Raya v. AMAZON.COM, LLC et al

Filing 107

ORDER GRANTING FINAL APPROVAL OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AND ENTERING JUDGMENT. Signed by Judge Maxine M. Chesney on 02/15/17. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(mmclc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/15/2017)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 12 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA – SAN FRANCISCO 13 14 SANTIAGO RAYA on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs, 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 v. AMAZON.COM, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company; GOLDEN STATE FC, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company and, DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. 15-CV-02005 MMC CLASS ACTION [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING FINAL APPROVAL OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AND ENTERING JUDGMENT Date: Time: Ctrm: Judge: February 3, 2017 9:00 a.m. 7, 19th Floor Hon. Maxine M. Chesney Filed: Trial date: March 18, 2015 None set 23 24 25 26 27 28 Order Granting Final Approval and Entering Judgment Thereon Case No. 15-CV-02005 MMC 1 This matter came on for hearing on February 3, 2017 at 9:00 a.m., in Courtroom 7 of the 2 above-captioned Court on Plaintiff’s Motion for Order Granting Final Approval of Class Action 3 Settlement and Entering Judgment pursuant to this Court’s Order Granting Preliminary Approval of 4 Class Action Settlement filed September 27, 2016 [Dkt. 85, 86] and the Amended Joint Stipulation of 5 Settlement and Release (“Settlement” or “Settlement Agreement”) [Dkt. 84-1]. In accordance with 6 the Preliminary Approval Order, Class Members were given notice of the terms of the Settlement, the 7 opportunity to submit a Claim Form to receive a Settlement Payment, and the opportunity to 8 comment on, request to be excluded from, or object to the Settlement or any of its terms. Having 9 received and considered the proposed Settlement, the supporting papers filed by the Parties, and the 10 evidence and argument received by the Court in conjunction with the Motion for Order Granting 11 Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement [Dkt. 69] and the Motion for Order Granting Final 12 Approval [Dkt. 88], the Court grants final approval of the Settlement and HEREBY ORDERS AND 13 MAKES THE FOLLOWING DETERMINATIONS: 14 1. Pursuant to the Order Granting Preliminary Approval of Class Action 15 Settlement, a Notice of Class Action Settlement, Claim Form, and pre-printed postage paid return 16 envelope (“Class Notice”) were mailed to each member of the Class by first-class U.S. Mail on 17 October 7, 2016. The Notice informed the Class of the terms of the Settlement, of their right to 18 receive their proportional share of the Settlement with the return of a claim form, of their right to 19 comment on, request to be excluded from, or object to the Settlement, and of their right to appear in 20 person or by counsel at the time of the Final Approval hearing to be heard regarding approval of the 21 Settlement. Adequate periods of time were provided by each of these procedures. 22 2. The Court finds and determines that this notice procedure afforded adequate 23 protections to Class Members and provides the basis for the Court to make an informed decision 24 regarding approval of the Settlement based on the response of the Class. The Court finds and 25 determines that the Notice provided in this case was the best notice practicable, which satisfied the 26 requirements of law and due process. 27 28 3. To avoid confusion in the future concerning the scope of released claims, the Court, with approval of the parties, clarifies the definition of Class Member Released Claims to read 1 Order Granting Final Approval and Entering Judgment Thereon Case No. 15-CV-02005 MMC 1 as follows: 2 Any and all claims or causes of action under any theory whatsoever, known or unknown, that arise out of or that could have arisen out of, the facts, transactions, occurrences, representations, or omissions set forth in the Complaint or the PAGA Letter, as related to claims that existed at the time of execution of the Settlement, including: Any and all claims or causes of action under any theory whatsoever to the extent that such claims arise out of (1) Amazon’s alleged failure to provide accurate itemized wage statements under Labor Code §§ 226 and 1174 and IWC Wage Order 7; and (2) penalties and fees under the Private Attorneys General Act (“PAGA”) for any of the above alleged violations of the Labor Code. With regard to the Class Member Released Claims only, Class Members shall be deemed to have expressly waived and relinquished, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the provisions, rights and benefits they may otherwise have had relating to the Class Member Released Claims. All Class Members shall be bound by this release whether or not they return the Claim Form necessary to receive payment of their allocated settlement amount, unless they formally opted-out of the Settlement. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4. The Court further finds and determines that the terms of the Settlement are fair, 13 reasonable and adequate to the Class and to each Class Member, that the Settlement is ordered finally 14 approved, and that all terms and provisions of the Settlement should be and hereby are ordered to be 15 consummated. 16 5. The Court also finds that the forty-nine individuals who have excluded 17 themselves from the Settlement through a written Request for Exclusion and whose names are set 18 forth in Exhibit A to this Order will not be bound by any of the provisions of the Settlement. 19 6. With respect to the Class and for purposes of approving this Settlement only, this 20 Court finds and concludes that: (a) the members of the Class are ascertainable and so numerous that 21 joinder of all members is impracticable; (b) there are questions of law or fact common to the Class, 22 and there is a well-defined community of interest among members of the Class with respect to the 23 subject matter of the Action; (c) the claims of Class Representative, Plaintiff Santiago Raya are 24 typical of the claims of the members of the Class; (d) the Class Representative has fairly and 25 adequately protected the interests of the members of the Class; (e) a class action is superior to other 26 available methods for an efficient adjudication of this controversy; and (f) the counsel of record for 27 the Class Representative, i.e., Class Counsel, is qualified to serve as counsel for Plaintiff in his 28 individual and representative capacity for the Class. 2 Order Granting Final Approval and Entering Judgment Thereon Case No. 15-CV-02005 MMC 1 7. The Court certifies the Class, defined as follows: “All current and former 2 employees of Golden State FC, LLC employed in a Warehouse Associate position within the State of 3 California from March 18, 2014 through and including August 5, 2016.” 4 5 6 7 8 8. The Court hereby approves Cohelan, Khoury & Singer, and the Law Office of Sahag Majarian, II as Class Counsel. 9. The Court hereby approves Plaintiff Santiago Raya as the Class Representative in this action. 10. The Court finds and determines the Settlement Payments to be paid to 9 Participating Class Members (those who returned timely and valid Claim Forms), as provided for by 10 the Settlement, are fair and reasonable. The Court hereby grants final approval to and orders the 11 payment of those amounts be made to such Participating Class Members in accordance with the terms 12 of the Settlement. 13 11. The Court finds and determines that the payment to be paid to the California 14 Labor and Workforce Development Agency to satisfy the alleged violation of Labor Code § 226 15 pursuant to the California Labor Code's Private Attorneys General Act of 2004 ("PAGA") in the sum 16 of $10,000 (75% of $13,333) is fair and reasonable. The Court hereby grants final approval and 17 orders the payment to Labor and Workforce Development Agency in accordance with the terms of the 18 Settlement Agreement. 19 12. Pursuant to the terms of the Settlement, and the authorities, evidence and 20 argument submitted by Class Counsel, the Court hereby awards Class Counsel attorneys’ fees in the 21 sum of $150,000 and reimbursement of their litigation costs in the sum of $9,259.29. The Court finds 22 and determines that such amounts are fair and reasonable and orders the Claims Administrator to 23 make these payments in accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. 24 13. The Court approves a Class Representative Service Payment in the sum of 25 $5,000 to Plaintiff Santiago Raya for his initiation of this action, work performed, the risks 26 undertaken for the payment of costs had this case had an unfavorable outcome, general release, and 27 for the benefits to be received by Participating Class Members as a result of his efforts. 28 14. The Court further approves payment of the fees and costs of the appointed 3 Order Granting Final Approval and Entering Judgment Thereon Case No. 15-CV-02005 MMC 1 Claims Administrator, Rust Consulting, Inc., of $84,760.71 for services rendered and to be rendered 2 in connection with the completion of its administrative duties pursuant to the Settlement. 3 15. Without affecting the finality of this Order in any way, the Court retains 4 jurisdiction of all matters relating to the interpretation, administration, implementation, effectuation 5 and enforcement of this order and the Settlement. 6 7 16. Nothing in this Order shall preclude any action to enforce the Parties' obligations under the Settlement or under this Order. 8 17. The Parties are hereby ordered to comply with the terms of the Settlement. 9 18. The Parties shall bear their own costs and attorneys' fees except as otherwise 10 11 provided by the Settlement Agreement and this Order. 19. The Court hereby enters final judgment in this case in accordance with the terms 12 of the Settlement, the Order Granting Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement, and this 13 Order. This action is dismissed with prejudice. 14 15 IT IS SO ORDERED. 16 Dated: February 15, 2017 17 18 19 The Honorable Maxine M. Chesney Judge of the United States District Court For the Northern District of California, San Francisco Division 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 Order Granting Final Approval and Entering Judgment Thereon Case No. 15-CV-02005 MMC

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