- Yes on 8, a Project of California Renewal et al v. Bowen et al

Filing 18

EX PARTE APPLICATION by - Yes on 8, a Project of California Renewal, National Organization for Marriage California - Yes on 8, Sponsored by National Organization for Marriage, John Doe #1 for to Shorten Time for Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Motion to Expedite, and Motion for Protective Order and Time to File Opposition and Replies to the Same. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order, #2 Affidavit)(Chandler, Timothy)

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Bar Bopp,Jr.(Ind.State No. 2838-84)* 1 ames (Ind.State No.11912-84)* BarNo.11912-84)' i ar y rA. Bbstrom n r Bostrom ' a hE. Troupis 15)* (Wis.State No. 10615 Bar 2 (Ill. State No. 6295901)* Bar x t F. Bieniek P P ,COLESON BOSTROM & 3 SouthSixth Street 4 e r r eHaute, 47807-3510 iN e l e p h o n e : (812)232-2434 5 a c s l m i l e : (812)235-3685 lounsefor A11 l Plaintiffs 6 '7 (Cal.State No. 234325)** Bar i m o t h yD. Chandler FLIND C E DEFENSE 8 9 i0 Drive,Slrite100 0 1 Parkshore o l s o mCA 95630 , e l e p h o n e : (916)932-2850 a c s l m i l e : .(916)93^?-2851 unselfor All Plaintilfs * DesignarcdCounselJbrService l 1 Pro Hac ViceApplication Pending 12 13 I4 l5 1 6 P r o t e c t M a r r i a,et ul,, tl 18 l9 20 2I 22 23 D e b r a Bowen, et al., District Courl Uni(edStates District of California Eastern S a c r a m e n tDivision o No. C a s e 2:09-CV-00058-MCE-DAD AF F I D AVI T OF SARAH E. TROUPIS IN OF S U P P O R T PLAINTIFFS'MOTION TO SH O R T EN TIME FOR HEARING ON M O T I O N FOR PRELIMINARY I N J U N C T I O N , MOTION TO EXPEDITE, AN D MOTION F'ORPROTECTIVE O R D E R A N D TIME TO FILE O PPO SI T I O NAND REPLIES TO THE SAME J u d g eEngland z) 26 21 28 v i t of Sarah E. Trr-rupis Support in P l a i n t i f f s ' M o t i o n to Shorten Tim I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l1 t2 and E. I, Sarah Troupis,beingduly sworn,depose state: herein ofage,andmy statements ofthe state Indiana of over1Byears l . I ama resident knowledge. based personal on Time for of 2. This affidavitis madein suooorl Plaintiffs'Ex ParteMotion to Shorten and Injunction, Motionto Expedite, Motion for Protective earingon Motion for Preliminary ("Motionto Shorlen Time"). and to a n dTimeto File Opposition Replies theSame reports under to 31,2009,Plaintiffsarerequired file semi-annual 3. On January in set Code$ 84200.For thereasons forlh in Plaintiffs'Memorandum iforniaGovemmer.rt harmif theyare lnjunction, Plaintiffswill sufferirreparable upportof Motion for Preliminary Plaintiffs'Motion to reports January on 31,2009. If theCourtgrants iredto file these Injunctioncanbe heardanda on ortenTime,all arguments Plaintiffs'Motion for Preliminary Injunctionprior to this on canbe madeby the Coult on Plaintiffs'Motion for Preliminary deadline. l 3 a n u a r 3 l. 2009 y 14 l5 t6 4 . Becausethis casewas filed two days ago, I have not been able to obtain a stipulated g date from Defendants. 4 . On January8, 2009, I faxed a copy of the original Complaint filed in this action to the t 7 bl low ins Defendantsat the fax numberslisted below. I obtainedthesefax numberseither from 18 19 p l e I spoketo at the offices ofDefendants, or from information obtainedfrom their web sites. are to Plaintilfsareattempting makesurethatDefendants oughthis doesnot perfectservice, ofperfectingseruice. 2 0 r o v i d e dcopiesofall filings and are in the process 21 22 23 4,1 N a m e of Del'endant D e b r aBowen E d m u n dG. Brown, Jr. D e a nC. Logan D e p a d m e n t Elections City and Countyof of S a nFrancrsco J a nScully F a x Number 916-653-1315 916-323-534r 562-929-4190 415-554-7 344 z) 26 27 28 916-874-5340 o f Sarah E. Troupis in Support P l a i n t i f f s ' Motion to ShortenTime I 2 3 4 5 6 'l 8 9 10 1l t2 13 I4 15 16 I7 18 19 20 2l 22 L-) M. E i l e e n Teichert 916-808-74s5 Practices Commission916-322-1932 C a l i f o r n iFairPolitical a I Complaint, will and motions the FirstAmended 5. After we havefiled the abovelisted listedin Paragraph to and Complaint the lax numbers of motions First Amended copies these . or anv othsr location where Defendantshave askedto be contacted. who witnesses had but 6. Plaintiffswouldhavefiled this actionearlier, because to 8 rtedProposition werereluctant comeforwardandprovideus with thetestimony we to suppofiour case, havenot beenableto file until this date. IS I DECLAREL]NDERPENALTY OF PEzuURYTHAT THE FOREGOING TRUE CORRECT. Indiana. in Haute, this of e c u t e d 9'r'day January,2009, Terre o f Indiana SS r-rnty Vigo of w''{*,$ -ra-,c-^r z.A0-*-ffia Sub s c ri b eandswornbeforeme,a notarypublicin andfor the Countyof Vigo, this 9'h d y of January 2009. 25 26 21 28 v i t o l S a r a hE . T r o u p i s i n S u p p o r ( f Plaintiffs' Motion to Shorten Time y Commission Expires: 4't'l'eotS ; " [ o ' d E. N o t a r y Public printed name

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