Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

Filing 1204

Declaration of Deok Keun Matthew Ahn in Support of #1203 Claim Construction Statement filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6)(Related document(s) #1203 ) (Jacobs, Michael) (Filed on 7/10/2012)

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Exhibit 3 Page 1 1 2 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, SAN JOSE DIVISION 3 4 APPLE, INC., a California Corporation 5 vs. 6 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS COMPANY, 7 LTD, a Korean business entity; SAMSUNG 8 ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC., a New 9 York Corporation; SAMSUNG CN:11-CV-01846-LHK 10 TELECOMMUNICATIONS AMERICA, LLC, 11 a Delaware Limited Liability Company. 12 ___________________________________/ 13 14 15 The videorecorded deposition of RAVIN 16 BALAKRISHNAN, PH.D., was held on Friday, April 20, 17 2012, commencing at 9:07 A.M., at the Law Offices of 18 Quinn Emanuel, 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 19 825, Washington, D.C., before Ronda J. Thomas, a 20 Notary Public. 21 22 23 REPORTED BY: 24 Ronda J. Thomas, RPR, CLR 25 JOB NO. 48807 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 Page 6 1 Morrison and Foerster on behalf of the plaintiff, 09:08 2 Apple. 09:08 3 4 MR. AHN: Forester on behalf of Apple. 5 6 Matthew Ahn of Morrison and MR. BUSEY: 09:08 And, also, I'm representing the witness. 7 09:08 09:08 09:08 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Will the court reporter 09:08 8 please swear the witness. 09:08 9 Whereupon, 09:08 10 RAVIN BALAKRISHNAN, PH.D., 09:08 11 called as a witness, having been first duly sworn to tell 09:08 12 the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, was09:08 13 examined and testified as follows: 14 09:08 EXAMINATION BY MR. JOHNSON: 09:08 15 Q Good morning, Dr. Balakrishnan. 09:08 16 A Good morning. 09:09 17 Q How many times have you been deposed now? 09:09 18 A I don't have a precise count. 09:09 19 somewhere between half a dozen and ten. 20 21 (Brief pause.) Q 09:09 Sorry about that. 09:09 09:09 Apple? 24 25 09:09 Is the bulk of your consulting work now for 22 23 I would say 09:09 MR. BUSEY: A Objection just to form. The current litigation consulting I'm doing TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 09:09 09:09 Page 186 1 2 Q Well, does the array of tiles move back in the opposite direction after the user lifts her finger? 03:46 03:46 3 A In which image are you talking about? 03:46 4 Q I'm just talking about in the operation of 03:46 5 LaunchTile. 6 A 03:46 It may or may not, depending on where the 03:46 7 finger is and where the, that blue, blue widget or blue 03:46 8 circle is relative to where you lift the finger up. 03:46 9 10 MR. JOHNSON: Let's go ahead and take a break. 03:46 11 THE WITNESS: 12 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 13 4. Thank you. 03:46 This is the end of tape We're off the record at 15:46. 14 15 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 16 tape 5. 17 03:57 This is the beginning of BY MR. JOHNSON: 19 We're back on the record at 15:58. Q 21 23 What's your definition of electronic MR. BUSEY: Objection to the extent it calls for a legal conclusion. 22 03:58 03:58 03:58 document as it's used in the '381 patent today? 20 03:46 03:46 (Off the record.) 18 03:46 03:58 03:58 03:58 03:58 (Witness reading.) A 03:58 I believe the term is understood in this 04:00 24 case to be the plain and ordinary meaning of electronic 04:00 25 document. 04:00 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 Page 265 1 2 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, to wit: I, RONDA J. THOMAS, a Notary Public of the 3 District of Columbia, do hereby certify that the 4 within-named witness personally appeared before me 5 at the time and place herein set out, and after 6 having been duly sworn by me, according to law, was 7 examined by counsel. 8 9 10 11 I further certify that the examination was recorded stenographically by me and this transcript is a true record of the proceedings. I further certify that I am not of counsel to 12 any of the parties, nor in any way interested in the 13 outcome of this action. 14 15 As witness my hand and notarial seal this 21st day of April, 2012. 16 _____________________ RONDA J. THOMAS 17 Notary Public 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 My Commission Expires: 25 August 31, 2013 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580

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