Apple Computer Inc. v., Inc.

Filing 76

EXHIBITS M-Q filed byApple Computer Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit M# 2 Exhibit N# 3 Exhibit O Part 1# 4 Exhibit O Part 2# 5 Exhibit O Part 3# 6 Exhibit O Part 4# 7 Exhibit P# 8 Exhibit Q Part 1# 9 Exhibit Q Part 2# 10 Exhibit Q Part 3)(Brown, Nicholas) (Filed on 12/9/2006)

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Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Apple Computer Inc. v., Inc. .. ' Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 4 I o* 4,Es @# ,; UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Patent and Trademark Office Address: COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS Washingtgn, D C 20231 SERIAL NUUBER FiI.ING DATE FIRST NAMED APPLICANT U7/347,629 05/05/89 LRI\IG YENNE'TH E. LEEbS SKJERVEN, MORRILL, MACPI-IERSON. FRANKLIN & FKIEL ATlORNEY DOCKET NO. PAPER NUMBER Page 1 of 34 Doc. 76 Att. 6 /3 DA~~~~ILED: 25 METRO D R I V E , STE 7 0 0 SAN JOSE, CA 35110 0 4 / 23 /91 NOTICE OF ALLOWABILITY PART I 1A 2 i s communication is responsive to /7 w ON ON THE MERITS IS (OR REMAINS) CLOSED In thls appllcatlon If not Included herewith (or previously mailed). a Notice Of Allowance And Issue Fee Due or other appropriate communication wlll be sent In due course 3 g T h e allowed claims are 0 are acceptable Acknowledgment Is made of the claim for priority under 35 U S C 119 The certified copy has received 1-1 been filed in parent appllcatlon Serial N o , filed on 6 0 Note the attached Examlner's Amendment 7 0 Note Ihe attached Examiner Interview Summary Record, PTOL-413 4 0 All ihe clalms belng allowable. PROSEC 0 The drawings filed on 0 >&3 5 1-1 been received [-I not been 8 9 10 0 Note the attached Examiner's Statement of Reasons for Allowance 0 Note the atlached NOTICE OF REFERENCES CITED, PTo-892 0 Note the attached INFORMATION DISCLOSURE CITATION, PTO-1449 PART 11. A SHORTENED STATUTORY PERIOD FOR RESPONSE t o comply wlth the requirements noted below Is set to EXPIRE THREE MONTHS FROM THE ' DATE MAILED' indicated on this form Fallure t o tlmely comply will result in the ABANDONMENT of thls appllcatlon Extensions of time may be obtained under the provislons of 37 CFR 1 136(a) i. 0 Nole the altached EXAMINERS AMENDMENT or NOTICE OF INFORMAL APPLICATION, PTO-152. which discloses that the Oath or declaration is deliclent A SUBSTITUTE OATH OR DECLARATION IS REQU RED. 2. ~ P P L I C A N T MLST MAKE THE DRAWING CHANGES INDICATED BELOW IN THE MANNER SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PAPER a 0 Drawing lnformalltles are Indicated on the NOTICE RE PATENT DRAWINGS, PTO-948. attached hereto or l o Paper No. CORRECTION IS REQUIRED L d drawing correction filed on , & d A / t - ? ? ! has been approved by the examlner. CORRECTION IS REQUIRED c. 0 Approved drawing correctlons are descrlbed b y the examiner in the attached EXAMINER'S AMENDMENT. CORRECTION IS REQUIRED. d &mal drawings are now REQUIRED b. G Any response to thls letter should Include in the upper right hand corner, the following information from the NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE AND ISSUE FEE DUE ISSUE BATCH NUMBER. DATE OF THE NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE, AND SERIAL NUMBER Atlaehmsnla: - Exarnlner s Amendment - Reasons lor Allowance - Notice of References Cited PTO-892 lnforrnallon Olsclosure Cllalion. PTO- 1449 - Examiner Inlerview Summary Record PTOL- 413 - Notice - Other 0 lnlormal AppIIcation. PTO-152 1 - Notice re Patent Drawings. PTO-948 - Llsllng 01 Bonded Draltsmen ART UNIT 731- PTOL.37 (REV.4.89) * . .. . USCOMMDC84.3789 APBU-00000236 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 2 of 34 , , 'I I , . , - - --I - ~ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Patent and Trademark Office Address: Box ISSUE FEE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS Washlngton, D.C. 20231 ' SAN JOSE, CA 95110 E Nola allaciled cornmuddon fmm he ~xmninw ! L? Thlsnotica ~ s i s s u e d ~ ~ v i s w o f a p p l ~ n r s r n ~ o n l l o d KENNETH E. LEEDS SKJERVEN, MORRILL, MACPHERSON, FRANKLIN % FRIEL 25 METRO DRIVE, STE 700 . ~ 1 ' NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE AND ISSUE FEE DUE I EXAMINER AND GROUP ART UNIT VATE MAII ED ACCESS (AS AMENDED) STORAGE MEANS, AND MICROWAVE TKANSCEIVER MEANS I ATTYSDDCKETNO. 1 CLASS-SLIBCu\SS I MTCHNO. 1 APPLN TYPE I SMALLE- I FEEDUE / I DATE DUE 1 If the SMALL ENTITY is shown as NO: If the SMALL ENTITY is shown as YES, verify your ) A. Pay FEE DUE shown above, or current SMALL ENTITY status: A. if the Status is changed, p, twice a the amount ofthe B. File verified statement of Small Entity Status before, or with, payment of 1/2 the FEE DUE shown above. FEE DUE shown above and notify the Patent and Trademark Office of the change in status, or B. If the Status is the sarne,pay the FEE DUE shown above. I \ APBU-00000237 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 3 of 34 R i c h a r d A. CASE SERIAL NO. FILED SUBJECT Lang 211 071347,629 May 5, 1989 AUDIO/VIDEO TRANSCEIVER APPARATUS INCLUDING COMPRESSION MEANS, RANDOM ACCESS STORAGE MEANS, AND MICROWAVE TRANSCEIVER MEANS THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS ' WASHINGTON, D.C. 20231 SIR: Rk3;EivED !9AY u 9 1991 ..-, -CnauP 230 - -=--. .a- $+ 'Ur INFORMATION DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Pursuant t o t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f 37 CFR 1.56, MPEP 609, a p p l i c a n t s u b m i t s h e r e w i t h a copy o f 1.97, and 1.98, as w e l l as U.S. P a t e n t No. 4,506,387. A l s o e n c l o s e d i s one s h e e t o f Form PTO-1449 on w h l c h t h i s r e f e r e n c e i s c i t e d . T h i s r e f e r e n c e f i r s t came t o a p p l i c a n t ' s a t t e n t i o n on A p r i l 2 , 1991, and was f i r s t d i s c u s s e d w i t h a p p l i c a n t ' s u n d e r s i g n e d a t t o r n e y on A p r i l 9, 1991, f o l l o w i n g which a p p l i c a n t ' s a t t o r n e y ordered t h e f i l e h i s t o r y o f t h i s patent f r o m t h e P f O and r e v i e w e d and d i s c u s s e d t h e s u b j e c t m a t t e r t h e r e o f on s e v e r a l o c c a s i o n s w i t h a p p l i c a n t and h i s t e c h n i c a l a s s o c i a t e s b e f o r e c o n c l u d i n g on or a b o u t May 3, 1991, t h a t t h e r e f e r e n c e i s m a t e r i a l t o t h e e x a m i n a t i o n o f t h e i n s t a n t appli,cation. Therefore, a p p l i c a n t r e s p e c t f u l l y requests t h a t t h e Examiner g i v e c o n s i d e r a t i o n t o t h i s r e c e n t l y - d i s c o v e r e d r e f e r e n c e . d e s c r i p t i o n of t h e r e l e v a n c e o f t h e c i t e d r e f e r e n c e follows: U.S. A brief P a t e n t No. 4,506,387 i s d i r e c t e d t o a programming-on-demand c a b l e TV system i n w h i c h a v i d e o program i s d i v i d e d i n t o a number o f segments and 1 - .. . .- . ~ ... . . .. .... ~ - -. ---..-_..._....._..._ ~ , . . . :.... .. . . .. - APBU-00000238 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 4 of 34 s t o r e d i n a segmented memory i n compressed d i g i t a l form. The s t o r e d video segments a r e then converted f r o m e l e c t r i c a l data t o optical d a t a and simultaneously tranmsitted over a p l u r a l i t y o f p a r a l l e l f i b e r o p t i c transmission l i n e s t o a d a t a receiving s t a t i o n , which then reconverts t h e o p t i c a l data back t o t h e o r i g i n a l e l e c t r i c a l data. Respectfully submitted, Richard A. Lang n William E. Hein Patent Attorney #26,465 May 6 , 1991 (303) 667-6741 Love1 and , Colorado 2 APBU-00000239 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 5 of 34 I1 I 3/1985/ 1 Walter I 455 I 612 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS DOCUMENT NUMBER DATE COUNTRY CLASS SUECLASS 1 TRANSLAT'oH YES NO AL AM AN A0 AP AR AS AT I t EXAMINER D A T E CONSIDERED 1 *EXAMINER: Initial i f reforonce considorad, whether or not citation i s in conformonce with MPEP 609; Draw lina through citation If n o t In conformonce and not conriderad. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant. APBU-00000240 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP I+ Document 76-7 , 1 Filed 12/09/2006 /--, Page 6 of 34 UNITED STATESaEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Patent and Trademark O t f b Address: COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS Washington, D.C. 20231 ' SERIAL NUMBER I FILING DATE I LANB FIRST EIAMED APPLICANT I R , _ ATTORNEY DOCIET N , O > 07/34?,623 05/05/09 I l111S r94J EXAMINER 1 KENNETH E LEEDS . NGUY EN, H MACPHERSON, AATUNIT FRANKLIN f FRIEL 25 METRO DRIVE, STE 700 SAN JbSE, CA 35110 SKJEHVEN, MURRILL. I PAPEF NUMBER 235 DATE MAILED: 06/05/91 -. ,PART I. 1 . K T h i s communlcatlon Is responsive to 2. A- SL+MQ,+ & -S ' -f 7 0 THE MERITS IS (OR REMAINS) CLOSED in thls appllcatlon. lfnot Included A H the claims belng allowable, PR herewith (or previously malled), a Notice Of Allowance And Issue Fee Due or other approprlate communlcatlon wlll be sent In due claims are The drawlngs filed on are acceptable. Acknowledgment Is made of the claim for prlorlty under 35 U.S.C. 119. The certllied copy has received. [-I been filed in parent appllcatlon Serlal Na. , filed on Note the attached Examlner's Amendment. Note the attached Examiner lntervlew Summary Record, PTOL-413. Note the attached Examlner's Statement of Reasons for Allowance. Note the attached NOTICE OF REFERENCES CITED, PTO-892. Note the attached INFORMATION DISCLOSURE CITATION, PTO-1449. 3. do; : : e w 4. 5 6. 7. 8 9. 2 j ? ( 0 0 0 0 26- 3 0 [-I , I been recelved. 1-1 not been 0 0 lo.? PART II. A SHORTENED STATUTORY PERIOD FOR RESPONSE to comply with the requlremenls noted below Is set to EXPIRE THREE MONTHS FROM THE "DATE MAILED" indlcaled on thls form. Failure to tlmely comply wlll result In the ABANDONMENT/ of thls appllcatlon. Extenslons of time may be obtained under the provlslonsef 37 CFR 1.136(a). 1 . 2. 0 'OF a b c. 0 )d Note the attached EXAMINER'S AMENDMENT or NOTICE OF INFORMAL APPLICATION, PTO-152. whlch discloses that thg oath or declaratlon Is deflclent. A SUBSTITUTE OATH OR DECLARATION IS REQUIRED. APPLICANT MUST MAKE THE DRAWING CHANGES INDICATED BELOW IN THE MANNER SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE SIDE THIS PAPER. Drawing lnformalltles are lndlcated on the NOTICE RE PATENT DRAWINGS, PTO-948. attached hereto or to Paper No. CORRECTION IS REQULRED. The proposed drawing correctloo fllhd On has been approved by the examlner. CORRECTION IS REQUIRED. 0 Approved drawlng correcllons are described by the examlner in Ihe attached EXAMINER'S AMENDMENT. CORRECTION IS d . y ~ ~ r ~ ~ ? ~ are now REQUIRED. wlngs _______I______----------- Any risponse to this letter should include In the upper rlght hand corner, the followlng Information from the NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE AND ISSUE FEE DUE ISSUE BATCH NUMBER, DATE OF THE NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE, AND SERIAL NUMBER. , - Exemlner's Amendment Allechmentl: \. - Examiner lntervlewSummary Record. PTOL- 413 - Reasons lor Allowance - Nollce of Relerences Cited. PTO-892 . - Nolice 01 lnlorrnal Appllcallon. PTO-152 - Notice re Patent Drawings. PTO-948 - Llstlng of Bonded Draftsmen - Other 4(lnlorrnellon Disclosure Cllatlon, PTO-1449 I PTOL47(Rff. 11-88) APBU-00000241 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 7 of 34 I N THE' UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFF ART UNIT 235 Examiner H. Nguyen R i c h a r d A. CASE SERIAL NO. FILED SUBJECT Lang 211 07/347,629 May 5, 1989 AUDIO/VIDEO TRANSCEIVER APPARATUS INCLUDING COMPRESSION MEANS, RANDOM ACCESS STORAGE MEANS, AND MICROWAVE TRANSCEIVER MEANS THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS WASHINGTON, D.C. 20231 SIR: DRAWING TRANSMITTAL LETTER / I n response t o t h e d r a w i n g r e q u i r e m e n t s e t f o r t h i n f o r m PTOL-37 m a i l e d A p r i l 23, 1991, enclosed h e r e w i t h f o r f i l i n g i n t h e a b o v e - i d e n t i f i e d , a l l o w e d p a t e n t a p p l i c a t i o n ( I s s u e B a t c h No. 097) a r e f o u r ( 4 ) s h e e t s o f s u b s t i t u t e f o r m a l drawings. R e s p e c t f u l l y submitted, R i c h a r d A. Lang n P a t e n t A t t o r n e y #26,465 July 22, 1991 (303) 667-6741 Loveland, Colorado 1 APBU-00000242 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 8 of 34 5057932 APBU-00000243 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP VIDEO OUT /I . TUNER MODULATOR 1 I 79 3 4 p Document 76-7 2 7 l RFOUT 17 7 OFF AUX. DIGITAL INPUT II f-t CONVERTER WITH SYNC, R G 6 OUT Filed 12/09/2006 TRANS/REC. TRANS/REC IN/OUT L45 Page 9 of 34 P '] I c 6 0 m s, , FlG.2 0 0 0 h ) P P Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 10 of 34 .. . TV ANTENNA, CABLE, ETC. I""'b 8 VIDEO -----------55 ' I I I I TUNER I I I I I ' I -> I I I I I I I INPUT 6/ 4 ' ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LII RM OI '-60 APBU-00000245 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 11 of 34 .. I 45b 7 45a 7 1; 72 I -- TRANSCEIVER FIBER OPTIC 74 86 APBU-00000246 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 12 of 34 MA!!" S /NSTR.!lCTIONS: Thk+forrnshould be used for transmittingthe ISSUE FEE Blocks 2 through 6 shouldbe completed where approprlale. Patent, advanced orders and notillcation of maintenanw fees will be malled to addressee . SERIESCODVSERIALWO. -.-FlLlNGDArL-_I TOTALCLAIMS I .. -- -----+I _-.- i.,.' . '.I CXRMINERAND GROUPARF 1 :.. .."', 'I u~rr.. ; ' - -_ DATE MAILED I I i I !. I ! UNT NUMBER APBU-00000247 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 13 of 34 . i . ,. . ,. .. . .- . . .. . . . 1,:. .. .', . .. . .. APBU-00000248 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 14 of 34 PTO UYILITV GRANT Paper Number /7 The Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks Has received an applicationfor a patent for a new and useful invention. The title and description of ttte invention are enclosed. The requirements o law have f been complied with, and it has been determined that a patent on the invention shall be granted under the law. Therefore, this United States Patent Grants to the person oi persons having title IO this patent the right IO exclude otherslrom making, using or selling the invention throughout the United States o America for the term of seventeen f years from the date o this patent, subf ject to the payment o mointennnce fees f as provided by law. 1111 1. 11 . Commlrrlunir of Pnfcnfs and Tmdrmqrkr , APBU-00000249 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 15 of 34 I I' UNITED STATE EPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Patent and Trademark Office ASSISTANT SECRETARY AND COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS Washington, D.C. 20231 W I L L I A M E. H E I N A T T O R N E Y AT LAW P.O. BOX 335 L O V E L A N D C O 80539 P75M DATE P R I N T E D 11/23/99 ' . NOTICE OF PATENT EXPIRATION . According to the records of the Patent and Trademark Office, payment of the maintenance fee for the patents listed below has not been timely received prior to the end of the six-month grace period in accordance with 37 CFR 1.362(e). THE PATENT@) LISTED BELOW HAS THEREFORE EXPIRED AS OF THE END OF THE GRACE PERIOD. 35 U.S.C. 41(b). Expired patents may be reinstated in accordance with 37 CFR 1.378 if upon petition, the maintenance fee and the surcharge set forth in 37 CFR 1.20(m) are paid, AND THE DELAY IN PAYMENT OF THE MAINTENANCE FEE IS SHOWN TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMMISSIONER , TO HAVE BEEN UNAVOIDABLE. --35U.S.C. 41(~)(1). IF THE COMMISSIONER ACCEPTS PAYMENT OF THE MAINTENANCE FEE UPON PETITION, THE PATENT SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS NOT HAVING EXPIRED, BUT WOULD BE SURJECT TO THE INTERVENING RIGHTS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN 35 U.S.C. 41M2). NOTICE OF THE EXPIRATION WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE. ' PATENT NUMBER 5057932 U.S. SERIAL NUMBER 07347629' PATENT DATE 10/15/91 APPLICATION F I L I N G DATE 5/ 5/89 EXPIRATION DATE 1 O/ 15/99 ATTORNEY DOCKET NUMBER M9 14US PTOL-44 1 MI344 1A PART B - FILE COPY APBU-00000250 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 16 of 34 BROWN & B A I N EA. , Altornsys a t Law April 10,2000 Burst.Com. Inc. Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed for filing are the following documents: ------ 1 . Recordation Form Cover Sheet for Patents, with a copy of the Name Change Certificate from the Secretary of State (i) of Delaware; (ii) (iii) 2. Petition a check in the amount of $360.00 as filing fee for same; and a self-addressed, postage paid return postcard acknowledging receipt by the Patent and Trademark Office; to Accept Unintentionally Delayed Payment of Maintenance Fee in an Expired Patent (37 CFR 1.378(c)),and Statement Under 37 CFR 3.73(b), with a check in the amount of $2,590.00, and (i) (ii) a self-addressed, postage paid return postcard acknowledging receipt by the Patent and Trademark Office. Please direct all communications regarding this matter to the undersigned. Sincerelw I Cq 7 Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks Box Assignments Washington, D.C. 2023 1 RECEIVED lJlM 0 t 2000 OFFICE OF PETITIONS DEPUTY AIC PATENTS 3 N v 1 rn nz, zp c6Q (3 A U.S. EXPRESS MAIL EJ13 1450237US SBMIrs Enclosures TI 2 . " %c 0 k; 7 - -2 PHOENIX TUCSON PAL0 A l l 0 MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 4 0 0 STREET A D D R E S S 1 9 0 1 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE P H O E N I X , ARIZONA 8 6 0 1 2 TI6021 361-8000 F10021 361-6618 P H O E N I X , ARIZONA 8 6 0 0 1 - 0 4 0 0 APBU-00000251 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 17 of 34 ,. Approwd for use lhrough 7,31199. OMB 0651.W16 Palent andTradernerkOMce: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Papenvork Reduclion Acl of 1995, m persons are required lo respond to a mlleclion 01 Informationunless It displays a valid OMB cnnlrnl number PTOPSB166 (499) PETITION TO ACCEPT UNINTENTIONALLY DELAYED PAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE FEE IN AN EXPIRED PATENT (37 CFR 1.378(c)) Mail to: Assistant Commissioner for Patents Box DAC Washington, D.C. 20231 ' Docket Number (Optional) NOTE Ifinformation or assistanceis needed in completingthis form, please contact Petitions Information at (703) 305-9282. Patent No. 5 t 057 v 932 -Application Number Filing Date.May 374 629 I l s s u e ~October 15, 1 9 9 1 ate 5 * lgE9 CAUTION: Mandatory Identifiers: Maintenapcefee (and surcharge, if any) payment must correctly identify (1) the patent number (or reissue patent number, if a reissue) and (2) the application number of the actual US. application (or reissue application) leading to issuance of that patent. 37 CFRI .366(c) and (d). Also complete the following Information, if applicable The above-identifiedpatent: Is a reissue of original Patent No. original appiicalion number original filing date 0 0 ,original issue date ; . 3- resulted from the entry into the U.S. under 35 U.S.C. 371 of international filedon application- CERTIFICATE OF MAILING (37 CFR l.E(a)) being deposited with the United States Postal Service on the data shown below with sufficient postage as first class mail In an envelope addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Box DAC, Washington, D.C. 20231. I hereby certify that this paper (along with any paper referred to as being attached or enclosed) Is EJL31450237US Typed or printed name of perso is &46Gk'n4 fi. 00 E [Paw 1lo 3 1 0 0 0 0 Burden Hour Slalernenl: This form IS eslimaled to lake 1.0 hour lo complele. TIme will vary depending upon ths needs of Ihe Indiddual case. Any commanU on the amount of time required lo complete this form should be sen1 lo Ihe Chief Inbrmalion OCcer, Palenl and Trademark Ofice. WashingioEDC 20231. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORIrlS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND T O Assislanl Commissionerfor Palents. Washinglon, DC 20231. E a APBU-00000252 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 18 of 34 .-. PTOISBIGB (89! Approved for us0 through 7131199. OM8 0651-Wl Paten1and Trademark Ofico: US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERC Under the Papenrork Reduction AcI 01 1995, no persons aro requirodlo respond to a Mllection 01 inlonation unless It display, a =lid OM8 control numba 1. SMALL ENTITY 0 OR Attached herewith is a statement establishing small entity status. A statement establishing small entitystatus for this patent has been filed and It is confirmed that the current owner of this patent still qualifies for small entity status. 2. LOSS OF ENTITLEMENT TO SMALL ENTITY STATUS NOTE 37 CFR 1.28(b) requires "Notification of any change in loss of entitlement to small entity status must be filed In...p atent prior to paying, or at the time of paying, the earliest of the issue fee or any maintenancefee due after the date on which status as a small entityis no longer appropriate pursuant to Section 1.19 of this part." From the wordingaf 37 CFR 1.28(a): notification of change of status (a) must be made even If the fee is paid as "other than a small entity and (b) no notification is required if the change Is to another small entity. See also 37 CFR 1.36619. 0The status of this patent has changed from that of small entityto other than that of m a i l entity 3. MAINTENANCE FEE (37 CFR I.ZO(e)-(g)) The appropriate maintenancefee must be submittedwith this petition, unless it was paid earlier., NOT Small Entity Amount Fee (Code) ~ 0 $3 112 yr fee 0 $--7 112yrfee 0 $-111Byrfee 4. SURCHARGE (183) (184) (185) a $E l Small Entity Amount Fee (Code) 3 1/2yr fee 1/2yrfee * (283) (284) $ ~10-1107 112yr fee 0 $-I1 (285) MAINTENANCE FEE BEING SUBMITTED $ 9 5 0 00 The surcharge required by37 CFR 1.20(i)(2) of $ '' ' &e Code 188) must be paid as a condition of accepting unavoidablydeiayedpayment of the maintenancefee. - '*' 5. MANNER OF PAYMENT Enclosed is a check for the sum of $ 2,590.00 Please charge Deposit Account No. copy of this authorization I attached. s 6. AUTHORIZATION TO CHARGE ANY FEE DEFICIENCY SURCHARGE BEING SUBMITTED $11 640-o . the sum of $ .A duplicate The Commlssioner is hereby authorized to charge any maintenancefee, surcharge or petition deficiencyto Deposit Account No. 5O1201 .A duplicatecopy of this authorizationis attached. p a g e 2 of 31 APBU-00000253 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 19 of 34 .-. 7. OVERPAYMENT As to any overpyment made piease OR Send refilnd check. 8.STATEMENT The delay In payment of rhe maintenance foe to this petentwas unintentional. 9. PETITIONER(S)REQUEST THAT THE DELAYED PAYMENT OFTHE MAINTENANCE FEE BE ACCEPTED AND THE PATENT REINSTATED. 0 CredlL10 I3spositAccountNo. SO1201 . NOTE 37 CFR 1.376(d) states: "Anypetition under t i section must be signed by an attorney or hs agent regisbud to practice balore !he Patent and Trademark Office, or by the poienlee, the assignee, or other party in Inbest.' r"'4 391-415:L- Telephone Number Edvsra H. Davis General Counsel 6 Typed or printsd name(s) Vice Presidant, S t r a t e g i c Alliances bur++- cam, intAddl't36S ENCLOSURES (3 Maintenancu Fee payment 500 Sans& St., S u i t e 503 Sen Franclsco. CA 94111 0 Small Entity Status Form Surcharge APBU-00000254 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 20 of 34 STATEMENT.UNDER 37 CFR 3.73lb) Appiican~Patentowe~ Explore Technoloqy , I n c - . .. . . .. ApplicationNo.lPatsntNc.: Enti\[,-& 5# 932 FiledllssyeDate: October 1 5 I 1991 Audio/video transceiver apparatus including compression means, random acoess sto:cnge moans, and microwave t r a n s c e i v e r means Instant Video Tc:chnoloqie6, Inc. (Narna orAxlgnes)C Corporation ~~ ~ y p 01 I\nignes, n . mrpmah. pnncnhio: univoniry.eovemmenr agency, a e. OIC.) statesthat it is: 1 . 2 the asslgnee of tho entire right, title. and Irrterrst: or .. an assignee of a n undivided part interest in Ihe patent applicationlpiltentidenUfled above by virtue of eilher: A [q An assignment from \he Invenlor(8) ofthe paknl applkationlpa~ntidenlllledabove. Theassignmentwas recorded in the Patentand Trademark Ofice at R c e l & Z ~ , Fmrne98J.2, orloruhlch a copythoreof isaliachsd. OR B l ] Achainofli\lafromUi~invnnlor(s).ofl h ~ ~ a l e n t a p p l I ~ t i o n l p a l 2 n t ~ thecurrenisssign'inasshownbelow. . e~fi~d 1. From-.,, TO: The dowrneni was recoded in the Paltjnl and Trademark Office a1 ______ -_____ 01' Reel , Frame , - %. From:,-TO:- - - -eThe docurneni was rocorded In tho Patent and Ttadarnarlc Office at Fnrnc ,or for which a copy LheWol is mached. Reel . __--- for which a copy thereof is attached. .----I 3. From:-,-To: The documsnl was recorded In Ihe Patent and Trademark Office ai Reel _, Frame,, . or for whloh a copy thereof I attaohed. s [ ] Addltional docdmerns in the chain o iiUe a r e Ibted on a supplemental s h e a f [ ] Mpies of asslgnrnenls or other documents in the'chaio of UUe arn attached. ' -_ ------- Asepanle copy (/.e., the original asslgnrnenldccumsntDr a bue copy of the original document) must be wbmltted to Lsslgnmenl DIvlsion in accordance wllh 37 CFR Part3,'if tho assignment is to bb recorded In Ihe records of lhe,PTO. MPEP 3DZ-302.8J a The undersigned (whose titlo I supplied bolow) is empowered lo sifin this GlatamentOn behalfof t h e asilgnee. s APBU-00000255 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 21 of 34 .. UNITED STATES PATENT TRADEMARK AND OFFICE COMNlSSlOMcR COR PATENTS UHlTED STATES PATENT IUIDTRADEMILRK OFFICE WASHINGTOM, D.C. 20231 w , u s p 1 0 go" PaperNo. 19 EDWARD H. DAVIS ALLIANCES BURST COM INC 500 SANSOME ST.,SUITE 503 S A N FRANCISCO, CA 941 11 In re Patent No. 5,057,932 Issue Date: October 15, 1991 Application No. 07/347,629 Filed: May 5, 1989 Patentee(s) ,Richard A. Lang COPY MAILED ON PETITION / This is a decision on the petition under 37 CFR 1.378(c), filed April 10, 2000, to accept the delayed payment of a maintenance fee for the above-identified patent. The-petition is GRANTED. The maintenance fee is hereby accepted and the above-identified patent is.reinstated as of the mail date of this decision. Petitioner will not receive future correspondence related to maintenance fees for the aboveidentified patent unless a "fee address" (see PTO/SB/47) is submitted for the above-identified patent. Telephone inquiries concerning this decision should be directed to Wan Laymon at (703) 3059282. APBU-00000256 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 22 of 34 Application No. 07/347,629 The patent file is being forwarded to Files Repository. WanLay on Page 2 &V Petitions Examiner Office of Petitions Office of the Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Patent Policy and Projects ' APBU-00000257 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 23 of 34 TECHNOLOGY UPDATE M a s s Menzouy Back to paper tape- digital paper conventional. rigid optical-storage media. can write dala onto the surface of digitd pper by burning in permanent minute indentations. The indentations. which reflect less light than surrounding unwritten areas, are read as disital bits. 'i'his lightweight, robust and flexible For applicatiens demanding massive amounts of ba the storage found in 31% miltrrial promises to offer an elfective t. inch, 1WMbyle disk drives is no longer s t o r a i r life of at least 15 years. While enough. and at 15 cents per megabyte. sharing the same recording cliaracterisrigid optiwl WORhl disks-a serious mem. tics and data density as conventional ury contender-are still too expensive. rigid uptical disks, the medium is less However, a tcchnolosy that shows s i p s of than ,025-mm thick, allowing it to be approaching these storage needs inexpen. delivered in a variety of physical formats, including not only disks, but also sivcly is digital paper. Not rcally paper at a l C b u t almost as cassettes, open.reel tapes and strips. Thc data density of optiwl media is cur. inexpensive--digital paper is produced by sputtering a reflective layer onto a 2.5- t o . rently liniiied by the wavelength of the 75-micron Meliinex polyester T I sub: lasers that write the data. The infrared end f slrate. The 6lm is then coated with a dye o the spectrum used by hsers today allows polymer layer and topped with a protective dala bits to be as close as 1-micron apart. This gap can be reduced to .5 micron by coating. T i e dgr plymer is designed to be reac- using laser with wavelengths closer to the tive to 830- 01 780.~11 wavelength laser blue end 01 the spectrum. CwTenlly in lip)& and the dye can be tuned to suit the development. low-cost lasers of this wavelength and suitable power show promise of rnlrared mvelenglh o the Wriling laser. f 'Thus, the same kinds 01 lasers used in quadrupling the data-packing density. , DEVEUIPLIEM EXECWIVE. DATA STORAGE PRODUCE IC1 IWGEDATA WILMINGTON. DEL. BY Dwtu OWEN It's like buying time, M l h P1Designer. YOJ enter and simulae lhe deslgn More aivice implementation.PLOesignerauto~ti~ly partitions the design and presenudevlce solutions from a 2 W derice library that Includs advanced architecture 5 devices.No more manual partitioning. data-book searches or lrlal-and. s)nthe;ls v s t e m coiiibine pokertul designenlryhithmto:n~lcdeslgn panitionin;and device selection to aulom3te tine consuming des:gnsteps. Live storage life of 15 years. es" and their disastrous coisequences, so much a part 01 rixid disks, are no longer a problem because dust panicles on the Uoscodisk simply cmsc a temporary separation of the head and the rotating medium until they are spun harmlessly out of the Cut * e lroni p u r rnmplix pu) loglc deigns. PLDeslgner deslgn eh More important. however, "head a s h - ' records-such as x-rays m d CAT scansin a hospital or niediwl clinic. This optical material is dsn seen as ideal for reel-to.reel tape storage. A 2.4W-Ioot lee1 of digiwl paper at hdf-inch tape sue wound onlo a lO'/rbch spod-to&y's standard format lor reel-to-reel niaglelic 13would sloreG(WCbytesofd~L~.'l'lGs isniore thvl 4.003 times the o p x i t y of a magnelie reel of the sme size, but !nth J. mst of less the head onto the media. orat must maintain an expert system or . setup lo get h e job done laster. PU)esignermson LhePCandlstheonlyPU)solution to be fully integrated Into the hlenlor Cmpblcg, Cadnellx, and Intergraph environmenb %e w h d it's like lo buy t h e and get your designs lo market Iater.CaII lor a FRE.E demo package. hllnc lncorpomted 1575YorkRoad,Colorado Springs; . comia 719.s90m Clrclo Reader Sorvico No. 72 0 % bun; 1 ,. , (m/fiC/ ..-I -~-~-.-..--~~,"~'~~"~--","-~ ." ._-. *, 102 Februoty 13, 1989 Electronic Engineering Tinlcs _........, ~ Ic I _ - . . ._ .. , APBU-00000258 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 24 of 34 SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE gobble up rod spit out data s t m m s a t u n p a d c n r w 7b ~a maLch~peh~Ofdrsc"~&ragCdcvias s u c h u Wurhutcrdiskdrivar, flexjblediskdrivcs, tapesubw rs, anagingopdcpl --ly dupn offering equally impressive performance and capacity. Mormvcr,man~rroftfitscsto~devicescan~thir cupabiligrta fnctionofthccatofdcvicu nailPb1ejustfifivc * The storage device has bccomc the systcmcorc. and the latcslcropofncw storage announccnvntsis stepping sbcad in ttchnologycapability. Forucamplc. system designers can purchase Win-disk hkinthe765-Mbltb plus range wih undcr20-m~caverage\ access timed, tapcdrivcs that match virtually any capacity demand, and even crasablcopricalstoragedrives. Further. interfacing technology, due to the in' YCarJlga -~.JnanrfoSmalIcrh'vcs,p.62)., Systems Interface (SCSI). is rapidly becoming acommodity busincss(ree EmbcddrdSCSI Brings High Pcrfor- crtayd popllan'tyddrSmaUGmpomplOcr Syrlcm ~ n u f n c i u r e, r n a n d r w r e thancapacity and pcrformance. them1 impetus txhind the b u r p n i n g storage market ircortl ~ p r c l l b ; c i n c h . T h c d )3 : impm+~Ywk~map rdudoa .. APBU-00000259 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 25 of 34 -$ J IORLm(L0maL -$> lacRl wxermj tam Q... I 1 I................ HfM f I .....u...... ..... -t I 6 I Packing more storage solution into a smaller space, at a lower cost, i t h e goal, s I . , : *.,' ' : .'. ' .. I--.--.'---- APBU-00000260 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 26 of 34 .. The Many U v e s dMngnetBc7hpe7bchnology OEMs WI kvel O f j MVMEP delivers. card,it p a small,r function: How? Ma likrlles intC&CC fntS&CC highden function: conventi~ &sides v sight It ti 32-bit M; . t PhtwF & !& 3 APBU-00000261 technical approaches usually gets in the way of rapid image analysis. Color image translations are far easier after HSI conversion. For example, a purple image can be made ih into an orange one wt just a single value change. RGB would r----ire three value translations. S 'p. intensity changes in color requu-e a single modilication (three are needed for RGB brightness changes). In order to achieve this real-time HSI conversion, on`e value must be dividrate. ed by another at a 15-m~ The DT7910 (RGB to HSI) and DT7911 (HSI to RGB) chips handle video data at rates UD to 768 X 512 pixels, at 30-Hz video rates. Using HCMOS fabrication, each 68-pin PLCC package draws under 140-mA from a 5-V SUDD~V. - .. - . .. Chips are$&kach in lots 1,000. Both chips can be used with an IBM PCbased RGB-to-HSI video board, the $3,995 DT7821, for prototyping. A $995 software subroutine library, Aurora, allows custom& . zation of the chip's operation. - BYRICHARD DOHERTY Color image processing comparison hfarlboro, Mass. - Data Txanslation, developers of the first IBM PC RGB pmcesslng HSI p i o c e d n g peripheral board designed to hande RGB color video information in a streamlined look-up table fashion, is offering two proprietary chips that allow developers of color scanners, inspection systems, frame grabbers and video signal processors to engineer rapid analysis systems. The DT7910 and DT7911 allow 6real-time video color comparisons by 31 translating the RGB video signals Red 31 produced by most color-image capture systems into easier-to-process hue-saturation-intensity (HSI) values. Using 8 bits for each primary light value, 24-bit color sources can be analvzed in the HSI domain. HSI color processing allows engiThe intensity portion of HSI represents neers working with data from RGB video tensity value comparisons. Once either a MI video image frame (or the monochromatic light intensity of an cameras to more easily process specific areas of chromatic interest. Once colors sded pcrtions of it) are converted from RGB image region. Simple edge enhancements, are changed to their equivalent HSI values, into du&ted HSI vabes, any fiotherimage shape comparison and other image-alterengineers have a greater latitude of data manipulation becomes shllpler and usuaEy ation schemes are made simpler with onestep intensity cornparison. Indeed, the colcomparison opportunities (using HSI data ab0;d three times faster. Stin..over 16 &n lookup tables) than do traditional RGB in- ~lors'canbe&dledbytheHSItfduique. or data that tags along with RGB BilIO'Bk Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP ' Document 76-7 (5M) 48137001 :. It's a new ball game i datacorn controllers ' n Page 27 of 34 The multiprotocol data peripheral can zccommodate any conventional multiplexed or oon-multiplexed bus, sercmg as a serialto-parallel, parallel-to-serial converterkonfxoller. And software takes care of configuring the .chip for a range of serial communications applications. The chip packs a fuller complement of functions than any of its ancestors: two hm&>-$g- gen_eraLc% p - c e e l , digital com devires whose talents surpass anything yet seen. A cascade of products should follow ti pioneer, based on a cell lbay three hs irr years in the ma!iing and on the design automation system that helped assemble that l b a y The toolset came from VLSI Techirr. nology hc. ma technology swap that returns product developments to VLSI. The evolution will continue at midyear, when a s i r & ~ h ~ e I . USC_,d be offered ing its rich supp~; of proprietary circuit functions, highlighted by the 280 microprocessor and D-microcontroller, into application-speciiic combinations. The company's traditionally strong posi- ' tion in datacom controllers also gives it a foundation of circuit functions and the appb- 1 cations experience needed to capitalize on its superintegration methodology. "CPUs get the press," admitted Hulme. I Filed 12/09/2006 I Continued from page 121 ecutive officer and president Ed Sack is touting the IC as a candidate for semiconductor "product of the year." Sack's $it of view is hardly neutral, but the Z16C30 is undoubtedly a quantum leap beyond the competition. Most general-purpose datacom controllers run at around 2.5 Mbitds. with some hittine 4 Mbitsls. The ." . __ --L--"..-L Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 28 of 34 313A VOLUME IO, ISSUE 42.932.95 d ; B Y SHAltOW FISHER irket, "',plans p the top." lated light- mate mfkr wtcr unit mpa- .wki sc qpidIhgo- rches with fi;lble ai0n. % and :,Z16 .i in kt Mike dent Igh an 5 Users Would Ian Switch IBM will support the namedpipa intcrface in OS/2. Version 1.1. an IDM executive conCornpaq's SLT/286 features a firmed last wnk, helping to dispel fears that IBM and Microsupenwist VGA display. soft's OS12 communications will not wok with cach other. "Named pipa are in then." AC outlet or an internal Ensaid Mike O'Dell. IEM product hanced Nicad Battery Pack. The manager or distributed systems battcry life is over three hous, products. "It's not something and it recharge when the laptop is connected to an AC OUIICL we've announced." ODell also confirmed that named-pipe API Power packs weigh 1.8 pounds cach and rechargc in I % hours calls would be documented Cor IBM's OS/Z. when the system is not in u x arid connected to a I IO-. 220-, or 240-volt source. T h e user conserves power by pressing a Standby button that powers down thedisplay, microprocessor, drives, modem, and keyboard when the system is not in uy. The SLT/286 automatically enters Standby mode when BITHEINFOWORLD STAFF it has been inaaivc for a uscrdefined time period. Operation is mtoml by pressingthestandSAN FRANCISCO Steve Jobs'dream machine has finally by button. An LED indicator arrived SOCI or. and audible signal indicate low Soe Compaq, Page 5 The wunderkind of Silicon Valley wowed thc industry last wcck with thc promise of a workstation that include a 256megabyte readlwrite optical drive, a minimum of 8 megabytes of memory, a 17-inch megapixel monitor, and a ncw user interface he v o w will Ikcause OS/Z. Version 1.1 (due to ship this mcnth) has no communications capability, the named-pipes API is so far s u p p n d only within a single ae machine, not on a LAN. O'Dell would not say whether named pipes would be supported in OS/ 2 Extended Edition, Version 1.1 or thc LAN Server, which I5M uwstoprovidccommunications and LAN features to OS/Z 15M said previously, however, that all the featura in OS/ZSIandard Edition .would be present in Extended Edition. IEM :provided funher cvi- dcnce of interoperability betwecn its Extended Edition and Microsoft's LAN Manager last woek by demonnqting an Extended Edition client running under a 3Com 3+0pen server, which is LAN Mana&r-baKd. In addition. 3Com said. but did not demonstrate. that DOS users running IBMs PC LAN 1.3 can communicate with a 3fOpcn server. IBM has said that W S USCK who want to communicatewith IBMs OS/2 LAN Server should usc F LAN 1.3, which means C Sea Pipes, Page 8 Job's Next Machihe Wins change . i h c %ay pcaple use computers But while the Next computet holds grrat promise, Jobs also said the $6,500 machine won't be available until the s a a n d q m e r of 1989. and lhmwill be markcted solely 10 the higher education market. Many analyst$ developen, and academic buyers, whilegmc d y i m p d with h e machine, an alrudy looking for a lower-prid model. And many questioned whcn the company will provide a machine for the business maxket. One explanation Jobs o f f ~ e d last week for targeting academia Steve Jobs tnrroduced Next Sea Next, Page 93 fncd's68030 Unix workstarton, h an32-3, PUS- Tis- b2-3 xtm2-i to 9Pm date, scms :Rekthe tare. ucnt -2-3. "The majority of my larger clients find that the current relwsc of 1-2-3 meets the majority of w said their sprcadshnt n Richard Creeth, a consultant in Nowalk. Connecticut. But in organizations that haven't standardized with one product, competitive products are attnctive. "A lot of people buying new machines are taking a serious look at Excel." said Richard Silventon, senior systems s u p porl consultant with Arco. in Los Angelcs. Especially w i h 80386 systems. many users are buying Excel nther than 1-2-3. See Lotus, Page 8 Next Interface to Enhance IBM's Unix Environment BrNlCKARNm I li: L. I. -_- L_ I >{1/{30Hd- . I . l > ... ----- IBMs liccnsingofthe Next Step interface from Next I n c reprcsents a Unix strategy intended to complement, nther than threaten, its OS12 Prcsentation Manager strategy, an IBM onicial said last wcck. IBM and Next do not plan to develop the interface jointly. ollicials of wch company uid, 1BM will, on iu own, add color IOi& version, said William Filip, assistant general manager or Says Presentation Manager IS on ~chedile . IBM will announce the availability of its Prewnlation Mahager for OS/2 Standard Edition on October 31, anording to SOU~CCS. The company will make the announcement in New YO& where a handful of sofhvarc developers, including Microsof? Corp.. Aldus . Corp., and Micropfx Inc., are upcaed to demonstrate nppliutibns . . running undcr Pmcntation Manager. Several sourcccs said Microsoft was planning to show.? ve?ion of .. APBU-00000263 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 29 of 34 Next I n a r k u -The kcy thing 10 nu(c !YEk t h t although I& arc a lot dmmpuicn i n higlmcduu t i % ihcy hmc nai F"c(ntcd inln 1 r 1 cwrichm." Jobs saa. -To dcvdop CUU-XX Irks monlln and month& i f M( Y O 5 I f vc o n dlw pcoplc to wrilc i n t*o or thrcc d a y w M Vould b v c ukcn manthr a bc m m p m O l c 4 l uYmmpla% Wc want IO bc t fim mmpulk cr l o contributc IO the cuniculum." Chhalr(rctr oftheandcmic marka d o u b i l d y ipnalcd 10 Jots A rclxlivdy rmill ~ I P fora a n markt ncw tcchndg y IOuniwniticr. mmprcd to the busincu m r r l t n Aodcmic users zrc gcocnlly foancd on dcvcloping thcir o w applicalions. m i n g thcy will bc I c a mnOcmcd with ihe b c k appliatioos d t w fw the nev machine. madiinc has to Ixuswdcn that II,C mcliinc. ir YW want ,ludcw to qxnd an hour in iotil of i k mrchinc. you h w c o s w u ( a! l u s t 100 houn -hh M t h c o m x ~ u o i t hcfmlstk y lcveloping. T l r lntcrl'acc Iluild:r will cut dawn that tinic:' Offers $2,000 Postscript Laser: I/O Chip Transfers DMA at 5 MBPS BY M A O l l W MARSUAU Next Ups the Price/Perforrnance Ante Standard Configurationof the Next Machine I ~ :OSNYYfOIA Manydcvclofws. hough i m d with the Ncxt Icchnolwy. arc hoping for markcu bcyond higher education tnJ c r p e s d amLLcmcnt that Ncxt rxpms ippliations IO bc Jislnbutcd on optical disks l h i t cost SMuch. "Iwish lhcy had mid marc nbout thcir distribution s t n t e a . mid Clinton Nagy. nition$ y" m l a rnrnigcr for Adobc Sptcms' Systems Division. "Hightr c d u d o n is not cnough; I hope w7l k buying Ihc N c i t machine at Businusland next ycu." According Io Dan'l Lcuin. Ncxt'r v i a praidcnt lor UJa 2nd markclint. the mmpany is lmlting at v v m l oplions for m k r c distribution. including Thc Ncxt Inc. intratuctionr p r d d fcw surprim in Ihc hardwirc olTcrcd bm dnmitic confirmation t h a a n w prim/ pcrformincc platuu would soon bc rcachcd. a i m i n g th?t "pa& don: want i m p m pnntcn anymore, Ncit unvcild iu 4 W p i Iwr printcr. which M&I only 4 t h the Ncxt CPU. n i c S 2 . W pikc for a Jbsrrript.wl;ing lawr printcr w m r phcnomcnrl. cutting thc p e n t markct price of such printcn in half. until onc mnsidcn that FtnUnipl is not in Ihc lawr print.%. i t is in thc CPU running Disphy h t - LdPL aacr f a p w m z ET of thc Ncxl machine Im on thc ovcrall mmputcr marka is likdy to bc minimal i n the Msmw mcnw R a d o n to nertcrmplnicularlyinligh(of Job's ovll rlow-grawth burinthe machine from u n i v a r i k plan. which envisions the prodM f,CnCn!lY ?%They u i n thc b d of dcvclopm a ns had v . 9 a g g r a i v c goals, wshnoloprally. 2nd Ithink lhcy've and u n i w r i l i a for the ncxt MI mchcd lhcm" said K m ~ d y e r r "The impan will k nothing in thc Mar tcrm." d d King a nvdter ~hc NUI advisory b a v d and praidcnl 01 Mictrckhsion,ananalytHilh Educom. the highcr education Slomon B r n k r % "The only computing consortium i n qumion right now is how i t will a f f c u A&c's pailion i n thc Prinaon. Ncw Jmcy. cdmtionmarkcL" "It's unfonunav that thc "Whmthc fim gacratianof pria h at Ihc uppcr cnd of what LINKniliU g c n c d y rptnd fM audcouvdngthc Ncxtcomputcr & u thcy will (akc thcir re innruaiand rcchnolagy," King nuchioa with thcm into busiUid."[Jobs has] bmad+ by hhadviroryhrdthat h c h u t o ncq' d a c d Xcgc of I c t i t d m IO the f3,WO lcvcl I.fc& bcforc siudcnu will buy i t io "The techndagy i s w n d a iiaircac n u m b It's the luL but thc d u l with IBM is the bow of thc advisory board hat srn.ancrt pan," said Esther b n , d i of Rclcax 1.0. dw i n c n t r y - l c v c l machine :meFpcr" 'Tbc Ncxt machine uill ga a p p l i o t i a u k u w or IBM. "It cludy ir a p r i a break!hmugh for all that it affcrs i o and IBM *ill lcad cbc m y right inc package." sSd In Fudq into thc W o c n marlla" v prsidcnt for mmputing i a bnd i n f m a t i o n (cchaology a! Drioaton Univcrsicy. 'Dut it's 101 going to bc a mochinc h a t ?rinmon studcnu are going to havingNcxtinuadinribution ma The image is m t c d by thc a fnmc bulTcr in RAM. thcn an YO pr-r c f f m thc D i m Memory Acass (DMA] tmsfcr at a ntc of 5 mcgabiu pcr wmnd without funhcr burdcoingthc CPU.'Ihe l'oswript intcrprctcr and asso. cialed R A M q u i d in 0thb w r i p t prinlm do not c r h i n lhc Ncxt b c r pinier. Only a dngk V U 1 chip i m u i d i n s the prinlcr. which othawiv uxs a Canon SX cnglnc 2nd downsizcd packaging that maka thc printcr6 p;mnt thc 4 siuofothcr l a v r p r i n i m The same architcclurc that illom thc l o w s a lawr printer t m f c r s without burdening thc CPU alw, works to speed up othcr paris ofthe overall aystcm pFoauing thc mmpany aid This maka optimum YY of Ihc 5-MIPS promringpcwaoflhc 68030 in 68030 CPU. Although Next is using Nubru pmtccok lM tho tw cxpvldon $lo& its 25-MHz implcmcnlation will not bc mmpatiblc *ith add-on p m b ucu for Mac II Nubus bold% Ncxtwwld notsaywhatadd-on chu is used lor synthairine round s o d y llso will bc u c sd to emulaw I 9.603.b modem. lion of E+ l& a d n g to NcxL 'Ihc machinc rlso has a 32-bil irnplcmnu- IUY swnd mo- than i2.503lOS3.~. Wcdlllotol v(aaand IBht P p htodcl 30% s :vcn with an impan printcr and nrcd 10 bsauw studcou ana? pro eweloperrsEye Next, But MicrosoftAbstains WAR I 8VFT-V dahbav tcchoolagy. It rlso rord prmssing so~twrc.thcy LIF undcr 12,503." "Wc want to yx: a machioc i t h o u t l h c disk. whcrc w :luncr thcm dl and run lhcm 18wmrr:' Fuchs mntinucd. 'Corm r m n d qmncr Icxpco iim 10 olkr a morc naked nachinc." Fuchs atimatcd that 'rinaton would ordcr about sc ' h t machina in thc 1988-89 lodcmic yrar. *What C X C ~ ~ M me is the %ccc-orim=d cnvironmcnt d Ihc w w n u n i t y for sharing 1 . : n u d comwncnu among mi. 'CnidM." u i d Ron Daniclson, l i w o r of idormation &no Clara Univcnity. "11 aka 103 to 1.033 h o w foi ach hour of student m w n with thc N a t machine. and I mpclrcatk n u m k of softwars dcvclopesarc qcing the syncm for fuiurc dnclopmcnt. The MV wmpulcr c w o with uuh. a flavor of unix dcvdopzd at Carncgic-Mdlan Wni-ty and mmpatiblc with WD 4.3: and Ncxt SI-. an objm.Orimtd cnvimnmcnt d e vdopcd by Slcpstonc Cow. W H W L Also k i n g bundlcd 4 t h Neil irc Adobc POnUnpl. as both display and prinln driw, TIMakcr Write Now w d pmccuor. Mathcmatia r from Wdfnm R-rch Inc: F ~ l IK'S Allcgm Common r A rdd ,s-nWm p a e a g ~ irdudrog u1 objen-oricntcd dcvclopmnn pmgram wl ship il - - mmd with Ncrt's Sound 61 LLR and SyaUe SQL Scrvcr ~ u s i gcncntionranwarenoda c U~ix-Mail compadblc g r d p U d Mail proqdrn. Fnme T a h n d w Cow, c l i c t a Sonwarr MA or the Unicorn Inc. and F a d o n Computing also endorxd Ncxt and pamirc ipplicalions olhcn u i d thcy arc considering d m l opmcnt. More than 930 dcvclo m signed up for a Ncxt mnfcrcnm hcld thcdayallcrthc product's announamcnl. said John Iron. Ncrt's d i m o r of apDliationr praluct mxtluing. Ncrl is also bundling a DigiI Library mmpriwd of iVlb d s i n > N i N h New Co//e.~'ure Die lionaty. IVebsm> Co//eniare Themunu. thc Oxford Dioio. nary o/ @uuotnrionr. and thc Oxford Rcn' iW/ium Shal;c- *icb Digitnl Libnliln & and indcliq lwlr All Nut docurnution is a h oo-tim &ne." fmmthcsupponmhMipmoh - fim mfoundn to cndonc thc n m trchnology in Apple Scnr Jobs' d i n innontioh lhc Madntmh Micmraft M r man Bill Galu dcdand Ihc N c n machine's hi* cdualion mahn too small and said hc 'dcddd no1 10 put thc cncrgy into" dcvclopmcnt now. "We'd b v c io yl the im- * n . Conrpicuously absa12 aM applicatioru will k s p d d vith thC bclp or N ~ X I SI^ llso lialucdby IBM for lu RT and Intcl.bued Iyrtcmr Software dcvclopcn facc Jobs saiL Ilc crpcnr - ' I p h o n lhrr it wu!d &I1 in "cry, "cry big n u m b m likc a corpontion coming in and telling mc lhcy don't want 10 IO a few sandads any mom," N E n SW. *We'd a Gata said. ~ p r c Complefc Il'aks The w i n -nvuc bvc to haw ~n I& mr- suchnorchalhngaudiNibu1ing p w m s on SJO CDs in*cad o r n o p W d i b Ashton-Talc ucnludu'ngths Next machine. which would pmbably q u i r e cntircly ncw pmducis. mid Terry Carneu. an Ashlon-Talc vice prcridcnt. "Thc cnvironmcnt h c i donc ir wdiffcrcnt in tcrms of multimcdia that wc'll havc Io go tuck and at. what do w n want in that environment?" In a prcparad RalemcnL Lo. Ius praidcnt Jim Manzi conyatulatcd Jobs and his t a m . but fell shorl of announcing i vcru'on or 1-24 for lhc n w MChiM. APBU-00000264 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 30 of 34 .-.I . I ---.--, , Robert J. Halprin, KlXA . .. The American Radio Relay League Newington, CT USA 06111 / I APBU-00000265 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 31 of 34 r AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE Newington, CT USA 06111 Editorla/ Coordlnator Gerald L. Hall, KlTD Published by the - . Editors George H. Woodward, WlRN Charles L Hutchlnson, KBCH Paul L. Rlnaldo, W4RI . Contributors Doug DeMaw, WlFB , . . Robert Halprln, KlXA Richard Palm, KlCE Steve Place, WBIEYI R0bert.L. Shrlner, WABUZO Richard Stevens, WlQWJ Edward E. Wetherhold, W3NCIN Photo Credlts European Space Agency Bob Plerfellce, KABGHG Bob Baumer, WAlYKM Sixty-Flrst Edltlon APBU-00000266 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 32 of 34 sound.subcarrler generator (FM-AS) permlls bolh volce and vldeo l o be Iransmllled. U1 Is ellher a Molorola MC145E CP1 Or Raylheon RC4558DN operallonal arnpllflar. Fig. 46 -This A N In the completed installation a coaxial relay can be used for antenna switching. A set of auxiliary contacts on that relay should be used to switch power t o the various modules for transmit and receive. Table $4 Amateur Siow.Scan Standards Areas Sweep Rales: "HZ Areas ' FSTV Station Identification 50 HZn) As of June 15, 1983, the FCC disVertical 7.2 sec. continued the requirement for FSTV sta- No. Scanning 120 120 tions to identify by cw o r voice, thus per- A $ ~ ~ R a l l o 1:1 1:1 mitting FSTV srations to identify by video. Dlrectlon 01Scan: Ll to Rt Horlzontal Lt to Rt Please note that this applies only 10 Top l o Bot. Top to Bot. VB"fCal transmissions employing U.S. 525-Iine standards, legally "those which conform, S y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r a t5 lm1111sec. 5 rnllllaec. on: a t a minimum, to the monochrome Verllcal 30 mllllsec. 30 rnilllsec.. transmission standards o f Section Subcarrler Freq.: 1200 Hz 1 W Hr 2 73.682(a)(6) through Section73.682(a)(13), Sync 15WHr 15M)Hr inclusive (with the exception of Section 2300Hz 23W Hr 73.682(a)(9)(iii) and Section 73.682(a) Req. Trans. 1,0.2,5 kHz 1,Q2,5 kHz Bandwldth (9)(iv)." The FCC also requires that the characters be "readily legible." It ,follows that ATV operators should use a n ordinary . type style for identification and make their signs 'Over enough Of the to be ble. (However, a form of image transmisreadable even under weak-signal sion called medium-scan lelevkion (MSTV) conditions. allows limited motion in a fairly narrow bandwidth. Don Miller, W9NTP, and SLOW-SCAN TELEVISION others are experimenting with MSTV on Fast-scan TV signals take up more than the 10-merer band under special temporary 5 MHz of bandwidth. Since this is more authority from FCC). If F V is analogous S kHz than in all the amateur bands below t o watching home movies by radio, then 6 meters. it is obvious that if we w a n t ' SSTV resembles a photographic slide t o work TV-DX on the hf bands we will shown on the air. I n addition, SSTV pichave to modify the TV signal a bit. tore definition is four times coarser than Slow-scan TV (SSTV),is, just as its name fast-scan TV. Table 14 summarizes the implies, a TV signal, with a very slow video SSTV format used by amateurs. scan rate. While a regular fast-scan TV . But these disadvantages are more than signal produces 30 frames per second, it balanced by the fact that SSTV can be takes eight seconds to send once SSTV used in any amateur phone band above frame. Thus, motion pictures are impossi- 3.5 MHz. Anyone you can work with 14-24 Chapter 14 ,- Horlzonlal 15Hz 160 Hd4) E sec. 162BHz Flg. 49 ' - A typical slow.scan TV picture. a good signal on ssb can be worked via slow scan. Many DX stations are now equipped for picture transmission, and more than one amateur has worked'ovcr 100 countries on SSTVl The signal that comes out of a n SSTV camera is a variable-frequency audio tone high tones for bright areas and low tones for dark. T o send SSTV over the. air, you just feed this tone into the microphone jack of any ssb transmitter. (SSTV on double sideband a-m o r fm is illegal. on'the hf bands.) T o receive, you tune in the signal on an,ssb receiver and feed the audio into the SSTV monitor. All you need t o get started is an ssb station, a monitor (the slow-scan "TV" set") and a camera. You don't even need - recorder. APBU-00000267 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 33 of 34 ... .... such a device converts the incoming audio to a signal that is usable by a conventional (ast-scan video monitor. Similarly, on transmit the converter changes the output of a fast-scan camera to a standard slowscan signal. SSTV may be used by amateurs holding a General class license or above in their rcspective hf voice segments, and by Technician-class licensees or above in the voice bands above 50 MHz. The following SSTV operating frequencies have been recommended by A5 magazine: 75 meters 4 meters 0 10 rnelers I5 meters IO meters - - - 3.990- 4.000 MHz 7.290- 7.300 MHz 14.340-14.350 MHz 21.440-21.450 M H z 28.990-29.000 MHz $0the picture will come out SSTV signals must be'tuned in properly with the proper rightness and the l2OO. L synclironization pulses will be detected. If the signal is not "in sync." the picture will appear wildly skewed. The easiest way to tune SSTV is to wait for the transmitting operator to say something on voice and then tune him in while he is talking. With experience you may find you are able to zero in on a n SSTV signal by listening t o the sync pulses and by watching for proper synchronization on the screen. Many SSTV monitors are equipped with tuning aids of various kinds. If you want lo record slow-scan pictures off the air, there are two ways of doing it. One is to tape record thc audio The other is ' signal for playback later. to take a picture of the image right from the SSTV screen. Polaroid cameras equipped w i t h a close-up lens enable y o i to see the results shortly after the picture is ra.-,t. IOU want to d o this without darkening the room lights, you'll have IO fabricate a light-tight hood to fit bctween the camera and the monitor screen. On SSTV, FCC rules require that identification be made by voice or cw. Sending "This is WAOXYZ" on the screen is nof sufficient. Most stations intersperse the pictures with comments anyway, so voice i-d is not much of a problem. Otherwise, -SSTV operating procedures are quite similar to those used on ssb. As with RTTY. the station transmitter must be tuned for 100-percent duty cycle, since the SSTV emission is a constant tone. Only the frequency is changing. For more information about amateur TV, see Amaleur Televislon Magazine, c/o Mike Stone, W B Q C D , P.O. Box H, Lowden, 1A 52255. A QST television bibliography is available for a n s.a.s.e. from ARRL. 1 r' b", . APBU-00000268 Case 3:06-cv-00019-MHP Document 76-7 Filed 12/09/2006 Page 34 of 34 I . SLOW-SCAN i ELEVlSlON Nestled among the CW, phone and RTTY operators i n the Amateur Radio bands is a sizable following of 1i:itns wlio regularly exchange still pictures in a niaricr of scconds viriually anywhere on earth. They are using a systeni callctl slow-sunn television (SSTV), wliicli was originally designed by i i n aniaieur in rlic emly 1960s. Over the ycars, the amatcur . community has been continually refining and improving the quality of SSTV..Ainateur success with SSTV during tlie past two dccades tias led to its application by the military and commercial users as a reliable long-range. narrow-bandwidih transniission system. Tlie worldwide appeal of SSTV is manifested by tlie many DX stations that are now equipped for rhis type of picture transmission. Several amateurs have even worked over 100 DXCC countries on SSTV! Just as the name inrplies. SSTV is ilie transmission of a picture by very slowly transmitting llie pictiire elenicnts, while a television monitor at tlic receiviiig end reproduces it iii step. An SSTV signal is a variable frequency audio lone from 1500 Hz for black to 2300 Iiz for white, with I200 Hz used for synchronization pulses. Unlike f a s t - w n tclevision, which uses 30 frames per second. a single SSTV frame takes 81least eight to fill the screen. Additionally, the vertical resolution of SSTV is only 120 lines (or 128 for some digital systems) compared with 525 lines for fast-scan,.(Sonie high-resolution ` experimeiital designs are operating with 256 lines.) These disadvantages are offset by the Fact that SSTV requires less than 1/2000 of a last-scan TV's bandwid:li. Thus, tlie I`CC permits it in any amateur phone band. Tlie basic SSTV format represents a tradeoff anioiig bandwidlh, picture raic and rcsolulion. To achieve practical HI' long-distalice comniuiii~ations. tlic S S W spcclrum \vas designed to fit into a standard 3-kliz voice bandwidth through a reduction in picture resolution and frame rate. Thus, SSTV resolution is lower than FSTV and is displayed in tlic form of still pictures. A saniple SSTV picture is shown in Fig 16-6. In recent years, amateurs have becn actively experimenting with various forms o f video-processing techniques to provide limitcd motion and increased resolution. The greatest advanccments are currently being made in the realm of color SSTV. Unfortunately, most of this work has been done independently from each other, resulting in a niul~iiude.ol`dilfercnt SSTV color standards. Although the 12O-line/8-s format is standard for black and white, newconiers to SSTV should be cautioned `that color SSTV standards are in a state of flux which may severely limit interoperability. I n the coniing years; i t is expected that tlie amateur coinnpiity will adopt a single color format. License Requirements and Operating Frequencles In the H F bands, a General- or higher-class license i 5 required to operate SSTV. Operation is restricted to the phone portion of the bands. At U H F and above, a Technician-class amateur license or higher is needed, although tlie vast majority of SSTV activity occurs in tile HI: bands. In the US, slowscan TV using double-sideband AM or FM on Ilic HI: bands is not pcrmictcd. Tlie common accepted SSTV calling frequencies are 3.845 M H z (Advanced), 7.171 MHz (Advanced). 14.230 MHz (General) and 28.680 MHz (General). Traditionally, 20 meters has been the niost popular band for SSTV operations. A weekly internaiional SSTV net is lieid each Saturday at 1800 UTC on 14.230 MHz. Many ycars ago, when SST\' was first authorized. the 1:CC rcconinicnded that 16-6 Fig 16-6-SSTV picture as seen digital scan converter. on a standard TV set using.a . SSTVers not spread out across the band even though it was Icgal'to d o so. A "gentlemen's agreement" tias remained to this day that SSTVers operate as close as possible to Ihc above calling frequencies to maintain tlie problem-free operation t~iathas existed, for nearly 20 years.' . , ldentlfying On SSTV, the legal identification must be made by voice ''_ o? CW. Sending "This is W9NTP" on the screen is not suf- ficient. Mort stations intersperse the picture with commcnb ;inyway, jo voice 11) is not much of a problem. Otherwise SSTV operating procedures are quite similar to those used on SSB. Equipment All you need to get started is an SSl3 station (or FM station lor -VIiF/UHI:), a monitor, scan converter.and a video source. Like RTTY, SSTV is a 100%-duty-cycle transmission. Most sideband rigs will have to run considerably below their voice power ratings to avoid ruining the final amplifier or power supply. Early SSTV monitors used long-persistence CRTs much like classical radar displays. I n a darkened enviroiimen!. the image remained visible for a few seconds wliile the frame was.conipleted. This type of reception is u n i m a l today .and has bcen replaced with .digital scan converters which convert S,STV to FSTV to place a bright image on a conventional lelevision monitor. Some of this older equipment is available almost for the asking and is a good way, on a teniporary basis, to examine the SSTV mode without investing much money. hlotivated by the difficulty of observing SSTV pictures on the long-persistence CRTs. the scan converter is a result of recent advances i n digital techniques. In receive mode, the device converts tlie incoming audio to a fast-scan video signal that is usable by a conventional fast-scan TV moniior. Similarly, on transmit the converter cliaiiges tile fast-scan camcra outpiit to a standard slow-scan signal. A personal computer equipped with the proper software and interface aiakcs a highly cost-effective slow-scan converter. Computers Chapter 16 APBU-00000269

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