Apple Inc. v. Psystar Corporation

Filing 192

DECLARATION of MEHRNAZ BOROUMAND SMITH in Opposition to 182 MOTION for Summary Judgment [Declaration of Mehrnaz Boroumand Smith in Opposition to Psystar's Motion for Summary Judgment] filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit (s) 1-6, # 2 Exhibit (s) 7-14)(Related document(s) 182 ) (Boroumand Smith, Mehrnaz) (Filed on 10/22/2009)

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Apple Inc. v. Psystar Corporation Doc. 192 Att. 1 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page1 of 53 EXHIBIT 7 DECLARATION OF MEHRNAZ BOROUMAND SMITH IN OPPOSITION TO PSYSTAR'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page2 of 53 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page3 of 53 EXHIBIT 8 DECLARATION OF MEHRNAZ BOROUMAND SMITH IN OPPOSITION TO PSYSTAR'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page4 of 53 SteitPdnv PSYSTAR Corporation MWk-530058: Content Pages 26 Sep 2008 02:05 PM joel Davidson Hello, Greg. (Staff) The following links are the URL5 to the content pages we llave created. If you would like to change any of the pages just shoot us an e-mail reply, well be in the office tomorrow as well so we can definitely take care of that., d_appl e.htni httP:// apple computer. html uy_a_used_eppie_compu. html http://www.psystar. corn/looking_into_a_used_app computer. html computer. html http://www. psysta r. corn/looking_to_re pia ce_your_a ppie.htrnl http ://www.psystar. corn/rep laclng_yo nr_mac_nl nl.htmi http ://ww w . psys ta r . com/g et_p id_of_yo u r_pp c_nac1 http://www. psysta r. corn/repiacing_your_ppc_ma,tl http://www - psysta r. corn/check_out_the_mac_os. ttrnl httP:// html Posted on: 26 Sep 2008 02:05 PM (User) Greg Marsden Thanks, 1H take a look through these. One thing e did notice s that in lE on a po your phones in out of place on all the pages, see below: thanks, Greg. Posted on: 26 Sep 2008 02:14 PM Greg Marsden Hi J00l, (User) Aside Iron, the phone t being out of place In LE issue I mentioned earlier today I alto noticed the buy now buttons all go to the open pro page even when the page Is talking about the regular open computer like would probably scare off some people looking for the cheaper version. Can you go through those pages aad make sure it links to the right product. Also, I think in general ehe pages are on the right track though sorne of them are very brief end basically just the comparison. It might be a good idea to add testimonials fron, buyers or quotes from favorable reviews or some other additional content to these pages to help wake them more impactful and meaty. I don't think it would be a good idea io start running traffic at these just yet uni ii at least the buy Inks are fixed, can that be fised by Monday? Also I wanted to check on how your tracking works and If I nead to add anything to the uRLs below for tracking purposes? Do you aieo have Google conversion tracking already installed for your shopping ca re? Thanks, Greg. Posted on: 26Sep 2008 05:01 PM http://www. psyssa r. corn/check_Out_the_ma c_Os. html which Greg Marsden l-Il Joel, (User) Aside From the phone t being out of piace in LE issue I mentioned earlier today I also noeiced the buy now buttons all go to the open pro page even when ehe page is talking about the regular open computer like P300 9087 CONFIDENTIAL Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page5 of 53 make sure lt links to the right product. Also, I think in general the pages are on the right track though some of then are very brief and basically just the comparison. It might be a good idea to add testimonials from buyers or guotes from favorable reviews or some other additional content to these pages to help make them more impactful and meaty. I dont think it would be a good Idea to start runnIng traffic at these Just yet until at least the buy links are fixed. Can that be fixed by Monday? Also I wanted to check on how your tracking works and If I need to add anything to the URIs below for tracking purposes? installed for your shopping cart? Thanks, Greg. Posted on. 26sep2008 05:01 PM http://www.psystar.cora(theck_out_the_mac_os.html which would probably scare off some people looking for the cheaper version. Can you go through those pages and Oo you also have Google conversion trackFng already Rudy Pedraza Greg, (Staff) The google conversion code has been Installed. Regarding the landing page corrections, those will be done by tomorrow. I will have one of the web guys go through them and add some links/testimonials as we spoke about earlier as well. I'd still like to get these into a working state and start throwing some traffic on them sometime Best, --Rudy Posted on: 26 sap 2008 05:22 PM this weekend. That way we can be sure things are working by the time Monday comes around. Rudy Greg, Pedraza (usar) The google conversion code has been Instailed. Regarding the landing paga corrections, those will be done by tomorrow. I will hava one of the web guys go through them and add some links/testimonials as we spoke about earlier as well. I'd still like te get these Into a working state and start throwing some traffic on them sometime this weekend. That way we can be sure things are working by the time Monday comes around. Bett, --Rudy Ticket History Joel Oavidson (Staff) Posted On; 26 sep zoos 02:05 PM Hello, Greg. The following links are the URL5 to the content pages we have created. If you would like to change any of the pages just shoot us an e-mail reply, we'll be in the office tomorrow as well so we can definitely take care of that. http;//www. psysta aking_a bout_buying_a_used_apple. html http://www. psysta sed_a pple_coropute,. html http://www. psysta html http: //www. psysta sed_a pple_computer. h tri, I http://www. psysta r.html http: //www.psysta html http: //www.psysta r. com/replacing_your_mac_ml nl.html http: //www.psysta r_ppc_m Sc. html http://www.psysta c. html http://www.psysta r.comcheck_out_th e_mac_os.htmi http://www.psysta r. corn/looking_to_get_an_apple_cow puter.htrnl Greg Marsien (ClIent) Posted On; 26 Sep ZOOa 02:14 PM Thanks, Ill take a look through these. one thing I did nolice is that in lE on a pc your phone# is out of place on all the pages, see below: P500 9088 CONFIDENTIAL Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page6 of 53 thanks, Greg. imageool.png (88.48 KO) Greg Marsden (Client) Posted on: 26 sep 2008 05:01 PM Hi Joel, Aside from the phone t being out of place in XE issue I mentioned earlier today I also noticed the buy now buttons all go to the open pro page even when the page is talking about the regular open computar like which would probably scare off some people looking for the cheaper version. Can yeu go through those pages and make sure it lioka to the right product. Also, t think in general the pages are on the right track though some of thorn are very brief and basically just the comparison. It might be a good Idea to add testimonials from buyers or quotes from ravorable reviews or some other additional content to shese pagas to help make than more lmpactful and meaty. I dont think lt would be a good idea to start running traffic at these just yet until at least the buy links ara fixed. Can that be fixed by Monday? Also I wanted to check on how your tracking works and if I nasd to add anything to the URLs below for tracking purposes? Do you also have Googla conversion tracking already installed for your shopping cart? Thanks, Greg. Greg Marsden (Client) Posted On: 26 sep ZOOS 05:01 PM Hi Joel, Aside from the phone # being out of piace in LE issue I mentioned earlier today I also noticed the buy now buttons all go to the open pro page even when the page is talking about the regular open computer like http://www. which would probably scare off tome people looking for the cheaper version. Can you go through those pages and slake sure it links to the right product. Also, I think in general the pages ers on the right track though sons of them are very brief and basically just the comparison. lt might be a good Idea to add testimonials from buyers or quotes from favorable reviews or some other additional content to shese pages to help make theni more I mpactful and meaty. 1 don't think It would be a good idea to start running traffic at these Just yet until at least the buy links are fixed. Can that be fixed by Monday? Also I wanted to check on how your tracking works end if I need to add anything to the URLs below for tracking purposes? Do you also hove Coogleconvcrsion tracking already i nstalied for your she pping cart? Thanks, Greg. Tickes Details Ticket ID; MMM-530058 Department: Admin Priority: Medium Status: Open Posted on: ZOSep zooa 85:12 PM PSOO 9089 CONFIDENTIAL Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page7 of 53 EXHIBIT 9 DECLARATION OF MEHRNAZ BOROUMAND SMITH IN OPPOSITION TO PSYSTAR'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT leopard on pc - Google Search Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Page 1 of2 Filed10/22/09 Page8 of 53 Web Imag~s Videos Map.. News SlLQgmng Gmail more.. Sign in Coogle tleopard",!W Web Sh.Qw .Q!2tion~,- i Search i Advancejlces Preferen Search Results 1 - 10 of about 12,700,000 for !eop_ard on~. (0.18 seconds) Hack Attack: Install Leopard on your PC in 3 easy steQs! I dailyApQs i bet this is the easiest way to Install Mac OS X Leopard OSx86 on PC Dual Boot Windows 7, Vista in 9 Easy Steps ... da i Iya pps. net!. . .Ihack-attack -insta II-Ieopard-o n-you r -pc-in -3easy-steps/ - Cached - Similar (�onsored Links) IInsJaJHogitS_X-Qn A,p�) (OSX86 Compatible Hardware Platfo.!~ ,Get The Full OS X Experience Now" ~y'sta r. co m/TheAp'p'1 eM a cAltern atiVe Hack Attack: Install Leopard On your PC in Just One SteQ I dailyApQs Its been nearly two months, since i last wrote my guide to Install Leopard on your PC in just 3 Steps. Weill wanted to write a better ... d ailya pps. net!. . .Ihack-attack-install-Ieopard-o n- you r -pc-injust-one-step/ -~9chell - SimilcU Install Leopard on your PC in One step! (( Graphic Design Blog Feb 23, 2008 ... index_hero20071016lts been nearly two months, since I last wrote my guide to Install Leopard on your PC in just 3 Steps. ... - .Gached - Similar Installing Leopard on a PC You're on your own if you want to run Leopard on a PC, but Apple is more than willng to sell you a Mac with Leopard pre-installed. ... - Cached - Similar Install Mac OSX Leopard to (almost) any PC in one step - MAC.BLORGE Install Mac OSX Leopard to (almost) any PC in one step Want to use the glamorous Mac OSX? Don't have money to buy a Mac? That's okay because a new guide has ... mac.blorge.coml...Iinstall-mac-osx-leopard-to-almost-any-pc-in-one-step/ - Cacheq - $imilgr losJaILQ_S_2CQO_'(QlJLHa�kjntasb_PC,._N9J=,a�Jsing _Be_qqiCe.O-=LeQP-ard_.,., Jan 24, 2008 ... Two months ago i walked through how to build a Hackintosh Mac on the cheap using PC parts. Since that post, the OSx86 scene has changed ... Iifeh a cker. com/. . .Iinsta II-os- x-on-your -hackintosh-pc-no-ha cking-requ ired - S imila r Testing Grounds: Leopard OS X 10.5.6 On Your PC Apr 2, 2009 ... This post covers how to install Leopard 10.5.6 on your PC using the ... This is a set of guidelines for installng OS X Leopard onto a PC. ... 056-on-your-pc.html - Cached - Similar Guide: Snow Leo(1ard on PC 10a432(GOLD MASTER!!!l-1 TeknoJunkie Aug 13, 2009 ... Hello, as most of you know Snow Leopard is coming out in a month. Its well supported for Macs, but hey why not PC's? Oa421 a-1 Oa432-coming-soon/ - Cached - Similar 5 Things You SholJld Know About Snow Leopard__- PC World. Despite a lack of new end-user features, there's stil plenty to like about Apple's next Mac OS version. APP _PSY0056611 ? q=l eopard+on+pc&r1 s=com. mi crosoft: en -us&i e= UTF -8&... 8/20/2009 leopard on pc - Google Search Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Page 2 of2 Filed10/22/09 Page9 of 53 ww.pcworld.coml...I5_things_you_should_know_abouCsnow_leopard.htmlCached - Similar Video results for leo(1ard on (1C ~. ". .'. ,. "'. Ins!all Leopard on Pc Detailed ,- ". 8 min .... . D..' '. . Installing Leopard On Pc ,J "'10 min , ' Guide .... Searches related to: leopard on pc le..l2ard on pc guide. Le.QlLa�:LO.n_p~ torrent kalyWayJ,eQPJlidiQ.5.,j sse2 sse3 9J~-,lt86 leQPJlf~Qn I~QP_ard OJJJ2C dy,al vmware haJ:~kiDlQ.b boot iatkQ.s 1 2 .:l ~ ~ Q I �. ~ 1Q Next leopard on pc � Search i Search within results - Language Tools - Search Help - Dissatisfied? Help us improve - Try Google Experimental Google Home - Act_'&I1~ingELQgmrr,S - 6.u's.ine_s_S_SQly.tLQ.D's - PrivJl�y - 8l)ou1QQQg~ APP _PSY0056612 ? q=l eopard+on+pc&rl s=com.m icrosoft: en -us&i e=UTF -8&... 812012009 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page10 of 53 EXHIBIT 10 DECLARATION OF MEHRNAZ BOROUMAND SMITH IN OPPOSITION TO PSYSTAR'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page11 of 53 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page12 of 53 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page13 of 53 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page14 of 53 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page15 of 53 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page16 of 53 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page17 of 53 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page18 of 53 EXHIBIT 11 DECLARATION OF MEHRNAZ BOROUMAND SMITH IN OPPOSITION TO PSYSTAR'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page19 of 53 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page20 of 53 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page21 of 53 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page22 of 53 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page23 of 53 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page24 of 53 EXHIBIT 12 DECLARATION OF MEHRNAZ BOROUMAND SMITH IN OPPOSITION TO PSYSTAR'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Dell Laptops, Desktop Computers, Monitors, Printers & PC Accessories Page 1 of 1 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page25 of 53 My Account | Premier Login | Support FOR HOME FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESS FOR PUBLIC SECTOR FOR LARGE ENTERPRISE Search Buy Online or Call 1-800-WWW-DELL What's New Headlines Dell Deals IMMERSE YOURSELF: Escape into a creative multimedia experience with the new Studio XPS 8000 desktop. 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CNET Laptop Buying Guide Intel�/AMD� Processor Guide Frequently Asked Questions Environmental Initiatives Gl os sary Set Me Free Video Gallery Boring vs Normal Support Technical Support Laptop Forums Drivers & Downloads Warranty & Services Windows� 7 Upgrade Option About Toshiba About Us Contact Us Reseller Partners Ways to Buy Toshiba History Toshiba Events Press Room Connect Consumer Notices | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | About Toshiba | Site Map | Press Room � Copyright 2009, Toshiba America Information Systems. All Rights Reserved. | Feedbac k | Share 9/13/2009 Laptops, Netbooks & Notebook Computers | Toshiba Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Page 1 of 1 Filed10/22/09 Page30 of 53 Windows�. Life without WallsTM. Toshiba recommends Windows. laptops & accessories projectors innovation lab expert advice set me free Search Our top selling laptops These well-priced 14" - 17.3" laptops give you the quality you deserve for handling life's essentials at home, school or work. 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CNET Laptop Buying Guide Intel�/AMD� Processor Guide Frequently Asked Questions Environmental Initiatives Gl os sary Set Me Free Video Gallery Boring vs Normal Support Technical Support Laptop Forums Drivers & Downloads Warranty & Services Windows� 7 Upgrade Option About Toshiba About Us Contact Us Reseller Partners Ways to Buy Toshiba History Toshiba Events Press Room Connect Consumer Notices | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | About Toshiba | Site Map | Press Room � Copyright 2009, Toshiba America Information Systems. All Rights Reserved. | Feedbac k | Share 9/13/2009 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page31 of 53 EXHIBIT 14 DECLARATION OF MEHRNAZ BOROUMAND SMITH IN OPPOSITION TO PSYSTAR'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page32 of 53 AMENDED EXPERT REPORT OF PROFESSOR CAROL A. SCOTT September 16, 2009 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page33 of 53 I. Qualifications I am a Professor of Marketing at the Anderson Graduate School of Management at the University of California, Los Angeles ("UCLA"). I hold a Ph.D. in Marketing from Northwestern University, where my minor field of study was Social Psychology. I also received a Master of Science in Management degree from Northwestern University and a Bachelor of Science in Business and History Education degree from the University of Texas at Austin. I have served variously as the Chairman of the Faculty, Associate Dean, and Assistant Dean of the Anderson Graduate School of Management from 1985 through the Anderson School Executive Program. 1994. I am currently the faculty director of Over the past thirty years, I have taught courses on Marketing Strategy and Management, Consumer Behavior, Advertising, Distribution Strategy, and International Marketing to students in undergraduate and graduate education programs at UCLA, Stanford Business School, Harvard Business School, and Ohio State University. I also have published numerous journal aricles, research reports, and book chapters on Consumer Behavior, Marketing Research and other marketing topics, a complete list of which is included in my the Currculum Vitae, attached hereto (Exhibit 1). I have served on the editorial boards of Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Consumer Research. I have been a member of the board of directors for Sizzler International and A-Fern the board of directors of Medical Corporation, Inc. and currently am a member of United Online, Inc. and Classmates Media Corp. Over the past 26 years I have served as a consultant and testifying expert for a variety of issues. A list of my recent testimony projects is attached (Exhibit 2). 2 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page34 of 53 II. Scope of Opinions I have been asked by counsel for Apple Inc. ("Apple") to investigate various issues with respect to the level of recognition by consumers of the Mac OS X Leopard desktop the image as well as the likelihood that consumers would be confused by Psystar's use of Mac OS X Leopard operating system on its computers and by its offer on its website to sell computers that purport to use the Mac OS X Leopard operating system. Finally, I was asked to address the extent to which Apple's brand equity and reputation would be hared by the sale ofPsystar computers that are described as running the Mac OS X Leopard operating system. III. Summary of Opinions Having reviewed and analyzed the evidence available to me, it is my opinion that: 1. Consumers in the market for a personal computer recognize the Mac OS X Leopard desktop image, and they believe that it is put out by a single source, i.e., it has acquired secondary meaning. Furher, a large percentage of consumers who recognize the desktop associate it with the Apple or Mac brands. 2. Despite Psystar's small changes to the Mac OS X Leopard desktop image and the fact that Psystar does not install the operating system on Apple hardware products, consumers who see Psystar's version of the Mac OS X Leopard desktop image running on Psystar computers in a post-sale environment also are likely to recognize the desktop image. In my studies, the number of consumers who viewed Psystar's altered desktop image running on Psystar computers and associated it with a single company was similar to the number of 3 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page35 of 53 consumers who viewed the unaltered desktop image and associated it with a single company. In both instances, the most frequently mentioned company was Apple; i.e., consumers are likely to be confused that the operating system running on the Psystar computers is the same as that sold by Apple. 3. Consequently, consumers shopping for computers on the Psystar website are likely to be confused as to the relationship between Apple and Psystar. That is, consumers are likely to believe that Psystar has and is required to obtain permission from Apple to offer Apple's Mac OS X Leopard operating system on its computers. Thus Psystar's use of the Mac OS X Leopard operating system on its website and on its computers is likely to create a false association between Psystar and Apple. Further, consumers who experience problems when using Psystar computers are likely to believe that they are entitled to technical service and support from Apple. 4. Consumers are likely to believe that technical problems they experience with Psystar computers are due, at least in part, to the Mac OS X Leopard operating system. Therefore, Apple's world famous brand, its reputation for quality products, as well as the Apple marks which stand for the Apple and Mac brands (e.g., "Apple", "Mac", and the Apple logo), and which are used by Psystar on its website and computers, all wil be tarished. iv. Basis of Opinions My opinions are based on three surveys conducted under my supervision in July and August, 2009, as well as on a review of other documents filed in this case and my 4 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page36 of 53 professional expertise in this area. 1 Exhibit 3 lists the materials I obtained from counseL. Detailed support for each of my opinions is given below. In my professional opinion each of the sureys undertaken was done in a proper and unbiased maner consistent with well accepted standards of marketing research and consumer research done in the context of litigation.2 These results are valid and reliable. I am continuing my review and analysis, and I may refine or expand my opinions as further information and materials come to my attention. I reserve the right to supplement this report to the extent that additional information becomes available which may affect my opinions. A. The desktop image of Mac OS X Leopard (hereafter "Mac OS") is recognized by consumers as having a single source, i.e., it has acquired secondary meaning. There can be no doubt that Apple is one of the world's most famous brands. Numerous third party brand rankings consistently include Apple in their lists of top global brands. For example, Milward Brown's "Brandz" list of top 100 global brands released in April, 2009, ranks Apple as number six in the world with a brand value of just over $63 bilion.3 Similarly, the well-known brand consulting firm, Interbrand, in its top global brand rankings for 2008, listed Apple as number 24 in the world with a brand value of almost $14 bilion.4 Indeed, all major brand ranings include Apple among the most famous and valuable.5 i As suggested by some sources in the field of litigation research, I observed three focus groups and several one-on-one personal interviews of consumers in the market for personal computers that were conducted by a member of my staff to assist me in preparing surey questions in clear and easily understandable language (See Diamond, Shari Seidman, "Reference Guide on Surey Research," in Reference Manual on Scientific this pretesting was to Evidence, 2nd. Ed. (Federal Judicial Center, 2000), pgs. 229-276). The purose of ensure that questions would be understood as I intended them, and I have relied on them to help design the surveys that were used and discussed in this report. 2 ibid. 3See 4 See 5 See affdavit of Thomas R. La Perle, "Use of the Apple and Apple Logo Trademarks and Variants," August 12, 2009, for a more inclusive list. 5 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page37 of 53 These high brand ranings have not been achieved through happenstance, but rather through substantial and consistent brand building activities. Chief among these activities, of course, is a well-resourced and impeccably executed integrated marketing communications program that includes media advertising, outdoor billboards, sponsorships and events, and a substantial web presence among other elements. I understand that in 2008 alone, Apple spent almost $500 milion dollars on advertising, and has spent almost $4 billion dollars on advertising in 1994 through 2008.6 Advertising alone, however, canot create a strong valuable brand. Rather, strong brands that stand for excellence are built through consistently outstanding product quality, product design, and brand consistent distribution and pricing strategies.? Indeed, Apple is often used in university classrooms, including mine, as a classic, textbook example of how to use each element of the marketing mix, i.e., product, promotion, distribution, and pricing, to create a strong brand that resonates with its customers. Along with the overall Apple corporate brand, Apple has also built and promoted several product and product family brands that have achieved fame in their own right. Chief among these, perhaps, is the Macintosh, or Mac family of computers and operating systems which was first introduced during the 1984 Superbowl with the iconic and now legendary "1984" advertisement. I understand that the Mac family of products has been promoted consistently alongside the Apple corporate brand since that time, and that it has contributed, and continues to contribute, a large portion of Apple's revenues and profits.s 6 Ibid., p. 40. 7 See for example, Aaker, David A., Building Strong Brands, New York: The Free Press, 1996 Chapter 2 for an example of a successful, integrated brand building program for Satu when that automobile was first introduced. 8 See Affdavit of the Apple and apple Logo Trademarks and Variants," dated Thomas R. La Perle, "Use of August 12, 2009, and Affdavit of John Donald, "Use of the Mac Trademarks and Variants," dated August 12,2009. 6 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page38 of 53 Both the Apple corporate brand and the Mac product brand use a number of well-known logos or trademarks and other trade dress elements to denote their identity.9 In July and August, 2009, I conducted a nationwide survey of297 U. S. individuals in the market for a personal computer to determine the degree to which the standard Mac os X Leopard desktop image which includes various Apple and Mac marks and other elements of trade dress has acquired secondary meaning, i.e., that the design or product is recognized in the market by a significant number of consumers as identifying a single source, regardless of whether consumers know who or what that source is.lO Specifically, my study was designed to test whether consumers believe the Mac OS X Leopard desktop image is associated with a single company. I further investigated the degree to which consumers identify the single company source as Apple or Macintosh and the degree to which elements of the desktop image are used as source identifiers. In-person interviews were conducted in ten locations across the United States: New York, Atlanta, Tampa, Akon, Dallas, Chicago, Seattle, San Diego, Denver, and San Jose. Participants were recruited in shopping malls, and interviews were conducted in private offces off of the mall floor. No Apple stores were located in these malls, which are listed in Exhibit 4. Between 30 and 35 interviews were conducted at each location. All participants were screened either to have personally purchased a computer within the past twelve months (54%) or to have personally stared shopping and doing the research to purchase a computer in the next twelve months (46%). In addition, respondents were asked a series of other qualifying questions to ensure that study respondents: 9 Ibid. 10 See Ninth Circuit Manual of model jur instrctions civil (Trademark) 15.10(Aug. 2009 ed.) 7 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page39 of 53 � Were at least 18 years of age; � Had no one in their household who worked for an advertising agency, a public relations firm or a marketing research company; � Had no one in their household who worked for a company that manufactures, distributes or sells computers; � Had no one in their household who worked for a store in the mall; � Had not heard about the topic or subject of any interviews being conducted in the mall; and � Had not participated in a market research study, other than a political poll, in the last 6 months. Quotas for age and gender were established to create a sample similar to personal 1 computer purchasers. 1 The demographic breakdown of paricipants is shown in Exhibit 5. A copy of the recruitment screening questionnaire is shown in Exhibit 6. In accordance with generally accepted procedures designed to reduce any potential bias, the survey was conducted on a double-blind basis, i.e., procedures were followed to ensure that neither the interviewers nor the interviewees knew the purpose or sponsor of the surveyor knew that the survey was in any way connected to litigation. Interviews were 5 to 10 minutes in length. I developed the questionnaire and interview methodology, and a member of my staff trained, instructed and supervised all of the interviewers. To reduce any tendency toward guessing, general instructions asked respondents to tell the interviewer if they did not know or were not sure of an answer to any question. Survey participants were then asked to look at large color photographs of computer screens from the three operating systems that Psystar sells: LinuxlUuntu, Mac OS X Leopard, and Windows. No monitors were visible in these photographs to prevent any II Apple: Grow Mac Study: APP _PSY0056267 8 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page40 of 53 identification being based upon the name of the hardware manufacturer. The name of the hard drve icon on the Mac OS photograph was changed from the standard "Macintosh HD" to "Hard Drive" so as not to provide respondents with the brand name of the operating system. The photographs of the two other operating systems were included in the study to disguise the true object of the study (i.e., respondents would not know that we were most interested in their beliefs about the Mac OS photograph). In addition, the photograph of the Windows operating system was used to provide a benchmark of results for perhaps the most widely used and most well-known personal computer operating system. The photograph of the LinuxlUuntu operating system functioned as a type of control group to help rule out the hypothesis that respondents would identify any nonWindows operating system as an Apple or Mac product. Copies of the photographs used in this study are shown in Exhibit 7. Pictures were presented individually to the participants and the order was rotated across the three operating systems. The participant was told to take as long as shelhe wanted to look at each photograph. After looking at each photograph, survey participants were asked if they recognized what appeared on the pictured screen. Paricipants who answered positively were asked if they associated the computer screen or any parts of it with one company or with more than one company. Then they were asked to name the company or companies that they had in mind. To determine any substantive basis for these answers, participants were asked to state their reasons for identifying each company mentioned. These last two questions were open-ended, that is, participants were not prompted with responses or given choices, therefore allowing participants the opportunity to say whatever came to mind. 9 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page41 of 53 Interviewers recorded all responses verbatim. Paricipants were then asked to indicate which operating systems were used by computers that they had ever owned and which operating system is used on the computer they currently own. Finally, respondents were asked to grade themselves on a four point scale regarding their proficiency with computers. All responses were entered online by the interviewers. A copy of the complete questionnaire is provided in Exhibit 8. The Instrctions to Interviewers is given in Exhibit 9. After all the interviews were completed, all surey paricipants were called to validate the sureyY The results of this survey indicate that a large majority of consumers in the market the 297 for personal computers recognize the Mac OS X Leopard desktop image. Of respondents, 233 (78.5%) recognized the image in the photograph of Mac OS X Leopard. LinuxlUuntu and 93.6% who This compares to 44.4% who recognized the photograph of recognized Windows. The widespread recognition of Mac OS X Leopard - almost 80% of respondents - is quite remarkable given its small market share relative to Windows.13 Of the 297 total paricipants in the study, 166 (55.9%) associated the image with only one company, or a single source. There are persuasive reasons to assess secondary meaning by considering only those consumers who have seen or who recognize the image14. Obviously, consumers who have not seen the image cannot have any secondary associations with it. The proportion of those people who are familiar with the image and have formed a secondary association is a better measure of the distinctiveness and the 12 All participants were called to confirm their partcipation in the surey. Partcipants who had provided wrong telephone numbers were excluded from the surey. 133 participants were actually contacted, and all confrmed their participation in the survey. 13 "HP Takes the Lead in u.s. PC Market as Consumer Shipments Beat Expectations, According to IDC," Reuters, 4/15/09. 14 "Sureying Secondary Meaning", Vincent N. Palladino, The Trademark Reporter, March 1994-April 1994, 84 TMR 155. 10 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page42 of 53 distinctive capabilities of a mark. Under this approach, I calculate that 71.2% of consumers, i.e., 166 of233 respondents, believe that the image stems from a single source. This result again compares favorably with the 71.3% of respondents who recognized the Windows image and associated it with one company. Thus, I conclude that the desktop image of the Mac OS X Leopard operating system has acquired secondary meaning. Although not required for a determination of secondary meaning, respondents in my study were further questioned to determine whether they could, in fact, name the 15 Of respondents who recognized the Mac company or companies that they had in mind. OS X Leopard desktop image, 66.1 % (154 out of233) correctly named Apple and/or Macintosh as the single company with which they associate the desktop image. The percentage of all respondents who correctly named Apple or Macintosh as the single company with which they associated the desktop image was also high, i.e., 51.9% (154 of 297). Despite its high market share, for the Windows desktop, approximately 55.2% of respondents (164 of297) recognized the image and solely associated it with Microsoft or Windows. Only 3 % (9 of 297) of respondents who viewed the Ubuntu desktop associated this image with Apple or Macintosh, demonstrating that consumers do not simply assume that any non-Windows operating system is associated with Apple or Macintosh. To fuher investigate the substantive basis of respondents' beliefs about the source of the desktop images, respondents were asked what made them think that the photographs were associated with the particular companies they had identified. As shown in Exhibit 10 Table 5, 73.4% (105) mentioned one or more features of the desktop image as reasons for associating the Mac OS X Leopard desktop with Apple or Macintosh. The respondents 15 This procedure also serves as a check on the robustness of respondents' answers to the question regarding single or multiple company associations. 11 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page43 of 53 mentioned the Apple icon, the Finder in the menu bar, the icons along the bottom or the dock, specific program icons, and the aurora borealis background as well as the overall look and feel (e.g., "everyhing"). These results provide strong evidence that the Mac OS X Leopard desktop image is widely recognized and is perceived to be provided by a single company. Although association with a single but anonymous source would be suffcient to demonstrate that the image has acquired secondary meaning,16 these results show that a majority of consumers know the identity of the source, i.e., the Apple or Macintosh brands and base this identity on one or more of the Apple marks or specific features of the image. B. Consumers who see Psystar's version of the Mac OS X Leopard desktop image running on Psystar computers in a post-sale environment also are likely to recognize the image and associate it with solely with Apple. This means they are likely to be confused that the operating system on Psystar's computers is the same as that sold by Apple. I understand that Psystar has slightly altered the Mac OS X Leopard desktop design and runs a version of Mac OS X Leopard that has I? Accordingly, I wanted to test whether been modified to run on Psystar's computers. these changes would affect consumer perceptions of the desktop image or avoid confusion that would otherwise be present if consumers believe that the Mac OS X Leopard on the Psystar computer is the same as the Mac OS X Leopard that is solely associated with Apple. Once a customer purchases a Psystar computer that runs its version of the Mac OS, that computer and the desktop image may be viewed or used by other consumers in a post-sale environment. For example, someone walking past the desk of a person using a 16 See Footnote 14 17 See Report of Dr. John Kelly, Section S.D. 12 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page44 of 53 Psystar computer may see the operating system softare as displayed on the monitor. To determine the degree to which consumers would be confused by observations of or experiences with a Psystar computer rung its version of Mac OS X, and believe that the operating system is the same as that sold by Apple, I conducted a second study of 283 consumers in ten cities in the United States in July and August, 2009. These cities were: New York, Tampa, Atlanta, Akon, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Seattle, San Jose and San Diego. The screening criteria for inclusion, and the procedures and survey questions were exactly the same as for the first study. The only difference was that the photographs in this second study were photographs of non-Apple computer monitors running the three operating systems sold by Psystar: Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. The photograph of the Psystar machine ruing its version of Mac OS X was almost identical to the photograph of the Mac OS X Leopard screen shown in the first, secondary meaning study. See Exhibit 11. The Psystar version of the Mac OS renames the hard drive the "Open HD" and one or more icons are missing along the bottom portions of the screen in the dock area. Paricipants were asked to assume that they were walking past someone . else's computer, and saw these images on the screen. All responses were entered online by the interviewers. A copy ofthe complete questionnaire is provided in Exhibit 12. The results of this study clearly indicate that consumers are highly likely to be confused by Psystar's version of the Mac OS X operating system and to identify it as being associated with Apple or Macintosh. Once again, 80.6% (228) of the 283 total respondents recognized the photo. This compares with 92.9% (263) who recognized the photograph of the Windows desktop, and 45.2% (128) who recognized the LinuxlUuntu 13 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page45 of 53 screen. Ofthe total sample of283 respondents for this study, 58% (164) associated the Max OS X Leopard image with only one company. This compares favorably to 69.6% (197) of the total sample who associated the Windows desktop with only one company. Finally, the company most frequently mentioned as the one company respondents associated with the image was Apple or Macintosh, mentioned by 150 of the respondents, or 53.0% of the total sample (150 of283), and 65.8% of those who initially said they recognzed it. A comparable analysis for the Windows desktop image showed that 162 respondents associated the image with Microsoft. This represents 57.2% of the total sample (162 of283) and 61.6% ofthose who said they recognized the image at all (162 of263). Very few respondents thought that Apple or Macintosh were associated with the relatively unfamiliar LinuxlUuntu softare, i.e., 8, or 2.8% of the total sample. A further analysis was done to test the hypothesis that more experienced computer users, being more knowledgeable, would be less likely to be confused. This analysis, however, showed that respondents who rated themselves as more knowledgeable about computers where just as likely to be confused as less knowledgeable consumers. As I did in the secondary meaning survey reported earlier, I also asked respondents why they associated the image with a paricular company, e.g., Apple or Mac. In this study, like the secondary meaning one, respondents mentioned varous features of the Mac OS X Leopard image. Specifically, 111 respondents, or 79.3%, of those who associated it with Apple or Mac did so because of one or more of these features (see Exhibit 10-6). In sumary, my study shows that consumers, and even fairly sophisticated consumers, are very likely to associate the desktop image shown on Psystar systems with 14 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page46 of 53 only one company and to believe that company is Apple or Macintosh. They also are likely, therefore, to be confused in the belief that the Psystar system is the same Mac OS X Leopard operating system that is sold by Apple. C. Consumers shopping on the Psystar website are likely to be confused as to the relationship between Psystar and Apple. In July and August 2009, I conducted a nationwide survey of356 participants to determine consumers' understanding of the relationship between Psystar and Apple. In- person interviews were conducted by experienced interviewers in research facilities in shopping malls in ten cities across the United States in order to reflect the geographic diversity of major markets for personal computers. These ten cities were New York, Atlanta, Tampa, Akon, Dallas, Chicago, Seattle, San Diego, Denver, and San Francisco. No Apple stores were located in any of the malls. Approximately 30 to 35 interviews were conducted at each location. A list of the malls in provided in Exhibit 4. All survey respondents were screened to ensure that they had, in the past twelve months, personally purchased a computer from a website similar to Psystar's, i.e., where the purchaser configures the computer's specific features such as size of hard drive or type of processor, or that they planned to purchase, in the next 12 months, a computer from the same kind of website. To emphasize a population that likely would be attracted to the Psystar website and to be interested in both paries' products, respondents were screened such that two-thirds of the respondents had purchased or planed to consider purchasing an "Apple", "Macintosh", "Mac", "iMac", "MacMini", or "MacPro". Furher, this breakdown of computer ownership or consideration is consistent with the definition ofPsystar's target market given by Mr. Rodolfo Pedraza in Exhibit 8 to his 15 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page47 of 53 deposition taken on March 19,2009.18 Specifically, this documents states that Psystar's target users and markets are (l) Windows based PC users who want to experience Mac Os X without paying the premium for an Apple computer, (2) current Apple users who would like a machine that can be upgraded, and (3) users looking to buy a used Apple computer to save money. Respondents were asked a series of additional qualifying questions to include in the sample only those who: . Were at least 18 years of age; . Had no one in their household who worked for an advertising agency, a public relations firm or a marketing research company; . Had no one in their household who worked for a company that manufactures distributes, or sells computers. . Had no one in their household who worked for a store in the mall; . Had not heard about the topic or subject of any interviews being conducted in the mall, and; . Had not paricipated in a marketing research study, other than a political poll, in the last six months. Age and gender quotas were established so that the sample would be similar to online purchasers of Apple computers. The demographic breakdown of participants is shown in Exhibit 14. A copy of the recruitment screening questionnaire is shown in Exhibit 15. The surey was conducted on a double-blind basis, meaning that neither the interviewer nor the interviewees knew the purpose or sponsor of the surveyor knew that the survey was in any way connected to litigation. Interviews were 6 to 10 minutes in 18 Deposition of Rodolfo Pedraza, March 19, 2009, Exhbit 8, page 16 titled "Target Users and Markets." 16 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page48 of 53 length. I developed the questionnaire and interview methodology, and a member of my staff trained, instructed and supervised all of the interviewers. Approximately 8 to 10 respondents on the first day of interviewing in each location were pre-recruited by telephone to ensure that an adequate number of respondents would be available while a member of my staff was present to train interviewers and observe several interviews for quality control puroses. All other respondents were recruited from the mall floor. The screening questions used to recruit paricipants was the same whether respondents were pre-recruited via telephone or solicited from the mall floor. General surey instructions asked respondents to tell the interviewer if they did not know or were unsure of an answer to any question. Respondents were first shown a photograph ofPsystar's website home page (See Exhibit 16), and asked if they had ever heard ofPsystar. If they had heard of the company, they were asked what they had heard. the operating Next, respondents were asked which company or companies make each of systems listed for sale on the Psystar home page. Respondents were then shown a photograph of the Psystar webpage offering the Open Q computer, which rus Mac OS X Leopard, for sale, and asked if they believed that Psystar needed to get permission from the maker of Mac OS X to offer this system. Respondents were then asked why they gave the answer they did, i.e., either that Psystar needed permission or it did not. Next, respondents were presented with a list of four common computer problems and asked for each one if they thought that the problem would likely be due to (i) the particular hardware sold by Psystar, (ii) the paricular operating system running on the computer, i.e., Max OS X, or (iii) a combination of both the hardware and the operating system. Respondents were asked whether or not they would be eligible for technical support from 17 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page49 of 53 the company that makes Mac OS X if they purchased a computer from Psystar and experienced diffculties with it. Finally, respondents were asked to rate themselves on a four-point scale regarding their proficiency with computers. All responses were entered online by the interviewers. A copy ofthe complete questionnaire is provided in Exhibit 17, and a copy of the Instructions to Interviewers in Exhibit 9. A total of22 respondents indicated that they had heard ofPsystar prior to the surey and were eliminated from fuher analysis, leaving a total sample of320.l9 Complete tabulated results for these respondents is found in Exhibit 10-4. As shown in this exhibit, most consumers are aware of the companies that make the Mac OS X and Windows operating systems. Approximately 71.6% (229) of the respondents correctly named Apple or Mac as the company or companies that make the Mac OS X operating system. This compares with 219 (68.4%) of respondents who said that the Windows operating system is made by Microsoft, a Microsoft named operating system such as Vista, or Windows operating system, and with 46 respondents (14.4%) who said that Linux, Open Source, Red Hat, or Ubuntu make the Linux operating system. Only 23 respondents or 7.2% thought that the relatively unfamiliar Linux operating system is made by Apple or Mac, and only 16 (5.0%) thought that Windows is made by Apple or Mac. A large majority of consumers believed that there must be a relationship between Psystar and Apple. In particular, 76.6% of the respondents stated that they believed that 19 Consumers who have heard ofPsystar may also have heard about ths litigation, and thus not be ideal candidates for an unbiased surey. In addition, some of these consumers might have purchased Psystar computers or known people who did which could also affect how they viewed the website after the fact of purchase. In addition some comments about what these consumers had heard about Psystar reflects a potential bias against Psystar. In any event, an analysis of these respondents indicates that none of the conclusions in my report would be changed if their responses were included and the results for them are available in Appendix A. 18 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page50 of 53 Psystar needed Apple's permission in order to sell the Mac OS X operating system on its computers. There were many reasons for this belief, but the most frequently offered reasons were that (1) there were issues involving copyrghts, patents, or licensing (23.3%) (2) Apple's name is being used and that Apple has the right to control its own name, software or goodwill (20.0%), (3) legal issues would arse ifPsystar did not have permission (13.1%); and (4) that Mac OS X does not belong to Psystar (27.8%). Perhaps because they feel that Apple has given its permission for Psystar to sell the Mac os X operating system, a large majority of consumers, 229 respondents or 71.6% of the sample, felt that they would be eligible for technical support from the maker of the Mac OS if they experienced any difficulties with it.20 D. To the extent that consumers experience technical problems with a Psystar computer, Apple's reputation wil be harmed as consumers are likely to believe that those problems are due, at least in part, to the Mac OS X operating system. Apple is known for its satisfied and extremely loyal customer base.2l The recently reported quarterly American Customer Satisfaction index, for example, once again shows Apple to have the highest level of customer satisfaction of any personal computer manufactuer.22 For the sixth year in a row, Apple has bested second place Dell, and this year's gap between Apple and Dell is the largest differential between a first and second place company in any industry category. Authors of the study note that Apple's high ratings can be traced to the high quality of its products and to the high quality of customer service and support. Similarly, marketing research done by Apple shows that "Is reliable 20 Apple has seen evidence of actual confusion of this tye. At least 14 consumers have called or written to Apple to get support with a Psystar computer rug as x Leopard. APP _PSY0050592-607 and APP PSY0054794-795. 21 Se~ for example, "Mac Installed Base Study: United States" a quantitative market research report prepared for Apple, November 2006, by Liebermn Research Worldwide, and the sections on Irreparable Harm in the Expert Report of Matthew R. Lynde, PhD filed in this litigation, dated August 21, 2009. ee WW.t 22 S h' 19 Case3:08-cv-03251-WHA Document192-2 Filed10/22/09 Page51 of 53 and of a high quality" is the most important featue in making the decision to purchase a Macintosh computer.23 The results of my third consumer study, described above, indicate the harm that problems with Psystar computers wil do to Apple's brand and its excellent reputation. To the extent that consumers experience problems with computers purchased from Psystar, they are likely to blame the maker of the Mac OS X operating system.24 According to Dr. John Kelly, plaintiffs techncal expert, numerous problems with Psystar computers have been encountered, and these are the types of problems that my study shows wil be attributed, at least in part, to Apple and Mac OS X Leopard. Consumers in my third study described above in support of opinion C were asked to imagine that they had purchased a Psystar computer and that they experienced, in turn, each of four different computer problems: (1) some of the softare programs designed for Mac OS X won't work, (2) the computer freezes or crashes often, (3) the computer runs very slowly, and (4) the computer just won't tur on. Only for this last problem, where the computer simply wil not turn on, did the majority of consumers (170 respondents, or 53.1 %) blame the Psystar computer. Even so, 28

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