Google, Inc. v. Eolas Technologies Inc. et al
COMPLAINT against Eolas Technologies Incorporated. The Regents of the University of California. Filed byGoogle, Inc.(Filing fee $400.00, receipt number 0971-8262256.). (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L, # 13 Civil Cover Sheet)(Mitro, Keith) (Filed on 12/30/2013) Modified on 12/31/2013 (ha, COURT STAFF). Modified on 1/3/2014 (jlmS, COURT STAFF).
Exhibit B
(12) United States Patent
(10) Patent N0.:
(45) Date of Patent:
Doyle et al.
(75) Inventors: Michael D. Doyle, Wheaton, IL (US);
David C. Martin, San Jose, CA (US);
Cheong S. Ang, Paci?ca, CA (US)
Sub'ect to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
4,815,029 A
3/1989 Barker et al.
4440598 Cl
Microsoft’s Offer of Proof and Motion to Reconsider Regarding
Revision of Claim Construction (1 :99-cv-00626) (N. D. Ill Apr. 26,
U.S.C. 154(1)) by 1219 days.
This patent is subject to a terminal dis
*Dec. 27, 2011
References Cited
(73) Assignee: The Regents of the University of
California, Oakford, CA (US)
US 8,086,662 B1
Primary Examiner * Larry Donaghue
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Charles E. Krueger
(21) Appl. N0.: 11/586,918
(22) Filed:
A system alloWing a user of a browser program on a computer
connected to an open distributed hypermedia system to access
Oct. 26, 2006
Related U.S. Application Data
Continuation of application No. 10/217,955, ?led on
Aug. 9, 2002, noW Pat. No. 7,599,985, Which is a
continuation of application No. 09/075,359, ?led on
May 8, 1998, noW abandoned, Which is a continuation
of application No. 08/324,443, ?led on Oct. 17, 1994,
and execute an embedded program object. The program
object is embedded into a hypermedia document much like
data objects. The user may select the program object from the
screen. Once selected the program object executes on the
user’ s (client) computer or may execute on a remote server or
noW Pat. No. 5,838,906.
additional remote computers in a distributed processing
arrangement. After launching the program object, the user is
able to interact With the object as the invention provides for
Int. Cl.
tion object (program) and the broWser program. One applica
ongoing interprocess communication betWeen the applica
G06F 9/46
tion of the embedded program object alloWs a user to vieW
G06F 17/30
G06F 9/50
broWser’ s Window. The user can manipulate a control panel to
large and complex multi-dimensional objects from Within the
U.S. Cl. ...... .. 709/202; 709/218; 709/219; 715/205;
change the vieWpoint used to vieW the image. The invention
alloWs a program to execute on a remote server or other
715/738; 715/760; 715/777; 715/804; 718/106;
345/419; 345/427; 345/619; 345/638; 345/649;
345/653; 345/654; 345/655; 345/656; 707/E17.119
computers to calculate the vieWing transformations and send
frame data to the client computer thus providing the user of
the client computer With interactive features and alloWing the
Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 709/202,
user to have access to greater computing poWer than may be
709/218, 219; 345/419, 427, 619, 638, 649,
345/653i656; 718/106; 719/310, 315; 707/E17.119
available at the user’s client computer.
See application ?le for complete search history.
11H 1101111 P11l1Il11301. LAYER
28 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
US 8,086,662 B1
Page 2
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8/1990 Caro
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Brief of Defendant-Appellant Microsoft Corporation (04-1234)
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Transcript ofTrial Testimony ofJohn Kelly, pp. 2640-2862 (1 :99-cv
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tion to Defendant’s Motion for Leave to Amend its Answer and
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Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. Rule 26(a)(2)(B) (1:99-cv-00626) (N.D.
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Plaintiffs’ Sur-Reply Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defen
dant’s Motion for Leave to Amend its Answer and Counterclaim
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Defendant Microsoft’s Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion
for Leave to Amend its Answer and Counterclaim (1 :99-cv-00626)
(N.D. Ill. May 25 2007).
Plaintiffs’Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Microsoft Corpo
ration’s Motion to Continue Trial (1 :99-cv-00626) (N.D. Ill. May 30,
Eolas v. Microsoft Combined Petition of Microsoft Corporation for
Rehearing and Rehearing En Banc (Appeal No. 04-1234 in the US.
Court of Appeals for the Federal CircuitiMar. 16, 2005).
Declaration of Interference, Doyle v. Koppolu, Patent Interference
105,563 McK (May 24,2007).
Ex Parte Srinivasa R. Koppolu, C. Douglas Hodges, Barry B.
MacKichan, Richard McDaniel, Rao V. Remala, and Antony S. Wil
liams, App. No. 2005-1431 (B.P.A.I. May 24,2007).
Koppolu Motion 2 (for judgement based on Doyle inequitable con
duct), Doyle v. Koppolu, Patent Interference 105,563 McK (Aug. 15,
Judgment, Doyle v. Koppolu, Patent Interference 105, 563 McK (Sep.
25, 2007).
Plaintiffs’ Local Rule 56.1 (a) Response to Defendant’s Statement of
Additional Facts regarding Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judg
9/2003 Gosling
ment on Inequitable Conduct and Exhibits , Eolas v. Microsoft, Case
3/2006 Tsai
No.99 C 0626 (Jul. 19, 2007).
10/2009 Doyle et al. ................ .. 709/202
Microsoft’s Status Report for May 31, 2007 Hearing (1 :99-cv
0384986 A2
0483576 A2
0650126 A1
Defendant Microsoft’s Local Rule 56.1 (a) Response to Plaintiffs’
Statement of Additional Facts regarding Microsoft’s Motion for
Summary Judgment of Obviousness and Exhibits, Eolas v. Microsoft,
Case No.99 C 0626 (Jul. 18, 2007).
Reply in Support of Microsoft’s Motion for Summary Judgment of
Obviousness and Exhibits, Eolas v. Microsoft, Case No. 99 C 0626
(Jul. 18,2007).
Plaintiffs’ Reply Brief in Support of Their Motion for Summary
Judgment on Inequitable Conduct, Eolas v. Microsoft, Case No. 99 C
Declaration of Dr. John PJ. Kelly in Support of Microsoft’s Offer of
0626 (Jul. 18,2007).
ProofofNon-infringement (1 :99-cv-00626) (N. D. Ill Apr. 26, 2007).
Reply Brief of Defendant-Appellant Microsoft Corporation
(04-1234) (Fed. Cir. Aug. 16, 2004).
Declaration of EdwardW. Felton in Support of Plaintiffs’ Opposition
to Microsoft’s Motion for Summary Judgment, Eolas v. Microsoft,
Case No. 99 C 0626 (Jul. 9, 2007).
US 8,086,662 B1
Page 3
Plaintiffs’ Local Rule 56.1 (b)(3) Response to Microsoft Corpora
tion’s Statement of Undisputed Facts in Support of its Motion for
Summary Judgment of Obviousness, Eolas v. Microsoft, Case No. 99
09/442,070 for reissue of Patent 5,801,701 (B.P.A.I. Nov. 14, 2005).
Notice of Lodging of Deposition Testimony Played in Plaintiffs Case
C 0626 (Jul. 9,2007).
in Chief (Jul. 22, 2003) (Koppolu Testimony).
Defendant Microsoft’s Local Rule 56.1 (b)(3) Response to Plaintiffs’
Statement of Undisputed Facts, and Microsoft’s Statement of Addi
tional Material Facts, in Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Motion for Sum
mary Judgment on Inequitable Conduct and Exhibits, Eolas v.
Expert Witness Report of Larry S. Nixon Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P.
Microsoft, Case No. 99 C 0626 (Jul. 9, 2007).
Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Microsoft’s Motion for Summary Judgment
of Obviousness, Eolas v. Microsoft, Case No. 99 C 0626 (Jul. 9,
In re Srinivasa Koppolu, et al. , Appeal No. 2005- 143 1 , U. S. Appl. No.
Rule 26(a)(2)(B) (Dec. 14, 2001).
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Stephen Le Hunte, “iEmbedded Objects,” HTML
Reference LibraryiHTMLIB v2.1, 1995: n.pag. Online. Internet.
Andreessen, M., Dec. 1, 1992 post to WWW Talk Mailing list.
Defendant’s Trial Exhibit 273: Information Regarding Microsoft
OLE 2.01 SDK (CD).
Defendant Microsoft’s Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Motion for Sum
mary Judgment on Inequitable Conduct, Eolas v. Microsoft, Case No.
File Tree Printout of Defendant’s Trial Exhibit 273: Information
Regarding Microsoft OLE 2.01 SDK.
Defendant’s Trial Exhibit 258: Information Regarding Microsoft
99 C 0626 (Jul. 9, 2007).
OLE 2.0 Toolkit Program (CD).
Microsoft’s Local Rule 56.1 Statement of Undisputed Facts in Sup
port of its Motion for Summary Judgment of Obviousness and Exhib
its, Eolas v. Microsoft, Case No. 99 C 0626 (Jun. 29, 2007).
Memorandum in Support of Microsoft’s Motion for Summary Judg
Regarding Microsoft OLE 2.0 Toolkit Program.
ment of Obviousness and Exhibits, Eolas v. Microsoft, Case No. 99 C
File Tree Printout of MS-ET 0166172: Information Regarding
0626 (Jun. 29, 2007).
DTX1031-c.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 002 part 1).
DTX1031-hmml.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 002 part 2).
DTX1031-html.pdf(MSiSUPP1205 002 part 3).
DTX1031-images.pdf(MSiSUPP1205 002 part 4).
DTX1031-make.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 002 part 5).
DTX1031-other.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 002 part 6).
DTX1031-shell.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 002 part 7).
DTX1031-v.pdf(MSiSUPP1205 002 part 8).
DTX1031-wais.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 002 part 9).
DTX1030-c1.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 001 part 1).
DTX1030-c2.pdf (Ms SUPP1205 001 part 2).
Microsoft OLE 2.01 SDK.
DTX1030-hmml.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 001 part 3).
DTX1030-html.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 001 part 4).
DTX1030-imagespdf (MSiSUPP1205 001 part 5).
DTX1030-make.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 001 part 6).
DTX1030-other.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 001 part 7).
DTX1030-ps.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 001 part 8).
DTX1030-sgml.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 001 part 9).
DTX1030-shell.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 001 part 10).
DTX1030-v1.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 001 part 11).
DTX1030-v2.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 001 part 12).
DTX1030-wais.pdf (MSiSUPP1205 001 part 13).
DX273 -c .pdf.
DX273 -images.pdf.
DX273 -text.pdf.
File Tree Printout of Defendant’s Trial Exhibit 258: Information
MS-ET 0166172: Information Regarding Microsoft OLE 2.01 SDK
MS-ET 0189860: First Companion Disk for “Inside OLE 2” by Kraig
Brockschmidt (CD).
File Tree Printout of MS-ET 0189860: First Companion Disk for
“Inside OLE 2” by Kraig Brockschmidt.
MS-ET 0189861: Second Companion Disk for “Inside OLE 2” by
Kraig Brockschmidt (CD).
File Tree Printout of MS-ET 0189861: Second Companion Disk for
“Inside OLE 2” by Kraig Brockschmidt.
Defendant’s Trial Exhibit 326: Information Regarding Multimedia
Viewer (CD).
File Tree Printout of Defendant’s Trial Exhibit 326: Information
Regarding Multimedia Viewer.
Defendants Trial Exhibit 215: Information Regarding Emacs (CD).
File Tree Printout of Defendants Trial Exhibit 215: Information
Regarding Emacs.
E 021700: Information Regarding WebRouser (CD).
File Tree Printout of E 021700: Information Regarding WebRouser.
E 027693: Information Regarding Distributed Hypermedia Object
Embedding (DHOE) (CD).
File Tree Printout of E 027693: Information Regarding Distributed
Hypermedia Object Embedding (DHOE).
Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626, 2003 US. Dist.
LEXIS 11476 (N.D. Ill. Jul. 2, 2003).
Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., 270 F.Supp.2d 997 (ND. 111.,
Jul. 1, 2003).
Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626, 2003 US. Dist.
LEXIS 6322 (N.D. Ill. Apr. 16,2003).
Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., 65 U.S.P.Q.2d 1090 (N.D. Ill.
Oct. 18, 2002).
Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626, 2000 US. Dist.
LEXIS 18886 (N.D. Ill. Dec. 28, 2000).
Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft
Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Feb. 2, 1999).
Answer, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D.
Ill) (Mar. 24, 1999).
Microsoft Corporation’s Submission Regarding Claim Construction
Issues and Scheduling, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No.
99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Sep. 7, 1999).
First Amended Answer and Counterclaim, Eolas Techs, Inc. v.
Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Sep. 7, 1999).
Plaintiff’ s Reply to Microsoft’s First Amended Counterclaim, Eolas
Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Oct. 27,
DX215 -text1.pdf.
Defendant Microsoft Corporation’s Initial Brief on Claim Construc
DX215 -text2 .pdf.
tion Issues, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D.
DX2 15 -c .pdf.
Ill Mar. 24, 1999) (Oct. 14, 2000).
DX215 -images.pdf.
DX215 -make.pdf.
Plaintiff Eolas Techs., Inc. Memorandum in Support of Claim Con
Defendant Microsoft Corporation’s Reply Brief on Claim Construc
tion Issues, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D.
DX215 -text3 .pdf.
Ill, Oct. 23, 2000).
struction (N.D. Ill Oct. 14, 2000).
US 8,086,662 B1
Page 4
Plaintiff Eolas Technologies’ Reply Memorandum in Support of
Claim Construction, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C
Revision of Claim Construction and Summary Judgment of Non
Infringement, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626
626 (ND. Ill Oct. 23, 2000).
(N. D. Ill) (Jan. 12,2006).
Memorandum Opinion and Order Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft
Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill, Dec. 28, 2000).
Plaintiffs’ Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Microsoft’s
Motion for Revision of Claim Construction and Summary Judgment
Plaintiff Eolas Technologies’ First Amended Complaint and Demand
for Jury Trial, Eolas Techns, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626
99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Jan. 12, 2006).
(N.D. Ill, Apr. 6, 2001) (Apr. 9, 2001).
Defendant Microsoft Corporation’s Answer to First Amended Com
plaint and Second Amended Counterclaim, Eolas Techs, Inc. v.
Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Apr. 18, 2001).
of Non-Infringement, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No.
Plaintiffs’ Local Rule 56.1 (b)(3) Response to Microsoft Corpora
tion’s Statement of Undisputed Facts in Support of Its Motion for
Revision of Claim Construction and Entry of Summary Judgment of
Non-Infringement, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C
Plaintiff Eolas Technologies’ Replyto Defendant’s SecondAmended
Counterclaim, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626
626 (ND. Ill) (Jan. 12, 2006).
(N.D. Ill May 2, 2001).
Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Revision of Claim Con
Plaintiff Eolas Technologies’ Second Amended Complaint and
Demand for Jury Trial, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No.
struction and Summary Judgment of Noninfringement, Eolas Techs,
Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Jan. 31, 2006).
99-C-626 (N.D. Ill, Aug. 31, 2001) (Aug. 31, 2001).
Defendant Microsoft Corporation’s Answer to Second Amended
Complaint and Third Amended Counterclaim, Eolas Tech., Inc. v.
Plaintiffs’ Sur-Reply in Opposition to Microsoft’s Motion for Revi
sion of Claim Construction and Summary Judgment of Non-Infringe
ment, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill)
Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Sep. 17, 2001).
(Feb. 27, 2006).
Plaintiffs Proposed Jury Instructions Regarding Claim Construc
tion, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill)
Defendants’ Sur-Rebuttal in Support of its Motion for Revision of
(Jan. 27, 2003).
No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Mar. 6, 2006).
Expert Report of Dr. John P.J. Kelly (Dec. 14, 2001).
Rebuttal Expert Report of Edward W. Felten Regarding Validity (Jan.
18, 2002).
Supplemental Expert Report of Dr. John P.J. Kelly (Feb. 1, 2002).
Expert Report of Kraig Brockschmidt (Dec. 12, 2001).
Plaintiffs Proposed Preliminary and Final Jury Instructions, Eolas
Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Apr. 25,
Memorandum of Microsoft Corporation in Support of its Motion to
Clarify the Court’s In Limine Ruling with Respect to Communica
tions about the Viola WWW Browser involving Michael Doyle, Eolas
Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp.,No.99-C-626(N.D.Ill)(Jul. 2,2003).
Plaintiff s Motion to Exclude Extrinsic Evidence of Claimed Pei Wei
Invention beyond that Disclosed in the Precise Reference Asserted as
Declaration of Laura L. Donoghue in Support of Microsoft’s Reply
Claim Construction and Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement,
Rebuttal Report of Kraig Brockschmidt.
Expert Report of Robert L. Harmon Regarding Claim Construction.
Rebuttal Expert Report of Robert L. Harmon Pursuant to Rule
Anticipating Prior Art, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp, No.
26(a)(2)(B). F.R.C.P.
Expert Report of Robert L. Harmon Pursuant to Rule 26(a)(2)(B).
99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Jul. 22, 2003).
Microsoft’s Response to Plaintiffs’ Motion to Exclude Extrinsic
Evidence of Claimed Pei Wei Invention Beyond that Disclosed in the
Precise Reference Asserted as Anticipating Prior Art, Eolas Tech.,
Berners-Lee, Tim “HTML, HMML, and HyperTeX” post to WWW
Talk E-mail List (Apr. 21, 1993).
Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Jul. 23, 2003).
Talk E-mail List (Apr. 27, 1993).
Microsoft’s Motion to Preclude Plaintiffs from Arguing that the Prior
Art Lacks Elements not Found in the Claims of the ’906 Patent, Eolas
WWW-Talk E-mail List (Apr. 27, 1993).
Raggett, Dave, “Standardizing new HTML features” post to WWW
Janssen, Bill, “Re: Standardizing new HTML features” post to
Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Jul. 28,
Andreessen, Marc, “Re: Standardizing new HTML features” post to
WWW-Talk E-mail List (Apr. 27, 1993).
Plaintiffs’ Memorandum in Further Support of Their Motion to
Exclude Extrinsic Evidence of Claimed Pei Wei Invention, Eolas
WWW-Talk E-mail List (Apr. 29, 1993).
Janssen, Bill, “Re: Standardizing new HTML features” post to
Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Jul. 29,
Sanders, Tony, “Re: Standardizing new HTML features” post to
No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill, Aug. 11, 2003) (Aug. 7, 2003).
WWW-Talk E-mail List (Apr. 29, 1993).
Fine, Thomas A., “More than just HTML (was Re: Poetry and
Maths)” post to WWW-Talk E-mail List (May 25, 1993).
Raggett, Dave, “Re: More than just HTML (was Re: Poetry and
Maths)” post to WWW-Talk E-mail List (May 27, 1993).
Abbey, Jonathan, “Re: Keeping HTML Simple & Format negotiation
Microsoft’s Post-Trial Brief on Inequitable Conduct, Eolas Techs,
between Browser & Server” post to WWW-Talk E-mail List (May 27,
Microsoft’s Offer of Proof Regarding Viola Prior Art, Eolas Techs,
Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Aug. 5, 2003).
Plaintiffs’ Memorandum in Opposition to Microsoft’s Offer of Proof
Regarding the “Viola PriorArt,” Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp.,
Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Aug. 18, 2003).
Plaintiffs’ Post-Trial Brief on Microsoft’s Inequitable Conduct
Raggett, Dave, “Re: Keeping HTML Simple & Format negotiation
Claims, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill)
between Browser & Server” post to WWW-Talk E-mail List (Jun. 1,
(Aug. 22, 2003).
Microsoft’s Response to Plaintiffs’ Post-Trial Brief on Inequitable
Berners-Lee, Tim, “HTML+DTD in
dev/htmlplus.dtd” post to WWW-Talk E-mail List (Jun. 2, 1993).
Raggett, Dave, “HTML+support for eqn & Po stcript” post to WWW
Talk E-mail List (Jun. 14, 1993).
Conduct, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D.
Ill) (Aug. 26, 2003).
Plaintiffs’ Objections to Microsoft’s Offer of Proof Regarding Viola
Prior Art, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D.
Ill) (Sep. 3, 2003).
Janssen, Bill, “Re: HTML+ support for eqn & Postcript” post to
WWW-Talk E-mail List (Jun. 14, 1993).
Defendant Microsoft’s Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law and
Altis, Kevin, “Re: HTML+ support for eqn & Postcript” post to
a New Trial, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 99-C-626
WWW-Talk E-mail List (Jun. 18, 1993).
Sanders, Tony, “Re: launching executables through HTML” post to
WWW-Talk E-mail List (Jun. 19, 1993).
Andreessen, Marc, “Re: launching executables through HTML” post
to WWW-Talk E-mail List (Jun. 20, 1993).
(N.D. Ill) (Oct. 6, 2003).
Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., 1:99-CV-00626 (Fed. Cir. June
20, 2005).
Microsoft’s Motion for Revision of Claim Construction and Sum
mary Judgment of Non-Infringement, Eolas Techs, Inc. v. Microsoft
Perry, William M., “New Version of the Emacs Browser for
Corp., No. 99-C-626 (N.D. Ill) (Dec. 15, 2005).
W3 (.04b)” post to WWW-Talk E-mail List (Apr. 13, 1993).
Declaration of Munir R. Meghjee in Support of Plaintiffs’ Memoran
dum of Law in Opposition to Microsoft Corporation’s Motion for
Perry, William M., “NewVersion of WW Browser for Emacs” post
to WWW-Talk E-mail List (Jun. 18, 1993).
US 8,086,662 B1
Page 5
Phillips, George Perry, “Re: launching executables through HTML
Tani, M., et al., “Obj ect-Oriented Video: Interaction with Real -World
?les” post to WWW-Talk E-mail List (Jun. 20, 1993).
Montulli, Lou, “Re: launching executables through HTML ?les” post
to WWW-Talk E-mail List (Jun. 22, 1993).
Objects Through Live Video,” May 1992, p. 593-598.
Raisch, Rob, “Re: Suggestion for a new URL type” post to WWW
Talk E-mail List (Jun. 26, 1993).
Davis, H., et al., “Towards An Integrated Information Environment
With Open Hypermedia System,” ACM ECHT Conference, Dec.
VanHeyningen, Marc, “Re: Suggestion for a new URL type” post to
WWW-Talk E-mail List (Jun. 26, 1993).
Andreessen, Marc, “Re: Suggestion for a new URL type” post to
WWW-Talk E-mail List (Jun. 26, 1993).
Phillips, George, “Re: browser execution” post to WWW-Talk E-mail
List (Jun. 28, 1993).
Andreessen, Marc, “browser execution” post to WWW-Talk E-mail
List (Jun. 29, 1993).
Sanders, Tony, “Re: browser execution” post to WWW-Talk E-mail
List (Jun. 29, 1993).
McRae, Christopher, “Xmosaic and Xv” post to WWW-Talk E-mail
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