Bryan Pringle v. William Adams Jr et al

Filing 282

DECLARATION of Barry I. Slotnick in support of MOTION for Attorney Fees of all Defendants 280 filed by Defendants David Guetta, Frederick Riesterer, Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16, # 17 Exhibit 17, # 18 Exhibit 18, # 19 Exhibit 19, # 20 Exhibit 20 (Part One), # 21 Exhibit 20 (Part Two), # 22 Exhibit 21)(Miller, Donald)

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E HAN IBERS & PARTN ERS -HAMBERS America s Leac ng Lawyers -for Business 0I0 ne C w\\ t's Guide V. C [LID JP1-',..1:1(ipdrinen,.(.0in Leading Law Firms California LOEB & LOEB LLP THE FIRM Co-Chairs: John T Frankenheimer (LA office) Michael D Beck (NY office) Number of partners: 158 Number of other lawyers: 142 FIRM OVERVIEW: Loeb & Loeb LLP is a multi-service law firm with more than 300 attorneys focusing on select core industries and practice areas, rather than endeavoring to be all things to all dients. The firm represents multinational, Fortune 100 companies in their mid-market transactions and litigation matters, and serves as primary outside counsel to a multitude of mid-market clients The firm also represents clients ranging from high tech start-ups to high net worth individuals and families. Loeb & Loeb has six offices located in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Nashville, Washington DC, and Beijing. The firm has an established history and nationally-recognized reputation in the entertainment and media industry, and is highly regarded for its depth in financial services and real estate. The firm's industry focus also encompasses advanced media and technology, energy, pharmaceuticals and life sciences. The firm has a broad array of experience and continues to grow and thrive in its core practice areas. Loeb & Loeb prides itself on client matters being conducted and coordinated expertly, efficiently and expeditiously. Its Culture is geared towards establishing and strengthening long-term client relationships, with an emphasis on senior attorney involvement in all transactions and matters. Teams are kept to optimal size to provide the highest quality advice, utmost efficiency, and seamless, cost-effective service across practices and offices. MAIN AREAS OF PRACTICE: Advanced media and technology, advertising andpromotions; bankruptcy, restructuring, and creditors' rights; business litigation; China; corporate; employment and labor; energy; environmental; fashion and luuffiry brands; Hatch-Waxman pharmaceutical litigation; high net worth families; IP l and entertainment litigation; land use and regulatory affairs; litigation; life sciences; medical devices and pharmaceuticals; marketing and advertising regulatory; media and entertainment; mergers and acquisitions; musiq patent litigation and cqunseling; privacy; private equity; private placement% real estate; securitie% securities arbitration and litigation; securitization and structured finance; sports talent; tax; technology and outsourcing; trademarks and copyrights; trusts and estates; white-collar criminal defense, corporate compliance and investigations. OFFICES CALIFORNIA 10100 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 2200, Los Angeles, CA'90667 1el: 310 282 2000 Fax: 310 282 2200 'Email: Website: NEW YORK 345 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10154 Tel: 212 407 4000 Fax: 212 407 4990 Email: dschaefer@' ILLINOIS 321 Nohh Clark Street, Suite 2300, Chicago, IL 60654 Tel: 312 464 3100 Fax: 312 464 3111 Email: TENNESSEE 1906 Acklen Avenue, Nashville, TN 37212 Tek 615 749 8300 Fax: 615 749 8308 Email: . DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 601 Pennsylvania Ave NW,, Suite 900 South, Washington, DC 20004 Tel: 202 434 8290 Fax: 202 434 8251 Email: dorenzo 'INTERNATIONAL OFFICES The firm alsahas arYOfficeM Beijing. CONTACTS Los Angeles ' New YOrk Chicago Beijing , Michael A Mayerson David S Schaefer Daniel tafrohfing Robert 1:Siillivan Richard M Lorenzo .Frank iMarinaro INTERNATIONAL WORK: Loeb & Loeb assists foreign companies who wish to do business in the United States and counsels domestic companies looking ti) expand their businesses across the globe. The firm has been especially successful in Asia, particularly with corporate transactions; and its cross-border abilities have been furffier augmented by the recent opening of its Beijing office. Loeb & Loeb handles a large slolume of commercial transactions working with a wide variety of clients including: US private equity funds and investment banks pursuing transactions in China; Chinese dients seeking auni international investment opportunities; and Chinese companies • • g to list on US stock exchanges. To date, more than 50 Chinese companies have relied r Loeb & Loeb to help them go public in the United States. The firm represents both public and private companies in numerous industries ranging from technology, media and advertising, biotech, energy transportation, paper products and packaging on a broad geographic base including China, India and Europe. 595 Media & Entertainment New York music-related litigation, acting for major brands such as concerning major songwriter catalogs, among other dis- Paramount Pictures, MGM and Broadcast Music. The putes. Jay Cohen recently represented ASCAP in the team draws on the firm's talented IP and noncontentious [ed is- nd as iis nal he is- )y. is- eft [kirk on oend • andalf Dale>/fitkiand& ENS LLP ()Lumley Richard Cowan.Llebowitz & Lamm Forest Katherine B Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP * miler Bruce P Debevvise & Plimpton LIP mcp R Bruce Weil; Gotshal & Menges LLP * snyder Odd filbsork-Duna& Clincher LLP .* sand 2 Elkin Michael 144nsten & Stratief LLP * Milllainara Elizabeth A Davis Wright Tremaine LLP diner Charlet B Proskauer RoseLLP pew Marcia B . Davis Wright Tremaine LL/1 Rainoe Carey R Paul, Weiss, Rifklnd, Wharton & GatTisOli LLP' r áplro SaullEf'Petterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP* Skrei Charlet Pieskauer Rose LLP tiotnick Barry I Loeb & Coot, LLP iayin Jonathan Ldeb &LOeb LLP * Said 3 Sart Andrek jcinter & Block LLP crown Jay Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP ,Crewshaw-Sparks Sandra Proskaaer Rose LLP l.CRue Robert 0 Pitieron Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP * Raslcopf Robert Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP Ste'vens Jane Mitchell Silberberg & Knapp Up-and-coming lotlbottluols 'singer Randi Wei&Oorshaf & yanges /IP * * indcatm firrnfnctivicial with proffla. *whetted order within each bar. Band 1 is the hi, 07est. Supreme Court of the State of New York in an action media and entertainment experts in New York and brought by songwriter Melvin Van Peebles, resulting in the California to deliver a wide-ranging and specialist service. dismissal of each of the plaintiff's claims. "A Sources Say: "The laiiryers bring a wealth of experience to the table and are completely focused on the entertainment industry" KEY INDIVIDUALS Commentators promote Barry Skunick (see p.1755) as "a brilliant litigator with tremen- dous music publishing expertise. He's smart as can be, tough and extremely reliable." Notable work includes advising the ard of directors of the National Music Publishers' strong tactical thinker," he focuses on IP, antitrust and general commercial disputes. Proskauer Rose LLP See profile on p.1816 THE FIRM This team represents a broad client base that covers artists and producers, industry associations, major corporations and publishers. Notable examples include Association on settlement of late fees issues against record Madonna, Warner Music Group and the Association of companies. Jonathan Zavin (see p.1764) focuses on han- American Publishers. Particularly praised for its track record dling disputes for motion picture studios and TV net- in the copyright space, the group's broad-based expertise works. , "Excellent in court and at managing the team," he covers a wide range of disputes from contracts and trade- successfully defended Twentieth Century Fox in a copy- mark to false advertising and First Amendment cases. right case concerning the show Family Guy's use of the Sources Say: "A team of true experts who put their heart and song 'When You Wish Upon A Star.' soul into cases." "The lawyers clearly have a passion for their work." Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP ICEY INDIVIDUALS Charles Sims is a prized copyright See profile on p.1811 THE FIRM This group has an impressive reputation for expert and also handles First Amendment cases. "A handling copyright and commercial disputes for industry the Supreme Court in relation to a copyright infringement players such as Cablevision and Dow Jones. The team class action brought against his client Reed Elsevier. brought a suit on behalf of Hasbro against Jayant and Rajat Agarwalla and their company RJ Softwares, alleging that brilliant litigator and appellate Lawyer," he recently argued in "Indepth knowledge of the music business and a commercial approach" win Charles Ortner the respect of the market. the defendants' online game 'Scrabulous' infringed He and Sandra Crawshaw- Sparks are renowned for their Hasbro's copyright and trademark rights in SCRABBLE. copyright work in the music space. They recently repre- Sources Say: "We use many firms but Patterson is our first sented the former manager of the band The Fray in litiga- Kirkland & Ellis LLP choice for enter ainment litigation — the lawyers are incredi- tion relating to the termination of the parties' managebly practical and great at constructing a water-tight defense." ment agreement. KEY INDWIDUALS "Astute and highly talented" Saul try See profile on p.1117 THE FIRM Kirkland & Ellis enters the rankings this year following the acquisition of leading copyright lawyer Dale Cendali and her nine-strong team from O'Melveny & Myers. This has redefined the firm's New York office as a destination media and entertainment litigation practice, with clients including Apple, IBM and 11( Rowling. Recent Shapiro (see p.1753) concentrates on commercial and IP disputes and investigations for clients such as Thomson Reuters and The McGraw-Hill Companies. IP litigator Robert LoBue (see p.1731) enters the rankings this year in recognition of his expertise in copyright disputes. He was recently retained by Fleischer Studios to take on an appeal in the Ninth Circuit contesting the validity and the rights rid highlights include representing The Associated Press in a tO the Betty Boop cartoon character. nd lia est ice in Band 3 Media & Entertainment: Entertainment Litigation Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP See profile on p.600 THE FIRM This group has a growing profile in the IP field, with the lawyers undertaking copyright and trademark lit- declaratory judgment suit brought by graphic artist Shepard Fahey, arising out of Fairey's unauthorized use of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP igation for clients in the media and entertainment space. a photo of President Barack Obama to create the Obarna See profile on p.1812 THE FIRM This outstanding litigation firm has a strong The team also acts in industry-related contract disputes, `Aggressive litigators with exceptional industry copyright and regulatory practice that encompasses motion talent agencies and members of the sports industry among rre knowledge." picture, theater, radio and new media cases, among others. others. Recent highlights include representing in- KEY INDIVIDUALS According to interviewees, Dale Market sources particularly highlight the group's expertise in Ticketmaster in a case concerning trademark and copy- Cendali (see p.1700) is "a superb choice for cutting-edge music industry disputes. For example, the lawyers have been right infringement, unfair competition and violations of copyright cases — she's a real powerhouse in that area." JK representing the National Music Publishers' Association in the right of publicity Rowling and Warner Bros. are long-standing clients, which various matters, induding copyright infringement actions Sources Say: and a Copyright Royalty Board rate-setting proceeding for deep bench of litigators who have exceptional industry expertise." ids she recently successfully represented in a copyright fair use trial against RDR Publishing, halting the proposed publi- reproduction and distribution royalties. KEY INDIVIDUALS Robert Raskopfs practice spans IP, rid cation of an unauthorized Harry Potter lexicon. Sources Say: "The lawyers have in-depth knowledge of the First Amendment, contract, privacy and advertising dis- Loeb & Loeb LLP See profile on p.595 THE FIRM This deep media and entertainment group is industry players and regulators and demonstrate great care putes. "A nimble thinker on his feet," this trial lawyer also impresses clients with his ability to "discuss legal issues in far their clients." INDIVIDUALS Carey Ramos is "one of the top music terms that business people can understand and relate to." copyright lawyers in the city," according to interviewees. He especially noted for its prowess in TV, motion picture and has been representing Warner/Chappell Music in litigation ng ny 'HOPE' poster and related commercial merchandise. k. Sources Say: ;ee he itt an representing talent, film studios, production companies, 167: Leading individuals ;.corn www mftwi our ate oedway Partners, Ruben Companies, Hospital io special Surgery, Atlas Capital; ITT Industries. cower joined in 1987; became Partner in 1997. ponnal: ID, cum laude, Order of the Coif, New s,ie University School of Law (1987), Pomeroy *jar BA/BS, magna curn laude, University of Reasylvania (1984). ma** nmewst soEflA, Harry R Foed, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP, sew Yodc inns at, 212 859 8173 Recommended in Real Estate (New York) Prefr.$ id practice Areas: Real estate Partner. Practice avers a broad range of commercial real estate ilumbitt =sections, including mortgage, mezzanine and m Fisket vetruction financing (representing both lenders melt , int borrowers), joint ventures, acquisitions and depositions, development of office, residential, hotel and mixed-use projects, and commercial kasing. Clients include Tishman Speyer, New Maalowe Properties, Credit Suisse, Fremont Ralty Capital, Atria Senior Living Group, AIG, nal lack Resnick & Sons. Career: Joined in 1995; became partner in 2005. Personal: JD, Columbia Law School (1995), rty, can Oales Kent Scholar, Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar; =aria* BA, rnagna cum laude. University of California, arphis - lesAngeles (1991), Phi Beta Kappa. n of SILVERBERG, Philip C ttions sputa'' , :e treatise out and. and( arena.' 1 clis; surersad onduct-' as WO al COWS,. d as lead; ida. ME.; dusu y erage. 2), son Wi d ensive cings.4 LT, PdiPi restruet.i, inducl-c weds' kids 61 oupi agers, construction Managers, general contractors, members of the design team and trade contractors. His experience includes public-private partnerships; international and domestic contract documentation; program management, construc non management, general contractor/designbuild agreements; general conditions/trade contracts; design team agreements; joint ventures; consortium/partnering agreements; and design, build, operate and turn-over agreements. He is experienced in distressed property workouts involving partially completed projects. Professional Memberships: American Bar Association, Forum on the Construction Industry, Section of Litigation (Committee on Construction Litigation), Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law, Commercial Real Estate Transactions Group (Committee on Design and Construction); Federal Bar Council; Association of the Bar of the City of New York; Construction Specifications Institute; The National Society of Professional Engineers; New York Society of Professional Engineers; New York State Bar Association. Career: Admissions: New York, Supreme Court of the United States and US District Courts of New York. Personal: JD, Columbia Law School, 1964; BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1961. SILVERMAN, Ronald J Mound Cotton Wollan & Greerigrass, New Rork Bingham McCutchen LLP, New York 212 705 7868 Recommended in Insurance (New York) Practice Areas: Both first and third-party 'insurance coverage and defense as well as reinsurance litigation and arbitrations. Represents insurers and reinsurers as respects coverage and defense involving various types of insurance including energy, builders risk, time element all-risk, boiler and machinery, professional liability, environmental liability, and financial institution coverages. Has handled trials and appeals involving major corporate entities in state and federal courts in carious jurisdictions throughout the United States as well as subrogation and fraud claims. Has avecl as national coverage counsel for major Property/ casualty insurers for losses arising out of 901, Katrina, and other catastrophes. Also a frequent speaker at insurance industry events on topics of current interest. Publications: The Wall Street Journal (quoted), Mealeys Litigation Report, Best's Review, The Journal of Insurance Coverage. Personal: Montclair State University (BA 1980), Benjamin N Cardozo School of Law (JD 1984). Recommended in Bankruptcy/Restructuring (New York) Practice Areas: Represents financial institutions and commercial enterprises in complex financial and commercial transactions, creditors' rights matters, and litigation throughout the United States and abroad. Extensive experience in a wide range of transactions and creditors' rights . matters, including international restructurings, debtor-in-possession financing, aviation and project finance restructurings, distressed mergers and acquisitions, out-of-court workouts, reorganization and liquidation proceedings, and related litigation. Career: Former adjunct professor, University of Connecticut School of Law; Past Chair, International Committee of the American Bankruptcy Institute. Personal: University of Connecticut School of Law, JD, 1991; Trinity College, BA, with honors, 1988. SIMMS, Marsha E SILVERMAN, Arthur C Duane Morris LLP, New York 212 692 1096 asilverrnan@duanemorris _corn Recommended in Construction (New York) Practice Areas: Mr Silverman practices in the ma of construction law and litigation. He has r9crsented interests relating to the construction 'Id Project finance processes, including owners, developers, lenders, institutions, program man- Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, New York 212 310 8116 Practice Areas: Marsha SirnMS iS a Partner in Weil Gotshal's Corporate Department, and practices primarily in the areas of debt financing and restructuring. She has extensive experience negotiating financing and restructuring documentation, and has represeuted major lenders providing debtor-in-possession financing and exit financing. Recommended in Banking & Finance (New York) Ms Sirnms lectures at PLI and AL1JABA seminars and is a Member of the American Law Institute. Personal: Barnard College, BS, 1974; Stanford Law School, JD, 1977. SINGER, Randi W Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, New York 212 310 8152 randi .si nger@wei I . co m Recommended in Media & Entertainment (New York) Practice Areas: Randi Singer's practice focuses on intellectual property litigation. She has extensive experience with Lanham Act false advertising and trademark cases, as well as with copyright and other intellectual property, media, unfair competition, music licensing and First Amendment issues. She has successfully represented and counseled clients in court, in arbitrations and before the National Advertising Division on cases involving a broad spectrum of consumer products and services. Ms Singer also teaches trademark and unfair competition law and is a frequent speaker on advertising issues. Personal: Harvard University (AB, 1994, magna cum laude); Columbia Law School (JD, 1998). SIT, Po Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, New York 212 450 4000 Recommended in Tax (New York) Practice Areas: Member of Davis Polk's Tax Department Works principally in the areas of derivative products, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions. Has been representing financial institutions primarily in the areas of financial products and derivatives for years. SLOTNICK, Barry I Loeb & Loeb LLP, New York 212 407 4162 Recommended in Media & Entertainment (New York) Practice Areas: Concentrates on copyright and trademark infringement cases and matters in entertainment industry addressing the respective rights of owners and users, including cases on rights of privacy and publicity. Represents clients in entertainment, advertising, licensing and merchandising industries in courts nationwide. Professional Memberships: Past President USA Copyright Society; Board of Directors Association of Independent Music Publishers; International Trademark Association; ABA. Career: Partner since 2001. Chair, Intellectual Property and Entertainment Litigation Practice Group. Adjunct Professor, Entertainment Law, Syracuse University College of Law. Personal: Syracuse University College of Law (JD 1972); Queens College (BA 1968). SMITH, Bradley Y Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, New York 212 450 4000 Recommended in Banking & Finance (New York) Practice Areas: Partner in Davis Polk 's Credit Group. A recognised leader of the finance bar for New York a generation. Practice in recent years has tbcused on acquisition finance and a broad range of secured credit transactions, from traditional leveraged acquisition structures to complex debt restructurings. His recent representations include Federal Reserve Bank of New York in connection with the term asset-backed securities loan facility ( TALF) and Citibank as administrative agent and lead arranger in the $8 billion debtor-in-possession credit facilities established for Lyondell Chemical Company and affiliated debtors, the largest DIP financing in history, in 2009. SMITH, Chris M Shearman & Sterling LLP, New York 212 848 8238 Recommended in Real Estate (New York) Practice Areas: Mr Smith's practice spans every type of real estate transaction including fund formations, financings, acquisitions and dispositions both nationally and internationally involving every major type of real estate product, ranging from low income and market residential developments to office buildings, shopping centers and hotels. He is active in the workout, foreclosure and bankruptcy areas for both lenders and borrowers and in retail and commercial leasing, joint venture formations and project development. Clients also include individuals, developers, investors and sovereign wealth funds. Career: Bar Admission: New York. Partner since 1984. Personal: Columbia law School, Rutgers University. SMITH, Jeffrey Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, New York 212 474 1514 Recommended in Environment (New York), Climate Change (Nationwide) See under Nationwide for profile. SMITH, Jeffrey Q Bingham McCutchen LLP, New York 212 705 7566 Recommended in Securities (Nationwide), Litigation (New York) See under Nationwide for profile. SMITH, Scott Covington & Burling LLP, New York 212 841 1056 ssnnith@cOv.Com Recommended in Corporate/MU (New York) Practice Areas: Mr Smith is Chair of the firm's Corporate Group and M&A Practice. His practice includes advising companies, investment banks and private equity funds on public and private mergers and acquisitions, hostile takeovers, proxy contests and leveraged buyouts. He has advised on a number of multi-billion dollar transactions. He also advises corporate boards and audit committees on corporate governance, and on general securities law matters. Personal: ID, with high honors, The University of Texas (1980), Member of the Order of the Coif; AB, magna cum laude, Harvard University (1976). 17!

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