Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC v. Hotz et al

Filing 94

Letter from [Joint] Plaintiff SCEA and Defendant George Hotz re Proposed Order for March 10, 2011 Hearing. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit A)(Smith, Mehrnaz) (Filed on 3/14/2011)

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Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC v. Hotz et al Doc. 94 Att. 1 EXHIBIT 1 1 KILPATRICK TOWNSEND & STOCKTON LLP JAMES G. GILLILAND, JR. (State Bar No.1 07988) 2 TIMOTHY R. CAHN (State Bar No. 162136) MEHRNAZ BOROUMAND SMITH (State Bar No. 197271) 3 HOLLY GAUDREAU (State Bar No. 209114) RYAN BRICKER (State Bar No. 269100) 4 Two Embarcadero Center Eighth Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 5 Telephone: (415) 576-0200 Facsimile: (415) 576-0300 6 Email: tcahn~kilpatricktownsend. com 7 hgaud reau~kilpatricktownsend. com 8 9 Attorneys for Plaintiff SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT AMERICA LLC 10 11 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION Case No. 11-cv-00167 SI (PROPOSED) ORDER RE MARCH 10, 2011 TELEPHONIC HEARING RE JOINT LETTER ON IMPOUNDMENT ISSUES AND JOINT LETTER ON DISCOVERY 12 13 14 SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT AMERICA LLC, 15 Plaintiff, 16 v. 17 GEORGE HOTZ; HECTOR MARTIN 18 CANTERO; SVEN PETER; and DOES 1 through 100, 19 Defendants. 20 21 22 23 On March 10,2011, the Court held a hearing on the parties' February 18, 2011 and 24 February 28, 2011 joint letters (Docket Nos. 85 and 86) on discovery and impoundment 25 disputes. Having considered all the papers and arguments, the Court enters the following 26 order: 27 (1) Plaintiff SCEA is authorized to serve third party PayPal, Inc. with a subpoena 28 seeking the following limited information relating to personal jurisdiction: documents sufficient (PROPOSEDj ORDER RE MARCH 10,2011 TELEPHONIC HEARING - 1 - CASE NO. 11-cv-00167 SI 1 to identify the source of funds in California that went into any PayPal account associated with 2 for the period of January 1, 2009 to February 1, 2011. SCEA is ordered 3 to redraft its subpoena to seek this information. SCEA is further ordered to inform PayPal, 4 Inc. and other subpoenaed parties that any information produced in response to the 5 subpoena shall be provided on an Attorneys' Eyes Only basis and that the issuance of the 6 subpoena is without prejudice to its right to file a Motion to Quash. (See Docket No. 92) 7 (2) Mr. Hotz is ordered to sign a consent for SCEA to obtain his Twitter posts from 8 January 1, 2009 to the present. 9 (3) Defendant George Hotz is ordered to appear in California for a deposition 10 relating solely to the question of personal jurisdiction. SCEA shall pay reasonable expenses 11 of Mr. Hotz to be deposed in California. The parties shall determine the date of the 12 deposition. Additionally, the parties have stipulated that Mr. Hotz cannot be served with 13 process by the parties to this action or the parties identified in SCEA's Certification of 14 Interested Entities or Person (Docket No. 16) when he appears at his personal jurisdiction 15 deposition in California. 16 (4) With regard to the impoundment, the Court orders that: 17 18 (a) The Intelligence Group ("TIG"), the third party neutral chosen by both parties, shall only take steps with regard to the impounded devices that are authorized by 19 Court order. (b) The first $7000 of TIG costs will be split equally between SCEA and Mr. Hotz. 20 21 SCEA has agreed to and shall pay any amount over the $7000. 22 (c) TIG is ordered to conduct the impoundment in the forensically sound manner as proposed in its Certification of February 27, 2011, including Exhibit A to that 23 24 25 26 27 28 certification. Attached hereto as Exhibit 1 is a true and correct copy of the February 27, 2011 Certification and Exhibit A. (d) Judge Illston's modified impoundment order requires the isolation, segregation and/or removal of information related to Defendant Hotz's circumvention of the technological protection measures in the PS3 System. The Court orders the (PROPOSEDj ORDER RE MARCH 10, 2011 TELEPHONIC HEARING CASE NO. 11-cv-00167 SI -2- 1 parties and TIG to meet and confer regarding what exactly is information related 2 3 to the circumvention of the technological protection measures in the PS3 System and a procedure to isolate, segregate and remove such information. The parties shall submit a description of the protocol to the Court for entry into an order by no later than March 28, 2011. (5) 4 5 6 With regard to jurisdictional discovery of the impounded devices, the Court 7 orders that: 8 (a) In order to avoid conducting discovery searches on original impounded devices 9 belonging to Mr. Hotz, TIG shall make an additional copy of both the encrypted and 10 unencrypted versions of the impounded hard drives and keep them in their 11 possession. 12 (b) TIG shall then conduct a forensically sound search of the impounded devices to 13 determine whether: (i) they contain all or portions of the development tools for the 14 PlayStation 3 System and (ii) the impounded devices have been used to access or 15 connect to the PlayStation Network. The Court orders the parties and TIG to meet 16 and confer on a protocol for TIG to perform these searches. The parties shall 17 submit a description of the protocol to the Court for entry into an order by no later 18 than March 16,2011. 19 (6) The parties shall enter a Stipulated Protective Order for all discovery matters. 20 To the extent the parties are unable to agree on the terms, they are ordered to file a joint 21 letter no longer than 10 pages to set forth the disputed terms and the parties' respective 22 positions. 23 24 IT IS SO ORDERED. 25 26 27 DATED: HON. JOSEPH C. SPERO UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 63207604 vi (PROPOSEDj ORDER RE MARCH 10, 2011 TELEPHONIC HEARING CASE NO. 11-cv-00167 SI 28 -3- EXHIBIT 1 '\ CERTIFICATION OIt' MICHAEL GREl'"NIER, C.FCE, EnCE 1 Michael Grennier, CFCE EnCE, of full age anù duly sworn, does hereby state as follows: I . On Februar 26th, 2011, .I lOl'¥ardcd the certification per both parties reqiiest and according to the conference calt of both parties held on Februry 251/', 2011. (See attac11ed as Exhibit A). 2. Steward Kellar, Es., Defense counsel representing Mr. George Hotz, agreed to the process listed in the attached certification, as long as the bit-stream image of the drive was wiped after the searching processes were completed. He would not agree. however to begin the process on Monday, February 28, 2011, where Mr. Hotz would provide unencrypted access to The Intellgence (')TOUP for purposes of creating an unencrypted bit-stream copy of his clients hard drives, believing that a motion would be fied in order for Plainti to maintain a preserved copy for discovery purposes. Mr. Hotz clearly stated tbat his client would never agree to ANY copy being created, which could be .retaned for puroses other fuan the impoundment order and the processes mentioned in my certification. 3. After sending my requested certification to both partes, i was advised that Mr. Hot? will not agree to any hit-stram copies of the hard drives. It was further proposed by Defèndants counsel that we use Mr. Hotz'g computer and operating system to conduct the seaches and securely delete the data. 4. According to the Cyber Security Institute, Computer Forensics is defined at the preservation, identiJ'ication, extraction, interpretation, and documentation of computer evidence, to include the rules of evidence, legal processes, integrity of evidence, factual reporting of the information tound, and providing expert opinion in a court of law or other legal and/or admistrative proceeding as to what W09 found. In hiisíc terrmi, Computer lunmsics is a science Second Certification Sony V Hotz2l27 /2011 Pagel in which fai:l bai;ed results of an cxamim;rs findings should achieve the same result of any oih~r computer forensic examiner. The use of standards and controls in scientific experiments is a fundamental axiom ofthe scientific method. No experiment can be considered "scientific" unless they are used to ensure reliable results. An important consideration is the nature of the scientific experiment itself a') it may require the use of multiple stadards and controls. Likewise, this axiom holds true in forensic science. A scientific experiment is a controlled experiment. Variahles are intentionally introduced or changed one at a time and the results .monitored. Physical evidence is analyzed using methods and procedures that have previously been verified or valídated with the use of appropriate stadards and controls. Therefore, all forensic science disciplines must document in their methods and procedures specific stadards an.d controls. They must be used when analyzing physical evidence as a memis to demonstrate that scientific principles and quality assuruce practices were followed. Their use wil also e;iisure that the methods, procedures, and instrumentation are f\ctionig correctly, and that the results obtaied are accurte, reliable, and repeatable. 1 For these reasns, we maintain a computer forensics lab where I test our hardware and softare to ensure that they are work properly and use only software and hardware which is known to me and my lab personnel. In order for TIG to isolate, segregate and/or remove the information on those devices related to Defendant's circumvention devices, I recommend these standard principles to be applied. 5. BaSed upon the above explanations, it would be completely improper for The Intelligence Group to lise a client's computer for anything other than makng a bit-stream image of the hard drive. TIG's recommended procedures are: 1 ;rohnJ. Barbara _ Autlior. deneral Editor fbi the "Handbook of Digital & Multiedia IMdence".!!'!fuli.tL!? J:f.lll!)j!na Pr= in 2007Pu,ql1~ti~il.9ll.E()ri"'3"iL' J...('tm'il1~ (lJ.t12:/\skmali.cOi\Ù - Coniputer POJ"enic!l S\;indurds and Controls Second Certificati.oIl Sony V Hotz 2/27/2011 Page 2 a. Photograph and document the hardware and remove the hard drive. b. Create a bit-stream image using a hardware device or software created and tested for thispmpose in our lab. In this case, where the drives are encrypted we may need to boot the OS and then create the bit-stream image (using our software) using what is temicd a "Iìve acquisition". The bit-steam image is placed on a hard drive purchased by TIG, wiped and Iormatted in our lab prior to starng the image procedure. This way 'we know that the hard drive is working and blan prior to staing. The Intellgence Group maintains control of the imaging process by entering all commands, passwords durg this process. c. We then create a backup copy ofthe bit-stream image on a second drive to be used in the event that the onginallab drive malfunctions. d. We then .connect the lab drive containing the biHtream image to one of our lab computers, where we know the operating system and programs that have been instaled. All our forensic processes work with the bit-stream image, but do not change that image in any way. All the results and information from the processes are stored in a separate directory on the same drive. To restate, the bit-stream copy we star with is not changed in any manner. durng any of our forensic processes. e, We thenrn some pre-processes, which is a computer automated search for fies that have been deleted and expand compressed files into different evidence files. Compressed files such as ZIP, docx, and ta are :fles which li~w be'òu tompr"'~Lied Lv lJUW liPU\:1l un the hurd drive. 'Tm¡o fioH need to be : . _.~ ..'_ø ,", .j ..._.... '. __ aç 9' "" . ..~_L Page Second Certification Sony V Hotz 2i27/2011 3 expanded so that we can conduct searches of their contents. We also search for files and folders which are password protected. 6. In thh case, we have been provided with two hard drves and a calculator. The hard drives, according to Mr. Ho~ are encryted. When an encrypted drive is provided our procedure would .be to create a bit-stream copy of the had drives prior to any other actions or imaging and then create a duplicate of each drive to be utilzed tor the un-encryption step. This ensures that we always have an "original" bit-stream image of the drives. 7. It is importnt to explain that a bit-stream image of the hard drive represents a snap shot in time of exactly what was on that hard drive at the time the image was created. This bit-stream image is normally created by a Computer Forensic firm or e-discovery tìrm when looking for deleted data or providing discovery. However The Intelligence Group was not tasked with providing discovery requests or preservation of data with the exception of documenting and maintaining a copy of any circumvention devices related to a Sony PS3 on the hard drives. 8. The hitellgence Group is only tasked wìth finding specific data, copying that data into an evidence file and then deleting it from the onginal hard dnve and returg that drve the Mr. Hotz.. Nothng in the order states that we need to maintain a copy of the entire hard dnve for discovery or future processing of evidence. During our conference calls Mi, Hotz;s attorney ha stated several times that there is no reason to keep the bit-stream image of the had drive as his client is fully capable of maintaining the computer as required in the discovery order. In addition, 'I1e Intellgence Group has offered to hold either hold in our evidence an encrypted copy of the bit-steam imae or allow Mr. Hotz's attorney to secure 'ts copy of the had drive in his offce as long a.,, wmild nul ullow 1ù:; c1icni access to that drhre. Siiii:ei Mr. Hotz's atturney Second CertifcÐ.tíon Sony V Botz 2/27/2011 Page 4 has clearly stated that his client is capable of keeping the original hard drive in a manner that does not violate the discovery order, it seemed to me to out of my jurisdiction since I was not tasked with any discovery issues beyond the documentation and storage of circumvention devices related to a Sony PS3. 9. As our role is to be neutral, we had the paries agree to the creating ofa bit-stream image after the origina drives were placed in the original computer and allowing Mr. Hotz to enter the password so thai it would not be known to any pary. We would then nu the proper processes on out bit'-stream image in our lab, create the appropriate copies of the data relating to a circumvention Devices related to a PS3 and finally delete that data off the original hard drive. Onc.e completed we would wipe our bit-stream image ofile hard drive. Mr. Hotz's attorney was agreeable to the process but could not allow us to sta because a motion was going to be filed requiring The Intelligence Group to preserve the bit-stream image and he knew ilat Mr. Hotz would not provide his password if any copies were going to be maintained. 10. On Februar 25i1, 2011, we were advised that Mr. Hotz wìl not agee to allow us to creating any bit-stream image and in addition, we must use his computer for searchig and processing. 1 i. For this forensic examination, I need to confirm that the hard drive does not contain any password protected files. In addition, i need to expand compressed fies in order to conduct searches for the circumvention devices related to a PS3. Both of these processes will resut in the alteration of data on the original hard drive and even overwrite data that has been previously deleted if ran on the original hard drive. My actions would cause changes and destrction of data to the origial had dnve. Sci.nd Certification Sony VHotz 2/27/2011 PageS 12. While we have been told that Mr. Hotz used Linux as the Operating system, I do not how the operating system has been contìgured, changed or modified. 1 furthennore do not have any prior knowledge of any traps that may be on the system. While 1 believe Mr. Hotz to be an honest person and have no reason to suspect that he has made any changes, I 'Will be held accountable if such changes occur. Therefore I am required to assume that all operating systems contain traps and hence must use my lab computers for processing. As an example in one of my forensic classes taught by the White Collar Cnme Center, 1 was able to change the operating syste:r so that when a user typed in the command "copy" it was understood by the system as "format". When any user typed in "Copy C: D:" (which would copy.fies from dnve C to D), the they operating system actually ran '~Fonnat C:" in such a manner that it would not ask the user if were sure that they wanted to format the hard drive. Formating a hard dnve overwite." at least the first twenty percent of a 20GB bard drive and removes all files and folders. 13. Therefore, i cannat conduct the searches using .the suspect's computer system. and operating system. In a perfect world, 1 would 'have the complete computer system with the copies of the onginal hard drives installed along with the password so that I could un-encryted the drive. However in .this case, Mr. Hotz only provided the hard drives, not the computer system and reses to provide any passwords. Without the origin computer system and/or password it is very doubtfl that 1 can un-encrypt the hard drive and proceed as .indicated in the cour order. I would have been able to proceed with just the hard drives if they were not encrypted. 14. According to Defense counsel, Mr. Hotz is only willng to bnng his computer to he can enter the password and TIG will NOT m.e a copy of our location if the hard dove. Mr. HOt7., "'''11 the.n point out tOLl that arc circumvention devices related to a PS3 uid then l.Upy Second Certification Sony V Hotz 2/27/2011. lage6 them off to another drive. Lastly, we must use his computer system and operating system and special tools he has to delete that data off of his hard drive. According to the court order, both pares did agree to have an independent third party conducts tbe tasks of locatig, isolating, segregating and/or removing the information related to Circumvention Devices specific to the Sony PS3 console. In order to accomplish these tasks, TIG will need access to the data, the password and original computer and work in our tested, verified and secure environment. 15. If TIG is not allowed by Mr. Hotz to create a bit-stream image of the hard drive and I am required to use his computer tor processing, I will be unable to testify in court that my searches were conducted properly and completely. 16. 1 am available to testify in person or by phone as requested by either pary or the cour. I hereby ccrtifythat tle foregoing statements made by me are tre. I am aware the if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I .aI subject to punishment. By: Michael Grennier, CFCE. EnCE iJ¿JiL--- Dated: c2 I). Î! :L C( Second Certification Sony V Hotz 2/27/2011 Page 7 EXHIBIT A. CERTIFICAITON of Michael Grennier Second Certification Sony V Hotz 2/27/2011 Page 8 CERTIFICATION OF MICHAL GRENNIER, CFCE, EnCE I Michael Grennier, CFCE EnCE, offì.l1 age and duly sworn, does hereby state as follows: 1. i. am the Director of Forensics and Security at The Intelligence Group (TIG), 1545 Route 206, Bedminster, NJ 07921. I have been employed with TIG since January 2008. 2. Prior to my tenure at TIG, I was employed by a computer forensic tìrm in Princeton, NJ. I stared in May 2005 as a Senior Forensic Examiner. Prior to that, 1 retired as a Police Captain with twenty-five (25) year of service at the South Plainfeld Police Departent in NJ. Prior to my retirement I had the additional l'esponsibility of maintaining the local governent's computer network. As a Police Officer, I worked as a computer forensic examiner on cases involving fraud, theft, and internal aílairs, investigations, as well as murder, rape, and child pornography. I have received traiing from Guidance Software, The National White Collar Crime Center and the International Association of Computers Investigative Specialists (IACIS) which include Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE), Electronic Evidence Collection Specialist (CRECS) and EnCase Certified Examiner (EnCE), Access Data, and Dan Mares Inc. I hold both a Certified Forensic Computer Examner (eFCE) with .lAClS and Encase Certified Examiner (EnCE) certification from Guidance Software. Over the past 12 months I have conducted well over eighty (80) digital fòrensic examinations. 3. TIG is a digital forensics fi servicing its client's needs in systematically identifying, preserving, extracting, analyzing, and interpeting digita evidence. The finn can uncover e-mail communcations, account information, fie copying, attempted data destruction, account usage, and other activities performed on computers. 4. tIG has asisted clients in a wide variety of lawsuits, raging from cases involving fraud, intellectual propert theft wroiigIì.l termination, forgery, matrimonial disputes initial Certifcation Sony V Hotz 2/26/2011 Pagel including child custody and other matters that involve electronically stored intòrmation. TIG complies with all computer forensics standards as set fort by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Guidance Software's Incident Response Forensic Analysis and Discovery (JRF AD) program. The forensic technicians and examiners at TlG employ a number of digital forensc software packages and analysis technques which include, but ar not limted to Guidance Softares EnCase, Access Data's FTK (Forensic Toolkit) and Paraben Software's E-Mail Examner to complete a comprehensive search of both active and deleted :files, as well as to provide an unbiased report of the res1.ts. These softvl'are products are also utilized by the law enforceinerit communty worldwide. Extensive coursework in the digital forensics field along with. hands-on, prodnct-specific training is necessar in order to use these products correctly. Additionally, specialized knowledge and training in chain of custody and evidence handling procedures in the field of digital forensics is necessar in order to perform imagig and analysis up to indllst and legal stadards Tl G' s 5. Forensic examinations are never conducted on an original media, device or drve. TIG does not turn on a suspect computer and then search it the way a person sittg in front of the computer might attempt. Our forensic examinations are always undertaken using a "hit- strea" copy. A bit-stream is a copy oflle hard drve that captures every bit and byte of data without regard to programs or applications. 6. The Defendat has agreed to bring the same computer which contaned and worked with the hard drives that he provided to TIG so that they could be held in evidence as specified in the court order. The importce of this deals with the encrypted hard drives and the operation system drivers which must match the computer hardware for the bootíngprocess to successfully occur. Initial Certifi.cation Sony V Hotz 2/26/2011 Page 2 7. In this case, the defendant has represented the hard drives contain a Linux based File and Operating System which he has encrypted by the username and password. In order for the computer to hoot and provide TlG access, the defendant will need to either provide TIG the encryption password or enter the password during the boot process. Once the proper password is entered, the data from the hard drive passes to the operating system as unencryted data. As previously mentioned, the stadard procedure would be to create a "" image of the hard drive at this time in order for 110 to cost effectively isolate, segregate and/or remove the .infonnation on thòse devices related to Defendant's circumvention devices. For ths process to continue, TIG requires a bit-stream image that is verified. For ths case, the veriticatíon process checks the MD5 hash value ofthe bit-stream image file to ensure that the data is intact. Whie it is extremely unlikely that the verification process fails, it does occur in a small percentage of image creations (less tha 5%) and requires the process has to be restaed. If the Defendant chooses to enter the password rather than provide that password to TIG, he will, be required to slay on~site until the process iias been completed and verified because that password may be needed again in the event his computer crashes dunng thi.s process. 8. Based upon the requested effort, 'fIG wil need to search for and "retrieve" any the hard Circumvention Devicesorrelated information which may include the following areas of drives such as; a. Active files b. Deleted fies (unallocated space) c. Slack space (the area between the end of the file and the star of the next cluster or sector) d. Compressed files including but not limited to TAR, ZIP, TZ etc Initial Certification Sony V Hotz 2/26/2011 Page 3 e. Password protected files or areas ofthe hard dnve 9. In order to properly conduct the searches and as the rules of evidence provide tor, a forensic examiner must be in control of the environment in which the examnation is to occur. They must use tàniliar hardware and softare which has been tested and validated. Failure to use properly tested equipment may allow changes to occur to the data and therefore may alter the results. For this reason, the Defendants had drives can bensed to create the bitstream image only and it should not be used for keyword searches and processing of data. 10. The above explanations were reviewed on a conference call with attorneys and the following protocols were agreed to as stipulated: a. The Detendant shall bring his computer to TIG offces for the purposes of unencrypting the hard drives. b. Once the hard drives are installed, the Defendant wil enter his password which "unen(,'rpts the hard drves. c. TIG wiU be allowed to create a bit-stream image of the hard drive tor purposes of locating, jsolating, segregating and/or removing the information related to Circumvention Devices specific to the Sony 1'$3 console.. d. After completion of the bit-stream image, the Defendant prior to leaving the offices of TIG, wil show 11G the Circumvention Devices and .related fies specific to the Sony PS3 console so that a file listing can be created. e. In addition, the Defendant wil identify any and aU of the following items: 1. Any files, folders or data areas that are encrypted or require a password. Examples would include but not be limited to truecryt, zip, orrar W." Initial Certification Sony V Hatz 2/26/2011 Page 4 II. Identify if he used or accessed or modified any of the following drve areas ; 1. volume slack 2. Master Boot Record f Superblock 3. Parition table 4. Hosted Protected Area 5. Drive Configution Overlay 6.Partítion slack 7. Sectors or blocks marked as Bad but used to store data 8. Disk slack 9. Unused space in the block group i O. Directory entries :t The original hard drive wil remain in evidence until the Circumvention Devices and related data bas been removed. g. TIO wìl use po.rtons of data from the Circumvention Devices relating to a SonyPS3 console to search for these devices and/or additional references of circumvention devices across the entire hard drve space. h. Any Circumvention Devices relating to a Sony PS3 wí1 be documented and stored in a separate evidence fie on a hard drive that TIG provides for ths purpose. I. Any code which is questionable as being a Circumvention Device relating to a Sony PS3 console wil be reviewed by a TIG sub-contractor that has no conficts to Sony Corporation. If after this review the code appears to be a Initial Certifcation Sony V Hotz 2/26/2011 PageS Circumvention Device relating to a Sony PS3 Console, the code v.ill be sent to Mr. Hotz's attorney. Mr. Hotz's attorney wil always maintain possession of the code and not allow it to be copied or transferred in any manner. Mr. Hotz is being provided the code so that he can show the code to his client and determine if they want to object to the code being designated as a Circumvention Device. Any objections after a second review by TIG wil be brought before th,e Judge in-camera for the purose of inaking a final deterniination. J. Once the process of locatig the Circumvention Devices relating to a Sony PS3 console have been completed, TIG shall remove the identified data from the original hard drves of Mr. Botz. k. Once the identified data has been properly removed from the original hard drives, they shall be. returned to Mr. Hotz. .once the process of removing the data from Mr. Hotz's hard drves has been completed tl¡e bit-streani image of the hard drive shall be wiped. This process wil remove all data from that hard drive. . I hereby certify that the foregoing statements made by me are tre. I am aware the if any of the foregoing statements made by me are wílfuUy false, I am subject to punishment. BY'~. Michael Grennier, CFCE, EnCE D"oo J-FCt (,?l/ Initial Certifcation Sony V Hotz 2/26/2011 Page 6

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