Cywee Group LTD v. Apple Inc.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT for Patent Infringement against Apple Inc. ( Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0971-8556570.). Filed byCywee Group LTD. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Civil Cover Sheet)(Kopeikin, Jill) (Filed on 4/22/2014)

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EXHIBIT B US00844143 8B2 (12) United States Patent Ye et al. (54) (10) Patent No.: US 8,441,438 B2 (45) Date of Patent: May 14, 2013 3D POINTING DEVICE AND METHOD FOR 7,414,611 B2 8/2008 Liberty COMPENSATING MOVEMENT THEREOF 7,489,298 B2 7,535,456 B2 2/2009 hbe?y er a1~ 5/2009 Liberty et a1. 7,774,155 B2* 8/2010 . (75) Inventors: Zhf’“ Ye’ F051“ C113” CA (Us); 345/158 7,924,264 132* 8,010,313 B2 * ChlIl-Lllllg L1, Taoyuan County (TW); Shun-Nan Liou, Kaohsiung (TW) 345/157 702/141 2008/0096654 A1* ' . - - (73) Asslgnee- CyWee GFOIIP Llmlted, TOITOla (VG) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U_S_C_ 154(1)) by 218 days_ Sato et a1. ................... .. 702/127 7,817,134 B2* 10/2010 Huang et a1. 2009/0262074 A1* 4/2011 Ohta ............ .. 8/2011 Mathews et a1. 4/2008 Mondesir et a1. .. 10/2009 Nasiri et a1. ..... .. 463/31 345/158 2011/0307173 A1,, 12/2011 Riley ““““““““““““““ “ 701/220 OTHER PUBLICATIONS AZuma, Ronald et a1. Improving Static and Dynamic Registration in an Optical See-Through HMD. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’94 21 APP 1. No.: 12/943 s 934 (Orlando, Fla., Jul. 24 29, 1994), Computer Graphics, Annual Con ference Series, 1994, 197 204* (22) Filed: Nov. 11, 2010 * cited by examiner (65) Prior Publication Data Us 2011/0163950 A1 Jul 7 2011 Primary Examiner * William Boddie ’ Assistant Examiner * Bryan E Earles Related US. Application Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Ding Yu Tan (60) l6’ro2\(/)i1s(i)onal application No. 61/292,558, ?led on Jan. ’ i G09G 5/00 us CL ABSTRACT A three-dimensional (3D) pointing device capable of accu (51) Int, Cl, (52) (57) rately outputting a deviation including yaW, pitch and roll (200601) angles in a 3D reference frame and preferably in an absolute manner is provided. Said 3D pointing device comprises a USPC ........................................................ .. 345/156 six'axis motion Sensor module including a rotation Sensor Field of Classi?cation Search ...................... .. None andanaccelerometen andaprocessing andtransmimng mod‘ See application ?le for Complete Search history (58) ule. The six-axis motion sensor module generates a ?rst sig nal set comprising angular velocities and a second signal set comprising axial accelerations associated With said move ments and rotations of the 3D pointing device in the 3D (56) References Cited reference frame. The processing and transmitting module U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,138,154 A 8/1992 Hotelling 5,440,326 A 8/1995 Quinn 5,898,421 A 4/1999 Quinn utilizes a comparison method to compare the ?rst signal set With the second signal set to obtain an updated state of the 6,993,451 B2* 6,061,611 A * measured state thereof in order to output the resulting devia tion in the 3D reference frame and preferably in an absolute six-axis motion sensor module based on a current state and a 5/2000 Whitmorea1. 1/2006 Chang et 7,158,118 B2 1/2007 Liberty 7,236,156 B2 7,239,301 B2 6/2007 Liberty et a1. 7/2007 Liberty et a1. 7,262,760 B2 8/2007 Liberty manner. 19 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets 705 Initialize an initial-value set 710 Obtain a previous state 715 (1st quatemion) at T-l Obtain measured angular velocities at T 720 Obtain a current state (2nd quatemian) at ‘l Obtain ‘measured axial 725 accelerations‘ of a measured state at T 730 CGICUMG 'predicted axial accelerations’ of a measured state at T Output 3rd quaternion to is! quatemion Obtain resultant deviation including yaw, pitch and roll angles Obtain display data and translate the resultant angles to movement pattern in the display reference frame Obtain an updated state 735 (3rd quaternion) by comparing current state with measured state US. Patent May 14, 2013 Sheet 1 017 2 US 8,441,438 B2 D 120 X0 122 Yo XP 110 113 YP 112 111 ZP FIG. 1 (RELATED ART) Zn 120 X0 122 Y YP D 112 110 XP 113 ZP 111 FIG. 2 (RELATED ART) US. Patent May 14, 2013 Sheet 2 on US 8,441,438 B2 310\ 320) FIG. 3 US. Patent May 14, 2013 Sheet 3 of7 US 8,441,438 B2 Rotation Data Transmitting Unit FIG 0 4 Computing Processor US. Patent May 14, 2013 Sheet 4 on US 8,441,438 B2 620“ FIG. 6 US. Patent May 14, 2013 Sheet 5 0f 7 r 7051 US 8,441,438 B2 \ lnitialize an initial-value set a J Obtain a previous state 7101 (1st quaternion) at T-l L J F \ Obtain measured 7151 velocities at T angular 720 1 Obtain a current state Output 3rd quaternion (2nd quaternion) at T to 1st quaternion 740 , Obtain "measured axial Obtain resultant measured state at T deviation including yaw, pitch and roll angles accelerations of a 7251 L J W ‘\ Calculate "predicted axial accelerations of a measured state at T Obtain an updated state 7351/ (3rd quaternion) by comparing current state with measured state FIG. 7 745 US. Patent 705 May 14, 2013 Sheet 6 of7 US 8,441,438 B2 Initialize an initial-value set 710 Obtain a previous state (1st quaternion) at T-l J f \ 715x Obtain measured angular velocities at T k J 720x Obtain a current state . ~ t(2nd quatermon) at T a Output 3rd quaternion to lst quaternion 1740 __—__J fObtain "measured axial Obtain resultant 725x accelerations” of a measured state at T O J 730x Calculate "predicted axial accelerations” of a measured state at T deviation including yaw, $745 pitch and roll angles % Obtain display data and translate the resultant k j angles to movement I750 pattern in the display reference frame Obtain an updated state 735x (3rd quaternion) by comparing current state with measured state \ J FIG. 8 US. Patent May 14, 2013 Sheet 7 0f 7 Pmox FIG. 9 US 8,441,438 B2 US 8,441,438 B2 1 2 3D POINTING DEVICE AND METHOD FOR COMPENSATING MOVEMENT THEREOF device 110 about theYP axis; the roll angle 113 may represent the rotation of the pointing device 110 about the XP axis. In a knoWn related art as shoWn in FIG. 1, When the yaW angle 111 of the pointing device 110 changes, the aforemen CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION tioned pointer on the screen 122 must move horizontally or in a horizontal direction With reference to the ground in response to the change of the yaW angle 111. FIG. 2 shoWs What happens When the user rotates the pointing device 110 counterclockwise by a degree such as a 90-degree about the This application claims priority bene?ts of Us. Patent Provisional Application No. 61/292,558, ?led on Jan. 6, 2010. The entirety of the above-mentioned patent applica tions is hereby incorporated by reference herein and made a part of this speci?cation. XP axis. In another knoWn related art as shoWn in FIG. 2, When the yaW angle 111 changes, the aforementioned pointer on the screen 122 is expected to move vertically in response. The change of the yaW angle 111 can be detected by a gyro-sensor BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Which detects the angular velocity 00x of the pointing device 1. Field of the Invention The present invention generally relates to a three-dimen sional (3D) pointing device utilizing a motion sensor module 110 about the XP axis. FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 shoW that the same change of the yaW angle 111 may be mapped to different movements of the point on the screen 122. Therefore, a proper and method of compensating and mapping signals of the motion sensor module subject to movements and rotations of 20 compensation mechanism for the orientation of the pointing device 110 is required such that corresponding mapping of said 3D pointing device. More particularly, the present inven the pointer on the screen 122 of the display 120 may be tion relates to a 3D pointing device utilizing a six-axis motion sensor module With an enhanced comparison to calculate and compensate accumulated errors associated With the motion sensor module and to obtain actual resulting deviation angles obtained correctly and desirably. The term compensation of the prior arts by Liberty (US. Pat. No. 7,158,118, U.S. Pat. No. 7,262,760 and Us. Pat. No. 7,414,611) refers to the 25 in spatial reference frame and under dynamic environments. 2. Description of the Related Art FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram shoWing a user using a handheld 3D pointing device 110 to point at a point on the screen 122 of a 2D display device 120. If the pointing device effects or extra rotations about the axis related to “roll”. The 30 110 emits a light beam, the point Would be the location Where the light beam hits the screen 122. For example, the pointing device 110 may be a mouse of a computer or a pad of a video game console. The display device 120 may be a part of the computer or the video game console. There are tWo reference correction and compensation of signals subject to gravity 35 frames, such as the spatial pointer reference frame and the display frame, associated With the pointing device 110 and the display device 120, respectively. The ?rst reference frame or spatial pointer reference frame associated With the pointing term of “comparison” of the present invention may generally refer to the calculating and obtaining of the actual deviation angles of the 3D pointing device 110 With respect to the ?rst reference frame or spatial pointing frame XPYPZP utilizing signals generated by motion sensors While reducing or elimi nating noises associated With said motion sensors; Whereas the term mapping may refer to the calculating and translating of said deviation angles in the sptatial pointing frame XPYPZP onto the aforementioned pointer on the display plane associated With the 2D display device 120 of a second reference frame or display frame XDYDZD. It is knoWn that a pointing device utilizing 5-axis motion shoWn in FIG. 1. The second reference frame or display frame associated With the display device 120 is de?ned by the coor sensors, namely, Ax, Ay, Az, uuYand 002 may be compensated. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 7,158,118 by Liberty, U.S. Pat. No. 7,262,760 by Liberty and Us. Pat. No. 7,414,611 by Liberty provide such pointing device having a 5-axis motion dinate axes XD, YD and ZD as shoWn in FIG. 1. The screen 122 sensor and discloses a compensation using tWo gyro-sensors device 110 is de?ned by the coordinate axes XP, YP and ZP as ofthe display device 120 is a subset ofthe XDYD plane ofthe reference frame XDYDZD associated With the display device 120. Therefore, the XDYD plane is also knoWn as the display plane associated With the display device 120. 40 45 XPYPZP. The pointing device by Liberty utilizing a 5-axis motion sensor may not output deviation angles of the pointing device in, for example, a 3D reference frame; in other Words, A user may perform control actions and movements utiliz ing the pointing device for certain purposes including enter tainment such as playing a video game, on the display device 120 through the aforementioned pointer on the screen 122. 50 due to due to the limitation of the 5-axis motion sensor of accelerometers and gyro-sensors utilized therein, the point ing device by Liberty cannot output deviation angles readily For proper interaction With the use of the pointing device, When the user moves the pointing device 110, the pointer on the screen 122 is expected to move along With the orientation, direction and distance travelled by the pointing device 110 and the display 120 shall display such movement of the my and 002 to detect rotation about the Yp and Zp axes, and accelerometers Ax, Ay and Az to detect the acceleration of the pointing device along the three axes of the reference frame 55 in 3D reference frame but rather a 2D reference frame only and the output of such device having 5-axis motion sensors is a planar pattern in 2D reference frame only. In addition, it has been found that the pointing device and compensation dis pointer to a neW location on the screen 122 of the display 120. closed therein cannot accurately or properly calculate or The orientation of the pointing device 1 10 may be represented by three deviation angles of the 3D pointing device 110 With respect to the reference frame XPYPZP, namely, the yaW angle 1 11, the pitch angle 1 12 and the roll angle 1 13. The yaW, pitch and roll angles 111, 112, 113 may be best understood in relation to the universal standard de?nition of spatial angles obtain movements, angles and directions of the pointing device While being subject to unexpected dynamic movement 60 and/or accelerations along With the direction of gravity. In other Words, it has been found that dynamic actions or extra accelerations including additional accelerations, in particular related to commercial vehicles or transportation such as ships and airplanes. Conventionally, the yaW angle 111 may repre sent the rotation of the pointing device 110 about the Z1, axis; the pitch angle 112 may represent the rotation of the pointing during the obtaining of the signals generated by the motion sensors, in particular, during unexpected drifting movements 65 the one acted upon the direction substantially parallel to or along With the gravity imposed on the pointing device With the compensation methods provided by Liberty, said pointing US 8,441,438 B2 3 4 device by Liberty cannot properly or accurately output the actual yaw, pitch and roll angles in the spatial reference frame XPYPZP and following which, consequently, the mapping of frame may too be further mapped or translated to a pattern useful in a 2D reference frame. the spatial angles onto any 2D display reference frame such as SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION XDYDZD may be greatly affected and erred. To be more speci?c, as the 5-axis compensation by Liberty cannot detect According to one aspect of an example embodiment of the present invention, a 3D pointing device utilizing a six-axis motion sensor module is provided. The 3D pointing device or compensate rotation about the XP axis directly or accu rately, the rotation about the XP axis has to be derived from the gravitational acceleration detected by the accelerometer. Fur thermore, the reading of the accelerometer may be accurate only when the pointing device is static since due to the limi comprises an accelerometer to measure or detect axial accel erations Ax, AZ, Ay and a rotation sensor to measure or detect tation on known accelerometers that these sensors may not including resultant angles comprising yaw, pitch and roll distinguish the gravitational acceleration from the accelera tion of the forces including centrifugal forces or other types of additional accelerations imposed or exerted by the user. Furthermore, it has been found that known prior arts may angles in a spatial pointer frame of the 3D pointing device subject to movements and rotations in dynamic environments may be obtained and such that said resulting deviation includ ing said resultant angles may be obtained and outputted in an only be able to output a “relative” movement pattern in a 2D reference frame based on the result calculated from the sig nals of motion sensors. For example, the abovementioned absolute manner re?ecting or associating with the actual movements and rotations of the 3D pointer device of the angular velocities 00x, my, 002 such that resulting deviation in a relative manner and a pointer on a display screen to show present invention in said spatial pointer reference frame. According to another aspect of the present invention, the present invention provides an enhanced comparison method such corresponding 2D relative movement pattern. To be to eliminate the accumulated errors as well as noises over more speci?c, the pointer moves from a ?rst location to a time associated with signals generated by a combination of motion sensors, including the ones generated by accelerom eters Ax, Ay, AZ and the ones generated by gyroscopes 00x, my, 002 in dynamic environments. In other words, accumulated prior arts by Liberty may only output a 2D movement pattern second new location relative to said ?rst location only. Such relative movement from the previous location to the next location with respect to time cannot accurately determine and/ or output the next location, particularly in situations where the previous location may have been an erred location 20 25 or have been faultily determined as an incorrect reference point for the next location that is to be calculated therefrom and obtained based on their relative relationship adapted. One 30 errors associated with a fusion of signals from a motions sensor module comprising a plurality of motion sensors to detect movements on and rotations about different axes of a reference frame may be eliminated or corrected. illustration of such defect of known prior arts adapting a relative relationship in obtaining a movement pattern may be According to still another aspect of the present invention, the present invention provides an enhanced comparison method to correctly calculating and outputting a resulting clearly illustrated by an example showing the faultily output deviation comprising a set of resultant angles including yaw, ted movements of a pointer intended to move out of a bound 35 pitch and roll angles in a spatial pointer frame, preferably about each of three orthogonal coordinate axes of the spatial ary or an edge of display screen. It has been found that as the pointer reference frame, by comparing signals of rotation pointer of known prior arts reaches the edge of a display and continues to move out of the boundary or edge at a certain sensor related to angular velocities or rates with the ones of extra extent beyond said boundary, the pointer fails to dem accelerometer related to axial accelerations such that these onstrate a correct or “absolute” pattern as it moves to a new 40 angles may be accurately outputted and obtained, which may location either within the display or remaining outside of the boundary; in other words, instead of returning to a new loca tion by taking into account said certain extra extend beyond the boundary made earlier in an “absolute” manner, the pointer of known arts discards such virtual distance of the extra extend beyond the boundary already made and an erred next position is faultily outputted due to the relative relation ship adapted and utiliZed by the pointer. may be never calcu lated or processed due to the faultily obtained location at the edge or boundary of the display as well as the relative rela tionship adapted to obtain its next location therefrom. Therefore, it is clear that an improved pointing device with enhanced calculating or comparison method capable of accu too be further mapping to another reference frame different from said spatial pointer frame. According to still another aspect of the present invention, 45 reference frame onto a display frame such that a movement pattern in a display frame different from the spatial pointer 50 reference frame may be obtained according to the mapping or translation of the resultant angles of the resultant deviation onto said movement pattern. According to another example embodiment of the present rately obtaining and calculating actual deviation angles in the spatial pointer frame as well as mapping of such angles onto a pointer on the display frame in dynamic environments and conditions is needed. In addition, as the trend of 3D technol ogy advances and is applicable to various ?elds including displays and interactive systems, there is a signi?cant need for a 3D pointing device capable of accurately outputting a devia tion of such device readily useful in a 3D or spatial reference the present invention provides a mapping of the abovemen tioned resultant angles, preferably about each of three orthogonal coordinate axes of the spatial pointer reference frame, including yaw, pitch and roll angles in a spatial pointer invention, a 3D pointing device utiliZing a six-axis motion 55 sensor module with an enhanced comparison method for eliminating accumulated errors of said six-axis motion sensor module to obtain deviation angles corresponding to move ments and rotations of said 3D pointing device in a spatial 60 pointer reference frame is provided. The 3D pointing device and the comparison method provided by the present invention by comparing signals from the abovementioned six-axis motion sensor module capable of detecting rotation rates or frame. Furthermore, there is a need to provide an enhanced comparison method applicable to the processing of signals of angular velocities of the 3D pointing device about all of the motion sensors such that errors and/ or noises associated with XP, YP and ZP axes as well as axial accelerations of the 3D pointing device along all of the XP, YP and ZP axes. In other such signals or fusion of signals from the motions sensors may be corrected or eliminated. In addition, according to the ?eld of application, such output of deviation in 3D reference 65 words, the present invention is capable of accurately output ting the abovementioned deviation angles including yaw, US 8,441,438 B2 5 6 pitch and roll angles in a 3D spatial pointer reference frame of According to another embodiment of the present invention, a method for obtaining a resulting deviation including result the 3D pointing device to eliminate or reduce accumulated errors and noises generated over time in a dynamic environ ment including conditions such as being subject to a combi ant angles in a spatial pointer reference frame of a three dimensional (3D) pointing device utiliZing a six-axis motion nation of continuous movements, rotations, external gravity sensor module therein and subject to movements and rota forces and additional extra accelerations in multiple direc tions in dynamic environments in said spatial pointer refer tions or movement and rotations that are continuously non ence frame is provided. Said method comprises the steps of: obtaining a previous state associated With previous angular velocities 00x, my, 002 gained from the motion sensor signals of linear With respect to time; and furthermore, based on the deviation angles being compensated and accurately outputted in 3D spatial pointer reference frame may be further mapped the six-axis motion sensor module at a previous time T-l; obtaining a current state of the six-axis motion sensor module onto or translated into another reference frame such as the abovementioned display frame, for example a reference in by obtaining measured angular velocities 00x, my, 002 gained tWo-dimension (2D). from the motion sensor signals at a current time T; obtaining a measured state of the six-axis motion sensor module by According to another example embodiment of the present invention, a 3D pointing device utiliZing a six-axis motion obtaining measured axial accelerations Ax, Ay, AZ gained sensor module is provided; Wherein the six-axis motion sen sor module of the 3D pointing device comprises at least one gyroscope and at least one accelerometer. In one preferred from the motion sensor signals at the current time T and calculating predicted axial accelerations Ax', Ay', AZ' based embodiment of the present invention, the six-axis motion sensor module comprises a rotation sensor capable of detect 20 ing and generating angular velocities of 00x, my, 002 and an accelerometer capable of detecting and generating axial accelerations of Ax, Ay, AZ. It can be understood that in another preferred embodiment, the abovementioned rotation sensor may comprise three gyroscopes corresponding to each of the said angular velocities of 00x, my, 002 in a 3D spatial 25 According to another aspect of the present invention, a method for mapping deviation angles associated With move 30 the 3D pointing device. The rotation sensor detects the rota tion of the 3D pointing device With respect to a reference frame associated With the 3D pointing device and provides a angles including yaW, pitch and roll angles in a spatial pointer 35 reference frame to an pointing object, such as a pointer, hav ing movements in a display frame, preferably a 2D reference frame, comprises the steps of obtaining boundary informa tion of the display frame by calculating a prede?ned sensitiv ity associated With the display frame and performing angle the reference frame, namely, Xp, Yp and Zp of the 3D spatial pointer frame. The accelerometer detects the axial accelera tions of the 3D pointing device With respect to the spatial ments and rotations of a 3D pointing device in a spatial pointer reference frame onto a display frame of a display having a predetermined screen siZe is provided. In one embodiment, the method for mapping or translating deviation rotation rate or angular velocity output. The angular velocity output includes three components corresponding to the rota tion rate or angular velocities 00x, my, 002 of the 3D pointing device about the ?rst axis, the second axis and the third axis of module to said resulting deviation comprising said resultant angles in said spatial pointer reference frame of the 3D point ing device. pointer reference frame of the 3D pointing device; Whereas the abovementioned accelerometer may comprise three accelerometers corresponding to each of the said axial accel erations Ax, Ay, AZ in a 3D spatial pointer reference frame of on the measured angular velocities 00x, my, 002 of the current state; obtaining an updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module by comparing the current state With the measured state of the six-axis motion sensor module; and calculating and converting the updated state of the six axis motion sensor 40 and distance translation in the display frame based on said deviation angles and boundary information. pointer reference frame such as a 3D-pointer reference frame and provides an acceleration output. The acceleration output BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS includes three components corresponding to the accelera tions, Ax, AZ, Ay of the 3D pointing device along the ?rst axis, the second axis and the third axis of the reference frame, 45 The accompanying draWings are included to provide a further understanding of the invention, and are incorporated in and constitute a part of this speci?cation. The draWings illustrate embodiments of the invention and, together With the description, serve to explain the principles of the invention. 50 FIG. 1 shoWs a knoWn related art having a 5-axis motion sensor in 2D reference frame. namely, Xp,Yp and Zp of the 3D spatial pointer frame. It can, hoWever, be understood that the axes of Xp, Yp and Zp of the 3D spatial pointer frame may too be represented simply by the denotation of X, Y and Z. According to another example embodiment of the present invention, a method for compensating accumulated errors of signals of the abovementioned six-axis motion sensor module FIG. 2 shoWs the knoWn related art having a 5-axis motion sensor as shoWn in FIG. 1 being rotated or rolled about Xp in dynamic environments associated in a spatial pointer ref erence frame is provided. In one embodiment, the method may be performed or handled by a hardWare processor. The processor is capable of compensating the accumulated errors associated With the resultant deviation in relation to the sig nals of the above-mentioned six-axis motion sensor module of the 3D pointing device subject to movements and rotations in a spatial pointer reference frame and in a dynamic envi axis and is subject to further dynamic interactions or environ 55 FIG. 3 is an exploded diagram shoWing a 3D pointing device utiliZing a six-axis motion sensor module according to one embodiment of the present invention in a 3D spatial 60 ronment by performing a data comparison to compare signals of rotation sensor related to angular velocities With the ones of accelerometer related to axial accelerations such that the resultant deviation corresponding to the movements and rota tions of the 3D pointing device in the 3D spatial pointer frame may be obtained accurately over time in the dynamic envi ronments. ment. 65 pointer reference frame. FIG. 4 is a schematic block diagram illustrating hardWare components of a 3D pointing device according to one embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram shoWing a 3D pointing device utiliZing a six-axis motion sensor module according to anther embodiment of the present invention in a 3D spatial pointer reference frame. US 8,441,438 B2 8 7 FIG. 6 is an exploded diagram showing a 3D pointing orthogonal coordinate axes XPYPZP of the spatial pointer device utilizing a six-axis motion sensor module according to anther embodiment of the present invention in a 3D spatial reference frame. The angular velocities 00x, my and 002 are pointer reference frame. ing deviation angles of a 3D pointing device having move ments and rotations in a 3D spatial pointer reference frame tively. The accelerometer 344 detects and generates the sec ond signal set including axial accelerations Ax, Ay, AZ asso ciated With the movements and rotations of the 3D pointing device 300 along each of the three orthogonal coordinate axes and in a dynamic environment according to an embodiment of XPYPZP of the spatial pointer reference frame. The axial the present invention. accelerations Ax, Ay and AZ are corresponding to the coordi nate axes XP, YP and ZP respectively. The term “six-axis” means the three angular velocities 00x, my, 002 and the three axial accelerations Ax, Ay, AZ. It can therefore be understood corresponding to the coordinate axes XP, YP and ZP respec FIG. 7 is a How chart illustrating a method for compensat FIG. 8 shoWs a How chart illustrating a method of mapping deviation angles of a 3D pointing device having movements and rotations in a 3D spatial pointer reference frame and in a dynamic environment onto a display reference frame accord ing to another embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 9 is a schematic diagram shoWing the mapping of the resultant angles of the resultant deviation of a 3D pointing device according to an embodiment of the present invention. that the abovementioned six axes of XPYPZP may not need to be orthogonal in a speci?c orientation and they may be rotated in different orientations; the present invention discloses such coordinate system for illustrative purposes only and any coor dinates in different orientation and/or denotations may too be possible. The data transmitting unit 346 is electrically connected to DESCRIPTION OF THE EMBODIMENTS 20 Reference Will noW be made in detail to the present embodiments of the invention, examples of Which are illus trated in the accompanying draWings. Wherever possible, the same reference numbers are used in the draWings and the description to refer to the same or like parts. 25 FIG. 3 is an exploded diagram shoWing a 3D pointing device 300 according to an embodiment of the present inven tion. The 3D pointing device 300 is subject to movements and rotations in dynamic environments in a 3D spatial pointer reference frame. The spatial pointer reference frame is analo 30 gous to the reference frame XPYPZP in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2. The movements and rotations of the 3D pointing device 300 in the aforementioned dynamic environments in the spatial pointer reference frame may be continuously nonlinear With respect to time. The 3D pointing device 300 includes a top cover 310, a 35 spatial pointer reference frame, of the resulting deviation of the six-axis motion sensor module 302 of the 3D pointing device 300 is obtained under the aforementioned dynamic environments and such that it is preferably obtained and out putted in an ab solute manner re?ecting or associating With the actual movements and rotations of the 3D pointer device of 45 the present invention in said spatial pointer reference frame. In addition, said comparison utiliZed by the computing pro ting unit 346, and the computing processor 348 may be all having a longitudinal side con?gured to be substantially par allel to the longitudinal surface of the housing 330. An addi tional battery pack 322 provides electrical poWer for the entire 3D pointing device 300. 50 accelerations Ax, Ay, AZ. The abovementioned measured state may include a measurement of said second signal set or measured Ax, Ay, AZ and a predicted measurement ofAx', Ay' 55 device 300 includes a six-axis motion sensor module 302 and a processing and transmitting module 304. The six-axis 60 provided in the later content. In this embodiment, the computing processor 348 of the processing and transmitting module 304 further includes a resulting deviation in the spatial pointer reference frame to a movement pattern in a display reference frame different from the spatial pointer reference frame. The display reference The rotation sensor 342 of the six-motion sensor module velocities 00x, my, 002 associated With the movements and rota tions of the 3D pointing device 300 about each of three and AZ' obtained based on or calculated from the ?rst signal set. Details of different states of the six-axis motion sensor module of the 3D pointing device of the present invention are mapping program for translating the resultant angles of the and the accelerometer 344. The processing and transmitting module 304 includes the data transmitting unit 346 and the computing processor 348. 302 detects and generates the ?rst signal set including angular cessor 348 may further comprise an update program to obtain an updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module based on a previous state associated With a ?rst signal set in relation to the angular velocities cox, coy, oZ and a measured state associated With said second signal set in relation to the axial FIG. 4 is a schematic block diagram illustrating hardWare components of the 3D pointing device 300. The 3D pointing motion sensor module 302 includes the rotation sensor 342 FIG. 1 and FIG. 2. In order to calculate the resulting devia tion, the computing processor 348 utiliZes a comparison to eliminate accumulated errors of the ?rst and second signal sets of the six-axis motion sensor module 302, Whereby the 40 one embodiment, the housing 330 may comprise the top attached to the PCB 340. The PCB 340 is enclosed by the housing 330. The PCB 340 includes at least one substrate of the 3D pointing device 300 including three resultant angles preferably about each of the three axes of the spatial pointer reference frame. The resultant angles include the yaW angle 111, the pitch angle 112 and the roll angle 113 as shoWn in erably about each of three orthogonal coordinate axes of the cover 310 and the bottom cover 320. The housing 330 may move and rotate in the spatial pointer reference frame accord ing to user manipulation or any external forces in any direc tion and/ or under the abovementioned dynamic environ ments. As shoWn in the FIG. 3, in one embodiment, the rotation sensor 342, the accelerometer 344, the data transmit ?rst and second signal sets. The data transmitting unit 346 transmits the ?rst and second signal sets of the six-axis motion sensor module 302 to the computing processor 348 via electronic connections on the PCB 340. The computing processor 348 receives and calculates the ?rst and second signal sets from the data transmitting unit 346. The comput ing processor 348 further communicates With the six-axis motion sensor module 302 to calculate the resulting deviation resultant angles in the spatial pointer reference frame, pref printed circuit board (PCB) 340, a rotation sensor 342, an accelerometer 344, a data transmitting unit 346, a computing processor 348, a bottom cover 320, and a battery pack 322. The top cover 310 may include a feW control buttons 312 for a user to issue prede?ned commands for remote control. In the six-axis motion sensor module 302 for transmitting the 65 frame is analogous to the reference frame XDYDZD in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2. The movement pattern may be displayed on a screen of a 2D display device similar to the display device 120 US 8,441,438 B2 9 10 in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2. The mapping program translates the ment, the computing processor 554 also performs mapping by translating the resultant angles of the resulting deviation of the 3D pointing device in the spatial pointer reference frame, resultant angles, preferably about each of three orthogonal coordinate axes of the spatial pointer reference frame to the movement pattern according to a sensitivity input correlated to the display reference frame. FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram shoWing a 3D pointing preferably about each of three orthogonal coordinate axes of the spatial pointer reference frame, to a movement pattern in a display reference frame associated With the notebook com puter 580. The movement pattern may be displayed on the screen 582 of the notebook computer 580. FIG. 6 is an exploded diagram shoWing a 3D pointing device 500 utiliZing a six-axis motion sensor module accord ing to anther embodiment of the present invention in a 3D spatial pointer reference frame. As shoWn in FIG. 5, the 3D pointing device 500 may comprise tWo parts 560 and 570 in device 600 utiliZing a six-axis motion sensor module accord ing to anther embodiment of the present invention in a 3D data communication With each other. In one embodiment, the ?rst part 560 includes a top cover (not shoWn), a PCB 540, a six-axis motion sensor module 502 comprising a rotation sensor 542 and an accelerometer 544, a data transmitting unit 546, a bottom cover 520, and a battery pack 522. The data spatial pointer reference frame. The 3D pointing device 600 may further comprises a built-in display 682. In other Words, the abovementioned display reference frame associated With a display may need not to be external to the spatial pointer reference frame in terms of the hardWare con?guration of the present invention. In one embodiment, the 3D pointing device 600 comprises a bottom cover 620, a PCB 640, a battery pack transmitting unit 546 transmits the ?rst signal set (00x, my, 002) generated by the rotation sensor 542 of the six-motion sensor module 502 and the second signal set (Ax, Ay, AZ) generated by the accelerometer 544 of the six-motion sensor module 502 to the data receiving unit 552 of the second part 570 via Wireless communication or connection including Wireless local area netWork (WLAN) based on IEEE 802.1 1 standards or BluetoothTM. It can be understood that in another embodi ment, Wired communication or connection via a physical cable or electrical Wires connecting the ?rst part 560 and the 622, a rotation sensor 642, an accelerometer 644, a data 20 682, and a top cover 610. LikeWise, in one embodiment, the housing 630 may comprise the top and bottom covers 610, 25 620. A built-in display 682 may too be integrated on the housing 630; the six-axis motion sensor module 602 may comprise the rotation sensor 642 and the accelerometer 644. 30 The data transmitting unit 646 and the computing processor 648 may also be integrated as a processing and transmitting module 604 of the 3D pointing device 600. The computing processor 648 of the processing and trans mitting module 604 may too perform the mapping of resultant second part 570 may too be possible. In one embodiment, the second part 570 may be an external processing device to be adapted to another electronic com puting apparatus or system such as a personal computer 580; for instance, the second part 570 may be coupled or adapted deviation from or in said spatial reference frame or 3D refer ence frame to a display reference frame such as a 2D refer to an laptop computer via a standard interface, such as the universal serial bus (USB) interface depicted as shoWn in FIG. 5. The ?rst part 560 and the second part 570 communi cate via the data transmitting unit 546 and the data receiving unit 552. As previously mentioned, the data transmitting unit 35 546 and the data receiving unit 552 may communicate through Wireless connection or Wired connection. In other Words, in terms of hardWare con?guration and data transmis sion, in one embodiment of the present invention, the six-axis motion sensor module 502 comprising the rotation sensor 542 transmitting unit 646, a computing processor 648, a display ence frame by translating the resultant angles of the resulting deviation of the 3D pointing device 600 in the spatial pointer reference frame, preferably about each of three orthogonal coordinate axes of the spatial pointer reference frame to a movement pattern in a display reference frame associated With the 3D pointing device 600 itself. The display 682 dis plays the aforementioned movement pattern. The top cover 40 610 includes a transparent area 614 for the user to see the and the accelerometer 544 may be disposed distally from the processing unit or computing processor 554; the signals from display 682. the six-axis motion sensor module 502 may then be transmit obtaining and/or outputting a resulting deviation including FIG. 7 is an explanatory ?oW chart illustrating a method for ted via the data transmitting units 546, 552 to the computing processor 554 via Wired or Wireless communication including for example IEEE 802.11 standards or BluetoothTM. The second part 570 of the 3D pointing device 500 accord ing to one embodiment of the present invention comprises the data transmitting unit 552 and the processor 554. The data transmitting unit 552 of the second part 570 may be in data communication With the other data transmitting unit 546 dis posed distally therefrom in the ?rst part 560 as previously mentioned. The data transmitting unit 552 in the second part 570 receives the ?rst and second signal sets from the data transmitting unit 546 in the ?rst part 560 and transmits the ?rst and second signal sets to the computing processor 554. In one embodiment, the computing processor 554 performs the aforementioned calculation as Well as comparison of signals. In one embodiment, said comparison utiliZed by the comput ing processor 554 may further comprise an update program to 45 spatial pointer reference frame and in dynamic environments according to an embodiment of the present invention. The method in FIG. 7 may be a program or comparison model to be embedded or performed by the processing unit or comput 50 55 60 subject to movements and rotations in dynamic environments in said spatial pointer reference frame is provided; and said method may comprise the folloWing steps. First of all, as shoWn in FIG. 7, different states including “previous state”, “current state”, “measured state” and “update state” of the six-axis motion sensor module may be provided to represent a step or a set of steps utiliZed by the method for obtaining the said second signal set. The measured state may further set. The computing processor 554 is external to the housing of the 3D pointing device as depicted in FIG. 5. In one embodi ing processor 348, 554, 648 of the processing and transmit ting module according to different embodiments of the present invention recited herein for illustrative purposes. Accordingly, in one embodiment of the present invention, a method for obtaining a resulting deviation including result ant angles in a spatial pointer reference frame of a 3D pointing device utiliZing a six-axis motion sensor module therein and obtain an updated state based on a previous state associated With said ?rst signal set and a measured state associated With include a measurement of said second signal set and a pre dicted measurement obtained based on the ?rst second signal resultant angles in a spatial pointer reference frame of a 3D pointing device having movements and rotations in a 3D resulting deviation in 3D reference frame, and preferably in 65 the above-mentioned absolute manner. In one exemplary embodiment, the method comprises obtaining a previous state of the six-axis motion sensor module (such as steps 705, US 8,441 ,438 B2 11 12 710); and wherein the previous state includes an initial -value set or a ?rst quatemion associated With previous angular velocities 00x, my, 002 gained from the motion sensor signals of the six-axis motion sensor module at a previous time T-l; continuous loop betWeen a previous time frame T-l and a present time frame T; details on the replacement of the ?rst quatemion at T-l With the later outputted quatemion at T is to be provided in the later content. It can be understood that one may make reference to Euler Angles for dentition on quater obtaining a current state of the six-axis motion sensor module by obtaining measured angular velocities 00x, my, 002 gained nion. Similarly, it can be easily comprehended that the above mentioned previous time T-l and present time T may too be from the motion sensor signals of the six-axis motion sensor module at a current time T (such as steps 715, 720); obtaining a measured state of the six-axis motion sensor module by obtaining measured axial accelerations Ax, Ay, AZ gained from the motion sensor signals of the six-axis motion sensor module at the current time T (such as step 725) and calculat ing predicted axial accelerations Ax', Ay', AZ' based on the measured angular velocities 00x, my, 002 of the current state of the six-axis motion sensor module (such as step 73 0); obtain ing an updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module by comparing the current state With the measured state of the six-axis motion sensor module (such as step 735); and calcu 5 be performed simultaneously, such as the obtaining of signals lating and converting the updated state of the six axis motion sensor module to said resulting deviation comprising said 20 resultant angles in said spatial pointer reference frame of the 3D pointing device (745). In order to provide a continuous loop, the result of the updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module may preferably be outputted to the previous state; in one embodiment, the updated state may be a quater nion, namely third quaternion as shoWn in the ?gure, such that it may be directly outputted to the abovementioned previous state of another quaternion, namely the abovementioned ?rst quaternion and as shoWn in the ?gure (such as step 740). In addition, it can be understood that the abovementioned 25 30 from the six-axis motion sensor module may be performed simultaneously instead of one after another. It can therefore be understood that the steps recited herein are for illustrative purposes only and any other sequential orders or simulta neous steps are possible and shall be Within the scope of the present invention. When step 710 is performed for the ?rst time, the ?rst quaternion initialiZed in step 705 is obtained. Otherwise, the ?rst quatemion used in the present time T is generated in the previous time T-l. In other Words, the step 710 may generally refer to or represented by the abovemen tioned “previous state” of the six-axis motion sensor module; according to another embodiment, the previous state may refer to the steps of 705 and 710. comparison utiliZed by the processing and transmitting mod The next may be to obtain the ?rst signal set generated by the rotation sensor, Which includes the measured angular velocities 00x, my and 002 as shoWn in step 715 according to an ule and comprising the update program may too make refer ence to said different states of the six-axis motion sensor module as shoWn in FIGS. 7 and 8. As mentioned previously, the update program may be utiliZed by the processor to obtain the updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module based on the previous state associated With a ?rst signal set in relation to the angular velocities 00x, my, 002 and the measured state associated With said second signal set in relation to the axial accelerations Ax, Ay, AZ. The abovementioned mea sured state may include a measurement of said second signal set or measured Ax, Ay, AZ and a predicted measurement of Ax', Ay' and AZ' obtained based on or calculated from the ?rst signal set. Details of each of the abovementioned states of the six-axis motion sensor module and the related steps of the substitute by a present time T and a next time T+l respectively and shall too fall Within the scope and spirit of the present invention. The ?rst quatemion With respect to the previous time T is obtained as shoWn in the ?gure as step 710. The method illustrated in FIG. 7 may be performed in consecutive time frames. According to one embodiment of the present inven tion, steps 710-745 may be in a loop that may be performed one step at a time. In another embodiment, multiple steps may 35 exemplary embodiment of the present invention. In step 720, the second quaternion With respect to a present time T is calculated and obtained based on the angular velocities 00x, my and 002. The step 715 and 720 may generally refer to or may be represented by the abovementioned “current state” of the 40 six-axis motion sensor module. In one embodiment, the com puting processor may use a data conversion utility to convert the angular velocities 00x, my and 002 into the second quater nion. This data conversion utility may be a program or instruction represented by the folloWing equation (1). 45 method for obtaining the resulting deviation of the 3D point ing device in 3D reference frame are as folloWs. Referring to FIG. 7 again, the method for obtaining a resulting deviation including resultant angles in a spatial pointer reference frame of 3D pointing device utiliZing a 50 six-axis motion sensor module according to one embodiment of the present invention may begin at the obtaining of a previous state of the six-axis motion sensor module. In one embedment, the previous state of the six-axis motion sensor module may preferably be in a form of a ?rst quaternion, and 55 the ?rst quaternion may be preferably initialiZed (step 705) at a very beginning of the process or method and as part of the obtaining of the previous state thereof. In other Words, according to one embodiment of the present invention, the signals of the six-axis motion sensor are preferably to be initialiZed to Zero and in particular, the signal or value asso 60 motion sensor module according to one embodiment of the predetermined initial values. Alternatively, the ?rst quater generated by the rotation sensor and the accelerometer at a next time frame such that the method as shoWn in FIG. 7 is a the differential equation (1). As shoWn in the ?gure, the “measured state” of the six-axis ciated With the yaW angle in terms of a quatemion value. The four elements of the ?rst quatemion may be initialiZed With nion may be initialiZed or replaced by another signal sets Equation (1) is a differential equation. The quatemion on the left side of the equal sign is the ?rst order derivative With respect to time of the quaternion (qO, ql, q2, q3) on the right side of the equal sign. The data conversion utility uses the ?rst quatemion as the initial values for the differential equation (1) and calculates the solution of the differential equation (1). The second quatemion may be represented by a solution of 65 present invention may generally refer or may be represented by steps 725 and 730. In step 725, the second signal set generated by the accelerometer may be obtained, Which includes measured axial accelerations Ax, Ay and AZ; or Ax, Ay and AZ may refer to the measurement of the axial accel US 8,441,438 B2 13 14 erations obtained. In order to obtain said measured state of the accelerations of accelerometers and current state may be obtained based on an exemplary equation of: six-axis motion sensor of the present invention, according to one embodiment, predicted axial accelerations Ax', Ay' and AZ' may too be calculated and obtained based on the above mentioned current state of the six-axis motion sensor module Preferably, a second probability (measurement probability) or the second quaternion as shoWn in step 73 0. In other Words, associated With the measured state may be further obtained based on an exemplary equation of: tWo sets of axial accelerations may be obtained for the mea sured state of the six-axis motion sensor module; one may be the measured axial accelerations Ax, Ay, As in step 725 and the other may be the predicted axial accelerations Ax', Ay', AZ' in step 730 calculated based on the abovementioned current state or second quaternion in relation to the measured angular velocities thereof. Furthermore, in one embodiment, the com puting processor may use a data conversion utility to convert (10) the measured axial accelerations Ax, Ay and AZ into a quater nion. This data conversion utility may be a softWare program Wherein RtImeasurement noise represented by the folloWing equations (2), (3) and (4). As an illustrative example, the abovementioned ?rst and sec ond probabilities may be further utiliZed to obtain the updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module based on an exem 20 plary method of data association of an exemplary equation of: 25 In one embodiment, the result of the updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module, preferably involving com (4) The computing processor calculates the solution (qO, ql, q2, q3) of the equations (2), (3) and (4). According to an exemplary embodiment of the method for obtaining a resulting deviation including resultant angles in a spatial pointer reference frame of a 3D pointing device uti liZing a six-axis motion sensor module, it may be preferable resulting deviation including resultant angles in a spatial to compare the current state of the six-axis motion sensor module With the measured state thereof With respect to the 30 present time frame T by utiliZing a comparison model. In other Words, in one embodiment as shoWn in step 735, it is preferable to compare the second quaternion in relation to the measured angular velocities of the current state at present time T With the measured axial accelerations Ax, Ay, AZ as Well as the predicted axial accelerations Ax', Ay', AZ' also at present time T. FolloWing Which, a result may be obtained as 35 an updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module. In an 40 module at preset time T. Instructions including equations related to the abovementioned current state, measured state and updated state may be illustrated in the folloWing. According to an exemplary embodiment of the comparison model utiliZed by the present invention in relation to step 735 pointer reference frame in the folloWing steps as shoWn in the ?gure. It can be understood that the examples of current state, measured state, state update, data association and probabili explanatory example, the updated state may generally refer to the update of the current state of the six-axis motion sensor parison or data association represented by the equations, may be a third quaternion as shoWn in the ?gure. Furthermore, the result may then be further outputted and utiliZed to obtain a 45 ties of the comparison model and method of the present invention are provided for illustrative purposes only. As mentioned previously, it may be preferable to output the result of the updated state, preferably in a form of third quaternion, to the previous state of the six-axis motion sensor module as shoWn in step 740 in the ?gure. In other Words, in one embodiment, the ?rst quaternion may be replaced by the abovementioned third quaternion or substitute directly any previous values of ?rst quaternion in the previous time T for further process in a loop. In other Words, the third quaternion With respect to the present time T becomes the ?rst quaternion With respect to the next time such as T+l ; or, the third quater nion at previous time frame T-l outputted may noW be the ?rst quaternion at present time frame T. In step 745, the updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module of the present invention may be further calculated and convert to the resulting deviation including resultant angles as shoWn in the ?gure, the current state correlated to the abovementioned second quaternion and in relation to the angular velocities of gyroscope(s) may be obtained based on an exemplary equation of: 50 associated With the spatial pointer reference frame, Wherein the resultant angles includes the yaW angle, pitch angle and roll angle of the 3D pointing device associated With the spatial pointer reference frame, preferably about each of three orthogonal coordinate axes of the spatial pointer reference 55 frame. In one embodiment, the computing processor may use a data conversion utility to convert the third quaternion of the updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module into the Preferably, a ?rst probability (state transition probability) associated With the said current state may be further obtained based on an exemplary equation of: yaW, pitch and roll angles thereof. This data conversion utility FX : a?xH, 14!) 635141 F” : ?fwii, 14!) may be a program or instruction represented by the folloWing (6) 60 equations (l2), (l3) and (14). (7) 1314, Z(qoq3 +4142) (12) yaW : arctan W ‘10 + £11 — £12 — £13 Wherein Qfadditional motion noise Likewise, the measured state correlated to the abovemen tioned second axial accelerations and in relation to the axial 65 Pitch = aICSiIIQUIoQz — £13 £11 )) (13) US 8,441,438 B2 15 16 -continued display to be mapped With deviation to a movement pattern in 14 roll : arctan[ 2D display reference frame and the 3D pointing device of the ( ) present invention outputted With said deviation including yaW, pitch and roll angles in 3D pointer reference frame; Wherein the relationship may be a distance relationship. In The variables qO, ql, q2 and q3 in equations (12), (13) and (14) another embodiment, the sensitivity input may be a display screen siZe including boundary information predetermined are the four elements of the third quatemion. For a looped method continuous With respect to time, in one embodiment of the present invention, the method utilized by a user; Wherein the boundary information may be obtained based on a user input or manual input data from the user. In by for example the computing processor communicated With still another embodiment, the sensitivity input may be pre the six-axis motion sensor module may return to step 710 to de?ned or preset in the mapping program such that the param eter of the sensitivity input is a preset value for either increase perform the comparison process or method With respect to the next time T+1. In addition, the abovementioned resulting or decrease the movement patterns including distance or deviation including resultant angles comprising yaW, pitch and roll angles in the spatial reference frame converted from the third quatemion is preferably obtained and outputted in an absolute manner re?ecting or associating With the actual movements and rotations of the 3D pointer device of the present invention in said spatial pointer reference frame. It can be understood that said actual movements and rotations of 20 the 3D pointer device of the present invention in the spatial pointer reference frame or 3D reference frame may refer to real-time movements and rotations associated With vectors having both magnitudes and directions along or about orthogonal axes in the spatial pointer reference frame under the dynamic environments. the 3D pointing device 930 is pointing at. The boundary point 25 FIG. 8 shoWs a How chart illustrating a method of mapping resultant deviation angles of a 3D pointing device having movements and rotations in a 3D spatial pointer reference frame and in a dynamic environment onto a display reference frame according to another embodiment of the present inven tion. FIG. 9 is a schematic diagram showing the aforemen tioned mapping of the resultant angles of the resultant devia tion of a 3D pointing device according to this embodiment. For illustrative purposes, the difference betWeen FIG. 7 and FIG. 8 may be represented by the additional mapping step 750 number of pixels to be moved or mapped from said deviation of the 3D pointing device. FIG. 9 is a bird’s-eye vieW ofa 3D pointing device 930 and the display screen 910 of a display device according to an embodiment of the present invention. The display screen has a central point 922, a target point 924 and a boundary point 926. The central point 922 is the geometric center of the display screen 910. The target point 924 is the position that 30 926 is a point on the right boundary of the display screen 910. The points 922, 924, 926 and the 3D pointing device 930 are on a common plane parallel to both the XD axis and the ZD axis of the display reference frame XDYDZD. Virtual beams 942, 944 and 946 are imaginary light beams from the 3D pointing device 930 to the central point 922, the target point 924 and the boundary point 926, respectively. The distance P is the distance betWeen the central point 922 and the target point 924, While the distance Pmax is the distance betWeen the central point 922 and the boundary point 926. The distance d processor may include a mapping program that performs the is the distance betWeen the central point 922 and the 3D pointing device 930. The aforementioned yaW angle of the resultant deviation of the 3D pointing device 930 is the angle 6 betWeen the virtual beams 942 and 944, While the angle 6m,C is the angle betWeen the virtual beams 942 and 946. The aforementioned mapping area is a plane including the display surface of the display screen 910 in the display reference mapping step 750. At step 750, the processing and transmit ting module may obtain display data including for example, frame. The display surface of the display screen 910 is a subset of the mapping area. 35 as shoWn in FIG. 8. Steps 705-745 in FIG. 8 are the same as their counterparts in FIG. 7, Which perform the comparison process for the 3D pointing device. Step 750 performs the mapping process for the 3D pointing device. The computing 40 display screen siZe such as boundary information, and trans lates the resultant angles of the resulting deviation associated 45 With the spatial pointer reference frame, preferably about sensitivity [3 is de?ned by the folloWing equation (15). each of three orthogonal coordinate axes of the spatial pointer reference frame, to a movement pattern in a mapping area in a display reference frame based on a sensitivity input corre lated to the display reference frame. It can be understood that the above-mentioned display data may too include or refer to In this embodiment, the aforementioned sensitivity input is provided by the user of the 3D pointing device 930. The 50 Pmax 9% the type of display such as LED, LCD, touch panel or 3D (15) display as Well as frequency rate of display such as 120 HZ or 240 HZ. In one embodiment, the display reference frame associated With the display to be mapped may be a 2D display 55 reference frame; in another embodiment, the display refer The variable [3 in equation (16) is the sensitivity input de?ned by user. ence frame may be a 3D display reference frame of a 3D display. The aforementioned display data may further include a sensitivity input. The aforementioned sensitivity input is a 60 parameter Which may be inputted and adjusted by a user through control buttons attached on the housing of the 3D pointing device. The sensitivity input may represent the sen sitivity of the display device With respect to the movement of the 3D pointing device. For details of the mapping process, please refer to FIG. 9. In one embodiment, the sensitivity input is a parameter representing the relationship betWeen the The folloWing equation (16) may be derived from equation (15) and geometry. (16) 65 US 8,441,438 B2 17 18 The following equation (17) may be derived from equa In vieW of the above, it is clear that such obtaining and outputting of deviation including 3D angles in a spatial tions (16). pointer reference frame in an “absolute” manner of the Pm ><tan0 present invention is novel, and the fact that the enhanced 3D pointing device having a novel comparison method and pro gram of the present invention to obtain and output such devia tion in “absolute” manner cannot be easily achieved by any (17) knoWn arts or their combination thereof. The term “absolute” associated With the resulting deviation including resultant angles such as yaW, pitch and roll in a spatial pointer reference frame or 3D reference frame obtained and outputted by the enhanced 3D pointing device of the present invention may In equation (17), the distance Pmax may be obtained from the Width of the display screen of the display data obtained at step 750; the angle 6 is the yaW angle obtained at step 745; the sensitivity input [3 is provided by the user. Therefore, the refer to the “actual” movements and rotations of the 3D computing processor of the 3D pointing device 930 can cal pointer device of the present invention in said spatial pointer culate the distance P according to equation (17). Next, the reference frame. It is clear that knoWn arts capable of only outputting planar angles or relative movements, in for example 2D reference frame, are devoid of providing a result ing deviation in such absolute manner provided by the present invention. Moreover, the six-axis comparison method of the present invention may accurately output said deviation including angles in 3D reference frame as noises associated computing processor can easily obtain the horizontal coordi nate of the target point 924 on the display screen 910 accord ing to the distance P and the Width of the display screen 910. In addition, the computing processor can easily obtains the vertical coordinate of the target point 924 on the display screen 910 according to the pitch angle in a similar Way. The mapping process performed at step 750 may be exem 20 With the six-motion sensor module subject to movement and rotations in dynamic environments and accumulated over time may be effectively eliminated or compensated. The cur pli?ed by the process of translating the yaW angle and the pitch angle of the resultant angles to the 2D coordinates of the target point 924 on the display screen 910 discussed above. NoW the computing processor has the coordinates of the target point 924 of the present time frame. The computing processor subtracts the coordinates of the target point 924 of the previous time frame from the coordinates of the target point 924 of the present time frame. The result of the subtrac tion is the horizontal offset and the vertical offset of the target 25 30 ing resultant angles in the spatial pointer reference frame or point 924 in the present time frame. The horizontal and ver tical offsets may be transmitted to the display device so that the display device can track the position of the target point 35 924. The display device may display a cursor or some video effect on the display screen 910 to highlight the position of the target point 924. The cursor or video effect may exhibit a movement pattern on the display screen 910 When the user moves the 3D pointing device 930. modi?cations and variations can be made to the structure of the present invention Without departing from the scope or spirit of the invention. In vieW of the foregoing, it is intended that the present invention cover modi?cations and variations of this invention provided they fall Within the scope of the 45 “a”, “an” or “one” recited herein as Well as in the claims utilized by for example the computing processor communi folloWing claims and their equivalents. Furthermore, the term cated With the six-axis motion sensor module may return to hereafter may refer to and include the meaning of “at least one” or “more than one”. For example, it can be understood that a printed circuit board (PCB) recited herein may refer to 50 more than one PCBs such that motion sensors such as rotation sensors or gyroscopes and/or accelerometers of the six-mo tion sensor module may be attached to more than one PCBs. What is claimed is: 55 1. A three-dimensional (3D) pointing device subject to movements and rotations in dynamic environments, compris ing: a housing associated With said movements and rotations of the 3D pointing device in a spatial pointer reference resultant deviation including yaW, pitch and roll angles in the spatial pointer reference to a display reference frame such as a 2D display reference frame of a display screen of a display device. The six-axis comparison method involving the com parison of motion sensor signals, the calculation and conver sion of quaternion of the present invention in order to output a resultant deviation having yaW, pitch and roll angles in for example 3D reference frame is novel and cannot be easily achieved by any knoW arts or their combinations thereof. 3D reference frame of the present invention can be further mapped to another display reference frame or 2D reference frame and such mapping of “absolute” movements and rota tions of the enhanced 3D pointing device of the present inven tion onto the display reference frame is novel and cannot be easily achieved by knoWn arts or their combination thereof. It Will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various 40 Likewise, for a looped method continuous With respect to time, in one embodiment of the present invention, the method step 710 to perform the comparison process or method With respect to the next time perform the comparison and mapping process With respect to the next time frame. In summary, the present invention also provides a six-axis comparison method that compares the detected signals gen erated by and converted from the rotation of the pointing device about all of the three axes With the detected signals generated by and converted from the acceleration of the pointing device along all of the three axes. In one embodi ment, The six-axis comparison method may then output the resultant deviation including yaW, pitch and roll angles in a spatial pointer reference frame such as a 3D reference frame of the 3D pointing device. In another embodiment, the six axis comparison method may also include the mapping of the rent state, measured state, updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module utilized in the method for obtaining the result ing deviation and to eliminate the accumulated errors of the motion sensor module of the 3D pointing device of the present invention are novel and cannot be easily achieved by the knoWn arts. Additionally, the resulting deviation includ frame; 60 a printed circuit board (PCB) enclosed by the housing; a six-axis motion sensor module attached to the PCB, comprising a rotation sensor for detecting and generat ing a ?rst signal set comprising angular velocities 00x, my, 002 associated With said movements and rotations of 65 the 3D pointing device in the spatial pointer reference frame, an accelerometer for detecting and generating a second signal set comprising axial accelerations Ax, Ay, US 8,441,438 B2 19 20 AZ associated With said movements and rotations of the frame different from said spatial pointer reference frame and 3D pointing device in the spatial pointer reference frame; and based on a sensitivity input correlated to said display refer a processing and transmitting module, comprising a data transmitting unit electrically connected to the six-axis 9. The 3D pointing device of claim 8, Wherein the sensi tivity input correlated to the display reference frame is deter motion sensor module for transmitting said ?rst and second signal sets thereof and a computing processor for mined based on a user input and is associated With boundary ence frame. information of a display apparatus having a corresponding mapping area in said display reference frame. 10. A three-dimensional (3D) pointing device subject to receiving and calculating said ?rst and second signal sets from the data transmitting unit, communicating With the movements and rotations in dynamic environments in a 3D-pointer reference frame and associated With a movement six-axis motion sensor module to calculate a resulting deviation comprising resultant angles in said spatial pointer reference frame by utiliZing a comparison to pattern in a tWo-dimensional (2D)-display reference frame, comprising: compare the ?rst signal set With the second signal set Whereby said resultant angles in the spatial pointer ref a housing associated With said movements and rotations of 15 the 3D pointing device in the 3D-pointer reference erence frame of the resulting deviation of the six-axis motion sensor module of the 3D pointing device are a printed circuit board (PCB) enclosed by the housing; obtained under said dynamic environments, Wherein the a six-axis motion sensor module attached to the PCB, frame; comparison utiliZed by the processing and transmitting module further comprises an update program to obtain comprising a rotation sensor for detecting and generat 20 ing a ?rst signal set comprising angular velocities 00x, an updated state based on a previous state associated my, 002 associated With said movements and rotations of With said ?rst signal set and a measured state associated the 3D pointing device in the 3D-pointer reference frame, an accelerometer for detecting and generating a second signal set comprising axial accelerations Ax, Ay, With said second signal set; Wherein the measured state includes a measurement of said second signal set and a predicted measurement obtained based on the ?rst signal set Without using any derivatives of the ?rst signal set. 25 3D pointing device in the 3D-pointer reference frame; and 2. The 3D pointing device of claim 1, Wherein the dynamic a processing and transmitting module, comprising a data transmitting unit electrically connected to the six-axis environments include a condition in Which said movements and rotations of the 3D pointing device in the spatial pointer reference frame are continuously nonlinear With respect to time. 3. The 3D pointing device of claim 1, Wherein the PCB enclosed by the housing comprises at least one substrate having a ?rst longitudinal side con?gured to be substantially parallel to a longitudinal surface of the housing. 4. The 3D pointing device of claim 1, Wherein the spatial pointer reference frame is a reference frame in three dimen sions; and Wherein saidresultant angles of the resulting devia tion includes yaW, pitch and roll angles about each of three orthogonal coordinate axes of the spatial pointer reference frame. 5. The 3D pointing device of claim 1, Wherein the data 30 six-axis motion sensor module to calculate a resulting 35 40 resulting deviation of the six-axis motion sensor module of the 3D pointing device in the 3D-pointer reference frame to said movement pattern in the 2D-display refer ence frame based on a sensitivity input correlated to said 45 2D-display reference frame, Wherein the comparison utiliZed by the processing and transmitting module fur ther comprises an update program to obtain an updated tions on the PCB. 50 external to the housing and receives said ?rst and second signal sets of the six-axis motion sensor module Wirelessly from said data transmitting unit. 7. The 3D pointing device of claim 1, Wherein the com parison utiliZed by the processing and transmitting module deviation comprising resultant angles in said 3D-pointer reference frame by utiliZing a comparison to compare the ?rst signal set With the second signal set; and Wherein the computing processor further comprises a mapping program for translating said resultant angles of the module to the computing processor via electronic connec 6. The 3D pointing device of claim 1, Wherein the comput ing processor of the processing and transmitting module is motion sensor module for transmitting said ?rst and second signal sets thereof and a computing processor for receiving and calculating said ?rst and second signal sets from the data transmitting unit, communicating With the transmitting unit of the processing and transmitting module is attached to the PCB enclosed by the housing and transmits said ?rst and second signal of the six-axis motion sensor AZ associated With said movements and rotations of the 55 state based on a previous state associated With said ?rst signal set and a measured state associated With said second signal set; Wherein the measured state includes a measurement of said second signal set and a predicted measurement obtained based on the ?rst signal set With out using any derivatives of the ?rst signal set; and Wherein said resultant angles of the resulting deviation includes yaW, pitch and roll angles about each of three orthogonal coordinate axes of the spatial pointer refer further comprises a data conversion utility for converting quaternion values associated With said ?rst and second signal 11. The 3D pointing device of claim 10, Wherein the data sets of the six-axis motion module as Well as an integrated transmitting unit of the processing and transmitting module is result to the resultant angles of the resulting deviation of the six-axis motion sensor module of the 3D pointing device in ence frame. 60 attached to the PCB enclosed by the housing and transmits said ?rst and second signal of the six-axis motion sensor the spatial pointer reference frame. module to the computing processor via electronic connec 8. The 3D pointing device of claim 1, Wherein the comput ing processor of the processing and transmitting module fur ther comprises a mapping program for translating said result ant angles of the resulting deviation of the six-axis motion sensor module of the 3D pointing device in the spatial pointer tions on the PCB. reference frame to a movement pattern in a display reference 12. The 3D pointing device of claim 10, Wherein the com puting processor of the processing and transmitting module is 65 external to the housing and receives said ?rst and second signal sets of the six-axis motion sensor module Wirelessly from said data transmitting unit. US 8,441,438 B2 21 22 13. The 3D pointing device of claim 10, Wherein the sen six-axis motion sensor module is a ?rst quatemion With sitivity input correlated to the display reference frame is respect to said previous time T-l; and said updated state of predetermined by said mapping program of the computing processor of the processing and transmitting module utiliZing the six-axis motion sensor module is a third quaternion With respect to said current time T. 17. The method for obtaining a resulting deviation of 3D boundary information of a display apparatus having a corre pointing device of claim 14, Wherein the obtaining of said sponding mapping area in said 2D-display reference frame and de?ned by a user input. previous state of the six-axis motion sensor module further 14. A method for obtaining a resulting deviation including resultant angles in a spatial pointer reference frame of a three-dimensional (3D) pointing device utiliZing a six-axis pointing device of claim 14, further comprises a mapping step comprises initialiZing said initial-value set. 18. The method for obtaining a resulting deviation of 3D comprising translating said angles of the resulting deviation motion sensor module therein and subject to movements and in said spatial pointer reference frame to a movement pattern rotations in dynamic environments in said spatial pointer reference frame, comprising the steps of: in a display reference frame; and the mapping step further comprises obtaining a sensitivity input correlated to said dis play reference frame different from said spatial pointer ref obtaining a previous state of the six-axis motion sensor module; Wherein the previous state includes an initial erence frame. value set associated With previous angular velocities gained from the motion sensor signals of the six-axis 19. A method for obtaining a resulting deviation including resultant angles in a spatial pointer reference frame of a motion sensor module at a previous time T-l; obtaining a current state of the six-axis motion sensor module by obtaining measured angular velocities 00x, three-dimensional (3D) pointing device utiliZing a six-axis 20 my, 002 gained from the motion sensor signals of the six-axis motion sensor module at a current time T; obtaining a measured state of the six-axis motion sensor obtaining a previous state of the six-axis motion sensor module; Wherein the previous state includes an initial module by obtaining measured axial accelerations Ax, Ay, AZ gained from the motion sensor signals of the 25 six-axis motion sensor module at the current time T and module by obtaining measured angular velocities 00x, the current state of the six-axis motion sensor module 30 obtaining a measured state of the six-axis motion sensor module by obtaining measured axial accelerations Ax, Ay, AZ gained from the motion sensor signals of the respect to said current time T; comparing the second quatemion in relation to the measured angular velocities 35 based on the measured angular velocities 00x, my, 002 of the current state of the six-axis motion sensor module time T; Without using any derivatives of the measured angular 40 motion sensor module to said resulting deviation com 00x, my, 002 of the current state at current time T With the prising said resultant angles in said spatial pointer ref 45 outputting the updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module to the previous state of the six-axis motion sensor ence frame. 16. The method for obtaining a resulting deviation of a 3D pointing device of claim 14, Wherein saidprevious state of the measured axial accelerations Ax, Ay, AZ and the pre dicted axial accelerations Ax', Ay', AZ' also at current time T; pointing device of claim 14, further comprises the step of module; and Wherein said resultant angles of the resulting deviation includes yaW, pitch and roll angles about each of three orthogonal coordinate axes of the spatial pointer refer velocities 00x, my, 002; said current state of the six-axis motion sensor module is a second quatemion With respect to said current time T; comparing the second quatemion in relation to the measured angular velocities calculating and converting the updated state of the six axis erence frame of the 3D pointing device. 15. The method for obtaining a resulting deviation of a 3D six-axis motion sensor module at the current time T and calculating predicted axial accelerations Ax’, Ay', AZ, measured axial accelerations Ax, Ay, AZ and the pre dicted axial accelerations Ax', Ay', AZ' also at current obtaining an updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module by comparing the current state With the mea sured state of the six-axis motion sensor module; and my, 002 gained from the motion sensor signals of the six-axis motion sensor module at a current time T; velocities uux, my, uuZ; said current state of the six-axis motion sensor module is a second quaternion With 00x, my, 002 of the current state at current time T With the value set associated With previous angular velocities gained from the motion sensor signals of the six-axis motion sensor module at a previous time T-l; obtaining a current state of the six-axis motion sensor calculating predicted axial accelerations Ax', Ay', AZ' based on the measured angular velocities 00x, my, 002 of Without using any derivatives of the measured angular motion sensor module therein and subject to movements and rotations in dynamic environments in said spatial pointer reference frame, comprising the steps of: 50 obtaining an updated state of the six-axis motion sensor module by comparing the current state With the mea sured state of the six-axis motion sensor module; and calculating and converting the updated state of the six axis motion sensor module to said resulting deviation com prising said resultant angles in said spatial pointer ref erence frame of the 3D pointing device. * * * * *

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