Nobles v. Google, Inc. et al

Filing 1

CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT against Google, Inc., Pointroll, Inc. ( Filing fee $ 350, receipt number 44611009082). DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL. Filed byZetha Nobles. (far, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/10/2012) (Additional attachment(s) added on 7/12/2012: # 1 part two, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet) (far, COURT STAFF).

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I' .'( 1 2 3 4 '-.~ REGINA D TERRELL, ESQ. THE TE LL LAW GROUP Post Offic Box 13315, PMB #148 Oakland, alifornia 94661 Tele{'hon : (510) 237-9700 Facsimile: (510) 237-4616 Email: R iet2 ~ r JUL 7 · AI 0 2012 cL£JHAAo NORTHeR~ 0 DISTArl£ktNG U.s. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 3f:fAcNro;6~B~Ar 5 6 w D 8 ZETHA OBLES, individually and on behalf) CASE NO.: of all othe s similarly situated, ~ 10 Plaintiff, 11 14 GOOGLE INC., a Delaware Corporation and ~ POINTR LL, INC., a Delaware Corporation ) ) Defendants. ) 17 DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL ~ 15 ~ C12-03589 ) ) CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT ) ~ v. 12 13 Q ORN!A • \ NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 7 9 Jl ~ l.....c::,Q ) ) ------4-------------------------) 18 CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 19 " PI intiff Zetha Nobles ("Plaintiff'), by and through her attorney brings this action on 20 behalf of erself and all others similarly situated against Google, Inc. and PointRoll, Inc. 21 Plaintiff's allegations as to herself and her own actions, as set forth herein, are based upon her 22 informati n and belief and personal knowledge, and all other allegations are based upon 23 informati n and belief pursuant to the investigations of counsel. This Court has subject matter 24 jurisdictio pursuant to the Class Action Fairness Act of2005, 28 U.S.C. § 1332 (d) as set forth 25 below. 26 I. NATURE OF THE ACTION 27 28 1. Plaintiff brings this consumer Class Action lawsuit pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Pro edure 23(a), (b)(l), (b)(2), and (b)(3), on behalf of herself and a proposed class of CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 1 i 1 2 similarly ituated Individuals, (hereinafter referred to as the "Class Members"), who were victims o unfair, deceptive, and unlawful business practices; wherein their privacy, financial 3 interests, d security rights were violated by Defendant Google, Inc. (hereinafter referred to 4 5 individua ly as "Google"), and Defendant PointRoll, Inc. (hereinafter referred to individually as 6 "PointRo 1" and collectively with Google as "Defendants"), that acted individually, and in 7 concert, t gain unauthorized access, use, and retention of Plaintiffs and Class members' data 8 contained within their computing devices, which includes computers and mobile electronic 9 10 11 12 13 devices u ed for communication, internet, and multimedia capabilities (hereinafter referred to collective y as "Computing Devices"). 2. This Class Action lawsuit is brought by Plaintiff and Class Members who had their Co puting Devices accessed without notice or consent, by circumventing their privacy 14 settings i order to obtain personally identifiable information, including that of minor children, 15 16 17 18 19 including but not limited to, settling tracking mechanisms within their computing devices for subseque t online tracking by Defendants. Defendants acted individually, and jointly, and knowing authorized, directed, ratified, a proved, acquiesced in, or participated in conduct made the basis of this Class Action. 20 Defendan s used Plaintiffs and Class Members' Computing Devices to access, retain, and 21 22 disclose p rsonal information ("PI"), personally identifiable information ("PII"), and/or sensitive 23 identifiab e information ("SII") derived from Plaintiffs and Class Members' Computing Device 24 while the browsed online or wirelessly. Defendants accomplished this covertly, without actual 25 notice, a areness, or consent and choice, and which information Defendants obtained 26 27 deceptive y, for purposes which included Defendants' commercial gain and nefarious purposes. 28 CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 2 f 1 2 4. Defendants acted individually, and jointly, with entities involved in whole, or part, with advertising networks, data exchanges, traffic measurement service providers, and 3 marketin and analytic service providers that develop and service websites (hereinafter referred 4 ely as "Google Affiliates"). 5 Each Google Affiliate committed acts made the basis of this action, individually 6 7 8 , both intentionally and negligently, in whole or part, acting as a direct or contributory party tot e action made the basis of this action. Pending discovery of the Google Affiliates' 9 and involvement at the various stages of the acts complained of, and made the bases 10 plaint, Plaintiff will amend the complaint to include such parties. 11 12 13 6. Defendants individually, and in concert with Google Affiliates, have been systemati ally engaged in and facilitated a covert operation of surveillance of Class Members 14 and the :D llowing violations: 15 1) Violations ofthe Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1030; 17 2) Violations ofthe Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. § 18 2510 et seq.; 16 19 3) Violations of California Computer Crime Law, Penal Code § 502; 4) Violations of California's Invasion Of Privacy Act, California Penal 20 21 22 Code§ 630 et seq.; 23 5) 24 Professions Code § 17200 et seq.; 25 6) Violations of California Unfair Competition Law, Business and Violations of California Consumers Legal Remedies Act, Civil Code § 26 27 1750 et seq.; 28 CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 3 1 7) 2 Violations of California Customer Records Act, Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80 et seq.; 3 8) Conversion; 5 9) Trespass to Personal Property I Chattels; and 6 10) Unjust Enrichment. 4 7 8 II. 7. JURISDICTION AND VENUE This Court has diversity jurisdiction in this case under a Class Action Fairness 9 Act, 28 U.S.C. § 1332(d)(2). This complaint states claims on behalf of a national class of 10 11 consumer who are minimally diverse from Defendants. The amount in controversy exceeds $5 12 million, e elusive of interest and costs. The class consists of more than one hundred members. 13 8. This Court also has federal question jurisdiction under 28 U.S. C. § 13 31 as this 14 action ari s in part under a federal statute, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. 15 16 17 18 19 9. This Court has supplemental jurisdiction with respect to the pendent state law claims un er 28 U.S.C. § 1367. 10 This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants because some ofthe acts alleged he ein were committed in the state of California and because Defendants are registered to 20 do busine s in this state and systematically and continuously conduct business here. 21 22 11 Venue is proper in this Court under 28 U.S.C. § 1391 because Google is a 23 corporati 24 in, was di ected from, and/or emanated from this District. 25 12 headquartered in this District and/or because Defendants' improper conduct occurred INTRADISTRICT ASSIGNMENT: Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 3-2(e), this 26 case shall be assigned to the San Jose Division as it arises from Santa Clara County where 27 28 CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 4 f 1 2 Defendan Google is headquartered and where the actions alleged as the basis of this claim took place. 3 III. PARTIES 4 5 Plaintiff is an individual who owns and uses Apple's Safari and Microsoft's 13 6 Internet E~plorer ("IE") browsers that were protected by default privacy settings and/or higher 7 privacy st ttings to restrict the ability of websites that use persistent browser cookies in collecting 8 users' PI, PII, and SII. 9 14. Plaintiff Zetha Nobles is a resident of Oakland, Alameda County, California. 1' . On information and belief, Plaintiff Zetha Nobles incorporates all allegations 10 11 12 13 14 within this complaint. H. At all relevant times herein, Villegas owned Computing Devices, including a personal~ omputer with IE and a mobile device which had Apple's Safari browser, and used the 15 16 17 Computi1 g Devices, and on one or more occasions during the class period, in the city of residence and accessed the following websites reportedly associated with Defendants: 18 a. b. http://www. c. 22 d. 23 e. 24 f. g. http://www. 19 20 21 25 26 1 ~. Defendants, acting in concert individually and jointly, gained unauthorized acces 27 28 to, and u~authorized use ofNobles' Computing Device data. CLAS ACTION COMPLAINT 5 1 2 18 Defendant Google, Inc. is a publicly traded Delaware corporation headquartered at 1600 Alnphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043 (Santa Clara County, 3 California11. Google does business throughout the United States. 4 5 6 7 8 19 Google is the owner and operator of the website located at htto://, as well as a provider of advertising services through 20 Defendant PointRoll, Inc. is a publicly traded Delaware corporation headquart red at 7950 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, Virginia 22102. PointRoll does business 9 10 11 throughou the United States. 21 PointRoll, a rich media advertising company, entered into a contract with 12 Defendan Google, a California Corporation, and the acts made the basis of this action emanated 13 to and fro jn the Defendant Google's servers located in Mountain View, California. 14 22 PointRoll is the owner and operator of the website located at 15 16 17 18 19 htto://, and provides digital marketing solutions and technology for rich media can paigns in interactive advertising, 23 On February 17, 2012, Jonathan Mayer, a Stanford researcher, published a study, "Web Pol'cy- Do Not Track, Measurement, Privacy," ("Mayer Study") which "found that a 20 PointRoll rookie helper script circumvents Safari's cookie blocking." In a blog post, PointRoll 21 22 23 said it "co~ducted a limited test within the Safari browser to determine the effectiveness of our mobile ad ,"but claims it does not currently use the technique mentioned in Mayer's report. 24 25 IV. GENERAL ALLEGATIONS I. A Brief Overview 24 On October 13,2011, Defendant Google signed a consent order with the FTC 26 27 28 which bar ed it from making misrepresentations regarding its privacy policies, required the CLASS ~CTION COMPLAINT 6 f 1 2 implemen ation of a comprehensive privacy program, and the retention of an independent thirdparty profl~ssional to access its privacy controls. 3 25 On October 19,2011, the World Wide Web Consortium ("W3C"), the main 4 5 internatio ~al standards organization for the World Wide Web, announced that Google was one o 6 its sponsors for the W3C Organization Sponsor Program, a program to enhance the W3C's 7 capacity tp support the deployment of web standards: 8 9 10 11 "W3C has been a cornerstone component of the World Wide Web's evolution and Google is pleased to be able to support and participate in its process," said Vint Cerf, Chieflnternet Evangelist at Google and an Internet pioneer. W3C, "Vv 3C Welcomes Google as First Gold Sponsor, Adobe Backs Initiative Supporting W3C 12 Mission 't Silver Level," (last accessed February 21, 2012), available online at: 13 14 15 16 17 htto://wv.w_.w3.ond2011/09/soonsor-or.html. 2<. During this week of October 13-19, 2011, while Defendant Google was agreeing to new p ivacy constraints and accepting accolades, it was also circumventing the privacy settings c n Computing Devices for billions of Internet users, intentionally ignoring a cornerstom 18 component of the World Wide Web's evolution: Platform for Privacy Preferences ("P3P"). 19 On February 17, 2012, a research study by Jonathan Mayer, revealed Defendants 20 21 Google and PointRoll were circumventing and exploiting the Safari browser in order to place 22 diagnost'c tools to track Safari browser users' activity. A research study by Microsoft confirmec 23 the same exploits for users of Internet Explorer. 24 2$. While the Mayer Study can be credited with revealing the Defendants' recent 25 26 activitie , a past study by Professor Lorrie Faith Cranor of Carnegie Mellon University first 27 revealed these practices by some entities in September 2010 in a study titled "Token Attempt: 28 CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 7 1 2 The Misrepresentation of Website Privacy Policies through the Misuse ofP3P Compact Policy Tokens." 3 2S. Google's Senior Vice President of Communications Policy, Rachel Whetstone, 4 5 issued as atement, noting in part in response to its practice, "that it is impractical to comply with 6 Microsof 's request while providing modem web functionality.", Todd Bishop, 7 "Google: Microsoft's IE gotcha based on outdated, little-used privacy protocol," (last accessed 8 February 21, 20 12), available online: http://www. 12/fmo!Zle-microsofts-gotcha 9 10 based-ou dated-littleused-orivacv-nrotocol. 3b. 11 Interestingly enough, the privacy setting protections not afforded Internet users 12 involved with Defendants, claimed by Google to be archaic and impractical, are at the same tim 13 sought bty Defendant Google: it uses a valid P3P syntax for its advertising sites. 14 1. An analysis using "Fiddler 2," a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) 15 16 traffic b~>tween your computer and the Internet, (last accessed on: February 22, 2012) online: 17 http://fi, revealed the following: P3P Header is present: policy ref= 18 htto://www.!Zoo!, CP= "NOI DEV PSA PSD IVA PVD OTP 19 OTR I1' D OTC" compact policy token is present. Date: Wednesday, 22 February, 2012 11:41: 2 20 GMT. 21 22 32. P3P provides protection like a fortress around one's Computing Devices. 23 Defenc ants' actions have unleashed a "Trojan Horse" of entities armed with every conceivabl~ 24 trackin~ 25 tool into Plaintiffs and Class Members' Computing Devices. Due to the amount of third-p~rties associated with Defendants, the task to identify and delete all tracking tools 26 27 impler~ented will be a Herculean task. As such, analysis of each "cookie" that now exists in e ch 28 CL SS ACTION COMPLAINT 8 1 2 ofPlainti fs and Class Members' Computing Devices is needed, requiring a "toxic cookie cleanup." 3 3 . Plaintiff and Class Members do require the use of authorized cookies; thus they 4 5 cannot m rely push one button and delete all tracking devices. As such, since the identifying of 6 entities a sociated with each cookie residing within the Plaintiffs and Class Members' 7 Computi g Devices are unknown, but at least some include Defendants' cookies, an analysis of 8 each coo ie is required and appropriate detection required. An estimate of such a requirement is 9 10 in excess often thousand dollars ($10,000) per Plaintiff and Class Member. 11 Background: Web Browser's Incorporation ofP3P for Cookie Filtering 12 P3P, the Platform for Privacy Preferences, provides a language and process that 13 websites an use to post their privacy policies in a machine-readable form - that is, a form that 14 can be pr cessed by software such as web browsers. A website can post a full P3P policy, 15 16 describi g a variety of its privacy practices, or a "Compact Policy," describing its uses of 17 18 19 In 2001, Microsoft released version 6 of its market-leading Internet browser software Internet Explorer ("IE6"), and included in it the capabilities to process websites' P3P 20 Compac Policies. IE6 processed websites' Compact Policies automatically and, based on 21 22 privacy ettings that Microsoft set by default and that users could adjust, automatically allowed 23 or restri ted websites' storage of cookies on users' computers. 24 25 36. Before P3P, a privacy-conscious Internet user who wanted to learn about websites cookie practices had only one choice - to read the privacy policy of every website 26 27 28 visited and to do so often, given that many websites advised users to "check back regularly to view up ates to this policy." CLAS ACTION COMPLAINT 9 1 3 . This approach to managing cookies raised problems for users: 2 a. It is effectively impossible for a user to take the time to read the privacy 3 policy of very website visited - and to do so continually to stay abreast of changes. 4 b. 5 It is challenging for a user to try to interpret websites' privacy policies 6 because, ven among websites with substantially similar privacy practices, each website 7 describes its practices in different ways and with varying levels of detail. 8 c. It is difficult for a user to determine which details of a website's privacy 9 10 policy ap ly to which parts of the website, since a website's privacy practices may vary from 11 page top ge, such as a home page where the user signs up to use the website, a shopping-cart 12 page whe e the user's purchase selections are listed, or a checkout page where the user provides 13 credit car and shipping information. 14 d. It is impossible for a user to read a website's privacy policy "manually" 15 16 without a tually visiting the website, which means the user has to visit a website and receive 17 whatever ookies the website delivers before the user has the chance to learn what the site's 18 practices 19 e. 38. The advent ofP3P helped address these issues, as follows: 20 a. P3P provided a common language and syntax that websites could use to 21 22 provide 23 Policies. ee "The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.1 (P3P 1.1) Specification, W3C Working 24 Group No e, Nov. 2006, available at (last accessed on February 25 achine-readable versions of their privacy policies, including cookie-specific Compact 21, 2012). 26 27 28 b. P3P privacy statements could be quickly read by the user's web browser each time he user directed the browser to access a web page. CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 10 1 2 c. P3P permitted websites to offer granular privacy policies, tailored to the unique c okie practices of specific web pages within a website. 3 d. P3P-enabled web browsers could alert users to a websites' privacy 4 5 practices before the user actually communicated with, and received cookies from, the website, 6 and coul automatically filter and restrict cookies based on the users' privacy settings, includin 7 default rivacy settings. 8 9. In a world in which websites automatically and non-transparently examine a 9 user's e ery online movement, IE6 gave users the ability to have their computers automatically 10 11 examin the abbreviated privacy information that websites choose to disclose in their Compact 12 Policies Subsequent versions of IE gave users the same or better capabilities. IE assessed 13 website ' cookie policies for users before the users even visited and acquired cookies from 14 website . In addition, in response to the users' privacy settings, IE could take certain actions in 15 to the P3P information it acquired, such as accept, reject, or restrict the cookies that 16 17 transmitted to users. 18 0. 19 throu Compact Policies, such as those that IE enabled users to assess automatically their web browser, are expressed as a series of codes, called "tokens," each of which 20 represe ts a standardized privacy expression defined in the P3P specification. For example, in 21 22 23 24 25 CP= "NOI DSP COR NID ADMa OPTa OUR NOR" The" ID" token means that no identified user information is collected by the web pages to which he Compact Policy applies or, if it is collected, it is anonymized in a way that cannot 26 reason bly be reversed to reveal the user's identity; and the "OUR" token means that identifie 27 28 CL SS ACTION COMPLAINT 11 1 user infmmation is shared only with an agent whose use of the information is restricted to the 2 purposes stated by the website. Likewise, the other tokens have predetermined meanings. 3 4 . Under IE's default privacy settings, a website's unsatisfactory P3P Compact 4 Policy c2 n lead to several consequences. IE allows or limits cookies in different ways, dependin 5 on the st tements in the Compact Policy and whether the web entity offering the policy is a first 6 7 party (a Nebsite that the user explicitly chooses to visit) or a third party (such as entities that 8 display l dvertisements on a first-party website). For example, if a first-party website's Compact 9 Policy sates that the website shares user PII without user consent, IE downgrades the website's 10 "persistt nt" cookie to a "session" cookie- i.e., one that expires at the end of the user's browser 11 sesswn. 12 13 14 2. collect heir information; the release of IE6 prompted many websites to implement P3P Compact 15 16 17 Persistent cookies serve as an important device for websites to identify users anc Policie so they could continue to set persistent cookies on the computers of users who adoptee IE6. 18 III. Defendants' Misuse of P3P 19 43. On February 17, 2012, Jonathan Mayer, a Stanford researcher published a stud', 20 "Web 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 intenti olicy- Do Not Track, Measurement, Privacy" that revealed the Defendants were nally circumventing Safari privacy features. Microsoft researchers also completed a st1 dy that sh~wed similar circumvention. A. The Mayer Study Apple's Safari web browser is configured to block third-party cookies by default. We identified four advertising companies that unexpectedly place trackable cookies in Safari. Google and Vibrant Media intentionally circumvent Safari's privacy feature. 28 1 C ASS ACTION COMPLAINT Media Innovation Group and PointRoll serve scripts that appear to be derived from circumvention example code .... 1 2 5 Some companies track the cookies generated by the websites you visit, so they can gather and sell information about your web activity. Safari is the first browser that blocks these tracking cookies by default, better protecting your privacy. Safari accepts 6 cookies only from their current domain .... 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 These allowances in the Safari cookie blocking policy enable three potentially undesirable behaviors by advertising networks, analytics services, social widgets, and other 'third-party websites.' If a company operates both a first-party website and a third-party website from the same domain, visitors to the first-party website will be open to cookie-based tracking by the third-party service .... Separating first-party websites from third-party services improves security: interactions between content and other websites could introduce vulnerabilities. The domain separation also benefits user privacy: Google associates user account information with cookies. By serving its third-party services from other domains, Google ensures it will not receive cookies, and therefore will not be able to trivially identify user activities on other websites. "Web Pt>licy" (last accessed on: February 21, 2012), available online at: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 http://w 12/02117/safari-trackers/. :J. Microsoft Study When the IE team heard the Google had bypassed user privacy settings on Safari, we asked ourselves a simple question: is Google circumventing the privacy preferences of Internet Explorer users too? We've discovered the answer is yes: Google is employing similar methods to get around the default privacy protections in IE and track IE users with cookies .... 26 27 28 We've found that Google bypasses the P3P Privacy Protection feature in IE. The result is similar to the recent reports of Google' s circumvention of privacy protections in Apple's Safari Web 13 CLPSS ACTION COMPLAINT 1 browser, even though the actual bypass mechanism Google uses is different. ... 2 3 Google secretly developed a way to circumvent default privacy settings established by a ... competitor, Apple ... [and] Google then used the workaround to drop ad-tracking cookies on the Safari users, which is exactly the sort of practice that Apple was trying to prevent. Third-party cookies are a common mechanism used to track what people do online. Safari protects its users from being tracked this way by a default user setting that blocks third-party cookies .... 4 5 6 7 8 9 By default, IE blocks third-party cookies unless the site presents a P3P Compact Policy Statement indicating how the site will use the cookie and that the site's use does not include tracking the user. Google's P3P policy causes Internet Explorer to accept Google's cookies even though the policy does not state Google's intent. 10 11 12 13 P3P, an official recommendation of the W3C Web standards body, is a Web technology that all browsers and sites can support. Sites use P3P to describe how they intend to use cookies and user information. By supporting P3P, browsers can block or allow cookies to honor user privacy preferences with respect to the site's stated intentions .... 14 15 16 17 18 Technically, Google utilizes a nuance in the P3P specification that has the effect of bypassing user preferences about cookies. The P3P specification (in attempt to leave room for future advances in privacy policies) states that browsers should ignore any undefined policies they encounter. Google sends a P3P policy that fails to inform the browser about Google's use of cookies and user information. Google's P3P policy is actually a statement that it is not a P3P policy. It's intended for humans to read even though P3P policies are designed for browsers to "read." 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "Google Bypassing User Privacy Settings" (last accessed on February 21, 2012) online at: 26 htto :/lbl< ve/20 12/02/20/google-bypassing-user-ori vacv -settings.asox 27 28 ~ 4. Defendant Google did not refute the findings, and although individuals had set their pri acy settings to their preferences, knowingly circumvented users' preferences: CLAS ACTION COMPLAINT 14 1 "Microsoft uses a 'self-declaration' protocol (known as 'P3P') dating from 2002 under which Microsoft asks websites to represent their privacy practices in machine-readable form. It is well known - including by Microsoft- that it is impractical to comply with Microsoft's request while providing modern web functionality. We have been open about our approach, as have many other websites." Google's Senior Vice President of Communications and Policy, Rachel Whetstone. 2 3 4 5 6 7 1'. 8 9 Harm A. "Tox c Cookies" Reouire a "Toxic Cookie Cleanup" 10 4 . Defendants have left tracking mechanisms and files within Plaintiffs and Class 11 Memben' Computing Devices. Like a toxic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico causing loss and/or 12 13 damage to the area residents, embedded "toxic cookies" now require a "toxic cookie cleanup." 4p. 14 15 Plaintiff and Class Members demand that Defendants return their Computing Devices o the state that existed prior to any and all activity implemented by Defendants and 16 Google ~~ffiliates. Such a demand is premised on the fact that although Defendants have ceased 17 18 setting tl e cookies, Defendants may still continue their tracking practices using such tracking 19 mechani ms. Plaintiffs and Class Members' Computing Devices are at risk, and Plaintiff and 20 Class M mbers do not desire to accept such a risk. 21 47. Defendants' actions have caused harm to the Plaintiff and Class Members, 22 includin~, but not limited to, the following: 23 24 25 26 27 a. Loss due to costs associated with requiring Computing Device forensics to investigate, locate, and delete any and all tracking nechanisms located within Plaintiffs and Class Members' Computing Devices without removing authorized cache storage cookies; 28 b. Impairment of the Computing Devices; CLA S ACTION COMPLAINT 15 1 c. Loss due to "interception of internet service"; 2 d. Use of bandwidth to set Defendants' tracking mechanisms; e. Use of bandwidth for ad "calls" and ad insertion; and f. Loss due to the collection, storage, use, and sale of the Plaintiffs and 3 4 5 Class Members' personal information. 6 4 Plaintiff and Class members use their Computing Devices' cache to store and use data, inc ding, but not limited to, files of interest, website passwords, and bookmarks. Plaintiff and Clas Members do not want to use the Computing Devices' software to delete their entire 7 8 9 10 11 cache bu only that data within their hardware associated with Defendants and Google Affiliates. 12 , though, requires accessing the Plaintiffs and Class Members' hard drive to examine 13 every data file. 14 Cleaning software provides the cache deletion mechanisms that delete the brows 15 16 17 cache. is purges all ETag values. The cost for cleaning is quite low if a user merely runs the cached letion of all browsers; however, Plaintiff and Class Members do not desire to delete all 18 Plaintiffs and Class Members' concerns relate to data remanence, or the residu 1 19 20 represe tation of data that remains even after attempts have been made to remove or erase the 21 is residue may result from data being left intact by a nominal file deletion operation, b 22 23 24 ting the storage media that does not remove data previously written to the media, or throug physical properties of the storage medium that allow previously written data to be 25 26 51. It is a misconception about deleting computer files that by simply pressing the 27 delete utton, emptying the "Recycle Bin," or even formatting the drive that it deletes all files. 28 16 CL SS ACTION COMPLAINT 1 Informaf on still remains on the hard disk drive ("HDD"). Formatting the HDD also does not 2 erase hid~en files. The data is not permanently erased and formatting still leaves unused parts of 3 the HDD and the swap file holding data. 4 5 5 J. When information is written to a drive, the location of the information is stored ir 6 a file tha resembles a table of contents for a book. On computers running DOS and Windows 7 operatin systems, the File Allocation Table ("FAT") or the Master File Table ("MFT") holds 8 this info mation. When a file is deleted, the FAT or MFT is updated to tell the computer the 9 10 space on the HDD is available; however, the actual data is not deleted until it is overwritten wit 11 new dat . This is the reason why computer forensic software is able to recover data. Using 12 software undelete tools, files that were accidentally or otherwise deleted can be restored. 13 3. The U.S. Department of Defense 5220.22-M standard for disk-sanitization is the 14 most rig oro us data wipe procedure. This wiping standard requires seven passes, with each pass 15 16 17 18 19 formed pf three different data wipes. The HDD is rewritten and covered with random patterns. With ea~h wipe, the deleted data becomes harder to piece back together. 4. The most effective and efficient way to clean a computer would be to indiscri ~inately erase ALL tracking files on the computer which would include cookies, flash 20 cookies HTML5 storage, etc. To go through and erase solely the Defendants' related files wou d 21 22 take ex ra time and would bear the risk of not eliminating all of the potential threats. Plaintiff and 23 Class !\ embers desire to have their Computing Devices restored to the state the hardware existed 24 in befo e Defendants' activities without deleting any of their cache data. 25 B. Loss and/or Damal!e in Excess of$5,000.00 ("CFAA") 26 27 28 55. Plaintiff and Class Members have suffered loss and/or damages that exceed fiv1 thousru d dollars ($5,000.00) in order to mitigate Defendants' invasive actions by expending CL!SS ACTION COMPLAINT 17 1 2 time, morey, and resources, to investigate and repair their Computing Devices, a conduct violation s defined in the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act ("CF AA"), Title 18, United States 3 Code, Se< tion 1030. The CF AA defines "damage" as "any impairment to the integrity or 4 5 availabili y of data, a program, a system, or information." 18 U.S.C. § 1030(e)(8). Under the 6 CFAA, "loss" is treated differently from "damage," and is defined as "any reasonable cost to any 7 victim, including the cost of responding to an offense, conducting a damage assessment, and 8 restoring he data, program, system, or information to its condition prior to the offense, and any 9 10 revenue 1pst, cost incurred, or other consequential damages incurred because of interruption of 11 service." 18 U.S.C. § 1030(e)(l1). Accordingly, Plaintiff must claim economic loss or damages 12 in an am< unt aggregating at least $5,000 in value during any 1-year period to one or more 13 individuds. See 18 U.S.C. § 1030(c)(4)(A)(i)(I). 14 5 ~. Plaintiffs and Class Members' economic loss involves costs to obtain a complet~ 15 16 forensic< xamination of their Computing Devices. Estimates for such services exceed thirty-five 17 (35) hou sat a cost of three hundred and fifty dollars ($350.00) per hour, or exceeding a total 18 cost ofhvelve thousand two hundred and fifty dollars ($12,250.00) per device: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 "A complete examination of a single 80 GB hard drive can have over 18,000,000 pages of electronic information and may take between 15 to 3 5 hours or more to examine, depending on the size and types of media. A reasonable quote can be obtained prior to the investigation's start. This time could increase or decrease, depending upon the type [of] operating system used, the type of data contained within, and the size and amount of data in question. Computer forensic investigations have an unusually high return on investment. The total computer forensic price can average from $250 to $350 an hour." New Yo k Computer Forensics Services, "Computer Forensics Frequently Asked Questions" 27 (last ace ~ssed February 21, 20 12), available online at: 28 httn ://W'~W faw. ohn CLAS~ ACTION COMPLAINT 18 1 2 3 5'. The average costs of Computing Devices range from one hundred and fifty dollan ($150.00) to fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00). Plaintiff and Class Members use such devices to conduc both personal and commercial business. Any interference of any kind to such devices 4 5 would int~rfere with their personal enjoyment and/or commercial use. Plaintiff and Class 6 Members were harmed due to any delay in use once the Defendants' actions became known, and 7 delay in t me to investigate and repair any loss and/or damage. Moreover, Plaintiffs and Class 8 Member~' loss shall include the purchase of a new Computing Device's hardware and operating 9 10 11 system. 5 Plaintiff and Class Members purchased Computing Devices with consideration o 12 costs, sp1 ed, and security features. The cost of the hardware and software necessary for the 13 security eatures were factored into the total price of the Computing Devices; thus a specific sun 14 was allo1 ated to the cost of including the security features. As such, Defendants' circumvention 15 of Plaint ff s and Class Members' Computing Devices rendered such hardware and software 16 17 18 19 20 protections purchased within the Computing Devices worthless. 5~. Native Security Software was provided to Plaintiff and Class Members within their Co nputing Devices when purchased for use on a trial basis, with generally an average sixtv (60) day trial period. Common Native Security Software is a Norton or McAfee product. Once 21 the trial Jeriod expired, the Plaintiff and Class Members downloaded software or purchased such 22 23 at an ele tronics retailer. Security Software costs average approximately seventy five dollars 24 ($75.00) to one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) per Computing Device to provide continued 25 security !Protection. Such Security Software purchased was rendered worthless due to 26 Defend~:~ts' activities made the basis of this action. 27 28 CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 19 Defendants' harm to Plaintiff and Class Members involves a loss that includes the 1 2 purchase fan HDD, transferring of files, and re-installation of an operating system. Hidden file 3 actually store data long after deleted and can be recovered by experts. As an 4 to clearing all cache and cookies, a user would need to purchase a brand new HDD, 5 indows, and have their authorized data from the hard drive transferred to a new HDD. 6 reinstall 7 A retail p ice for this would average one hundred dollars ($1 00.00) for the HDD and 8 approxim tely $150-$250 for the operation oftransferring the files, installing Windows, etc., or 9 about $3 0-$350 total at a market price. 10 Defendants' harm to Plaintiff and Class Members involves paying a computer 11 12 technici 13 to spend hours and hours reading every single cookie file, cache file, etc., though this efficient. Regardless, a technician could spend approximately ten ( 10) to twenty (20) 14 g through each and every cookie file. If a Computing Device has 18,000,000 cookies, 15 ke substantial time on a Computing Device that has a lot of cookies to view each one 16 17 individua ly. A technician shall have to indiscriminately read every line of every file of cache 18 and anal 19 e it, and delete Defendants' tracking files. Plaintiff and Class Members that have their HDD/cache removed, but want to stil 20 use the i ected hard drive must extract all the authorized data, and that would require additional 21 22 costs for hat process. Data transfer could be as much as $250. Plaintiff and Class Members mus 23 purchase brand new HDD and all of their data (music, documents, etc.) must be transferred to 24 the new DD. Plaintiffs and Class Members' loss includes a cost of about $350 for the HDD 25 and the s rvice. However, programs cannot be transferred. For example, if Microsoft Office is 26 installed n the old HDD, it has to be manually re-installed on the new HDD. This applies to all 27 28 applicati ns. Typically, that is the user's responsibility. Most computer technicians will notre- CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 20 1 2 install all of the programs for the user. It would be plausible to say that re-installing an average user's apJlications would take another three to four hours and thus cost an extra $400. Market 3 cost to buy a new HDD and have all of a user's program and files transferred to it, so that they 4 5 6 were made whole and in the same shape that they were in before, would cost approximately $750. 7 8 6 . The issue is not that the cost is higher to delete the hidden files than the cost of a total replc cement, i.e. buying a brand new computer; it's that a person's data is invaluable to 9 them. lnd viduals have years' worth of research, bookmarks, and cache on their hard drive; thus 10 11 user data s invaluable if lost. 12 C. 13 U tauthorized Use of Bandwidth ("Bandwidth Ho2s") 6~. Defendants' activities of circumventing Plaintiffs and Class Members' 14 Computir g Devices and using such to conduct tracking required bandwidth. The problem is that 15 16 17 18 19 the bandv idth used to complete Defendants' objectives had not been purchased by Defendants, but rather by the Plaintiff and Class Members. 6:;. Defendants caused an economic harm to the Plaintiff and Class Members that is actual, no r1-speculative, sum certain, tangible, and scientifically documented, and that was 20 incurred l y the unauthorized use of their Computing Devices' bandwidth; in that: 21 22 a. Plaintiff and Class Members purchased a monthly limited bandwidth 23 data plan for their Computing Device from their provider. 24 b. 25 Plaintiff and Class Members then accessed websites, "expecting" and agreeing to limited bandwidth consumption required and necessary to 26 27 in eract with the websites. 28 CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 21 1 c. 2 However, Defendants then redirected Plaintiffs and Class Members' Computing Devices to access their tracking mechanism and had HTTP 3 c okies set after they have been deleted, and such was not "expected" 4 5 the user, not required to interact with the website, not agreed upon 6 the user, and not necessary to operate the Computing Devices. 7 d. Defendants then made "calls" directing Plaintiffs and Class Members' 8 Computing Devices to third parties for marketing purposes, thereby 9 d pleting the purchased and linked bandwidth data plans of the 10 11 P aintiff and Class Members, and such was not "expected" by the user, 12 n t required to interact with the website, not agreed upon by the user, 13 d not necessary to operate the Computing Devices. 14 Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transmitted across a channel in a set 15 16 amount time. Any transmission of information on the internet includes bandwidth. Similar to 17 panies, such as power or water, the "pipeline" is a substantial capital expenditure, an 18 usage controls the pricing model. Hosting providers charge users for bandwidth 19 eir upstream provider charges them and so forth until it reaches the "back bone 20 provider ." Retail providers purchase it from wholesalers to sell to its consumers. 21 Bandwidth to the Computing Device is like gasoline to a motor vehicle. Without 22 23 it, the de ice is inoperable. Defendants require bandwidth to conduct their tracking activities 24 made the basis of this action. However, the bandwidth used is that of the Plaintiff and Class 25 Member . Like an individual that fills up their car's gas tank to find it empty because their 26 27 neighbor drove their car without permission, Plaintiff and Class Members pay monthly 28 CLAS ACTION COMPLAINT 22 1 2 3 bandwidt use fees for their own use and not by Defendants to conduct their tracking business. efendants' perspective, reducing their own bandwidth usages reduces their own costs Defendants' unauthorized interception and use of Plaintiffs and Class Members' 4 5 electroni communications, include, but are not limited to, the following: 6 a. 7 communications after Plaintiff and Class Members visited the websites 8 Interception of the Plaintiffs and Class Members' electronic a d then used their Computing Devices to limit access for tracking; 9 i eluding, but not limited to, deleting cookies and implementing 10 11 echanisms to limit re-spawning made the basis of this action; Use of the Plaintiffs and Class Members' bandwidth by Defendants to 12 b. 13 install their tracking mechanisms within their Computing Devices; 14 c. Use of the Plaintiffs and Class Members' bandwidth by Defendants to 15 activate, use, and monitor their online activities; 16 Use of the Plaintiffs and Class Members' bandwidth by Defendants to 17 d. 18 add tracking mechanisms; 19 e. 20 Use of the Plaintiffs and Class Members' bandwidth by Defendants to provide access to, and use by Google affiliates of their Computing 21 22 evices; Use of the Plaintiffs and Class Members' bandwidth by Defendants to 23 f. 24 conduct advertising procedures, including, but not limited to, "calls" to 25 t ird party web analytic vendors, advertising networks, and their 26 ffiliates. 27 28 CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 23 1 2 6~. The technology behind the World Wide Web is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) ahd it does not make any distinction as to the types of links; thus, all links are 3 functiona ly equal. Resources may be located on any server at any location. When a website is 4 5 visited, tl e browser first downloads the textual content in the form of an HTML document. The 6 downloac ed HTML document may call for other HTML files, images, scripts and/or style sheet 7 files to b processed. These files may contain tags which supply the URLs that allow images to 8 display on the page. The HTML code generally does not specify a server, meaning that the web 9 10 browser hould use the same server as the parent code. It also permits absolute URLs that refer t 11 images hosted on other servers. Once the application has stored the data, it will attempt to send 12 informat on back to affiliated servers. In most cases this is done every time a user opens and 13 closes a Jrowser. The data is continually tracked. A website that enables tracking does not take 14 just one :sample; it will record every use of the website for the life of that website on a user's 15 16 17 18 19 computer and the user's information is sent automatically at a user's bandwidth expense. ~ 0. Ads consume vast amounts of bandwidth, which results in slowing a user's internet connection by using their bandwidth and diminishing the Computing Devices' battery life in o der to retrieve advertisements. Web analytics devour more bandwidth than ads by 20 accessir g bandwidth to download and run ad script; thus Plaintiff and Class Members that did 21 22 23 24 25 not access ads on a website still had the Defendants use their bandwidth for its tracking: When you're probing, you're using a user's battery and data when they don't know about it, but it's a faster way to build up data cause you're not waiting for the user to check in a few times a day. You're pinging in 100 times a day .... 26 27 28 Yarrow Jay "Everything You Need to Know About How Phones are Stalking You Everywher " (last ac essed February 21, 2012) available online at:­ ceo-20 l-4#ixzz1PTSN01oa CLA S ACTION COMPLAINT 24 1 2 71. Advertisers are now using the Internet as their primary ad-delivery pipe, continual y uploading and downloading data from networks, causing substantial bandwidth use. 3 Ads that ere hidden in content or bundled used substantial bandwidth, as did updates. Web 4 5 analytics ctivities delayed Plaintiffs and Class Members' movement on websites, and used 6 their ban width to carry out Defendants' activities. 7 7 . Web analytic vendor and ad networks use ad content, such as streaming video an 8 audio, th t requires excessive use of Plaintiffs and Class Members' bandwidth. This is due in 9 10 part tot fact that there was no incentive to reduce the ad size used because they could directly 11 pass cos s for bandwidth and ad delivery content to Plaintiff and Class Members, without the 12 Plaintiff nd Class Members having any notice. For example, while Plaintiff and Class Member 13 were br wsing a website, at the same time web analytic vendors and ad networks were silently 14 harvesti g personal data and sending it to remote servers using Plaintiffs and Class Members' 15 16 17 18 19 Defendants' use of Plaintiffs and Class Members' bandwidth for their data mining ctivities is similar in nature to a practice called "hot linking," wherein one server uses erver's bandwidth to send data. While it slows down the server, it also allows 20 bandwi th costs to be transferred to another server. Defendants' data mining activities produce 21 22 similar nauthorized bandwidth use. While only tech savvy individuals are aware that their 23 Compu ing Devices are used as a server without their knowledge or consent, fewer individuals 24 are aw e of the extent that web analytic vendors and ad networks make "calls" to third parties 25 and of e amount of user's bandwidth used when a user merely accesses a site. 26 27 28 Excluding the amount of bandwidth that the Plaintiff and Class Members use, amoun necessary to operate their computer, the amount expected by the user's interaction wit CL SS ACTION COMPLAINT 25 e 1 2 the websi e, and that of which was agreed upon by the user, Defendants' unauthorized data mining activities caused substantial bandwidth use to the Plaintiff and Class Members that 3 resulted i ~ actual out of pocket expenditures. Defendants' activities include, but are not limited 4 5 to, the fol owing: 6 a. 7 websites and tracking mechanisms set on their Computing Devices; 8 b. Transmittal of and access to Plaintiffs and Class Members' accessed Loading of ads first before content, bundling ads, and ads with 9 excessive bandwidth; 10 Use of Software Development Kits ("SDKs"), and their functions 11 c. 12 within Plaintiffs and Class Members' Computing Devices'; 13 d. Harvesting of Plaintiffs and Class Members' Computing Devices' e. Harvesting of Plaintiffs and Class Members' PI, PII, and SII; 17 f. "Background" activities including "data mining"; 18 g. "Push notifications" of content to user's Computing Devices; and h. Re-direction of Plaintiffs and Class Members' Computing Devices to 14 d~ta; 15 16 19 20 make "calls" to Defendants and Google Affiliates for marketing 21 22 1 urposes. 23 ' 5. 24 25 The amount of bandwidth use on Computing Devices can be measured directly l y analyzir g the logged traffic use, which varies generally between 0 bytes and about 500k bytes per sess on. The traffic use, whether expected by the user or not, is part of the normal operation 26 of the Computing Device. Website traffic analysis shows the majority of the traffic is tracking 27 28 code in ~gration and the directing of traffic to third party servers. The traffic to third parties for CLA S ACTION COMPLAINT 26 1 2 marketin~ purposes is not required nor authorized by the user; moreover, the user is never prompte1 to allow it or notified that it has occurred. 3 7fJ. The basic nature of HTTP is a challenge-response protocol. For each request, 4 5 6 there is r ecessarily a response. Conventional technical usage would refer to the challengeresponse pair as a single "call". 7~. 7 8 In HTTP/1.0, an HTTP request requires a new TCP/IP connection to be initiated and then tom down after the response. This causes a significant amount of bandwidth to be 9 wasted coing the "bookkeeping" for each TCP/IP session. The excessive bandwidth use is 10 11 related t l defining how to issue multiple requests and receive responses using a single TCP/IP 12 connecti~m. Websites must be able to open essentially only a limited amount of connections, 13 whateve the designated "simultaneous network connections" setting is to the server for the 14 entire se~sion. 15 '8. 16 Although memory is technically any form of electronic storage, it is used most 17 often to 'dentify fast, temporary forms of storage. If a user'sComputing Device's CPU had to 18 constan y access the HDD to retrieve every piece of data it needs, it would operate very slowly. 19 '9. The cache increases transfer performance. A part of the increase similarly come! 20 from th< possibility that multiple small transfers will combine into one large block. The main 21 22 perform~nce gain occurs because the same datum will be read from cache multiple times, or th1 t 23 written ~ata will soon be read. A cache's sole purpose is to reduce accesses to the underlying 24 slower ~to rage. 25 0. CPUs need quick and easy access to large amounts of data in order to maximize 26 their pe formance. If the CPU cannot get to the data it needs, it literally stops and waits for the 27 28 data to ~e processed. CLA: S ACTION COMPLAINT 27 1 81. 2 Defendants' services must interface with, and draw bandwidth from, Plaintiff's and Class Members' Computing Devices' limited bandwidth data plan in order to complete its 3 tracking ractices. Like a "bad" neighbor that sneaks over in the dead of night to plug in an 4 extensior cord into their neighbor's electrical outlet to "suck out" kilowatts, Defendants were 5 6 "hogging' the Plaintiff's and Class Members' purchased and limited bandwidth plan, and not 7 reimburs ng Plaintiff and Class Members for using their limited data plan. The economic harm i 8 actual, n n-speculative, out of pocket, sum certain, and scientifically documented: 9 "If consumers perceive that rich media ads and other marketing activities affecting their consumption of bandwidth, and that they are paying to watch ads, it could [] affect mobile advertising." 10 11 12 13 Chantal ~"'ode, "T-Mobile's new pricing reflects concern over growing bandwidth use" (last accessed February 21, 2012) available online at: 14 15 network /10014.html v. 16 Plaintiff brings this action pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(a), and (b)(1), (b)(2) 17 18 CLASS ALLEGATIONS and/or ( J )(3) on behalf of herself and the following class: 19 All persons residing in the United States who possessed a 20 Computing Device which had a Safari or IE browser that had 21 22 Defendants circumvent their Computing Devices' privacy 23 preferences ("Class"). 24 B. The Class Period is defined as the time period applicable under the claims to be 25 26 certifie . 27 28 CLFSS ACTION COMPLAINT 28 1 2 Excluded from the Class are Defendants, their assigns, and successors, legal 84. representa ives, and any entity in which Defendants have a controlling interest. Also excluded is 3 the judge t whom this case is assigned and the judge's immediate family. 4 5 6 7 8 Plaintiff reserves the right to revise this definition of the Class based on facts 85. learned as litigation progresses. The Class consists of millions of individual and other entities, making joinder 86 impractic 1. 9 87 The claims of Plaintiff are typical of the claims of all other members of the Class. 88 Plaintiff will fairly and adequately represent the interests of the Class. Plaintiff 10 11 12 has retain d counsel with substantial experience in prosecuting complex litigation and class 13 actions, i eluding privacy cases. Plaintiff and her counsel are committed to vigorously 14 g this action on behalf of the Class and have the financial resources to do so. Neither 15 Plaintiff r her counsel any interests adverse to those of the Class. 16 Absent a class action, most Class Members would find the cost of litigating their 17 18 claims to e prohibitive and would have no effective remedy. The class treatment of common 19 questions of law and fact is also superior to multiple individual actions or piecemeal litigation in 20 serves the resources of the courts and the litigants and promotes consistency and 21 22 efficienc of adjudication. Defendants have acted and failed to act on grounds generally applicable to 23 24 25 Plaintiff nd the Class, requiring the Court's imposition of uniform relief to ensure compatible standards of conduct toward the Class. 26 9 . The factual and legal bases of Defendants' liability to Plaintiff and to the other 27 28 Class Me hers are the same, resulting in injury to Plaintiff and all of the other Class Members. CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 29 1 2 Plaintiff ar d the other Class Members have all suffered harm and damages as a result of the Defendant ' wrongful conduct. 3 92. There are many questions of law and fact common to Plaintiff and the Class, and 4 5 6 those ques ions predominate over any questions that may affect only individual Class Members. Common , nd predominant questions for the Class include, but are not limited to, the following: a. What was the extent of Defendants' business practice of circumventin~ 7 8 users' Computing Device security settings to transmit, access, collect 9 monitor, and remotely store users' data? 10 11 b. What information did Defendants collect from their business practices o 12 circumventing users' Computing Device security settings to transmit 13 access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' data, and what did the) 14 do with that information? 15 c. Whether users, by virtue of visiting websites with Defendants' trackin~ 16 17 mechanisms, had pre-consented to the operation of Defendants' busines 18 practices of circumventing users' Computing Device security settings t< 19 transmit, access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' data; 20 d. Was there adequate notice, or any notice, of the operation of Defendants 21 business practices of circumventing users' Computing Device securit 22 23 settings to transmit, access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' dat 24 provided to Plaintiff and Class Members? 25 e. Was there reasonable opportunity to decline the operation of Defendant: ' 26 business practices of circumventing users' Computing Device securi 27 28 CLAS ACTION COMPLAINT 30 1 settings to transmit, access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' dat 2 provided to Plaintiff and Class Members? 3 f. Did Defendants' business practices of circumventing users' Computin 4 Device security settings to transmit, access, collect, monitor, and remotel 5 store users' data disclose, intercept, and transmit PI, PII or SII? 6 7 g. Whether Defendants' devised and deployed a scheme or artifice to de frau 8 or conceal from Plaintiff and the Class Members Defendants' ability to 9 and practice of, circumventing users' Computing Device security setting 10 to transmit, access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' data, fo 11 12 their own benefit, personal information, and tracking data from Plaintiff 13 and the Class members' personal Computing Devices via the ability t 14 track their data on their Computing Device; 15 h. Whether Defendants engaged in the deceptive acts and practices i 16 connection with their undisclosed and systemic practice of circumventin 17 18 users' Computing Device security settings to transmit, access, collect 19 monitor, and remotely store users' data on Plaintiffs and the Clas 20 Members' personal Computing Devices and using that data to track an 21 profile Plaintiffs and the Class Members' Internet activities and persona 22 habits, proclivities. 23 24 25 1. Did the implementation of Defendants' business practices o circumventing users' Computing Device security settings to transmit 26 access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' data violate th 27 28 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1030? CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 31 1 2 J. Did the implementation of Defendants' business practices oJ circumventing users' Computing Device security settings to transmit 3 access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' data violate the 4 5 6 7 8 Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2510 et seq. k. Did the implementation of Defendants' business practices o1 circumventing users' Computing Device security settings to transmit access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' data violate th~ 9 California's Computer Crime Law, Penal Code§ 502? 10 11 1. Did the implementation of Defendants' business practices o 12 circumventing users' Computing Device security settings to transmit 13 access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' data violate th~ 14 California Invasion ofPrivacy Act, Penal Code§ 630 et seq.? 15 16 m. Did the implementation of Defendants' business practices o 17 circumventing users' Computing Device security settings to transmit 18 access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' data violate the 19 Consumers Legal Remedies Act, ("CLRA") California Civil Code § 175C 20 et seq.? 21 22 n. Did the implementation of Defendants' business practices o 23 circumventing users' Computing Device security settings to transmit 24 access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' data violate the Unfai 25 Competition, California Business and Professions Code§ 17200 et seq.? 26 o. Did the implementation of Defendants' business practices o 27 28 circumventing users' Computing Device security settings to transmit CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 32 1 access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' data violate th 2 California Customer Records Act, Cal. Civ. Code§ 1798.80 et seq.? 3 p. Did the implementation of Defendants' business practices o 4 circumventing users' Computing Device security settings to transmit 5 6 access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' data involve 7 Conversion? 8 q. Did the implementation of Defendants' business practices 9 circumventing users' Computing Device security settings to transmit 10 11 access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' data involve a Trespas 12 to Personal Property I Chattels? 13 r. 14 Did the implementation of Defendants' business practices o circumventing users' Computing Device security settings to transmit 15 access, collect, monitor, and remotely store users' data result in Unjus 16 Enrichment? 17 18 s. Are any of the Defendants liable under a theory of aiding and abetting on 19 or more of the remaining Defendants for violations of the statutes liste 20 herein? 21 t. 22 Are the Defendants liable under a theory of civil conspiracy for violation of the statutes listed herein? 23 24 u. Are the Defendants liable under a theory of unjust enrichment fo 25 violations of the statutes listed herein? 26 v. Whether Defendants participated in and/or committed or are responsibl 27 for violation oflaw(s) complained ofherein; 28 CLASS CTION COMPLAINT 33 w. Are Class Members entitled to damages as a result of the implementatio 1 of Defendants' conduct, and, if so, what is the measure of those damages? 2 3 x. Whether Plaintiff and Class Members have sustained damages as a resul 4 of Defendants' conduct, and, if so, what is the appropriate measure o 5 damages; 6 y. Whether Plaintiff and Class members are entitled to declaratory andlo 7 injunctive relief to enjoin the unlawful conduct alleged herein; and 8 9 z. Whether Plaintiff and Class Members are entitled to punitive damages 10 and, if so, in what amount? 11 The questions of law and fact common to the Class predominate over any 12 9 13 question 14 methods or the fair and efficient adjudication of this controversy. affecting only individual members and a class action is superior to all other available 15 16 17 9 . Based on the foregoing allegations, Plaintiffs legal theories for relief include those set forth below. VI. 18 19 CAUSES OF ACTION FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION (Violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1030) 20 21 5. Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges all paragraphs previously allege 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 herein. 6. Plaintiffs and the Class Members' Computing Devices are computers used in affectin interstate commerce and communication and are therefore "protected computers" as defined in the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (the "CFAA"), 18 U.S.C. § 1030(e)(2). 97. Defendants violated the CFAA, 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(4) in that they knowingly and wi h intent to defraud, accessed the protected Computing Devices of Plaintiff and the Clas 34 CL SS ACTION COMPLAINT 1 2 Members ithout authorization, or exceeding authorized access, and by means of such conduct, furthered t e intended fraud and obtained things of value. 3 As described above, Defendants published an invalid P3P Compact Policy to 98. 4 5 transmit fa se information to Plaintiffs and Class Members' browsers and to thereby 6 surreptitio sly gain access to and place persistent cookies onto their Computing Devices. 7 8 Defendants acted without authorization or exceeding authorization in that Plaintif and the Cl ss Members did not give Defendants permission or consent to place persistent cookie 9 on their C mputing Devices. In fact, they reasonably believed that Safari and IE would block 10 11 such cooki s from being placed on their Computing Devices or downgrade such cookies to the 12 status of se sion cookies. 13 10 . Defendants' conduct was done knowingly and with intent to defraud in that 14 Defendant created and used an invalid P3P Compact Policy for the purpose of circumventing 15 16 17 18 19 the cookie- lltering functions of Plaintiffs and the Class Members' browsers and because they had no legi imate purpose for using an invalid P3P Compact Policy. 101. Through Defendants' conduct it was able to further their intended fraud of placing persistent ookies on Plaintiffs and Class Members' Computing Devices and using such cookies 20 to collect d maintain Plaintiffs and Class Members' PI, PII and SII, and to share that 21 22 informatio with third parties without the knowledge, consent, or authorization of Plaintiff and 23 Class Me bers. 24 25 As a direct and proximate result of Defendants' conduct, Plaintiff and Class Members ave suffered harms and losses that include those described above. 26 27 28 CLASS CTION COMPLAINT 35 103. 1 2 Defendants' unlawful access to Plaintiffs and Class Members' Computing Devices t ough the use of invalid P3P Compact Policies constituted a single act that resulted in 3 an aggrega ed loss to Plaintiff and the Class Members of at least $5,000 within a one-year period. 4 Therefore, Plaintiff and the Class Members are entitled to compensatory damages. 5 In addition, Defendants' unlawful access to Plaintiffs and Class Members' 6 7 Computin Devices has caused Plaintiff and Class Members irreparable injury. 8 Unless restrained and enjoined, Defendant will continue to commit such acts. 9 10 Plaintiffs nd Class Members' remedy at law is not adequate to compensate them for these 11 inflicted, i minent, threatened, and continuing injuries, entitling Plaintiff and the Class 12 Members t remedies including injunctive relief as provided by 18 U.S.C. § 1030(g). 13 SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (Violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act 18 U.S.C. § et seq.) 14 15 10 17 18 Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges all paragraphs previously alleged 10 16 Plaintiff asserts this claim against each and every Defendant named herein in this herein. 19 complaint n behalf of herself and the Class. 20 21 10 The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, 18 U.S.C. § 2510 et seq., 22 ("ECP A") regulates wire and electronic communications interception and interception of oral 23 communic tions, and makes it unlawful for a person to "willfully intercept, endeavor to 24 intercept, r procure any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept, any wire, oral, or 25 electronic ommunication," within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 2511(1). 26 27 28 CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 36 1 Defendants violated 18 U.S.C. § 2511 by intentionally acquiring and/or 2 g, by device or otherwise, Plaintiffs and Class Members' electronic communications, 3 without owledge, consent or authorization. 4 111. 5 At all relevant times, Defendants engaged in business practices of intercepting the 6 Plaintiffs and Class Members' electronic communications, which included endeavoring to 7 intercept 8 e transmission of a user's Computing Devices' activities and interactions between the user and i s contact online from within their Computing Devices. Once the Defendants obtained 9 the data, t ey used such to aggregate Computing Device data of the Plaintiff and Class Members 10 11 as they us d their Computing Devices. The contents of data transmissions from and to Plaintiffs and Class Members' 12 13 Computi g Devices constitute "electronic communications" within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 14 2510. 15 11 3. 16 Plaintiff and Class Members are "person[s] whose ... electronic communication i 17 intercepte ... or intentionally used in violation of this chapter" within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. 18 § 2520. 19 Defendants violated 18 U.S.C. § 2511(1)(a) by intentionally intercepting, 20 g to intercept, or procuring any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept 21 22 23 24 25 Plaintiff and Class Members' electronic communications. Defendants violated 18 U.S.C. § 2511(a)(c) by intentionally disclosing, or endeavori g to disclose, to any other person the contents of Plaintiffs and Class Members' electronic communications, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtaine 26 through t e interception of Plaintiffs and Class Members' electronic communications. 27 28 CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 37 1 2 Defendants violated 18 U.S.C. § 2511(1)(d) by intentionally using, or 116 endeavorin to use, the contents of Plaintiffs and Class Members' electronic communications, 3 knowing o having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of 4 5 6 7 Plaintiffs nd Class Members' electronic communications. 11 Defendants' intentional interception of these electronic communications without Plaintiffs r Class Members' knowledge, consent, or authorization was undertaken without a 8 facially va id court order or certification. 9 10 11 Defendants intentionally used such electronic communications, with knowledge, 11 or having 12 interceptio , for an unlawful purpose. 13 ason to know, that the electronic communications were obtained through 11 . Defendants unlawfully accessed and used, and voluntarily disclosed, the contents 14 of the inte cepted communications to enhance their profitability and revenue through advertising. 15 16 17 18 19 This disci sure was not necessary for the operation of Defendants' system or to protect Defendant ' rights or property. 12 . ECPA, 18 U.S.C. § 2520(a) provides a civil cause of action to "any person whose wire, oral, or electronic communication is intercepted, disclosed, or intentionally used" in 20 violation f the ECP A. 21 Defendants are liable directly and/or vicariously for this cause of action. Plaintiff 22 23 and Class embers therefore seek remedy as provided for by 18 U.S.C. § 2520, including such 24 prelimina and other equitable or declaratory relief as may be appropriate, damages consistent 25 with subs ction (c) of that section to be proven at trial, punitive damages to be proven at trial, 26 27 and reaso able attorneys' fees and other litigation costs reasonably incurred. 28 CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 38 12 . 1 2 Plaintiff and Class Members have additionally suffered loss by reason of these violations, including, without limitation, violation of the right of privacy. 3 12 . Plaintiff and the Class Members, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2520, are entitled to 4 5 preliminar , equitable, and declaratory relief, in addition to statutory damages of the greater of 6 $10,000 o $100 a day for each day of violation, actual and punitive damages, reasonable 7 attorneys' ees, and Defendants' profits obtained from the above-described violations. Unless 8 nd enjoined, Defendants will continue to commit such acts. Plaintiffs remedy at law 9 is not ade uate to compensate for these inflicted and threatened injuries, entitling Plaintiff to 10 11 remedies i eluding injunctive relief as provided by 18 U.S.C. 2510. THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION (Violations of Cal. Penal Code 502 The California Computer Crime Law ("CCCL")) 12 13 14 12 16 17 18 Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges all paragraphs previously alleged 12 15 Defendants violated Cal. Penal Code § 502(c)(2) by knowingly and without herein. permissio accessing, taking, and using Plaintiffs and the Class Members' Computing Devices. 19 Defendants accessed, copied, used, made use of, interfered with, and/or altered, 20 21 data belo ing to Plaintiff and Class Members: ( 1) in and from the state of California; (2) in the 22 home stat s of the Plaintiff and the Class Members; and (3) in the states in which the servers that 23 provided ervices and communication links between Plaintiff and Class Members and the 24 websites ith which they interacted were located. 25 Cal. Penal Code § 5020) states: "For purposes of bringing a civil or a criminal 26 27 28 action un er this section, a person who causes, by any means, the access of a computer, computer ystem, or computer network in one jurisdiction from another jurisdiction is deemed to CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 39 1 2 have pen onally accessed the computer, computer system, or computer network in each j urisdicti tm." 3 1 8. Defendants have violated California Penal Code§ 502(c)(l) by knowingly and 4 5 6 7 8 without J ermission altering, accessing, and making use of Plaintiffs and Class Members' Computi g Devices and using the data in order to execute a scheme to defraud consumers. 1~9. Defendants have violated California Penal Code§ 502 (c)(6) by knowingly and without 1 ermission providing, or assisting in providing, a means of accessing Plaintiffs and 9 Class M~ mbers' Computing Devices, computer system and/or computer network. 10 11 150. Defendants have violated California Penal Code§ 502(c)(7) by knowingly and 12 without ermission accessing, or causing to be accessed, Plaintiffs and Class Members' 13 compute system, and/or computer network. 14 1~ 1. Pursuant to California Penal Code § 502(b )(1 0) a "Computer contaminant" mean~ 15 16 "any set pf computer instructions that are designed to ... record, or transmit information within 17 compute , computer system, or computer network without the intent or permission of the owner 18 of the in ormation." 19 132. Defendant have violated California Penal Code§ 502(c)(8) by knowingly and 20 without bermission introducing a computer contaminant into the transactions between Plaintiff 21 22 23 24 25 and the lr.lass Members and websites; specifically, web page interactions that propagate a harvesti g software placed there by Defendants. 133. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants' unlawful conduct within the meaning of California Penal Code § 502, Defendants have caused loss to Plaintiff and the Class 26 Membe s in an amount to be proven at trial. Plaintiff and the Class Members are also entitled tc 27 28 recover heir reasonable attorneys' fees pursuant to California Penal Code§ 502(e). CLAS~ ACTION COMPLAINT 40

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