Bui v. City and County of San Francisco et al

Filing 172

JOINT STIPULATION AND ORDER FOR COMPROMISE SETTLEMENT AND RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS. Signed by Judge Laurel Beeler on 9/15/2017. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service)(afmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/15/2017)

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FILED CHAD A. READLER Acting Assistant Attorney General SEP 1 5 2017 2 3 4 5 6 7 WILLIAM C. PEACHEY Director, District Court Section Office of Immigration Litigation SUSAN Y. SOONG CLERK. U.S. DISTRICT COURT NOAl'HEHN'lliSTRICT OF CAUP0RJM TIMOTHY M. BELSAN Deputy Chief National Security and Affirmative Litigation Unit District Court Section Office of Immigration Litigation : t ~·' ' . . . ' ·~ . 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ANTHONY D. BIANCO Counsel for National Security National Security and Affirmative Litigation Unit District Court Section Office of Immigration Litigation Civil Division, U.S. Department of Justice P.O. Box 868, Ben Franklin Station Washington, DC 20044 Telephone: (202) 305-8014 Facsimile: (202) 305-7000 E-mail: anthony .d.bianco@usdoj .gov •, I, Attorneys for Defendants UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 17 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA . 18 ' ' 19 20 No. 16-cv-040 14-LB JOHN DOE, 21 Plaintiff, 22 JOINT STIPULATION FOR COMPROMISE SETTLEMENT AND RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS v. 23 24 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, eta/., 25 Defendants. 26 27 28 It is hereby stipulated by and between the undersigned Plaintiff A.M. Rashed Chowdhury and Defendants U.S. Department of Homeland Security; U.S. Citizenship and Immigration JOINT STIPlJLA TION FOR COMPROMISE SETTLEMENT & RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS No. 16-cv-04014-LB 2 Services; Elaine Duke, 1 Acting Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security; and James 2 McCament, Acting Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, 2 by and through their 3 respective counsel, as follows: 4 I. The parties do hereby agree to settle and compromise each and every claim of any kind 5 6 pertaining to the claim for attorneys' fees and costs in this matter, including any such claims not 7 already before the Court, whether known or unknown, arising directly or indirectly from the acts 8 or omissions that gave rise to the claim for attorneys' fees and costs in the above-titled action 9 under the terms and conditions set forth in this Joint Stipulation for Compromise Settlement and 10 Release of All Claims ("'Settlement Agreement"). II 12 2. This Settlement Agreement is not, is in no way intended to be, and shall not be construed 13 as, an admission of liability or fault on the part of Defendants, their agents, servants, or 14 employees, and it is specifically denied that they are liable to Plaintiff. All parties enter into this 15 Settlement Agreement for the purpose of settling their claims under the Equal Access to Justice 16 Act ("EAJA"), 28 U.S.C. § 2412(d), for fees and costs relating to or arising from this civil action 17 18 (John Doe v. U.S. Department ofHomeland Security, eta/., No. 3:16-cv-4014 (N.D. Cal.)), and 19 avoiding the expenses and risks of further litigation. Further, none of the terms of this 20 Settlement Agreement may be offered or received into evidence or in any way referred to in any 21 civil, criminal, or administrative action or proceeding other than proceedings that may be 22 23 24 1 26 Elaine Duke became the Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security on July 31, 2017. Acting Secretary Duke is automatically substituted for Jeh Johnson in her official capacity as a public officer pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 25(d). 27 2 25 28 James McCament is the Acting Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Acting Director McCament is automatically substituted for Leon Rodriguez in his official capacity as a public officer pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 25(d). JOINT STIPULATION FOR COMPROMISE SETTLEMENT & RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS No. 16-cv-04014-LB 3 necessary to consummate or enforce the terms of this Settlement Agreement against Plaintiff. the 2 United States, or any agency or instrumentality of the United States. 3 3. 4 Plaintiff understands that he is waiving any additional claims, known or unknown, that may arise with respect to seeking any fees or costs from any Defendant for any claims arising ou 5 6 of the above-titled matter. 7 4. 8 action for attorney's fees and taxable costs against Defendants in the above-titled case. including 9 those which are not parties to this Settlement Agreement, of whatsoever kind and nature, arising IO In full settlement and satisfaction of any and all claims, demands, rights, or causes of out of or in connection with any event related to this action, including the motion for attorneys • II I2 fees and costs currently pending before the Court: I3 a. Defendants agree to pay Plaintiff seventeen thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight I4 dollars ($17,958.00) in settlement of Plaintiffs potential claims for attorney"s I5 16 fees. Plaintiff agrees that this is a reasonable resolution of Plaintiffs claims for attorney's fees. 17 18 b. Defendants agree to pay Plaintiff four hundred dollars ($400.00) in settlement of 19 Plaintiffs potential claims for litigation costs. Plaintiff agrees that this is a 20 reasonable resolution of Plaintiffs claims for litigation costs. 21 c. Defendants shall submit a request for remittance of these fees and costs within ten 22 23 business days of the execution of this Settlement Agreement by all parties. 24 Defendants will use all good faith efforts to get these attorney's fees and litigation 25 costs paid in a timely manner and, in any event, in no more than 90 days. 26 However, Defendants cannot guarantee a date certain when payment wi II be 27 made. 28 JOINT STIPULATION fOR COMPROMISE SETTLEMENT & RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS No. 16-cv-04014-LB 4 d. Plaintiff represents that he has no existing debt to the United States and that he is not subject to an offset under Astrue v. Ratliff, 560 U.S. 586 (20 10). 2 3 e. Neither Plaintiff nor his counsel may pursue additional claims for attorney~s fees, 4 costs, or other monies arising from this action other than for work in any 5 proceedings that may be necessary to enforce the terms of this Settlement 6 Agreement. 7 8 f. Plaintiff represents that his claim for attorney's fees and costs have been assigned 9 to his counsel, and Defendants accept the assignment and waive any applicable . 10 provisions of the Anti-Assignment Act, 31 U.S.C. § 3727. The payment will be II transmitted by direct deposit to Plaintiffs counsel as follows: 12 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Name of Bank: Wells Fargo Bank Street Address of Bank: 420 Montgomery St, City, State, and Zip Code of Bank: San Francisco, CA 94105 Routing Number: 121000248 Name of Account: ATTORNEY CLIENT TRUST- VAN DER HOUT. BRIGAGLIANO, NIGHTINGALE vi. Account Number: 0323107334 vii. Taxpayer ID: 94-32-27702 13 14 15 16 17 18 g. Plaintiff agrees to waive his right to payment to him of attorney~s fees and costs 19 in this action, so that they may be paid directly to his counsel as described above. 20 21 5. This Settlement Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto. 22 Plaintiff acknowledges and agrees that no promise or representation not contained in this 23 Settlement Agreement has been made to him, and acknowledges and represents that this 24 Settlement Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties to this Settlement 25 26 Agreement and contains all terms and conditions pertaining to the compromise and settlement of 27 the disputes referenced herein. No oral or written statement, remark, agreement, or 28 understanding that is not contained herein shall be recognized or enforced, nor does this JOINT STIPULATION fOR COMPROMISE SETTLEMENT & RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS No. 16-cv-04014-LB 5 Settlement Agreement reflect any agreed-upon purpose other than the desire of the parties to 2 reach a full and final conclusion of the litigation without the time and expense of further 3 litigation. 4 6. This Settlement Agreement cannot be modified or amended except by an instrument in 5 6 writing, agreed to and signed by the parties to this Settlement Agreement, nor shall any provision 7 hereof be waived other than by a written waiver signed by the parties to this Settlement 8 Agreement. 9 7. 10 This Settlement Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Plaintiff and Defendants and their respective assignees and representatives, including any person, entity, 11 12 department, or agency succeeding to the interests or obligations of any party hereto or having an 13 interest herein. 14 8. 15 16 This document constitutes the complete integration of the Agreement between the parties and supersedes any and all prior oral or written representation, understandings, or agreements among or between the parties. Plaintiff has discussed this Settlement Agreement with his 17 18 counsel, understands the terms and conditions of this Settlement Agreement, and is fully 19 authorized to enter into it. 20 9. 21 This Settlement Agreement may be signed in counterparts. Facsimile or electronic transmissions of the original signatures to this agreement shall have the same effect as the 22 23 original signatures. 24 10. 25 signed by all of the individuals listed in the signature block below. 26 11. 27 This Settlement Agreement is deemed executed on the date the Settlement Agreement is Counsel for Plaintiff shall notify the Court within 30 days of receipt of payment that all matters in dispute have been resolved and that no further action in this case is necessary. If 28 JOINT STIPULATION FOR COMPROMISE SETTLEMENT & RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS No. 16-cv-040 14-LB 6 -· payment has not been received by Plainti ffs counsel within 90 days of the signing of thi s 2 Settlement Agreement, Defendants shall file a status report to the Court by that date. in forming 3 the Cowt of when such payment is expected and what efforts have been undertaken to ensure 4 payment will be made shortly thereafter. 5 12. 6 7 Once Plaintiff notifies th e Court of receipt of payment, the Court shall dismiss with prejudice all of Plaintiffs claims. 8 9 10 Dated: September 14, 20 17 Is/ Marc Van Der Haul MARC VAN DER HOUT Van Der Hout, Brigagliano, & Nightingale, LLP 180 Sutter Street, Su ite 500 San Francisco, California 94 104 Tel.: (4 15) 98 1-3000 Fax: (4 15) 98 1-3003 Email: ndca@vblaw.com 17 Is/ Anthonv D. Bianco ANTHONY D. BIANCO Counsel for National Securi ty National Security and Affirmative Litigation Un it, District Court Section Office of Immigration Liti gation Civil Divi sion, U.S. Department of Justice P.O. Box 868, Ben Franklin Stati on Washi ngton. D.C. 20044 Tel.: (202) 305-80 14 Fax: (202) 305-7000 Emai l: Anthony.D.Bianco_@usdoj.gov 18 Allorney.for Defendants II 12 13 14 15 16 Attorney.f r Plaint (If o 19 20 21 !PROPOSED] ORDER 22 23 PURSUANT TO STIPULATION. IT IS SO ORDERED. 24 25 Honorable Laurel Beeler United States District Court Magistrate Judge 26 27 28 JOINT STII'ULATION FOR COMI'RO~ II SE SETTLE~ I ENT & RELEASE OF A LL CLAI ~ IS No. 16-cv-040 14-LB 7 ATTESTATION OF CONCURRENCE 2 3 No. 16-cv-040 14-LB I hereby certify that on September 14,2017, I obtained concurrence in the filing ofthis 4 JOINT STIPULATION REGARDING SETTLEMENT OF 5 ATTORNEYS~ following persons: 6 7 8 FEES from the MARC VAN DER HOUT VanDer Hout, Brigagliano, & Nightingale, LLP 180 Sutter Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, California 94104 9 10 11 16 Is/ Anthony D. Bianco ANTHONY D. BIANCO Counsel for National Security National Security and Affirmative Litigation Unit, District Court Section Office of Immigration Litigation Civil Division, U.S. Department of Justice P.O. Box 868, Ben Franklin Station Washington, D.C. 20044 17 Attorney for Defendants 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 JOINT STIPULATION FOR COMPROMISE SETTLEMENT & RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS No. 16-cv-04014-LB 8

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