Hendricks v. AT&T Mobility LLC

Filing 45

Amended MOTION for Hearing (Adminstrative Relief) filed by AT&T Mobility LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration, # 2 Proposed Order)(Falk, Donald) (Filed on 9/14/2011)

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1 2 3 4 DONALD M. FALK (SBN 150256) dfalk@mayerbrown.com MAYER BROWN LLP Two Palo Alto Square, Suite 300 3000 El Camino Real Palo Alto, CA 94306-2112 Telephone: (650) 331-2000 Facsimile: (650) 331-2060 5 6 7 8 9 JOHN NADOLENCO (SBN 181128) jnadolenco@mayerbrown.com LISA W. CORNEHL (SBN 232733) lcornehl@mayerbrown.com MAYER BROWN LLP 350 South Grand Avenue, 25th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071-1503 Telephone: (213) 229-9500 Facsimile: (213) 625-0248 10 Attorneys for Defendant AT&T Mobility, LLC 11 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 12 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 13 SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION 14 15 PATRICK HENDRICKS, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, 16 Plaintiff, 17 v. 18 AT&T MOBILITY, LLC, 19 Defendant. Case No. CV 11-00409-CRB MOTION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF: REQUEST FOR ADJUSTMENT OF HEARING DATE Judge: Hon. Charles R. Breyer 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MOTION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF: REQUEST FOR ADJUSTMENT OF HEARING DATE CASE NO. CV 11-00409-CRB 1 Defendant AT&T Mobility LLC (“ATTM”) moves for administrative relief to request a 2 combined hearing date for four cases, including this one, that involve overlapping counsel and 3 legal issues relating to ATTM’s arbitration agreement. Concurrent with the filing of this motion, 4 ATTM is filing similar motions for administrative relief in AT&T Mobility LLC v. Bernardi et 5 al., No. 3:11-cv-03992-CRB (N.D. Cal.) (related to Schroeder); Schroeder et al. v. AT&T 6 Mobility LLC, No. 3:11-cv-04412-CRB (N.D. Cal.) (related to Bernardi); and Blau et al. v. 7 AT&T Mobility LLC, No. 3:11-cv-00541-CRB (N.D. Cal.). 8 As the table on page 3 indicates, this Court is scheduled to hear a motion to compel 9 arbitration in this case on September 23, along with a motion to compel arbitration and two 10 motions to dismiss in Blau on that same date. The Court is also scheduled to hear argument on a 11 request to compel arbitration in Schroeder on October 14, the same day the Court is scheduled to 12 hear a motion to dismiss and to compel arbitration in Bernardi. Also, in Bernardi, the Court is 13 scheduled to hear a motion for a preliminary injunction on October 21. 14 ATTM respectfully requests that all four hearings take place on October 21. This case is 15 a putative class action filed by the same counsel who brought the arbitrations at issue in Bernardi 16 and Schroeder; Blau is another putative class action (brought by different counsel) that the Court 17 previously scheduled to be argued at the same time as this case because both matters involve the 18 core question whether the agreement to arbitrate disputes on an individual basis in ATTM’s 19 wireless service agreement with its customers is enforceable after the Supreme Court’s decision 20 in AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion, 131 S. Ct. 1740 (2011). 21 Although ATTM believes that Bernardi and Schroeder should have no bearing on the 22 Hendricks and Blau motions, the plaintiff in this case has contended that ATTM’s opposition to 23 arbitration in Bernardi, Schroeder—and the more than 900 other arbitration claims involving the 24 ATTM/T-Mobile merger, all of which have been brought by Hendricks’ counsel—establishes 25 that Hendricks would not be able to vindicate his claims in arbitration, which he asserts is a 26 ground for refusing to enforce his arbitration agreement. See Pl.’s Memo. of Law in Opp. to 27 AT&T Mobility LLC’s Mot. to Compel Arbitration, at 1, 6-7, 10-11, 14-17, Hendricks, supra 28 (Aug. 8, 2011) (Dkt. No. 3). And the plaintiffs in Blau have incorporated those arguments in MOTION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF: REQUEST FOR ADJUSTMENT OF HEARING DATE CASE NO. CV 11-00409-CRB 1 their opposition to ATTM’s motion to compel arbitration. See Opp. to Defs.’ Am. Mot. to 2 Compel Arbitration, at 18-20, Blau, supra (Aug. 23, 2011) (Dkt. No. 44). 3 Given the degree of overlapping issues—and the fact that this case, Bernardi, and 4 Schroeder all involve the same counsel (on both sides)—ATTM believes that it would be more 5 efficient for the Court and the parties to hear argument together rather than to have two or more 6 separate hearings. 7 ATTM recognizes that the earliest date on which all six motions could be heard together 8 consistent with the Local Rules is October 14, but respectfully requests that the Court schedule 9 the motions for hearing on October 21 because Andrew Pincus, who is ATTM’s lead counsel for 10 the motions in this action, Schroeder, and Hendricks, has a conflicting obligation on October 14, 11 and ATTM’s lead counsel in Blau, Steven Rice, also has a conflict on October 14. See Decl. of 12 Kevin Ranlett ¶¶ 6-7. By contrast, Scott Bursor, counsel for the defendants in Bernardi and the 13 plaintiffs in Schroeder and Hendricks has not indicated that he has any conflicting obligations on 14 October 21. See Ranlett Decl. ¶¶ 3-4. Counsel for the plaintiffs in Blau has not responded to 15 counsel for ATTM’s request for a stipulation to move the hearings to October 21. Id. ¶ 5. Of 16 course, if the Court would prefer to proceed on October 14, counsel for ATTM are prepared to 17 cancel the competing obligations. 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 // -2MOTION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF: REQUEST FOR ADJUSTMENT OF HEARING DATE CASE NO. CV 11-00409-CRB 1 Current Schedule and ATTM’s Proposed Schedule 2 3 Case AT&T Lead Counsel Lead Opposing Counsel Current Motion: Current Hearing Date (Docket No. for Hearing Date) Requested Hearing Dates AT&T Mobility LLC v. Bernardi et al. Mayer Brown LLP Bursor & Fisher, P.A. Preliminary Injunction: Oct. 21……………………… (Docket No. 20) Oct. 21 Compel Arbitration: Oct. 14……………………… (Docket No. 17) Oct. 21 4 5 6 7 8 No. 3:11-cv-03992CRB (N.D. Cal.) 9 10 11 Hendricks v. AT&T Mobility LLC 12 13 Mayer Brown LLP Bursor & Fisher, P.A. Compel Arbitration: Sept. 23……………………… (Docket No. 35) Oct. 21 Mayer Brown LLP Bursor & Fisher, P.A. Ex Parte Request for TRO: Oct. 14……………………… (Docket No. 9) Oct. 21 Mayer Brown LLP Lenza H. McElrath III Compel Arbitration: Sept. 23……………………… (Docket No. 40) Oct. 21 Motions to Dismiss: Sept. 23……………………… (Docket No. 40) Oct. 21 No. 3:11-cv-00409CRB (N.D. Cal.) 14 15 Schroeder et al. v. AT&T Mobility LLC 16 17 No. 3:11-cv-04412CRB 18 19 Blau et al. v. AT&T Mobility LLC 20 21 No. 3:11-cv-00541CRB 22 Crowell & Moring LLP 23 CONCLUSION 24 25 The Court should schedule the hearings on all six motions in the four cases identified 26 above for October 21, 2011, at 10 a.m. In the alternative, it should schedule the hearings on all 27 six motions for any other date that is convenient for the Court. 28 // -3MOTION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF: REQUEST FOR ADJUSTMENT OF HEARING DATE CASE NO. CV 11-00409-CRB 1 2 3 4 Date: September 14, 2011 MAYER BROWN LLP By: /s Donald M. Falk Donald M. Falk DONALD M. FALK Attorneys for AT&T Mobility LLC 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -4MOTION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF: REQUEST FOR ADJUSTMENT OF HEARING DATE CASE NO. CV 11-00409-CRB

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