Hovsepian v. Apple, Inc.

Filing 158

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Hovsepian v. Apple, Inc. Doc. 158 Att. 4 EXHIBIT L Dockets.Justia.com . v - 1 t ~ 1G E I' 3 i P W tk:~ L' ., ' ll4 , L, C/ /i-r r fr, J vv 3 -r 7d.a 0 /(' z --~ r)1 c-P 3 _4~" rC/ 7 ATENT Attorney Docket No . 2473 .0001-02 IN THE -UNITED-STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE In re Application of : Paul YURT et al . Serial No . : Filed : For : 08/133,982 roup Art Unit : xaminer : A . Le -2&t October 8, 1993 AUDIO AND VIDEO TRANSMISSION AND RECEIVING SYSTEM Honorable Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks 20231 Washington, D .C . Sir : AMENDMENT This is a response to the Office Action mailed on January 13, 1994, the period for response to which has been extended through May 13, 1994, by a petition for a one-month extension of time along with the appropriate fee . IN THE CLAIMS : Please cancel claims 1-20, without prejudice, and add the .C.4 i-i-1. 3~ . ran system-`f-or~p=ovi ing into --OT0- . . 6 DUNHE0 x]00 I OC 10007 -101W0" W000 ^ ..C/iC :93 vB13 .1~~C 15 1'.' .00 Ci\ _'K 370 .04 CK A e s . i ncoding means for retrieving the information in the items from the plurality of library means and for assigning a unique identification code to the retrieved information ; conversion means, coupled to the identification encoding means, for placing the retrieved information into a predetermined format as formatted data ; and transmitt coordinated transmission of the formatted data to one of the -I It A transmissi - - r' means, coupled to the conversion means, for ystem as recited in claim 21, wherein the plurality of librlire geographically separated . ~° --3' . comprising : a plurality of library means for storing items containing information ; identification encoding means for retrieving the information in the items from the plurality of library means and for assigning a unique identification code to the retrieved information ; conversion means, coupled to the identification encoding means, for placing the retrieved information into a predetermined format as formatted data ; ordering means, coupled to the conversion means, for INNEGAN. HENDWON FA"or. GARRE& DUNNER '300 t .-EK* . . . ~ . r a~,~e*awat tooos -soa-,o .- "ooo transmission system for providing information to be transmitted to remote locations, the transmission system placing the formatted data into a sequence of addressable data blocks ; d f compression means, coupled to the ordering means, compressing the formatted and sequenced data blocks ; compressed data storing means, coupled to the data for compression means, for storing as files the compressed, with the unique identification code assigned by the identification encoding means ; and means sequenced data blocks received from the data compression transmitter means, coupled to the compressed data storing means, for sending at least a portion of one of the file ~yne of the remote locations . i A transmission system as recited in claim 217 wherein A receiving system responsive to a user input he plurality of libraries are geographically separated . t? .25 . identifying a choice of an item stored in a source material library at a transmission system, the item containing information to be sent from the transmission system to the receiving system, the receiving system comprising : requesting means for transmitting to the source material library in the transmission system the identity of the item ; transceiver means, coupled to the requesting means, for receiving the item from the transmission system as at least one formatted data block ; receiver format conversion means, coupled to the transceiver means, for converting the at least one formatted .EWD NDERSON INNECAN UN FARADOW. GARRETT 6DUNNER '300 1 STAR, w-w-s-oTO+. OC !0009 - .02- .os-00o ata block into a format suitable for storage processing, and or playback at the receiver system ; and A r storage means, coupled to the receiver format conversion means, for storing a complete copy of the formatted data, the storage means including an off line recording media allowinq,,for future multiple playbacks of the data . &k j Or ib A receiver system as recited in claim ;3; further comprising play back means, coupled to the receiver format means, for playing back the copy of the data . ~ ft~t A receiver system as recited in clam V4, - Further comprising : recognizing means for recognizing protected data ; and disabling means, coupled to the recognizing means and the storage means, for disabling the second storage means when the recognizing means recognizes protected data . yb 3T receiving system responsive to a user input identifying a choice of an item stored in a source material library at a transmission system, the item containing information to be sent from the transmission system to the receiving system, the receiving system comprising : requesting means for transmitting to the source material library in the transmission system the identity of the item ; transceiver means, coupled to the requesting means, for receiving the item from the transmission system as at least one compressed, formatted data block ; receiver format conversion means, coupled to the INNEUN,HENDERSON FARADOW-GARRETT la0D 1 7T" ILLT . -w . rynwOTOw,DC td DD! -iDl- .00--000 transceiver means, for converting the at least one compressed, 8 Dumwiu A ~ formatted data block into a format suitable for storage processing, and for playback at the receiver system ; first storage means, coupled to the receiver format conversion means, for storing a complete copy of the formatted data, decompressing means, coupled to the first storage means, for decompressing the copy of the formatted data ; and second storage means, including an off line recording media allowing for future multiple playbacks, for storing a co`mplete ` t ab opy of the data . receiver system as recited in claim 2$', wherein the second storage means is coupled to the decompressing means, and the second storage means stores the decompressed copy of the date, . 3-T. O We receiver system as recited in claim 2-9; further ing back the decompressed copy of the data . F, 1{9 ~-r4 A receiver system as recited in claim 38", further comprising : recognizing means for recognizing protected data ; and disabling means, coupled to the recognizing means and the second storage means, for disabling the second storage means when the recognizing means recognizes protected data . ' A system for prov iding information to be transmitted to remote locations, comprising : INNEGAN.HENDERSON FARA1OW. GA0RETT . 6 DuwwiR i300 x 3T+crx, ~ . ~ . cc 20003 a0a- .03-000 comprising play back means, coupled to the decompressing means, identification encoding means for assigning a unique identification code to items of information ; A conversion means, coupled to the identification encoding means, for placing each item of information into a predetermined format-as formatted data ; ordering means, coupled to the conversion means, for placing the formatted data for each item of information into a sequence of addressable data blocks ; compression means, coupled to the ordering means, compressing the formatted and sequenced data blocks ; compressed data storing means, coupled to the data compression means, for storing as files the compressed, sequenced data blocks ; and first transmitter means, coupled to the compressed data storing means, of one of the files ; a distribution system, remote from the transmission system, the distribution system comprising : means for receiving and storing a complete copy of the portion of one of the files sent by the first transmitter means ; and second transmitter means, responsive to the stored portion of the one of the files, for transmitting a representation of the stored portion to at least one of a plurality of the remote 11 St U\ >k 33: wherein ; locations . transmission system as recited in claim for selectively sending at least a portion for ~ ~rE ,-cc* INNECANoHENOE.50H 0 FAXANOW . CAil.ETT 0 6 DUNNEK . 20 1 e[ ,70at locos raozvos-0oo C A the first transmitter means transmits the portion of the one of the files at a non-real time rate ; and the second transmitter means transmits the stored portion in substantially real 334'. !~ fc,le. r A transmission system as recited in claim,)3', 'w erein Lt, I the second transmitter means comprises a decompressor for decompressing the complete copy of the stored portion of the one of the files . Td1e~03 transmission system as in claim .22;- further comprising library means for storing and supplying to the identification encoding means items containing information . comprising : a local reception system comprising ; means for receiving compressed, digitized data representing at least one item of audio/video information at a non-real time rate, means for storing a complete copy of the received compressed, digitized data, and means, responsive to the stored compressed, digitized data, for transmitting' a - representation of the at least one item of audio/video information at a real-time rate to at least one of a plura1"ity of subscriber receiving stations coupled to the local,ieception system ; and a converter for decompressing the compressed, zed data representing the at least one audio/video iNN GAN, 1-EENDE.30N 0 an. CAkKErr Fn DUNNE0 . 1700 1 l~11t[T. w- r" CC Does r zoa-gel- "ooo %a+' 36= A network as A digi ~ audio/video communication element of the herein the converter is an a processing station recited in claim 36, further comprising information as compressed, for formatting items of audio/video the compressed, digitized data digitized data and-transmitting audio/video information at _ representSng at least one item of network as digital and o/video communication central processing station recited in claim 38, wh ein the comprises : information ; means for input ing items of audio/video of audio/video conversion means for plac ng each input item 'ned format as formatted data ; information into a predete data ; compression mean for compressing the formatted mpressed formatted data for and transmitter means for s 'din at the nonthe at least one item of au io/ ideo information real time rate to the local ec tioh-stem. 3 5 information tA~~44: A method of distrib6tin~diokvideo comprising : transmitting compres ed, digitized data representing entral processing location ; ed compressed, digitized data he at least one item of audio/ 51 ~ 39: 1 a complete copy of at least on at a non-real time rate , ... receiving the representing a complete item of audio/video information FINNEGAN . HENDEMON FAIEAe0W, CAKAETT a DuNNER X000 [ lT.CA, w . w. _2-0m 0C 70007 . ,-70l - .0 . .000 ' a r video information, a a local distribution system remote from the central processi g location ; storing th~ received compressed, digitized data representing the comp ~t~Mcopy of the at least one item at the local distribution sy t in response to tt"Ye stored compressed, digitized data, transmitting a represe tation of the at least one item at a real-time rate to at 1 ast one of a plurality of subscriber receiving stations coupled to the local distribution system . . a "inT-he t compressed, digitized data raII-. ne-audiof4itWo pro A method decompressing step i system to produce th for transmission to t s ehited in claim 41, wherein the med in the local distribution repre entation of the at least one item t least one subscriber station . 40, A method as in claim step comprises : inputting an item transmission system ; assigning a unique having information ; formatting the ite of addressable data blocks ; compressing the f VNEGAN .HENDERSON FARADOW . GAtRErr B DUNNER .100 1 aTRCETI n . ~. .7-0T04 . OC M003 `402-0 " -000 wherein the transmitting A A a c 1 e I storing, as a file, the compressed, formatted, and sequenced data blocks with the assigned unique identification r code ; and i sending at least a portion of the file at the non- real time rate to the local distribution system . 1 15 ~4+s: method as recited in claim ~ P~wherein the inputting step comprises inputting the item having information as blocks of digital data . A3: r(r u k' sL A method as recited in claim ;, wherein the inputting step comprises : inputting-the item having information as an analog signal ; and converting the analog signal to blocks of digital data . 2t''b yV method of ~istributing audio/video information formatting it ms of audio/video information as compressed digitized da t a central processing location ; transmitting c mpressed, digitized data representing a complete copy of at le st one item of audio/video information from the central processi g v comprising : o. ation ; receiving the t~ahsmitto compressed, digitized data representing a complete coy of~h4, at least one item of audio/ video information, at a to al distribution system ; storing the recei ed compressed, digitized data representing the complete c y of the at least one item at the local distribution system ; a d using the stored co pressed, digitized data to transmit a representation of he at least one item to at a - 10 - c A j t 1 plurality of su4scriber receiving stations coupled to the local distribution system . formatting step compri es : inputting an item having information into the transmission system ; assigning a having information ; formatting tie item having information as a sequence of addressable data blocks ; 19 ompressing $he formatted and sequenced data blocks . A method as recited in claim .N', wherein the inputting step comprises inputting the item having information as blocks of digital data . v inputting step comprises : \E~~ -7 Ji( ,c~h Is6 " A method as recited in claim 4--f, wherein the inputting the item having information as an analog signa ; and converting the analog signal to blocks of digital data . ique identification code to the item 4Y . f~ w s ~l method as ecited in claim 46, wherein the REMARKS By this amendment, Applicants have cancelled pending claims 1-20, without prejudice, and added new claims 21-49 . Applicants respectfully submit that new claims 21-49 are .< < . in full compliance with 35 U .S .C . § 112, and are otherwise allowable . N . H'DERSON 1NE . E' FAM OW. GAARETT DuNNE0 . .3-7To.. . '3oo 1 ."Er. . Gc =oaos Zo,- .o .-000 ~ . ,. . - The examination of and the allowance of claims 21-49 are respectfully requested . If there are any other fees due in connection with the If an extension of time under 37 C .F .R . to our Deposit filing of this amendment, please charge the fees Account No . 06-0916 . 1 .136 not accounted for above is required for the entry of this amendment, such an extension is requested and the fee should also he charged to our Deposit Account . Respectfully submitted, FINNEGAN, EENDERSON, FARAEOW, GARRETT 6 GUNNER By : Michael R . ,Kelly Registration No . 33,921 Dated : May 13, 1994 INNEC AN, HENDERSON . FARAEOW- GARRETT 6 GUNNER .~.nh~w0ro~ .CC 20001 -202-409-4000 yw .- a . EXHIBIT M S j 5 W h; - U Ae I 0 ha w P moraws: a3AWSSONOR OF PKMhMS AND 1TTPAA0o8eM0ANATKQS YwAsedugmt . 0,Q 20231 EVANS L-0400 DATE PRIFIF NAMED INVENTpR STATEU DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE pwatwwwo and Tredwnwit Offi= UNITED TTORNEY DOCKET 110. AFrr UNIT APER fWYBER DATE WILED. n" w a ommmoom Mxn the maw M dMp d you qlp*Awczw0UNAWSSIONER OF F=MS AND TRADEMAPJM Olmhg ansfictowt has bean eourttkrd doWnswe W wonavurVAM fled co - jk jid- i f4in )- This WW W made &.1. FWkwe to mq=W within 00 P*dcd for r"-- will - 90 " OP C daysfmmftdame 0(1hWWtlwr . -~- ww"ll). k 110 bll=m abw+doned- 35 U.S .C. 133 Nouce of Drurw='s PaWd Dnmhv Review. Mv,&*", & 0N0b= .fMf.-MdPatent Appkzlk^PTO, 51 Fhan I I . THE SOUANONG AIMUMMOM51 ARE MkKt OF Tt113 ACTION: N*m 0 MOSMIX4111 NOW by ENW&W FMWM MWc* d An Coal by Apps. MIT1449. wwwwn How to Eftcl Drawing ChffqW PTO-1474- h(J & C3 L0 Pod I an &0 UMMARY OF AcnoN am PMOV W Me Wokabp n& am wtDxkwm from consklivathooL rm been cwKWwi 1. d~!,.0 to ., am dlm -Z-d & Elaw. A cowwd G6 Qw.brol LEI 1. j- 3S) Ar0 - 4zt 44-4 -7 OMAN, KOS g-6 ~ m awkww"& ----- am "y""ded ra O'HoW 10. "uhn re qA%vMMw"lL [3 0 El lble SpOodion NO bean Old *Ih wdborwmai &vwinp widw 37 C.F .R. 1 .E5 whkh am aoDn~ f- Affamhalim PWPD"& Formal &.tW - rvqWr4d In reeponOw to IhAs Offics OGWR . nder 37 C .F.A. 1 .84 Ww" drawings The IWMMWOr sibillilm *110*91 have been mclONId on we C3 ==ptabb ; 13 not swzwpube (sea e*wabm or Nodca of Omumsds Patem Dw*j Reviser . MONO). sammod w musibass OWN 0 &MQ& NOW w ------E3dsappmvedbytwvmmkw("eaq*w-d-) . as ww DOW an Dammoved ; C36*apw*v*d(-*xp'-tlcn)- L IM E3 IV psond owniner It It 0 M. pe..d &.Mo =10MM dad C3 AdQ.Wpv.snl to made at V. claim for pnwity waw Q UK? I M 0 ban NOW M patent fort . MAW M. TM cwtw copy has 0 been mcsivw 0 not been received 1& 0 Sutra No mono. ww"n W W A WrOwn Q allmwm 0=0 Q brutal rfudtws, prosm=don as to the manta Is dosed in sousnianm wish the prmaccins urdw Ex pale Ourile, ,935 C .D . 11 ; 453 O .G. 213 . 1100dowr T serial Number : 08/133,982 Art Unit : 2614 Amendment filed on his office Action is in response to the 1. 09/21/94 and it is made non-final . 21-49 have been renumbered as claims 33-61, 2. Claims respectively, according to Rule 126 . specification 3. The following is a quotation of the first paragraph of 35 U .S .C . 5 112 : The specification shall contain a written description of the invention, and of the manner and process of making and using it, in such full, clear, concise, and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the art to which it pertains, or with which it is most nearly connected, to make and use the same and shall set forth the best mode contemplated by the inventor of carrying out his invention . The specification is objected to under 35 U .S .C . 5 112, first paragraph, as failing to provide an adequate written description of the invention, and the specification, as originally filed, does not provide support for the invention as is now claimed . The claimed subject matters of "a transmitter, coupled to the conversion means, for coordinated transmission" (claim 33), protected data recognizing means and disabling means (claims 39, 43), receiving data at disclosed in the originally filed specification . a non-real time rate (claims 48, 52) are not C - Serial Number : 08/133,982 Art Unit : 2614 3- The structures specification to support fails the to provide the actual hardware for claimed "recognizing means recognizing protected data" and "disabling means" . Claim Rejections - 35 USC 5 112 4. Claims 33, 34, 39, 43, 48-57 are rejected under 35 U.S .C . 112, first paragraph, for the reasons set forth in the objection to the specification . 5. laims 48-51, 53, 54 are rejected under 35 U .S .C . § 112, second paragraph, as being indefinite for failing to particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which applicant regards as the invention . Regarding modified . Regarding claim 48, lines 13-15, the electrical couplings . for the claimed "converter" and other elements of the local reception system is not clearly provided . Regarding claim 48, line 15, the recitation "the at least one audio/video program" lacks antecedent basis . Regarding claim 50, line 6, the recitation "the local distribution system" lacks antecedent basis . claim 48, line 2, the use of a " ;" after the recitation "a local reception system comprising" is suggested to be C T serial Number : 0 8/133,982 Art Unit : 2614 least one Regarding claim 53, line 3, the recitation "the at audio/video program" lacks antecedent basis . Regarding claim 53, it is unclear of when, during the claimed method, the "decompressing" step is carried out . Claim Rejections - 35 USC S 102 6. he following is a quotation of the appropriate paragraphs of 35 U .S .C . S 102 that form the basis for the rejections under this section made in this Office action : A person shall be entitled to a patent unless -(e) the invention was described in a patent granted on an application for patent by another filed in the United States before the invention thereof by the applicant for patent, or on an international application by,another who has fulfilled the requirements of paragraphs (1), (2), and (4) of section 371(c) of this title before the invention thereof by the applicant for patent . laims 33, 34, 48-54, 58 are rejected under 35 U .S .C . S 102(e) Regarding claim 33, Ballantyne et al's disclosure of a central distribution library being a central depository for movie data, comprising the process of appending unique identification code for each movie type to digital video data, and converting digital video data network, conforms means, into light energy for transmission over communication line 56, encoding see Figure 1b, column 3, line 59 to column 4, identification 7. as being anticipated by Ballantyne et al . to the claimed library means, conversion means and transmitting means of the claim 33's transmission system . C Serial Number : 0 8/133,982 Art Unit : 2614 Regarding claim 34, the limitation of the plurality of library being geographically separated is inherent from 9allantyne et al's teaching that regional distribution library is provided in each of the geographical areas . Regarding claims 48-54 and 58, the claimed procession station, . storing local distribution system comprising of receiving means, distribution digitizing receiver, temporarily method data, comprising the processes compressed means, transmitting means are disclosed in Ballantyne et al's movie of compressing, signals to a sending to the digitized converting storing corresponding converted electronic signals, the signals, decompressing signals and passing the decompressed signals to viewer, see column 6, line 57 to column 7, line 8 . Allowable Subject Matter if rewritten to overcome the rejection under 35 U .S .C . § 112 and to include all of the limitations of the base claim and any intervening claims . laims 35-38, 40-42, 44-47 are allowable over the prior art of record . 9. 8. Claims 39, 43, 55-57 would be allowable 10 . Claims 59-61 are objected but would to be as being dependent if rejected base upon a in claim, allowable rewritten - Serial Number : 081133,982 Art Unit : 2614 6- independent form including all of the limitations of the base claim and any intervening claims . Conclusion communication or 11 . Any inquiry concerning this earlier communications from the examiner should be directed to Amanda Le whose telephone number is (703) 305-4769 . The examiner can normally be reached on Monday-Thursday from 8 :00 AM-5 :30 PM . The examiner can also be reached on alternate Fridays . If attempts to reach unsuccessful, the examiner's reached on (703)305-4714 . the examiner by telephone are supervisor, Stephen Chin, can be Any inquiry of a general nature or relating to the status of this application should be directed to the Group receptionist whose telephone number is (703) 305-4700 . Amanda Le December 21, 1994 SUPERvow~PFW~ ExJ MER GROUP 2600 EXHIBIT N U F I F A DC United States Patent [19] nnnnnn«nnnnnnn«nnnnnnnnnnn US005133079A Patent Number : 5,133,079 Ballantyne et al . [54] 1~lETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISTRIBUTION OF MOVIES nventors : ouglas J . Ballantyne, 21 Horner Dr ., Nepean, Ontario, K2H 5E6, Canada; Michael Mulhall, 28 Carlyle Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 4Y3, Canada [56] Date of Patent : References Cited Jul . Z1, 1992 [76] [21] [22] [30] Appl . No . : 573,707 iled : ug. 28, 1990 oreign Application Priority Data Primary Examiner-Curtis Kuntz Assistant Examiner-Chi H. Pham Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Burke-Robertson [57] ABSTRACT 4,787,085 4,920,432 4,949,170 4,949,187 4,961,109 4,963,995 4,975,771 U.S . PATENT DOCUMENTS 1(/1988 4/1990 8/1990 8/1990 10/1990 10/1990 12/1990 Suto et al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370/110 .1 Eggers et a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360/33 .1 1'anagidaira et al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358/86 Cohen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358/335 Tanaka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358/84 Lang . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358/335 Kassatly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358/146 Jul . 30, 1990 [CA] anada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2022302 [511 [52J [58] nt. Cl .t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H04H 1/02 ; H04N 7/10 .S . CL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455/4 .1 ; 358/86 ; 358/335 ;455/5 .1 ;455/72 ield of Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455/3, 5, 6, 72 . 4; 358/86, 102, 142, 146, 133, 335 ; 381/34, 35, 30, 31 ; 370/110 .1, 109 ; 360/8, 13, 15 ; 369/30 A new and useful method and apparatus for distribution of movies for viewing on a customer's television set . Digitized compressed signals containing audio and visual components of the movie selected by the customer are sent to the customer's receiver. The digital signals are converted to corresponding electronic signals; which are decompressed and converted to audio and video signals . These converted signals are passed to a conventional television set for viewing by the customer . 16 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets CENTRAL DISTRIBUTION LIBRARY (REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION LIBRARY) ~32 USER TELEPHONE LINES MOVIE DISK MASTER PREP D ISK r COMPRESSED MULTIPLEXED VIDEO TO CUSTOMER PRIMARY DSTRIBUTION TO REGONAL LIBRARIES TRANSMISSION MEDIA (FIBER OPTIC OR COAX CABLE) a U.S . Patent u~y 2~, 1992 S 5 heet 1 of 6 ,133,079 VIDEO MASTER COMPRESSION SYSTEM VIDEO DIGITIZER DIGITAL VIDEO 4 8 MASTER STORAGE DEVICE DISTRIBUTE TO CENTRAL LIBRARY FIG .IA J U.S. Patent uly 21, 199? S DL T 5 heet 2 of 6 ,133,079 CENTRAL DISTRIBUTION LIBRARY ( REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION LIBRARY) " 32 USER TELEPHONE LI NES MOVIE DISK MASTER PREP TRANSMISSION MEDIA (FIBER OPTIC OR COAX CABLE) DISK COMPRESSED MULTIPLEXED VIDEO TO CUSTOMER PRI MARY ISTRIBUTION O REGONAL IBRARIES FIG .IB a U.S . Patent i S 5 ul y 2~, 1992 heet 3 of 6 ,133,079 VIDEO DISTRIBUTION BUS (NETWORK) 40~ MEMORY MODULE OPTICAL CON VERTE R CONSUMER PROCESSOR 34 ____ i v NEXT CONSUMER FIG .2 J U .S . Patent ul3~ 21, 1992 S _ 5 heet 4 of 6 ,133,079 VIDEO DISTRIBUTION BUS (NETWORK) F18ER OPTIC x-36 r -I I I X 46 V IOEO AMP OPTICAL TO ELECTRICAL CONVERTER COAX-________ BUFFER a (ALTERNATIVE) S 48 CRC CORRECTION MODULE 50 ID ROM CONTROLLER a FIG . 3 REQUESTED VIDEO REQUESTED VIDEO CD ERO M CONTROLLER ~S 52 S 54 CD ERO M AUDIO DATA COMPRESSED VIDEO DATA COMPRESSED FIG . 4 J U.S . Patent uly 21, 1992 S 5 heet 5 of 6 ,133,079 VIDEO DATA COMP RESSED r ______ i VIDEO i DECOMPRESSION ___J PROCESSOR FIG . 5 J U.S. Patent uly 21, 1992 SR 5 heet 6 of 6 ,133,079 AUDIO DATA COMPRESSED 70 PROGRAM MEMORY 68~ AUDIO PROCESSOR DATA MEMORY 74 f D/A CONVERTER 76~ PROGRAMMABLE FILTER PROGRAMMABLE FILTER LEFT STEREO AU DIO OUTPUTS IGHT FIG . 6 5 5,133,079 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISTRIBUTION OF MOVIES BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for distribution of movies to a customer's home, and more particularly to an electronic system whereby movies may be selected from a central library, from a customer's home and supplied electronically to that home for subsequent viewing at a time determined by the customer, on that customer's television set. At the present time, commercial movies selected by a customer for home viewing are conventionally provided on cassette tapes in electromagnetic form . These tapes are often rented for a short period of time by the customer at a video cassette shop, taken to the customer's home and played there on a video cassette player electronically connected to the customer's television . This method of delivery of movies to a customer's home requires the customer to have a video cassette player and requires the customer actually to go to a video cassette rental shop to select the movie to be played . It is an object of the present invention to provide a system which will avoid the need for a customer to leave home to select a movie, and as well avoid the need for a video cassette player at the customer's home to enable the viewing of a selected movie . It is a further object of the present invention to provide a novel method and apparatus to electronically distribute movies selected by a customer to the customer's home from a central location . SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In accordance with the present invention there is provided a method for distribution of movies for viewing on a customer's television set . The method comprises the steps of sending digitized compressed optical signals containing audio visual data corresponding to the movie selected by the customer from a source to the customer's receiver over a fibre optic network, passing the optical signal to an optical converter to convert the optical signal to corresponding electronic signals, passing the electronic signals to processors where they are decompressed and converted to audio and visual signals compatible with conventional television sets, and passing these converted signals to a conventional television set for viewing by the customer. A preferred embodiment of the method according to the present invention additionally includes the step wherein the signals from the optical converter are stored in memory means for retrieval and passage to the signal processors for decompression and a single viewing on the television set at a time. selected by the customer . As well, in accordance with the present invention there is provided an apparatus for enabling .a customer to electronically receive and play on a television set a pre-determined movie . The apparatus comprises a receiver to receive from a source, data in digitized compressed optical signal format containing audio visual data corresponding to the movie . An optical converter is electronically associated with the receiver to convert the optical signal data to r_orresponding electronic signals . A video processor is electronically associated with the optical converter to receive the video electronic signals, decompress them and convert them to electronic video signals compatible with the television set to 5 l0 15 20 provide a video image of the movie on the television set. An audio processor is electronically associated with the optical converter to receive the audio electronic signals from the optical converter, decompress them and convert them to electronic audio signals compatible with the television set to provide an audible sound track of the movie through the television set with the video processor and audio processor electronically associated with the television set . The present invention provides a novel method and apparatus to electronically distribute movies for viewing to a customer's home from a central or regional library . This may be achieved for example through existing coax cable or fibre optic networks . If coax cable is used, electrical to optical conversion, as described in the previous paragraphs, is not required . A customer may, from his or her own home, electronically access the central library, select a movie to be viewed and have the movie electronically sent to the customer s receiver in compressed form where it is then decompressed and played on the customer's television set or stored for subsequent viewing . These and other objects and advantages of the invention will become apparent upon reading the following detailed description and upon referring to the drawings in which : FIGS . IA and ]B constitute a flo~+~ chart illustrating the manner in which movies are prepared for storage and stored in a distributor s library, and accessed there by a customer, in accordance with the present invention ; FIG . 2 is a schematic diagram of the method of and apparatus for retaining movies at a customer's location for viewing on the customer's television set, in accordance with the present invention ; FIG . 3 is a schematic diagram of apparatus to be used by a customer in receiving and converting electronic signals from a distributor's library, for subsequent viewing on a television set ; FIG . 4 is a schematic diagram of apparatus for use in storage of signals through the apparatus of FIG . 3 ; FIG . 5 is a schematic diagram of apparatus to be used to convert the compressed video signals received by a customer into signals to provide for the video display on the customer's television set ; and FIG . 6 is a schematic diagram of apparatus to be used to convert audio signals received by a customer into signals to produce the movie's audio tract on the customer's television set . While the invention will be described in conjunction 'with an example embodiment, it will be understood that it is not intended to limit the invention to such an embodiment . On the contrary, it is intended to cover all alternatives, modifications and equivalents as may be included within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 2 2~ 30 35 40 45 50 5 60 The present invention relates to a commercial movie distribution system consisting of a central distribution 65 centre comprised of a video master compression system and a digital movie data bank library, illustrated in more detail in FIGS . lA and ]B . Located at the customer's site is a compatible digital video storage system (FIGS . M 2 7 62 1 uA T Z - 6) facilitating movie playback in real-time on the user's television unit . Turning to FIGS . IA and IB, a complete motion picture movie is received on laser disks (2) either in conventional video analog or digital format . Typically, video output is in real-time at 30 frames per second portraying full motion effects with synchronized stereo audio . The video and audio signals are digitized with separate video and audio analog to digital converters (4 and 6 respectively) and input to the computer compression system (8) . The computer compression system (8} consists of a typical P .C ./A .T . computer with a CD-ROM drive and special purpose software . The system captures and compresses motion video in real-time and stores the compressed video on the CD-ROM at a reduced frame rate. A typical data compression factor of 150 :1 will give the following level of data reduction : Conventional video frame in digital form 512 X 480 pixels = approximate)}~ 750 kbytes Compressed video frame at 150 :1 compression 5 kbytes/frame Compressed video storage requirements for a typical 2 hour movie 5 kbytes/frame 30 frames/sec . 150 kbytes/sec . 9000 kbytes/min . 1 .08 Gbytes/2 hrs . The master storage device {IO) must have the capacity to store the required amount of compressed data for the entire duration of the movie, as received from computer compression system {8) . Various technologies can be utilized for this storage device . The following lists several such technologies as well as their present capacities . CD-ROM WORM Hard Disks ode 1 Mode 2 60 50 00 00 Mbytes Mbytes Mbs~tes Mbytes 3 5,133,079 1 . Video Compression Mastering Process 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Solid State Memory I Gbyte Mbytes 50 These technologies can be grouped individually to ensure sufficient storage capacity or a combination of different technologies can be utilized . However, the actual technological combination must be portable enoug}i to allow distribution to the Central Distribution 55 Library (12) . Illustrated in FIG. 1B, the Central Distribution Library (CDL) (12) is the central depository for the com- 60 pressed movie data from the video master compression system . It is arranged such that each movie type has a unique identification code that is appended to the digital video data when it is initially entered into the library . The data is retrieved in digital format and at a very high 65 rate such that the data from a 2 hour movie can be transmitted in a very short time duration . Because the data is compressed, it actually appears as if it is scram2. Central Distribution Library bled, thus allowing a secure transmission of proprietary movie information . Central control computer (14) is responsible for the access control of the library and all interaction with the ser . Initial user requests are taken either through CDL operator intervention or totally automatic by means of the digital telephone system . In either case, the movie is requested by using its unique identification number (ID) (16) . After verification of the customer's credit and/or membership card number, confirmation is given to the user as to the movie to be transmitted and the actual time of transmission . User requests are queued as the demand increases . Confirmation of the transaction (i.e . movie title, time of transmittal, etcetera) may be provided on the screen of the user's television set . The central control computer (14) also automatically collects statistics (busy time periods, most frequently requested movie, etc .) and performs all accounting requirements . he library access control (18) contains a record of where the relevant movies are located within the library and requests data transmission when a specific movie is requested . It is also responsible for appending the user identification number (UIN) to the requested movie to ensure the correct distribution of the movie is completed . The video combines (20) makes it possible to mix specific advertisements, previews of additional movies, etc . t o each movie being transmitted. It also generates an error check code to enable the re-generation of lost data due to poor transmission interconnections . As an option, an advertisement library (22) may be provided which contains a repository of digital video ads that have been authored by the master video com pression system . These ads can be custom created and can be specifically transmitted on a daily basis, only during busy periods, only with respect to specific movies (environmentally conscious advertisements), etc . The compressed digital video is then converted into light energy to facilitate the transmission over a fibre optic communication network . If standard coax cable is used, this optical conversion is not required . The data may also be multiplexed at multiplexes (24) with respect to light wavelength enabling the transmission of several movies at the same time . (This is not feasible if coax cable is the transmission media.) The compressed multiplexed movie data is then broadcast over a wide area fibre optic network (26) for user distribution . s illustrated in FIG . IB, a regional distribution library (32) of similar make-up to Central Distribution Library (12), but accessible through customer or user telephone lines (34) as illustrated, is preferably provided in each of the geographical areas to be provided with a commercial movie distribution system in accordance with the present invention . Turning to FIG . 2, there is illustrated in schematic form the digital video storage and movie playback system at the customer's location, where transferred movie data from the central or regional distribution library is transferred to be played back at a desired time . This system comprises an optical converter, if a fibre optic network is used (36), consumer processor (38), memory" module (40), video processor (42), audio processor (44) and the customer's television set (45) . The transmission system connecting the central or regional distribution library to the customer's facility is preferably a fibre optic communication network which N~ill serve addi- 4 s tionally as the user's telephone lines (34) . The digital movie data is transmitted at a very high rate allowing a typical tw" o hour movie to be transmitted in several minutes . Digital data bit error correction is performed, as will be described in more detail hereinafter, at the 5 customer's facility to restore the integrity of the data after transmission . As can be seen in more detail in FIG . 3, a signal from transmission line (34) passes to optical converter (36) which is preferably an optical-to-electrical converter 10 photo diode module (available, for example, from Optical Data Systems) . There the optical data is converted to electrical data. The consumer processor (38) comprises a video amplifier and buffer (available, for example, from National Semi-Conductor) intended to en- 15 hance the video signal level and act as a temporary video frame buffer memory capable of storing at least two frames of video data (approximately 10 Kbytes) . The Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) correction module (48) (available from Texas Instruments) receives the 20 signal from the video amplifier and buffer (46) and detects and corrects the digital video data on a frame-byframe basis . Identification read only memory (IDROM) (50) (also available from Texas Instruments) 25 contains the customer identification number (UIN) . This UIN value is checked against the UIN number tagged to the distributed video movie, and if a match occurs, the signal is passed for further processing to the compact disc erasable read only memory (CD-EROM) 30 controller (52) (FIG . 4) . This controller (available from Sony Corp .) stores and retrieves the video digital data from the physical compact disk . Once the entire video data has been read from the disk it is erased, preventing further replay . There is no limitation as to the length of 35 the time of storage, but the data can only be replayed once . The video data is still in compressed form rendering it unusable if copied, at this stage. Controller (52) outputs audio and video data as illustrated . Associated with controller (52) is a physical compact disk erasable 40 read only memory (CD-FROM) (54) (available from Sony Corp .) which at the present state of technology development has the capacity of storing 600 Mbytes of digital data . Video data form controller (52) is passed, when de- 45 sired by a customer, to video decompression processor (56) which comprises two microprocessors, a pixel processor (58) and an output display processor (60) (both available from Intel Semiconductor), configured as illustrated in FIG . 5. These are responsible for convert- 50 ing the compressed video data to conventional video signals . The special decompression algorithms are inherent in these microprocessors. Video random access memory (VRAM) (62) (available, for example from Toshiba) is a type of digital 55 memory that has two ports, one with random access for storing data at any memory location and the other, a serial port to output data at a high rate compatible with television scanning techniques . Activity at either port is independent of the other . VRAM (62) is electronically 60 associated with pixel processor (58) and display processor (60) as illustrated . The digital-to-analog (D/A) converter (64) receives the signal from video decompression processor (56) as illustrated, and converts the digital video data into ana- 65 log data that can be used by, for example, colour RGB monitors . Analog processor (66) converts the RGB output from D/A converter (64) into contemporary or 5 5,133,079 NTSC colour television format to be viewed on a conventional television set (45) . Compressed audio data from controller (52) is passed, as required, to audio processor (68) (available from Texas Instruments) which decompresses the retrieved audio data . Program memory module (70) (also available from Texas Instruments) stores the operations program of audio processor (68) to perform the decompression process . Data memory module (72) (also available from Texas Instruments) temporarily stores the audio data from controller (52) if required . The digital-to-analog (D/A) converters (74) translate the digital decompressed audio data to analog and programmable filters (76) smooths out any D/A conversion anomalies that can distort the final output . Full stereo output is available as illustrated . While a conventional television (45) that requires NTSC video format for viewing is illustrated, it should be noted that the video processor will also support future digital television video formats . 3 . Operation In operation, a customer requests the delivery of a desired movie by phoning the central distribution centre or regional distribution centre (12) and identifying the movie with an identification code unique to the movie . Membership and credit card validation is then requested and if authorized, movie distribution is initiated . At the start of transmission, the customei s UIN is appended to the video being distributed . This UIN is embedded in the customer video storage system (at the customer's location) ensuring a one-to-one match between the customer and the requested movie . The cus tomer's requests are either conveyed verbally over the phone system to a CDL operator or through an automated communication system using a touchtone key pad on a telephone handset (not illustrated) . It is a preferred aspect of the present invention that the customer's storage device allows only one replay, where upon the stored data is either erased or locked from further replay . Thus it is apparent that there has been provided in accordance with the invention a method and apparatus for distribution of movies to a customer's home and the like that fully satisfies the objects, aims and advantages set forth above . V~'hile the invention has been described in conjunction with a specific embodiment thereof, it is evident that many alternatives, modifications and variaLions will be apparent to those skilled in the art in light of the foregoing description . Accordingly, it is intended to embrace all such alternatives, modifications and variations as fall within the spirit and broad scope of the invention . What we claim as our invention : 1 . A method for distribution of movies for viewing on a customer's television set, the method comprising the steps of: (a) compressing and digitizing audio visual data corresponding to an entire movie and storing the compressed, digitized data at a remote source ; (b) sending digitized compressed signals containing audio visual data corresponding to the entire movie elected by the customer from a source to a receiver of the customer ; (c) passing the signals to a converter to convert the signals to corresponding electronic signals ; 6 1 5,133,079 8 7 audio processor to be electronically associated (d) passing the electronic signals to processors where with the television set to provide an audible sound they are decompressed and converted to signals tract of the movie through the television set . compatible with conventional television sets ; and (e) passing these converted signals to a conventional 9 . Apparatus according to claim 8 further comprising 5 a television set electronically associated with the video television set for viewing by the customer . 2 . A method according to claim 1 wherein the signals processor and audio processor to receive signals therefrom the converter are temporarily stored in memory from . 10. Apparatus according to claim 8 further comprismeans for retrieval and passage to the signal processors ing memory means to be electronically associated with for decompression and single viewing on the television 10 the converter and with the video processor and audio set at a time selected by the customer . processor, to store and retrieve electronic signals from 3 . A method according to claim 2 requiring the preliminary step of the customer providing a satisfactory the converter until desired by the customer for viewing identification electronically to the source and being the movie on the television set . cleared by the source before the digitized compressed 11. Apparatus according to claim 10 wherein the signal is sent to the customer's receiver by the source . 15 signals from the converter are placed on a compact disc 4. A method according to claim 2 wherein a library of and wherein the memory means comprises a compact movies in digitized compressed form is maintained at disc erasable read only memory (CD-EROM) controlthe source, individual movies thereof to be selected by ler to store and retrieve the electronic signals from the compact disc . a customer for viewing . 2 . Apparatus according to claim 10 wherein the 5 . A method according to claim 4 further comprising 20 video processor comprises a pixel processor provided the preliminary step of digitizing and compressing audio with a decompression algorithm to convert the comvisual data making up the films for storage at the source . pressed electronic video signals to conventional decom6 . A method according to claim 1 wherein the digipressed video signals and a video random access mem tized compressed signals are sent from the source in optical signal format . 25 ory (VRAM) to be electronically associated with the pixel processor for storing data and providing output 7 . A method according to claim 1 wherein the digidata at a high rate compatible with the television set . tized compressed signals are sent from the source via coaxial cable . 13 . Apparatus for electronically distributing movies 8 . An apparatus for enabling a customer to electronito a customer's television set in conjunction with the cally receive and play on a television set a predeter- 30 apparatus of claim 8, comprising a video library of movmined movie, the apparatus comprising : ies stored in digitized compressed audio visual format (a) receiver means to receive from a remote source and computer means electronically associated with said library to provide customer electronic access to individdata in digitized compressed signal format containing audio visual data corresponding to the movie ; ual movies in that library and to send to said receiver (b) a converter to be electronically associated with 35 means in digital signal form the digitized compressed audio visual data for a selected movie in that library . the receiver means to convert the signal data to 14 . Apparatus according to claim 13 further compriscorresponding electronic signal data ; ing electronic customer access means electronically (c) a video processor to be electronically associated associated with said computer means to control and with the converter to receive the electronic video signals, decompress them and convert them to 40 document customer access to the library . 15 . Apparatus according to claim 8 wherein the reelectronic video signals compatible with the television set to provide a video image of the movie on ceiver means is adapted to receive data from the source in optical signal format and the converter is an optical the television set ; and (dj an audio processor to be electronically associated converter . 6 . Apparatus according to claim 8 wherein the rewith the converter to receive the audio electronic 45 signals from the converter, decompress them and ceiver means is adapted to receive data from the source from a coaxial cable . convert them to electronic audio signals compatible with the television set, the video processor and 50 55 60 65 EXHIBIT O n ( Attorney Docket No . 2473 .0001-02 TED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE v In re Application of : Paul YURT et al . Serial No . : Filed : For : 08/133,982 Group Art Unit : Examiner : A. L .6n 2 PATENT October S, 1993 , AUDIO AND VIDEO TRANSMISSION AND RECEIVING SYSTEM Assistant Commissioner for Patents Washington, D .C . 20231 AMENDMENT Sir : This is a response to the Office Action mailed on December 30, 1994, the period for response to which is extended through May 30, 1995, by the attached petition for a two-month extension oŁ time along with the appropriate fee . Please amend the application as follows : IN THE CLAIMS : 33 . Amended) A transmission system for providing information to be transmittBd to remote locations, the transmission system comprisi a plurality of library Oe4s" ~r storing items containing information ; IN-N, HENDE.60N . 0 FnRnSa., 6 Di1NNEA,L .LP. '300 t -SMINGTOra 20005 205-06 .000 ` identification encoding Means for retrieving the i 5-ccr, r r ac formation in the items from t~,he plurality of library means and tc for assigning a unigqe identification code to the retrieved information ; conversion means means, for placing th predetermined format a transmitter means remote 48 . (Amended) coupled to the identification encoding retrieved information into a ted data ; and coupled to the conversion means, for [coordinated] transmis ion of the formatted data to one of the comprising : a local reception system comprising[ ;]_ means for re eiving compressed, digitized data representing at least non-real time rate, means for sto ing omplete copy of the received item of audio/video information at a compressed, digitized da a, and means, respons ve to the stored compressed, digitized data, for transmitting a ep~ s4ntion of the at least one item of audio/video information at a real-time rate to at least one of a plurality of subscriber receiving stations coupled to the local reception system ; an a converter at the stations for receiving and digitized data representing [program] information . INNEGAN,HENDERSON . FARAIaw, GARAETT 8 DINNER,LLP. naoo i srwin, w w . . .S-arOK oc 10003 201-+06-+000 east one of the subscriber receiving ecompressing the compressed, he at least one item of audio/video ( A t e (Amended) E 'digital audio/video communication network ud' /video information as compressed, compressed, digitized data local distribution system] means for 03 as recited in claim 48, further comprising a processing station for formatting items of digitized data and trans non-real time rate to the receiving . 53 . Amended) A hod as recited in claim 52, further east one item of audio/video (program] o"'p easing the compressed, digitized representing at least one item of audio/video information at the comprising the step of d data representing the at information after the t ran mission step . REMARKS In the Office Action, the Examiner rejected claims 33, 34, 48-54, and 58 under 35 U .S .C . S 102(e) as being anticipated by Hallantyne et al . (U .S . Patent No . 5,133,079) ; rejected claims 33, 34, 39, 43, and 48-57 under 35 U .S .C . 5 112, first paragraph ; and rejected claims 48-51, 53, and 54 under 35 U .S .C . S 112, second paragraph . - 'The Examiner allowed claims 35-38, 40-42, and 44-47 and indicated that claims 39, 43, 55-57, and 59-61 were directed to allowable subject matter . By this amendment, Applicants have amended claims 33, 48, 50, and 53 . Applicants respectfully submit that claims 33-61 are all now in condition for allowance . In response to the Examiner's rejections under 35 U .S .C . 2 1MNECAN, HENDERSON. FARAsav, GARAETT b DUNNFR,LLP. 1ao0 c sT»cn, .. . wS-l.OTOK CC 10009 " 07- .0 " - .000 S 112, second paragraph, Applicants have amended claims 48, 50, and 53 . The amendments fully respond to the Examiner's rejections under 35 U .S .C . 5 112, second paragraph . In response to the Examiner's rejection under 35 U .S .C . .$ 112, first paragraph, Applicants have amended claim 33 . In response to the Examiner's rejection of claim 39 under 35 U .S .C . S 112, first paragraph, applicants note the specification on page 12, lines 3-13 . The indicated paragraph discloses copy protection to prevent recording a digital audio and/or video signal stream . As disclosed in the specification as filed, a protected item will not be passed to the compressed data port of a digital recorder for off line storage . Thus, Applicants respectfully submit that the specification does disclose protected data recognizing means and disabling means . The means recognize a protected item, and do not pass the protected item to a digital recorder for offline storage . claim 39 is fully supported by the specification as filed . In response to the Examiner's rejection of claims 48 and 52 under 35 U .S .C . S 112, first paragraph, Applicants note that the specification, as filed, discloses transmitting compressed. digital information throughout the specification . Applicants respectfully submit that one of ordinary skill in the art understands that transmitted compressed information is not transmitted at a real time rate . Rather, compressed data is Thus, transmitted at a rate faster than the real time rate . O-CU ~INNECAN,HENDEMON . FAXA3as, CARRETT 8 DUNNEA,L .LP. .700 [ 3Tw[CT, w . . . W " 3-OTOK 0c 20003 202- " 06- .000 Thus, claims 48 and 52-are fully supported by the specification as filed . U .S .C . S 102 as being anticipated by Ballantyne et al . i s respectfully traversed . distribution of movies . The Examiner's rejection of claims 33 and 34 under 35 Ballantyne et al . disclose a method and apparatus for the As disclosed in column 1, lines 9-12, movies may be selected from a central library and electronically supplied to a customer's home for subsequent viewing at a time determined by the customer . As disclosed in column 2, central or regional library . lines 10-13, movies are distributed to a customer's home from a Thus, Ballantyne et al . disclose that movies may be distributed from either a central library or a regional library . be distributed to a single user from both a central library and a regional library . Rather, in the system of Hallantyne at al . a user only receives movies from a single library . Ballantyne et al ., thus, fail to disclose the claimed Ballantyne et al . d o not disclose or recognize that movies may identification encoding means for retrieving information in items from a plurality of library means and transmitter means for transmission of formatted data from a plurality of libraries to one of a plurality of remote locations . collecting information from a plurality of geographically Ballantyne et al . further fail to even remotely suggest separated libraries for transmission to a single remote location as recited in claim 34 . uw e .neu INNEGAN,HENDERSON, & DffaNER,LLP. 1300 1 7T-CCT, M w . +.+2 .-2'0+2 0a 20003 202-403-+000 FAAADOOVP, CA MM fully patentable over the disclosure of Ballantyne et al . Thus, for at least the reasons above, claims 33 and 34 are The Examiner's rejection of claims 48-54 and 58 under 35 O .S .C . 5 102(e) in view of Ballantyne et al . i s respectfully traversed . Claims 48-54 and 58 recite various parts of a system in which information is sent from a transmission system to a reception system and then to individual users . specification . Applicants respectfully submit that Ballantyne et al . d o not disclose each element of-the various combinations recited in claims 48-54 and 58 . Rather, Ballantyne et al . disclose a system wherein a single library sends data, through either optical cable or a coaxial cable, directly to a user location . Ballantyne et al . fail to disclose an intervening reception system which, for example, decompresses compressed data and sends the decompressed data to the individual users . recited within claims 48-54 and 58 . are fully patentable over the disclosure of Ballantyne et al . In view of the above remarks and amendments, Applicants Thus, for at least the reasons above, claims 48-54 and 58 Ballantyne et al . fail to disclose, teach, or suggest the combinations Such systems are shown, for example, in Figs . ld, le, and if of the respectfully submit that claims 33-61 are in condition for allowance . Reconsideration of the application and the allowance of all of the pending claims are respectfully requested . If there are any fees due in connection with the filing of If an extension of time under 37 C .F .R . 1 .136 not -6 INNEGAN, HENDER50N . FALABOW, GAwxErr 8 UIfNNER,LLPU00 I liwCCt, K ".. w+.aw~~orow Oc M0005 zoe-06-000 this amendment, please charge the fees to our Deposit Account No . 06-0916 . o accounted for above is required for the entry of this amendment, such an extension is requested and the fee should also be charged to our Deposit Account . Respectfully submitted, FINNEGAN, HENDERSON, FARABOW, GARRETT & DUNNER . By . ~ Michael R Registr Dated : MRR/daf May 30, 1995 ~ ly n No . 33,921 'INNECAN, HENDEMN . FAxAaom, GARRETT B DUNNEA,LLP. ']00 1 9T*CiT, .. w . -3HiM610K 0C 10009 202-+04- "000

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