Video Software Dealers Association et al v. Schwarzenegger et al

Filing 111

Attachment 2
Declaration of Ethan D. Dettmer in Support of 109 MOTION for Attorney Fees and Costs filed byVideo Software Dealers Association, Entertainment Software Association. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Part 1# 2 Exhibit Part 2# 3 Exhibit Part 3# 4 Exhibit Part 4# 5 Exhibit Part 5)(Related document(s)109) (Dettmer, Ethan) (Filed on 8/28/2007)

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Video Software Dealers Association et al v. Schwarzenegger et al Doc. 111 Att. 2 Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 1 of 38 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-~306 Federal Taxpayer ID #95-1611234 March 6,2006 Invoice No. 2006030538 Gail Markels Entertainment Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 For Services Rendered and Costs/Charaes Advanced Throuah Februarv 28. 2006 Services Costs/ Rendered Charaes 43206-00009 AB1179 Litigation $ 15 368 50 $ 158 95 Totals $ 15,368.50 Totals $ 155'745 $ 158.95 $ 15,527.45 Premium/Discount Current Balance Due $ -768.43 1475902 Rpmit "l Wire Tn' Wells Faro Ban Remit"' Mail Tn' Gibson, un & Crutc1er LLP Los Angeles, CA. 90071- i 51 5 333 Soutl Grd Avenue Deparent 0723 . Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Please enclose the rettce copy of this Name ot-a.Çl¥t19!~S51Ib-Ðunn & Crutcher LLP Att: Raquel ~ Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 l!lease inc/ude the client number a1Ì the proper attorney to notif in the wire Please note that payments recived aftr the invoice c:ate are not reflect. you have any questions, please cal Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. instrctions. . If invoice with your payent in the enclosed Reply Envelope to ensur proper crt Invoice Date: March 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006030538 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 2 of 38 By Wire Tn" R"mit ~il Tn" Gibson, & Crutcher LLP Deparent 0723 Wells FlKo Ban 333 Soutl Grd Avenue Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 . Name ol.a~co~t: Gibson, Dun & Crutcher LLP Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Please enclose the remittce copy of this Reply Envelope to ensur prope cret Att:RaquëfRãz, Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 l!/ease include th client number ari the proper attorn to notif in the wire invoice with your payment in the enclosed uitrtlOns. Please note that payments received aftr the invoice date are not reflected. If you have any questions, pleae cali Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: March 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006030538 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 3 of 38 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-5306 Federal Taxpayer ID #95-1611234 March 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006030538 REMITTANCE COPY To ensure proper crediting, please send this copy in the enclosed envelope. Gail Markels Entertinment Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 For Services Rendered and Costs/Charges Advanced Throuah Februarv 28. 2006 Services Costs! Rendered Charaes 43206-00009 AB1179 Litigation $ 15 36R 50 $ 158 95 Totals Premium/Discou nt $ 15,368.50 Totals $ 1552745 $ 158.95 $ 15,527.45 -768.43 $ 14 759 O?- Current Balance Due . R..~t"l Wire Tn' We Faro Ban- Remit"' Mail Tn" Gibson, un & Crutcher LLP Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 Name ol-_açcl¥t~.9j~s!l_n-,_Du & Crutcher LLP 333 Sout Grd Avenue' Deparent 0723 Att: Riquel Rairi. Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 Please include the client number ari the proper attorney to notif in the wire wtrwo= ' If you' Los Angeles, CA 90084-723 Please enclose the remittce copy of invoice with your payment in the enclosed Reply Envelope to ensur proper credit. th Please note that payments received idler the invoice date are not reflected. have any question~, please call Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: March 6. 2006 Invoice No. 200603053 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 4 of 38 Rpm;t l\ Wi.. Tn' R..m;t~il Tn' Gibson, & Crutcher LLP Wells Faro Ban Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 . Name of _3ÇCOI¥t. 9jbs!l.n~ Dun & Crutcher LLP Att: Raquel Ràéi. Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 Please includ the client nwnber ari the proper 333 Soutl Grd Avenue Deparent 0723 , Lo Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Please enclose the remittce copy of this invoice with your payment in the enclosed Reply Envelope to ensur proper crt instrtions. attorney to notif in the wire Please note that payments reived afr the Învoice date are not reflecd. If you have any questions, plea cal Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: March 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006030538 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 5 of 38 Gail Markels Entertainment Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206-00009 For Services Rendered Through February 28,2006 H. M. LYON ETHAN D. DETTMER MICHAEL G. CECCHINI ~ HOIJRR 1.50 RATF $ 625.00 TOTAl $ 14.50 24.40 505.00 290.00 937.50 7,322.50 7,076.00 15,368.50 Discount Total Services -768 43 $ 14,600.07 COSTS/CHARGES IN HOUSE DUPLICATION MESSENGER AND COURIER EXPENSE ON-LINE RESEARCH (OTHER) ON-L1NE.RESEARCH (WESTLAW) TOTAL $ TELEPHONE CHARGES TRAVEL - TAXI & OTHER MODES/MILES 4.30 62.22 9.76 56.40 9.27 1700 . 158 95 Total Costs/Charges Total Services, Costs/Charges 14,759.02 ~ 1.4 7i;Q n? BALANCE DUE Invoice Date: March 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006030538 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 6 of 38 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206-00009 Detail Services: 02/01/06 1.50 LYON, H. M REVIEW AND ANALYZE FILING BY COMMON SENSE MEDIA; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH E. DETTMER REGARDING SAME; EMAILS REGARDING SAME. 0.80 DETMER, ETHAN D RECEIVE AND REVIEW APPLICATION TO APPEAR AS AMICUS CURIAE; RESEARCH REGARDING SAME AND E-MAILS REGARDING SAME. 02102106 0.80 DETMER, ETHAN D REVIEW NORTHERN DISTRICT MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT REQUIREMENTS AND E-MAILS REGARDING'SAME; CONFER WITH M. CECCHINI REGARDING OPPOSITION TO AMICUS CURIAE APPLICATION. 7.60 CECCHINI, MICHAEL G READ E-MAILS FROM E. DETTMER; REVIEW BACKGROUND, NEWS MATERIAL; READ APPLICATION BY COMMON SENSE MEDIA; READ DECL OF STEYER; MEET WITH E. DETTMER RE RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT; REVIEW PROPOSED AMICUS APPLICATION; . MAKE NOTES; COMPOSE E-MAIL UPDATE TO E. DETTMER. Invoice Date: March 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006030538 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 7 of 38 02/03/06 0.30 DETTMER, ETHAN D E-MAILS REGARDING OPPOSITION TO APPLICATION TO PARTICIPATE REGARDING AMICUS CURIAE AND CONFER WITH M. CECCHINI REGARDING SAME. 9.40 CECCHINI, MICHAEL G READ. . CASE; READ AND REPLY TO E-MAIL FROM È. DETTMER, AND TELECONFERENCE RE STRATEGY FOR OPPOSITION; : .' REVIEW CASES; MAKE OUTLINE FOR OPPOSITION; BEGIN DRAFTING OPPOSITION; DRAFT OPPOSITION TO AMICUS APPLICATION. 02104106 3.90 CECCHINI, MICHAEL G AMICUS APPLICATION; FINISH CONTINUE DRAFTING OPPOSITION TO DRAFT AND EMAIL FOR REVIEW; MAKE FINAL CHANGES TO DRAFT OPPOSITION; COMPOSE E-MAIL TO E. DETTMER, ATTACH DRAFT. 02/06/06 7.30 DETTMER, ETHAN D REVIEW AND REVISE DRAFT OPPOSITION TO APPLICATION TO APPEAR AS AMICUS CURIAE; LEGAL RESEARCH REGARDING SAME AND REVIEW DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH SAME; E-MAILS REGARDING SAME AND CONFER REGARDING SAME. 3.20 CECCHINI, MICHAEL G DISCUSS OPPOSITION WlTH.E. DETTMER; COMPOSE E-MAIL TO AND ANSWER E-MAIL FROM E. DETTMER; REVIEW EDITS AND NEW VERSION OF OPPOSITION; TELECONFERENCE WITH E. DETTMER. Invoice Date: March 6, 2006 InvoIce No. 2006030638 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 8 of 38 02107/06 1.40 DETTMER, ETHAN D CONFER WITH K. FALLOW REGARDING OPPOSITION TO AMICUS APPLICATION AND STATUS OF DISCOVERY AND RELATED ISSUES; E-MAILS REGARDING SAM!:; E-MAIL TO OPPOSING COUNSEL REGARDING MEET AND. CONFER SCHEDULING; OVERSEE FILING AND SERVICE OF OPPOSITION TO APPLICATION TO PARTICIPATE AS AMICUS CURIAE. 02108/06 0.30 CECCHINI, MICHAEL ,G MEET WITH E. DETTMER, DISCUSS OPPOSITION, BACKGROUND ISSUES .IN CASE. 02109/06 0.20 DETTMER, ETHAN D E-MAILS REGARDING SCHEDULING FOR MEET AND CONFER PURSUANT TO COURT ORDER AND RELATED ISSUES. 02/1 0106 0.40 DETTMER, ETHAN D E-MAILS REGARDING MEET AND CONFER SCHEDULING, REQUIREMENTS AND RELATED ISSUES; REVIEW RULES REGARDING SAME. 0.40 DETMER, ETHAN D E-MAILS REGARDING MEET AND CONFER SCHEDULING, REQUIREMENTS AND RELATED ISSUES; REVIEW RULES REGARDING SAME. 02/14/06 0.20 DETTMER, ETHAN D E-MAILS REGARDING MEET AND CONFER SCHEDULING. 0.2/15/06 0.30 DETTMER, ETHAN D E-MAILS AND PHONE CALLS REGARDING MEET AND CONFER SCHEDULING. 02116/06 0.20 DETMER, ETHAN D . E-MAILS AND PHONE CALLS REGARDING MEET AND CONFER SCHEDULING AND STATUS. 02117/06 0.40 DETTMER, ETHAN D CONFER WITH K. FALLOW REGARDING MEET AND CONFER; CONFER WITH Z. MORAINI OF ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE REGARDING DISCOVERY AND E-MAIL REGARDING SAME. Involcll Date: March 6, 2006 Invoicll No. 2006030538 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 9 of 38 02/21/06 0.50 DETMER, ETHAN D E-MAILS REGARDING DISCOVERY CONFERENCE CALL; CONFER WITH K. FALLOW REGARDING SAME AND PARTICIPATE IN DISCOVERY MEET AND CONFER CALL WITH COUNSEL FOR THE STATE. 02/22/06 0.20 DETTMER, ETHAN D CONFER WITH K. FALLOW REGARDING DISCOVERY AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ISSUES: E-MAILS REGARDING SAME. 02/24/06 1.10 DETTMER, ETHAN D E-MAILS TO DEFENDANTS' COUNSEL REGARDING DISCOVERY AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUOC3MENT SCHEDULE; DRAFT ADR CERTIFICATION AND E-MAILS AND PHONE CALLS REGARDING SAME; RECEIVE AND REVIEW CSM REPLY BRIEF AND E-MAILS REGARDING SAME; OVERSEE FILING AND SERVICE OF SAME. Invoice Date: March 6, 2006 Invoice No~ 2006030538 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 10 of 38 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206-00009 Detail Costs/Charges: IN HOUSE DUPLICATION 02/02/06 2.00 02/21/06 02/24/06 1.80 IN HOUSE DUPLICATION CHARGE VIA EQUITRAC - 02102/06 IN HOUSE DUPLICATION CHARGE VIA EQUITRAC - 02121/06. 0.50 IN HOUSE DUPLICATION CHARGE VIA EQUITRAC - 02/24/06 MESSENGER AND COLJRIFR FXPFNRF 02/07/06 47.14 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UP0211 INVOICE 0000059X811066 SHIP DATE 02107/2006 TRACKING NO: 1Z59X8111599225380 FROM: . KENDRA NATION, GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LL, SAN FRANCISCO, CA TO: CLERK, USDC ND CAL., UNITED STATES DISTRICT, SAN JOSE, CA . 02/24/06 15.08 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UP0225 INVOICE 0000059X811 086 SHIP DATE 02/24/2006 TRACKING NO: 1Z59X8110195799179 FROM: KENDRA NATION, GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LL, SAN FRANCISCO, CA TO: THE HONORABLE RONALD, U.S. DISTRICT COURT, N.D. , SAN JOSE, CA ON-LINE REREARCH (OTHER) 02/28/06 9.76 PACER, COURT RESEARCH - 01/06 ON-LINE RESEARCH (WESTLA\I 02/06/06 56.40 DElTMER,ETHAN D 02/06/06 43206-00009: WESTLAWRESEARCH AND PRINTING CHARGES DISTRICT OF TELEPHONi= CHARGFR 02/17/06 1.33 202-669-464402/17/06 WASHINGTON COLUMBIA 02/17106 1.86 916-445-822602117/06 SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA 02/21/06 02/21/06 3.04 916-445-822602121/06 SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA 3.04 916-445-822602/21/06 SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA Invoice Date: March 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006030538 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 11 of 38 TRAVEl - TAXI & OTHER MODES/MILES 02/1.6/06 17.00 VENDOR: SAN FRANCISCO PET CASH; INVOICE#: 377; DATE: 2/16/2006 - 2/2106 V# 022305 CAB FARE HOME 1M. CECCHINI Invoice Date: March 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006030538 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 12 of 38 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-5306 Federal Taxpayer lD #95-1611234 April 10, 2006 Invoice No. 2006041089 Gail Markels Entertainment Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 For Services Rendered and Costs/Charces Advanced Throua'h March 31. 2006 Services Costsl Rendered Charqes 43206-00009 AB1179 Litigation $ 5281 00 $ 55' !i5 Totals Premium/Discount Current Balance Due $ 5,281.00 $ Totals !i 833 55 $ 552.55 $ 5,833.55 -264.05 S !i 569 50 Remit ny Wire Tn' Remit~il Tn' Gibson, & Crutcher LLP Deparent 0723 Wells Famo Ban Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 Name oI_apcol¥t~ .9~S9J!-Ðun & Crutcer LLP 333 Soutl Grd Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Pleas enclose iìe remittce copy of invoice with your payment in th enclosed Att: RaueiRairi. Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 . Reply Envelope to ensur proper creit th Please include the client number a1Ì the proper attorney to notify in the wire instrctions. If Please note that payments received aftr the invoice date ar not reflectd. you have any questions, please call Terr Bono,GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: April 1 0, 2006 Invoice No. 2006041089 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 13 of 38 Remit"l Wire Tn' Wells Faro Ban R..init~il Tn' Gibson, & Crutcher LLP Deparent 0723 Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 Name oI_a.~co\!t. .9~_~l1Pun & Crutcher LLP 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 Please include the client number ari the proper attorney to notif in the wire Att:Rauef:Rz, Telephone: (2i3) 333 Soutl Grd Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Please enclose the remttce copy of this Reply Envelope to enure prper crt invoice with your payment in the enclosed instrctions. Please note that payments reived afr the invoice date ar not reflected. If you have any questions, pleae call Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: April 10, 2006 Invoice No. 2006041089 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 14 of 38 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-5306 Federal Taxpayer ID #95-1611234 April 1 0, 2006 Invoice No. 2006041089 REMITTANCE COPY To ensure proper crediting, please send this copy in the enclosed envelope. Gail Markels Entertainment Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 For Services Rendered and Costs/Charaes Advanced Through March 31. 2006 Services . Costsl Rendered Charaes 43206-00009 AB1179 Litigation $ 5'81 00 $ 55255 Totals Premium/Discount Current Balance Due $ 5,281.00 $ $ Totals 5 833 55 $ 552.55 5,833.55 -264.05 $ 5 569 50 R"mit"l Wire Tn" Remit"' Mail Tn' . Gibson, un & Crutcher LLP Wells Faro Ban Los Angeles CA. 90071-1515 Name oI_a~coint 9ibson, Dun & Crutcer LLP Atl: Rauel Raz, Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 333 Soutl Grd Avenue Los Angeles CA 90084-0723 Please enclose the rettce copy of ths l)arent 0723 l:/ease include the client number tJ the proper attorney to notif in the wire Please note that payments reeived afr the invoice date are not reflecte. If you have. any questions, pleae call Terr Bono, GD&C at instrctions. . Invoice Date: April invoice with your payment in the enclose Reply Envelope to enur proper creit. 213-229-7528. 10, 2006 Invoice No. 2006041089 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 15 of 38 Remit"l Wire Tn' Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 Name oI_a~lIt~ 9ibsciß, Du & Crutcher LLP Att: Riciuef:Rèz, Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 Well Fiao Ban 333 Soutl Grd Avenue Remit~il Tn" Gibson, . & Crutcher LLP Deparent 0723 Los Aneles, CA 90084-0723 Pleae enclose the reittce copy of ths Please includ the client number ari the proper attorney to notif in the wire instrtions. . If invoice with your payment in the enclosed Reply Envelope to ensure proper crit Pleae note that payments received aftr the invoice date are not reflecte. you have any questions, pleas call Terri Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: April 10, 2006 Invoice No. 2006041089 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 16 of 38 Gail Markels Entertainment Softare. Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor. New York, NY 10017 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206-00009 For Services-Rendered Through March'31. 2006 .M H. M. LYON ETHAN D. DETTMER Discount Total Services COSTS/CHARGES IN HOUSE DUPLICATION OUTSIDE PROCESS SERVER TELEPHONE CHARGES Total Costs/Charges Total Services, Costs/Charges BALANCE DUE Invoice Date: April 10. 2006 Invoice No. 2006041089 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 17 of 38 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206-00009 Invoice Date: April 10, 2006 Invoice No. 2006041089 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 18 of 38 03/30/06 . 2.00 LYON, H. M REVIEW AND ANALYZE DRAFT MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT; REVIEW AND ANALYZE .DECLARATIONS FOR SAME; CONFERENCE WITH E. DETTMERAND J. MINNERY REGARDING FILING OF SAME. 0.90 DETTMER. ETHAN D REVIEW SUMMARY JUDGMENT MATERIALS AND CONFER WITH M. HELLMAN REGARDING' SAME; CONFER WITH M. LYON REGARDING SAME; CONFER WITH M. LYON REGARDING SAME; E-MAILS AND PHONE CALLS REGARDING SAME. . 03/31/06 1.00 LYON, H. M ATTEND TO FILING OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT; REVIEW AND REVISE SAME AND SUPPORTING PAPERS. 0.20 DETTMER, ETHAN D E-MAILS REGARDING MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT FILING. Invoice Date: April 10, 2006 Invoice No. 2006041089 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 19 of 38 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206-00009 Detail Costs/Charges: IN HOUSE DUPLICATION 03/30/06 2.40 03/31/06 IN HOUSE DUPLICATION CHARGE VIA EQUITRAC - 03/30/06 212.90 IN HOUSE DUPLICATION CHARGE VIA EQUITRAC - 03/31/06 OUTSIDF PROCE:tSERVER . 10/17/05 110.00 VENDOR: WHEELS OF JUSTICE, INC.; INVOICE#: W2441751; DATE: 10/17/2005 - PERSONALLY SERVE RICHARD DOYLE, SAN JOSE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH SUMNlONS, COMPLAINT, AND COURT . NOTICES/E. DETTMER 10/17/05 /110.00 VENDOR: WHEELS OF JUSTICE, INC.; INVOICE#: W2441752; DATE: 10/17/2005 - PERSONALLY SERVE GEORGE KENNEDY, SANTA CLARA COUNTY DISTRICTATTORNEY, WITH SUMMONS, COMPLAINT, AND COURT NOTICES/E. DETTMER 10/17/05 v110.00 VENDOR: WHEELS OF JUSTICE, INC.; INVOICE#: W24411753; DATE: 10/17/2005 - PERSONALLY SERVE ANN MILLER RAVEL, SANTA CLARA COUNTY COUNSEL, WITH SUMMONS, COMPLAINT, AND COURT NOTICES/E. DETER TFI FPHONE CHARGFS 03/07/06 1.25 202-637-632903/07/06 WASHINGTON COLUMBIA DISTRICT OF 03/31/06 6.00 TWO BINDINGS cæ 1.50 EA., TWNTY FOUR TABS cæ .15 EA., C. VIGNATI, 3/31/2006 Invoice Date: April 10, 2006 Invoice No. 2006041089 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 20 of 38 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-5306 Federal Taxpayer ID #95-1611234 May 3, 2006 Invoice No. 2006050359 Gail Markels . Entertainment . Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 For Services Rendéred and Costs/Charaes Advanced Throuah ADril 30. 2006 Services .. . Costsl Rendered Charaes 43206-00009 AB1179 Litigation $ 4 609 50 $ 184 17 Totals Premium/Disc.ount Current Balance Due $ , 4,609.50 $ $ Totals 4 793 67 $ 184.17 4,793.67 -230.48 $ 4 563 19 Remit"l Wire Tn' Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 Name oI .;ÇCl¥t1 ßj~s.o_n-,pun & Crutcher LLP Att: Raquel Raz, Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 Well Faro Ban 333 Soutl Grd Avenue Remit"' Mail Tn' Gibson, un & Crutcher LLP Deparent 072 Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Please enclose the reittce copy of ths invoice with your payment in the enclosed Reply Envelope to ensure proper crt flease include the client number ari the proper attorney to notif in the wire instrtions. If Pleae note that payments recived aftr the invoice date are not reflecte. you have any questions, please call Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: May 3, 2006 Invoice No. 2006050359 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 21 of 38 "l Wire Tn" Remit~il Tn" Gibson, & Crutcher LLP Deparent 0723 Wells Fiao Ba 333 Sout Grd Avenue Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 Name oI_açl¥t; 9j~_Il.Du & Crutcher LLP Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Please enclose the remttce copy of th Reply Envelope to enur prope crt. invoice with your payment in the enclosed Atb: Raquel Rii. Telephope: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 Please include the client number ari the proper attorny to notif in the wire instrctions. . . If Please note that payments received after the invoice date are not reflectd. you have any questions, pleae cal Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: May 3, 2006 Invoice No. 2006050359 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 22 of 38 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-5306 Federal Taxpayer ID #95-1611234 May 3, 2006 Invoice No. 2006050359 REMITTANCE COPY To ensure proper crediting, please send this copy in the enclosed envelope. Gail Markels Entertainment Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 For Services Rendered and Costs/Charaes Advanced Throuah ADril 30. 2006 . Services deCostsl Ren red Charaes $ $ $ 4,609.50 43206-00009 AB1179 Litigation $ 4609 50 $ 184 17 Totals $ 184.17 Totals 4 793 67 4,793.67 ~230.48 Premium/Discount Current Balance Due $ 456319 11y Wir.. Tn'' Gibson, & Crtcher LLP Deparent 0723 Wells F3lo Ban Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 Name I!I_apcunt: Gibson, Dun & Crutcher LLP 333 Soutl Gr Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 . invoice with your payment in the enclos Please enclose the rettce C5Y of ths Att: RaquefRãëz; Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 Please include the client number am the proper attorney to notif in the wire . Reply Envelope to ene proper crt. instrtions. If Pieae note that payments received afr the invoice date ar not reflected. you have any questions, please cal Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229.7528. Invoice Date: May 3. 2006 Invoice No. 2006050359 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 23 of 38 Remit 11)' Wire Tn" Wells F3lo Ban Remit ~i1 Tn' Gibson, & Crutcher LLP Deparent 0723 Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 333 Soutl Gr Avenue Name oT '!cot!t~ 9ibson Du & Crutcher LLP Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Pleae enclose the remttce copy of this Reply Envelope to en proper crit. Att: RaquelRâz, Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 flease include the client number ari the proper attorney to notif in the wire instrctions. invoice with your payment in the enclos Plea note that payments received aftr the invoice date ar not reflected. If you have any questions, pleas call Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: May 3, 2006 Invoice No. 2006050359 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 24 of 38 Gail Markels Entertainment Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206~00009 For Services Rendered Through April 30, 2006 t: H. M. LYON ETHAN D. DETTMER HOURS 1.80 RATF TOTAL 6.90 $ 625.00 505.00 $ 1,125.00 3,484 50 . 4,609.50 Discount Total Services $ -230 48 4,379.02 COSTS/CHARGES COURT FILING CHARGE IN HOUSE DUPLICATION $ TOTAL MESSENGER AND COURIER EXPENSE TELEPHONE CHARGES 125.00 9.90 47.14 213 Total Costs/Charges Total Services, Costs/Charges 18417 4,563.19 ~ BALANCE DUE 4 !i6~ Hl Invoice Date: May 3, 2006 Invoice No. 2006050359 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 25 of 38 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206-00009 Detail Services: 04/18/06 0.50 . DETMER, ETHAN D E-MAILS REGARDING OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND REVIEW DRAFT OF SAME. 04/19/06 0.70 DETIMER, ETHAN D E-MAILS REGARDING FILING OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND OVERSEE FILING AND SERVICE OF SA!IE. 04/21/06 0.90 DETIMER, ETHAN D E-MAILS AND PHONE CALLS REGARDING SUMMARY JUDGMENT MOTIONS AND REVIEW SAME. 04/24/06 1.80 LYON, H. M REVIEW AND REVISE DRAFT MOTION REGARDING AMICUS BRIEF; CONFERENCE WITH E. DETTMER REGARDING SAME. 4.10 DETMER, ETHAN D RECEIVE AND REVIEW DRAFT MOTION TO STRIKE; RESEARCH REGARDING SAME AND E-MAILS REGARDING SAME; PHONE CALLS WITH D. POZZ AND WITH F. RADFORD, ATIORNEY FOR CSM; DRAFT STIPULATION TO SHORTEN TIME AND DECLARATION IN DOCUMENTS SUPPORT OF SAME; REVIEW FOR FILING AND FILE SAME. 04/28/06 0.70 DETIMER, ETHAN D SUPPORT RECEIVE AND REVIEW REPLY BRIEF IN OF SUMMARY JUDGMENT; PREPARE FOR FILING AND FILE SAME. Invoice Date: May 3, 2006 Invoice No. 2006050359 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 26 of 38 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206-00009 Detail Costs/Charges: COURT FILING C~RGE 04/03/06 . 25.00 VENDOR: WHEELS OF JUSTICE, INC.; INVOICE#: W2449772; DATE: 4/3/2006 - DELIVER DOCUMENTS TO JUDGE CHAMBER'S/H. MARK LYON IN HOI Ji:F ni IPIICATION 04/19/06 9.90 IN HOUSE DUPLICATION CHARGE VIAEQUITRAC - 04/19/06 MEi:i:ENGER AND COURIER EXPFNSE 04/19/06 47.14 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UP0422 INVOICE 0000059X811166 SHIP DATE 04/19/2006 TRACKING NO: 1Z59X8111590029411 FROM: KENDRA NATION, GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LL, SAN FRANCISCO, CA TO: THE HONORABLE RONALD, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COUR, SAN JOSE, CA TFI FPHONE CHARGFi: 03/30/06 2.13 202-639-686103/30/06 WASHINGTON COLUMBIA DISTRICT OF Invoice Date: May 3, 2006 Invoice No. 2006050359 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 27 of 38 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. . Washington, Q.C. 20036-5306 Federal Taxpayer ID #95-1611234 June 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006060445 Gail Markels Entertainment Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 For Services Rendered and Costs/Charaes Advanced Throuah Mav 31. 2006 Services Costs! Rendered Charaes 43206-00009 AB1179 Litigation $ ? 686 00 $ 13967 Totals $ 2,686.00 Totals $ $ , 8'5 67 $ 139.67. 2,825.67 -134.30 PremiumlDiscount Current Balancø Due $ 2,691 37 Remit"l Wire Tn' Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 Wells Faro Ban 333 Soutl Grd Avenue ~i:~~R&:l TC:mcher LLP l)arent 0723 Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Name oT.apcllt 9i~n-i!-Ðunn & Crucher LLP Att: Raquel Raez, Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 Please include the client number ari the proper attrney to notif in the wire Please enclose the rettce copy of ths invoice with your payment in the enclosed Reply Envelope to ens proper credit .instrctions. Please note that payments received afr the invoice date are not reflected. If you have any questons, pleae cal Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: June 6, 2006 Invoice No. 200606044 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 28 of 38 Remit "l Wire Tn" Wells Faro Ban"' Mail ~. Deparent 0723 Name oT_a~un_t~ 9jbs9.n~-Ðunn & Crutcher LLP Att:RiciefRãi. Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 333 Soutl Grd Avenue . Gibson, un & nitcher LLP Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Please enclose the remittce copy of this invoice with your payment in the enclosed Please include the client number alÙ the proper attorney to notif in the wire inStrctions. Reply Envelope to. ensur proper credit. Plea note that payments recived afer the invoice date are not reflected. If you have any questions, pleae call Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: June 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006060445 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 29 of 38 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP . 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-530,6 Federal Taxpayer 10 #95-1611234 June 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006060445 RF;MITTANCE COPY To ensure proper crediting, please send this copy in the enclosed envelope. Gail Markels Entertainment Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 For Services Rendered and Costs/Charaes Advanced Throuah Mav 31.2006 Services Costsl Rendered. Charaes Totals $ , 8'5 67 43206-00009 AB1179 Litigation $ 268600 $ 13967 Totals Premium/Discount Current Balance Due $ 2,686.00 $ 139.67 $ 2,825.67 -134.30 Si 2 691 37 lly Wire Tn' Wells F3lo Ban Remit "' Man Tn" Gibson, un & Crutcher LLP Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 Name oI_açcol¥t lì-q.o_i!_Du & Crutcher LLP Att:Riuel Rii. Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 333 Soutl Grd Avenue Deparent 0723 Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Pleae enclose the rettce copy of ths invoice with your payment in the enclosed Reply Envelope to ensur prope crdit Please includ the client number aiù the proper aJtorney to notif in the wire instrtions. Please note that payments reived afr the invoice date are not reflected. If you have any questions, pleae call Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: June 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006060445 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 30 of 38 .~. Remit 11y Wi.. Tn' Remit~ii Tn' Gibson, & Crutcher LLP Deparent 0723 Wells Faro Ban Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 Name oT_apc1nt; 9jbs9J!._Dun & Crutcher LLP 333 Soutl Grd Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 this invoice with your payment in the enclosed Pleae enclose the remittce copy of Att: Ráueî Rãi. Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 Reply Envelope to ensure proper crt. Please includ the client number and the proper attorney to notify in the wire instrtions. Please note that payments received af the invoice date are not reflected. If you have any questions, plea cal Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: June 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006060445 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 31 of 38 Gail Markels Entertainment Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206-00009 For Services Rendered Through May 31, 2006 &M H. M. LYON ETHAN D. DETTMER HOIJR~ 0.50 4.70 RATE $ 625.00 TOTAL $ 312.50 ? 373 50 505.00 2,686.00 Discount Total Services $ -134 30 2,551.70 COSTS/CHARGES FREIGHT AND SHIPPING IN HOUSE DUPLICATION TOTAL $ MESSENGER AND COURIER EXPENSE ON-LINE RESEARCH (OTHER) POSTAGE TRAVEL - PARKING TRAVEL - TAXI & OTHER MODES/MILES 12.13 4.90 28.83 14.32 0.63 8.00 70 8A Total Costs/Charges 139 A7 Total Services, Costs/Charges BALANCE DUE s: 2,691.37 ? 6Çj1 ~7 Invoice Date: June 6, 2006 Invoice No. 200606044 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 32 of 38 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206-00009 Detail Services: 05/01/06 0.30 DETMER, ETHAN D EMAILS AND TELEPHONE CALL REGARDING HEAR.ING ON MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT. 05/10/06 0.30 DETTMER, ETHAN D EMAILS REGARDING SUMMARY JUDGMENT HEARING; REVIEW COURT PROCEDURES AND TENTATIVE RULINGS. 05112106 0.50 LYON, H. M REVIEW AND ANALYZE CASE CORRESPONDENCE. 4.10 DETMER, ETHAN D PREPARE FOR AND PARTICIPATE IN HEARING ON MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT; CONFERENCE REGARDING SAME. Invoice Date: June 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006060445 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 33 of 38 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206-00009 Detail Costs/Charges: FREIGHT AND SHIPPING 05/05/06 12.13 FEDERAL EXPRESS FX0512 INVOICE 100356666 SHIP DATE 05/05/2006 AIRBILL NO: 790420381734 FROM: ROBIN BRADFORD, GIBSON DUNN & CRUTCHER, LLP, SAN FRANCISCO, CA TO: THE HONORABLE RONALD M. WHYTE, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, SAN JOSE, CA IN HOUSE DUPLICATION 05/03/06 4.90 IN HOUSE DUPLICATION CHARGE VIA EQUITRAC - 05/03/06 MFSSEN(;FR AN~JRIFR FXPFNSF . . 12/15/05 . 3.75 VENDOR: U.S. LEGAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC.; INVOICE#: 18497; DATE: 12/15/2005 - 12/05/06 JOB# 6258448 TO STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA, 180 HOWARD ST., SF/M. SMD 04/28/06 15.08 UNITED PARCEL SÈRVICE UP0429 INVOICE 0000059X811176 SHIP DATE 04/28/2006 TRACKING NO: 1Z59X8110196030504 FROM: SUZANNE MARUSCHAK, GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LL, SAN FRANCISCO, CA TO: JUDGE RONALD M. WHYT, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COUR, SAN JOSE,CA ON-LINE RE;SEARCH (OTHER) 05/17/06 14.32 PACER, 04/06 - COMPANY RESEARCH POSTA(;F 05/31/06 0.63 TRAVEL - PARKING 5/4106 POSTAGE (f.ROSS) 05/12106 8.00 VENDOR: ETHAN DETMER; INVOICE#: 05/12/06; DATE: 511212006 SF/SJ; HEARING ON MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT TRAvi;1 - TAXI & OTHFR MODES/MILES 05/12/06 5.00 VENDOR: ETHAN DETTMER; INVOICE#: 05/12/06; DATE: 5/12120Ö6 SF/SJ; HEARING ON MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENTITOLLS 05/12/06 65.86 VENDOR: ETHAN DETTMER; INVOICE#: 05/12/06; DATE: 511212006 SF/SJ; HEARING ON MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT/148 MILES Invoice Date: June 6, 2006 Invoice No. 2006060445 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 34 of 38 GIBSON, .DUNN & CRUTC'HER LLP 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-5306 Federal Taxpayer ID #95-1611234 July 12, 2006 Invoice No. 2006071100 Gail Markels Entertainment Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 For Services Rendered and Costs/Charaes Advanced Throuah June 30. 2006 Services Costsl Rendered Charaes Totals $ $ !I 43206-00009 AB1179 Litigation $ 0 00 $ 1 R1 44 Totals Current Balance Due $ 1 R1 44 0.00 $ 161.44 161.44 16144 Remit Ry Wire Tn" Well FlIo Ban Remit~iITn' Gibsn, & Crutcer LLP Deparent 0723 333 Soutl Grd Avenue Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 Name of .!s:~t~ .9!:9.o-,pun & Crutcher LLP Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Please enclose the remittce copy of ths invoice with your payment in the enclose Reply Envelope to ensur proper credit. Att: Riquef:Ri. Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 Please include the client number ari the proper attorney to notify in the wire instrtions. Pleae note that payments reived aftr the invoice date are not reflected. If you have any questions, pleae cal Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: July 12, 2006 Invoice No. 2006071100 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 35 of 38 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-5306 Federal Taxpayer ID #95-1611234 July 12, 2006 Invoice No. 2006071100 RFMITTANC~ COPY To ensure proper crediting, please send this copy in the enclosed envelope. Gail Markels Entertainment Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 For Services Rendered and Costs/Charaes Advanced Throuah June 30. 2006 Services Costsl Rendered Charaes Totals $ 1R1 44 43206-00009 AB1179 Litigation $ 000 $ 161 44 Totals Current Balance Due $ 0.00 $ 161.44 $ 5i 161.44 161 44 Remit By Wir.. Tn' Remit 't Mail Tn" Wells F~o Ban 333 Soutl Grd Avenue Gibson, un & Crutcher LL Deparent 0723 Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 Name oT .!S:C01.t; 9!bson, Dun & Crutcher LLP Att: RiuefRæifz, Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Please enclose the reittce copy of t1s invoice with your payment in the enclose Reply Envelope to ensure proper crdit Please include the client number a1Ì the proper attorney to notif in the wire instrtions. . Pleas note that payments reived aftr the invoièe date ar not reflected. If you Have any questions, pleae call Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. Invoice Date: July 12, 2006 Invoice No. 2006071100 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 36 of 38 Rpmit IV Wirp. Tn- Remit~i1 Tn' Gibson, & Cruer LLP Deparent 0723 Wells Fafo Ban 333 SoutI Grd Avenue Los Angeles, CA. 90071-1515 Name of_apcl¥t~ 9j~s.o_n-,pu & Crutcher LLP Los Angeles, CA 90084-0723 Please enclose the reittce copy of ths invoice with your payment in the enclosed Please includ the clientnumber and t1i proper attorney to notif in the wire AUn: Rå~erRai. Telephone: (213) 253-6206, Fax: (213) 628-1415 Reply Envelope to ensure prope crdit . instrctions. Pleae note that payments received aftr the invoice date ar not reflected. you have any questions, pleae cal Terr Bono, GD&C at 213-229-7528. If Invoice Date: July 12, 2006 Invoice No. 2006071100 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 37 of 38 Gail Markels Entertainment Softare Association 317 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206-00009 COSTSfCHARGFS IN HOUSE DUPLICATION ON-LINE RESEARCH (OTHER) OUTSIDE PROCESS SERVER TOTAl $ 1.00 35.44 1'5 00 161 44 Total Costs/Charges BALANCE DUE ~ 1A144 Invoice Date: July 12, 2006 Invoice No. 2006071100 Due and Payable Upon Receipt Case 5:05-cv-04188-RMW Document 111-3 Filed 08/28/2007 Page 38 of 38 AB1179 LITIGATION 43206-00009 Detail Costs/Charges: IN HOUSE DUPLICATION 06/12/06 1.00 ON-' INF RESEARCH (OTHFR) IN HOUSE DUPLICATION CHARGE VIA EQUITRAC - 06/12/06 OLJTSIDF PROCF~$E=RVER . USDC/NDC-SAN JOSE/E. DETTMER 06/15/06 35.44 PACER, 05/06 - COURT RESEARCH 04/26/06 25.00 VENDOR: WHEELS OF JUSTICE, INC.; INVOICE#: W2450950; DATE: . . 4/26/2006 - DELIVER SEALED DOCUMENTS TO JUDGE WHYTE AT Invoice Date: July 12, 2006 Invoice No. 2006071100 . Due and Payable Upon Receipt

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