Chavez v. Blue Sky Natural Beverage Co. et al

Filing 147

ORDER directing counsel to review the attached draft class action notices in preparation for the hearing on 9/9/10 at 10 AM. (Attachments: # 1 Appendix, # 2 Appendix)(vrwlc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/8/2010)

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Chavez v. Blue Sky Natural Beverage Co. et al Doc. 147 Att. 2 LEGAL NOTICE If you are a woman and are or were employed by MNO, a class action lawsuit may affect your rights. You may be affected by a class action lawsuit about whether MNO, Inc. discriminated against women. WHO REPRESENTS YOU? The Court asked Lawfirm One, LLP of City, ST and Lawfirm Two, P.C. of City, ST, to represent you The lawsuit is called Johnson v. MNO, Inc., No. as "Class Counsel." You don't have to pay Class CV-00-1234, and is in the United States District Counsel, or anyone else, to participate. Instead, if they Court for the District of State. The Court decided this get money or benefits for the Class, they may ask the lawsuit should be a class action on behalf of a "Class," Court for attorneys' fees and costs, which would be or group of people, that could include you. This notice paid by MNO or out of any money recovered, before summarizes your rights and options before an up- giving the rest to the Class. You may hire your own coming trial. More information lawyer to appear in Court for you; is in a detailed notice available at if you do, you have to pay that the website below. If you're lawyer. Mary Johnson and Louise Who's affected? included, you have to decide Smith are Class members like whether to stay in the Class and you, and the Court accepted them Women account be bound by whatever results, as the "Class Representatives." executives employed or ask to be excluded and keep your right to sue MNO. There by MNO, Inc. any time WHAT ARE YOUR OPTIONS? is no money available now from June 6, 1996, and no guarantee that there You have a choice of whether through July 15, 2003, will be. to stay in the Class or not, and including current and you must decide this now. If you stay in the Class, you will be ARE YOU AFFECTED? former employees, and legally bound by all orders and full and part-time judgments of the Court, and you Women employed as acemployees. won't be able to sue, or continue count executives by MNO, Inc. to sue, MNO--as part of any at any time from June 6, 1996, other lawsuit--for gender disthrough July 15, 2003, are Class members. This includes women currently employed, crimination that occurred from June 6, 1996, through as long as they were hired on or before July 15, 2003, July 15, 2003. If money or benefits are obtained, you as well as those no longer employed, but who were will be notified about how to get a share. To stay in employed any time from June 6, 1996, through July the Class, you do not have to do anything now. 15, 2003. Those who worked at MNO as indepenIf you ask to be excluded from the Class, you dent contractors are NOT included. cannot get any money or benefits from this lawsuit if any are awarded, but you will keep any rights to sue WHAT IS THIS CASE ABOUT? MNO for these claims, now or in the future, and will not be bound by any orders or judgments of the Court. The lawsuit claims that MNO discriminated To ask to be excluded, send a letter to the address against female account executives. The suit claims below, postmarked by Month 00, 0000, that says women received less pay than men in similar jobs. It you want to be excluded from Johnson v. MNO, Inc. also says that MNO required women to achieve more Include your name, address, and telephone number. than men to get promoted. The lawsuit seeks to ensure an equal workplace for women, as well as money or HOW CAN YOU GET MORE INFORMATION? benefits for the Class. MNO denies it did anything wrong and says it has a fair workplace that gives women the same opportunities as men. The Court has not decided whether the Class or MNO is right. The lawyers for the Class will have to prove their claims at a trial set to begin on Month 00, 0000. If you have questions or want a detailed notice or other documents about this lawsuit and your rights, visit, or write to: MNO Class Action, P.O. Box 000, City, ST 00000-0000.

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