AND HAD BEEN KICKED BY BOTH MEN (VICTIMS) IN THE MOUTH. THE DEFENDANT ADMITTED 6 TO PUNCHING ONE OF THE VICTIMS IN THE HEAD WHILE JiJMPING INTO THE TOW TRUCK. THAT 7 HE THEN TOOK OFF T~O HIS FRIEND'S HOME WHERE HIS FRIEND THEN CALLED THE POLICE 8 DEPARTMENT. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 135 of 179 Page ID #:135 ~Q'~~~~ 1 UKc;tS OF INFORMATION (Ihis page) VICTIM; 2 3 4 NAME COUNTS) BOB FORRESTER JOSEPH REYES COUNT ONE,TWO,THREE AND FOUR. INJURY: PROPERTY LOSS (fl'PE /COST /ETC.) 5 NONE 6 7 INSURANCE COVERAGE NO 8 9 10 ESTIMATED LOSS LOSS: u YES ~ NO NO APPLIED FOR VICTIM RESTITUTION FUND u UNK ❑YES u NO VICTIM STATEMENT: 11 12 RESTITUTION ALREADY MADE NO PROBATION OFFICER CALLED MR. FORRESTER WHO STATED THERE WAS NO DAIv1AGE TO THE VEHICLE AND NO INJURIES TO EITHER OF THE VICTI1dS. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MATED LOSS TO ALL VICTIMS RESTITUTION I 25 26 TWO ~ NOTIFIED OF P&S HEARING NONE YES u NO DOES DEFENDANT HAVEINSURANCE TO COVER RESTITUTION: u YES ~ NO ?'7 Zs VICTIM LIST CONTINUES NEXT P~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 136 of 179 Page ID #:136 ~~~~~~ SOURCES OF INFORMATION (this page) PRIOR RECORD: CII; TCIS;PROBATION;SUPERIOR COURT RECORDS. 2 3 4 AKA'S: RONALD LEE ADAMS;POKEY LEE ADAMS; RONALD THOMAS;POKEY THOv1AS; RONNIE L. TH0~1AS; ROMVI: L. MOSES; RONALD LEE MOORS;RONME LEE ADAMS. JiJVENILE HISTORY: 5 6 11-23-73 7 8 (DEFENDANT WAS THE DRIVER OF THE VEHICLE, A JUVENILE PASSENGER GOT OUT AND SNATCHED A WOMAN'S PURSE. THE DEFEi~TDANT DID WELL ON PROBATION AND PAID HIS RESTITUTION.) 9 10 2.21-75 ANAHEIM POLICE DEPARTMENT - 459 PENAL CODE (BURGLARY). ON 4-24-75, IN FULLERTON COURT MJMBER NM7501656, DEFENDANT ~ONVICfED OF 602.5 PENAL CODE(ENTER/ETC. NONCOMI~~ERCIAL D`VELLING): SUIvL~1ARY PROBATION, JAIL. 11 12 (THE DEFENDANT IN 1977, STATED THE OFFICERS OCCURRED AT THE DISNEYLAND PARKII~IG LOT WHEN SEVERAL AUTOMOBILES WERE BROKEN INTO. HE WAS WITH OTHER JWE\"ICES BUT THAT THE JUVENILES WERE RESPOIv'SIBLE AND Iv'OT HIM.) 13 14 15 8-5-76 LOS ANGELES SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - 459 PENAL CODE (BURGLARY). ON 9-27-76, IN TORRANCE COURT NUMBER M168477 DEFENDANT COWICfED: T~VO YEARS SUMMARY PROBATION,JAIL. 16 1'7 18 19 LOS ANGELES SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - 602 WELFARE AI`TD INSTITUTIO\TS CODE; 487.2 PENAL CODE (GRAND THEFT PERSON). A PETITION `VAS SUSTAINED 2-28-84: HOME ON PROBATION. (THE OFFENSE Ii~1VOLVES T~VO COUNTS OF 459 PENAL CODE. ON 8-5-76, IN COUNT OI~'E THE DEFENDANT DROVE HIS 1968 CHEVROLET WITH CO-DEFEiVDANT RANDY SOWELL AS A PASSENGER. THE CRIME SCENE WAS IN RANCHO PALOS VERDES. A 1975 DODGE VAN VAS BROKEN 1NT0. A NEIGHBOR DROVE UP AND YELLED AT THE DEFENDANTS. THE DEFENDANT AND HIS COMPANION DROVE AWAY. THE LICENSE h'[IMBER OF THE DEFENDANT'S VEHICLE WAS NOTED. 20 21 22 23 2 4 (I:~I COUNT TWO,'THE CRIME ALSO OCCURRED IN RANCHO PALOS VERDES. THE VICTIM'S VEHICLE WAS BURGLARIZED ON AUGUST 4, 1976, IN EARLY A.M. SEVERAL ITEMS WERE TAKEN FROti1 THE VEHICLE AND ENTRY 1~VAS GAINED BY A PRIED WING WINDOW. THE ITEMS TAKEN WAS SUBSEQUENTLY RECOVERED AND DEFENDANT'S CAR WAS STOPPED. (THE DEFENDANT TOLD THE INVESTIGATING OFFICER THAT HIS CO-DEFENDANT H.AD ASKED HIM TO GNE A RIDE TO THE PALOS VER.DES AREA SO HE COULD GO STEALING. THE DEFENDANT BLAMED THE CO-DEFENDANT AND DENIED BREAI:ING INTO ANY VEHICLES.) 25 26 27 R _ lenenncl Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 137 of 179 Page ID #:137 ~~~ 1 11-8-76 2 COMPTON POLICE DEPARTMENT — 664/211 PENAL CODE (ATTEMPTED ROBBERY); 211 PENAL COD$ (FIRST DEGREE ROBBERY). ON 12-1-77, IN SUPERIOR COURT, NUMBER A611480 DEFENDANT CONVICTED: 36 MONTHS FORMAL PROBATION, JAIL. 3 (THE PROBATION OFFICER RECEIVED THE PROBATION AND SENTENCE REPORT FROM SUPERIOR COURT ARCHNES. AT 8:00 P.M., OFFICERS ARRESTED THE DEFENDANT AND CO-DEFENDANT STEVE WILSON. THE VICTI'vIS IN COUNT ONE RESIDED IN LYNWOOD. THE COUPLE WERE N THE MARKET BASKET PARKING LOT WHEN THE DEFENDANT'S VEHICLE STOPPED NEAR THEM. THE CO-DEFENDANT ASKED DIRECTIONS A\TD THEN PRODUCED A 32 CALIBER BLUE STEEL REVOLVER, POINTED AT THE VICTIMS. THE CODEFENDANT DEMANDED MONEY. THE MALE VICTIM TURNED HIS POCKETS OUT SH0I~VING THAW HE HAD NO MONEY. THE FEMALE VICTIM STATED SHE HAD NO MONEY. THE DEFENDANT THEN VAS HEARD TO SAY,"LET'S GO,THESE PEOPLE DON'T HAVE ANY MO~'EY." AS THE DEFENDANT DROVE AWAY PARTIAL LICENSE PLATE NUMBER WAS RECORDED. c } 5 6 ' 7 g 9 (THE VICT~I IN COUNT T'~VO WAS ROBBED IN THE PARKING LOT OF A SAFE~VAY GROCERY STORE AT ROSECRANS AND CENTRAL. THE DEFENDANT DROVE NEXT TO HER AND SHOWED HER A MATCHBOX. HE ASKED HER DIRECTIONS TO THE ADDRESS ON THE COVER. ?HE CO-DEFENDANT THEN BRANDISHED A tiVEAPON DEMANDII~'G THE VICTIM'S PURSE. FEARING ~'OR HER LIFE, THE VICTIM PLACED THE PURSE IN THE CAR AND DEN1Ah'DED BY BOTH DEFENDANTS. THE DEFENDANTS WERE ARRESTED SHORTLY AFTER~VAR.DS. THE DEFENDANT STATED HE HAD BEEN FORCED BY THE CO-DEFENDANT TO DRNE HIS VEHICLE TO THE CRIME SCENES. THE CO-DEFENDANT TOLD OFFICERS THAT IT HAD BEEN THE DEFENDANT ~VHO HAD THE IDEA TO COMMIT THE ROBBERIES. AT ONE POI~i iT THE DEFENDANT STATED THE CO-DEFEIv'DANT HELD THE GUN ON HIM. THE DEFEiv'DANT WAS C0~IVICTED BY NRY AND FURTHER STATED THAT THE JURY SHOULD HAD BEEN PICKED MORE CAREFULLY. THE CO-DEFENDANT VAS SENT TO THE CALffORMA YOUTH AUTHORITY.) 1O 11 j2 13 14 15 16 4-3-80 LOS ANGELES SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT — 484(E)(1) PENAL CODE (ACQUIRE CREDIT CARDS WITHOUT CONSENT). ON 2-17-81, IN CULVER CITY COURT Iv'U;~iBER N34012, DEFEI~~ANT CONVICTED: JAIL. 11-3-80 LOS ANGELES SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT — 496 PENAL CODE (RECEIVE/ETC. KNOWN STOLEN PROPERTY). ON 11-24-81, IN SUPERIOR COURT, NUMBER A619509, DEFENDANT CONVICTED: TWO YEARS STATE PRISON CONCURRENT WITH A620066. RECEIVED AT CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS NUMBER C43417. RETURNED FOR VIOLATIONS. DISCHARGED 5-21-98. 2-8-81 COMPTON POLICE DEPARTMENT — 288A(C) PEI`TAL CODE (ORAL COPULATION: MINOR IS 14/ETC. BY FORCE); 261.2/261.3 PENAL CODE(RAPE WITH FORCE AND THREAT); 12022(B)PENAL CODE(KITH USE OF WEAPON). DEFENDANT SENTENCED TO STATE PRISON NUMBER A620066 CONCURRENT WITH A619~09. RECEIVED AT CALIFORNIA DEPARIT~ENT OF 1'] 18 19 2 0 21 22 23 ~ - ranann~~ Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 138 of 179 Page ID #:138 ~~ CORRECTIONS MTMBER DISCHARGED 5-21-93. C43417. RETURNED FOR ~~~~ VIOLATIONS. (THE PROBATION OFFICER REQUESTED CASE A620066 FROM DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ARCHIVES. IT WAS NOT RECEIVED. CASE THEN REQUESTED FROM SUPERIOR COURT RECORDS. IN ERROR, SUPERIOR COURT ARCHIVES SENT PROBATION OFFICER INFORMATION ON CASE A611480. PROBATION OFFICER RE-REQUESTED CASE BUT NOT RECEIVED AT TIME OF DICTATION.)' ~(P~~-' ¢" ~, ' ( ~(~; 4 5 l ~~{~ ~ CODE (POSSESS ~~ - 9-20-82 SAN QUENTIN STATE PRISON - 4573.6 PENAL DRUG/ALCOHOL/ETC. IN PRISON)-DETENTION ONLY. 4-2-84 $AN QUENTIN STATE PRISON - 4573 PENAL NARCOTIC/ALCOHOL/ETC.PRISON)-DETENTION ONLY. 6-13-97 LOS AI`TGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT - 273.5(A) PENAL CODE (II`'FLICT CORPORAL INJURY TO SPOUSE/COHABITANT). ON 7-17-97, SAN FERNANDO NUMBER 7SF04051, CASE DISMISSED DUE TO DELAY. 6 7 CODE (BRIi~1G 8 9 10 11 12 ( ON APRIL 6, 1993, DEFENDANT RETURNED TO CALffORIVIA DEPAR"IMENT OF CORRECTIONS Iv'UMBER C43417 FOR VIOLATION. DISCHARGED MAY 21, 1998.) 1 1-7-98 13 SAN BERNARDINO SHERIFF'S - 273.5(A) PENAL CODE (INFLICT CORPORAL INJURY TO SPOUSE/COHABITANT). ON 1-20-99, IN FONTANA COURT NUMBER MBA022961, DEFENDANT CONVICTED: 36 MONTHS SUMMARY PROBATION,30 DAYS JAIL. 14 15 16 17 ( DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORIrTEY, PATRICK GOONEY, FAXED A COPY OF THE POLICE REPORT. THE VICTIVi 1 WAS CRYSTAL DIAIvTE HARRIS. OFFICERS ARRIVED AT 14520 VILLAGE DRIVE, UNIT 1706. OFFICERS OBSERVED THE VICTIiV1 DRESSED Oiv'LY IN A TORtiT SWEATSHIRT AND PANTIES. THE VICTLtiI WAS SCREAMING, "HELP, HELP, ARREST TI-~ MOTHER FUCKER!" THE DEFENDANT THEN EXITED THE APARTMENT AND WALKED DOWN THE STEPS. "I'~IE DEFENDANT CASUALLY TRIED TO WALK AWAY FROM THE AREA, HOWEVER, WAS ARRESTED. 18 19 20 21 22 ( THE VICTIM WAS OBSERVED TO HAVE RED MARKS ABOUT HER NECK AIv'D SHOULDER AREA ALONG WITH SLX-INCH LONG RED MARK. VICTIM STATED SHE RECENED AFTER BEING THROWN ACROSS THE CARPETING. THE VICTIM STATED THAT SHE AND T'HE DEFENDANT HAD BEEN COHABITATING FOR THE PAST FOUR YEARS WITH NO CHILDREN. THE VICTIM HAD ARRIVED AT 3:00 A.M.(VICTIM WORKS AT ONTARIO AIRPORT). THERE WAS A VERBAL DISAGREEMENT AND THE ASSAULT BEGAN. PARAMEDICS ARRIVED HOWEVER THE VICTIM DECLINED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL. OFFICERS STATED THAT THERE WERE RUG BURNS AND SCRATCHES ON THE NECK AND BLOOD OF THE VICTIM'S MOUTH.) 23 - 8 -(ADAMS) Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 139 of 179 Page ID #:139 ~~~J~3~ 1 PERSONAL HISTORY: JUUFiGtS Ur INFUKMAiION (this page) PROBATION REPORT IN CASE A611480 2 3 SUBSTANCE ABUSE: 4 No record, indication, or admission of alcohol or controlled substance abuse. 5 6 7 8 Occasional social or experimental use of X See below: Indication /admission of significant substance abuse problem. Referred to Narcotic Evaluator ❑Yes u No Narcotic Evaluator's report attached. Additional Information DEFENDANT BEGAN SMOKING NiARINANA PT 1977. ADMITTED NO OTHER 9 10 acknowledged. DRUG USE. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PHYSICAL /MENTAL /EMOTIONAL HEALTH: 21 No indication or claim of significant physical /mental /emotional health problem. 22 See below: Indication /claim of significant physical /mental /emotional health problem. 23 24 Additional Information MILD ASTHMA. 25 26 27 28 - 9 - (ADAMS) Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 140 of 179 Page ID #:140 EXHIBIT 1 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 141 of 179 Page ID #:141 Number: ~ ~~RECTIONSgyO ` F o a~ ~ 0. 16-14 Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Publication Date: December 23, 2016 9d Fy9 n * ~ EOFCAL~F~Q \P TAT ~ NOTICE OF CHANGE TO REGULATIONS Section(s): 3560,3561,3562,3563,3564,3565, 3570,3571,3572,3573,3580,3581,3582,3590, 3590.1, 3590.2, and 3590.3 Effective Date: To Be Announced INSTITUTION POSTING AND CERTIFICATION REQUIRED This Notice announces the proposed amendments to Sections) 3560, 3561, 3562, 3563, 3564, 3565, 3571, 3581, 3582, 3590, 3590.1, 3590.2, and 3590.3 and the adoption of Sections 3570, 3572, 3573, and 3580 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 15, Crime Prevention and Corrections, to incorporate into the CCR, provisions concerning Supervision of Parolees. IMPLEMENTATION: To be announced. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Any person may submit written comments about the proposed regulations to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Regulation and Policy Management Branch (RPMB), P.O. Box 942883, Sacramento, CA 94283-0001, by fax to (916) 324-6075, or by e-mail to All written comments must be received by the close of the public comment period February 13, 2017, at 5:OOpm. PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION A public hearing regarding these proposed regulations will be held February 13, 2017 from 10:OOam - 11:OOam in the Kern/Colorado Room, located at 1515 S Street, Sacramento, CA 95811. The purpose of the hearing is to receive oral comments about this action. It is not a forum to debate the proposed regulations. No decision regarding the permanent adoption of these regulations will be rendered at this hearing. Written or facsimile comments submitted during the prescribed comment period are given the same significance and weight as oral comments presented at the hearing. This hearing site is accessible to the mobility impaired. POSTING This Notice shall be posted immediately upon receipt at locations accessible to inmates, parolees, and employees in each Department facility and field office not later than five calendar days after receipt. Also, facilities shall make this Notice available for review by inmates in segregated housing who do not have access to the posted copies, and shall distribute it to inmate law libraries and advisory councils. CDCR Form 621-A (Rev. 09/14), Certification of Posting, shall be returned to the RPMB electronically, by fax, or by mail. See Department Operations Manual Sections 12010.12.1 and 12010.12.2 for posting and certification of posting procedures. CONTACT PERSON Inquiries regarding this Notice should be directed to Timothy M. Lockwood, Chief, RPMB, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, P.O. Box 942883, Sacramento, CA 94283-0001, by telephone (916) 445-2269 or e-mail Inquiries regarding the subject matter of these regulations may be directed to Troy Todd, Parole Agent III, Division of Adult Parole Operations,(916) 327-1136. Original signed by: RALPH M. DIAZ Undersecretary, Operations California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Attachments CDCR 1189(REV. 05/09) Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 142 of 179 Page ID #:142 i NOTICE OF PROPOSED REGULATIONS California Code of Regulations Title 15, Crime Prevention and Corrections Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Secretary of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), pursuant to the authority granted by Government Code(GC)Section 12838.5 and Penal Code (PC) Section 5055, and the rulemaking authority granted by PC Sections 5058 and 5058.3, in order to implement, interpret, and make specific PC Section 5054, proposes to amend Sections 3560, 3561, 3562, 3563, 3564, 3565, 3571, 3581, 3582, 3590, 3590.1, 3590.2, and 3590.3, and adopt new Sections 3570, 3572, 3573, and 3580 of the California Code of Regulations(CCR), Title 15, Division 3 concerning the supervision of parolees. PUBLIC HEARING : Date and Time: February 13, 2017 - 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Place: Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Kern/Colorado Room 1515 SStreet —North Building Sacramento, CA 95811 Purpose: To receive comments about this action. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD : The public comment period will close February 13, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Any person may submit public comments in writing (by mail, by fax, or by email) regarding the proposed changes. To be considered by the Department, comments must be submitted by mail to CDCR, Regulation and Policy Management Branch, P.O. Box 942883, Sacramento, CA 94283-0001, by fax at (916) 324-6075, or by email at RPMB( before the close ofthe comment period. CONTACT PERSON : Please direct any inquiries regarding this action to: Timothy M.Lockwood, Chief Regulation and Policy Management Branch Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation P .O. Box 942883, Sacramento,CA 94283-0001 Telephone(916)445-2269 In the event the contact person is unavailable, inquiries should be directed to the following back-up person: S Pollock . Regulation and Policy Management Branch Telephone(916)445-2308 Questions regarding the substance ofthe proposed regulatory action should be directed to: Troy Todd Division of Adult Parole Operations ( 916)327-1136 AUTHORITY AND REFERENCE: PC Section 5000 provides that commencing on July 1, 2005, any reference to the Department of Corrections in this or any code refers to CDCR, Division of Adult Operations. PC Section 5050 provides that commencing on July 1, 2005, any reference to the Director of Corrections in this or any other code refers to the Secretary of the CDCR. As of that date, the office of the Director of Corrections was abolished. Notice —NCR 16-14, Supervision of Parolees Page 1 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 143 of 179 Page ID #:143 1 PC Section 5054 provides that commencing on July 1, 2005, the supervision, management, and control of the State prisons and the responsibility for the care, custody, treatment, training, discipline, and employment of persons confined therein are vested in the Secretary of CDCR. PC Section 5058 authorizes the Director to prescribe and amend regulations for the administration of prisons. PC Section 50583 provides that an Emergency adoption, amendment, or repeal of a regulation by the Director shall be conducted pursuant to Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340)ofPart 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code. INFORMATIVE DIGEST/POLICY STATEMENT OVERVIEW: Current regulations provide for across-the-board enforcement of residency restrictions for specified sex offender parolees as per PC Section 3003.5(b). In addition, current regulations: provide for the majority of parole violations to be filed with the Board of Parole Hearings (BPH); do not specify the State Authorized Risk Assessment Tools for Sex Offenders (SARATSO) for adult males -the Static-99R; do not include the Female Sex Offender Risk Assessment (FSORA) for females; and do not make specific PC Section 3010.10 which mandates the Division of Adult Parole Operations(DAPO)to file revocation petitions in superior court if a sex offender on parole removes, disables, or tampers with their Global Positioning System(GPS)monitor. The proposed regulations will provide compliance with the court decision In re Taylor, which requires that residence restrictions on sex offender parolees must relate to the crime committed, have a direct relation to the crime, and be made upon acase-by-case basis. Additionally, the proposed regulations will do the following: update the proper jurisdiction regarding the majority of parole violations, which was moved from BPH to the county superior courts as a result of the 2011 Public Safety Realignment Act; implement and make specific PC Sections 290.03 and 290.04, which require DAPO to use evidence-based risk assessments and supplemental risk assessments to determine the likelihood of sex offenders to commit a new sex crime, and specifically requires CDCR to use the Static-99 risk assessment tool for adult males; incorporates by reference into the CCR the Static-99R and the supplemental tools LS/CMI to measure risk of future violence and the STABLE2007/ACUTE-2007 to measure dynamic risk factors; incorporates the Department's risk assessment tool for f emales, the Female Sex Offender Risk Assessment (FSORA); and in compliance with PC Section 3010.10, allows for DAPO to file revocation petitions in superior court if a sex offender on parole removes, disables, or tampers with their Global Positioning System (GPS)monitor. The broad objective of the proposed regulations is to update DAPO's processess and to comply with the court decision regarding In re Taylor. This action provides the following: • Removes language which is no longer applicable regarding BPH. • Renames Section 3570 to "Definition of a Sex Offender" and adopts new language to provide this definition. • Revises Section 3571,"Sex Offender Residence Restrictions," to require these restrictions on a case-by-case basis, and removes language that referred to an across-the-board 2,000 feet restriction for specified sex offenders. • Adopts new Section 3572 "Violation of Parole for Disabling or Tampering with the Global Positioning System Monitor." • Adopts new Section 3573 "Sex Offender Risk Assessment," and incorporates the Static-99R risk assessment f adult males and the FSORA for adult females into the CCR by reference. Also incorporates by reference or into the CCR, the supplemental risk assments LS/CMI (for both males and females) and the STABLE2007/ACUTE-2007(for just males). • Provides a new definition fora "High Risk Sex Offender" in Section 3580. • Revises Section 3582,"High Risk Sex Offender Residence Restrictions," to remove language that referred to an across-the-board 2,000 feet restriction for specified sex offenders and provides new language that a Notice —NCR 16-14, Supervision of Parolees page 2 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 144 of 179 Page ID #:144 ~ f residence restriction shall not be imposed unless it is supported by circumstances found in the parolee's criminal history as described in Section 3571. Removes unnecessary and duplicative language and renumbers subsections within Section 3582. This Notice of Proposed Regulations includes revised text from the originally approved and adopted emergency text regulations. The changes in these Proposed Text of Regulations were necessary to comply with SARATSO Review Committee recommendations for supplemental risk assessments, and to provide correct terminology regarding new risk category labels for the Static-99R. These changes were not initially included in the emergency text regulations due to an oversight. The revisions to the emergency text language, which is now included in these Text of Proposed Regulations, is as follows: In Section 3570, to provide more clarity, the language "Chapter 5.5" was added. after "Sex Offender Registration Act." In Section 3573, the word "adult" was added in front of the words "male sex offender" for consistency and clarity purposes; and, in order to provide consistency and comply with new SARATSO Review Committee four (4) or higher" was replaced approved risk category labels for the Static-99R, the language "a score of with "an above average risk or higher to commit a new sex offense" regarding designating as a High Risk Sex Offender. In addition to this section's language changes, a revised Static-99R replaces the initially adopted Static-99R, to include the use of the new nomenclature language for the risk category labels. The revised Static 99R is incorporated by reference into the CCR, and included in this Notice of Change to Regulations. In order to comply with PC 290.04(b)(2) which specifies use of supplemental risk assessments to the Static-99R, existing subsection 3573(b) was relocated and renumbered as 3573(c) to accommodate for new subsection 3573(b) which adds new text language to incorporate the supplemental assessments to the Static-99R, the LS/CMI for risk of future violence, and the STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007 for dynamic risk f actors. These supplemental assessments are incorporated by reference into the CCR, and included in this Notice of Change to Regulations. • In new subsection 3573(c)(formerly 3573(b)) the word "adult" was added in front of the words `female sex o ffender/s" for consistency and clarity purposes. • Existing subsection. 3573(c) was relocated and renumbered as 3573(e) due to renumbering within the section. • Existing subsection 3573(d) was relocated and renumbered as 35730 due to renumbering within the section. Additionally, language which referenced "pursuant to section 3573(6) and (c)" was corrected to " pursuant to section 3573(a) and (c)." • New subsetion 3573(d) was added to incorporate the supplemental risk assessment LS/CMI for use with the FSORA. • Section 3580 added the language "pursuant to the Sex Offender Registration Act, including" in front "PC sections 290(c), ..." for clarity and consistency purposes. Additionally, language which referenced " pursuant to sections 3573(6) and(c)"was corrected to "pursuant to sections 3573(a) and (c)." DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE The Static-99R (Revised 11/2/16), FSORA (11/19/15), LS/CMI (10/28/16), and STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007 ( 10/28/16) risk assessments, as well as the CDCR Form 1650-D(Rev. 06/12), Record of Supervision, and CDCR Form 602 (Rev. 08/09), Inmate/Parolee Appeal, are incorporated by reference into these regulations and will be made available to the public along with the Notice of Proposed Regulations, Text of Proposed Regulations, and Initial Statement of Reasons. BENEFITS ANTICIPATED BY THE PROPOSED REGULATIONS: The proposed regulations will benefit California parolees by promoting fairness and preventing discrimination against sex offender parolees by removing blanket enforcement of PC Section 3003.5(6) on specified sex Notice —NCR 16-14, Supervision of Parolees Page 3 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 145 of 179 Page ID #:145 t t offenders. The protection of public safety will be enhanced by the use or the Static-99R and FSORA risk assessment tools, along with the supplemental risk assessment tools LS/CMI and STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007 to determine a sex offender parolee's likelihood of committing a new sex crime and what risk level they pose to the community. Additionally, public safety is enhanced by DAPO's ability to file a parole revocation petition in superior court if a sex offender on parole removes, disables, or tampers with their GPS monitor. EVALUATION OF CONSISTENCY/COMPATIBILITY WITH EXISTING LAWS/REGULATIONS: The Department has determined that these proposed regulations are consistent and compatible with existing state laws and regulations. The Department reached this conclusion by reviewing existing CCR, Title 15, Division 3, related to the supervision of parolees. LOCAL MANDATES: This action imposes no mandates on local agencies or school districts, or a mandate which requires reimbursement of costs or savings pursuant to Government Code Sections 17500 - 17630. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT: • Cost to any local agency or school district that is required to be reimbursed pursuant to 17500 et seq.: none • Cost or savings to any State agency: none • Other nondiscretionary cost or savings imposed on local agencies: none • Cost or savings in federal funding to the State: ~.~a EFFECT ON HOUSING COSTS: The Department has made an initial determination that the proposed action will have no significant effect on housing costs. COST IMPACTS ON REPRESENTATIVE PRIVATE PERSONS OR BUSINESSES: The Department is not aware of any cost impacts that a representative private person or business would necessarily incur in reasonable compliance with the proposed action. SIGNIFICANT STATEWIDE ADVERSE ECONOMIC IMPACT AFFECTING BUSINESSES: The Department has initially determined that the proposed regulations will not have a significant statewide adverse economic impact directly affecting businesses, including the ability of California businesses to compete with businesses in other states. EFFECT ON SMALL BUSINESSES: The Deparhnent has determined that the proposed regulations will not affect small businesses. It is determined that this action has no significant adverse economic impact on small business because they are not affected by the supervision of parolees. RESULTS OF ECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT: The Department has determined that the proposed regulations will have no impact on the creation of new or the elimination of existing jobs or businesses within California, or affect the expansion of businesses currently doing business in California. The Department has determined that the proposed regulations will have no affect on worker safety or the state's environment because the proposed regulations relate strictly to the supervision of California parolees. The proposed regulations will benefit the health and welfare of California residents by Notice —NCR 16-14, Supervision of Parolees Page 4 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 146 of 179 Page ID #:146 1 i promoting safety within California communities. There are no benefits to worker safety or the state's environment other than those provided by the general enhancement of safety within California communities. CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVES : The Department must determine that no reasonable alternative considered by the Department, or that has otherwise been identified and brought to the attention of the Department, would be more effective in carrying out the purpose for which the action is proposed, would be as effective and less burdensome to affected private persons than the proposed action, or would be more cost-effective to affected private persons and equally effective in implementing the statutory policy or other provision of law. Interested persons are accordingly invited to present statements or arguments with respect to any alternatives to the changes proposed at the scheduled hearing or during the written comment period. AVAILABILITY OF PROPOSED TEXT AND INITIAL STATEMENT OF REASONS : The Department will make available the text and the Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR) of the proposed regulations. The rulemaking file for this regulatory action, which contains those items and all information on which the proposal is based, is available to the public upon request directed to the Department's contact person. The proposed text, ISOR, and Notice of Proposed Regulations will also be made available on the Department's website httn:// AVAILABILITY OF CHANGES TO PROPOSED TEXT: After considering all timely and relevant comments received, the Department may adopt the proposed regulations substantially as described. in this Notice. If the Department makes modifications which are sufficiently related to the originally proposed text, it will make the modified text (with the changes clearly indicated) available to the public for at least 15 days before the Department adopts the regulations as revised. Requests for copies of any modified regulation text should be directed to the contact person indicated in this Notice. The Department will accept written comments on the modified regulations for 15 days after the date on which they are made available. AVAILABILITY OF THE FINAL STATEMENT OF REASONS: Following its preparation, a copy of the Final Statement of Reasons may be obtained from the Department's contact person. Notice —NCR 16-14, Supervision of Parolees Page 5 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 147 of 179 Page ID #:147 TEXT OF PROPOSED REGULATIONS In the following text, sir•-i~~~re~g#rindicates deleted text; underline indicates added or amended text. California Code of Regulations, Title 15, Division 3, Adult Institutions, Programs, and Parole Subchapter 6. Adult Parole Article 4. Global Positioning System Program 3560. Global Positioning System Program Establishment. Section 3560 is amended to read: Departmental use of Global Positioning System(GPS)technology is designed to monitor the whereabouts of persons on parole by use of continuous electronic monitoring. The GPS program is for parolees who are identified as requiring a high level of supervision, as described in section 3561. By placing a GPS ~as~~g monitoring device on a parolee, a parole Agent receives information about a parolee's whereabouts, verifies the parolee's compliance with parole conditions, and is able to investigate suspicious behavior patterns. Note: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 3004, 3010, 3010.1, 3010.2, 3010.3, 3010.4, 3010.5, 3010.6, 3010.7, 3010.8, 3010.9 and 5054,Penal Code. 3561. Global Positioning System Technology on Eligible Parolees Designated as High Risk. Subsection 3561(a)is amended to read: ( The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (the Ddepartment) shall evaluate all a) parolees' criminal history and identify those parolees who require a high level of supervision, due to the risk of victimizing the public by committing new crimes while on parole. Subsection 3561(b)is amended to read: ( Parolees who are deemed to require a high level of supervision and subject to b) ~ EGPS~ she e~ monitoring include, but are not limited to: Subsection 3561(b)(1)is unchanged. Subsection 3561(b)(2)is amended to read: ( Any validated~Security Threat Groin member or associate as indicated on the CDCR Form 812 2) ( Rev. 11/13), Notice of Critical Case Information-Safety of Persons (Non-confidential Enemies) or CDCR Form 128-B2, (Rev. 06/14) Security Threat Group Validation/Rejection Review, which is incorporated by reference. Subsection 3561(b)(3)is deleted. Proposed Text —NCR 16-14 12/9/16 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 148 of 179 Page ID #:148 Existing Subsection 3561(b)(4)is renumbered 3561(b)(3) and is otherwise unchanged. { 4}~3~ When any parolee's case factors include unavailability for supervision, history of absconding parole supervision, escalating parole violations, or other such factors that would indicate the parolee is likely to re-offend, and where prevention ofreoffending and knowledge of the whereabouts of the parolee is a high priority for maintaining public safety. Subsection 3561(b)(5)is deleted. .~ NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 5058- and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 3000.08 3004, 3010, 3010.1, 3010.2, 3010.3, 3010.4, 3010.5, 3010.6, 3010.7, 3010.8, 3010.9 and 5054,Penal Code. 3562. Global Positioning System Monitoring Device Placement Criteria. Subsections 3562(a)through 3562(b) are unchanged. Subsection 3562(c)is amended to read: ( The parolee shall be informed that non-compliance with the special condition of parole for GPS c) monitoring is a violation of parole and may result in ~e€e~r-a~~e t~c~~~~u~~=e-~~r ~~n*;~r ~~ „~;a~r~*;~ the parolee's arrest and filing of a revocation petition in the superior court. „ NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 3000.08 3004, 3010, 3010.1, 3010.2, 3010.3, 3010.4, 3010.5, 3010.6, 3010.7, 3010.8, 3010.9 and 5054,Penal Code. 3563. Global Positioning System-Payments of Certain Costs by Parolees. Subsections 3563(a)through 3563(a)(1) are amended to read: ( Parolees who are required to participate in continuous electronic monitoring by r'^~.^' D^~;+;^~;^„ a) ~ GPS3 pursuant to the law shall be required to pay for the costs associated with the GPS system. f However, the Ddepartment shall waive any or all of that payment upon a finding of an inability to pay. The Department shall consider any remaining amounts the parolee has been ordered to pay in fines, assessments and .restitution fines, fees, and orders, and shall give priority to the payment of those items before requiring the parolee to pay for *~~ ~'~'~~'„ ~~~*~~M~-~R GPS monitoring. ( Ability to pay means the overall capability of the ~ parolee to reimburse the actual costs or 1) portion of the costs, of providing GPS monitoring. Subsection 3563(a)(2) is unchanged. Subsection 3563(a)(3) is amended to read: Proposed Text —NCR 16-14 12/9/16 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 149 of 179 Page ID #:149 (3) The Department shall consider any remaining amounts a ~ parolee has been ordered to pay in f ines, assessments and restitution fines, fees and orders, and shall give priority to the payment of those items before requiring the ~e~se~ parolee to pay for the ~'~'~~' -~~~;*;~~;„~- ~~~~+~m GPS monitoring. Subsection 3563(b)is amended to read: ( If the parolee disagrees with the Department's finding that the parolee has the ability to pay for the b) costs associated with tie ^'~'~~' r^~~*~^^~^^ ^~~~*~~ GPS monitoring, the parolee may file an appeal by submitting a CDCR Form 602 (Rev. ~~ 08/09), Inmate/Parolee Appeal form to the departmental appeals coordinator. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 3004, 3010, 3010.1, 3010.2, 3010.3, 3010.4, 3010.5, 3010.6, 3010.7, 3010.8, 3010.9 and 5054,Penal Code. 3564. Requirement for Lifetime Global Positioning System Monitoring. Subsection 3564(a)is amended to read: ( Any parolee who has been convicted for a felony violation of a sex offense described in subdivision a) ( of Penal Code~section 290 or any attempt to commit any of those offenses, released from custody c) on or after November 8, 2006, shall be subject to lifetime r='^'~~' D^~;*;^r;r~- c~~~*~m ECrpS} monitoring. GPS monitoring shall commence within 48 hours of release from a Sstate correctional facility, or during the first contact with a Parole Agent, whichever is sooner. Subsection 3564(b)is amended to read: ( The ~f~~ep b) e~*~~reEt~e~.Ta~~~i~in~t-~e~ Department shall maintain GPS monitoring for the entire period of parole supervision. Responsibility for lifetime supervision on GPS monitoring will be transferred to another agency upon discharge from parole supervision and termination of departmental jurisdictional authority. Subsection 3564(c)is unchanged. Note: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 3004 and 5054, Penal Code. 3565. Transitioning Sex Offenders from Global Positioning System Monitoring to Local Law Enforcement Monitoring. Subsection 3565(a)is amended to read: ( An active parolee subject to lifetime ~''~'~~' D~~:*;~~:-~~ c~~~*~m ~GPS} monitoring upon release from a) custody shall be monitored by the Department until discharged from parole and departmental jurisdiction. Subsections 3565(b)through 3565(b)(1) are amended to read: ( Between ~1A-C9 60-90 days prior to the parolee's Ceontrolling Discharge Date (CDDS, Department b) ' -';~,;~:~~ ~~ ^ a„'* D~r~'o nror~*;~r~ staff shall notify, in writing, the assuming agency of the pending discharge.~a~ Department staff shall: Proposed Text —NCR 16-14 12/9/16 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 150 of 179 Page ID #:150 (1) Make the parolee available to the assuming agency within five working days prior to the Ee~e~k~g CDD to transition the parolee from departmental GPS equipment to the assuming agency's equipment. Subsection 3565(b)(2)is unchanged. Subsection 3565(c)is amended to read: ( If no other agency assumes GPS monitoring prior to the parolee's discharge from departmental c) jurisdiction, the departmental GPS equipment shall be removed and recovered from the parolee upon reaching the parolee's r~ '~-~";r~- T';~~'~~r~-~ T'~+~ CDD. „ Note: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 3004 and 5054, Penal Code. Article 5. Sex Offenders Section 3570 title heading is amended to read: 3570. E Definition of a Sex Offender. New Section 3570 is adopted to read: For the purposes of Subchapter 6, sex offender means andperson currently under the jurisdiction of the Department who has a current or prior conviction, or juvenile adjudication resulting in a commitment to a California Youth Authority or Division of Juvenile Justice facility, listed in PC sections 290(c), 290.001, 290.002, 290.003, 290.004, 290.005, 290.006, 290.007, or 290.008. A sex offender will be required to register upon release from custody in accordance with the Sex Offender Registration Act, Chapter 5.5,PC sections 290 throu~,h 294, inclusive. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 290(c), 290.001, 290.002, 290.003, 290.004,290.005, 290.006, 290.007, and 290.008,Penal Code. ^ 3571. Sez Offender Residence Restrictions. Section 3571 is amended to read: sSex offenders ' z-.~-0~, ~'° ~ ~e maw subject to residence restrictions as specified in this section with the approval of the Unit Supervisor, on a case-by-case basis based on the particularized circumstances of each individual parolee. Subsections 3571(a)through 3571(a)(5) are unchanged. New Subsection 3571(a)(6)is adopted to read: ( Residence restriction means a condition of parole, or an instruction from the Parole Agent prohibiting 6) a parolee from residing at a location based on criteria related to the residence and the parolee's specific individual circumstances pursuant to subsection 3571(b). Proposed Text —NCR 16-14 12/9/16 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 151 of 179 Page ID #:151 New Subsection 3571(b)is adopted to read: ~~ The Unit Supervisor must approve a residence restriction that was proposed by the Parole A ent before it is imposed on a sex offender. Anv residence restriction that will prohibit a parolee from residing within any distance of a park where children re ug larly epublic or private school serving andgrades at of kindergarten through 12, or other location decided upon by the Parole Agent shall be justified based on a connection between the parolee's commitment offense, criminal history, and/or future criminality, to be determined on a case-bv-case basis. Existing Subsection 3571(b)is renumbered 3571(c) and amended to read: ro ,.oio„~oa ~~.,,i,,, ; o ,.oa ~„ ,.o ;~~a,.„ „~ +„ nr co,.~;,.,,~ ion ~ A sex offender ~ t~„-,,,,,.i. ion n~~~ ;,,,.~„~;..o~ may not, during the period of parole, reside in any single family dwelling with any other person also required to register as a sex offender, unless those persons are legally related by blood, marriage, or adoption. Existing Subsection 3571(b)(1)is renumbered 3571(c)(1) and is otherwise unchanged. ( A residential facility located within a single family dwelling which serves six or fewer persons shall 1) be excluded from this restriction. Existing Subsection 3571(c)is deleted. rtirs~ ~~ ~~ .~ ~ • ~~~ Subsection 3571(d)is amended to read: ( A sex offender~released on parole d) , , shall not be subject to a residence restriction in addition to subsections 3571(b) and 3571(c) above, or required by section 3582, unless that residence restriction is supported by circumstances found in the parolee's criminal history. Subsections 3571(e) through 3571(e)(1) are unchanged, but are shown for reference purposes. ( Residence Verification and Approval. The Division of Adult Parole Operations(DAPO)shall monitor e) compliance with the residence restrictions contained in this section. ( Parolees subject to residence restrictions are responsible for finding compliant housing. 1) Subsections 3571(e)(2) through 3571(e)(3)(B) are amended to read: ( During the initial interview between.the parolee and the Parole Agent upon release from custody, 2) and before any change of residence while under parole supervision, the parolee shall provide his or her Parole Aagent with the address where he or she intends to reside upon verification and approval of the Parole Agent. ( The Parole Agent shall utilize available resources to identify any public ar private schools and 3) ; oa ~~+~~~ ~~nnn ~o~ „~ ~~,o ~ „ioo~~ ~ ~*~~-~ parks where children regularly gather, '^^^+~a ~ r~~~ Ito determine if any will fall within any residence restrictions imposed on the parolee. Available resources that maybe considered include, but are not limited to: Proposed Text —NCR 16-14 12/9/16 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 152 of 179 Page ID #:152 (A)The California Department of Education's website= which lists public, private= and charter (a category of public) schools. ( Internet ~e directories and navigation system services, such as MapQuest and Goole B) services, ~-T~'~~*~ ~-~a -~~"~~-~ -~~~~~' which list public schools by district, including city and/or county public school directories. Subsections 3571(e)(3)(C) through 3571(e)(3)(E) are unchanged, but are shown for reference purposes. ( Listings provided by city halls that include local schools and parks. C) ( Resources available on the Internet, such as satellite maps. D) ( Observations from site visits or familiarity with the community. E) Subsections 3571(e)(4)through 3571(e)(5) are amended to read: ( If any public or private schools and/or parks where children regularly gathers are identified to be 4) ; ~,nnn ~o~ „~ ~,,o ,..,,.,.~oo~~ ~,.,.,.,,~~a the residence restriction, the Parole Agent a ~re~~} within shall use a Global Positioning System (GPS) measuring ~~ device to determine m~~t~er-a~x-y « ~, „ ~~ ~' *~-~„~;* r~*'~ ~* ~ * ~*~-~~* ~ r~+'~ ~- „+~ the distance from the residence to the school and/or park. The distance shall be measured from the primary entrance of the proposed residence to the nearest exterior property boundary ofthe school and/or park. ( Parolees shall be advised whether the proposed residence is compliant with the residence restriction. 5) I the residence is noncompliant based on the r'Dc ~~~-~~~~*~~„ measurements taken by the Parole Agent, f as described in subsection 3571(e)(4) above, the actual distance and name of the prohibited public or private school, or park where children regularly gather, and method of measurement shall be disclosed to the parolee upon his or her request. Subsection 35710 is amended to read: ~~ ~'~*~a ~ ~~;a~ „~~ r~~*r:~*;~~ ~ -~*~;~~a ;„ *'~;~ ~~~*;~„ A parolee who has a special condition of parole prohibiting contact with specified minors shall not be allowed to reside in any residence where a minor with whom the parolee is prohibited from having contact also resides. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 290.04, 290.06, 3003.5,.3008 a 3053(a) and 5054, Penal Code; Doe v. Schwarzenegger (2007)476 F.Supp.2d. 1178; In re E.J. (2010) 47 Ca1.4th 1258; People v. Lent(1975) 15 Ca1.3d 481;~People v. Dominguez (1967) 256 Ca1.App.2d 623; United States v. Wolf,Child(9th Cir. 2012), 699 Fad 1082; and In re Tavlor (201 60 Ca1.4th 1019 . New Section 3572 title heading is adopted to read: 3572. Violation of Parole for Disabling or TamnerinE with the Global Positioning System Monitor. New Subsection 3572(a)is adopted to read: ( A sex offender subject to GPS monitoring by CDCR as a condition of parole, shall not remove, a) disable, render inoperable, or knowingly circumvent the operation of, nor permit another person to Proposed Text —NCR 16-14 12/9/16 6 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 153 of 179 Page ID #:153 remove, disable, render inoperable, or knowingly circumvent the operation of, an electronic, GPS, or other monitoring device affixed to his or her person, when he or she knows that the device was affixed as a condition of parole. New Subsection 3572(b)is adopted to read: ( This section shall not apply if the removal, disabling, rendering inoperable, or circumventin ~of, an b~ electronic, GPS, or other monitoring device, is performed by a physician, emer~encv medical services technician, or by anv other emergency response or medical personnel when doing so is necessary during the course of medical treatment ofthe person subject to monitoring. New Subsection 3572(c)is adopted to read: ( This section shall not apply if the removal, disabling, rendering inoperable, or knowingly c) circumventinem the operation of an electronic, GPS, or other monitoring device, is authorized or required by a court, or the law enforcement, probation, parole authority or other entit~ponsible for placing monitoring device on the person, or that has, at the time, the authority and responsibility to monitor the electronic, GPS, or other monitoring device. New Subsection 3572(d)is adopted to read: ( When probable cause is discovered that a sex offender has removed, disabled, rendered inoperable, d knowingly circumvented the operation of, or attempted to circumvent the operation of, or permitted another person to remove, disable, render inoperable, or knowin~y circumvent the operation of the monitoring device, notwithstanding subsections 3572(b) and 3572(c) above, DAPO shall refer the violation to superior court. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 3000.08(c) and 3010.10, Penal Code. New Section 3573 title heading is adopted to read: 3573. Sex Offender Risk Assessment. New Subsection 3573(a)is adopted to read: ( The Department sha11 utilize the Static-99R (Revised 11/2/16) risk assessment, which is incorporated a) by reference, -for adult male sex offenders. Any adult male sex offender who is assessed with an above average risk or higher to commit a new sex offense shall be designated as a High Risk Sex Offender ( HRSO), as defined in Section 3580, for the purposes of residence restrictions and supervision while on parole• New Subsection 3573(b)is adopted to read: ( The Department's contracted sex offender treatment providers shall utilize the Level of Service/Case b) Management Inventor~LS/CMI) (10/28/2016) and the STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007 (10/28/2016), which are incorporated by reference, as supplemental assessments to the Static-99R for adult male sex offenders. The LS/CMI will measure risk of future violence of adult male sex offenders, and the STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007 will measure dynamic(chan~in~l risk factors of adult male sex offenders. Proposed Text —NCR 16-14 12/9/16 7 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 154 of 179 Page ID #:154 New Subsection 3573(c)is adopted to read: ( The Department shall utilize the Female Sex Offender Risk Assessment (FSORALII/19/2015, c) which is incorporated by reference, for adult female sex offenders. Any adult female sex offender who is assessed in the cate~ry of "Moderately High Risk" or higher shall be designated as a HRSO for the purposes ofresidence restrictions and supervision while on parole. New Subsection 3573(d)is adopted to read: ~d 'The Department's contracted sex offender treatment providers shall utilize the LS/CMI(10/28/2016 which is incorporated by reference, as a supplemental assessment to the FSORA for adult female sex offenders. The LS/CMI will measure risk of future violence of adult female sex offenders. New Subsection 3573(e)is adopted to read: ( The Department may conduct on-going risk assessments of sex offenders durin gtheir parole terms at e) the discretion of the Director of DAPO or their designee. These assessments shall be for the purpose of designing treatment programs and for the supervision ofthe sex offender. New Subsection 35730 is adopted to read: ~~pon completion of the Static-99R risk assessment or FSORA pursuant to section 3573(a and (c), if designated a HRSO,the sex offender shall remain under the jurisdiction of the Department for the lengt h _ ofthe parole term, regardless ofthe result of future assessments. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 290.04 and 3008, Penal Code. Article 6. High Risk Sex Offenders Section 3580 title heading is amended to read: 3580. Definitions of a HiEh Risk Sex Offender.{]~ese~e~} New Section 3580 is adopted to read: A High Risk Sex Offender (HRSO) is an inmate ar parolee required to rempursuant to the Sex is Off ender Registration Act, including PC sections 290(c), 290.001, 290.002, 290.003, 290.004, 290.005, 290.006, 290.007,. ar 290.008, and who also has been assessed by the Department pursuant to sections 3573(a) and (c) and based on his or her score on the risk assessment, has been designated as a Hi Risk Sex Offender. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 290, 290.001, 290.002, 290.003, 290.004,290.005, 290.006, 290.007, 290.008, and 3000.08, Penal Code. Section 3581 title heading is amended to read: 3581. .[Reserved] Proposed Text —NCR 16-14 12/9/16 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 155 of 179 Page ID #:155 3582. High Risk Sex Offender Residence Restrictions. Section 3582 is amended to read: Parolees who are required to register as sex offenders pursuant to D~ „~' r'^a~ ~PC3 sections 290 through Sse~—Oe€~e s by the ~~€e~x~ 290.023, inclusive, and who have been designated as H#~g~rR T'o„^~-*mo^* ^~r'~--ro^*;^~~ ^^a Doi,^~.;';*^*;^^ ~rT~rD' Department, are subject to residence restrictions as specified in this section and as defined in section 3571. Existing Subsection 3582(a)is deleted. s ~ ~ • ~ ~. ~ Existing Subsection 3582(b)is renumbered 3582(a) and amended to read: ( ~}~ A H R~s~S~Oe€€e~e~ released on parole who is required to register pursuant to PC sections 290 through 290.023, inclusive, may not, during the period of parole, reside in any single family dwelling with any other person also required to register as a sex offender, unless those persons are legally related by blood, marriage, or adoption. A residential facility located within a single family dwelling which serves six or fewer persons shall be excluded from this restriction. Existing Subsection 3582(c)is renumbered 3582(b)and amended to read: ( ~}~ "'~;R~ r;~'~ ~~~ ~~~ „a~r A HRSO released on parole on or after November 8, 2006 who is required „ to register pursuant to PC sections 290 through 290.023, inclusive, and ~~~'~~'~~~ ~ ^ ~~r* ^r ^r;^r whose current commitment to the Department is for a conviction for a violation of PC section 28.8, inclusive of shall not reside within one-half mile of any public or private any subsection, or PC section 288.5, school, kindergarten through grade 12, inclusive, , g~t~e~~c~i~e~rrsest}e~r33~1{E}. e~i~ex~e^~ New Subsection 3582(c)is adopted to read: ( A HRSO who has a juvenile adjudication for PC section 288, inclusive of anv subsection, or PC c) section 288.5, is not subject to the provisions of PC section 3003(8,); however, may have a residence restriction imposed pursuant to section 3571. Subsection 3582(d)is amended to read: ( n '';R'' r;~'~ ~~~ ~~~ d) „a~r A HRSO released on parole on or after November 8, 2006 who is required to register pursuant to PC sections 290 through 290.023, inclusive,.and who does not have a current or prior conviction for a violation of PC section 288, inclusive of any subsection, or PC section 288.5,~~ ' may have a residence restriction imposed pursuant to section 3571. A residence restriction shall not be imposed unless it is supported by circumstances found in the parolee's criminal history as described in section 3571. Existing Subsection 3582(e)is deleted. Proposed Text —NCR l 6-14 12/9/16 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 156 of 179 Page ID #:156 •~ . . ~~ ~ - , .. Existing Subsection 35820 is deleted. a ~~ •~ ~~ ~ . . , .. Existing Subsection 3582(g)is renumbered 3582(e) and amended to read: ( -g~~ Residence Verification and Approval. ~n~~~~ ~~ ^ a~~'* D~--~ ~ n-~~r~*;~~~ ~DAPO~ shall „ , monitor compliance with the residence restrictions contained in this section. Existing Subsection 3582(g)(1)is renumbered 3582(e)(1) and is otherwise unchanged. ( Parolees subject to residence restrictions are responsible for finding compliant housing. 1) Existing Subsection 3582(g)(2)is renumbered 3582(e)(2) and amended to read: ( During the initial interview between the parolee and the Parole ~A_gent upon release from custody, 2) and before any change of residence while under parole supervision, the parolee shall provide his or her Parole Agent with the address where he or she intends to reside upon verification and approval of the Parole Agent. Existing Subsection 3582(g)(3)is renumbered 3582(e)(3) and amended to read: ( 3) The Parole ~A~ent shall utilize available resources identified in subsections 3571(e)(3)(A) throu 3571(e)(3)(E) to identify any public ar private schools located approximately within one-half mile of the parolee's proposed residence. "~•~~'~"'~ -~~~~~~--~~~ +'~~+ Existing Subsections 3582(g)(3)(A) through 3582(g)(3)(E) are deleted. Y . ' . • Existing Subsection 3582(g)(4)is renumbered 3582(e)(4) and amended to read: Proposed Text —NCR 16-14 12/9/16 10 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 157 of 179 Page ID #:157 (4) If any public or private schools and/or parks where children regularly ~ather ~s are identified to be ; a e~~~ within ^„~'~~'~ ~;'~ ~~ *'~~ ~nr~'~~'~ „ „ ~-~ ~~~a the residence restriction of a HRSO, the Parole aA_gent shall use a Global Positioning System (GPS) measuring~device to determine r~*'~ „~* ~~ ~ ~*r~~* ~r ~~*'~ r~ +~ the distance from the residence to the school and/or park. The distance „ shall be measured from the primary entrance of the proposed residence to the nearest exterior property boundary ofthe school and/ar park. Existing Subsection 3582(g)(5) is renumbered 3582(e)(5) and amended. to read: ( Parolees shall be advised whether the proposed residence is compliant. If the residence is 5) noncompliant based on the rDc ~,or;~~~*;~r measurements taken by the Parole Agent, as described in subsection 3582(e)(4) above, the actual distance and name of the prohibited public or private school and method of measurement shall be disclosed to the parolee upon his or her request. Existing Subsection 3582(h)is renumbered 35820 and amended to read: ~o .,,.~ t., ~L.o T2~,~,-.a .~~ Dom,-,~lo i7o.,,.;«...~ ., ( 1.1(41 ~=ISL.L C .,loo .,.1,.. ,,~l,l~, 1,01;o~.o.a ~.. 1,.,..v ~~~*~a ~ ~~;a~r~~ r~~*r;~*;~-~ ~ M*~;r~a ;„ *'~;~ ~~~*;~r When probable cause is discovered that a HRSO parolee is in violation of a residence restriction, DAPO shall file a revocation petition in superior court. Note: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 290.04, 290.06, 3003(g), 3003.5, 3008 a 3053(a) and 5054, Penal Code; Doe v. Schwarzenegger (2007) 476 F.Supp.2d. People v. Lent(1975) 15 Ca1.3d 481; and In re Taylor (2015 1 178;In re E.J. (2010)47 Cal.4th 1258; 60 Ca1.4th 1019. Article 6.5. Transient Sex Offender Supervision 3590. Transient and Residence Determination. Subsections 3590(a)through 3590(a)(4) are unchanged. Subsection 3590(b)is amended to read: ( When determining whether a residence has been established, the Parole Agent shall utilize all b) available resources and information. If ~e a review of the complete set of circumstances indicates residency has been established, and a reasonable and prudent Parole Agent reviewing the same information would draw the same conclusion, then a residence has been established. After a transient sex offender establishes a residence, he or she is no longer recognized as transient, and: Subsection 3590(b)(1)is unchanged, but is shown for reference. ( Continues to have a lifetime obligation to register as a sex offender, but is subject to the registration 1) requirements as provided under PC section 290.010. Subsection 3590(b)(2)is amended to read: ( Maybe subject to 2) Proposed Text —NCR 16-14 residency restrictions. as described in sections 3571 and 3582. 12/9/16 11 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 158 of 179 Page ID #:158 Note: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 290.010, 290.011(g), 3003(g) =~13A~1~} and 5054,Penal Code. ; 3590.1. Approved Regular Entrance at an Address. Section 3590.1 is unchanged, but is shown for reference. Transient sex offenders are permitted the following repeated and regular entries at an address and such entries shall not be considered as establishing residency: Subsection 3590.1(a)is amended to read: ( For the purpose of charging the Global Positioning System (GPS) device as directed in the sex a) offender's conditions of parole. ~~r~~~a ~~ ~~~ „a~--~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a *~ ~ ~ ~ a~~~-~~-~a ; ~~*;~„ ~ cam, Subsection 3590.1(b)is amended to read: ( For the purpose of b) e~ employment previously approved by the Parole Agent. Subsection 3590.1(c)is unchanged. Subsection 3590.1(d)is amended to read: ( For the purpose of obtaining care, treatment= or other services provided by licensed providers. d) Note: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3,Penal Code. Reference: Section 5054,Penal Code. 3590.2. Transient Sex Offender Location Restrictions. Subsection 3590.2(a)is unchanged, but is shown for reference purposes. ( Transient sex offenders staying at locations without street addresses, including but not limited to a) bridges, transient encampments, and bus stops, which maybe near schools, parks, ar areas where children regularly gather as described in section 3571(a), are not subject to residence restrictions established in statute, as these locations are not defined as residences- that are located by a street address as provided in section 3590. Subsection 3590.2(b)is amended to read: ( T'he locations described in subsection 3590.2(a) may not be acceptable for a parolee to reside at or to b) frequent based upon his ar her existing special conditions of parole and/or criminal history,~se-~ ; . Special conditions of parole may be imposed when warranted to address these circumstances. Note: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Section 3003(g), 399-3~} 3053(a) and 5054,Penal Code; and People v. Lent(1975) 15 Ca1.3d 481. 3590.3. Supervision of Transient Sex Offenders. Proposed Text —NCR 16-14 12/9/16 12 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 159 of 179 Page ID #:159 Subsection 3590.3(a)is amended to read: ( Transient sex offenders are subject to parole supervision contact requirements as described in section a) 3504, except that: Instead of completing the required face-to-face residence contact, the Parole Agent shall contact the parolee at either his or her place of employment (if employed) or "in the field," within the community where the parolee is located. This may include a residence where the parolee appears to be residing. All contacts shall be documented by the Parole Agent on a CDCR Form 1650-D (Rev. 9 906/12), Record of Supervision, which is incorporated by reference. Subsection 3590.3(b)is amended to read: ( Transient sex offenders shall be required to disclose the locations where they have slept, or intend to b) sleep at night, during any contact with the Parole Agent. Subsection 3590.3(c)is amended to read: ( During case reviews, the c) ~ ~tUnit sSupervisor shall ensure that the parole Agent is meeting current contact case supervision specifications as described in section 3504. Note: Authority cited: Sections 5058 and 5058.3, Penal Code. Reference: Sections 3003, 3003.5 and 5054,Penal Code. Proposed Text —NCR 16-14 12/9/16 13 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 160 of 179 Page ID #:160 INITIAL STATEMENT OF REASONS: The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation(CDCR) proposes to amend sections 3560, 3561, 3562, 3563, 3564, 3565, 3571, 3581, 3582, 3590, 3590.1, 3590.2, and 3590.3, and adopt new sections 3570, 3572, 3573, and 3580 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 15, Division 3, Subchapter 6, Articles 4, 5,6, and 6:5, concerning the supervision of parolees under the jurisdiction of the CDCR,Division of Adult Parole Operations(DAPO). Adjudication of Parole Violations As a result of the 2011 Public Safety Realignment Act, codified in Penal Code (PC) section 3000.080, the jurisdiction for adjudicating the majority of parole violations was moved from the Board of Parole Hearings(BPH)to county superior courts. Within CCR, Articles 4, 5, 6, and 6.5, there are references to BPH that require updating to reflect the jurisdictional change. Sex Offender Residence Restrictions Residence restrictions are a condition of parole, and there are different kinds of residence.restrictions. However, a residence restriction must be justified pursuant to People v. Lent (1S Cal.3d 431) (1975). People v. Lent determined that a probation condition is invalid if it:(1)is not related to the crime of which the offender was convicted,(2) relates to noncriminal conduct, and (3) requires or forbids conduct which is not reasonably related to future criminality. Under Lent, for some sex offenders a 2,000 feet distance restriction from a school or park may be justified; however, for other sex offenders no distance may be justified. For example, a distance may not be justified if a sex offender's victim was an adult. Distance may also not be justified if the proximity of the sex offender's residence to a school or park was not a factor in the sex offender's crime. Residence restrictions may also be imposed on the basis of other people in a residence where a parolee plans to reside. For example, a sex offender who was convicted of child molestation (PC section 288(a)) will have a condition of parole prohibiting contact with minors. This condition of parole meets the criteria of Lent because the condition is related to the criminal history, so this type of sex offender would not be allowed to reside in a place where a minor also resides. In 2006, ballot initiative Proposition 83, as codified in PC section 3003.5(b), was passed. PC section 3003.5(b) prohibited all sex offenders from residing within 2000 feet of parks where children regularly gather and schools, and is currently reflected in regulations. In 2015, in In re Taylor (California Supreme Court docket 5206143), the California Supreme Court ruled that CDCR's blanket enforcement of the residence restrictions within PC section 3003.5(b), known as " Jessica's Law," in San Diego county, violated the constitutional rights of sex offenders on parole. The courts ruled that enforcement of PC section 3003.5(b) on all sex offenders did not meet the requirements ofPeople v. Lent, and that the residence restriction must relate to the crime committed, and have a direct relation to the crime. As a result of Taylor, any distance imposed in a residence restriction must be justified based on the parolee's criminal history. These amendments will bring the affected CCR sections into compliance with the Taylor decision, update CDCR's policies for imposing residence restrictions on sex offenders under its jurisdiction, and comply with the court's decision on a statewide basis. f ISOR —NCR 16-14, Supervision of Parolees 12/9/16 i r` Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 161 of 179 Page ID #:161 Global Positioning System/Electronic Monitoring of Sex Offenders In 2014, the Legislature added PC section 3010.10 which created a mandate for DAPO to file revocation petitions in superior court if a sex offender on parole removes, disables, or tampers with their Global Positioning System (GPS) monitor. Newly proposed section 3572 implements and makes specific PC 3010.10 by adding language which specifies the conditions for a violation of parole, when disabling or tampering with a GPS monitor has occurred. Sex Offender Risk Assessments In 2012, the California Legislature amended PC sections 290.03 and 290.04 to require DAPO to use evidence-based risk assessments to determine the likelihood ofsex offenders committing a new sex crime. Additionally, the Public Safety Realignment Act gave CDCR the jurisdiction to assess inmates convicted of sex crimes, to determine .what risk level they pose to the community upon release, and to supervise High Risk Sex Offenders upon release. If a sex offender serves a prison term in CDCR for a violent or serious crime (as defined in PC sections 667.5(c) and 1192.7(c)), the sex offender will be supervised by DAPO. Based on PC section 3000.08, if a sex offender serves a prison term for anon-violent or nonserious crime, DAPO only has jurisdiction to supervise the sex offender if the offender is a High Risk Sex Offender. These regulations are necessary to comply with PC 3000.08 and define a High Risk Sex Off ender. Penal Code(PC)section 290.03 requires CDCR to use a risk assessment tool to determine the risk a sex off ender poses of committing a new sex crime. Further, PC section 290.04 identifies a State Authorized Risk Assessment Tool for Sex Offenders(SARATSO) Review Committee comprised of representatives from CDCR, the Department of State Hospitals, and the Attorney General's office, whom shall be responsible for determining the SARATSO that shall be used for assessing sex offenders. Additionally, PC 290.04 requires that a risk assessment instrument chosen by the SARATSO Review Committee must reflects) the most reliable, objective, and well-established protocols for predicting sex offender risk of recidivism, have been scientifically validated and cross-validated, and is, or is reasonably likely to be, widely accepted by the courts. The SARATSO Review Committee must consult with experts in the field of risk assessment in choosing the instruments mandated for use in California. PC 290.04(a)(1) also states that "If a SARATSO has not been selected for a given population pursuant to this section, no duty to administer the SARATSO elsewhere in this code shall apply with respect to that population." Commencing January 1, 2007, PC section 290.04(b)(1) mandated CDCR to use the Static-99 risk assessment tool for adult male sex offenders. The Static-99 which is used prior to release from prison is based upon on several academic studies of sex offender populations in the United States and Canada that determined common demographic, social, and criminal history patterns of sex offenders.with multiple sex crime convictions. The Static-99 tool quantifies those factors and gives each one a score. A variety of individual case factors are reviewed by the screener and added or subtracted to the score. After all of the f actors are reviewed, the final numerical score is the sex offender's Static-99 score. An assessment score which translates to "above average" or "well above average" designates a sex offender as a High Risk Sex Off ender for supervision purposes. In 2009 the SARATSO Review Committee approved the Static-99R as the risk assessment tool for adult male sex offenders. The Static-99R is a revised version of the Static-99, and is identical to the Static-99 with the exception of an additional element "Age at the time of release" added to the assessment. The Static 99R improved on the Static 99 by adding the "Age at the time of release" element which accounts ISOR —NCR 16-14, Supervision ofParolees 12/9/16 2 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 162 of 179 Page ID #:162 for the particularly low recidivism rates among older offenders. The Static-99R is the most commonly used static assessment tool in the world to assess the recidivism risk posed by adult male sex offenders. The Static-99R is necessary to provide safety and security to the public and communities by appropriately assessing the risk of sexual re-offense of adult male sex offenders, and also to comply with PC section 290.04(b)(1) which mandates use of the Static-99. Recent studies on the Static-99R have determined the risk assessment tool to be a validated, accurate, and good predictive tool for determining risk of sexual reoffense. PC section 290.04(b)(2) also specified: "The SARATSO Review Committee shall determine whether the Static-99 should be supplemented with an empirically derived instrument that measures dynamic risk factors or whether the Static-99 should be replaced as the SARATSO with a different risk assessment tool. The SARATSO Review Committee shall select an empirically derived instrument that measures dynamic risk factors and an empirically derived instrument that measures risk of future violence. The selected instruments shall be the SARATSO dynamic tool for adult males and the SARATSO future violence tool for adult males. If the committee unanimously agrees on changes to be made to a designated SARATSO, it shall advise the Governor and the Legislature of the changes and the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shall post the decision on its Internet Web site. Sixty days after the decision is posted, the selected tool shall become the SARATSO for adult males." In 2011 the SARATSO Review Committee selected the supplemental tool, Level of Service/Case Management Inventory(LS/CMI)for use in California beginning in 2012. The LS/CMI is the adult male SARATSO future violence tool used for measuring risk of future violence. In 2013 the SARATSO Review Committee selected the supplemental tool, STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007 for use in California beginning in 2014. The STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007 is the adult male SARATSO dynamic tool used for measuring dynamic (changing) risk factors. The STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007 is considered one assessment for assessment purposes, as they are used in conjunction with each other; however they are two separate tally sheets. Both the LS/CMI and the STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007 are scored by contracted sex offender treatment providers during parole to guide decisions in treatment while the offender is on parole. The use of all three tools provides a better picture of the overall risk of re-offense presented by adult male sex offenders on supervision. Additionally, PC section 290.04(c) specified: "On or before July 1, 2007, the SARATSO Review Committee shall research risk assessment tools for adult females required to register as sex offenders. If the committee unanimously agrees on an appropriate risk assessment tool to be used to assess this population, it shall advise the Governor and the Legislature of the selected tool, and the State Department of Mental Health shall post the decision on its Internet Web site." To date, the SARATSO Review Committee has not chosen an assessment tool for adult female sex offenders. Due to the small population of female sex offenders nationwide, the SARATSO Review Committee believes no academic study could produce plausible results to create an evidence based, validated risk assessment tool for adult female sex offenders. Although no validated risk assessment tool for adult females has been chosen by the SARATSO Review Committee, the Department created an internal risk assessment tool for adult female sex offenders called the Female Sex Offender Risk Assessment (FSORA). The Department determined that the FSORA is a helpful tool to determine whether a female sex offender should be released to county supervision or DAPO supervision. The FSORA was developed by departmental subject matter experts in the field of female sex offender risk assessment and recidivism, and was designed with questions similar to the Static-99 and other assessment tools used to address risk factors. The FSORA is based on elements ofthe sex crime, and relies on static or unchanging factors, such as prior sexual offenses, prior sentencing dates, and nature of victimization. Questions for the FSORA were chosen to assess and address prior criminal history and the elements of the sex crime. Generally, the more predatory and planned out the crime, the greater the risk of the female sex offender committing a new sex crime. In 2006 the California ISOR —NCR 16-14, Supervision ofParolees 12/9/16 3 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 163 of 179 Page ID #:163 High Risk Sex Offender(HRSO)Task Force reported that female sex offenders have 0 to 3% re-offense rates and can be identified as HRSOs by prior criminal history. A FSORA rating of Moderate-High is an initial indicator of Moderate to High risk of sexual re-offense. T'he Department determined that a Moderate-High rating supports applying an HRSO designation to convicted adult female sex offenders with the goal being to maximize public safety by reducing those risks of sexual re-offense through specialized and intensive parole supervision. The supplemental future violence tool, LS/CMI has been approved by the SARATSO Review Committee f use on the adult female sex offender population to measure risk of future violence; however, the or supplemental dynamic tool, STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007 has not been approved for use on the female population because it could not be validated due to the small population of adult female sex offenders. More information regarding the SARATSO Review Committee and sex offender risk assessment tools can be found on the SARATSO Review Committee's website: htt~:/lwivw.saratso.arg/index.c~'pid=~65 Consideration of Alternatives: The Department must determine that no reasonable alternative considered, or that has otherwise been identified and brought to the attention of the Department, would be more effective in carrying out the purpose for which this action is proposed, would be as effective and less burdensome to affected private persons than the action proposed, or would be more cost-effective to affected private persons and equally effective in implementing the statutory policy or other provision ofiaw. Currently, no reasonable alternatives have been brought to the attention of the Department that would alter the Department's initial determination. ECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT: The Department believes there will not be any significant economic impact with these proposed regulations. The changes for the Deparhnent's Supervision of Parolees regulations only affect California parolees. In accordance with Government Code section 11346.3(b), CDCR has made the following assessments regarding the proposed regulations: Creation of New or the Elimination of Existing Jobs Within the State of California The Department has determined that the proposed regulations will not have an impact on the creation of new or the elimination of existing jobs within California. The proposed regulations only affect California parolees, and will have no impact on the creation or elimination of existing jobs within the state of California. Creation of New or the Elimination of Existing Business Within the State of California The Department has determined that the proposed regulations will not have an impact on the creation of new or the elimination of existing business within California. The proposed regulations only affect California parolees, and will have no impact on the creation or elimination of new or existing businesses within the state of California. ISOR—NCR 16-14, Supervision ofParolees 12/9/16 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 164 of 179 Page ID #:164 Expansion of Businesses Currently Doing Business in the State of California The Department has determined that the proposed regulations will not have an impact on the expansion of businesses currently doing business in California. The proposed regulations only affect California parolees, and will have no impact on the expansion of businesses currently doing business in the state of California. Significant Adverse Economic Impact on Business The Department has made an initial determination that this action will not have a significant adverse economic impact on business in - the state of California because those businesses are not affected by requirements for California parolees. Benefits of the Regulations The regulations will provide consistency and compliance with the recent court ruling in Taylor, and benefit sex offender parolees by providing a more equitable justification for residence restrictions as they are applied to sex offender parolees. The public safety of California residents will be enhanced with DAPO's filing a revocation petition in superior court, if a sex offender parolee removes, disables, or tampers with their GPS monitor. The health and welfare of California residents will be enhanced by the Department's use of validated risk assessment tools that are used for predicting sex offender risk of recidivism. The proposed regulations will not affect worker safety or the State's environment. Materials Relied Unon The Department, in proposing amendments to these regulations, has relied upon the court ruling in I re Taylor (California Supreme Court docket 520613). n A copy ofthis document is available for review as part of the rulemaking file. Specific Purpose and Rationale for each Section, per Government Code 11346.2(b)(1) Subchapter 6. Adult Parole Article 4. Global Positioning System Program 3560. Global Positioning System Program Establishment. Section 3560 is amended to clarify language. This section is amended to specify GPS-enabled monitoring devices. The term "tracking" is replaced with "monitoring" for clarification, as the device is a monitoring device. DAPO staff and other law enforcement officers use. data generated by the monitor to track sex offenders. 3561. Global Positioning System Technology on Eligible Parolees Designated as High Risk. ISOR —NCR 16-14, Supervision ofParolees 12/9/16 5 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 165 of 179 Page ID #:165 Subsection 3561(a) is amended to add clarifying language and make non-substantive changes to capitalization. Subsection 3561(b) is amended to remove the words "Global Positioning. System" as it is already established with an acronym in the previous section, and include the word "monitoring" for clarification. Subsection 3561(b)(2) is amended to spell out "Security Threat Group" and remove the "STG" acronym since the acronym was not established previously in this section ar a nearby section. This provides a clearer understanding without having to reference Definitions in Section 3000. Subsection 3561(b)(3) is deleted as DAPO no longer uses the term "high control." The referenced section 3504 will be revised to contain DAPO's adoption of the California Parole Supervision and Reintegration Model, which uses an evidence based tool, the California Static Risk Assessment score, to determine a parolee's risk level. Existing Subsection 3561(b)(4) is renumbered to 3561(b)(3) due to the deletion of existing subsection 3561(b)(3). Subsection 3561(b)(5) is deleted as BPH no longer has the authority to adjudicate parole violations or return parolees to custody, due to changes made by the 2011 Public Safety Realignment Act. The Act, codified in PC section 3000.080, changes the jurisdiction for adjudicating the majority of parole violations from the Board ofParole Hearings(BPH)to county superior courts. 3562. Global Positioning System Monitoring Device Placement Criteria. Subsection 3562(c) is amended to remove language which allows for a referral to the Board of Parole Hearings for a revocation consideration. As a result of the 2011 Public Safety Realignment Act, BPH no longer has jurisdiction to revoke parole or change conditions of parole as a result of a revocation in most cases. New language specifies that non-compliance may result in the parolee's arrest and filing of a revocation petition in superior court. This change brings the subsection into compliance with current processes. 3563. Global Positioning System-Payments of Certain Costs by Parolees. Subsections 3563(a) is amended to remove the words "Global Positioning System" for proper grammar as the acronym was previously established in section 3560, make non-substantive changes to capitalization and grammar, and- remove the words "global positioning" and replace with the "GPS" acronym for clarity and consistency. Subsection 3563(a)(1) is amended to replace the term "person" to "parolee" for purposes of clarity and consistency. Subsection 3563(a)(3) is amended to change the term "person" to "parolee" for purposes of clarity and consistency, and to make non-substantive changes to acronyms, grammar, and capitalization. Subsection 3563(b) is amended to make non-substantive changes to capitalization and acronyms and provide a new revision date for the CDCR Form 602, Inmate/Parolee Appeal. The CDCR Form 602 is not being amended as part of this rulemaking action; this is a revision date correction only. The (08/09) version of the CDCR Form 602 has already been incorporated by reference in section 3084.1. A copy of ISOR —NCR 16-14, Supervision ofParolees 12/9/16 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 166 of 179 Page ID #:166 the previous (12/87) version as well as the new (08/09) version of the CDCR Form 602 is provided for reference. 3564. Requirement for Lifetime Global Positioning System Monitoring. Subsection 3564(a) is amended to make non-substantive changes to acronyms, capitalization, and punctuation. Subsection 3564(b) is amended to replace "California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation" with "Department," for simplicity and consistency purposes. 3565. Transitioning Sex Offenders from Global Positioning System Monitoring to Local Law Enforcement Monitoring. Subsection 3565(a) is amended to make non-substantive changes to acronyms and replace "California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation" with "Department," for simplicity and consistency purposes. Subsections 3565(b) through 3565(b)(1) are amended to make non-substantive changes to grammar, capitalization, and provide an acronym for "Controlling Discharge Date." Although already established in existing regulations, for clarity and understanding purposes the Controlling Discharge Date is the date that a parolee's parole term is scheduled to end. The word "Department" replaces the words "Division of Adult Parole Operations" and "Divisional" for simplicity and consistency purposes. Subsection 3565(c) is amended to make non-substantive grammatical changes for consistency, replacing the word "will" with "shall," and providing an acronym for "Controlling Discharge Date." Article 5. Sex Offenders. 3570. Definition of a Sex Offender. Section title heading is amended to remove "Assessments. [ Reserved]" and replace with "Definition of a Sex Offender." New Section 3570 is adopted to describe the criteria used by CDCR for the term "Sex Offender." A sex offender, for the purposes of Subchapter 6, is any person committed to CDCR who is required to register with local law enforcement pursuant to the Sex Offender Registration Act, codified in Chapter 5.5, PC sections 290 through 294. It is necessary to adopt this definition to clarify for regulatory purposes the types of convictions that CDCR will consider a sex offender. 3571. Sex Offender Residence Restrictions. Section 3571 is amended to update and clarify residence restrictions, and to establish that sex offenders may be subject to residence restrictions during the term of parole, upon approval of the Unit Supervisor, and on a case-by-case- basis based on the particularized circumstances of each individual parolee. Previously, regulations required that all registered sex offenders were subject to residence restrictions. The California Supreme Court, in In re Taylor, Supreme Court docket 5206143, held that blanket enforcement of PC section 3003.5(b) was unconstitutional as applied to all registered sex offenders on parole in San Diego county. The trial court concluded that parole authorities retain the statutory authority to impose special conditions on sex offenders including residence restrictions, as long as they are based on the specific circumstances of each individual parolee. This section is amended to comply with case law. ISOR—NCR 16-14, Supervision ofParolees 12/9/16 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 167 of 179 Page ID #:167 New Subsection 3571(a)(6) is adopted to establish a definition for the term "residence restriction." It is necessary to adopt this definition in order to make clear that a residence restriction is imposed based on the criteria related to the residence and the parolee's specific individual circumstances, rather than the specified distance of 2000 feet listed in PC 3003.5(b), which is not justified in every case, as was determined in Taylor. An instruction from a Parole Agent has the effect of a condition of parole, and carries the same weight as a condition of parole, however it may not have been served to the parolee in writing yet; for example, a Parole Agent may contact a parolee that is on parole for molesting a female child, and the parolee is living with another adult, the other adult tells the Parole Agent that the other adult's female child will be moving in with them tomorrow, the Parole Agent will instruct the parolee to move out, if the parolee does not move out before the child moves in, the parolee will be arrested. The criteria for determining conditions of parole are the factors in the sex _offender's criminal history that relate to the condition(s). For example, if the sex offender's residence proximity to a school or park f acilitated the sex crime, a residence restriction can be imposed. A residence restriction can also be imposed in the interests of public safety to prevent the likelihood of future sex crimes.. For example, a sex off ender with a history of harassing or soliciting children walking to school could be prohibited from residing close to a school. New Subsection 3571(b)is adopted to establish that any residence restriction imposed on a sex offender by the Parole Agent must first be approved by the DAPO Unit Supervisor before. it can be imposed. This is necessary to ensure accountability and to make sure the residence restriction meets the criteria described in this section. Additional language establishes that residence restrictions must be based on a connection between the parolee's commitment offense, criminal history, and/or future criminality, on a case-by-case basis. For clarification purposes, some examples of an "other location decided upon by the Parole Agent" are: a location in which the offender is attempting to reside near the victim of the offender's crime, or reside in a residence known for drug activity. Existing Subsection 3571(b) is renumbered to 3571(c) and amended to replace language referring to " persons released on parole who are required to register pursuant to Penal Code..." with the term "sex offender." This change is for clarity and consistency only. Existing Subsection 3571(b)(1)is renumbered 3571(c)(1), but is otherwise unchanged. Existing Subsection 3571(c)is deleted. Enforcing this provision on all sex offender parolees, rather than only those whose criminal history had a connection to the restriction, was held unconstitutional in Taylor. Subsection 3571(d) is amended to replace "person" with "sex offender" for clarity and consistency. In addition, the language "on or before November 7, 2006, who is required to register pursuant to PC sections 290 through 290.023, inclusive" is removed as a result, of the Taylor decision. Additionally, " 3571" is added in front of "(b)" for clarity, and "and 3571(c)" is added to the references that a sex off ender shall not be subject to a residence restriction in addition to, unless that residence restriction is supported by circumstances found in the parolee's criminal history. The amendments in this section also justify restrictions that are not based on distance, but rather are imposed in the interests of public safety based on the parolee's criminal history. For example, a parolee convicted of molesting aseven-year old girl would have a condition of parole prohibiting contact with female minors. The parolee would not be allowed to reside with a female minor. Subsection 3571(e)(2)is amended to make non-substantive changes to capitalization. [ SOR—NCR 16-14, Supervision ofParolees 12/9/16 8 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 168 of 179 Page ID #:168 Subsection 3571(e)(3) is amended to replace the "2000 feet restriction" language with appropriate language that coincides with the Taylor court decision, and to avoid uniform application of the "2000. f eet" distance restriction. New language now aligns with "case-by-case" determinations for residence restrictions. Subsections 3571(e)(3)(A) through 3571(e)(3)(B) are amended to make non-substantive punctuation changes, and replace telephone based directories with Internet based resources and navigation system services. Internet and navigation system services include, for example: MapQuest, Google services, etc. These changes update these subsections with the current resources that are utilized. Subsection 3571(e)(4) is amended to make minor revisions to punctuation and grammar, and remove the " 2000 feet restriction" language which provides compliance with the Taylor decision, and "case-by-case" residence restrictions rather than a standard across-the-board "2000 feet restriction." Additionally, Global Positioning System (GPS)"measuring" devices replaces GPS "handheld" devices which are to be used to determine the distance from the residence to the school and/or park. These changes clarify the law and enable the Department to use other GPS measuring devices beyond just a handheld device, and also allow the Department to advance with GPS technology. In addition, new language specifies that measurements are taken to "determine the distance from the residence to the school andlor park" and establishes the proper protocols for correct measuring to determine the distance from a residence to a school and/or park. This will prevent confusion and/or measurements taken incorrectly ar from conflicting sources. Subsection 3571(e)(5) is amended to -add clarifying language by adding "with the residence restriction," and replace language referring to "GPS verification" with "measurements taken by the Parole Agent, as described in subsection 3571(e)(4) above." This will update the subsection with the proper language. Subsection 35710 is amended to remove language which referred to DAPO reporting to the BPH any parolee who they reasonably believed to have violated a residence restriction contained in the section. This change is necessary due to the transfer of authority from BPH to the county superior courts, as a result of the 2011 Public Safety Realignment Act, and PC 3000.080. New language provides clarification to residence restrictions and conditions of parole that prohibit contact with minors. DAPO will still prohibit sex offenders who do not have adistance-based restriction from residing in a residence where a minor resides, if the sex offender has a special condition of parole that restricts the sex offender f rom having contact with a specified minor. 3572. Violation of Parole for Disabling or Tampering with the Global Positioning System Monitor. New Section title heading "Violation of Parole for Disabling or Tampering with the Global Positioning System Monitor." is adopted. New Subsection 3572(a)is adopted to make specific the requirements ofPC 3010.10, which provide that a "sex offender subject to GPS monitoring...shall not remove, disable,...monitoring device affixed to his or her person, when he ar she knows that the device was affixed as a condition of parole." New Subsection 3572(b) is adopted to make specific the requirements of PC 3010.10, which provide that the provisions of section 3572 "shall not apply if the removal, disabling,... of an electronic, GPS, performed by a physician, emergency medical services technician,...when doing so is necessary during the course of medical treatment ofthe person subject to monitoring." New Subsection 3572(c)is adopted to make specific the requirements ofPC 3010.10, which provide that the provisions of section 3572 "shall not apply if the removal, disabling, authorized or required by a court, or the law enforcement, probation, parole authority, or other entity responsible for placing the ISOR —NCR 16-14, Supervision of Parolees 12/9/16 9 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 169 of 179 Page ID #:169 monitoring device on the person, or that has, at the time, the authority and responsibility to monitor the electronic, GPS,ar other monitoring device." New Subsection 3572(d) is adopted- to make specific the requirements of PC 3010.10, which provide that "when probable cause is discovered that a sex offender has removed, disabled, rendered inoperable, knowingly circumvented the operation of, or attempted to circumvent the operation of, or permitted another person to remove, disable, render inoperable, or knowingly circumvent the operation of the monitoring device, notwithstanding subsections 3572(b) and 3572(c), DAPO shall refer the violation to superior court." The Department believes the language "attempting to circumvent the operation of is ' necessary language that must be used in conjunction with this section in order to provide specificity and understanding as to when a violation has occurred. There may be instances when a sex offender has " attempted to circumvent" yet not succeeded in the circumvention before it is discovered by DAPO,this will be considered a violation. In the interests of implementing, interpreting, and making specific the Penal Code,this language is provided. 3573. Sex Offender Risk Assessment. New Section title heading "Sex Offender Risk Assessment." is adopted. New Subsection 3573(a) is adopted to specify that the Department shall utilize the Static-99R (Revised 11/2/2016) risk assessment, for adult male sex offenders. The Static-99R risk assessment is incorporated by reference, and a copy is provided with the Text of Proposed Regulations. This section also specifies the criteria from the risk assessment that will be used to classify a sex offender as a High Risk Sex Offender (HRSO) for the purposes of residence restrictions and supervision while on parole. The adoption ofthis new language will help_ to enhance public safety and reduce recidivism. New Subsection 3573(b) is adopted to specify that the Department's contracted sex offender treatment providers shall utilize the Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI)(10/28/16) and ,the STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007 (10/28/16) as supplemental assessments to the Static-99R for adult male sex offenders. Both assessments are incorporated by reference, and copies are provided with the Text of Proposed Regulations. The LS/CMI measures risk of future violence, and the STABLE-2007/ACUTE2007 measures dynamic (changing) risk factors. T'he use of both assessments when used in conjunction with the Static-99R provide incremental validity and give a better overall picture to predicting the risk of sexual and violent re-offense. New Subsection 3573(c) is adopted to specify that the Department shall utilize the Female Sex Offender Risk Assessment (FSORA) (11/19/2015) for female sex offenders. The FSORA is incorporated by reference, and a copy is provided with the Text of Proposed Regulations. This section also specifies the scoring criteria from the risk assessment that will be used to classify a sex offender as a HRSO for the purposes of residence restrictions and supervision while on parole. The adoption of this new language will help to enhance public safety and reduce recidivism. New Subsection 3573(d) is adopted to specify that the Department's contracted sex offender treatment providers shall utilize the LS/CMI (10/28/15) assessment tool as a supplemental assessment to the FSORA for female sex offenders. The LS/CMI is incorporated by reference, and a copy is provided with the Text ofProposed Regulations. The LS/CMI measures the risk of violent re-offense, and when used in conjunction with the FSORA will provide a better overall picture of the risk. of sexual and violent reoffense. New Subsection 3573(e) is adopted to specify that the Department may conduct on-going risk assessments of sex offenders during their parole terms at the discretion of the Director of DAPO or their ISOR —NCR 16-14, Supervision of Parolees 12/9/16 10 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 170 of 179 Page ID #:170 designee; and also, that these assessments shall be for the purpose of designing treatment programs and f the supervision of the sex offender. The adoption of this new language will help to enhance public or safety and reduce recidivism. New Subsection 35730 is adopted to specify that upon completion of the risk assessment, if designated a HRSO, the sex offender shall remain under the jurisdiction of the Department for the length of the parole term, regardless of the result of future assessments. The adoption ofthis new language will help to enhance public safety and reduce recidivism. Article 6. High Risk Sex Offenders. 3580. Definition of a High Risk Sex Offender. Section title heading is amended to change title from " Definitions" to "Definition of a High Risk Sex Offender" and remove "[Reserved]." New Section 3580 is adopted to add the definition of a High Risk Sex Offender(HRSO). This definition will provide clarity regarding who is determined to be a HRSO. 3581. Section title heading is amended to remove "Assessments." The section will remain "Reserved." Sex Offender Assessments is located in section 3573 for proper organization, as this section applies to all sex offenders, and notjust High Risk Sex Offenders. 3582. High Risk Sex Offender Residence Restrictions. Section 3582 is amended to make non-substantive changes to acronyms, and to add language that clarifies that a HRSO is subject to residence restrictions as specified in this section and as defined in section 3571. Subsection 3582(a)is deleted as the definition of a HRSO has been relocated to section 3580. Existing Subsection 3582(b) is renumbered 3582(a) and amended to include non-substantive changes f capitalization and to provide for an acronym for consistency purposes. or Existing Subsection 3582(c) is renumbered 3582(b) and amended to clarify the residence restrictions still mandated by statute. PC section 3003(g) prohibits a sex offender on parole, who is on parole for a violation of PC sections 288 and 288.5, from residing within one-half mile of a school. The language in this section referencing PC section 3003.5(b) is removed as PC section 3003.5(b) is no longer enforceable as a result ofthe Taylor decision. New Subsection 3582(c) is adopted to explain that a HRSO with a juvenile adjudication for PC section 288 or 288.5 is not subject to the provisions of PC section 3003(g). Existing case law has upheld that a juvenile adjudication, or sustained petition, is not the same as an adult criminal conviction. However, a residence restriction maybe imposed pursuant to section 3571. Subsection 3582(d) is amended to clarify that a HRSO on parole who does not have a current or prior conviction for PC section 288, inclusive of any subsection, or PC 288.5, may still have a residence restriction imposed pursuant to section 3571. Because subsections 3582(d) and 35820 are very similar, to avoid duplication of language and to streamline text, language is taken from subsection 3582(fl and combined with this subsection to specify that "a residence restriction shall not be imposed unless it is supported by circumstances found in the parolee's criminal history as described in section 3571." By ISOR—NCR 16-14, Supervision ofParolees 12/9/16 11 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 171 of 179 Page ID #:171 combining this language, subsection 35820 is unnecessary and therefore deleted. Language is now simplified, clarified, and makes specific the residence restriction requirements for a HRSO. Existing Subsection 3582(e) is deleted to avoid duplication and unnecessary text. Intended proposed revisions to this subsection would have made the language in this section identical to subsection 3582(b), therefore to avoid duplication, this subsection is deleted. Existing Subsection 35820 is deleted due to the combining of this section with 3582(d). This avoids duplication of language, and streamlines the text language for better organization and an easier understanding ofthese sections. Existing Subsection 3582(g) is renumbered 3582(e) and amended to make non-substantive changes to provide an acronym for consistency. Existing Subsection 3582(8)(1)is renumbered 3582(e)(1), but is otherwise unchanged. Existing Subsection 3582(8)(2) is renumbered 3582(e)(2) and amended to make non-substantive changes to capitalization. Existing Subsection 3582(8)(3) is renumbered 3582(e)(3) and amended to remove language referring to the "2000 feet requirement," and to refer to subsections 3571(e)(3)(A) through 3571(e)(3)(E) for the method used to determine if any schools are located within one-half mile of the residence. Additionally, language which referenced "available resources that may be considered include:.." is deleted, due to the deletion of the following subsections, which are no longer necessary due to the reference to subsections 3571(e)(3)(A)through 3571(e)(3)(E). Existing Subsections 3582(g)(3)(A) through 3582(g)(3)(E) are deleted as the language for these subsections are replaced to refer to the methods used in subsections 3571(e)(3)(A)through 3571(e)(3)(E). Existing Subsection 3582(8)(4) is renumbered 3582(e)(4) and amended to remove language which referred to a standard across-the-board "one-half mile" distance restriction. Language now requires staff to utilize GPS "measuring" devices to determine the distance from the residence to the school and/or park, when they are determined to be within the residence restriction of a HRSO. The change to GPS " measuring" devices enables the Department to advance with GPS technology and not be required to only use GPS devices that have to be held within the palm of a hand. In addition, new language establishes the proper protocols for correct measuring to determine the distance from a residence to a school and/or park. This will prevent confusion and/or measurements taken incorrectly ar from conflicting sources. Existing Subsection 3582(8)(5) is renumbered 3582(e)(5) and amended to match the measuring language, as reflected in section 3582(e)(4). Existing Subsection 3582(h) is renumbered 35820 and amended to reflect that a violation of a residence restriction is adjudicated in superior court, not by the Board of Parole Hearings, as a result of the 2011 Public Safety Realignment Act. Article 6.5. Transient Sex Offender Supervision 3590. Transient and Residence Determination. Subsection 3590(b)is amended for non-substantive capitalization and grammatical corrections. ISOR —NCR 16-14, Supervision ofParolees 12/9/16 12 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 172 of 179 Page ID #:172 Subsection 3590(b)(2) is amended to remove the verbiage "one or more," so that the language is more consistent with the Taylor changes. 3590.1. Approved Regular Entrance at an Address. Subsection 3590.1(a) is amended for more appropriate and correct language. New language makes specific that transient sex offenders are permitted repeated/regular entry at an address for the purpose of charging the GPS device as directed in their condition of parole. Subsection 3590.1(b)is amended for grammatical and clarity purposes. Subsection 3590.1(d)is amended for anon-substantive punctuation correction. 3590.2. Transient Sex Offender Location Restrictions. Subsection 3590.2(b) is amended to remove the enforcement of local ordinances. After the passage of Proposition 83 in 2006, which is enumerated in PC section 3003.5(b), several municipalities in California instituted residence restrictions on sex offenders in municipal ordinances. Many of these ordinances are more restrictive than PC section 3003.5(b). As agents of the State, Parole Agents are not able to enforce local ordinances. Additionally, because the In re Taylor Supreme Court decision prohibits CDCR from the blanket enforcement of PC section 3003.5(b) on sex offenders, CDCR will not be able to justify blanket enforcement of local ordinances impacting sex offenders residing in a specific municipality. The civil rights issues the Supreme Court used to prevent CDCR from blanket enforcement of PC section 3003.5(b) also exist for the enforcement of local ordinances. Other minor grammatical/punctuation changes are made to account for text changes. 3590.3. Supervision of Transient Sex Offenders. Subsection 3590.3(a) is amended to make non-substantive changes to capitalization, and update the revision date of CDCR Form 1650-D, Record of Supervision, to reflect the most current version. The CDCR Form 1650-D is not being amended as part of this rulemaking action, this is a revision date correction only. The (06/12) version of the CDCR Form 602 has already been incorporated by reference in section 3620(b). A copy of the previous (07/10) version as well as the new (06/12) version of the CDCR Form 1650-D is provided for reference. Subsection 3590.3(b) is amended to make non-substantive changes to capitalization for consistency purposes. Subsection 3590.3(c) is amended to remove the word "parole" in front of "Unit Supervisor" and make non-substantive changes to capitalization for consistency purposes. 1SOR —NCR 16-14, Supervision ofParolees 12/9/16 13 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 173 of 179 Page ID #:173 t g, Did you appeal from the conviction, ~. .ence, or commitment? Q Yes 0 No a. Name of court {'Court of Appeal" or "Appellate Division of Superior Court"}: b. Result: nnc-27s .; VeS. ive-the foliowinq information: c. Date of decision: d. Case number or citation of opinion, if kn e. Issues raised: (1) ( 2) ~a) f. Were you represen?ed by counsel on appeal? ~ Yes Q No ~. Did you seek revie~N i the California Supre~rie Court? Q Yes a. Result: di es Mate the attornev's game and address if known• Q No If ves. Qive the following information: b. Date of decision: c Case number or citation of . if known: d. Issues raised: (1) ~2) (3J 10.If your petition makes a claim regarding your cc explain why the c;aim was not made on appeal: ~ertence, or commitment tha; you or your attorney did not make on appeal, / ~`S /~ /!"~/ C~ls~ ~ ~'ff~~ 11. Administrative review: a. If your petition concerns conditions of confinement or other claims for which there are administrative remedies, failure to exhaust administrative remedies may result in the denial of your petition, even if it is otherwise meritorious.(See !n re Musza/ski(1975) 52 Cal.App.3d 500.) Explain what administrative rzv~ew you sought or explain why you did not seek such review: b. Did you seek the highest level of administrative review available? Q Yes CI No Attach documents that show you have exhausted your administrative remedies. ML-2T5 Rev. January 1, 20;0 PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Paye 6 018 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 174 of 179 Page ID #:174 MC-275 j ~ ~2. Other than direct appeal, havE you f~~.... ary ether petitions, applica;icns, or motions with respect to this conviction, If ves continue ~,vith number 13. ~ No commitment, or issue in any court? ~ Yes If no, skit to number 15. 13. a. (1) Name of court: (2) ture or proceeding (for example,"habeas corpus petition"): (3)Issues ised:(a) (b) ( Result (attach orde 4) explain why unavailable): (5) Date of decision: b. (1) Name of court . Nature of proceeding: 2.) (31 Issues raised: (aj (~) ( Resu~t (attach order or explain wl:y unavailable): 4j ( Date cf decision: 5) c. 14. I 1 For ac'difronal prior pe6Piors, appl~c4fions, or rnotio;,s, ,~rovidc the same informaf;'on on a separate page. iy of the courts listed in number 13 held a hearing, state name of court, date of hearing, nature of hearng, and result: 15. Explain any delay in the ore:y of the ciairned yroun~s fog relief ar,d in raising ir~a claims in ibis petition.(see In re Swain (1949) 34 Cal.2d 300, 304.) 16. Are you presently represented by couns~!7 Q Yes ~ 17. Do you have any petition, ~I,or other matter pending in any court? di es state the attorney's name and address, if kn~iwn: ~~Yes ~ No If yes, explain: 18. if this petition might lawfully have been made to a lower court, stare the circumstances justifying an application to this court: I, the undersigned, say: I am tt~e petitioner i~ this action. I declare under peralty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing allegations and statements are true and correct, except as to matters that are stated on my information and belief, and as to tFiose matters, I believe :hem to be true. L 6 MC-275!Rov. Je~wary 1, 7.010] ~ ___ P=TITION FOR WRIT OF FiABCAS CORPUS (SIGNATURc' OF PET!TIONGR) Pape 6 of 6 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 175 of 179 Page ID #:175 MC-275 ~• Ground 2 or Ground (if applicable): a. Supporting facts: b. Supporting cases, rules, or other authority: MC-275 [Rev. January 1, 2010] PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Page dof6 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 176 of 179 Page ID #:176 5 g, Did you appeal from the conviction, sentence, or commitment? Q Yes Q a. Name of court ("Court of Appeal" or "Appellate Division of Superior Court") b. Result: c -Date . d. Case number or citation of opinion, if known: e. Issues raised: (1) ( 2) ( 3) f. Were you represented by counsel on appeal? Q Yes [~~ 9 Did you seek review in the California Supreme . Imes, state the attomev's name and address, if known: rt? Q Yes Q No If ves• i b. Date of a. Resulk c. Case number or citation of op~on, if known: d. Issues raised: (1) () 2 / ( 3) 10.If your petition makes a claim regarding your conviction, sentence, or commitment that you or your attorney did not make on appeal, explain why the claim was not made on appeal: 11. Administrative review: a. If your petition concerns conditions of confinement or other claims for which there are administrative remedies, failure to exhaust administrative remedies may result in the denial of your petition, even if it is otherwise meritorious. ee In re Muszalski(1975). 52 Cal.App.3d 500.) Explain what administrative review you sought or explain why you did not s ek such review: b. Did you seek the highest level of administrative review available? Q Yes Q No Attach documents that show you have exhausted your administrative remedies. MG275[Rev. January 1, 2010) PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Page 6 of 6 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 177 of 179 Page ID #:177 fi MC-275 12. Other than direct appeal, have you filed any other petitions, applications, or motions with respect to this conviction, If ves, continue with number 13. Q No If no, skin to number 15. commitment, or issue in any court? 0Yes 13. a. (1) Name of court: ( Nature of proceeding (for example,"habeas corpus petition"): 2) (3) Issues raised:(a) fib) ( Result (attach ogler or explain why unavailable): 4) ( Date of decision: 5) b. (1) Name of court: ( Nature of proceeding: 2) ( Issues raised:(a) 3) ( Result(a 4) ch order or explain why unavailable): ( Dat of decision: 5) c. For addifiona!prior petitions, applications, or motio ,provide the same information on a separate page. 14. If any of the courts listed in number 13 held a he ing, state name of court, date of hearing, nature of hearing, and result: 15. Explain any delay in the discovery of the claimed grounds for relief and in raising the claims in this petition.(See In re Swain(1949) 4 3 Cal.2d 300, 304.) ~ ~S C.)Gss ~lC(~Le~tl~ L~. ~L.L 1 16. Are you presently represented by counsel? Q Yes _ ~ ~~r ~11c C.1►I~~.~c No 17. Do you have any petition, appeal, or other matter pending in any court? If yes, state the attorney's name and address. if known: Q Yes No If yes, explain: 18. If this petition might lawfully have been made to a lower court, state the circumstances justifying an application to this court: I, the undersigned, say: I am the petitioner in this action. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing allegations and statements are true and correct, except as to matters that re stated on my information and belief, and as to those matters, I believe them to be true. Date: ~~ --~ (SIGNATURE OF PETITIONER) MC-275 [Rev. January 1, 2010] PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS` CORPUS Page 6 of 6 }_ ~ es~L /~i.9~L COI. ~iJal~,,~~i~L S wrJ Lu.s o~O c ~SPo c~. `~3~(oS -8~~1 1~-~ ~~ 8'~~l c.~.~ , ~~~ a~S c~~~,~7 c~~ ~►~~.a ~~.~.~s ~6s~~7 CALIFORNIA MENS y.~{ oa;z5~zo,? neoposG"' ! F~RioR~7rMa~. ~+ ,~ ~ 157RIG70F GA~~~- '~, . D ~~. . CEN7RP~ W "~ '~ ~( ~,il I RECci~l!M17 T ~~,~, ~. o . ~U _ ___ ' CLERK, Las ~w~~~es. c✓~~,'~~W,~ `lroiz-~~~~ ~1,2 No~2~-h ~'~riNS ~~r~~ U~Ji~LI~ ~5~~~~s k7 istr~c,~ C~~~- MAIL PRISON GENERATED COLONY STATE Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 178 of 179 Page ID #:178 Case 2:17-cv-03218-R-FFM Document 1 Filed 04/28/17 Page 179 of 179 Page ID #:179 .~ 10x13

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